Latest Developments in MED and MVC Thermal Desalination Processes

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Latest Developments in MED and MVC Thermal Desalination Processes

Authors: A. Ophir, A. Gendel

Presenter: A. Ophir
V.P. Technology IDE Technologies Ltd. Israel


For many years the low temperature Multi Effect Desalination (M.E.D.) and Mechanical Vapor
Compression (M.V.C.) processes have been considered the most efficient thermal desalination options.
Recent developments incorporating corrugated heat transfer surfaces, that significantly increase heat
transfer coefficients combined with forward feed flow arrangement, allowing a safe increase in top
operating temperatures result in significant reductions in investment costs and energy consumption.
Another development which is now being contemplated is the replacement of the relatively inefficient
thermo-compressor (ejector) used in the MED plants by a more efficient mechanical compressor driven
by a steam turbine.

This paper will describe the advantages of most modern operating thermal desalination plants and focus
on the magnitude of benefits achievable while implementing these recent developments.

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007

Although Low Temperature Multi Effect Distillation (LT-MED) and MVC plants are by far the most
efficient thermal desalination process currently in use, it lately became apparent that further
improvements had to be applied in order to meet the growing competition throughout the world by
reducing specific capital investment and desalinated water costs.

In general, the technological advances of the LT-MED and MVC plants, which resulted in reliable,
durable and economical desalination plants producing high purity product water, are as follows (1):
The unique design of a falling film horizontal tube evaporator/condenser with high heat transfer
coefficient, utilizing only latent-heat transfer, avoiding sensible heat pick-up, as in the MSF plants.

Superior thermodynamic efficiency and very low pressure drops at high volumetric vapor flows, as
prevailing in low temperature operation. This enabled the optimization of the process for operation at a
maximum brine temperature of 70C.

The low temperature operation has made possible the utilization of economical and durable materials of
construction such as aluminum alloy for heat transfer tubes, plastic process piping and epoxy-painted
carbon steel shells.

1. The economy of using aluminum alloy tubes for heat transfer as compared with copper alloy tubes,
which are essential for higher temperature plants (used by other distillation manufacturers), enables
the increase of the heat transfer area per ton of water produced in the desalination plant for the
same investment costs, results in a very low temperature drop per effect (1.5 2.5C), enabling the
incorporation of a large number of effects (10 to 16) even with a maximum brine temperature as
low as 70 C, consequently resulting in very high economy ratios (product to steam).The use of
such material of construction proved to be successful after 25 years of operation in the Virgin
Island plants.
2. Possibility of using low-cost/low-grade heat available through cogeneration schemes to minimize
the energy cost component.
3. In the MVC plants the incorporation of high volumetric capacity of IDEs unique inexpensive
centrifugal compressors enables the manufacturing of units which yield high production rate at low
operating temperatures.
4. Minimal requirements for intake and pre-treatment systems.

In order to improve these advances the following steps are being considered:
1. Increasing the heat transfer coefficients further by utilizing corrugated oval tubes as heat transfer
surfaces instead of the round tubes used in the MED plants today.
2. Extending the operation range by increasing the top temperature from 700C to about 850C.
3. Increasing the economy ratio in the MED plants by replacing the relatively inefficient ejector by a
mechanical compressor coupled to a steam turbine.
IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
1.1 A Brief Description of the MED and MVC Processes

1.1.1 MED

The existing MED plants utilize aluminum alloy horizontal tube, falling-film evaporative condensers in
a serial arrangement, to produce through repetitive steps of evaporation and condensation, each at a
lower temperature and pressure, a multiple quantity of distillate from a given quantity of input steam.

Any number of evaporative condensers (effects) may be incorporated in the plants heat recovery
sections, depending on the temperature and costs of the available low grade heat and the optimal trade-
off point between investment and steam economy. Technically, the number of effects is limited only by
the temperature difference between the steam and seawater inlet temperatures (defining the hot and cold
ends of the unit) and the minimum temperature differential allowed on each effect.

