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Dental Computing and

Advanced Techniques for
Clinical Dentistry

Andriani Daskalaki
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany

Medical Information science reference

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dental computing and applications : advanced techniques for clinical dentistry / Andriani Daskalaki, Editor.
p. cm.
Summary: "This book gives insight into technological advances for dental practice, research and education, for general dental clinician, the
researcher and the computer scientist"--Provided by publisher. Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-60566-292-3 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-60566-293-0 (ebook) 1. Dental informatics 2. Dentistry--Data processing. 3. Dentistry-
-Technological innovations. I. Daskalaki, Andriani, 1966- RK240.D446 2009 617'.075--dc22


British Cataloguing in Publication Data

A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.

All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this book are those of the authors, but not
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Editorial Advisory Board

Amit Chattopadhyay, Dept. of Epidemiology, College of Public Health & Dept. of Oral Health Sciences,
College of Dentistry, Lexington, KY, USA

Cathrin Dressler, Laser- und Medizin-Technologie GmbH,Berlin, Germany

Demetrios J. Halazonetis, School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,


Petros Koidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Dentistry, Department of Fixed Prosthesis
and Implant ProsthodonticsThessaloniki, Greece

Bernd Korda, Zentrum fr Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde Abteilung fr Zahnmedizinische Prop-
deutik/Community Dentistry Greifswald, Germany

Athina A. Lazakidou Health Informatics, University of Peloponnese, Greece

Ralf J. Radlanski, Charit - Campus Benjamin Franklin at Freie Universitt Berlin Center for Dental
and Craniofacial Sciences Dept. of Craniofacial Developmental Biology Berlin, Germany

Ralf KW Schulze, Poliklinik fr Zahnrztliche Chirurgie Klinikum der Johannes Gutenberg Universitt,
Mainz, Germany
Table of Contents

Foreword . ........................................................................................................................................... xvi

Preface . .............................................................................................................................................xviii

Acknowledgment . .............................................................................................................................. xxi

Section I
Software Support in Clinical Dentistry

Chapter I
Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics ............................................ 1
Demetrios J. Halazonetis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Chapter II
A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis................................................................ 28
Jrg Hendricks, University of Leipzig, Germany
Gert Wollny, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain
Alexander Hemprich, University of Leipzig, Germany
Thomas Hierl, University of Leipzig, Germany

Chapter III
Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress . ....................................................................................... 45
Antheunis Versluis, University of Minnesota, USA
Daranee Tantbirojn, University of Minnesota, USA

Chapter IV
An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment................................................................ 65
Andreas Vogel, Institut fr Medizin- und Dentaltechnologie GmbH, Germany
Section II
Software Support in Oral Surgery

Chapter V
Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery . ................................................................................................................................................. 79
Thomas Hierl, University of Leipzig, Germany
Heike Hmpfner-Hierl, University of Leipzig, Germany
Daniel Kruber, University of Leipzig, Germany
Thomas Gbler, University of Leipzig, Germany
Alexander Hemprich, University of Leipzig, Germany
Gert Wollny, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain

Chapter VI
Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography.............................................................. 90
N. A. Borghese, University of Milano, Italy
I. Frosio, University of Milano, Italy

Chapter VII
3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology ........................................................... 108
Ralf K.W. Schulze, Klinikum der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt, Mainz, Germany

Section III
Software Support in Tissue Regeneration Proceeders in Dentistry

Chapter VIII
Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth......................................................................... 123
Shital Patel, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Yos Morsi, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Chapter IX
Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay............................................................ 134
Wei-Bang Chen, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), USA
Chengcui Zhang, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), USA
Section IV
Software Support in Dental Implantology

A New System in Guided Surgery: The Flatguide System.............................................................. 147
Michele Jacotti, Private Practice, Italy
Domenico Ciambrone, NRGSYS ltd, Italy

Chapter XI
Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology.......................................................................... 159
Ferenc Pongracz, Albadent, Inc, Hungary

Chapter XII
Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research .......................................... 170
Antonios Zampelis, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Greece
George Tsamasphyros, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Greece

Section V
Software Support in Clinical Dental Management and Education

Chapter XIII
Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research . ................................................................ 191
Amit Chattopadhyay, University of Kentucky, USA
Tiago Coelho de Souza, University of Kentucky, USA
Oscar Arevalo, University of Kentucky, USA

Chapter XIV
Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool ............................................ 219
Maxim Kolesnikov, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Arnold D. Steinberg, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Milo efran, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Chapter XV
Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials............................................................................................... 232
Anka Letic-Gavrilovic, International Clinic for Neo-Organs ICNO, Italy

Chapter XVI
Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications........................................................................................ 273
Petros Koidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Marianthi Manda, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Chapter XVII
Unicode Characters for Human Dentition: New Foundation for Standardized Data Exchange
and Notation in Countries Employing Double-Byte Character Sets .................................................. 305
Hiroo Tamagawa, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Hideaki Amano, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Naoji Hayashi, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Yasuyuki Hirose, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Masatoshi Hitaka, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Noriaki Morimoto, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Hideaki Narusawa, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Ichiro Suzuki, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan

Chapter XVIII
Virtual Dental Patient: A 3D Oral Cavity Model and its Use in Haptics-Based Virtual Reality
Cavity Preparation in Endodontics ..................................................................................................... 317
Nikos Nikolaidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioannis Marras, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Georgios Mikrogeorgis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Kleoniki Lyroudia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioannis Pitas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Compilation of References................................................................................................................ 337

About the Contributors..................................................................................................................... 370

Index.................................................................................................................................................... 378
Detailed Table of Contents

Foreword . ........................................................................................................................................... xvi

Preface . .............................................................................................................................................xviii

Acknowledgment . .............................................................................................................................. xxi

Section I
Software Support in Clinical Dentistry

Chapter I
Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics ............................................ 1
Demetrios J. Halazonetis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Cephalometric analysis has been a routine diagnostic procedure in Orthodontics for more than 60 years,
traditionally employing the measurement of angles and distances on lateral cephalometric radiographs.
Recently, advances in geometric morphometric (GM) methods and computed tomography (CT) hardware,
together with increased power of personal computers, have created a synergic effect that is revolutionizing
the cephalometric field. This chapter starts with a brief introduction of GM methods, including Procrustes
superimposition, Principal Component Analysis, and semilandmarks. CT technology is discussed next,
with a more detailed explanation of how the CT data are manipulated in order to visualize the patients
anatomy. Direct and indirect volume rendering methods are explained and their application is shown
with clinical cases. Finally, the Viewbox software is described, a tool that enables practical application
of sophisticated diagnostic and research methods in Orthodontics.

Chapter II
A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis................................................................ 28
Jrg Hendricks, University of Leipzig, Germany
Gert Wollny, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain
Alexander Hemprich, University of Leipzig, Germany
Thomas Hierl, University of Leipzig, Germany
This chapter presents a toolchain including image segmentation, rigid registration and a voxel based
non-rigid registration as well as 3D visualization, that allows a time series analysis based on DICOM
CT images. Time series analysis stands for comparing image data sets from the same person or speci-
men taken at different times to show the changes. The registration methods used are explained and
the methods are validated using a landmark based validation method to estimate the accuracy of the
registration algorithms which is an substantial part of registration process. Without quantitative evalu-
ation, no registration method can be accepted for practical utilization. The authors used the toolchain
for time series analysis of CT data of patients treated via maxillary distraction. Two analysis examples
are given. In dentistry the scope of further application ranges from pre- and postoperative oral surgery
images (orthognathic surgery, trauma surgery) to endodontic and orthodontic treatment. Therefore the
authors hope that the presented toolchain leads to further development of similar software and their
usage in different fields.

Chapter III
Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress . ....................................................................................... 45
Antheunis Versluis, University of Minnesota, USA
Daranee Tantbirojn, University of Minnesota, USA

Residual stress due to polymerization shrinkage of restorative materials has been associated with a number
of clinical symptoms, ranging from post-operative sensitivity to secondary caries to fracture. Although
the concept of shrinkage stress is intuitive, its assessment is complex. Shrinkage stress is the outcome of
multiple factors. To study how they interact requires an integrating model. Finite element models have
been invaluable for shrinkage stress research because they provide an integration environment to study
shrinkage concepts. By retracing the advancements in shrinkage stress concepts, this chapter illustrates
the vital role that finite element modeling plays in evaluating the essence of shrinkage stress and its
controlling factors. The shrinkage concepts discussed in this chapter will improve clinical understanding
for management of shrinkage stress, and help design and assess polymerization shrinkage research.

Chapter IV
An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment................................................................ 65
Andreas Vogel, Institut fr Medizin- und Dentaltechnologie GmbH, Germany

Between 1980 and 1992 long-term studies about the performance of jaw muscles as well as temporo-
mandibular joints were made at the Leipzig University, in Saxony, Germany. Until today, other studies
of similar scale or approach can not be found in international literature. The subjectsminiature pigs
were exposed to stress under unilateral disturbance of occlusion. Based on these cases morphological,
histochemical and biochemical proceedings and some other functions were then analyzed. The results
clearly indicate that all of the jaw muscles show reactions, but the lateral Pterygoideus turned out to be
remarkably more disturbed. Maintaining reactions for a long time, it displayed irritation even until after
the study series was finished. The study proved that jaw muscles play an absolutely vital role in the
positioning of the mandible and that its proper positioning is essential for any restorative treatment in
dentistry. Combining these findings with his knowledge about support pin registration (Gysi, McGrane),
Dr. Andreas Vogel developed a computer-controlled method for registering the position of the mandible.
These results prompted Vogel to conduct the registration and fixation of the mandible position under
defined pressure (10 to 30 N), creating a final method of measurement which gives objective, reproduc-
ible and documentable results. The existent systemDIRSystemis on the market, consisting of:
Measuring sensor, WIN DIR software, digital multichannel measuring amplifier, plan table with step
motor, carrier system and laptop.

Section II
Software Support in Oral Surgery

Chapter V
Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery . ................................................................................................................................................. 79
Thomas Hierl, University of Leipzig, Germany
Heike Hmpfner-Hierl, University of Leipzig, Germany
Daniel Kruber, University of Leipzig, Germany
Thomas Gbler, University of Leipzig, Germany
Alexander Hemprich, University of Leipzig, Germany
Gert Wollny, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain

This chapter discusses the requirements of an image analysis tool designed for dentistry and oral and
maxillofacial surgery focussing on 3D-image data. As software for the analysis of all the different types
of medical 3D-data is not available, a model software based on VTK (visualization toolkit) is presented.
VTK is a free modular software which can be tailored to individual demands. First, the most important
types of image data are shown, then the operations needed to handle the data sets. Metric analysis is
covered in-depth as it forms the basis of orthodontic and surgery planning. Finally typical examples of
different fields of dentistry are given.

Chapter VI
Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography.............................................................. 90
N. A. Borghese, University of Milano, Italy
I. Frosio, University of Milano, Italy

This chapter shows how large improvement in image quality can be obtained when radiographs are
filtered using adequate statistical models. In particular, it shows that impulsive noise, which appears
as random patterns of light and dark pixels on raw radiographs, can be efficiently removed. A switch-
ing median filter is used to this aim: failed pixels are identified first and then corrected through local
median filtering. The critical stage is the correct identification of the failed pixels. We show here that
a great improvement can be obtained considering an adequate sensor model and a principled noise
model, constituted of a mixture of photon counting and impulsive noise with uniform distribution. It is
then shown that contrast in cephalometric images can be largely increased using different grey levels
stretching for bone and soft tissues. The two tissues are identified through an adequate mixture derived
from histogram analysis, composed of two Gaussians and one inverted log-normal. Results show that
both soft and bony tissues are clearly visible in the same image under wide range of conditions. Both
filters work in quasi-real time for images larger than five Mega-pixels.
Chapter VII
3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology ........................................................... 108
Ralf K.W. Schulze, Klinikum der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt, Mainz, Germany

Established techniques for three-dimensional radiographic reconstruction such as computed tomography

(CT) or, more recently cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) require an extensive set of measure-
ments/projections from all around an object under study. The x-ray dose for the patient is rather high.
Cutting down the number of projections drastically yields a mathematically challenging reconstruction
problem. Few-view 3D reconstruction techniques commonly known as tomosynthetic reconstructions
have gained increasing interest with recent advances in detector and information technology.

Section III
Software Support in Tissue Regeneration Proceeders in Dentistry

Chapter VIII
Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth......................................................................... 123
Shital Patel, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Yos Morsi, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Tooth loss due to several reasons affects most people adversely at some time in their lives. A biological
tooth substitute, which could not only replace lost teeth but also restore their function, could be achieved
by tissue engineering. Scaffolds required for this purpose, can be produced by the use of various tech-
niques. Cells, which are to be seeded onto these scaffolds, can range from differentiated ones to stem
cells both of dental and non-dental origin. This chapter deals with overcoming the drawbacks of the
currently available tooth replacement techniques by tissue engineering, the success achieved in it at this
stage and suggestion on the focus for future research.

Chapter IX
Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay............................................................ 134
Wei-Bang Chen, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), USA
Chengcui Zhang, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), USA

Bacterial colony enumeration is an essential tool for many widely used biomedical assays. This chapter
introduces a cost-effective and fully automatic bacterial colony counter which accepts digital images
as its input. The proposed counter can handle variously shaped dishes/plates, recognize chromatic and
achromatic images, and process both color and clear medium. In particular, the counter can detect dish/
plate regions, identify colonies, separate aggregated colonies, and finally report consistent and accurate
counting result. The authors hope that understanding the complicated and labor-intensive nature of colony
counting will assist researchers in a better understanding of the problems posed and the need to automate
this process from a software point of view, without relying too much on specific hardware.
Section IV
Software Support in Dental Implantology

A New System in Guided Surgery: The Flatguide System.............................................................. 147
Michele Jacotti, Private Practice, Italy
Domenico Ciambrone, NRGSYS ltd, Italy

In this chapter the author describes a new system for guided surgery in implantology. The aim of this
system is to have a user friendly computerized instrument for the oral surgeon during implant planning
and to have the dental lab included in the decisional process. This system gives him the possibility to
reproduce the exact position of the implants on a stone model; the dental technician can create surgical
guides and provisional prosthesis for a possible immediate loading of the implants. Another objective
of this system is to reduce the economic cost of surgical masks; in such a way it can be applied as a
routine by the surgeon.

Chapter XI
Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology.......................................................................... 159
Ferenc Pongracz, Albadent, Inc, Hungary

Intraoperative transfer of the implant and prosthesis planning in dentistry is facilitated by drilling tem-
plates or active, image-guided navigation. Minimum invasion concept of surgical interaction means high
clinical precision with immediate load of prosthesis. The need for high-quality, realistic visualization
of anatomical environment is obvious. Moreover, new elements of functional modelling appear to gain
ground. Accordingly, future trend in computerized dentistry predicts less use of CT (computer tomog-
raphy) or DVT (digital volume tomography) imaging and more use of 3D visualization of anatomy
(laser scanning of topography and various surface reconstruction techniques). Direct visualization of
anatomy during surgery revives wider use of active navigation. This article summarizes latest results on
developing software tools for improving imaging and graphical modelling techniques in computerized
dental implantology.

Chapter XII
Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research .......................................... 170
Antonios Zampelis, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Greece
George Tsamasphyros, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Greece

Finite element analysis (FEA) is a computer simulation technique used in engineering analysis. It uses
a numerical technique called the finite element method (FEM). There are many finite element software
packages, both free and proprietary. The main concern with the application of FEA in implant research
is to which extent a mathematical model can represent a biological system. Published studies show a
notable trend towards optimization of mathematical models. Improved software and a dramatic increase
in easily available computational power have assisted in this trend. This chapter will cover published
FEA literature on dental implant research in the material properties, simulation of bone properties and
anatomy, mechanical behavior of dental implant components, implant dimensions and shape, design and
properties of prosthetic reconstructions, implant placement configurations, discussion on the limitations
of FEA in the study of biollogical systems - recommendations for further research

Section V
Software Support in Clinical Dental Management and Education

Chapter XIII
Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research . ................................................................ 191
Amit Chattopadhyay, University of Kentucky, USA
Tiago Coelho de Souza, University of Kentucky, USA
Oscar Arevalo, University of Kentucky, USA

This chapter will present a systematic review about EDRs, describe the current status of availability of
EDR systems, implementation and usage and establish a research agenda for EDR to pave the way for
their rapid deployment. This chapter will also describe the need for defining required criteria to estab-
lish research and routine clinical EDR and how their differences may impact utilization of distributed
research opportunities as by establishing practice based research networks. This chapter will draw the
scenario of how a fully integrated EDR system would work and discuss the requirements for computer
resources, connectivity issues, data security, legal framework within which a fully integrated EDR may
be accessed for real time data retrieval in service of good patient care practices.

Chapter XIV
Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool ............................................ 219
Maxim Kolesnikov, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Arnold D. Steinberg, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Milo efran, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

This chapter describes the haptic dental simulator developed at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
It explores its use and advantages as an educational tool in dentistry and examines the structure of the
simulator, its hardware and software components, the simulators functionality, reality assessment, and
the users experiences with this technology. The authors hope that the dental haptic simulation program
should provide significant benefits over traditional dental training techniques. It should facilitate students
development of necessary tactile skills, provide unlimited practice time and require less student/instructor
interaction while helping students learn basic clinical skills more quickly and effectively.

Chapter XV
Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials............................................................................................... 232
Anka Letic-Gavrilovic, International Clinic for Neo-Organs ICNO, Italy

The digital library will be readily available as an online service for medical devices manufacturers,
medical and dentistry practitioners, material professionals, regulatory bodies, scientific community, and
other interested parties through single- and multi-user licensing. If it provides useful and requested by
the market, CD editions would be derived from the main digital library. Special opportunities will be
offered to universities and scientific community. They can enter into collaboration by contributing to the
Dental Digital Library knowledge base. In return, access would be granted for educational and research
purposes, thus stimulating knowledge and information exchange. In the future, similar benefits may be
mutually exchanged with regulatory bodies and Standards Development Organizations (SDOs).

Chapter XVI
Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications........................................................................................ 273
Petros Koidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Marianthi Manda, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

The present chapter deals with the introduction and implementation of rapid prototyping technologies in
medical and dental field. Its purpose is to overview the advantages and limitations derived, to discuss the
current status and to present the future directions, especially in dental sector. Furthermore, a flow-chart
is outlined describing the procedure from the patient to the final 3-D object, presenting the possibles
alternatives in the process. Finally, an example is presented, decribing the process of the construction
of high accurate surgical guided templates in dental implantology, through rapid prototyping.

Chapter XVII
Unicode Characters for Human Dentition: New Foundation for Standardized Data Exchange
and Notation in Countries Employing Double-Byte Character Sets .................................................. 305
Hiroo Tamagawa, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Hideaki Amano, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Naoji Hayashi, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Yasuyuki Hirose, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Masatoshi Hitaka, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Noriaki Morimoto, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Hideaki Narusawa, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan
Ichiro Suzuki, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Japan

In this chapter, we report the minimal set of characters from the Unicode Standard that is sufficient
for the notation of human dentition in Zsigmondy-Palmer style. For domestic reasons, the Japanese
Ministry of International Trade and Industry expanded and revised the Japan Industrial Standard (JIS)
character code set in 2004 (JIS X 0213). More than 11,000 characters that seemed to be necessary for
denoting and exchanging information about personal names and toponyms were added to this revision,
which also contained the characters needed for denoting human dentition (dental notation). The Unicode
Standard has been adopted for these characters as part of the double-byte character standard, which en-
abled, mainly in eastern Asian countries, the retrieval of human dentition directly on paper or displays
of computers running Unicode-compliant OS. These countries have been using the Zsigmondy-Palmer
style of denoting dental records on paper forms for a long time. We describe the background and the
application of the characters for human dentition to the exchange, storage and reuse of the history of
dental diseases via e-mail and other means of electronic communication.
Chapter XVIII
Virtual Dental Patient: A 3D Oral Cavity Model and its Use in Haptics-Based Virtual Reality
Cavity Preparation in Endodontics ..................................................................................................... 317
Nikos Nikolaidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioannis Marras, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Georgios Mikrogeorgis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Kleoniki Lyroudia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioannis Pitas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

The availability of datasets comprising of digitized images of human body cross sections (as well as
images acquired with other modalities such as CT and MRI) along with the recent advances in fields
like graphics, 3D visualization, virtual reality, 2D and 3D image processing and analysis (segmentation,
registration, filtering, etc.) have given rise to a broad range of educational, diagnostic and treatment plan-
ning applications, such as virtual anatomy and digital atlases, virtual endoscopy, intervention planning
etc. This chapter describes efforts towards the creation of the Virtual Dental Patient (VDP) i.e. a 3D face
and oral cavity model constructed using human anatomical data that is accompanied by detailed teeth
models obtained from digitized cross sections of extracted teeth. VDP can be animated and adapted to
the characteristics of a specific patient. Numerous dentistry-related applications can be envisioned for
the created VDP model. Here the authors focus on its use in a virtual tooth drilling system whose aim
is to aid dentists, dental students and researchers in getting acquainted with the handling of drilling
instruments and the skills and challenges associated with cavity preparation procedures in endodontic
therapy. Virtual drilling can be performed within the VDP oral cavity, on 3D volumetric and surface
models (meshes) of virtual teeth. The drilling procedure is controlled by the Phantom Desktop (Sens-
able Technologies Inc., Woburn, MA) force feedback haptic device. The application is a very promising
educational and research tool that allows the user to practice in a realistic manner virtual tooth drilling
for endodontic treatment cavity preparation and other related tasks.

