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EUROGRAPHICS 2010 / T. Akenine-Mller and M.

Zwicker Volume 29 (2010), Number 2

(Guest Editors)

BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

Brian Whited1,2 Gioacchino Noris3 Maryann Simmons1 Robert W. Sumner4 Markus Gross3,4 Jarek Rossignac2

1 Walt Disney Animation Studios 2 Georgia Tech 3 ETH Zrich 4 Disney Research Zurich

The generation of inbetween frames that interpolate a given set of key frames is a major component in the pro-
duction of a 2D feature animation. Our objective is to considerably reduce the cost of the inbetweening phase by
offering an intuitive and effective interactive environment that automates inbetweening when possible while allow-
ing the artist to guide, complement, or override the results. Tight inbetweens, which interpolate similar key frames,
are particularly time-consuming and tedious to draw. Therefore, we focus on automating these high-precision and
expensive portions of the process. We have designed a set of user-guided semi-automatic techniques that fit well
with current practice and minimize the number of required artist-gestures. We present a novel technique for stroke
interpolation from only two keys which combines a stroke motion constructed from logarithmic spiral vertex tra-
jectories with a stroke deformation based on curvature averaging and twisting warps. We discuss our system in
the context of a feature animation production environment and evaluate our approach with real production data.
Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Computer Graphics [I.3.5]: Computational
GeometryGeometric algorithms Computer Graphics [I.3.6]: Methodology and TechniquesInteraction tech-

1. Introduction possible, as most often the characters have their own, unde-
fined, laws of physics and deformation.
Inbetweening is a cornerstone of the 2D animation pipeline.
We approach the challenging task of automatic inbe-
An animator produces drawings at key frames that capture
tweening with two important observations derived from
the heart of the animated motion. The inbetweener then
studying the traditional animation process. First, tight inbe-
draws the frames between each pair of keys that fill in the
tweens, those drawn between two key frames that are very
intermediate motion. A typical feature-length animation re-
similar in shape, are among the most laborious and time con-
quires over one million inbetween drawings, with ratios of
suming to produce. These inbetweens are tedious to draw be-
3-4 inbetweens for each key [JT95].
cause they require the greatest amount of technical precision
The manual production of inbetween frames is both diffi- and the least amount of artistic interpretation. By focusing
cult and time-consuming, requiring many hours of intensive on tight inbetweening, we pinpoint an expensive portion of
labor by skilled professionals. Furthermore, its cost is a sig- the inbetweening process while restricting the problem to
nificant part of the total production budget. Consequently, one that is more tractable from an algorithmic standpoint.
researchers have long sought an automatic solution. Despite Our second observation is that an effective system should
a large body of work in this area spanning over four decades, automate as much as possible while effortlessly deferring to
no definitive solution exists. This is in part because the prob- artist control whenever needed. We never take the artists out
lem is ill-posedthere is no concise set of rules for produc- of the loop. Instead we seek to make them more productive
ing high-quality inbetweens, especially in cases of complex by automating the tedious and time consuming tasks so they
motion and changing occlusion. The artist relies on his or her can focus their efforts on areas where their creative talents
perspective of the 3D world in which the animated characters and expertise are required.
are embedded, as well as on an artistic vision for achieving Based on these observations, we have developed Be-
the desired aesthetics. It would not be sufficient to derive the tweenIT, an interactive environment that automates tight in-
three dimensional world from the drawings, even if it were betweening when possible while allowing the artist to guide,

c Disney Enterprises Inc.

Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

Figure 1: Tinker Bell: Frames (a) and (e) are the given key frames and (b-d) (except for the right hand) were generated
automatically. The shadows of previous frames are used to visualize their evolution. The topology of the right hand is not
compatible across the two keys and therefore not suitable for automation: the portion indicated in red was hand-drawn. Frame
(c) is overlaid on top of the original hand drawn inbetween (red) on the right.