The incoming seawater is deaerated and preheated in the heat rejection condenser and then divided into
two streams. One is returned to the sea as coolant discharge, and the other becomes feed for the
distillation process. The feed is pretreated with a scale inhibitor and introduced into the lowest
temperature group. The introduction to the lowest temperature group (backward feed flow) rather than to
the highest is due to an effort to maintain the thermodynamic efficiency of the plant by reducing the
irreversible mixing of the colder seawater feed with the hot effects temperature. Due to the falling film
nature of the feed flow over the tubes a pump is required to move the water from the bottom of the effect
to the top of the next one. In order to save pumps the effects are divided into groups and each has its
own pump as shown on Fig.1.

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
Fig.1 MED (Counter current feed) with ejector

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
The input steam is fed into the tubes of the hottest effect. There it condenses, giving up its latent heat to
the saline water flowing over the outer surface of the tubes, while condensation takes place on the inside
of the tube, a nearly equal amount of evaporation occurs on the outside minus the amount required to
preheat the feed to the evaporation temperature. The evaporation-condensation process is repeated along
the entire series of effects, each of which contributes an amount of additional distillate. The vapor from
the last effect is condensed by seawater coolant in the heat rejection condenser.

The low temperature differential affordable by the utilization of a large heat transfer surface made of the
inexpensive aluminum alloy, on each evaporator (effect) in the train allows a large number of effects to
be utilized while maintaining the maximum brine temperature below 70C, thus significantly increasing
the gain operation ratio (or economy ratio).

It has already been published and demonstrated in operating plants that the low temperature multi effect
desalination process (LT MED), when operated on turbine back pressure steam, requires minimal energy
consumption yielding specific desalination energy costs approaching values of optimal RO energy costs.
However, the constraint of effectively utilizing the LT MED is that it requires operating the back
pressure turbine at base load (full capacity).

Due to variations in electricity demand, the operation of large steam turbines at base load is, in most
cases, impractical. As a result, in order to allow variations in electricity supply and full capacity of the
desalination, extraction steam turbines are commonly selected.

The extraction steam pressure of these turbines is in the range of 1.5 to 4.5 barg. (As typically required
for process steam at refineries and for MSF desalination plants).

The LT MED process when utilizing such extraction steam incorporates thermo compressors (steam
ejectors) in order to take advantage of the excessive extraction steam pressure, thereby increasing the
economy ratio of the MED (decreasing energy consumption).

Thermo compressors (ejectors) as a rule have a relatively low adiabatic efficiency, due the irreversible
mixing of vapor streams having two different pressures, thus limiting the potential of the MED to
increase the economy ratio even more.

Due to the recent increase in energy cost, replacing the conventional inefficient ejector has been
considered by using a novel, large centrifugal compressor driven directly by an auxiliary steam turbine
utilizing the extraction steam. The centrifugal compressor and auxiliary turbine have a much higher
efficiency than the thermo compressor, resulting in significant energy savings, thus lowering the
desalination costs.

1.1.2 MVC

Instead of using steam for effecting the evaporation in the MED process the MVC process is based on
the application of the heat pump principle, which continuously recycles and keeps the latent heat
exchanged in the evaporation condensation process within the system. In this scheme the heat required
to evaporate part of the processed feed, which flows on one side of a heat transfer surface, is supplied
through the simultaneous condensation of the distillate, producing vapor on the other side of the surface.
A compressor acting as the heat pump provides the head and the energy required to overcome the
pressure differential between the evaporation and condensation created by boiling point elevation,

International Desalination Association World Congress MP07-067 5

dynamic pressure drop losses and the driving force required for the heat transfer process. This
compressor is exclusive self developed light weight, high volumetric flow, capable of handling large
volumes typical of low temperatures, low pressure steam.