Compilation of References................................................................................................................ 337

About the Contributors..................................................................................................................... 370

Index.................................................................................................................................................... 378


Dental Science, like much of the evolution of human civilization, progresses in steps that are often the
result of the complex relationship between science, empirical knowledge, and advances in technology.
Over the years some of these have been peculiar to dentistry, but most of the time they have been part
of wider movements, associated with the driving impact of discoveries and technological development.
In the history of science there have been leaps forward linked to improvements in observation, such as
the telescope and the microscope, or in measurement with the invention of accurate time pieces. Perhaps
no development (since Aristotle laid the foundations of modern science nearly two and a half millennia
ago) has had such a far reaching and in-depth impact on scientific thinking, research and practice as the
advent of the computer. Computing has modified our perception, the sense and use and interpretation
of time and enabled scientists to perform existing procedures far faster and more accurately than ever;
it has allowed them to make a reality of things they had only dreamed of before; and perhaps of greater
consequence and more excitingly, it has often stimulated them to perceive and focus on their subject
with new eyes; to see it on a different scale from a completely different perspective.
The almost meteoric speed of improvements in hardware following Moores Law and the parallel
developments in software have meant that previously unimaginable amounts of computing power are
now available to scientists and practitioners in a form that can be carried around in a briefcase. The
burgeoning development of cloud computing currently underway means that the individual at their
practice, in the laboratory, in office or at home, will soon have the power of a mainframe computer at
their fingertips. Thus, quantitative and qualitative information can be gathered via constantly developing
resources, tools and support to create a much more realistic and detailed picture of health and disease.
Dentistry is a particularly complex and sophisticated applied science; every problem to be solved is
as unique as the individual, no two faces, two mouths or even two teeth are identical. To navigate from
observation to diagnosis and then to the most appropriate therapeutic solution in a situation with multiple
variables and degrees of freedom, the dentist has to draw on scientific knowledge from a wide range
of specialist disciplines. This knowledge has to be combined with experience and judgement and the
resulting diagnosis and treatment planning implemented in the form of therapy by means of the clinical
wisdom and manual dexterity accrued through years of training and practice. Furthermore, in many cases
the success of the final result will also depend on the dentists sense of colour and aesthetics.
This book amply illustrates how the use of computing related technology in dentistry has expanded
beyond statistical number crunching and information retrieval to make an imaginative and creative
contribution to almost every aspect of dental science. In some of these areas, digital technology may go
much further than enhancing current approaches and technologies and fundamentally change many of
the factors that make up the way the subject is conceived. Scientific knowledge from other areas such as
engineering and mathematics and biology can now be more easily applied to dental and oral and maxil-
lofacial problems. Computers will not only transform the way dentists will work in the near future, they

also have the potential to reformulate the ways that we think about many aspects of our continuously
broadening and deepening medical discipline.
It is a privilege and a pleasure to write a foreword to a book that makes a significant contribution to
the shape of things to come in dentistry. Contributions in this book illustrate the progress that has been
made in applying computing to such diverse areas and topics as chephalometric, 3D-time, finite element
and image analyses, 3-D reconstruction and guided surgery, modelling and shrinkage and stress of ma-
terials, intraoral registration, tissue engineering of teeth, clonogenic assays, health records, a library for
dental biomaterials, rapid prototyping , unicode characters for human dentition and even virtual dental
practices and environments. All of these document the creativity and persistence of dedicated scientists
pursuing the goal of unravelling the dynamics of living structures and functions and supporting problem
solving processes and management in oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral radiology, restorative and
prosthetic dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics, dental implantology and practically every field of dental
practice, research and education.
The dentist of the future will have new and powerful tools to help in the processes of diagnosis,
analysis, calculation, prediction and treatment. Computing and its related technologies will help dentists
to work faster, with greater knowledge and awareness of the situation they are dealing with to implement
solutions that are more effective and have a more certain prognosis. With such a complex and multifaceted
science however, the role of the individual practitioner in selecting, orchestrating and implementing this
array of exciting new possibilities will be enhanced, but remain unchallenged.

Petros Koidis
December 2008

Petros Koidis was born in Kozani, Greece 1957. He is professor and chairman of the Department of Fixed Prosthesis and
Implant Prosthodontics at the School of Dentistry in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in Greece and, since 2007 he is
visiting professor in the School of Dentistry at the University of Belgrade, in Serbia. He is a graduate of Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki, where he conducted his PhD in temporomandibular disorders. He obtained the degree of Master of Science at
The Ohio State University (Columbus, USA), where he was also trained in Advanced Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics. His
research interests include the links of prosthetic rehabilitation, biomaterials, temporomandibular disorders and computer-aided
design and engineering. He is internationally renowned for his scientific work, having published over than 100 articles and hav-
ing presented them in over than 170 meetings and conferences, for which he is the recipient of several awards and honors.


Computer and Information Technology have transformed society and will continue to do so in the future.
An increasing number of dentists use a variety of computer technologies, including digital intraoral
cameras and paperless patient records.
The topic of dental computing is related to the application of computer and information science in
dentistry. Dental computing produces an increasing number of applications and tools for clinical prac-
tice. Dental computing support research and education, and improvements in these areas translate into
improved patient care. Dentists must keep up with these developments to make informed choices. Dental
computing present possible solutions to many longstanding problems in dental practice, research, and
program administration, but it also faces significant obstacles and challenges. The dental computing
experts in this book conducted literature reviews and presented issues surrounding dental computing
and its applications.
The aim of the book is to gain insight into technological advances for dental practice, research, and
education. We aimed this book at the general dental clinician, the researcher, and the computer scien-

Organization of the book

The book is roughly divided into five sections:

Section I: Software Support in Clinical Dentistry, introduces the basic concepts in the use of computa-
tional tools in clinical dentistry. Chapter I starts with a brief introduction of geometric morphometric (GM)
methods, including procrustes superimposition, principal component analysis. This chapter discusses the
principles and guidelines of CT technology used in dentistry. Finally, the Viewbox software is described,
a tool that enables practical application of sophisticated diagnostic and research methods in Orthodontics.
Chapter II presents a toolchain including image segementation, registration and 3D visualization that
allows a time series analysis based on DICOM CT images. Chapter III describes the shrinkage concepts
that will improve clinical understanding for management of shrinkage stress, and help design and assess
polymerization shrinkage research. Chapter IV describes a computer-controlled systems for registration
the position of the mandible.
Section II: Software Support in Oral Surgery, serves as a comprehensive introduction to computa-
tional methods supporting oral surgery. Chapter V discusses the requirement of an image analysis tool
designed for dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery focussing on 3D-image data. Chapter VI shows
how large improvements in image quality can be obtained when radiographs are filtered using adequate

statistical models. Chapter VII provides information related to 3D reconstructions from few projections
in Oral Radiology.
Section III: Software Support in Tissue Regeneration Proceeders in Dentistry, provides examples
of application supporting research in regeneration dentistry. Chapter VIII deals with overcoming the
drawbacks of the currently available tooth replacement techniques by tissue engineering, the success
achieved in it at this stage and suggestions on the focus for future research. Chapter IX introduces a
cost-effective and fully automatic bacterial colony counter which accepts digital images as its input.
Section IV: Software Support in Dental Implantology, describes informatic tools and techniques
which can serve as a valuable aide to implantology procedures. In Chapter X the author describes a new
system for guided surgery in implantology. Chapter XI summarizes latest results on developing software
tools for improving imaging and graphical modelling techniques in computerized dental implatology.
Chapter XII covers published Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) literature on dental implant research in
the material properties, simulation of bone properties and anatomy, mechanical behaviour of dental im-
plant components, implant dimensions and shape, design and properties of prosthetic reconstructions,
implant placement configurations, discussion on the limitations of FEA in the study of biological systems
recommendations for further research.
Section V: Software Support in Clinical Dental Management and Education, includes five chapters.
Chapter XIII presents a systematic review about EDRs (Electronic Dental Records), describes the cur-
rent status of availability of EDR systems, implementation and usage and establish a research agenda
for EDR to pave the way for their rapid deployment. Chapter XIV describes the haptic dental simulator
developed at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Chapter XV describes a digital Library for dental
biomaterials. Chapter XVI provides insight into the implementation of rapid prototyping technologies
in medical and dental field. Chapter XVII describes the background and the application of the charac-
ters for human dentition to the exchange, storage and reuse of the history of dental diseases via e-mail
and other means of electronic communication. In Chapter XVIII, the authors focus on a virtual tooth
drilling system whose aim is to aid dentists, dental students and researchers in getting acquainted with
the handling of drilling instruments and the skills and challenges associated with cavity preparation
procedures in endodontic therapy.
The book Dental Computing and Applications: Advanced Techniques for Clinical Dentistry contains
text information, but also a glossary of terms and definitions, contributions from more than 36 interna-
tional experts, in-depth analysis of issues, concepts, new trends, and advanced technologies in dentistry.
While providing the information that is critical to an understanding of the basic of dental informatics,
this edition focuses more directly and extensively than ever on applications of dental computing.
The diverse and comprehensive coverage of multiple disciplines in the field of dental computing in
this book will contribute to a better understanding all topics, research, and discoveries in this evolving,
significant field of study. This book provides information for both informatic researchers and also medi-
cal doctors in obtaining a greater understanding of the concepts, issues, problems, trends, challenges
and opportunities related to this field of study.
In shaping this book, I committed myself to making the textbook as useful as possible to students
and advanced researchers coping with the demands of modern medical research. I hope will make this
book a helpful tool-not only for the student who needs an expert source of basic knowledge in dental
informatics, but also for the advanced researcher who needs clear, concise, and balanced information
on which to conduct his research
Thanks to a very hard-working editorial advisory board of scientists, excellent authors who fulfilled
our invitations, and a very efficient publisher providing clear procedures and practices for a quality

production, readers may now enjoy chapters on some of the major ideas that have concerned computing
and its applications in dentistry.

Andriani Daskalaki
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany


American Dental Association Survey Center. (1997). Survey of current issues in dentistry: Dentists
computer use. Chicago: American Dental Association: 1998.
Eisner, J. (1999). The future of dental informatics. Eur J Dent Educ, 3(suppl 1), 619.
Schleyer, T., & Spallek, H. (n.d.). Dental informatics. A cornerstone of dental practice. J Am Dent As-
soc, 132(5), 605-613.


I have received generous encouragement and assistance from my former teachers in the Dental School,
University of Athens.
I gratefully acknowledge the efforts of the anonymus reviewers, who made a great number of pertinent
and constructive comments that helped me to improve the book significantly.
I sincerely acknowledge the help of all persons involved in the collation and review process of this
book, without whose support the project would not have been satisfactorily completed.
I wish to express my appreciation to my colleagues, Prof. Petros Koidis, from The Universitry of
Thessaloniki, Dr. Athina Lazakidou from the University of Peloponnese, and Dr. Cathrin Dressler from
Laser- und Medizin-Technologie GmbH, Berlin, who, as experts in their fields, have helped me with
constructive criticism and helpful suggestions.
Special thanks also go to the publishing team at IGI Global, and especially Kristin M. Klinger whose
contributions throughout the whole process from inception of the initial idea to final publication have
been invaluable. In particular to Julia Mosemann, Joel Gamon, who continuously prodded via e-mail for
keeping the project on schedule and to Jan Travers, whose enthusiasm motivated me to initially accept
his invitation for taking on this project.
Last but not least, I am grateful to my father, Dimitrios Daskalakis, for his unfailing support and
In closing, I wish to thank all of the authors for their insights and excellent contributions to this

Andriani Daskalaki
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany
January 2009
Section I
Software Support in Clinical

Chapter I
Software Support for Advanced
Cephalometric Analysis in
Demetrios J. Halazonetis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece


Cephalometric analysis has been a routine diagnostic procedure in Orthodontics for more than 60
years, traditionally employing the measurement of angles and distances on lateral cephalometric radio-
graphs. Recently, advances in geometric morphometric (GM) methods and computed tomography (CT)
hardware, together with increased power of personal computers, have created a synergic effect that is
revolutionizing the cephalometric field. This chapter starts with a brief introduction of GM methods,
including Procrustes superimposition, Principal Component Analysis, and semilandmarks. CT technol-
ogy is discussed next, with a more detailed explanation of how the CT data are manipulated in order to
visualize the patients anatomy. Direct and indirect volume rendering methods are explained and their
application is shown with clinical cases. Finally, the Viewbox software is described, a tool that enables
practical application of sophisticated diagnostic and research methods in Orthodontics.

INTRODUCTION change, as advances in two scientific fields and

dissemination of knowledge and techniques to
Diagnostic procedures in Orthodontics have the Orthodontic community are already making
remained relatively unaltered since the advent a discernible impact. One field is the theoretical
of cephalometrics in the early 30s and 40s. domain of geometric morphometrics (GM), which
Recently, however, the picture is beginning to provides new mathematical tools for the study of

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

shape, and the other is the technological field of some 20 landmarks. It is obvious that the position
computed tomography (CT), which provides data of the landmarks cannot be recreated from the 15
for three-dimensional visualization of craniofacial measurements, even if these have been carefully
structures. selected. The information inherent in these shape
This chapter is divided into three main parts. variables is limited and biased; multiple landmark
The first part gives an overview of basic math- configurations exist that give the same set of
ematical tools of GM, such as Procrustes super- measurements. A solution to this problem (not
imposition, Principal Component Analysis, and without its own difficulties) is to use the Cartesian
sliding semilandmarks, as they apply to cepha- (x, y) coordinates of the landmarks as the shape
lometric analysis. The second part discusses the variables. Notice that these coordinates are also
principles of CT, giving particular emphasis to distance data (the distance of each landmark to
the recent development of cone-beam computed a set of reference axes), so they include location
tomography (CBCT). The final part reports on and orientation information, in addition to shape.
the Viewbox software that enables visualization However, the removal of this nuisance informa-
and measurement of 2D and 3D data, particularly tion is now more easily accomplished, using what
those related to cephalometrics and orthodontic is known as Procrustes superimposition.
Procrustes Superimposition

GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS Procrustes superimposition is one of the most

widely used methods in GM (Dryden & Mardia,
Geometric morphometrics uses mathematical 1998; OHiggins, 1999; Slice, 2005). It aims to
and statistical tools to quantify and study shape superimpose two or more sets of landmarks so
(Bookstein, 1991; Dryden & Mardia, 1998; Slice, that the difference between them achieves a
2005). In the domain of GM, shape is defined as minimum. There are various metrics to measure
the geometric properties of an object that are in- the difference between two sets of landmarks,
variant to location, orientation and scale (Dryden but the most widely used is the sum of squared
& Mardia, 1998). Thus, the concept of shape is distances between corresponding points, also
restricted to the geometric properties of an ob- known as the Procrustes distance. Therefore,
ject, without regard to other characteristics such Procrustes superimposition scales the objects
as, for example, material or colour. Relating this to a common size (various metrics can be used
definition to cephalometrics, one could consider here as well, but centroid size (Dryden & Mardia,
the conventional cephalometric measurements of 1998) is the most common) and orientates them to
angles, distances and ratios as shape variables. minimize the Procrustes distance. The remaining
Angles and ratios have the advantage that they are difference between the landmark sets represents
location- and scale-invariant, whereas distances, shape discrepancy, as the nuisance parameters of
although not scale-invariant, can be adjusted to a orientation and scaling have been factored out.
common size. Unfortunately, such variables pose In Orthodontics, superimposition methods
significant limitations, a major one being that they are widely used for assessment of growth and
need to be of sufficient number and carefully cho- treatment effects. When comparing a patient
sen in order to describe the shape of the object in between two time points, the most biologically
a comprehensive, unambiguous manner. Consider, valid superimposition is based on internal osseous
for example, a typical cephalometric analysis, structures that are considered stable, or on metallic
which may consist of 15 angles, defined between implants (Bjrk & Skieller, 1983). However, this

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

is not possible when comparing one patient to variability of points S and N within the shape
another. Although such a comparison may, at first than to variability of the other points.
sight, be considered a rare event, or even pointless, The Procrustes distance of a patient to the
it is essentially the basis of every cephalometric average of the population is an overall measure
analysis performed for diagnostic evaluation at of the distinctiveness of the patients shape. It
the start of treatment. Measuring angles and dis- can be used to judge the extent of craniofacial
tances and comparing these to average values of abnormality and it can give a measure of treat-
the population is equivalent to superimposing our ment success; if the Procrustes distance after
patient to the average tracing of the population treatment is smaller than before, then the patient
and noting the areas of discrepancy. The problem has approached the population average (assum-
of finding the most appropriate superimposition ing this is our target). Similarly, it can be used
is not easy and GM can offer a new perspective in treatment planning to evaluate various treat-
(Halazonetis, 2004). Figure 1 shows cephalometric ment alternatives by creating shape predictions
tracings of 4 patients superimposed by the tradi- and comparing their Procrustes distances. The
tional cranial base Sella-Nasion superimposition prediction with the smallest Procrustes distance
and the Procrustes superimposition. The cranial relative to the average of the population may be
base method makes it very difficult to arrive at a selected as the best treatment choice. This method
valid interpretation of shape differences between of treatment planning is not diagnosis-driven but
these patients, because the location of points S and prediction-driven and could be a solution in those
N within the structure is the only factor driving cases where diagnostic results are conflicting or
the superimposition. Apparent differences in the difficult to interpret.
position of other points may be due more to the

Figure 1. Cephalometric tracings of 4 patients. Left: superimposed on Sella-Nasion line. Right: super-
imposed by Procrustes superimposition.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Shape Variables and Principal follow this rule, sometimes landmarks are placed
Component Analysis along curves (or surfaces) that do not have any dis-
cerning characteristics to ensure homology. The
Assume that we use Procrustes superimposition to landmarks merely serve the purpose of defining
superimpose a cephalometric tracing of a patient the curve and their exact placement along the curve
on the average of the population. Each cephalo- is not important. In such cases, the landmarks are
metric point will not coincide exactly with the considered to represent less information and are
corresponding point of the average tracing but will called semilandmarks (Bookstein, 1997). Since
be a distance away in the x and y direction. These the exact placement of semilandmarks is arbitrary
small discrepancies constitute the shape variables to some extent, differences in shape between
and are used for calculation of the Procrustes dis- patients may appear larger than actual. In such
tance, as explained above. For each point of the cases, the semilandmarks can be adjusted by
shape we will have two such variables (dx and dy), sliding them on the curve or the surface they lie
giving a rather large total number of variables to on, until differences are minimized (Bookstein,
deal with in statistical tests, but, most importantly, 1997; Gunz et al., 2005).
to get a feeling of the underlying patterns in our
data. However, since all the points belong to the
same biological entity, it is expected that there COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY
will be correlations between the positions of the
points, due to structural and functional factors. Computed tomography was invented in the early
Using the statistical tool of Principal Component 1970s by Godfrey Hounsfield, who later shared
Analysis (PCA) we can use these correlations to the Nobel Prize in Medicine with Allan Cormack,
transform our original shape variables into new developer of the mathematical algorithms for
variables that reveal the underlying correlations reconstruction of the data. The development of
and their biological patterns (OHiggins, 1999; computed tomography (CT), which revolutionized
Halazonetis, 2004; Slice, 2005). The variables medical diagnosis in the 70s and 80s, had a barely
produced by PCA (Principal Components, PC) noticeable effect in Dentistry, mainly because of
can be used for describing the shape of our patient the cost of the procedure and the high amount of
in a compact and quantitative manner. A few radiation. However, the recent development of
principal components are usually sufficient to cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and
describe most of the shape variability of a sample, the manufacturing of dental CBCT machines
thus constituting a compact and comprehensive is beginning to make a large impact in all areas
system of shape description that could be used of dental practice, including implant place-
for classification and diagnosis. ment and orthodontic diagnosis (Sukovic, 2003;
Halazonetis, 2005). Orthodontic practices and
Semilandmarks university clinics in the US and other countries
are phasing out the conventional radiographic
The discussion on shape assessment has thus far records, consisting of a lateral cephalogram and
made the implicit assumption that the landmarks a panoramic radiograph, and substituting CBCT
used for defining the shape of the patients are images. Although radiation to the patient is higher,
homologous, i.e. each landmark corresponds to many believe that the higher diagnostic informa-
a specific biological structure, common between tion more than compensates.
patients. Although we define most landmarks to

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Data Diagnostic Information

Three-dimensional information is undoubtedly
The data from a CT examination can be though better than the 2-D images of the conventional
of as many 2-dimensional digital images stacked cephalogram and panoramic radiographs. There
one on top of the other, to produce a 3-dimensional is no superposition of anatomical structures and
image, or volume. Each image has pixels that the relationship of each entity to the others is
extend in 3-dimensions and are called voxels. apparent in all three planes of space. The supe-
The whole volume is typically 512x512 in the riority of 3D images has been demonstrated in
x- and y-directions and can extend to 300 or more cases of impacted teeth, surgical placement of
slices in the z-direction, giving a total count of implants and surgical or orthodontic planning of
more than 80 million voxels. patients with craniofacial problems, including
Because each voxel represents x-ray attenua- clefts, syndromes and asymmetries (Schmuth
tion, the voxels do not have colour information; et al., 1992; Elefteriadis & Athanasiou, 1996;
data are represented by an 8-bit or 12-bit number, Walker et al., 2005; Cevidanes et al., 2007; Cha
so a voxel value ranges from 0 to 255 or from 0 et al., 2007; Van Assche et al., 2007; Hwang et
to 4095. The higher the value, the more dense the al., 2006; Maeda et al., 2006). However, the fact
tissue represented by the voxel. Voxel values are that 3D images are superior does not imply that
sometimes converted to Hounsfield units (HU). they should substitute 2D images in every case
In this scale, air is assigned a value of -1000 (Farman & Scarfe, 2006). The clinician should
HU and water a value of 0 HU. Values of other evaluate whether the enhanced information is
materials are assigned by linear transformation relevant and important on a case-by-case basis,
of their attenuation coefficients. Bone has a HU just as the need for a cephalometric or panoramic
value of 400 and above. radiograph is evaluated.
One factor that may be limiting in some cases
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in is the restricted field of view of CBCT machines.
Orthodontics The first models could image a severely limited
field, just enough to show the mandible and part of
Advantages and Limitations the maxilla, up to the inferior orbital rims. Newer
There are two main questions to consider when models allow large fields, but it is still not possible
assessing CBCT imagining in Orthodontics. One to image the entire head (Figure 2 and Figure 8).
is whether CBCT is preferable to the conventional Additionally, the time taken to complete the scan
records of a lateral cephalogram and a panoramic may be more than 30 seconds, a factor that could
radiograph, and second, whether CBCT is advan- introduce blurring and motion artifacts.
tageous relative to a medical CT examination. Another limiting factor is the resolution of
Various factors come into mind for both of these the images. A periapical radiograph can give a
questions, including quantity and quality of very clear view of the fine bony trabeculae in
diagnostic information, radiation hazard, cost, the alveolar process. Panoramic radiographs and
acquisition time, ease of access to the machine cephalograms can also show such details, but
and ease of assessment of data. Although some of CBCT data have a voxel size of approximately 0.4
these factors may be determinative in some cir- mm in each direction resulting in a comparatively
cumstances (e.g. no CT machine available in area blurred picture, not to mention a multitude of
of practice), the most important ones are related artifacts that reduce image quality severely.
to diagnostic information, radiation concerns and
data evaluation.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Figure 2. Restricted field of view in CBCT image, even though machine was set to widest possible. In
this instance, the extent towards the back of the head barely includes the mandibular condyles. Data
rendered in Viewbox.