complement, or override the results. BetweenIT operates on key drawings, advanced artistic skill and interpretation are
vectorized pairs of consecutive key frames that were drawn required to produce satisfactory intermediate frames. In
in the program or obtained from scanned drawings. These these cases, a further breakdown might be done, where the
key frames are segmented automatically into strokes. The artist produces those frames within the range that present
strokes of one key frame are then matched with correspond- special drawing problems. Tight inbetweens require less
ing strokes of the subsequent key frame. Finally, interpolated artistic interpretation but considerable technical skill to lay
strokes are generated for each requested inbetween frame. down the lines accurately.
Supported user editing options include: adjusting vertex tra- The inbetweened frames represent a significant portion of
jectories across frames; resolving ambiguities in the corre- the drawings, budget, and time for a production. A typical
spondence; and controlling the behavior of occluded strokes. feature animation averages about four drawings per frame
All interactions can be specified by the artist graphically via (for different characters, props, etc.). An 80 minute feature
a drawing interface. with 24 frames per second requires 460,800 drawings per
production. If a quarter of these frames are done by the
2. Background animators, then that leaves 345,600 inbetweened drawings.
While some of the underlying mechanisms have benefited Since multiple drawings are often produced before arriving
from the advent of digital technology, a 2D production today at the final version, the final tally can add up to over a million
follows much the same basic workflow as traditional anima- inbetweened drawings per full length production [JT95].
tion [JT95]. The process begins with a storyboard, which One critical consideration during animation and inbe-
provides a visual representation of the story. In layout, the tweening is arcs of motion. Natural motion always follows
staging for each scene is designed, including establishing the an arc of some sort, and therefore to achieve fluid and life-
setting, choosing and placing character and prop elements, like animation, artists must capture these natural arcs. This
and specifying camera motion and cuts. is one of the most challenging aspects of inbetweening since
Character and effects animation is then done in multiple making a drawing on an arc is much more difficult than one
stages. First, animators produce the subset of drawings that placed linearly between the keys [JT95].
lay down the core of the action, the keys. These extreme Our approach focuses on automating the process of
drawings are often ruff versions that capture the spirit, inbetweening animated frames post clean-up for charac-
flow, and arcs of the animation. A clean up artist is re- ters, props, and effects. We introduce a novel interpolation
sponsible for taking the ruff drawings and producing clean scheme which automatically derives natural arcs of motion
lines that remain true to the original intent. from pairs of consecutive keys. Our system fits into the cur-
Each key drawing has one or more timing charts asso- rent 2D pipeline with minimal change.
ciated with it (e.g. see Figure 1). The animator uses these
charts to specify how many drawings should be produced 2.1. Related work
between keys, and at what intervals. It is the job of the inbe- The problem of automatic 2D inbetweening dates back more
tweening artist to draw the requested intermediate drawings than forty years to the inception of computer graphics as a
to produce seamless motion. field of research [MIT67]. To date, it has remained unsolved.
When inbetweens are needed for dramatically different The many challenges in automatic inbetweening include the

c Disney Enterprises Inc.

Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

information loss and ambiguity inherent in a 2D projection alignments. The MeshIK system of Sumner and colleagues
of a 3D character, and the topology variations between key [SZGP05] includes a boundary-based interpolation scheme
frames that result from changes in occlusion. An automated that does not require alignment, but it does not address inte-
approach must address several challenges comprising: es- rior texture morphing. As shown by Baxter, Barla, and An-
tablishing correspondence in the presence of occlusions and jyo [BBiA09a], compatible embedding enables a maximally
topological changes, computing stroke trajectories through rigid interpolation [ACOL00, FTA05, BBiA09b] that natu-
time, and avoiding the unnatural distortion that often occurs rally blends both a shapes boundary and its interior texture.
when there is a rotational component in an objects move- Similar methods have also been applied for cartoon capture
ment. and reuse [BLCD02]. Nevertheless, methods based on tex-
Many of the early methods are stroke-based. They require ture blending are susceptible to blurring artifacts unless ex-
the user to identify a correspondence between the strokes treme care is taken to align internal texture features. Because
of consecutive key frames (e.g., [MIT67, BW71, Lev77, we use a stroke-based algorithm, our method does not suf-
KBB82, Dur91]) and do not handle occlusions or topolog- fer from blurring problems. Skora and colleagues [SDC09]
ical changes. Correspondences in Reevess method [Ree81] use a similar image-based approach to register and morph
are indicated by a collection of curves called moving points cartoon frames. Their approach works well for rigid pose
that are sketched by the user and connect the key frames to changes but is not designed to handle the precise interpo-
specify both trajectory and dynamics. A cubic metric space lation of details that we require. Recent work [MHM 09]
blending algorithm is used to find the positions of the re- on interpolating images shows promising results given two
maining points, but requires heuristics to complete the patch similar input frames of video, but is not designed to handle
network defined by the key frame strokes and moving point sparse line-drawings or allow for user editing, and is pro-
trajectories. Our method employs a semi-automatic corre- hibitively slow.
spondence algorithm that infers correspondence for the en- A final class of inbetweening systems employs skeleton-
tire key from a small number of user gestures. Interpolation based methods for key frame interpolation. In the early work
is automatic and designed to follow natural-looking motion of Burtnyk and Wein [BW76], key frame components are
arcs. However, our method supports an optional trajectory embedded in skeletal structures which are animated directly
redrawing interface similar to Reevess moving points that to deform the embedded shape. The inbetweening work of
allows customized trajectories to be specified by the artist. Melikohv et al. [MTS 04] uses a skeleton concept to deform
More recently, Baxter and Ichi [BiA06] describe a sys- the texture surrounding hand-drawn lines. The vectorized
tem for computing an N-way interpolation of several input strokes in our system encode the skeleton and the varying
keyframes at the stroke level. Correspondences are com- thickness of the drawn lines, preserving the original hand-
puted automatically and editable by the user when mis- drawn appearance.
matches occur. This work focuses on calculating appropriate Fekete and colleagues [FBC 95] evaluate automatic inbe-
blending weights for the N-way interpolation. Stroke pairs tweening in the context of a paperless 2D animation system
are interpolated independently, whereas our technique uti- and identify several advantages and disadvantages. The ad-
lizes a graph structure, which preserves connectivity and vantage of reduced hand-drawn inbetweens and greater ani-
smoothness between adjacent strokes. mation reuse is tempered by the need to specify correspon-
Kort [Kor02] presents a user-guided inbetweening system dences, struggle with awkward timing specification, and
that identifies correspondences and computes inbetweens build template models. Our BetweenIT system addresses
automatically but allows the user to correct undesired corre- all of these concerns: correspondences are mostly automatic
spondences, trajectories, or timing. The method is restricted and require little user guidance (Section 3), timing changes
to the class of animations in which occlusions are resolved are specified in a natural fashion (Section 4), and templates
via an invariant layering. Our method is not restricted to lay- are not required.
ers and our workflow allows occlusion ambiguities to be re-
solved with help from the artist via a simple and efficient
user interface. 3. Core Algorithms
Another layer-based approach by de Juan and Boden- This section details the automatic algorithms, which include
heimer [dJB05] targets the reuse of previously created 2D graph building, matching, and interpolation. For tight inbe-
animations. Unlike the previously discussed methods, their tweening, these algorithms often produce adequate results
system is image-based, rather than stroke-based. Charac- automatically. The handling of more difficult cases that in-
ters in completed animation frames are segmented from volve artist intervention is discussed in Section 4 where we
the background and divided into layers. Inbetweening is present the entire workflow, including all user interaction.
accomplished via radial-basis function (RBF) interpolation Our solutions are designed with the goal of an artist-friendly
of the layer contours, followed by morphing of the in- workflow: the focus is on algorithms that quickly produce a
terior texture. The RBF interpolation requires the shapes plausible result which can then be guided or edited by the
to be properly aligned, and artifacts can result from mis- artist.

c Disney Enterprises Inc.

Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

3.1. Representation 3.3. Vertex Correspondence

A single drawing in our system is stored as a graph of By default, smooth (subdivided) versions of the key strokes
strokes. The graph nodes, which we refer to as salient points, are re-sampled using uniform spacing in arc-length in or-
are the junctions at which strokes meet or end, and the graph der that matched strokes on each key have the same number
edges are the strokes themselves. Each salient point contains of vertices. This re-sampling defines the default vertex-to-
pointers to its incident strokes, which are ordered counter- vertex correspondence. The artist alters this correspondence
clockwise around the salient point. A single stroke S is rep- by identifying corresponding salient points, one on each
resented as a piecewise linear curve with n vertices. Each stroke of a matching pair. These salient points are inserted
vertex i has an associated thickness measure Ti , for i 1 . . . n. as new endpoints, hence splitting the strokes. More complex
correspondence algorithms could be substituted [SKK03],
3.2. Stroke matching but we have found that our simple, fast, and predictable tech-
The input to the inbetweening process is a pair of consec- nique works well in practice.
utive keys which have been segmented into a stroke graph.
The user initiates the automatic matching algorithm in one of 3.4. Composite Interpolation
two ways: by selecting a pair of corresponding strokes, one Our interpolation scheme is motivated by the basic princi-
from each key frame, or by selecting a region via a selection ple of action arcs in 2D animation as described in the classic
lasso. When the lasso is used, the most similar pair of strokes Illusion of Life: most movements will describe an arc of
within the selected region is chosen automatically. This ini- some kind...One of the major problems for the inbetweeners
tial pair provides the seed for our Correspondence Tracing is that it is much more difficult to make a drawing on an arc
Algorithm (CTA). than one halfway inbetween...No one has ever found a way
In each key, starting from the selected stroke, the CTA of insuring that the drawings will all be placed accurately
traverses the graph in both directions in a depth-first order, on the arcs, even when experienced people are inbetweening
respecting the circular order of the incident strokes around the action, and it is one of the most basic requirements for
nodes. The traversal is performed simultaneously on both the scene [JT95]. In addition to this desire for overall natu-
keys. The recursion stops when a incompatibility in the con- ral motion arcs, inter-stroke continuity must be maintained.
nectivity is detected or when two corresponding strokes are The approach also must be efficient enough to fit into an in-
too dissimilar. teractive framework. To this end, we have developed a novel
Our similarity metric computes an error E between two stroke interpolation scheme which combines a stroke motion
strokes A and B based on two different factors, EL and EA . constructed from logarithmic spirals with stroke deformation
EL is the difference in arc-length between the two strokes. based on curvature averaging and twisting warps.
EA is the area of the region bound by the two strokes when
they are brought into endpoint alignment. E is then com- B0
puted as (EA + EL2 )/(L(A) + L(B))2 where L is arc-length, B1
and compared against a constant TE to determine if two A0 A1 A0 A1
strokes are similar. We have found that TE = 1 works well At
and use it for all examples presented in this paper. Other B0
similarity measures may be used [BiA06,Vel01,SKK03] that
Figure 2: Stroke motion: The left figure shows the two spiral
take into account proximity, orientation, curvature measures,
paths resulting from calculating the spiral parameters indi-
and other shape descriptors. We have opted for a simple ap-
vidually for the strokes incident on A0 . On the right they have
proach which works well in practice and is fast. No metric
been computed as a weighted average of the parameters cal-
is perfect in all cases and for tight inbetween situations, the
culated for each incident stroke.
choice of particular method is not a major factor.
The inbetweening operates on the subgraph of strokes
matched by CTA. In the tight inbetweening problem, the 3.4.1. Stroke Motion
two keys often have identical topology and similarly shaped Input strokes may be undergoing a motion that involves not
strokes. In such situations, CTA establishes stroke-to-stroke only translation, but also rotation and scaling. Hence, we
correspondence for a whole connected component of the have developed a solution that provides natural, arched mo-
key. In more complex situations, especially where the keys tions when the corresponding key features are congruent (re-
have different topologies, the artist has the opportunity to lated by a rigid body motion) or similar (related by an affin-
provide further correspondence seeds, run CTA again, and ity that is a combination of rotation, translation and uniform
compute inbetweens for missing portions of the keys. When scaling). The stroke motion is a map between time t (which
the lasso selection is used, successive CTA traversals are ex- evolves from 0.0 to 1.0), and a set of similarities. A similarity
ecuted, each time computing the best seed among the re- may be defined by two points and their images. Therefore,
maining strokes not covered by the previous traversals. This we define a stroke motion by the movement of its endpoints.
process continues until no stroke pairs with E < TE remain. In choosing the particular type of endpoint motion, we

c Disney Enterprises Inc.

Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

seek trajectories that produce pleasing arcs, preserve rigid in both keys. We achieve this with a three-step deformation
shapes, and approximate the non-linear perspective shorten- involving intrinsic shape interpolation, curve fitting, and a
ing of objects that approach the viewer. Linear trajectories tangent aligning warp.
yield unacceptable shortening of rotating motions. Higher
order polynomial curves (including cubic Bzier and ra- Bt
tional B-splines) require endpoint derivatives or access to It
more than two keyframes. Furthermore, cubics and bi-arcs
sometimes produce unexpected inflection points. The sim- At
plest trajectory satisfying these requirements is the logarith-
mic spiral (Figure 2), a pleasing curve found in nature (e.g. a) b) c)
shells, weather systems, spiral galaxies) [Tho92].
Figure 3: Stroke deformation: (a) Intrinsic shape interpo-
Given an initial position A0 and final position A1 of an lation. (b) Curve Fitting: transforms I to align the position
endpoint A, we compute its position At at time t using a log- It with Bti . Note the discontinuity at the endpoint where the
arithmic spiral motion l(t) which is the combination of a ro- red stroke meets the black one. (c) Tangent Alignment warp:
tation r() by angle and a uniform scaling s() by a factor enforces continuity at endpoints.
, both with respect to a fixed point (spiral center) F. We
need to consider all strokes incident on A when computing
Intrinsic Shape Interpolation: Each stroke is represented
the appropriate values for and . The process involves the
in terms of its edge lengths, vertex angles, and vertex thick-
following steps:
nesses. The shape of a stroke at time t is constructed from a
1. A weight is assigned to each incident stroke Si based on linear interpolation of this intrinsic description as proposed
its relative arc-length: We compute the sum Li of the arc- in [SGWM93], which is a discrete version of curvature in-
lengths of the stroke at time t = 0 and at t = 1. The weight terpolation [SE02]. Note that if we start the construction at
wi is set as follows, where LT is the total of all Li : At , the resulting interpolated curve I ends at some position
Li It , which does not necessarily coincide with Bt (Figure 3 a).
LT = (L(S0i ) + L(S1i )), wi = . (1) We avoid using the optimization described in Sederberg et
i LT
al. [SGWM93] to fix the discrepancy as it can produce unac-
2. Each incident stroke Si , has one endpoint with initial po- ceptable results, as outlined by the authors. We also interpo-
sition A0 and final position A1 . Let Bi0 , Bi1 be the position late the thickness parameter at each vertex linearly between
of the remaining endpoint. We compute the angle i be- keyframes.
||A~Bi ||
tween A~Bi and A~Bi and the scale factor i = 1 1 .
0 0 1 1 Curve Fitting: Each stroke I is then rotated by by an-
||A0~Bi0 ||
gle 6 (A~t Bt )(A~t It ) and scaled uniformly by ||A~t Bt ||/||A~t It ||
3. The final angle and scale factor are a weighted average:
about At to produce It0 which coincides with Bt (Figure 3 b).
= wi i and = wi i .
These first two steps produce pleasing morphs that preserve
4. The fixed point F is computed by solving the linear sys-
the continuity of the stroke graph but fail to preserve smooth-
ness of connections between adjacent strokes. This short-
~ 1 = r()s()FA
FA ~0 (2) coming is addressed by the next step.
In the case of pure translation, the determinant of the sys- Tangent Aligning Warp: In order to be consistent with the
tem is zero (and the fixed point is at infinity). We handle logarithmic spiral, we assume that the angle of the tangent
this case by performing a linear interpolation of the end- at an endpoint varies exponentially over time. Therefore, we
points if the determinant is near zero. compute the desired endpoint tangent direction of an inter-
The position At at time t of endpoint A from the initial key polated stroke by linearly interpolating the polar representa-
moved by this logarithmic spiral motion is tion of the tangent in the two keys. Each interpolated stroke
is then warped (Figure 3 c) so that it matches the desired tan-
At = l(t)A0 = F + r(t)s(t )(FA
~ 0) (3) gents at its endpoints. To do this, we use a variation of the
This process is carried out for each endpoint (see Figure 2 Twister warp [LKG 03]. First, assume the angles between
right). For any given stroke, the stroke motion is then defined the endpoint tangents of I 0 and the desired tangents at At and
by the motions of its endpoints. Bt are a and b. Assume that L is the total arc length of the
stroke I 0 . For every vertex position P of I 0 , LP is the arc-
3.4.2. Stroke Deformation length from P to At along I 0 . The Twister warp moves P to
The stroke motion described above produces the positions P + (PA P) + (PB P), which simplifies to PA + (PB P),
At and Bt of the two endpoints A, B, of a stroke at time t. where PA is the image of P by a rotation of angle rA around
We must now compute the evolving shape of the stroke that At and PB is the image of P by rotation of angle rB around
connects these endpoints. The morph should smoothly blend Bt , where rA and rB are defined as follows:
between the key stroke shapes while preserving tangent con- LP LP
tinuity between adjacent strokes that are smoothly connected rA = a cos2 ( ), rB = b sin2 ( ) (4)
2 L 2 L
c Disney Enterprises Inc.
Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening
BetweenIT [Fu et al. 2005]
tion, depends on the current mode. The following sections
