Lighting Inspection Checklist

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HEARY BROTHERS LIGHTNING PROTECTION CO., INC. 44291 MOORE ROAD SPRINGVILLE, NY 16144 ANNUAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST "FOR MULTIPLE-POINT TYPE SYSTEMS. HBF-5 |. Visual Inspection of Roof Top Components, | 1 Ivsua inspection of aver al system condition. Appearance, (nest, dislodged, looken cabios ot) : 2 |visuaty inspected ala terminals. Verity that size and quant is suilent orth projec. Refer to NFPA.TBOIUL SEA for requirements Note al bent, broken, andlor dislodged ar terminals 3 | Voriy that a air trinals(ightning ods) have been placed et 20-0" Imaxitnum spacing around ‘oof perimeter andor along rot sidges) 4 lverty mat perimeter ar terminals are win 2-0" ofthe ouside eae neuging comers of he suc, 5 Verity that mia rot air terminals are spaced at maximum spacing of 50 on acoordence wth NEPA 780 Figure 6 erty that interconnecting i oof cabos that connect mid rot air terminals are property spaced. Further venty 50" O maximum fn of cross rn conductor to the main perimeter lor down conductor in accordance with NEPA 780 Figuo 7 verity thet copper materials are not mounted orn contact wth [aluminum materials and vice-versa 8 Ivey that at conductors are fastened horizontally and vertically nat more than 3-0" 0. C. Maximum spacing 10 Iver nat metalic bac of nductanc situated within 6" of Fghining Jondictor or another bonded metal holy shal a interconnected 10 ne Hahinng conductor system, unessinhorenly connected, " Vert sir terminals and bonding connectors ae installed on oo top, fens, \entiators, fe unite et In aocardanco with NEPA 720) UL 968, 2 |Remove and clean al cable connections incuting but not timed to; leonding plates, lugs, cable to cable connectors et Hoary Brothers Lightning Protection Co, Ine. tots Il. INSPECTION OF LIGHTNING PROTECTION GROUND SYSTEM IpesoniPnow oF FAOCEDURE Locate al tru of connection Yo down runs oro Sucural SL visual inspect for damage and ighinss. Verity quantty of down ens! connections to ground is adequate pee NFPA760 and ULOSA it connection it stool vey that connect 's mato in accordance wi NEPA 780 and tha aoa under cannection s clean of a pnt, of, goase oc verity that spacing of dwn conductors at rot level ar insialed in accordanoe with NEPA-TAO and ULOBA (Le. 100 on average) Visually inspect connections to rebar stucural steel eo, for coresion remave condos clean and reinstall, Repiace 2s necess visual inspect ground reds and cable connections to ground rods, Remove connections elasneable, connection and rod lt ground lop ts means of down conductr terination then remove [connection to loop and clean cables. Heary Brothers Lighning Protection Co, ne 2014 [DesoRITioN OF PAOCEDURE 7 Perform Ground Resistance on Tring protec orounding Stem uso th "Fal of Potent” Method. Record results and submit to comer erty that eves are In accordance withthe requirements ofthe aoplcabe standards 2 Inspect and document status of suge protection /TVSS (Transient Votage Surge [Suppressor syste! expe lots bene: The Trenaient Voltage Gurge [Suppression of al services including but not limited to, services entrances, lcomputers, copiers, telephones, fe alarms, security systems and all other Jelectrical/ electronic systems isnot the responsibilty ofthe manufacturer lof the Lightning Protaction system and Is the responsibility ofthe owner, ‘electrical ongins ‘contractor or others. ‘TVBS system should be insalied in accordance th NEC 70 or ther applicable codes and/or standards. Heary Brothers Lightning Proteation Co, Ine. oft IV.Documentation requirements for inspections Prepare and suit a 2 copes oT Wis Ton fo owner along wih Veo Tepe [tang al inspection parormod. Tho videotape shall include detailed images ofthe rot top sysom, ground system, round systom tosing oto ste, down conductors, ground rod! gs and cation of ll bred or concasled Jcannoctions and components. Also provide video detaliog the Ihe testing of ground sytem as wol as cleaning of al connections. [Documentation shall he rtained bythe fcity anginnar fer exigament lor any maintenance repas Notes! Conditions Inspect ana conficm that no addons andor modifeations tothe structure ne ‘ditional ghtning protection. If there have been modification or ations to the structure contact the manufecturer or distributor, to evaluate the need for addtional lightning protection. ‘This checkiit is nat inclusive of al factors governing the instalation and maintenance ofa Faraday Multiple Point Systom its intended as a guide forthe building owner / maintenance people to perform annual inspections ‘The intention of ay lightning protection system isto provide protection from direct strikes {o the structure ofthe building, itis not intended to provide protection for electrical and/or electronic ‘lectronic equipment sensitive aquipment, computes and/or other such equipment. Likewise itdoes not cover damage caused by surgeltransients which enter orexita structure [Any litigation regarding the product performance, our contractual relationship imposes the cost of such ilgation the partes instituting the ligation, We do not bear such ‘expense since iis not bulltito the cost ofthe systom, our experience is that te systems when Properly installed and maintained , they do not experience fllure and we encourage all customers to comply with proper maintenance procedures, including without limitation anual inspections, Hoary Brothers Lightning Protection Co, Ine ors

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