Radiation Exposure level of natural exposure. In those countries,

Numerous investigations have been conducted computed tomography accounts for only a few
to measure radiation exposure to CT examina- per cent of the procedures but for almost half
tions. One of the most widely used measures is of the exposure involved in medical diagnosis.
the equivalent dose (or effective dose), which (UNSCEAR, 2000) Table 1 reports the equivalent
measures the biological effect of radiation. The dose from various medical examinations, includ-
equivalent dose is calculated by multiplying the ing conventional CT, CBCT and cephalometric
absorbed dose by two factors, one representing and panoramic radiography.
the type of ionizing radiation and the other mainly
representing the susceptibility of the biological Data Evaluation
tissue to the radiation. The unit of measurement
is the sievert (Sv). Natural background radiation An aspect that is seldom discussed in relation to
incurs about 2400 Sv per year. According to the advent of CBCT in orthodontic diagnosis is
the United Nations Scientific Committee on the data evaluation. The assessment of the data ob-
Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) 2000 tained by a CBCT examination represents some
Report to the General Assembly, the average difficulties compared to conventional examina-
levels of radiation exposure due to the medical tions. These difficulties arise because the dentist
uses of radiation in developed countries is equiva- or orthodontist may not be trained for this task
lent to approximately 50% of the global average and because extra facilities are needed (computers

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Table 1. Effective dose from various sources and time equivalent to natural background radiation. Data
compiled from Shrimpton et al. (2003), Ngan et al. (2003), Ludlow et al. (2003, 2006), Tsiklakis et al.
(2005) and Mah et al. (2003).
Source Effective dose Time equivalent
Natural background radiation 2400 Sv 12 months
Medical CT (head examination) 1500 Sv 7.5 months
CBCT 50-500 Sv 1-10 weeks
Panoramic radiograph 10-20 Sv 1.5-3 days
Cephalometric radiograph 3-5 Sv 12-20 hours

and software). Furthermore, normative data may overhaul of current practices and should probably
not be available, making it difficult to differentiate incorporate geometric morphometric methods for
the normal from the pathological, or, to assess assessment of shape. Currently no such analysis
the degree of discrepancy from the average of exists, although efforts have been made, mostly
the population. in the lines described previously (Swennen et al.,
2006). Thus, whereas CBCT imaging is increas-
3D Cephalometrics ingly used, most of the available information
The rather fast introduction of CBCT imaging remains unexploited; evaluated either in a qualita-
in Orthodontics seems to have taken the field tive manner, or by regressing to 2D.
unprepared. The more than 70 years of 2D con- A major difficulty hindering progress, besides
ventional cephalometrics seems so ingrained the conceptual problems of the third dimension,
that recent papers in the literature concentrate on is the lack of normative data. The standards of
evaluating methods that create simulations of 2D the historical growth studies are of little use and
cephalograms from the 3D CBCT data (Moshiri ethical considerations do not allow such studies
et al., 2007; Kumar et al., 2008), thus trying to to be carried out with the ease there were done
retain compatibility with old diagnostic methods in the early years of cephalometrics. However,
instead of seeking to develop something new. Very the large number of CT examinations done all
little thought seems to have been invested into over the world for other medical and diagnostic
recognizing and assessing the capabilities of this reasons constitute a pool of data that could provide
new medium as well as the significant differences invaluable information if they could be gathered
between it and 2D cephalometrics. Consider, for and systematically analysed.
example, the ANB measurement, which aims to
assess anteroposterior discrepancy between the Image Interpretation and Artifacts in CBCT
maxilla and mandible. A direct transfer of this A significant difficulty in the clinical application
measurement to 3D seems without problems until of CBCT images is the lack of training in their
one realizes that an asymmetry of the mandible interpretation. Dental Schools and Orthodontic
will move point B laterally, thus increasing the Departments are starting to add courses in com-
ANB angle, without there being any change in puted tomography but it will be many years until
anteroposterior mandibular position in relation the knowledge and skills permeate to faculty
to the maxilla. Similar problems crop up with members and practicing clinicians. Some of the
other measurements. A 3D cephalometric analysis most common methods of viewing CT data are
should be developed starting from a complete described in the next section of this chapter. Below

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

we mention a few of the most important artifacts thus allowing no signal to reach the detectors.
that occur in all forms of CT imaging but are most Various algorithms exist to reduce such artifacts
apparent in CBCT (Barrett & Keat, 2004). The but it is very difficult to abolish them.
difference in artifact level between medical CTs
and dental CBCTs is large and image quality is Ringing Artifacts
considerably lower in CBCTs. These appear as concentric circles centred at
the centre of the image (Figure 4). They are due
Noise to differences in detector sensitivity and can be
Noise can be produced by many factors including reduced by calibration of the machine.
stray and scatter radiation and electromagnetic
interference. The lower the radiation level, the Beam Hardening - Cupping Artifacts
higher the noise will be. Thus, CBCT images X-ray beams are composed of photons of a wide
usually have more noise than medical CTs. Noise range of energies. As an x-ray beam travels through
can be reduced by the application of various the patient, its intensity is reduced due to absorp-
smoothing filters, but at the expense of loss of tion, but this reduction is not uniform over the
image detail. energy range, because lower energy photons are
absorbed more rapidly than high energy photons.
Streaking Artifacts The result is a change in energy distribution of the
Streaking artifacts are caused by very dense beam (also known as beam hardening). Therefore,
materials, usually dental amalgams, restorations a beam that passes through a thick portion of the
or metal crowns and bridges (Figure 3). They are patients body will have proportionately more
due to a complete absorption of x-ray radiation, of its low energy photons absorbed and will ap-

Figure 3. Streaking artifacts due to highly radiopaque metal prosthesis. Notice that streaks radiate from
the metal source and extend to the edges of the image (arrows).

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Figure 4. Ringing artifacts. Image from a micro-CT machine showing rat tooth embedded in fixing mate-
rial. Note concentric rings due to detector mis-calibration.

Figure 5. An axial slice of a CBCT image. The profile of voxel values along the line shows the charac-
teristic cupping artifact due to beam hardening. The profile is not smooth due to noise.

pear to the detectors to be more energetic than a characteristic cupping profile of voxel values
expected. A more energetic beam is interpreted along the line of the beam (Figure 5). Cupping
by the machine as a beam having passed through artifacts widen the range of voxel values that cor-
less dense material. Thus, the internal portion of respond to the same tissue type and make volume
the patients body will appear darker, producing segmentation and rendering more difficult.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Partial Volume Averaging The Partial Volume Averaging effect should

Voxels are not of infinitesimal size but extend in not be confused with the Partial Volume Effect
spatial dimensions, usually having a size of 0.3 (PVE). This artifact occurs when the field of view
to 0.6 mm in each direction. If a voxel happens is smaller than the object being imaged, so it is
to be located at the interface between two (or seen predominantly in CBCTs. The parts of the
more) different tissues, then its value will be the object outside the field of view absorb radiation
average of those tissue densities. Depending on and through shadows on the detectors, but this
the relative proportion of each tissue, the voxel happens only for part of the image acquisition
could have any value between the values of the (otherwise the whole object would be visible).
two tissues. The partial volume averaging effect This extraneous information cannot be removed
(PVAE) is thus a problem of resolution; the larger by the reconstruction algorithm and shows as
the voxel size the more the effect. The voxel size artifacts, usually manifesting as streaks or in-
commonly used in CT imaging is large enough to consistent voxel densities. PVE artifacts are also
create artifacts in numerous areas of the cranio- known as projection data discontinuityrelated
facial complex. The paper-thin bone septa of the artifacts (Katsumata, 2007) and are particularly
ethmoid bone may completely disappear, leaving troublesome in limited field of view CBCT im-
an image of soft tissue surrounding empty spaces ages (Figure 6).
with no osseous support. Similarly, the cortical
bone covering the roots of teeth may be too thin Artifact Effect on Voxel Value Distributions
and be confused with soft-tissue, thus giving the As explained above, each voxel represents the
impression of dehiscence. Pseudo-foramina are density of the tissue at the voxels position. The
sometimes seen on calvarial bones, especially in voxel value is used for a multitude of purposes,
infants, whose bones are very thin. from rendering (explained below) to segmenta-
PVAE is especially significant when taking tion and measurements. Volume segmentation is
measurements, because measurements entail the the process of subdividing the volume into tissue
placement of landmarks on the interface between types so that anatomical structures can be identi-
anatomical structures, the area that PVAE affects fied and measurements taken. Depending on its

Figure 6. Axial slice of anterior part of the maxilla showing impacted canine. PVE artifacts are evi-

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

value, a voxel can be classified as belonging to a in CBCT imaging compared to medical CT and
particular tissue type such as bone, muscle, skin, affects volume rendering as well (see below).
etc. However, tissues are not completely homoge-
neous, noise may be present and artifacts (e.g.
PVE and cupping) may shift voxel densities from VOLUME RENDERING
their true value. Thus, each tissue type does not
contain voxels that have exactly the same value. Volume rendering is the process of visualizing the
Instead, voxels of a particular tissue span a range volume data as an image on the computer screen
of values. Volume segmentation requires that the (Halazonetis, 2005). The volume data constitutes
density ranges of the various tissue types do not a rectangular three-dimensional grid of voxels, the
overlap, so that cut-off points (thresholds) can be value of each voxel representing the radiographic
established that will divide the voxels without density of the tissue at the corresponding position.
misclassification. This requirement is frequently For this discussion, it helps to consider the whole
violated and the distribution of bone density val- volume as an object in 3-dimensional space, float-
ues and soft-tissue values overlap each other. As ing behind the computer screen, the screen being
Figure 7 shows, there is no threshold value that a window into this space. We know the density
can separate the two tissues without any misclas- of the object at specific coordinates and we wish
sifications. This problem is especially apparent to reconstruct an image of the object from this

Figure 7. A CBCT axial slice showing a section of the mandible. Due to artifacts, the soft-tissues on the
buccal side of the mandible have comparable densities to the bone on the lingual side. The green line is
the iso-line for a threshold value that is appropriate for segmenting the lingual part of the mandible but
not for the labial part. Conversely, the red line represents a higher threshold, appropriate for the denser
bone of the outer mandibular surface, but not for the lingual. Voxel size is 0.42 x 0.42 x 0.60 mm.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

information. There are two main methods to do to this problem is that the ray is sampled at regular
this, direct volume rendering, where the values intervals along it. At each sampling point on the
of the voxels are directly converted into colour ray, the required value is interpolated from the
values for the pixels of the computer screen, neighbouring voxel points. There are numerous
and indirect volume rendering, where the voxel ways of interpolating a voxel value. The fastest
values are first converted into data describing a is tri-linear interpolation, where only the 8 im-
geometrical object, which is then rendered on mediate neighbours are taken into account, but
the screen, usually with the help of dedicated other methods, using a larger neighbourhood, may
graphics hardware. produce better results. In any case, the calculated
value is only an approximation of the true value.
Direct Rendering: Transfer Function Another factor that may lead to artifacts in the
rendered image is the frequency of sampling
Direct volume rendering can be accomplished along the ray. Too large a sampling distance may
in a multitude of ways (Marmitt, 2006) but the result in skipping of details and loss of smooth
easiest to describe and understand is ray-casting. gradients (Figure 9).
Ray-casting uses the analogy of an object float- As was mentioned above, the colour and
ing behind the computer screen. Since the screen opacity at each sampling point along the ray is
is our window to the 3-dimensional world, the arbitrarily set, usually dependent on the calculated
colour of each pixel will depend on the objects voxel value or tissue density. In general, the map-
that lie behind it. A straightforward approach ping of the voxel values to colour and opacity is
assumes that from each screen pixel starts a ray called the transfer function. Most commonly this is
that shoots towards the object. As the ray pierces a one-dimensional transfer function, meaning that
the object and traverses through it, it takes up a colour and opacity are a function of one variable
colour that depends on the tissues it encounters only, voxel value. However, more complex trans-
along its way. The colours are arbitrary and are fer functions are possible (Kniss et al., 2002). A
usually assigned according to the voxel values. For two-dimensional transfer function can map tissue
example, to show bone in white and soft tissue in density and gradient of tissue density (difference
red we could assign white to the pixels whose ray of density between neighbouring voxels), making
encounter voxels of a high value and red to the it possible to differentiate areas at the interface
pixels whose ray encounter voxels of a low value. between tissues (Figure 10).
To show bone behind soft tissue we additionally
assign opacity according to voxel value. Voxels of Direct Iso-Surface Rendering
low value could have a low opacity, so that the ray
continues through them until it encounters high- This method also uses ray casting, but instead
value voxels. In this way, the final colour assigned of accumulating colours and opacities as the ray
to the pixel will be a blend of red and white. This traverses through the volume, it detects the posi-
method of ray casting can produce high quality tion where the ray crosses a specific threshold of
renderings of CT data (Figure 8A). voxel density (Parker et al., 1998). The threshold
There are a few details that need to be men- has been set by the user and corresponds to the
tioned. First, the value of a voxel represents the boundary between two tissues (e.g. soft-tissue
value at a specific point in space. Mathematically, and bone, or air and soft-tissue). Such boundaries
this point has no spatial extent, so the rays that are that represent a specific voxel density are called
spawn from the screen pixels may penetrate the iso-surfaces. Figure 8B shows two iso-surfaces
volume without encountering a voxel. The solution rendered by ray casting. The skin iso-surface has

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Figure 8. Rendering of a CBCT dataset. (a) Ray casting using a transfer function. (b) Iso-surface ren-
dering of two iso-surfaces (soft-tissues transparent). (c) Average intensity ray casting (simulation of
conventional radiograph). (d) MIP (maximum intensity projection). Data from NewTom 3G, rendered
in Viewbox.

Figure 9. Artifacts produced from too large a sampling step during ray casting. Left: large sampling
step leading to slicing artifacts. Right: high-quality rendering using 4 times smaller step size. Medical
CT data.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Figure 10. (a) Two-dimensional histogram of CT volume data. Horizontal axis is voxel density, increas-
ing from left to right. Vertical axis is voxel gradient. Arches are characteristic of low-noise data and
represent voxels that lie on tissue boundaries. (b) and (c) Transfer functions mapping voxel densities and
gradients to colours and opacities. The transfer function of (c) was used for rendering of Figure 9.




Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

been rendered semi-transparent, in order to show areas of a lower density value. The points that
the skeletal structures underneath. lie on the iso-surface have all a density equal to
a specified threshold, called the iso-value. It can
Average Intensity Ray Casting be shown mathematically that an iso-surface is
This method calculates the average density of the continuous (except at the edges of the volume)
voxels that each ray passes through and creates an and closes upon itself. Such a surface can be
image that approximates the image that would be approximated by a large number of triangles,
produced by conventional radiographic techniques usually calculated from the voxel data using the
(Figure 8C). In Orthodontics, average intensity Marching Cubes algorithm or one of its variants
rendering can create simulated cephalograms (Lorensen & Cline, 1987; Ho et al., 2005). The
from CBCT data, to be used for conventional resulting triangular mesh can be rendered very
cephalometric analysis. quickly using the graphics hardware of modern
personal computers (Figure 11).
Maximum Intensity Projection Advantages of indirect rendering include the
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) is a ray- speed of rendering and the capability to easily
casting technique that shows the densest structures place points on the mesh for measurements or
that each ray encounters as it travels through the to compute volume and area, and to splice and
CT volume (Figure 8D). MIP rendering can be manipulate the mesh in order to simulate surgical
useful to locate and visualize dense objects, such procedures. Meshes can also be used for com-
as metal foreign objects or blood vessels infiltrated puter-aided manufacturing of 3D objects, either
with radio-dense enhancing material, or to identify biological structures for treatment planning, or
areas of bone perforation and fractures. prostheses and implants. However, meshes do
not represent the biological structures as well as
Indirect Rendering direct rendering because the iso-surface that is
Indirect rendering uses the CT data to create used to construct them does not necessarily rep-
a geometric object that is then rendered on the resent the boundary of a tissue, due to artifacts
screen. The object is, most commonly, an iso- of CT imaging.
surface, i.e. a surface that represents the inter-
face between areas of a higher density value and

Figure 11. Indirect rendering of volume by creation of triangular mesh. Left: Mesh rendered as a wire-
frame object. Middle: Mesh rendered as a faceted triangular surface. Right: Smooth rendering.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

THE VIEWBOX SOFTWARE available, nor did they have the specifications
required for precise measurements. Therefore,
The Viewbox software ( (Figure objects such as digital images and CT data were
12) started as conventional 2-dimensional cepha- not even considered. The focus was placed on
lometric analysis software for orthodontists in the developing a flexible user-defined system that
early 1990s (Halazonetis, 1994). Recently it has could handle almost any type of measurements
been updated for 3-D visualization and analy- that might be required, either in conventional
sis, including volume rendering and geometric cephalometric analysis or any 2D measurement
morphometric procedures. Viewbox has been of diagnostic or experimental data (e.g. data from
designed as a flexible system that can work with animal photographs or radiographs, measurement
various kinds of 2D and 3D data, such as images, of dental casts, panoramic radiographs etc.). This
computed tomography data, surface data and system was based on the definition of Templates
point clouds. The software is built upon a patient- that incorporated all the data structures and infor-
centric architecture and can handle various types mation necessary to carry out the measurements
of virtual objects, as detailed below. and analyses specified by the user. A Template
Initially, when Viewbox development started, would include information on the points that
the only way to get cephalometric data into a com- were digitized, the measurements based on these
puter was through an external digitizer tablet. The points, the analyses (groups of measurements),
data were x and y point coordinates that were used types of superimpositions available, and so on.
for calculating the cephalometric measurements. When analyzing a new cephalometric radiograph
Scanners and digital cameras were not widely (or any other diagnostic record), the user would

Figure 12. The viewbox software

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

create a new Dataset based on a selected Tem- stereolithography models for diagnosis and treat-
plate. The Dataset would consist of a collection ment planning of challenging cases (Halazonetis,
of x and y coordinate data, mapped to the points 2001). Thus, Viewbox has been redesigned by
of the Template. The coordinate data would be adding more internal objects, such as meshes, and
filled by the user by digitizing the radiograph volumes, and a 3D viewer for the visualization of
and the measurements would be calculated using these objects. The 2D viewer has been retained for
the functions specified in the Templates defini- backward compatibility, but it may be removed
tion. This architecture enabled a system that was in the future when the 3D viewer inherits all its
completely user-definable with no rigid built-in capabilities, as it will serve no real use. Viewbox
restrictions. The user could specify measurement is now a patient-centric system and includes the
types, normal values, types of superimpositions, types of objects described in the part key terms
names and number of digitized points and other and definitions.
such data, making it possible to build completely Images can be viewed both in a 2D viewer and
customized solutions to any 2D analysis task. a 3D viewer. Images can be adjusted to enhance
Datasets contained nothing more than the coor- perception of difficult to see structures. In addition
dinates of the digitized points, making it easy and to basic capabilities such as image inverse, bright-
fast to store and retrieve data, as the main bulk of ness, contrast and gamma adjustment, Viewbox
information was in the Template structure, which includes more sophisticated histogram techniques,
needed to be loaded only once. such as adaptive histogram stretching, adaptive
With the progress in imaging devices and the histogram equalization and contrast limited
fall in price of transparency scanners, digitization adaptive equalization (Figure 13). Furthermore,
of radiographs on-screen soon became an attrac- using a combination of such techniques, together
tive alternative. Viewbox was updated to be able to with transparent blending of two images, it is
load digital images and communicate with scan- possible to do structural superimposition of two
ners. Digitization could be performed by clicking radiographs, as proposed by Bjrk & Skieller
on the points of the digital image on screen. Thus, (1983), in order to assess growth and treatment
a new object, the Image, was added to the Viewbox effects (Figure 14).
inventory. Images were accompanied by functions When digitizing points on images, Viewbox
for image enhancement and manipulation. Soon can detect brightness levels and assist in accurate
afterwards, functions that would aid the user in landmark placement by locking on abrupt bright-
locating the landmarks on the images were added ness changes, which usually correspond to bony
(Kazandjian et al., 2006), as it was evident in the or soft-tissue outlines (Kazandjian et al., 2006),
literature that landmark identification errors were (Figure 15).
probably the largest source of numerical errors
in cephalometric analysis (Baumrind & Frantz, Mesh
1971; Houston et al., 1986).
The latest step in Viewbox development came A mesh is a surface composed of triangular ele-
with the increasing use of CBCT machines in ments, each element consisting of 3 vertices and a
the orthodontic practice and the realization that face. A mesh has connectivity information so it is
3D data will dominate clinical diagnosis and possible to determine if the surface is composed
treatment planning in the future. This is now of separate detached objects.
evident by the steady penetration of 3D models Meshes can be loaded from files (common file
in orthodontic practices, the increasing use of 3D types are supported, including OBJ, PLY and STL)
facial photographs and the use of 3D CT data and or can be created from volumes using a variant

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Figure 13. Image enhancement. (a) Original image. (b) Gamma adjustment. (c) Adaptive histogram
equalization. (d) Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)

Figure 14. Structural superimpositioning using blending of transparent images. Left: Before superimpo-
sition, one radiograph is rendered in red and the other in green, after a CLAHE filter has been applied
to both. Right: After manual registration most of the cranial base structures are yellow, signifying a
good fit.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Figure 15. Edge detection feature in Viewbox. Red circle is the mouse position. Green line is the direc-
tion along which edge detection is attempted. Blue line shows the detected edge. This corresponds to a
zero-crossing of the second derivative of brightness, as shown in the inset graph.

of the marching cubes algorithm (Lorensen & rendering. Additionally, curves can be placed on
Cline, 1987). In orthodontics, meshes are used objects. Curves are smooth lines (cubic splines),
for rendering digital dental models, 3D digital usually located on edges of images or ridges of
photographs of the face and objects created from a 3D object, whose shape is controlled by points
CT scans (Figure 16, Figure 17, Figure 11). placed along them.
Meshes are drawn using OpenGL routines Curves can be used for measuring the length
and they can be rendered as a faceted surface, a of a structure or the surface area, in cases of a
wireframe object (showing only the outlines of closed flat curve. However, the main usage is for
the triangles) or a smooth surface (Figure 11). automatic location of landmarks. For example, if a
Viewbox contains basic mesh manipulation rou- curve is drawn along the outline of the symphysis
tines such as cropping, smoothing and decimation on a lateral cephalogram, Viewbox can locate
(reducing the number of triangles). Additionally, points Menton, Gnathion, Pogonion, B point and
meshes can be registered on each other by using other such landmarks, by using the definitions
best fit methods. of these points. For instance, Menton will be
automatically located on the most inferior point
Digitizing Points and Curves of the curve, inferior being a direction speci-
fied either absolutely (i.e. along the y-axis of the
The multiple objects supported by Viewbox coordinate system) or relative to another cephalo-
make it a flexible system for digitizing patient metric plane of the patient (e.g. perpendicular to
records as well as data from other sources such Frankfurt horizontal, as defined by points Porion
as scanned bones, fossils, animal specimens, and Orbitale). Automatic point location can be
individual teeth, etc. Points can be digitized by helpful for reducing error in point identification,
clicking on the object on-screen; this method is especially for points that are defined relative to
supported for images, meshes, points clouds, a particular reference direction, such as points
slices and volumes rendered with iso-surface defined by phrases like the most anterior, the

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Figure 16. A laser-scanned plaster model imported as a triangular mesh. The holes in the model are
areas that were not visible to the laser light.