describe the modes and user interactions in more detail.
Correspondence Editing: If not satisfied with the output of
the automated CTA stroke matching, the user can trim or
extend the set of matched stroke pairs. To remove strokes
from the matched set, the user simply draws a guide stroke
along them on one of the keys. To extend the matched set,
the user draws a guide stroke, providing a new seed for the
Figure 4: Comparison with the work of Fu et al [FTA05] next round of CTA. This new CTA traversal will not over-
Note that with our method the motion of the inner compo- ride previous inbetweens and will stop once a stroke with an
nents is coordinated with the outer portion. existing correspondence is found.
Salient Point Editing: To fine tune the correspondence, the
The proposed interpolation scheme produces aesthetically user can specify additional salient points indirectly through
pleasing results that ensure tangent continuity across smooth guide strokes. With the strokes from the adjacent keys dis-
junctions between strokes and preservation of features that played in the same view, the user draws a guide stroke that
are present in both keys. In addition, it is an approach suit- passes through (approximately) the matching stroke pair.
able for interactive use, since it does not require numeric This action splits each stroke by inserting a new salient
iterations or other optimizations. point. The salient point on the first stroke is the point clos-
est to the starting point of the guide stroke and the salient
3.4.3. Comparison with prior art point on the second stroke is computed similarly. The ini-
In developing our interpolation algorithm, we have eval- tial two strokes are thus broken into four. The same guide
uated several existing techniques. Leading contemporary stroke serves to define the trajectory of vertex corresponding
methods formulate the interpolation as a global optimiza- to the salient point as it moves between the keys. The user
tion problem that maximizes the rigidity of the inbetween may also desire to merge adjacent strokes, thereby deleting a
shapes to avoid scaling and shearing artifacts [FTA05,SE02, salient point. This operation is performed by connecting two
ACOL00]. Since the optimization is formulated in the dif- adjacent strokes with a guide stroke.
ferential domain, the result is invariant to global translation. Timing Specification: In practice, the timing for a set of
Consequentially, these methods cannot be applied as-is be- inbetweens is specified prior to the inbetweening step and
cause the input to our application is made up of multiple loaded in with the input key drawings. For total flexibility,
connected components which must move as a semantic unit however, the user may adjust the time parameterization in-
when the translation invariance is resolvedan issue not ad- teractively. As the timing is edited, any already computed
dressed by existing work. Figure 4 demonstrates this prob- inbetweens will update on the fly for immediate feedback.
lem using our implementation of [FTA05].
Trajectory Drawing: Any of the automatically computed
Our logarithmic spirals ensure that if portions of the draw- vertex trajectories may be edited as follows. The user draws
ing move by the same rigid body motion or affinity to new a guide stroke to indicate the new, desired path. The ends
poses in another key frame, then their trajectories are consis- of the trajectory are fixed, as they are specified by the key
tent through inbetweening (Figure 4, 5). If the components frames. It would be too tedious for the artist, however, to
are transformed each by a different affinity, there is no fun- require that the guide stroke coincide with the initial and
damental reason to believe that they need to follow a consis- final vertex positions. In cases where the drawn path does
tent path. In either scenario, our workflow allows the artist not match, the guide stroke is automatically retrofit through
explicitly specify the path, if desired. Our stroke deforma- a similarity transformation (translation, rotation, and uni-
tion executes interactively from start to finish in contrast to form scaling) to meet the end constraints. The adjacent in-
the aforementioned algorithms which require an expensive betweens that are affected by such a change are recomputed
precomputation step. immediately. When in playback mode, the result is reflected
in the animation in real-time, giving instant feedback and al-
4. Workflow lowing the user to redraw the trajectory repeatedly until the
We have developed a natural workflow for user-guided inbe- desired result is obtained.
tweening in which various interactive operations allow the Occluded Lines Drawing: In situations where a stroke is
user to optionally guide and/or override the algorithmic tools partially or totally occluded in one key frame, but not in the
described in the previous section. As with other parts of next or previous key frame, the graph connectivity may be
the system, the interface design was driven by conversations locally incompatible. The user may extend a stroke past its
with artists. For example, stroke-based interactions are gen- occlusion point by drawing a guide stroke to indicate the
erally favored over clicking, and therefore we have designed occluded portion of the stroke.
the BetweenIT interface around the concept of guide strokes. The added stroke is then intersected with other strokes in
The semantics of a guide stroke, and hence the resulting ac- the same frame, creating substrokes. Each substroke has an