The evaporation condensation process takes place in the equipment similar to that used in the MED
process, namely, a highly efficient horizontal tube falling film evaporative condenser Due to the large
heat transfer the compressor head is kept to a minimum resulting in lower energy consumption.

In the MVC plant the incoming seawater is passed through a heat exchanger where the heat in the
discharged brine and product streams is recovered after which it is pretreated with a minute dose scale
inhibiting additive. The sea water is then re circulated and sprayed on the outside of a bundle as in the
MED process. The compressor provides, through its suction a pressure lower than the equilibrium of the
brine/ As a result, part of the brine evaporates. After passing through a demister to remove droplet carry
over, the vapor is compressed and discharged to the inside of the tubes, where it condenses thus
supplying the latent heat required for the evaporation process.

MVC plants are self-contained automatic package which are supplied, pretested, pre wired pre-
assembled with few on-site requirements. Their capacities range from 100up to 5000 ton/day and
required capacities may be achieved by the installation of multiple units as in the MED plants which is
now named MEVC.


2.1 Heat transfer enhancement by using corrugated oval tubes.
Vertical fluted tubes have been considered for a long time a heat transfer surface capable of providing
superior coefficients according to experiments and theoretical analysis performed in the USA and in
Israel (2, 3). In horizontal tubes configuration this element could be simulated by corrugated oval tubes.
Experiments conducted at IDE indicated an increase of 70% in the coefficient compared to that of the
common round tubes. It is anticipated that the cost of such elements per unit area will not exceed 20%
higher than that of the regular 24 mm diameter tubes in the foreseeable future. These elements could be
used both in the MED and the MVC or MEVC plants.10 years ago IDE supplied a vapor compression
desalination plant to Los Roques in Venezuela which has been in operation ever since. If properly
treated, the unit operated at a performance corresponding to the above heat transfer coefficient.

2.2 Increasing the top temperature to 850C

Increasing the operation temperature range by increasing the top temperature from 700C to 850C would
result in increasing the number of the effects thus increasing the GOR and, consequently, could reduce
water cost. Also, at a higher temperature the efficiency of the ejector will similarly increase resulting in
a further increase in the GOR. Some examples of market demands which might encourage the operation
at higher top temperature is the recent nuclear reactor design trends in China to manufacture plants for
generating steam for heating purpose alone at a temperature range between 70C to 90C. This
equipment, while not designed for electricity generation, could be relatively inexpensive and when
coupled with desalination plants, its cost could be as low as of the total investment in project and the
fuel cost could be lower by one fourth than that of the fossil fuel. .

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
However, the conventional counter flow feed arrangement as utilized by IDEs plants is not suitable for
operation at high temperature since the higher brine temperature is always associated with high salinity ,
under which conditions the hazard in deposition of scale on the heat transfer surface is high. If the mode
of operation would change to a forward feed flow (See Fig. 2) the higher brine temperature would be
associated with lower salinity which might, by the assistance of partial decarbonization, decrease the
probability of scale formation.

Fig. 2 Forward Feed, 850C

2.3 Replacing the Ejector by a Mechanical Compressor Coupled To a Steam Turbine

MED plants driven by ejectors utilizing extraction steam (see Fig 1) are a major item in our line of
products. Many of these plants have been installed and are operating throughout the world. However,
due to the recent increase in the energy cost it has become apparent that a more efficient tool than the
ejector should be employed in order to save energy and reduce the manufacturing cost of the desalinated
water. It seems that the best tool to replace the ejector, while utilizing extraction steam, is a turbine
coupled to a compressor, each of which can reach efficiencies above 70%. Our company has developed
and acquired extensive experience with large volumetric flow compressors, which are of a lightweight,
radial blade centrifugal type, in our vapor compression desalination and refrigeration plants. The
maximum volumetric flow that can be obtained so far per compressor is 320 m3/sec. After a short
investigation it was found that turbines operating between extraction steam pressure and discharging

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
steam to 0.35 ata are readily available in the free market, so the road for implementing the concept is
now paved.