Figure 17. 3D photograph imported as a mesh, rendered as a wireframe model, a smooth surface and
a textured surface.

Figure 18. Left: A slice cutting through a CBCT volume. The slice can be moved along a user-adjustable
path, shown here by the green line. Right: The slice image.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

most superior, etc. Also, points defined relative by incorrect semilandmark placement. Viewbox
to the curvature of a structure can be located in supports sliding semilandmarks on both curves
the same way. An example of this type is point and surfaces (meshes) in 3D (Figure 19).
Protuberance Menti (Ricketts, 1960), defined In addition to digitized points and curves,
as lying on the inflection point (point of zero Viewbox provides for geometrically derived land-
curvature) of the outline of the alveolar process marks such as midpoints, projections of points on
between B point and Pogonion. lines, extensions of lines, centroids, etc.
Curves are also used for placing semilandmarks
and letting them slide. As described previously, Measurements
semilandmarks do not encode biological informa-
tion by their position along the curve, because There are more than 40 measurement types avail-
there are no discernable features on the curve. The able. These include direct measurements based
biological information is in the shape of the curve; on the position of points (e.g. various distances
as long as this shape reflects the underlying biologi- and angles), compound measurements (e.g. sum,
cal structure, the semilandmarks precise location difference, product of other measurements),
is irrelevant. However, since the semilandmarks measurements between datasets (e.g. the distance
will be used for shape comparison, we need to between one point of one dataset to a point of
ensure that discrepancies in their position between another dataset, useful for measuring changes due
patients or specimens does not affect our results. to growth or treatment) and basic morphometric
This can be accomplished by first automatically measurements (e.g. Procrustes distance).
distributing them along the length of a curve, at For each measurement the user can define
predefined intervals, and then sliding them on the normal values (average and standard deviation)
curve, until the Procrustes distance, or some other for arbitrary age ranges. This enables Viewbox
metric of shape similarity relative to a reference to show measurements colour-coded, so that it
template, is reduced to a minimum. This ensures is immediately apparent which measurements
that no extraneous shape variability is introduced are outside the normal range of the population
(Figure 20).

Figure 19. Points placed on mesh created from CT data. Most of the points are sliding semiland-

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Figure 20. Cephalometric analysis on radiograph using colour-coded measurements to signify devia-
tions from average.

Figure 21. Impacted canine as seen from three different views of a 3D rendering of a CBCT scan

Research Tools and Clinical Use Measurements and raw point coordinates can be
exported to a text file for statistical evaluation in
Viewbox is a comprehensive system incorporat- any statistics software. The average of a popula-
ing features useful for research projects but also tion can be computed, using any conventional
for clinical applications. For research, the most superimposition or Procrustes. Morphometric
significant is the ability to define points and functions give access to basic GM tools, including
measurements to suite almost any 2D or 3D task. sliding semilandmarks on curves and surfaces in
2D and 3D.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

In addition to the commonly found features of ( Each company provides

conventional cephalometric software, clinically its own software that enables viewing, measure-
valuable are the 3D rendering capabilities for CT ments, and virtual setups.
data. These allow CT visualization on personal Facial scans are the third data type that com-
computers at a quality equal to that attainable on pletes the picture. Various technologies are used,
dedicated hardware of CT machines (although at including laser scanning and stereophotogram-
a significantly lower speed). Such visualization metry (Halazonetis, 2001). Companies actively
can be very valuable for treatment planning of working in this field include Breuckmann (www.
patients with craniofacial anomalies, for locating, Dimensional Imaging (www.
impacted teeth or for assessing the position of, Canfield Scientific (www.canfieldsci.
teeth within the jaws and to each other (Figure com) and 3dMD (
21). For quantitative assessment, landmarks can
be placed on such data and measurements taken,
thus enabling 3D analyses. Surface data from CONCLUSION
laser-scanners or other devices can be imported,
allowing the simultaneous visualization of dental As computed tomography and sophisticated shape
casts, facial scans and CT images. The combined measuring tools permeate the fields of Orthodontic
data can be used for virtual surgical treatment diagnosis and treatment, software support will
planning. Because the data are 3D, this method become more and more important in everyday
produces more accurate and representative pre- clinical practice. Development of such software
dictions, both of the bony relationships and of the is slow and difficult. Efforts should be applied to
soft-tissue shape. produce user-friendly systems so that our patients
can benefit. However, software development may
Other Software and Hardware not be the critical factor in dissemination of these
methods. Postgraduate Orthodontic programmes
Software for 3D cephalometric analysis are in should place more emphasis on teaching geometric
rapid development. Dolphin Imaging (www. morphometrics and the techniques of computed has extended its cephalo- tomography and research needs to be conducted
metric software to import CBCT data, produce for gathering normative 3D data as well as for
various visualizations, including renderings developing new 3D cephalometric analyses.
simulating conventional cephalograms and pan-
oramic radiographs, and take measurements in
3D. Medicim ( have a 3D ACKNOWLEDGMENT
cephalometric module and a surgical treatment
planning module that enables prediction of soft- Thanks to Alexandros Stratoudakis, Panos Chris-
tissue response to surgical procedures using a tou, Christos Katsaros and Michael Coquerelle
mathematical model. for providing CT data and meshes for the images.
Digital dental models have established them- This work was supported by the EVAN project
selves as an alternative to plaster. The three main (European Virtual Anthropology Network)
companies that provide the service of converting MRTN-CT-2005-019564, a Marie Curie Research
impressions or plaster casts to digital data are Training Network. All images in this chapter were
Geo-Digm Corp. (, produced by the Viewbox software.
OrthoCAD ( and OrthoProof

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

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Parker, S., Shirley, P., Livnat, Y., Charles Hansen,
& Howerton, W.B. (2006). Dosimetry of 3 CBCT
C., & Sloan, P. P. (1998). Interactive ray tracing
devices for oral and maxillofacial radiology: CB
for isosurface rendering. In IEEE Visualization
Mercuray, NewTom 3G and i-CAT. Dentomaxil-
98, pp. 233238.
lofacial Radiology, 35, 219-226.

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

Ricketts, R. M. (1960). A foundation for cepha- based on pre-surgical planning of three-dimen-

lometric communication. American Journal of sional cone-beam images: a pilot study. Journal
Orthodontics, 46, 330-357. of Clinical Periodontology, 34, 816-821.
Schmuth, G. P. F., Freisfeld, M., Koster, O., & Walker, L., Enciso, R., & Mah, J. (2005). Three-
Schuller, H. (1992). The application of computer- dimensional localization of maxillary canines
ized tomography (CT) in cases of impacted maxil- with cone-beam computed tomography. American
lary canines. European Journal of Orthodontics, Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Ortho-
14, 296-301. pedics, 128, 418-423.
Shrimpton, P. C., Hillier, M. C., Lewis, M. A.,
& Dunn, M. (2003). Doses from Computed To-
mography (CT) examinations in the UK 2003 KEY TERms
Review. National Radiological Protection Board.
Retrieved March 16, 2008, from http://www.
Dataset: A dataset is a collection of points and
curves that have been placed on an object. The
dataset contains the coordinates of the digitized
Slice, D. E. (2005). Modern morphometrics. In D. points and the coordinates of the controlling points
E. Slice (Ed.), Modern morphometrics in physi- of the curves (cubic splines).
cal anthropology (pp. 1-45). New York: Kluwer
Image: Digital images have become the most
Academic / Plenum Publishers.
common method of entering diagnostic data for
Sukovic, P. (2003). Cone beam computed tomog- digitization and measurement. The most prevalent
raphy in craniofacial imaging. Orthodontics & file formats in dentistry include JPEG, TIFF and
Craniofacial Research, 6(Suppl 1), 31-36. DICOM. Viewbox can communicate directly with
scanners using the TWAIN interface.
Swennen, G. R. J., Schutyser, F., & Hausamen, J. E.
(2006). Three-dimensional cephalometry. A color Patient: This is the fundamental object,
atlas and manual. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. representing a patient or specimen. It holds the
name, gender and date of birth of the patient as
Tsiklakis, K., Donta, C., Gavala, S., Karayianni,
well as the child objects, such as datasets, im-
K., Kamenopoulou, V., & Hourdakis, C. J. (2005).
ages or CT data.
Dose reduction in maxillofacial imaging using
low dose Cone Beam CT. European Journal of Point Cloud: Point clouds are collections of
Radiology, 56, 413-417. 3D points. Point clouds can be acquired from a
surface digitizer or can be created from meshes.
UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Commit-
Point clouds contain no information regarding
tee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. (2000).
the shape of the surface from which they were
Sources and effects of ionizing radiation, Report
collected and for this reason their usefulness is
to the General Assembly, with scientific annexes.
Report Vol. I. Retrieved February 18, 2008, from Slice: A slice is used to create a 2D image
tions/2000_1.html by taking an arbitrary cross-section through a
volume or a mesh (Figure 18).
Van Assche, N., van Steenberghe, D., Guerrero,
M. E., Hirsch, E., Schutyser, F., Quirynen, M. & Template: Datasets are based on Templates.
Jacobs, R. (2007). Accuracy of implant placement A template can be thought of as an exemplary

Software Support for Advanced Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontics

dataset, containing all the information required for measuring dental casts, facial photographs,
to measure and analyze the object. The most osseous structures from CTs, etc.
common dataset in orthodontics is related to
Volume: Volumes contain data from CTs or
analysis of a lateral cephalogram and contains
MRIs. They are regular rectangular 3D arrays
the conventional cephalometric points and mea-
of voxels. Each voxel holds a single value repre-
surements. However, templates are completely
senting the density of the tissue at that location.
user-definable, so they can be created for whatever
Volumes can be rendered in various ways, as
purpose is desired. Examples include templates
previously described.


Chapter II
A New Software Environment
for 3D-Time Series Analysis
Jrg Hendricks
University of Leipzig, Germany

Gert Wollny
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain

Alexander Hemprich
University of Leipzig, Germany

Thomas Hierl
University of Leipzig, Germany


This chapter presents a toolchain including image segmentation, rigid registration and a voxel based
non-rigid registration as well as 3D visualization, that allows a time series analysis based on DICOM
CT images. Time series analysis stands for comparing image data sets from the same person or speci-
men taken at different times to show the changes. The registration methods used are explained and
the methods are validated using a landmark based validation method to estimate the accuracy of the
registration algorithms which is an substantial part of registration process. Without quantitative evalu-
ation, no registration method can be accepted for practical utilization. The authors used the toolchain
for time series analysis of CT data of patients treated via maxillary distraction. Two analysis examples
are given. In dentistry the scope of further application ranges from pre- and postoperative oral surgery
images (orthognathic surgery, trauma surgery) to endodontic and orthodontic treatment. Therefore the
authors hope that the presented toolchain leads to further development of similar software and their
usage in different fields.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Introduction are available (Hierl et al., 2005). Furthermore,

incorrect treatment planning may lead to a mal-
In this chapter, the authors present and validate a positioned midface and may necessitate further
toolchain that allows the analysis of changes in a surgical intervention. At the end of this chapter
patient or specimen based on a series of DICOM we give some examples of the results of the time
CT images taken at different times by using im- series analysis performed. Finally validation of
age segmentation, voxel based rigid and non-rigid the registration methods is performed. This means
registration, as well as 3D visualization. This showing that our registration algorithm applied
time series analysis of medical images enables consistently succeeds with an average error ac-
the full three-dimensional comparison of two or ceptable for the application. In the near future the
more data sets of the same person or specimen, toolchain will be improved and integrated into a
e.g., the comparison of pre- and post treatment multifunctional planning tool. Furthermore, the
CT images. Such analysis helps to understand range of data files will be enlarged. By now only
the underlying processes, that arise, for instance, DICOM files from CT or CBT (cone beam tomog-
from treatment. raphy) can be loaded. In the future polygon-based
One prominent example of treatment inducing surfaces should be included, too.
changes of shape in patients is distraction osteo-
genesis (a method to correct severe maxillary A Short Review of Time Series
hypoplasia or retrusion). In clinical practice, this Medical Image Analysis
planning is often based on computer tomography
(CT) scans and the surgeons experience. Plan- The time series analysis of medical images has a
ning these procedures can be difficult if complex long history and its importance in medical treat-
three-dimensional changes are to be performed ment is undisputed. Most of the time series analy-
(Berti et al., 2004), and as a first step towards an ses have to be done manually and therefore they
improved treatment planning, a thorough under- are dependent on the expertise and objectiveness
standing of what is achieved and how the differ- of the observer. In the last years the tools for im-
ent structures have been moved is needed. Here age registration have been improved and methods
a better understanding of the structural changes were developed to analyze images automatically.
induced by the surgical therapy is desirable as Historically, image-registration has been classi-
a first step. Given a thorough understand of the fied as being rigid (where images are assumed
procedure, a superior treatment planning and to be of objects that simply need to be rotated and
outcome could be achieved. translated with respect to one another to achieve
In dentistry, the scope of the presented tool- correspondence) or non-rigid (where either
chain generally ranges from pre- and postopera- through biological differences or image acquisi-
tive oral surgery images (orthognathic surgery, tion or both, correspondence between structures
trauma surgery) to endodontic and orthodontic in two images cannot be achieved without some
treatment as well as the analysis of growth. The localized stretching of the images). Usually the
new tool is already part of our operation planning first step in an automatic analysis of serial medical
and visualization software. We concentrated on images includes rigid registration, to eliminate
the time series analysis of routinely acquired positional differences of the patients during image
pre- and postoperative CT-images of patients who acquisition. As mentioned above the transforma-
were treated via maxillary distraction osteogen- tions applied to the images are restricted to rotation
esis as no studies regarding the analysis of the and translation by rigid registration. Consequently
complex three-dimensional mid-facial movements these transformations are not able to deal with lo-

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

cal variations between the images, but only with For feature based approaches in which the infor-
global ones. A high number of methods based mation of structure, such as landmarks, curves
on rigid registration were introduced in recent and surfaces, is used a real-world error can be
years. Most investigations focused on neurological calculated, which for landmark methods expresses
patients and therefore on the registration of MR the distance between corresponding landmarks
images to detect and assess lesions or volumetric post-registration. For rigid-registration this form
changes of brains. For example Lemieux et al. of validation has been studied intensively and it
investigated epilepsy patients or Fox et al. patients has been found that an average registration er-
suffering from Alzheimers disease. ror for the whole volume can be estimated from
The next step to quantify deformations usu- knowledge of the landmark positions (Fitzpatrick
ally is the non-rigid registration. Therefore non et al., 2003). The most comprehensive case-study
rigid registration adds local variability to the for the validation of rigid-body registration is prob-
registration process and the structural change ably the Vanderbilt University project (West et al.,
over time can be described by a non-rigid regis- 1997). Validation of non-rigid, local and elastic
tration transformation. An overview of the large registration methods is still at the beginning.
variety of registration approaches has been given That is because such an analysis is not generally
by many authors. For more aspects of image reg- possible for non-rigid techniques so although the
istration, the reader is referred to other reviews; error at landmarks can be established, the error
there is good technical coverage in Lemieux et al., in other parts of the volume is dependent on the
(1998), Fox et al., (2000), Crum et al. (2004), Hill transformation model and must be estimated us-
et al. (2001), Brown (1992), Lester and Arridge ing other means. In voxel-based approaches the
(1999), Maintz and Viergever (1998) and Zitova registration itself usually cannot inform the user
and Flusser (2003), reviews of cardiac applica- of success or failure, as the image similarity mea-
tions in Makela et al. (2002), nuclear medicine in sure is not related to real-world error in a simple
Hutton et al. (2002), radiotherapy in Rosenman way. For these problems, validation is usually
et al. (1998), digital subtraction angiographies in performed by making additional measurements
Meijering et al. (2003) and brain applications in post-registration or showing that an algorithm
Toga and Thompson (2001) and Thompson et al. performs as desired on pairs of test images for
(2000). In summary, the analysis of medical im- which the transformation is known. One common
ages is an active research area and they are used approach is to identify corresponding landmarks
in many medical fields. or regions independently of the registration process
and establish how well the registration brings them
A Short Review of Validation into alignment (Collins et al., 1997. Woods et al.,
Methods 1998). In summary, the validation of registration,
especially non-rigid registration is a nontrivial
Estimation of accuracy of registration algorithms problem, partially because the errors can occur in
is a substantial part of the registration process. each stage of the registration process and partially
Without quantitative evaluation, no registration because it is hard to distinguish between registra-
method can be accepted for practical utiliza- tion inaccuracies and actual physical differences
tion. Therefore validation of the methods used in the image contents. Important is to choose a
is necessary. It usually means that a registration validation method that gives an average error
algorithm applied to typical data in a given ap- that can account for the calculation of values of
plication consistently succeeds with a maximum interest in the investigation performed with the
(or average) error acceptable for the application. respective application.

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Description of Tools and CT devices may cause artifacts, which might result
Scanning in spikes in after visualization. These implants or
devices were removed manually in the segmented
This chapter deals with workflow and explains the geometry. The segmented input images were then
tools used for time series analysis. All pre- and rigidly registered to correct differences in posi-
postoperative CT scans were taken with a spiral tion and orientation. Then non rigid-registration
CT (Siemens volume zoom plus) with contiguous was conducted to quantify differences between
slices, thickness 1mm, no overlapping, without the pre- and postoperative images describing the
gantry tilting, collimation 1 mm, 512 x 512 matrix. structural change. An overview in given in the
All CT data were stored in DICOM file format graphic below.
and transferred to a hard drive with a Linux-based Before describing our registration method
personal computer running the new software. The the terminology used is explained. When two
following steps were then conducted: The CT data images are being registered one is conventionally
were converted to Vista file format and the images regarded as static and defining a frame of refer-
were segmented, that is, to assign material labels to ence and the other is transformed (i.e. translated,
the image voxel. That way soft tissue was separated rotated, scaled, sheared, warped) to bring cor-
from bony structure with the function of grayscale responding features into alignment. The static
thresholding. Metallic implants and orthodontic image is variously known as the target, reference

Image 1.

Reference image Study image

Rigid registration

Rigid registered
study image

Segmentation of skull

Skull of Skull of
Reference image study image



Mesh generation

Surface mesh Surface mesh


A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

or baseline image. We use reference image. The using a modified Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm
image undergoing transformation is then known (Thevenaz et al., 1995). If is not restricted, we
as the source, floating, repeat or study image. We require > 0 and we target for non-rigid regis-
use study image the criterion used to register two tration. In voxel based approaches for non rigid
images can be known as the similarity measure or registration, as we used, the cost function Fcost
the objective or cost function. The term cost func- is derived from local or global image intensity
tion is used. The geometrical transformation that similarity measures. The advantage of these
maps features in one image to features in another methods lies in the independence of human in-
is known as the transformation, deformation field, teraction which makes voxel based approaches
displacement field or warp. the tool of choice when it comes to the automatic
The registration aims at transforming a study analysis of large sets of data. Like proposed by
image S with respect to a reference image R by Christensen (1994), we employ fluid dynamics as
means of a transformation T ( ( is the set of energy constraint E(T) - since it allows for large
possible transformations), so that structures at the deformations - and we minimize SSD (2).Surface
same coordinates in both images finally represent based rendering was used to visualize the shape
the same object. In practice, this is achieved by changes of the skull. By using the marching tet-
finding a transformation Treg which minimises a rahedra algorithm the skull surface was extracted
cost function Fcost, while constraining the trans- from the segmented and rigidly registered data
formation through the joint minimisation of an sets (Ning and Bloomenthal, 2001). The shape
energy term E(T): change described by the non-rigid registration
is displayed as arrows or by a colouring scheme.
Treg := arg min (Fcost(ST ,R) + E(T)) (1) The arrows ending at the surface display at each
T point the corresponding deformation vector. For
the colouring scheme outward-pointing normals
The cost function Fcost accounts for the mapping were coded in blue, inward pointing in red. Colour
of similar structures. E(T) ensures topology intensity reflected its magnitude and the colour
preservation, which is necessary to maintain scale is given in mm (see Figure 1). For further
structural integrity in the study image, and it information about the registration method see
thus introduces a smoothness constraint on the Wollny (2004).
transformation Treg. The parameter is a weight-
ing factor that balances registration accuracy and Description of Validation
transformation smoothness. By restricting the set
of possible transformation to rigid transforma- Landmarks were picked manually for validation
tions, i.e. to rotation and translation, topology purposes using a volume rendering visualization
is preserved per se, we may set = 0 and rigid method. 36 anatomical soft and hard tissue land-
registration is obtained by minimizing the cost marks on the patients faces had been predefined
function Fcost. CT images are normalised by the which showed mostly a high reproducibility
Hounsfield scale, mapping similar materials to (landmark pick error 1 mm). Exceptions were
similar intensities. Therefore, we obtain rigid mouth angle, gnathion, medial kanthus, upper
registration by minimising the Sum of Squared lip (philtrum edge) and glabella. These points
Differences (SSD) showed deviations up to 3mm when selected by
different observers or in different images. In order
Fcost (S, R ) := (S ( x) R ( x)) 2 d x (2) to pick the landmarks on bone and skin we used
a self-developed 3D-texture based iso-surface

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Figure 1. Visualization of maxillary advancement in a modified quadrangular manner. Colour-coded

display, the colour depth resembles the distance. Displacement vectors are shown, too. By clicking on
any point of the surface, the amount of the appropriate displacement is shown in mm scale.