c Disney Enterprises Inc.

Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

Figure 5: Speaker: Frames (a) and (d) are the given key Disney
frames and (b-c) are generated inbetweens.
Figure 6: Hand User interaction: A trajectory is speci-
independent visibility toggle. By default, the substrokes tog- fied for the finger tip. The arc and resulting salient points
gle visibility at each intersection, which works well in the are shown in green. The original automatically generated
common simple case, such as in Figure 10. When more con- salient points are shown in red.
trol is necessary, the user may select specific substrokes to
manually toggle the visibility. The visibility status is trans-
ferred automatically to subsequent corresponding substrokes
through time. For even further flexibility, the produced inbe-
tween substrokes may also be toggled individually with a tap
of the pen on the stroke.
Breakdown Insertion: When two key frames or subsets of
key frames are too dissimilar to be classified as tight," the Disney
user has the option of inserting an additional breakdown Figure 7: Glove: Frames (a) and (e) are the given key frames
key frame for either the entire frame, or just the subset that is and (b-d) are generated inbetweens. The rightmost figure su-
not tight. The user simply draws the strokes of the inbetween perimposes the frames and visualizes the trajectories.
and then treats them as key strokes. In this way our system
allows the user to produce manual stroke-level breakdowns strokes in the frame as a rough measure of efficiency gain.
only where needed. For example, if each of a pair of keys has n strokes and there
The goal of BetweenIT is to automate the production of are k inbetweened frames, then the artist would have to hand
inbetweens where possible. As the level of complexity in draw kn strokes to create the inbetweens. If the system pro-
the drawings increases, we support intuitive and direct input duces fully automated results that are acceptable, that is a
from the artist to guide the automation. We expect the level 100% gain in efficiency. If the user needs to perform i in-
of interaction or touch time [Cat78] to reflect the complex- teractions to guide the system, the gain is knikn . Also note
ity of the drawing problems presented by the keys. The fol- that even when this measure reports 0% gain, the use of Be-
lowing examples are sample results of utilizing BetweenIT tweenIT may still save time, since the guide strokes need
on real production data. A timeline noting the relative posi- not be precise and may be drawn faster than the strokes that
tion of the frame is shown beneath each example. Keys are make up the final frame. Table 1 summarizes the results.
denoted with an asterisk, all other frames were generated by
BetweenIT. In each example, the previous frame(s) in the se- 5. Results
quence are indicated as a shadow to show the progression Archival examples: Figure 5 illustrates an example of pure
of the interpolation. rigid body motion. In this case, the results shown were pro-
In the following, we present results for the purpose of duced fully automatically.
evaluating the usability of BetweenIT and the quality of the In Figure 6 we illustrate a next possible level of interac-
inbetweens it produces. First, we show a collection of inbe- tion. Here the automatic technique has produced a reason-
tweens generated by BetweenIT given archival key frames. able solution, but the user has chosen to slightly alter the tra-
We compare the automatically generated results visually to jectory of the tip of the finger with a single drawn arc. The
the hand-drawn inbetweens from the original artwork. We inbetween is automatically updated after the arc is drawn,
also present sample results from an artist evaluation of Be- giving the user interactive feedback. In addition to specify-
tweenIT by the effects department. ing the arc, this interaction transparently produces additional
Quantitatively we measure performance in terms of stroke salient points at the tip of the finger.
count as well as time, where possible. All of the examples The glove example in Figure 7 presents a more challeng-
shown produced automated results in roughly 1 second on ing topological problem. For example, folds appear in the
average. In cases where the user desires, or is required, to glove as the hand closes. These changes in topology are han-
guide the system, he/she draws a series of guide strokes dled with a few salient point insertions, stroke-merge oper-
and/or indicates edits with mouse clicks, as described in Sec- ations, and correspondence edits. Figure 9 shows the initial
tion 4. In the following we use interaction count (the sum of interpolation and the final results after the user has manu-
the guide strokes and input mouse clicks) versus the total ally specified 3 additional correspondences. The rightmost

c Disney Enterprises Inc.

Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

Figure 8: Duck: Frames (a), (e), and (h) are the given key frames and (b-d) and (f-g) are generated inbetweens.

Example # Inb. Strk Interactions % Eff. Gain

Speaker 48 0 100
Glove 84 13 85
Duck 770 12 98
Tinker Bell 456 24 95
Tone 145 24 83
Table 1: Number of interactions required to generate the in-
Disney betweens vs. total number of hand-drawn inbetween strokes.
Figure 9: Glove User interaction: The correspondence
[Kort 2002]

stage mismatched portions of the hand, producing the inter-

polation on the left. The right image shows the results after
3 additional matches are provided manually.

Figure 11: Comparison of results from [Kor02] (Image

c 2002 ACM, Inc.) to our results.
Figure 10: Duck User interaction: The first two images seamlessly within the automated context. This is important
show an expanded region in each of the keys, a and e, where because there will always be components of the drawings
the finger is initially occluded and then moved from behind that the artist will want to do themselves.
the duck. The user input occlusion stroke is shown on the Finally, we compare our results to two existing ap-
right. Resulting inbetweens are shown in Figure 8. proaches, one stroke-based and the other image-based.
Korts stroke-based technique [Kor02] attempts to solve oc-
image in Figure 7 visualizes the automatically generated tra- clusion issues algorithmically, but is only successful in sim-
jectories, illustrating the smooth arcs generated by the inter- ple cases, and therefore for the example shown in Figure 11,
polation algorithm. the ears present a failure case. In contrast, our system re-
The duck sequence in Figure 8 shows two successive quires user interaction for correspondence, feature identifi-
frame ranges. Note that unlike the previous examples the cation, and occlusion (totaling 29 interactions) but is able
specified timing is not linear. Figure 10 illustrates an occlu- to successfully generate coherent inbetweens. In Figure 12,
sion fix for this example, where a single stroke drawn by the we compare the results of recent work by Skora and col-
user indicates the desired shape of the occluded region. leagues [SDC09] on the keyframes from Figure 7. Due to
Figure 1 presents a step higher in the complexity range. the non-rigid nature of the animation and sliding occlusion
Here there are many topological as well as occlusion chal- boundaries, it is difficult to achieve clean inbetweens without
lenges. The rotating right hand is the most notable drawing artifacts using an image-based technique. In addition, we fa-
problem and can not be handled automatically. In this case vor a stroke-based approach because it enables preservation
a breakdown drawing for only the hand has been inserted of line quality, and fine grain, intuitive editing.
for frames b d, and the remaining portions of the frames For the purposes of evaluating our system, in addition to
were produced by the algorithm. Our framework allows the looking at potential efficiency gain, we can compare the re-
user to select desired areas and do the drawing themselves sults of the algorithm to hand-drawn inbetweens. We do not

