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What is a blog?

Blog is from the words web log. They are linear with scrolling posts, with the most frequent
being at the top. I have used to create my blog.
Wikis are similar, but allow users to work together and collaborate. Google products can be used
by teachers for collaborations. Microblogs can be used on products such as Instagram and
Facebook. They are used cautiously in schools because they have challenges in privacy and
Be very careful about privacy when using social networking sites to protect students. I have used for my educational use. Edmodo is another tool for as a private class website.
Rules that govern student safety include the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA), and the Childrens
Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Both are federal laws designed to protect children. Schools must
show that they are in compliance with these laws and use safety measures to protect students.
FERPA protects the privacy of students education records.
As an educator, I must ensure that the devices in my classroom have appropriate blocking
software, never put student work up on blogs, and have any identifiable information as to who
they are or where they are.
Some school districts are using Learning Management systems to help students continue to grow
and learn. They can be used to create a private space for your classroom.
Know and follow your districts policy
Research terms and use.
Age requirements are special concerns.
Make sure students are not identifiable.
We as educators must work to make sure students understand that they should never put
personal information on the internet or on-line device.
Ann Reeks confirms these in her article in Parenting Magazine, and adds that we as educators
and parents need to understand the cyberworld that they are involved in. when in the classroom
ensure that you can see every screen, especially iPad that can be hidden from teachers view and
to not allow headphones. AltaVista is a blocking tool that can be used by teachers and parents.
(Reeks, 2017)
Credit: Google images
While my students are using my
classroom blog, the flipped classroom link
will be, using Blooms Taxonomy, used
to reinforce and assist students in recalling
facts at the second-grade level. They will
be asked to understand the concepts of
fractions and they then apply the knowledge to the questions asked. They will be asked to
analyze and draw connections. Those connections will then be reinforced and strengthened in
class as the teacher probes for misunderstandings and corrects them.
Courtesy of
The teacher directs and shows the students
how to access the blog early in the year.
The flipped classroom tab directs the
students to the correct tab, and there are
two worksheets to be completed by the
next morning. This is student-directed, but
it is not a problem based level. There is
some practice involved for some students.
Some students, such as ESOL, Special
Education, and students with behavioral
issues can access the curriculum using
I hope to especially use the flipped
classroom idea. I hope to draw in parents
into my classroom who may feel pressed
for time and to work together with them to
help their children progress in their
academic career. The moves the home-school involvement to higher grades, rather than just a
preschool or special education activity. Using the flipped classroom not only presents the
material before it is taught, it teaches to the edge or uses the UDL framework to ensure that the
learning needs of students are met. Some students need to hear material more than once. Some
students are auditory and/or visual learners. My EBD students may be having a rough day and
need to learn the material later that night. This works to ensure that UDL is incorporated into my
Reeks. (2017). Keeping Your Child Safe on the Internet. Parenting Magazine, 12-16.

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