Fig. 3 depicts the system of a turbo-compressor incorporated in an MED plant. The turbine and the
compressor shafts are interconnected. The turbine is fed by the supplied extraction steam at a higher
pressure and discharges it at a lower pressure of 0.35 ata, which is directed to the first effect of the MED
plant. The rotating turbine drives the compressor which, in turn, sucks water vapor from one of the
effects and discharges it also to the first effect. After the compressor suction point the remaining vapor,
originating from the turbine discharge, continues to operate the rear effects, now lower in size, and
eventually discharges its heat to the condenser.

Fig. 3 MED with Turbo-Compressor

A few examples of commercial MED plants utilizing extraction steam by either employing thermal
vapor compression (ejector) on one hand, or by using an auxiliary turbine to produce electricity and
discharging the back pressure steam to the first effect on the other hand, are presented below. Such units
could be easily improved energy-wise by adopting the proposed turbo compressor systems

Combination of Extraction Steam with an Auxiliary Turbine

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
In this scheme the extraction steam (i.e. at 1.5 barg or above) is first used to activate an auxiliary
turbine, thus using the energy to produce electricity to the grid and then discharge it at the required
pressure of 0.3 bara into the tubes of the first effect of the MED plant.

This principle was adopted in a 10,000 t/d plant for the Kompania di Awa e Electrisidad (KAE) of
Curacao, installed in 1988 (Fig. 5).

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
Fig. 5 MED-10,000, Curacao Island, Netherlands Antilles

Fig. 5 MED-10,000, Curacao Island, Netherlands Antilles

The success of this plant led to the purchase of a second, identical unit, which was commissioned in
June 1990. This plant includes an auxiliary low pressure steam turbo generator where 48 t/h of 1.5 barg
extraction steam (from the main turbine) expands to 0.35 bara, yielding 3.2 MW electricity and then
enters the MED to produce 10,000 t/d of product water. This results in net power consumption for
desalination of below 5 kWh/t.

Thermal Vapor Compression (Ejector) Driven MED

In the US Virgin Islands, 15 MED plants with thermo compression have been in operation since the
early 1980s. The recent units are of a new, compact design, with up to three (3) effects packed into one
evaporator vessel, thus reducing their capital costs and space requirements. These LT-MED units have
been performing at better than nominal rating ever since their installation. (Fig. 6)

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
Fig. 6 MED 5,300, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA

At Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL), in India (Fig. 4), four MED plants have been in operation since 1998,
each with a nominal production of 12,000 m3/day. The units have proved their reliability and flexibility
in operation and they continuously produce 10% above nominal capacity. A fifth MED unit of 14,400
m3/day capacity was delivered in February 2005.

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
Fig. 4 MED-14,400, Reliance-5, India



The following table compares the plants investment and water costs between a commercial LT-MED
supplied to RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD. (RIL), India and high performance plants (HPP) equipped
with corrugated oval tubes and falling film type feed heaters and operated at a forward feed mode
reaching a top brine temperature of 850 C. Both plants are fed with seawater having identical
temperatures, as designed for the RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD. (RIL) plants, and are constructed of
5.8 m diameter evaporator. The commercial LT-MED consists of 11 effects whereas the HPP consists of
15 effects and two feed heaters, each consists of three stages, which form an integral part of the
evaporator train (see fig. 2. The commercial LT-MED produces 14,400 t/d while having an economy
ratio (GOR) of 11.3 the High Performance Plant (HPP) is capable of producing 25,000 t/d, which is 74%
higher with a GOR of 15.6.

The materials of construction in the first 3 effects of HPP selected to be as follows, the heat transfer
surfaces in the evaporators consist of 24 mm diameter tubes made of duplex steel, which proved to be
resistant in deaerated seawater. The feed heaters are made of aluminum alloy. The evaporators shell is
made of epoxy coated steel. The motive steam cost used in both plants having a pressure of 4.2 ata
assumed to be 4 $/ton. It could be observed that while the specific investment cost is lower by 8% in the
HPP compared to that of the other, the total water costs is lower by 17.4%.