Figure 2. Iso-surface browser tool to pick landmarks on bone and skin. By moving the lever on the far
left, the surface can be changed according to Hounsfield units.

browser that allows an intuitive interactive change two rabbit skulls and for the registration of the
between soft tissue and bone (see Figure 2). The non-rigid registration the pre- and postoperative
landmarks are listed in Table 1. CT-images of 19 patients suffering from cleft
lip and palate which were treated via maxillary
Patients and Skulls Used for distraction osteogenesis (RED system, Martin
Validation Co. Tuttlingen, Germany). We chose 4 cadaver
heads of different size in order to prove whether
For the validation of the rigid registration we or not the CT-data size influences the accuracy
used one human skull, one porcine skull and of the method.

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Table 1. Landmark definition list


Anterior nasal spine most anterior point

(= Nasospinale)
intersection of sagittal and coronar sutures
Ear lobule
most caudal contact point of the lobulus and the adjacent skin
(=lateral kanthus)
soft tissue lateral kanthal border
Endokanthion soft tissue medial kanthal border
(=medial kanthus)
most anterior point between superciliar arches in midsagittal
lowest point on infraorbital rim
(= Infraorbital rim)
intersection of sutura lambdoidea and sutura sagittalis in
midsagittal plane
Nasion (bone) midpoint of suture between frontal and nasal bones
Nasion (skin) deepest point of the concavity overlying the frontonasal
Nasal Tip
most anterior point of nasal skin
(= Pronasale)
Nostril (Piriforme aperture) most inferior-lateral point of piriforme aperture
most posterior point of Foramen magnum in midsagittal
transition point of the alveolar process and the dental
crowns between (= intradentale superior / Alveolare) the two
upper incisors
Supraorbitale most anterior-superior border of superior orbital rim
(=supraorbitale rim)
Fronto-zygomatic most lateral point of frontozygomatic suture
suture point

(= frontomalare temporale)

Lower lip (Angulus oris) most lateral point
Mental foramen
most caudal point
(= Mentale)
Gnathion Bone most anterior-inferior point of chin symphysis
(~ Menton)

mandibular angle point (postero-inferior)
Upper Lip Philtrum
upper lip vermillion border at the philtrum lines
Coronoid process most superior point
( = Coronion)

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

20 micro titanium screws (1.5 mm ; Martin therefore allow all over examination. The skulls
Co. Tuttlingen, Germany) were implanted into were CT-scanned in th eaboce mentioned man-
the porcine skull, 9 micro titanium screws into ner and maxillary osteotomies of the skulls were
each rabbit skull and 24 micro titanium screws performed. Then the advanced maxillae were fixed
in the human skull. The distances between the with titanium miniplates. The pig and human skull
center of all screw heads were measured with a were displaced in two steps each followed by CT-
precision slide gauge (see Figure 3). The number scanning and the rabbit skulls once (see Figure
of screws implanted depended on the skulls size 4). After the displacements the distances between
and the screws were placed on areas of the skulls the screw heads were measured again.
that cover the whole skull surface and should

Figure 3. Manual measurement of the distance between the screw heads of the human skull

Figure 4. Processed and visualized CT scan of pig cadaver with titanium micro scews, osteotomy an for-
ward displacement of the anterior maxilla. The screws and miniplates are framed in red and yellow.

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Error Calculation images were quantified to validate the voxel based

non-rigid registration.
The visualization and rigid registration method
were validated by comparing the values of the
manually measured distances between the screws Results
heads in the cadavers and the values of the cal-
culated distances between the screw heads in Validation of Rigid Registration and
the visualized segmented and rigidly registered Visualization Method
images. The distances were calculated in this
manner: The validation of the rigid registration and visu-
alization method showed very good results. The
((x1-x2)2+ (y1-y2)2+ (z1-z2)2) calculated distances between the screw heads and
the manually measured distances between the
x1. x2. y1. y2. z1. z2 are the coordinates of the screw screw heads showed no statistically significant dif-
heads in the three-dimensional images. In the ference (P > 0.05, t-test). The measurements on the
same manner the deviations between the distances pig skull showed an average deviation of 1.31 mm
of the coordinates of the anatomical landmarks (with a range between 0.1 mm and 2.9 mm) after
found in the non-rigidly registered images and the first displacement and an average deviation of
the coordinates of the correspondent landmarks 0.88 mm (with a range from 0.1 mm and 2.3 mm)
found in the reference images with the distances after the second displacement. The standard error
of the coordinates of the anatomical landmarks was 1.56 % and 0.98 % (344 measurements) (see
in the study image and the coordinates of the Table 2). The average deviation of the distances
correspondent landmarks found in the reference between the screw heads of the human skull was

Table2. Comparison of measured and calculated distances for the pig skull. Distances are given in

manually measured distance




0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0

0 0 0
calculate 0 0

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

0.68 mm (with a range between 0.1 mm and 1.6 lected showed derivations above 4 mm which
mm) after the first displacement and 0.64 mm ( means that < 13 % of the results were outlying
with a range between 0.1 mm and 1.5 mm) after the accuracy of the method of measurement. In
the second displacement. The standard error was average the non-rigid registration error for each
0.6 % and 0.5 %) (456 measurements). The rabbit distance at the selected landmarks was far below
skulls showed average deviations of 0.5 mm (with 4 mm. This error range corresponds again to er-
a range between 0.1 mm and 1.2 mm) and 0.33 rors that may be introduced because of the image
mm (with a range between 0.1 mm and 1.1 mm). resolution of 1 mm3 and a landmark pick error of
The standard error was 1.52 % and 1.17 % (144 1 mm per data set. As mentioned above some
measurements). These derivations correspond landmarks showed higher deviation, when selected
with errors that may be implied because of the by different persons and in different images like
given image resolution of 1 mm3 and some errors mouth angle, gnathion, medial kanthus, upper
that occur with the measurement via slide gauge lip (philtrum edge) and glabella. The landmark
that can explain the outlier. pick error for these landmarks was up to 3 mm.
The percentage error i is not given because of the
Validation of Non-Rigid Registration falsification caused by the landmark pick error as
well. But there was no error dependency from
The landmark based validation of the non-rigid the length of the distance moved noticeable. The
registration showed an average deviation of 2.13 average error, standard deviation and landmark
mm. The median was 1.6 mm (range between pick error for each landmark is given in Table 3.
0.1 mm and 6.8 mm). 70 distances between the It is important to note that valid and invalid dis-
anatomical landmarks of the 545 distances col- placement vectors can be discerned easily, because

Figure 5. The displacement vectors for the for. mentale and tub. mentale are starting and ending on
the appropriate surface mesh whereas the displacement vector for the spina nasalis ant. displays an
registration error, the arrow protrudes over the surface of the study image that is shown transparent in
this example

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Table 3. Average error, standard deviation and corresponding landmark pick error of the distances
between the anatomical landmarks considered for validation of the non-rigid registration (mm). (l)=left
side, (r)= right side

average error in landmark

standard deviation
Landmark name mm pick error
Bregma 2.04 1.50 1
Mouth angle (l) 3.55 1.59. 3
Mouth angle (r) 3.40 1.66 3
Earlobe (l) 2.13 1.27 1
Earlobe (r) 1.65 0.99 1
Foramen mentale (l) 2.15 1.74 1
Foramen mentale (r) 1.70 1.10 1
Fronto-zygomatico suture (l) 1.21 0.77 1
Fronto-zygomatico suture (r) 1.23 0.85 1
Glabella 2.19 1.62 3
Gnathion 3.30 0.14 1
Gonion (l) 1.75 1.27 1
Gonion (r) 2.70 1.62 1
Lower lip (l) 2.27 0.91 2
Lower lip (r) 2.26 1.39 2
Infraorbital rim most caudal point (l) 1.75 0.92 1
Infraorbital rim most caudal point (r) 1.66 0.76 1
Lambda 3.05 1.71 3
Lateral kanthus (l) 1.70 1.50 1
Lateral kanthus (r) 1.65 1.57 1
Medial kanthus (l) 3.55 0.77 3
Medial kanthus (r) 3.40 0.98 3
Nasal tip 1.68 1.03 1
Nasion (bone) 2.26 1.42 1
Nasion (skin) 1.88 1.09 1
Nose tip 1.60 1.27 1
Nostril (l) 2.43 1.42 1
Nostril (r) 2.54 1.67 1
Opisthion 0.75 0.38 1
Coronoid process (l) 0.89 0.36 1
Coronoid process(r) 1.24 1.04 1
Prostion 2.92 1.66 1
Anterior nasal spine 2.71 1.75 1
Supraorbital rim (l) 1.84 1.47 1

continued on following page

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Table 3. continued

Supraorbital rim (r) 1.95 0.88 1

Upper lip (l) (philtrum edge) 2.55 1.68 2
Upper lip (r) (philtrum edge) 2.55 1.38 2

all starting and ending points of the vectors are achieved. The distraction period was followed by
located on the appropriate pre- and postoperative a consolidation period, which lasted 4-8 weeks
mesh surface. So erroneous vectors of anatomical depending on age and dentition. The preoperative
landmarks can be easily recognized and be taken CT scans for the time series analysis were taken
out of the analysis (see Figure 5). 3-5 weeks before surgery. The postoperative
scans 2-4 weeks after removal of the distraction
device. Scanning was performed with the same
Clincal example for time scanner used for the data of validation (Siemens
series analysis of patients volume zoom plus scanner). Slice thickness was
who were treated via the same (1mm without overlapping). The pre- and
maxillary distraction postoperative CT scans were then processed with
the toolchain. A limited number of easy to locate
Analysis of Soft Tissue Changes landmarks was chosen. Those landmarks were
Following Maxillary Distraction anterior nasal spine, columella base, nasion (bone
Osteogenesis and soft tissue), piriforme aperture right and left,
alar base right and left, zygomatic prominence
In one study the soft tissue changes following right and left (bone and soft tissue). The interde-
maxillary distraction osteogenesis were investi- pendence of hard and soft tissue was evaluated by
gated (Hierl et al., 2007). Therefore with the aid way of Wilcoxon test. Furthermore the distance
of the novel toolchain, the relation between soft between the coordinates of corresponding soft and
and hard tissue changes was analyzed in a group hard tissue landmarks was computed. This data
of patients treated at the Leipzig University De- served as a control measurement for the displace-
partment of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. The ment vectors as again pre- and postoperative data
patient group consisted of 20 patients, who were were statistically compared with Wilcoxon test.
treated via maxillary distraction osteogenesis The analysis showed an average bony displace-
from 2002 to 2004. 18 suffered from cleft lip and ment in the piriforme aperture region of 8.1 mm
palate, age ranged from 10 to 63 years, the average with a soft tissue displacement of 8.1 mmwith a
age was 24 years. The same system (RED II and soft tissue displacement of 8.0 mm. Regarding
Leipzig retention plate; Martin Medizintechnik, zygomatic prominence displacement distances
Tutlingen, Germany) was used for all patients. The lay at 8.6 mm (bone) and 8.3 mm (soft tissue).
RED II System includes an external, halo frame No statistical significant difference could be
based distractor and a miniplate system for bony noted. The average soft tissue depth over bony
anchorage. After a subtotal modified quadrangular landmarks ranged between 13-16 mm. There was
osteotomy, the distraction procedure started on no statistical significant difference between pre-
the 4th-5th day after surgery. Advancement was and postoperative data seen.
1mm/day until an overcorrection of 15-20 % was

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Analysis of a Trauma Patient total 944 measurements were made. The standard
error was found between 0.5 % and 1.56 %. These
In this chapter we give a short overview of the results demonstrate high accuracy for the visual-
time series analysis of the data of a patient who ization and rigid registration method. The sample
had a posttraumatic malposition of the zygomatic size for the validation of the rigid registration was
bone that needed to be corrected and a defect of small with four cadaver heads or even with ten
the frontal bone which led to the opening of the when counting the skulls again after displacement,
frontal sinus and had to be closed. The operation but because of the very small deviations between
included a bone augmentation from the parietal the skulls there may be no other results expected
to the frontal bone as well as a lift of the right by higher sample sizes. Minor limitations of the
zygomatic bone. The operation was done via a analysis method can be found in the limitation
coronal incision and three miniplates were used of voxel based non-rigid registration. Not all
for osteosynthesis. Furthermore the patients right reasons for that are now known. On the one hand,
eye was lost due to the accident and the eye pros- especially landmark based validation is difficult,
thesis was displaced inferiorly due to the malpo- because in some cases the disease pattern (e. g.
sitioned zygoma. Reposition of the zygoma led to cleft lip and palate) makes the identification of
a correct position of the prosthesis. The pictures important landmarks of the mid-facial area (like,
below show the computed and visualized data of e. g., the corners of the mouth, the upper lip, the
that patient (Figure 6 -8). A description of what prostion or the spina nasalis anterior) difficult or
is seen is given below each picture. even impossible. Therefore it might be necessary
to optimize the landmark based visualization,
especially when using data of patients suffering
Discussion from diseases, that influence the structure and
shape of the face. A similar problem that structures
In this study we presented a novel tool chain that are present in one image which are not present
allows time series analysis to assess soft and hard in the other definitely causes that the non-rigid
tissue changes by mid-facial distraction treatment. registration based on fluid dynamics tends to
To our knowledge this is the first software that misregister. These specific geometry problems of
allows a three-dimensional time series analysis the intricate bony structure of the human midface
of pre- and postoperative CT data sets in this occur because some bony parts of the midface
manner. At first there is to say, that both valida- get thinner during the distraction and therewith
tion methods show some problems caused by the their intensity in the CT-data, this might lead
image resolution of 1 mm3 per data set, but higher to a loss of these parts in the study image and
resolution also means higher radiation exposure consequently these parts are not incorporated in
and for our purposes this accuracy is adequate. If the non-rigid registration process so that some
the tool chain is used for other surgical procedures structures are registered to wrong parts of the
that require higher accuracy a new validation skull. To overcome such limitations, it might be
might be required. For example cone beam x-ray useful to combine voxel based approaches with
CT data may be used. The validation of the rigid landmarks to restrict the transformation at certain
registration and visualization method showed no points. We hope to improve the registration results
statistically significant difference between the by adding sparse landmark information to the
manually measured distances and the calculated registration criterion. By now outlier can be easily
distances in the visualized and rigidly registered recognized when regarding displacement vectors
images of the four cadaver heads (P > 0.05). In of anatomical landmarks and can then be taken

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Figure 6. Preoperative CT. The yellow coloured bone displays the bone deficiency of the frontal bone
and the descent of the zygomatic bone left. Furthermore the eye-prosthesis is visible in the right orbit.

Figure 7. This image shows the computed and visualized postoperative patient data. Good to see is the
donor site of the parietal bone right (dark blue) and the augmented bone on the frontal bone where the
defect was before. Furthermore the successful upward movement of the zygomatic bone is indicated by
the red colour. Furthermore the miniplates can be seen.

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

Figure 8. The arrows clarify the structural movements. The bone graft donor site at the parietal bone
and the frontal bone augmentation are clearly noticeable. The upward movement of the zygomatic bone
is again demonstrated by the red colored parts of the zygomaticarch and bone. The arrows in the left
orbit show the movement of the eye prosthesis.

out of the analysis. In near future the toolchain Christensen, G. E. (1994). Deformable shape
will be used for time series analysis of other pa- models for neuroanatomy. DSc.-thesis, Server
tient data. Especially orthodontic and endodontic Institute of Technology, Washington University,
treatment of patients will be analysed with cone Saint Louis.
beam tomography data and the surgical treatment
Collins, D. L., Evans, A. C. (1997). Animal:
of more trauma patients will be assessed.
validation and applications of nonlinear registra-
tion-based segmentation. Int J Pattern Recogn
Artificial Intelligence, 11, 127194.
Fitzpatrick, J. M., & West, J. B. (2001). The
Berti, G., Fingberg, J., Hierl, T., & Schmidt, J. G. distribution of target registration error in rigid-
(2004). An interactive planning and simulation body point-based registration. IEEE Trans Med
tool for maxillo-facial surgery. In T. M. Buzug Imaging, 20, 91727.
& T. C. Lueth (Eds.), Perspectives in image-
Fox, N.C., Cousens, R., Scahill, R. J., Harvay, R.
guided surgery (pp. 872-879). World Scientific
J., Rossor, M. N. (2000). Using serial registered
brain magnetic resonance imaging to measure
Brown, L. G. (1992). A survey of image reg- disease progression in Alzheimer disease. Archive
istration techniques. Computing Surveys, 24, of Neurology, 57(3), 339-344.
Hierl, T., Wollny, G, Hendricks, J., Berti, G.,
Schmidt, J. G., Fingberg, J., & Hemprich, A.

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

(2005). 3D-Analysis of soft tissue changes fol- the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Image
lowing maxillary distraction osteogenesis. In T. Processing (ICIP`95), III, 228-231. Los Alamitos,
M. Buzug, K. Prfer, K. Sigl, J. Bongarz, P. Her- CA, 23-26.
ing, & G. Willems (Eds.), Reconstruction of Soft
Wollny, G. (2004). Analysis of changes in tem-
Facial Parts. Police and Research. Luchterhand
poral series of medical images. MPI Series for
Publishers. BKA Series 31-2.
Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 43. Leipzig,
Hill, D. L. G, Batchelor, P. G., Holden, M., & Germany.
Hawkes, D. J. (2001). Medical image registration.
Zitova, B., & Flusser, J. (2003). Image registra-
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46, R1R45.
tion methods: a survey. Image Vision Comput,
Kak, A. C., & Slaney, M. (2001). Principles of 21, 9771000.
Computerized Tomographic Imaging. Phila-
delphia, PA: Society of Industrial and Applied
Lemieux, L., Wiehmann, U.C., Moran, N. Fl.,
Fish, D. R., Shorvon, S. D. (1998). The detec- Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis: Method
tion and significance of subtle changes in mixed to correct severe mid-facial hypoplasia and ret-
brain lesions by serial MRI scan matching and rognathia
spaitial normalisation. Medical Image Analysis,
Non-Rigid Registration: Method to quantify
3(2), 227-242.
deformations between images
Lester, H., & Arridge, S. R. (1999). A survey of
Rigid Registration: Method to eliminate
hierarchical non-linear medical image registra-
positional differences of the patients during im-
tion. Pattern Recognition, 32,12949.
age acquisition
Maintz, J. B. A., & Viergever, M. A. (1998). A
Time Series Analysis: Analysis of data sets
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taken at different times
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E: Energy term
Makela, T., Clarysse, P., Sipila, O., Pauna, N.,
Pham, Q. C., Katila, T., et al. (2002). A review of Fcost : Cost function
cardiac image registration methods. IEEE Trans
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Med Imaging, 21, 101121.
R: Registration image
Ning, P., & Bloomenthal, J. (1991). An evaluation
of implicit surface tilers. Computer Graphics, S: Study image
13(6), 33-41.
T(reg) : Transformation (for registration)
Pluim, J. P., Maintz, J. B., & Viergever, M. A.
: Set of possible transformations
(2003). Mutual-information-based registration
of medical images: a survey. IEEE Trans Med : Continous image domain
Imaging, 22(8), 986-1004. Review.
CBT: Cone beam tomography
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(1995). Iterative multi-scale registration without CT: Computer tomography
landmarks. In B. Werner (Ed.), Proceedings of

A New Software Environment for 3D-Time Series Analysis

DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communica- RED: Rigid external device

tions in Medicine
SSD: Sum of squared differences
MR(T): Magnetic resonance (tomography)


Chapter III
Relationship Between Shrinkage
and Stress
Antheunis Versluis
University of Minnesota, USA

Daranee Tantbirojn
University of Minnesota, USA


Residual stress due to polymerization shrinkage of restorative dental materials has been associated with
a number of clinical symptoms, ranging from post-operative sensitivity to secondary caries to fracture.
Although the concept of shrinkage stress is intuitive, its assessment is complex. Shrinkage stress is the
outcome of multiple factors. To study how they interact requires an integrating model. Finite element
models have been invaluable for shrinkage stress research because they provide an integration envi-
ronment to study shrinkage concepts. By retracing the advancements in shrinkage stress concepts, this
chapter illustrates the vital role that finite element modeling plays in evaluating the essence of shrink-
age stress and its controlling factors. The shrinkage concepts discussed in this chapter will improve
clinical understanding for management of shrinkage stress, and help design and assess polymerization
shrinkage research.

