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Many manufacturing companies reduce inventory &cycle time increase customer

services and see their net profit skyrocket.

A small printing co. expands with a new market with a new product, offering that unlike
any combination of product &services, it has ever offered before. The firm is rapidly
growing market share & profit.

A small consultancy firm doubles its size every year for five years while at the same time
enhancing its culture, profitability, stability &reputation in the market place it serves.

School going children solves their problems, study history with various interest
&dramatically improve their grads & test score.

All of these activities are different from each other yet they have same striking similarity
each is a system, each is successful, each use the thinking process to make the decision
and take the action that led to the result described above.

What is thinking?
Thinking is the highest mental activity present in man. All human achievements and
progress are simply the products of thought. The evolution of culture, art, literature,
science and technology are all the results of thinking.

Thought and action are inseparable - they are actually the two sides of the same coin. All
our deliberate action starts from our deliberate thinking. For a man to do something he
should first see it in his mind's eye -- he should imagine it, think about it first, before he
can do it. All creations-- whether artistic, literal or scientific --first occur in the creator's
mind before it is actually given life in the real world.

Thinking starts with a problem and ends in a solution. Thus, thinking is a tool for
adapting ourselves to the physical and social environment in which we are in.

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Thinking involves a term critical thinking which means determining the meaning and
significance of what is observed or expressed, or, concerning a given inference or
argument, determining whether there is adequate justification to accept the conclusion as
true. Hence, Fisher & Scriven define critical thinking as "Skilled, active, interpretation
and evaluation of observations, communications, information, and argumentation."
Critical thinking can occur whenever one judges, decides, or solves a problem; in general,
whenever one must figure out what to believe or what to do, and do so in a reasonable
and reflective way. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening can all be done critically or
uncritically. Critical thinking is crucial to becoming a close.

Thinking process

The thinking process was oriented by dr. eliyahu goldratt tom address the unique and
complex issue of firm that was implementing this theory of constraint in their production

The theory of constraint is the unique management philosophy that strives for a rational
or scientific approach to management. It provides a way to simplify the complexity of
human based system and still keep the main issue under management control. Thinking
process is the methodology of the theory of constraints.

Hence A mechanism that allows us to verbalize, construct, analyze, and communicate

cause and effect relationships. And moreover, to propose feasible solutions to the
problems that they cause is known as the Thinking Process.

The thinking processes are generic tools to help people walk through a buy-in process.
They are also useful tools for any kind of human interactions. The Thinking Process is
integral to the systemic nature of Theory of Constraints and allows not only analysis of
problems, but also the construction of solutions and the communication and effective
implementation of those solutions.

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