Table 1

Comparison between a high temperature corrugated oval tube

and a commercial MED plant
700C 850C

Daily Production m3/day 14,400 25,000

Availability % 95% 95%
Annual Production 3
m /yr 4,993,200 8,668,7500
Interest rate % 6% 6%
Contractual Period years 20 20

Capital Cost: Desalination Equipment MUSD 11.143 17.0

Capital cost: Erection and Balance of
Plant " 3.343 5.1
Total Capital Investment " 14.486 22.1
Specific Capital Investment USD/m3/day 1006 884
Amortization USD/m3 0.25 0.22
Economy Ratio (GOR) 11.3 15.6
Operating Costs (excluding steam
IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
700C 850C

Electricity Cost USD/kwh 0.05 0.05

Electrical Consumption kwh/m 3
1.2 1.2
Electricity Cost USD/m 3
0.060 0.060
Chemicals USD/m3 0.050 0.050
Spare Parts (1) USD/m3 0.022 0.020
Labor (2) USD/m3 0.015 0.015
Operating Costs
(excluding steam cost) USD/m3 0.147 0.145

Desalted Water Cost

(excluding steam cost) USD/m3 0.342 0.316

Steam Cost USD/ton 4 4

Total steam cost USD/m3 0.354 0.256

Total water cost USD/m3 0.75 0.62


(1): 1% of Capital Cost



In order to make a techno-economic evaluation of the turbo-compressor concept, a preliminary design of

an MED plant of 15000 m3/day capacity was carried out. For extraction steam of 4.5 ata @ 330o C
economy ratio (product/steam) of 13 and 20 was obtained for the ejector and turbo compressor systems
respectively. The required compressor characteristics would be volumetric flow of 170 m3/sec and a
compression ratio of 2, which is within the range of IDEs capability.

Ejector Performance. The ejector performance and its associated efficiency could be illustrated in the
following H&S diagram. Points 1 and 3 represent the initial conditions of the motive steam and the
entrained vapor respectively. Point 2 represents the motive steam state after expansion at constant
entropy and 2 at actual conditions due to irreversibility incurring during the process. The curved line
from 4 to 5 represents the path of the mixed streams during the compression from the suction to the
discharge pressures. The efficiency of the ejector is defined as the ratio between the product of the flow
of the entrained vapor and the change of enthalpy during the compression at a constant entropy to that of
the flow of the motive steam and the change of enthalpy during its expansion at the same reversible
conditions (See the formula displayed in the drawing). The value of the ejectors efficiency for the
present case calculated to be 22.6% as compared to turbo compressor system which value is
IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
Table 2 summarizes a desalinated water calculation of a 15,000 m3/day production plant using an
ejector, as compared to one using a turbo-compressor. The generation loss chargeable to the
desalination, due to operating at a pressure of 4.5, is determined by the potential capability of a turbine
to produce electricity while operating between this pressure at a temperature of 330o C and a discharge
pressure corresponding to 42o C. The enthalpy difference between the two pressure points, obtained at a
constant entropy expansion, is multiplied by the total efficiency (including the turbine, the generator and
the electric motor), which is assumed to be 70%. The calculation results are 124.3 kcal/kg or 144.54
kWh per ton of steam.
Table 2
Comparison between Ejector and Turbo-Compressor Driven Processes


Plant Configuration m3/day 15,000 15,000

Availability % 95% 95%
Annual Production m3/yr 5,201,250 5,201,250
Interest rate % 6% 6%
Contractual Period years 20 20