What is shrinkage stress? is often a source of confusion. Shrinkage became

an issue in dentistry when resin-based composites
The concept of shrinkage stress is intuitive. The were introduced as restorative materials (Bowen,
notion that stresses arise if a composite filling 1963), and has remained a persistent concern
shrinks inside a tooth is not difficult to convey. since. The main difference between resin-based
The actual assessment of shrinkage and its ef- composite and the classic amalgam restorations
fects, however, has turned out to be complex and was adhesion to the tooth structure. Bonding of

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Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

composite restorations enabled more conservative The scientific method for studying any subject is
cavity designs that no longer relied on undercuts creating a theoretical model of reality that ex-
for retention and thus preserved more tooth tissue. presses the current understanding. Subsequently,
Unlike unbonded amalgam fillings, an adhesive such models are tested with precise observations
composite restoration becomes an integral part and measurements, and if needed, amended or
of the tooth structure. This allows recovery of replaced based on new insights. In this chapter,
the original distribution of masticatory loads in a a progression of shrinkage models will be used
treated tooth. Hence, a composite filling actually to discuss advances in dental shrinkage stress
restores structural integrity lost by decayed tooth research.
tissue and during the process of cavity prepara-
tion (Versluis & Tantbirojn, 2006). However, by
becoming a more integral part of the load-bearing Shrinkage stress model:
tooth structure, changes in the composite, such as Correlation with shrinkage
shrinkage, will also be transferred into the tooth
structure causing so-called residual stresses. The most simple model for shrinkage stress is
The origin of shrinkage is the formation of that the residual stress is related to shrinkage.
a polymer network during the polymerization This intuitive model is based on the observation
reaction. This process results in a denser mate- that without shrinkage there will be no shrink-
rial, where the density change is manifested in age stress. The observation is subsequently
volumetric contraction or shrinkage. Where the extrapolated into a positive correlation between
composite is bonded to the tooth, the tooth struc- shrinkage and stress, because it appears credible
ture will confine the dimensional changes. This that when shrinkage increases, shrinkage stress
leads to the generation of shrinkage stresses in both increases too. This intuitive model is probably
the restoration and tooth. Under normal clinical the most common and practical expression of our
conditions, shrinkage movement is so small that it understanding of the nature of polymerization
is practically imperceptible. However, the effects shrinkage stress. Manufacturers, clinicians, and
of shrinkage may show up indirectly in clinical researchers alike have the same initial response
symptoms. Shrinkage stress has been associated when confronted with shrinkage data: a compos-
with enamel crack propagation, microleakage ite with higher shrinkage values must cause higher
and secondary caries, voids in the restoration, stresses. To validate this model, the relationship
marginal loss, marginal discrepancy, and post- between shrinkage and stress will be considered
operative sensitivity (Jensen & Chan, 1985; Eick more closely.
& Welch, 1986; Unterbrink & Muessner, 1995). It It is important to clearly distinguish between
should be pointed out that none of these clinical shrinkage and stress. A shrinkage value is a
symptoms are actually stresses, and their correla- dimensional change which is defined as the amount
tion with shrinkage stresses, if any, is not obvi- of change divided by the original dimension:
ous. Furthermore, clinical symptoms are seldom
caused by only one factor. Therefore, the precise = (d1 - d0) / d0 = d / d0 (1)
correlation of these symptoms with polymeriza-
tion shrinkage is debatable and remains an area where d0 is the original dimension, d1 the dimen-
of investigation. sion after shrinkage, and d is the dimensional
To understand the contributions of polym- change. Note that is dimensionless, and often
erization shrinkage under clinical conditions, reported as percentage. The amount of shrink-
the nature of shrinkage stress has to be studied. age can be determined in a physical experiment

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

in which a material dimension before and after xx = E / ((1+)(1-2)) ((1-)xx+(yy+zz))

polymerization are measured. If it were true that
shrinkage stress is directly correlated with shrink- (3a)
age, shrinkage stress can be assessed by ranking
the shrinkage values. In effect, this assumption yy = E / ((1+)(1-2)) ((1-)yy+(xx+zz))
implies that shrinkage stress would be a material
property independent of the restoration environ- (3b)
ment or geometry.
Unlike shrinkage, stress cannot be measured zz = E / ((1+)(1-2)) ((1-)zz+(xx+yy))
directly in an experiment. Stress is a calculated
engineering factor that expresses how a force is (3c)
distributed inside a material. However, stress is
related to physical deformation or strain, which xy = E / (2 (1+)) xy (3d)
can be measured experimentally. The most simple yz = E / (2 (1+)) yz (3e)
relationship between stress and strain is a zx = E / (2 (1+)) zx (3f)
uniaxial (i.e., one-dimensional) linear elastic
correlation with the elastic modulus E: where the x-y-z indices denote x-y-z directions,
are the shear strains, and is the Poisson's ratio
= E [N/m2] (2) representing the lateral-axial strain ratio. Note
that isotropic conditions mean that the mechani-
An elastic modulus is a material property, cal properties (i.e., E and ) are the same in all
which means that it has a constant value for each directions, which is a reasonable assumption for
material, and expresses the inherent stiffness of a particle-filled resin-based composite. Clearly,
a material. Since shrinkage can be considered the three-dimensional reality makes predicting
as a form of strain, this relationship illustrates shrinkage stresses much more difficult. Taking
that shrinkage stress is not only a function of into account six stress components simultaneously
the shrinkage but also depends on the elastic cannot be considered intuitive anymore. Solving
modulus. these expressions to obtain the shrinkage stress
Applying the insight that shrinkage stress will require considerably more effort.
depends on both shrinkage and elastic modulus The most comprehensive solution to calculate
is not intuitive anymore. It requires a calculation these complex stress conditions is by using finite
that involves another mechanical property. Still, element analysis. This engineering tool provides
in a new shrinkage stress model based on Eq a system to solve the necessary constitutive
(2), residual stress may seem to remain a simple equations and continuity requirements. Finite
expression, that is easily calculated by the product element analysis solves stress and strain patterns
with the elastic modulus and again can be ranked in a complex structure by dividing it into smaller
as if it were a material property. Unfortunately, "elements" that are much simpler to calculate. By
simple Eq (2) is only valid for one-dimensional calculating those elements all together simul-
conditions. In reality, shrinkage and shrinkage taneously, the whole structure is solved. This
stress are three-dimensional. Hence, the defini- simultaneous solution of many elements requires
tion of stress requires a set of six equations (three considerable computing power. With the availabil-
normal stresses and three shear stresses ), which ity of powerful computer systems and improve-
under isotropic conditions becomes: ments in user friendly graphical interfaces, finite
element analysis has become widely accessible

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

to dental researchers (Korioth & Versluis, 1997). were varied. Figure 1A was filled with a typical
Finite element analysis has played a driving role restorative composite with a shrinkage value of
in the current state of polymerization shrinkage 1.8%. The resulting residual shrinkage stresses
research and thinking. This chapter will use finite in the restoration are shown according to a linear
element analysis to test and discuss shrinkage color scale. Yellow and orange colors are high
stress models, and show the powerful and unique stresses, purple and blue are low stresses. In Fig-
insight a finite element analysis approach offers ure 1D the cavity was restored with a composite
when trying to resolve the effects of polymeriza- with only half the amount of shrinkage (1.0%).
tion shrinkage stress in dentistry. Such impressive improvement in shrinkage can,
Using finite element analysis, the original for example, be achieved by increasing the filler
intuitive shrinkage stress model can be easily content and thus reducing resin volume. Since
tested. Figure 1 shows a finite element model of a fillers do not shrink during polymerization, a
buccal-lingual cross-section in a premolar with a lower resin content generally decreases shrinkage
deep Class II MOD (mesio-occluso-distal) resto- values. A practical analogy of this example is the
ration. The tooth is restored with a composite for comparison between a conventional and packable
which the shrinkage and elastic modulus values composite, where the increased filler content in
a packable composite reduces shrinkage values.
The intuitive shrinkage stress model would an-
ticipate lower shrinkage stresses for the composite
Figure 1. Residual shrinkage stress distributions that shrinks less. However, comparison between
in composite restorations with different shrinkage Figures 1A and 1D shows that the shrinkage
() and elastic modulus (E) values. Colors show stresses are virtually the same because, along
stress levels (modified von Mises equivalent stress) with a reduction in shrinkage, the elastic modu-
according to a linear scale. lus increased. Increasing filler content generally
increases elastic modulus. Therefore, the benefit
of decreased shrinkage may be cancelled out by
the increase in elastic modulus. Figures 1B and
1C show the effect on shrinkage stresses when
one property at the time is varied. This example
illustrates that shrinkage stress cannot be assessed
based only on shrinkage, but must include other
composite properties as well in the evaluation. It
also shows that even a very simple finite element
model can test common shrinkage stress behavior,
and can integrate different material properties in
a multi-dimensional condition to determine the
relationship between shrinkage and stress.

Shrinkage stress model:


Finite element analysis has only relatively re-

cently become an integral part of shrinkage stress

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

research. The acceptance of numerical analysis model assumes that stress measured in simple
has been slow in a dental materials research shaped test specimens (cylinders) can be applied
environment that has traditionally been the do- to more complex restorations, merely using the
main of laboratory methods. Moreover, clinical ratio between the bonded and unbonded surface
relevance has also been an important quality areas.
for dental research. It is therefore not surprising Using finite element analysis the C-factor
if there is a strong desire for simple shrinkage model is easily tested. The graph in Figure 2A
stress models that can be assessed experimentally shows the axial reaction forces that a load-cell
and are easily applied to clinical conditions. One measures for different lengths of cylindrical
of the models that has become very popular in shaped composite samples. The graph shows an
dentistry is the so-called C-factor (Feilzer et al., increasing reaction force with decreasing cylinder
1987). A C-factor or configuration factor is the length (i.e., increasing C-factor). The graph also
ratio of bonded to free surface area. This model shows the nominal stress, calculated using Eq
states that a composite restoration with a high C- (4). However, the finite element analysis offers
factor (e.g., Class I or Class V) will have higher a more comprehensive three-dimensional stress
shrinkage stresses than a restoration with a lower solution. The graph in Figure 2A shows the
C-factor (e.g., Class II or Class IV). The model average stress determined as the average of all
is based on experimental observations in which axial stress components in the whole cylindrical
cylindrical composite samples were attached to specimen. The average stress level turns out to be
a load-cell and cured. Given a constant diam- about twice as high as the nominal stress value.
eter, increasingly higher shrinkage forces will Although the nominal and average axial stress
be recorded when the cylinder length is reduced values are significantly different, they follow the
(Figure 2A). This observation was explained by same trend as the axial force output of the load-
the relative increase of bonded to free surface cell, which increases when the cylinder length
area, which was subsequently extrapolated to is reduced. This appears to validate the C-factor
cavity configurations where a higher ratio of model, at least qualitatively.
bonded surfaces should also increase shrinkage However, the assumption of uniaxial stress is
stresses. It is true that shrinkage stress is affected only valid if a cylinder is infinitely long and if the
by the amount of shrinkage constraints, as was shrinkage would take place only in axial direc-
predicted by Bowen who stated that restorations tion (i.e., along the longitudinal cylinder axis). In
with large free surfaces were likely to develop less reality, stress conditions are not one-dimensional
shrinkage stress (Bowen, 1967). The simplicity due to the finite cylinder length and the three-di-
and practicality of the C-factor model is certainly mensional nature of shrinkage itself. According to
attractive. Firstly, because it implies that stress Eq (3), there are six stress components that should
can be measured experimentally, basically using be considered. These six stress components are
the relationship: calculated by the finite element analysis, but it
is not convenient to plot all indivually for each
= F / A (4) cylinder length. Since it is the combined effect of
these six components that determine the overall
where F is the load measured by the load-cell and stress state in the composite, they are often inte-
A is the cross-sectional area of the cylindrical test grated into one value using a specific criterion.
sample. Note that a load-cell does not measure A popular criterion is the von Mises criterion.
shrinkage stress, but rather a reaction force in Figure 2B shows the stress distribution in the
axial direction. Secondly, because the C-factor cylinders using a modified von Mises criterion. It

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

Figure 2. C-factor model and shrinkage stress prediction. (a) Cylindrical test specimens to measure axial
forces. (b) Shrinkage and stress distribution in cylindrical specimens. (c) Analogy of C-factors in stylized
cavities. (d) Shrinkage and stress distribution in cavities assuming rigid walls. (e) Shrinkage and stress
distributions in cavities assuming non-rigid walls. Dashed curves in graphs are stress distributions of
the cylindrical specimens for comparison. Shrinkage deformation shown 100-times enlarged.

modifies the original von Mises criterion to take one nominal shrinkage stress. The yellow and
into account the difference between compressive orange colors indicate that there are high stress
and tensile strength (de Groot et al., 1987; Versluis concentrations close to the bonded areas and the
et al., 1997). The figure shows a gradient of stress blue and purple colors indicate lower stress values
values in the composite cylinders rather than along the free surfaces. Clearly, shrinkage stress

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

in the composite is not a single or nominal value as be easily tested. The finite element model dem-
implied by a C-factor shrinkage stress model. onstrated some crucial shrinkage stress insights.
To further test the validity of the C-factor First, shrinkage stress is not a single nominal
shrinkage stress model, shrinkage stresses were value, but a location dependent distribution
simulated in cubical cavity shapes, where an consisting of a whole range of values. Secondly,
increasing number of bonded walls represent this location dependent distribution of shrinkage
different clinical preparation types (Figure 2C). stresses depends on geometry. Thus, changing
Since the bonding conditions and shapes are the geometry changes the shrinkage stresses.
different, direct comparison of stress patterns Thirdly, even if one could determine every qual-
between the cavity configurations and between ity of a composite restoration, such as composite
the cavities and cylinders is problematic. However, properties and restoration configuration, it would
stress values themselves can be compared since still not provide all necessary information to de-
in this case the objective is to test the validity of termine the shrinkage stresses in a restoration.
the C-factor model for extrapolation of shrinkage Shrinkage stress cannot be determined without
stresses between different configurations. Stress consideration of the response of the structure
values are compared by collecting all stress values to which a composite is bonded. To understand
from the cylindrical and simulated restoration shrinkage stresses, it is imperative to consider
configurations, and plotting them in ascending the whole restored tooth structure.
order in the graphs of Figures 2B and 2D. The
graphs show that for exactly the same composite
properties, the cylindrical and cubical composite Shrinkage stress model:
geometries generate different shrinkage stresses Restoration size
for identical C-factors. Apparently, stress is not
only determined by mechanical properties and A third shrinkage stress model to be discussed here
bonded surface area, but geometry also affects is the assumption that large restorations shrink
shrinkage stresses. Stresses calculated with one more than small restorations, implying that large
geometry can therefore not be simply extrapolated restorations will generate more shrinkage stresses.
to another geometry. This shrinkage stress model has often crept into
Additionally, the C-factor model only distin- shrinkage stress discussions. It is another example
guishes between bonded and unbonded areas. of a mostly intuitive shrinkage concept, which is
Since it does not identify the substrate to which the usually incorrectly rationalized by the perception
composite is bonded, an infinitely stiff substrate that large restorations shrink more. Unlike the
or undeformable cavity wall is implied. Figure first intuitive concept that correlated shrinkage
2E shows the stress curves if the simulated res- and stress, and the second C-factor model that
toration would have been bonded to a deformable based shrinkage stresses on one configuration
cavity wall, such as enamel and dentin. The figure measure, discussion of this model requires con-
shows that the stresses again change substantially sideration of multiple facets. Because the size of
when the bonding substrate changes. Stress thus a restoration affects multiple factors concerning
not only depends on the composite attributes, but the whole tooth structure, the implication of this
also on the properties of the substrate. model is more complex than the former simple
Again, using a simple finite element analy- deduction models.
sis, a very popular shrinkage stress model that The first facet to examine is the definition of
extrapolates one physical aspect of shrinkage shrinkage. Shrinkage is a dimensionless ratio
stress generation to predict stress values, could (Eq. 1), often reported as a percentage. Shrinkage

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

is thus per definition independent of size. Given not only in the restoration, but also applies to
the same geometry and boundary conditions, the tooth. It cannot be emphasized enough that
5% shrinkage in a large restoration causes the when shrinkage stresses are evaluated, both sides
same shrinkage stresses as 5% shrinkage in a of the tooth-restoration complex should be taken
small restoration. This can be simply illustrated into consideration, because lower stresses in the
using finite element analysis by scaling a stylized restoration may go along with higher stresses in
tooth-restoration model up or down in Figure 3A. the tooth.
The figure shows no change in shrinkage stress The example above assumed the same shrink-
values and distribution. Although this example age properties in the large and small restorations.
decisively demonstrates that shrinkage and thus This is a reasonable approximation for auto-curing
shrinkage stress is not higher in larger restora- systems. Such systems could be assumed to be
tions, what happens to the shrinkage stresses when independent of restoration size if temperature
a small and large restoration are compared in a effects are neglected. Shrinkage behavior for light-
same sized tooth? In such case the mechanical activated composites, on the other hand, may not
response of to the restoration shrinkage will be be independent of restoration size. Due to light
different. Cutting a large cavity means a larger attenuation effects that cause diminishing light
loss of tooth tissue, and hence more weakening intensities deeper inside a light-cured material, the
of the tooth crown than from a small cavity. As polymerization reaction at the restoration surface
a result, the larger restoration is bonded to a less will develop more rapidly and result in a higher
rigid structure compared to a smaller restoration. degree of cure compared to composite deeper
A weakened tooth structure will be less capable inside a restoration. The consequences of this
of constraining composite shrinkage and thus effect will be more pronounced in large restora-
the restoration will experience lower shrinkage tions than in small ones. As a result, compared to
stresses than if the tooth would have retained more a large restoration, a small restoration will cure
rigidity, like with a smaller restoration (Figure faster and more thoroughly, resulting in a higher
3C). Contrary to the popular notion, it can thus overall shrinkage (Figure 3B). Therefore, again
be concluded that, given the same shrinkage contrary to the popular notion, a large restora-
properties, a larger restoration will have lower tion of light-activated composite material may
shrinkage stresses in the restoration itself than a shrink less under the same conditions and thus
smaller restoration. generate less shrinkage stresses rather than more.
But this is not the final word about this shrink- Not because large restorations shrink less but
age stress model, because there is another facet because a large restorations may not be cured as
to shrinkage stresses in a restoration. Observing thoroughly as smaller ones. This example dem-
the stress distributions in Figure 3C shows that ostrates that determination of accurate shrinkage
shrinkage stresses are not confined to the restora- values is a prerequisite for accurate residual stress
tion and its interface with the tooth, there are also calculations.
shrinkage stresses generated inside the restored
tooth. Compared to the smaller restoration, the
tooth with the larger restoration has lost more Shrinkage value
of its rigidity, i.e., its resistance to deformation.
Therefore, the tooth with the larger restoration Until now, a generic shrinkage term has been
will deform more easily and consequently will used to describe the amount of polymerization
be higher stressed than it would have been with contraction. Although shrinkage stress may not
a smaller restoration. Shrinkage stress is thus be linearly correlated to shrinkage, the shrink-

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

Figure 3. Effect of restoration size on residual shrinkage stresses. (a) Auto-curing composite. (b) Light-
activated composite. (c) Quarter view of molar restored with small and large Class I restoration. Von
Mises equivalent stress is shown.

age value is still the most important factor for V = 3 L - 3 L2 + L3 (5a)

polymerization shrinkage stress because without
shrinkage there would be no shrinkage stress. If the shrinkage value is low, the higher order terms
Assessing shrinkage stresses thus requires deter- become small enough to be neglected, resulting
mination of shrinkage values. This section will in the convenient expression:
examine shrinkage values and how they relate to
shrinkage stresses. V = 3 L (5b)
According to Eq (1), shrinkage can be mea-
sured as the change in dimensions. Shrinkage Consequently, linear shrinkage can be converted
can be determined in both volume and distance into volumetric shrinkage:
measurements. These provide volumetric and
linear shrinkage, respectively. Given the reason- L = V / 3 (5c)
able assumption that composites shrinkage is
isotropic, linear shrinkage L can be converted For 9% volumetric shrinkage, 3% linear shrink-
into volumetric shrinkage V: age is obtained with Eq (5c), where the correct

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

value is about 3.1%. Since most composites shrink of thumb remains that the same composite with
considerably less, the simple conversion is a good the same degree of cure should produce similar
approximation for dental applications. values for total shrinkage.
Shrinkage values have been measured in While the shrinkage value is the origin of
many ways. One common technique is to mea- shrinkage stresses, calculation of the stress us-
sure displaced volume, in which a composite ing this factor has to be carried out with caution.
sample is immersed in a liquid and cured (Penn, Figure 4A shows a premolar with a composite
1986). The shrinkage volume can be calculated restoration where stress and deformation been
by measuring the displaced liquid. A shrinkage calculated using a typical 3% total shrinkage value.
value obtained with such method can be called The figure shows how the composite shrinkage
the total shrinkage, because it measures the entire within the cavity has deformed the tooth structure,
amount of dimensional change of the composite pulling the buccal and lingual cusps together by
during polymerization. It should be noted that about 200 m. Such a large deformation, which
any technique that restricts free contraction can- exceeds the thickness of a human hair, is unlikely
not be considered a pure measurements of total to be realistic since it should be visible by the naked
shrinkage, because some of its shrinkage move- eye and there would have been many sightings
ment was prevented. The origin of shrinkage is in clinical practice. A shrinkage model in which
the formation of a polymer network. Therefore, shrinkage stresses are calculated using the total
total shrinkage is primarily a function of degree shrinkage value is thus likely incorrect.
of cure. Furthermore, effective density can also Bowen has pointed out that not all polymeriza-
be affected by network organization. It has been tion shrinkage causes shrinkage stresses (Bowen,
suggested that curing regimens can affect the net- 1963). When a composite cures, it is transformed
work distribution, and thus network structures are from a viscous paste to an essentially solid mate-
not necessarily comparable at the same degree of rial. In the viscous state, flow of the composite
cure. However, the effects on the total dimensional can relax shrinkage stresses without a buildup of
change seem to be small. Therefore, good rule residual shrinkage stresses (Bausch et al., 1982).

Figure 4. Residual polymerization stress distributions and deformation calculated with three different
shrinkage models: (a) elastic, (b) viscoelastic, and (c) pre/post-gel. Green outline is the original contour
before polymerization shrinkage.