c Disney Enterprises Inc.

Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

et al. 09]
[Sykora BetweenIT et al. 09]
[Sykora BetweenIT

Disney Disney
Figure 12: A comparison of 2 inbetweens generated Figure 14: Glove: The left figure shows an artists desired fix
by [SDC09] and BetweenIT from the keyframes in Figure 7. (in red) to Figure 7. The remaining figures show the results
after inserting a breakdown stroke, with.a comparison to the
stroke before the fix (blue).

Figure 15: Frog Tone: This example contains 9 key frames
Figure 13: Duck: An example frame comparing the results
and 22 inbetweens. The leftmost figure shows the tone shape
shown in Figure 8 by overlaying a hand-drawn frame in red.
on top of a background reference image, the middle figure
shows the composited frame, and the rightmost figure shows
expect in general an exact match, as even between artists,
all 31 tone frames superimposed and color-coded by key.
different drawings are produced, but such a comparison can
give some indication of the success of our approach. Fig- efficiency gain to increase with more exposure to the tool.
ures 1 and 13 compare the BetweenIT-generated results to Our stroke efficiency measure for this example is 83% (20
the original hand-drawn inbetweens by overlaying the two. salient points and 4 trajectories drawn), which maps to the
All of the above results were presented to a lead clean up task being completed 16 times faster than by hand.
artist to judge quality as she would evaluate any of the in-
betweens produced in her department. For the duck example 6. Conclusion
and the glove example there was one note each regarding the We have presented the BetweenIT system for the user-
shape of a single inbetweened stroke. To produce the desired guided automation of tight inbetweening. For cases where
shape for the duck it was sufficient to add one additional the user is not satisfied with the automated results, Be-
user-defined salient point. The note for the glove requested tweenIT provides a context in which the user can guide the
a change of the location of the knuckle bend (Figure 14). To system in a natural way to produce quality results efficiently.
implement this fix, a stroke was drawn as a breakdown to the The inbetweening is driven by a novel solution for stroke in-
middle inbetween frame to produce the final results shown terpolation along natural arcs from only two keys.
in the bottom row of Figure 14. We demonstrate workflow and results using BetweenIT
Trial Evaluation: In addition to comparing the generated in- on a collection of real production examples of varying com-
betweens to existing hand-drawn examples, BetweenIT was plexity. The results generated are comparable to hand-drawn
evaluated by the effects department who used the tool to in- examples in many of our test frames. Where user interven-
between tone shapes. Tones, highlights, and shadows repre- tion was necessary, the required input was small relative
sent only a portion of the types of inbetweening performed to the resulting reduction in the number of overall drawn
in effects, but a time-consuming portion, and one well-suited strokes. After a single introductory session with the tool,
to automation. Figure 15 shows an example tone. The frog an effects artist was able to efficiently produce inbetweened
character was loaded in as a reference background on which tones on multiple shots that were included in the final film.
to draw the tone shown on the right side of her face. There are many avenues for improvement in our current
Another example showing the outline of a tone of a char- system. We have primarily focused on the interpolation algo-
acters face and shoulder is shown in Figure 16. A hand- rithms: the correspondence and feature identification mod-
drawn version of the 29 inbetween frames in this shot took ules could benefit from further exploration. High-quality
approximately an entire day to complete, while the ver- vectorization is also an open area.
sion produced by BetweenIT was completed end-to-end in
roughly 30 minutes. These numbers are just a indication of Acknowledgements
efficiency: the artist completed this example after just a sin- We would like to acknowledge the artists and production
gle afternoon to get familiar with BetweenIT. We expect the crew of the Walt Disney Animation Studios for their valu-

c Disney Enterprises Inc.

Journal compilation
c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whited, Noris, Simmons, Sumner, Gross, Rossignac / BetweenIT: An Interactive Tool for Tight Inbetweening

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c Disney Enterprises Inc.

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c 2010 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

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