Total Capital Investment MUSD 15 16

Amortization USD/m3 0.251 0.268

Operating Costs (excluding steam consumption)
Electricity Cost USD/kwh 0.05 0.05
Electrical Consumption kwh/m 1.2 1.2
Electricity Cost USD/m 0.060 0.060
IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
Chemicals USD/m3 0.050 0.050
(1) 3
Spare Parts USD/m 0.031 0.031
(2) 3
Labor USD/m 0.015 0.015
Operating Costs (excluding steam consumption) USD/m 0.156 0.156

Desalted Water Cost (excluding steam consumption) USD/m3 .407 .424

Calculation of the steam cost (@ 330 C, 4.5 ata):

The thermal energy (steam) cost chargeable to the desalination
is composed of the additional fuel (coal) cost in an enlarged
boiler and the incremental capital cost of enlarging the boiler
required for the compensation for generation loss.
Electrical Generation Loss: kWh/ton 11.12 7.23
Assuming for fuel cost USD/kWh 0.02 0.02
Boiler amortization USD/kWh 0.005 0.005
Total steam cost = 144.5/ER x (.02+.005) USD/m3 0.278 0.181

Total Water Cost USD/m3 0.69 0.60

(1) 1% of Capital Cost
(2) 13 workers, @ $40,000/year each

This figure is now divided by the economy ratio to obtain the generation loss per one ton of desalinated
water. The generation loss is compensated by increasing the boiler size and the amount of fuel to
produce more steam. The fuel cost is based on coal prices and was assumed to be 2 cents per kWh
electric. The difference in capital investment between the turbo compressor and the ejector is estimated
to be one million USD, which constitutes about 7% of the total.
The total cost of the desalinated water is 0.69 USD/m3 and 0.60 USD/m3 for the ejector and the turbo
compressor systems respectively, which amounts to a reduction of 13%.


This paper described the methods of improvements for the LT-MED technology. These improvements
should have a significant impact on the economics of the seawater desalination by reducing both capital
and operation costs.
As shown above, the proposed improvements would reduce the investment and the desalinated water
cost by 8% and by 17.4% respectively while designing the plants for GOR = 11.3 as in the RELIANCE
plant and for 15.6 in the proposed plant. It seems that the MED process could offer now attractive low
costs which might compete with alternative technologies such as Reverse Osmosis.
Future Development
In order to cope with the problems of higher temperature such as corrosion and scale precipitation, the
system approach to be applied is as follows.

A. Prevent scale on heat transfer surfaces, by:-

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007
A1. High wetting rates by group wetting and intermediate pumps
A2. Advanced anti scalants.
B. Enable economical use of aluminum alloy tubes and prevent corrosion, by:-
B1. Ion traps (for heavy metals)
B2. Pre-deaeration of the seawater in a Titanium tube condenser, thus minimizing oxygen content,
0.05 ppm in the MED effects

This paper also described the main process advantages of using turbo-compressor technology compared
to that of an ejector while utilizing extraction steam. The above calculations demonstrate that the
manufacturing cost of desalinated water produced in the turbo compressor system is lower by 13%
compared to that of the ejector system. It is obvious that the difference would increase further along with
the increase in energy cost. The experience accumulated with commercial vapor compression plants
either operated by electrically driven compressors or by thermal compressors (steam ejectors) assist us
in designing the preferable turbo compressor systems without great difficulties. In addition, it is
recommended that further development activities be considered to improve the efficiencies of the
compressors and thereby reduce the desalination energy consumption even further.


1. A. Ophir and F. Lokiec, Advanced MED Process for most economical seawater desalination.
Desalination, 182, (2005) 187-198.
2. F. Pepp, J. Weinberg, D. Lee, A. Ophir and C. Holtyn, The Vertical MWD-MED (Multi-Effect
Distillation) Process, International Desalination Technologies, Pasadena, CA, USA.
3. D. Moalem-Maron, R. Semiat and S. Sideman, Enhanced Heat Transfer in Horizontal
Evaporator-Condensers with Straight-Edged Grooved Tubes, Desalination, 34 (1980) 289-309.

IDA World Congress-Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Spain October 21-26, 2007

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