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

Residual stresses will only be generated when the (spring and dashpot parallel) behavior during
composite material cannot timely relax anymore, polymerization (Dauvillier et al., 2001, 2003).
which happens when a more rigid polymer network Since there is often not sufficient experimental
structure has developed. In other words, shrinkage data available to accurately calculate this complex
stress is generated when the composite material transformation, alternative methods that measure
behaves solid enough to transfer stresses. The effective shrinkage values have been proposed for
problem with the calculation used in Figure 4A shrinkage stress assessment.
was that the material was considered elastic (i.e.,
no plastic flow) throughout the polymerization
reaction, completely disregarding viscous and Shrinkage stress model:
viscoelastic effects. Figure 4B shows the stress Effective shrinkage
and deformation calculated with a viscoelastic
composite model. It shows the same amount The concept of an effective shrinkage value di-
of total shrinkage but significantly lower stress vides the total shrinkage into a pre- and post-gel
and a tooth deformation (approximately 40 m contribution (Bausch et al., 1982; Davidson &
intercuspal distance change) that is within a re- de Gee, 1984):
alistic range of cusp-flexure values (Pearson &
Hegarty, 1989; Suliman et al., 1993; Panitvisai & total = pre-gel + post-gel (5)
Messer, 1995; Meredith & Setchell, 1997; Alomari
et al., 2001; Tantbirojn et al., 2004). Calculating The pre-gel shrinkage pre-gel can be considered
the shrinkage stress is thus not a linear elastic the amount of shrinkage during polymerization
calculation, where the end result is determined when the composite is still viscous, and thus
independently of the polymerization process by represents the shrinkage that does not generate
the final shrinkage and modulus values. The shrinkage stresses. Post-gel shrinkage post-gel is
unrealistic assumption of an elastic model is the shrinkage component after a composite has be-
easily exposed by finite element analysis, which come solid enough to generate shrinkage stresses.
demonstrates that shrinkage stress assessment Shrinkage stress therefore originates only from
must include the time-dependent shrinkage and the post-gel shrinkage portion. Post-gel shrinkage
modulus development as they evolve during a can thus be considered the effective shrinkage
polymerization process. with regard to the shrinkage stress. The transition
The dynamic process is a significant complica- point between the pre- and post-gel shrinkage has
tion for studying polymerization shrinkage. Most been called the gel-point. Note that this gel-point
test methods for material property determination term is defined to describe a mechanical response,
are designed for steady-state materials. How- and does not necessarily coincide with similar
ever, properties of composite that describe their terms used in polymer science. The formulation
mechanical response change rapidly during the of the pre-and post-gel shrinkage model has led
polymerization reaction. To record such changes to a search for the gel-point. However, the accu-
requires methods that can capture complete mate- rate determination of the gel-point has remained
rial behavior instantaneously and continuously. elusive. It should be noted that the pre- and post-
Viscoelastic behavior goes through fundamental gel model is a simplification of the viscoelastic
changes during polymerization. Simply said, its process. It is unlikely that the development of
response shows initially a Maxwell type behavior viscoelastic properties will show a well-defined
(spring and dashpot in series) and transforms to point, as has been discussed in detail by Versluis
a predominantly Kelvin-Voight type behavior et al., (2004a). Nevertheless, the general concept

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

of an effective shrinkage value has turned out to will also be no effect on the shrinkage stress. As
be very illustrative and practical. discussed above, light curing to the same degree of
Effective shrinkage has been measured using cure will cause a similar polymer network density
a strain gauge method (Sakaguchi et al., 1997). and thus total shrinkage value, irrespective of
In this method, a composite sample is attached to the used light intensity. However, total shrinkage
a strain gauge and cured. Strain gauges are sen- does not predict the shrinkage stress, because it
sors consisting of a very thin metallic wire-frame is the amount of effective or post-gel shrinkage
encapsulated in a glass-fiber reinforced epoxy- that generates the residual stresses. The amount
phenolic resin film. Strain gauges are based on of viscous flow, and thus the pre- and post-gel
the principle that the electrical resistance of the shrinkage, is determined by the kinetics of the
metal wire increases with increasing strain (de- polymerization process. It is conceivable that a
formation). When the attached composite shrinks, high light intensity increases the rate at which a
it deforms the embedded wire-frame in the strain rigid network is formed, and thus accelerates the
gauge. The resulting change in resistance can be occurrence of the gel-point. Because the total
measured and shrinkage strain is obtained. Since shrinkage for a particular composite is constant
the composite can only deform the strain gauge at the same degree of cure, a gel-point that occurs
when it is solid enough to generate stresses, a earlier in the polymerization process reduces pre-
strain gauge measures per definition the effective gel shrinkage and increases post-gel shrinkage.
shrinkage or post-gel shrinkage. Higher curing light intensities, especially dur-
Application of the pre- and post-gel shrinkage ing the early polymerization reaction, increases
model in a finite element analysis (Figure 4C) the effective shrinkage and therefore shrinkage
shows that, while the total shrinkage is the same stresses. Using the strain gauge method it has been
as in Figure 4A, the calculated shrinkage stress confirmed that curing light-intensity affects the
and resulting tooth deformation is similar to the value of the effective shrinkage (Versluis et al.,
viscoelastic model (Figure 4B). The post-gel 1998, 2004a; Sakaguchi & Berge, 1998). Light-
shrinkage value thus includes the viscoelastic his- curing to a similar degree of cure at different
tory during polymerization. It has been shown that light-intensities resulted in different effective
using post-gel shrinkage values, tooth deformation shrinkage values. Curing at lower light-intensities
and thus likely shrinkage stress can be closely ap- decreased the effective shrinkage values, which
proximated (Versluis et al., 2004b). The advantage will reduce shrinkage stresses if other conditions
of using this method is that the analysis becomes are comparable, while higher light-intensities
quasi-linear, simplifying the measurement and increase the effective shrinkage. Note that ex-
solution of an otherwise fully nonlinear analyses perimental observations like these have led to the
of viscoelastic composite properties. introduction of ramp-cure or step-cure regimens
Another advantage of the pre- and post-gel on commercial curing light sources (Kanca & Suh,
shrinkage model is that it makes it easier to 1999; Suh et al., 1999; Bouschlicher & Ruegge-
conceptualize effects of reaction kinetics on the berg, 2000). The post-gel shrinkage concept has
shrinkage stress. An example is the discussion in turned out to be a useful factor to develop an
the dental literature about the question if shrinkage understanding of the development and calculation
stress is affected by the curing light intensity. The of shrinkage stresses.
reason that this issue has not been resolved may From the examination of shrinkage values, it
be due in part to experimental data that show no can be concluded that (a) not all shrinkage gen-
effect of curing light intensity on the shrinkage erates stresses and (b) not all curing regimens
value, from which some have concluded that there generate the same amount of residual stresses. The

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

calculation of shrinkage stresses has become more undergo a slow deterioration due to solubility
complex since the evolving viscoelastic effect must and matrix softening effects (Momoi & McCabe,
be taken into account. While the final shrinkage 1994; Oysaed & Ruyter, 1986). It is not known
may be a constant value in a thoroughly cured to which extend such stress relaxation happens
restoration, the effective or post-gel shrinkage under clinical conditions. Figure 5 shows cuspal
can vary depending on local reaction kinetics. deformation in an in vitro experiment for a molar
While the consequences of this complexity may with a Filtek Supreme (3M ESPE, St Paul, MN)
be overwhelming for an intuitive approach, finite Class II MOD restoration after polymerization,
element analysis is perfectly suited to integrate and after 4 and 8 weeks in water. The initial cus-
and apply comprehensive local, time-dependent, pal deformation due to polymerization shrinkage
and nonlinear behavior into one shrinkage stress stresses substantially decreased after 4 weeks in
analysis. This section about the shrinkage value water, and had continued the decrease 8 weeks
showed that finite element analysis is not only for later for this composite material. Shrinkage
calculating stresses, but its use also advances un- stresses calculated for composite restorations are
derstanding of the shrinkage value itself. Although therefore probably most acute immediately after
total shrinkage remains the most commonly curing. The fact that any harmful stresses may
reported property to characterize a composites relax over time does not diminish the requirement
shrinkage stress quality, finite element analysis that the tooth-restoration complex must survive
has clearly demonstrated its limitations. Total the initial period, probably spanning more than a
shrinkage does not reflect shrinkage stress be- week for restorative composites, because debond-
havior, which is much better characterized by ing caused by initially high stresses is not restored
the effective or post-gel shrinkage. when residual stresses relax. Consideration and
management of shrinkage stresses therefore re-
mains necessary.
After the shrinkage:
The role of shrinkage
Most of a polymerization reaction in a light- experiments
activated composite typically takes place within
the first 10 seconds, after which it continues at The previous sections discussed the relationship
a decreasing rate. Shrinkage strain development between polymerization shrinkage and shrinkage
has been shown to continue for more than 24 stresses. It was demonstrated that shrinkage stress
hours. Although elastic behavior dominates in a is not a composite or restoration property, but is
cured composite resin, the material still exhibits a local value determined by a number of factors
some viscoelastic behavior after it has been fully involving both the composite and the surround-
cured. Viscoelastic effects in cured composites are ing environment. It was stated that stress cannot
thought to relax residual stresses over an extended be measured experimentally, but is a calculated
period of time. This process is enhanced by vis- engineering factor. It was shown that when all
coelastic properties of the tooth tissues, which in contributing factors are taken into account, the
effect also reduce residual shrinkage stresses over calculation of shrinkage stress has become so
time (Kinney et al., 2003). Furthermore, environ- complex that the only comprehensive solution is
mental conditions may cause stress relaxation due using finite element analysis. This brings up the
to water sorption and consequently hygroscopic question if there is any role left for experimental
expansion, while the composite modulus may shrinkage research. Finite element analysis must

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

be considered an integration system. It offers an for the shrinkage model and simulation experi-
environment in which basic material properties ments for validation of the shrinkage model.
are integrated according to universal physical Basic experiments must determine properties
laws. It cannot predict polymerization shrinkage, independent of geometry. This allows their ap-
but calculates shrinkage stress based on external plication in other systems than the one in which
input of physical material behavior obtained from they were measured. For example, elastic modu-
experimental measurements using a shrinkage lus is a basic property while cusp flexure is not.
model designed by the operator. The validity of Cusp flexure involves the overall stiffness of a
any finite element model of shrinkage must also tooth, which includes various material properties,
be checked against reality using experimental geometry, boundary conditions, and even the lo-
measurements, because using finite element cation where the flexure was measured. It is only
analysis does not ensure validity of a shrink- valid for that tooth under the exact same condi-
age model. Clearly, experiments remain a vital tions. However, elastic modulus can be applied
component of any shrinkage research. To better to calculate the flexure in any tooth shape, and is
understand the role of experiments in research, it thus considered a basic property. The measuring
is important to distinguish between two types of of cuspal flexure is an example of a simulation
experiments: basic experiments to provide input experiment. It can be used to test the shrinkage

Figure 5. Residual shrinkage stress relaxation due to hygroscopic expansion, shown as reduction in
tooth deformation. (a) Digital image of an Mesial-Occlusal-Distal slot preparation in an extracted up-
per molar. (b) Deformation pattern at buccal and lingual cusps due to residual shrinkage stresses from
the composite restoration immediately after curing. (c,d) Cuspal deformation decreased after 4 and 8
weeks immersion in water. Negative values represent inward movement of cuspal surface.

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

model, because instead of isolating a single prop- where a heavily constrained composite results in
erty, flexure is the result of multiple interacting a different shrinkage development. Determination
properties. If the shrinkage model recreates those of basic properties is obviously not synonymous
interactions correctly, it will replicate the flexure with a simple property or experiment. Shrinkage
in a similar tooth system. If that is the case, the behavior may require a strain rate dependent prop-
model is considered validated. erty determination, where the transient properties
Based on the previous discussions, it is clear must be determined as a function of the strain
that the ultimate value of these two categories of rate. Clearly, any meaningful utilization of such
shrinkage experiments is accomplished if used in increasingly complex material model reconfirms
conjunction with finite element analysis. Without the necessity of using numerical methods such
a system to integrate basic shrinkage properties, as finite element analysis, which in return are
such properties have little value beyond arbitrary completely dependent on experimental shrinkage
material ranking, because they cannot predict research for input and validation.
shrinkage stress by themselves. Similarly, without
finite element analysis, simulation experiments
also have limited predictive value, because they How can polymerization
only apply to the one test condition and even in shrinkage be modeled?
those unique conditions they cannot provide actual
shrinkage stress values. Finite element analysis of polymerization shrink-
Still, the dental literature shows various ex- age can be achieved at different levels of com-
amples of alleged shrinkage stress experiments. plexity. Finite element modeling of shrinkage
Measuring techniques in those publications typi- can be as accurate and complex as the available
cally involve load cells, strain gauges, or cusp input data allows. The limitations for modeling
flexure measurements. However, none of those shrinkage and its effects are determined by the
techniques actually measures stress but rather abilities of the modeler, the details of the sup-
an arbitrary deformation from which a nominal porting experimental data, and the access to
load value can be derived at best. For example, computational and software resources. It is not
measuring shrinkage stresses using load cells the intention of this chapter to teach finite element
assumes a homogeneous uniaxial stress distribu- analysis. However, a few comments will be made
tion. Such nominal stress value does not do justice regarding the modeling of shrinkage.
to the spectrum of actual stress values, and has Polymerization shrinkage is basically densifi-
limited application because it cannot be associ- cation, which results in a volumetric change. Few
ated with other shapes or conditions since stress finite element programs offer specific polymer-
is not a material property. ization shrinkage options but all should support
Shrinkage measurement, on the other hand, an option for thermal expansion. Shrinkage can
can be considered a basic property, that can be be modeled using the thermal expansion option,
determined independent of shape as a change in applying the linear shrinkage value as a coef-
density. One may notice that light-activated com- ficient of thermal expansion. Material contrac-
posites do have a size dependency, simply because tion is achieved by lowering the temperature
they depend on curing light attenuation. However, in the model. To accommodate time-dependent
this means that shrinkage should be determined shrinkage, temperature changes can be applied
locally as a function of curing conditions, such as as a function of time. During polymerization
the applied light-intensity. Similarly, it can been not only a dimensional change takes place, but
argued that shrinkage depends on strain rate, there is also a change in viscoelastic properties.

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

These can be applied simultaneously along with Since the contribution of the pre-gel shrinkage
the density changes. simulation on the shrinkage stresses calculated
Modeling the viscoelastic changes is not trivial. using this method is negligible, it may sometimes
It has been discussed in previous sections that there be unnecessary to model the pre-gel shrinkage for
is a fundamental transformation in viscoelastic the calculation of shrinkage stresses. However, this
response. Since shrinkage stresses depend on the assumes a homogeneous polymerization reaction
history of shrinkage and viscoelastic develop- inside the composite material, which occurs in an
ment, only a correctly modeled transformation auto-curing composite system. For light-activated
can accurately determine the shrinkage stress composites, shrinkage development is not homo-
outcome. Unfortunately, due to the complexity geneous. Time and location of pre- and post-gel
of the experimental determination, there is still shrinkage development will affect the outcome
little data available to describe the complete time- of the calculated shrinkage stresses. To simulate
dependent constitutive behavior during polymer- those conditions, each location (i.e., each element,
ization for all dental composites. Furthermore, or better yet, each element integration or gauss
not all numerical software is easily adapted for point) should be given its own time-dependent
modeling the transformation, because it has not pre- and post-gel material response based on the
been a common concern in general engineering local light intensity.
where the software is developed. However, it has The results of finite element analysis should
been shown that a pre- and post-gel shrinkage be validated, especially when shrinkage models
model can serve as a simple method to estimate become more intricate. Validation is not to prove
polymerization shrinkage stresses. Using pre- the validity of the proven concept of numerical
and post-gel shrinkage values approximates the analysis, but rather the modeling performance of
nonlinear behavior in a quasi-linear analysis with the operator. Results of a finite element analysis
a minimum of two time increments. should be critically tested against other models
During pre-gel increments, a very low elastic (convergence and alternative condition testing to
modulus and high Poissons ratio can simulate ensure that final conclusions do not depend on the
the nearly stress-free mostly-plastic flow, while mesh distribution or other anomalies) and other
the final elastic modulus and Poissons ratio in data, preferably from simulation experiments, to
combination with the post-gel shrinkage are ap- assure that the shrinkage model and consequently
plied to generate the effective residual shrinkage the results are realistic. It should be noted that
stresses. Since the composite deformation during validation is not based on exact duplication of
the pre-gel increments is simulated in an elastic experimental values. Even experimental values
model, it is imperative to ensure its viscous stress do not replicate exactly. However, it is the simi-
relaxing effect when progressing to post-gel mod- larity in behavior and magnitude that indicates
eling. There are various options to accomplish a positive validation.
this. For example, by using an element switch.
In this method, pre- and post-gel behavior is
modeled by two different but overlapping ele- Summary: The role of finite
ments that share the same nodes. The elements element analysis in
can be activated/deactivated accordingly. This shrinkage research
method ensures that the post-gel elements inherit
the pre-gel shrinkage deformation without their The role of finite element analysis in polymeriza-
elastic memory. tion shrinkage stress research was highlighted in
this Chapter. Tracing some of the most popular

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

shrinkage models, it was shown that the use (soft) liner material absorbs the shrinkage
of even very simple finite element models can deformation, reducing resistance encountered
prevent simplistic and potentially misleading by the shrinking composite and thus generating
shrinkage stress concepts that may hamper less residual stresses. However, the long-term
progress. Application of finite element analysis success of a composite restoration is ultimately
does not only facilitate better insight in shrinkage determined by its ability to survive the oral func-
stress concepts, it also helps designing research tion. Lining a cavity with compliant materials
experiments and provides a system in which the may reduce shrinkage stresses, but it could also
experimental polymerization shrinkage data can prevent recovery of a tooths original stiffness
be integrated. and thus mechanical performance. Finite element
A finite element approach does not replace analysis is perfectly suited to accommodate the
experimental shrinkage research, but instead study of such aggregated conditions, integrating
completes it. Individual composite properties such the shrinkage model with other challenges that
as shrinkage or nominal stress values derived from are encountered in an oral environment.
simulation experiments cannot be extrapolated The final chapter about polymerization
to shrinkage stresses. However, in combination shrinkage stress has not been written. Ongoing
with finite element analysis, such experiments research continues to contribute corrections and
contribute vital information for polymerization refinements of our current insight of the process
shrinkage stress research. and clinical impact. Due to its versatility as
It was demonstrated that the more is learned a powerful integration system, finite element
about shrinkage stresses, the more complex its analysis is most likely to remain a vital analysis
assessment becomes. Starting from a simple initial tool that will continue to drive this progress and
concept in which shrinkage stress was simply apply new insights along the way that improve
considered a property of the composite, it was clinical decisions.
shown in a number of shrinkage model refinements
that stress depends on a large number of factors.
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toward the light? Journal of Dental Research, to material and environmental effects such as
77, 1435-1445. viscoelasticity and hygroscopic expansion.
Versluis, A., Tantbirojn, D., & Douglas, W.H. Shrinkage Stress: Stresses that are generated
(2004a). Distribution of transient properties dur- as a result of polymerization shrinkage. These
ing polymerization of a light-initiated restorative can leave residual stresses in a restored tooth
composite. Dental Materials, 20, 543-553. structure, in the composite material, and/or at
the tooth-material interface.
Versluis, A., Tantbirojn, D., Pintado, M. R., De-
Long, R., & Douglas, W. H. (2004b) Residual Shrinkage Value: Quantification of polym-
shrinkage stress distributions in molars after erization shrinkage. The amount of shrinkage
composite restoration. Dental Materials, 20, can been expressed in various terms, such as
554-564. volumetric, linear, total, pre-gel, post-gel, and
effective shrinkage.

Relationship Between Shrinkage and Stress

Stress Concentration: A local area with Stress concentrations are areas of increased risk
increased stress level, e.g., at sharp corners or for failure initiation because those stresses are
where materials with different elastic moduli meet. most likely to exceed material strength proper-
ties first.


Chapter IV
An Objective Registration
Method for Mandible Alignment
Andreas Vogel
Institut fr Medizin- und Dentaltechnologie GmbH, Germany


This chapter introduces a computer-controlled method for mandible alignment. The exact positioning of
the mandible in relation to the maxilla is still one of the great daily challenges in restorative dentistry.
Between 1980 and 1991 long-term animal experimentation series about the performance of jaw muscles
as well as temporomandibular joints were made at the University of Leipzig, Germany. Until today other
studies of similar scale or approach can not be found in international literature. Miniature pigs were
exposed to stress under unilateral disturbance of occlusion. Based on that morphological, histochemi-
cal and biochemical processings and some other functions were then analyzed. The studies proved that
masticatory muscles play a vital role in the positioning of the mandible. Combining these findings with
knowledge about support pin registration and the influence of masticatory force on the results of this
method a computer-controlled registration method was developed. With the DIRSystem exists a final
method of measurement which gives objective, reproducible and documentable results.

INTRODUCTION for a reproducible methodology are missing. It is

solely up to the manual and the individual vary-
The exact positioning of mandible is still one of ing skills of the dentist to determine the so called
the common challenges in restorative dentistry. centric position. This situation reflects the fact
There are many methods that are being taught that until now multiple definitions of the centric
when it comes to bite registration, and is frequently position can be found across different international
mentioned in international literature. Looking publications. Sources in the past decades note the
closer one discovers that truly objective guidelines alignment of the temporomandibular joints (con-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

dyles) was referred on the correlation to the teeth At the same time he realizes that the problem
row. Commendable works over the last years give within centric positioning of the condyles is not
a detailed overview over the manifold literature. knowing in which exact position the condyle-head
The following brief compilation of attempts at a disc-complex is in relation to the temporal joint
definition over the last hundred years are mainly structures. All together he states that there is not
based on the research of Von Schilcher (2004; a commonly accepted method for the registration
referencing 409 international publications). The of the position of the jaws. The overwriting com-
compilation covers all key stages of dentistry and monality in all these attempts of pinpointing a
within these stages illustrates the level of knowl- definition is the reoccurrence of the sagittal and
edge at a certain point in time. It does not lay to transverse alignment of the mandible as a central
claim to be a source of completeness. focus. Much less insight is given about the ob-
jective facts of the third plane, the vertical axis.
The bottom line being that under exact scientific
THE HISTORY aspects, the role of the musculature as well as the
nerval control are underrated.
Early methods include Gysi (around 1900) re-
ferring to the Gothic arch and McCollumn
(1921) adducting the hinge axis to determine the BASIC RESEARCH OF THE
jaw relations. After this early period different OROFACIAL SYSTEM
definitions and ideas follow in ever accelerated
successions. Jacobson, Sheppard et al. (1959) In the early 1980s Dr. med. Andreas Vogel
favor an intermediate (non-retral) position in initiated an investigation by a work group at the
which temporomandibular joints, teeth and Poliklinik fr Prothetische Stomatologie at the
muscles are in balance. Meanwhile Lauritzen et University of Leipzig (in cooperation with the
al. (1964) reclaims the terminal hinge axis. This Anatomic Institutes of the Universities of Leipzig
continues 1966/67 (Mhlmann et al.), 1978 (Bauer und Rostock, especially noting Gert Horst Schu-
et al.; Stuart), and 1986 (Gerber). In all cases all macher as well as the Institut fr Sportmedizin
structural elements involved are being evaluated of the Deutsche Hochschule fr Krperkultur
differently and the focus keeps shifting between DHfK -, also Leipzig, all Germany). To gain
temporomandibular joint and occlusion. In 1992 deeper insight into these complex processes the
the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Funktionsdiagnostik group focused on the behavior of certain masti-
(AFG) (i.g. Working pool for function diagnostics) catory muscles and temproromandibular joints
of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Zahn-, Mund- structures in relation to the occlusal system.
und Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK) defines the The results of these investigations, which lasted
condyles in centric position as cranio-ventral, over ten years, were conducted under varying
non-sideways shifted position of both condyles statements of task and can be summarized as
in physiological head-disc-positions as well as following:
physiological load of the participating tissue. In
2006 Trp took on a critical review of over 80 Highest priority needs to be awarded to
works across the international literature, resulting the neuromuscular component within the
in a comprehensive article about bite registration. orofacial system.
He explicitly considers the horizontal and verti- The efficiency (chewing) as well as the mat-
cal jaw relationships separately and concludes ters of sensitiveness (tactile perception and
that todays centric position is the desirable one.

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

control) are being transmitted through the THE MASSETER MUSCLE

neuromuscular system.
The task at hand was to maintain a consistent
In 2003, based on these findings, Vogel set approach in order to properly analyze how a one-
parameters for a valid definition (speech at the 7. sided occlusal interference would influence the
Prosthetic-Symposium, Berlin, Germany): morphology of the masticatory muscles (interfer-
ence of the occlusion through an elevated cast
Comprehensive knowledge in regards to filling in the fourth and first premolar of the right
physiology and morphology of all partici- maxilla). Ulricis experiments on the masseter
pating structures within a specific setting muscle (Leipzig, 1982) became the starting point
(statics). of the series. Regular periodic measurements of the
Comprehensive knowledge in regards to masticatory forceconducted with load cellsas
physiological reactions of all participating well as muscle biopsies, which were run before
structures within specific settings (func- the experiment began and were repeated 20 weeks
tion). after the start. The assayed tissue samples of the
left and right masseter muscle were processed both
While obtaining a greater understanding of biochemically and histochemically. Within the
the muscular elements behavior insight into the masseter muscle fast FT fibers (fast contraction,
behavior of the tempromandibular joint structures easily fatigable) are dominantphysiologically
was gained as well. This is of considerable impor- based on its function as elevator muscleversus
tance in regards to the diagnostic and therapeutic the slow ST fibers (long-term tasks). The one-sided
approach of dentist and therapist alike. Thus a occlusal interference leads to a significant muta-
concept could be developed in which, technical tion of the amount of fiber in favor to the slow
measurements, clinical diagnostics as well as ST fibers, in addition to a quantitative increase
therapy are based on an exact defined long-term on the disturbed side.
animal experimentation series, combined with The cross-sectional size of the FT fibers were
previously existing scientific findings. Until measurably enlarged on the non-disturbed side,
the 1980s the morphology of the temporoman- also, the amount of capillaries increased. On the
dibular joints was relatively well researched. The disturbed side the enzyme activity decreased over
behavior of the masseter muscle was studied as the test period more than on the non-disturbed side.
well. Applying exact methods of basic research On the non-disturbed side the masticatory force
the team began an animal research series at the increased significantly in relation to the disturbed
University of Leipzig. The chosen test animal was side. The entire enzyme activity dropped sub-
Mini-LEWE (a miniature pig), an internationally stantially during the experiments, more so on the
recognized breed for researching problems in disturbed side. EMG measurement showed raised
dentistry. Both, control groups and the number of activity levels on the non-disturbed side. These
test animals were selected to produce meaningful resultsmost of all concerning the spectrum of
results (statistics). The time span of the experi- fibersare corresponding with the works of other
ments was selected with the same intentions. The scientists and prove clearly the direct relationship
conduction of the experiments was standardized between the morphological criteria and functional
as well, so all subsequent research could be based claims. This could affirm the assumption that
on the exact same approach. by pain in the orofacial system the masticatory
muscles are of high significance.

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

THE TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT As is known in the physiology of the muscles,

the masseter muscle and the temporal muscle
A particular research series (Hndel, 1986) consist about 75% out of fast FT fibers. Similar
examined the impact of the same one-sided oc- values were found for the medial pterygoid muscle.
clusal interference on the temporomandibular Within these FT fibers with glycolid metabolism
joint. Due to the unstable conditions caused by we at least have to differentiate between type IIA,
the different loads of pressure in the left and type IIB and type II X. Type IIA are aerobic fibers
right temporomandibular joints, significant tissue that allow for an increase of the portion of ST fibers
changes were occurring in the cartilage surface within itself. In contrast to the masseter, temporal
area of the condyles, the discus articularis as well and medial pterygoid muscles a higher portion (up
as in the lining of the fossa articularis. to 70% in the literature) of the slow ST fibers is
assumed in the lateral pterygoid muscle. This low
amount of trainable FT fibers leads us to suspect
THE LATERAL PTERYGOID that muscles with such a fiber spectrum will dis-
MUSCLE play more difficulties in adaptation. The experi-
ment implemented unilateral interference caused
Encouraged by these results further animal ex- morphological changes in the masseter muscle, the
periments were being prepared. The aim of these temporal muscle and pterygoid muscles as well
research series was to expand on the previous ap- as metabolism change when shifting the mastica-
proach with introduction of the areas temporalis tory force to the opposite side. (Please note that
muscle, the medial and lateral pterygoid as well a consistent terminology for fiber types does not
as the temporomandibular joints (Ulrici, 1991). exist, for example another designation for ST fibers
Special attention was given to the lateral pterygoid is MyHC-I. Within this terminology MYHC-IIA
muscle sinceas the literature indicatedno equals the FT fiber type IIA and so forth. But
long-term experiments had been conducted on most importantly we have to acknowledge that,
this subject yet. The unique quality of this deeply due to their extremely difficult and varying tasks,
embedded and but not secured palpatable muscle masticatory muscles are completely different from
lay in its origin within a single upper and lower all other skeletal muscles. At this point partially
inferior head. The upper and lower heads unite referring to studies about fiber-type composition
after an almost horizontally course and insert of muscles conducted by Korfage, Koolstra, Van
directly at the temporomandibular articulation Eijden, also Goldsprink et al.)
capsule (over many years a subject of discussion The lateral pterygoid muscle is that muscle of
in the anatomical field). These special anatomical mastication, reacting the most sensitive by dis-
features in combination with its resultant func- playing a significant increase of ST fibers on the
tions within the joint put the lateral pterygoid in disturbed side. In addition the cross-sectional size
the center of interest. of both fiber types enlarged. An increased amount
The experiments conducted at the University of capillaries were recorded on the disturbed side,
of Leipzig and its results are still of topic today. meanwhile a decline of enzyme activity took place
In all literature no evidence of comparable and on the contra-lateral. The metabolism did not
equally fundamental research can be found, adjust according to the morphological processes.
merely statements in regards to the special func- This metabolic disorder could be the possible cause
tional behavior of the upper or inferior head of for a heightened algesia of this muscle, keeping in
the lateral pterygoid muscle and of the muscle at mind that the reason of muscle pain in general is
whole (Murray et al elsewhere this chapter). not resolved yet. Different theories, most notably

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

Figure 1.

a. Accurate occlusion with joints and muscles in balance b. Implementation of a one-sided disturbance

c. Masseter, temporalis and medial pterygoid muscle d. Lateral pterygoid muscle displaying a working hypertrophy
displaying a bigger alteration of the fiber spectrum at the on the opposite side after elimination of the disturbance,
opposite side then on the disturbed side several weeks after the temporomandibular joint being affected as well and the
the implementation of a one-sided disturbance. Lateral occlusion not being in the centric position. (All images
pterygoid musclebeing more disturbed on the side with the A.Vogel/imd)
elevated filling.

metabolism disorder and mini lesions on muscle of the arthro-muscular balance was most pro-
fibers are to be under consideration. After elimi- nounced after about 30 weeks. (The effects of
nating the disturbance the lateral pterygoid muscle one-sided occlusal disturbance most notably on
continued to display further reactions in form of the temporomandibular joint on the contra-lateral
work-related hypertrophy on the non-disturbed as described by Hndel was confirmed.)
side. This is a special reaction to the heavy load, These long-term, carefully planned test series
induced by evasion, abrasion and the search for could prove that through purely mechanical shifts
new habitual intercuspidation. The disturbance of the mandible reactions are being put in action.

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

These reactions lead to a buildup of new, adaptive muscle, with varying amounts of evenly graded
reflex pattern of both, the chewing motion and activity throughout its entire range, and with the
the so called centric position. In practice this can distribution of activity within the muscle be-
be retrieved within the habitual intercuspidation, ing determined by the biomechanical demands
the result being an alteration of the masticatory of the task. The functional coherence of the
muscles itself. Therefore the deepest impact was lateral pterygoid was a premise of the Leipzig
recorded in the lateral pterygoid muscle which test series.
corresponds with the fact that it is involved in
all movements of the mandible, mainly deter-
mined by horizontal tasks and restrain as well DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW
as coordination. The insights of the 1980s and MEASURING TECHNIQUE
early 1990s correspond with the results of long-
term EMG experiments on the lateral pterygoid After the Leipzig test series it was necessary to
muscle conducted at the Westmead Centre for re-consider the value of the performance of the
Oral Health, University of Sydney. The tests on mastycatory musceles and notably of the lateral
patients (electrode placement trajectory on the pterygoid muscle in dentistry based on the cogni-
lateral pterygoid muscle under CT control) were tions about muscles within the orofacial system
run under varying tasks over a time span of about in general, as well as the muscle-physiological
10 years, focusing on both upper and inferior head features of singular participating muscles and
of the lateral pterygoid muscle. their interactions. Hence grew an urgency to
Amongst other things the effects of one-sided implement objective methods of measurement in
occlusal interference were verified by the Sydney the orofacial field, as applied decades before in
team (Huang, Whittle and Murray, 2006): IHPL other fields of medicine, only which could truly
(e.g. inferior head of lateral pterygoid) activity give justice to the complexity of this muscular
was significantly (p < 0, 05) increased with the system. Most of all these insights immediately
occlusal alteration during the outgoing (movement impacted manual bite registration conducted in
from intercuspal position to approximately 5mm restorative dentistry.
right) and return phases of laterotrusion. The other In the following years, combining his knowl-
muscles demonstrated no change or a significant edge of the results of the animal-based test series
decrease activity. CONCLUSIONS: These find- with the scientific overview of the multiple forms
ings suggest that a change to the occlusion on the of the theme bite registration, Vogel began, within
working-side in the form of a steeper guidance the framework of an interdisciplinary research
necessitates an increase in IHPL activity to move complex, to develop an objective measurement
the mandible down the steeper guidance. In 2007 technique which was to fulfill the following
Murray et al drew the conclusion that the lateral requirements: To develop a diagnostic method
pterygoid is part of all masticatory movements which allows for objective insight into different
and should be functionally considered a homo- components of the masticatory system as well
geneous muscle: These studies have defined the as the evaluation of all functional processes.
detailed functional properties of, in particular, To ensure that this method would deliver ap-
the lateral pterygoid muscle, whose physiology propriate findings, assuming adequate medical
and function is not well understood. In summary, capabilities, the actual state can be determined,
the data are consistent with the hypothesis previ- and simultaneously allow conclusions towards the
ously proposed that the lateral pterygoid should normal physiological behavior of the masticatory
be regarded as a system of fibers that acts as one system - the target state. With this method, bite

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

registration was finally awarded the significance parameters. In the field of sensor, amplifier and
in restorative dentistry that it deserves. It was transition and fixation technology, new technical
necessary to capture and show objective basic developments were integrated. A new addition was
biological and physiological parameters, so that a the capability not only to measure under defined
diagnostic as well therapeutic approach could be masticatory force, but also to enable fixing under
secured. Such a system also needed to objectively this force. Without modifications of the clinical
display a functional pattern of the neuromuscular contents the software was adjusted according to
system and evaluate further components of the this optimized measurement technique and of-
orofacial system like the temporomandibular joint ficially released under the name DIR System
and occlusion, while also complying with the re- in the last quarter of 2006. It was certified after
quirements of modern day measuring techniques MPG 93-42 EWG, Anhang 4, of the European
in medicine. It also needed to produce easily Union standards.
replicable results for the dentist, dental techni- The system operates on the principle of sup-
cian and not least the patients participating in the port pin registration. Alongside the records of the
recording processes. original pin position registration a combination
As early as 1993 Vogel presented the proto- of additional positions is being utilized in the
type of a system which could comply with all readings. By doing this, a combination of two-
of these requirements at the 42. annual meeting dimensional functions, under high resolution, is
of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Prothetik und made graphically transparent, visually rendering
Werkstoff kunde e.V. in Lbeck-Travemnde the actual neuromuscular commitment as well as
(Germany). In 1993, after perfecting the sensor the functional behavior of the structures of the
technology and software as well as integrating a temporomandibular joints. Vogel, Jde, Jakstat
conductor system to fixate the obtained param- proved that not only the position of the support pin
eters for the mandible position, the system was but also the applied force influences the measure-
introduced to the market (patent of the sensor: ment results. In DIR the integration of mastica-
Vogel/Heinze/Wiesinger). It should be pointed tory force is being applied in the 10 to 30 newton
out that the software contents were developed as range, which corresponds to the performance
the result of the above mentioned animal tests and parameter of masticatory musculature. Because
their scientific findings. Besides these findings, of this strength-based muscle performance a
based on a complex overview of the application third dimension is being indirectly included in
of support pin registration, additional positions the assessment. A positive side effect is that the
of the pin, which were not given attention earlier, measurements are being displayed in real time on
were incorporated into the registration. At last a a monitor. This allows for better self-control and
new type of handling for the registration of the increases concentration of the patient.
mandible position was substantiated, including With the employment of this system it is, in
an entirely new form of bite registration under a particular in dentistry, intended to consolidate
defined masticatory force. the occlusal conditions. This allows the dental
practitioner to align the non-visible position
of the temporomandibular joints as well as the
DIR SYSTEM: DYNAMICS AND force vectors of the adequate muscles in a physi-
INTRAORAL REGISTRATION ologically optimal state, a set point, which then
allows one to determine the correct occlusional
Based on the learnings of this measuring system conditions, the key factor for all restorative work.
practice it became necessary to optimize essential Subsequent necessary therapeutic measures, e.g.

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

Figure 2. Diagram of the elements of the DIRSystem


digital multichannel notebook plane table with

measuring amplifier step motor

measuring sensor+support pin


Figure 3. Support pin and sensor placed in plaster casts

gnatho-orthopedic, and surgical concepts, can it essential to intensively analyze occlusion and
then be debated and planned. The aspect of occlu- also consider its relation to further aspects (e.g.
sion in combination with reflex based occurrences spine, pelves) within these functional occurrences.
alone, creates a significance which has not been This critical and all encompassing point of view
achieved or demonstrated in any other field. The inevitably raises other issues such as the theory of
critical discourse surrounding this problem makes occlusion, programming of dental articulators and

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

the calculation of specific planes. As it is the re- consider varied parameters and to develop an
sponsibility of the dentist to correctly position and instrument which would be highly relevant to a
occlusally fixate the mandible, Vogel is convinced dental practice, most of all enabling the partici-
that first and foremost a physiologically correct pating partners, dentist and dental technician, to
position of the mandible needs to be established share a collective and comprehensible point of
before further medical disciplines can be taken view for necessary occlusal restoration.
into consideration. Once these procedures are The most integral technical components of
accepted interdisciplinary collaboration (otorhi- DIR-System measuring technique for identi-
nolaryngology, neurology, orthopedics, physical fication of the mandible position, are a new type
therapy, osteopathy) can begin and a number of sensor, a new measurement amplifier, and new
of new approaches for further assessment will software which has been adjusted to match the new
open up. As already mentioned, it is imperatively hardware as well as a highly precise transmission
necessary to continue the work in combination system. This combination allows to record the
with exact and objective measurement technique interference-free two-dimensional movements
from the already named areas of dentistry, so of the mandible in an very high resolution. The
that in the future scientifically secured results, third aspect is that the under masticatory force
expressed by treatment strategies, can be handed conducted measurement is becoming an essential
to the practitioner. part of the assessment process.
The integration of the parameters movement
and masticatory force with an electronic measur-
FUNCTIONALITY OF THE DIR ing process is new for bite registration in dentistry.
SYSTEM It also allows for conclusions in regards to behavior
of structures under functional aspects which were
The preliminary concern when developing this unknown until the present point in time.
new objective measurement technique was to

Figure 4. Pin placed in the maxilla and sensor placed in the mandible of a patient`s mouth, both are
fixed on patterns

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

Figure 5. A computer-simulated image of an DIR measurement

After approximately 15 years of deployment registration is an acceptable method but has be to

of this measurement technique into the everyday synchronized with the existing modern technical
practice (in 2006 the former system was upgraded capabilities. Surprisingly Webers thesis does not
to become the DIR System) it has become appar- take the basic studies and subject-matter research
ent that the approach created by Vogel has been by Kleinrok into consideration.
validated, in multiple ways, in the clinical field Vogels second proposition, the significance of
today. The latest results in research in regards to the chewing muscles and the temporomandibular
support pin registration as well as in the area of joints has been recently affirmed. A study about
morphology of the muscles validate the system the effects of masticatory force training on the
approach: masticatory musculature (dissertation, presented
In 2006 a study about the precision of intraoral in 2002 by Regber) showed that the lateral ptery-
support pin registration, presented in a dissertation goid muscle reacted very differently compared
by Natalie Weber, proved that this method can be to other masticatory muscles, a result which
assumed as accurate, having been a reoccurring was underestimated by Regber. At this point we
topic of discussion in dentistry. In a group of have to emphasize, once again, the results of the
22 subjects of an average age of 22 and free of manifold EMG recordings of the lateral pterygoid
complaints, 88 percent resulted in an aberration muscle conducted at The University of Sydney,
of less than 0,5mm. The data reiterates the high Australia. A new detailed case study (Janke,
level of accuracy of this method. The methodical 2007) reports successful treatments of patients
specifications of this studyyoung test persons with TMD (temporomandibular disorder) based
free of complaintsas well as its resultsvariations on measurement results of the DIR System.
with each measurement in addition to a daily er- After these measurements the habitual position
ror rate, validate Vogel once more in one specific (actual state) of the mandible was corrected into
aspect of his approach to develop a new process for the physiological position (target state) with bite
registering the position of the mandible: The pin splints.

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

The main focus within the framework of den- the anteropersterior positioning ot the jaw at the
tistry should be to exactly determine position and postural position. An important role has also been
value of the orofacial system, and clearly define its demonstrated electromyographically for progres-
allotment within the human system. The aspect of sive changes in activity in the inferior head as the
the occlusion in combination with reflex actions direction of horinzontal jaw force shifts from one
create a level of significance which simply can side to the other. This suggests an important role
not be reached or demonstrated in other medical for the lateral pterygoid muscle in the generation
disciplines. The critical dispute of this problem of side-to-side and protrusive jaw forces. The
makes it necessary to research occlusion extremely lateral pterygoid muscle is likely therefore to play
intensively and to consider its functionality in an important role in parafunctional excursive jaw
relation to other aspects (e.g. spine, pelvis). This movements and also possibly a role in influencing
critical point of view inescapably follows suit jaw position in patients where the maxilloman-
as mentioned abovewith further problems dibular relationship records change from session
for the practice: occlusion concepts, calculation to session. The above data provide new insights
of specific planes as well as the application of for into the normal function of the lateral pterygoid
example face-bows. muscle. The proposal that the lateral pterygoid
In addition the practice with DIR System muscle plays some role in the aetiologoy of TMD
shows that, especially in the field of dentistry needs now to be rigorously tested. The afore
and dental technique, very different basic ap- mentioned being in conjunction with Vogel.
proaches are being applied. Based on the authors
insights it is imperatively necessary in the field
of physiotherapy to develop unified concepts and FINAL REMARKS
to deploy these in the educational system. As it
is equally essential to further investigate certain From the perspective of dentistry and prosthetic
areas in basic research (muscles, neural control, dentistry the introduction of the DIR System
pain). It is desirable, through clearly defined accounts for the permanently increasing need to
transparent positions, to reach a crucial leap in bring transparency into the black box of bite
quality (optimal function in terms of the patient) registration. It is the concern of the author to
for the restorative occurrences within the occlusal bring security and improved capacity in regards
system via integration of all involved structures to diagnostic and therapy for the dental practitio-
of the body ner before he or she decides on a certain therapy.
It is highly positive that doctors from different This point of view manifests that in the future the
fields are opening up to the subject matter and that results of restorative, gnatho-orthopedic and im-
successes of first interdisciplinary collaborations plantological treatments call for evalution from a
are being reported. It remains up to the commit- different point of view (IAAID-Symposium 2006,
ment of further research teams to critically dispute R. Slavicek, G. Risse about gnatho-orthopedic
such a complex subject matter and shed more light treatment). Functions in the sense of physiologi-
into such problems as TMD. Murray and his team cal target values of the patient should concede a
came to the following results through yet another dominant role. It is no coincidence that in young
series of experiments based on EMG recordings: patients recurrence or TMD occurs time-displaced
Despite earlier reports to the contrary, both after gnatho-orthopedic treatments. The results of
heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle appear to restorative dentistry can lead to occlusional altera-
be electrically silent at the postural or resting jaw tion or even non-physiological positioning of the
position, and therefore appear to play no role in axis of the teeth in relation to the force vectors of

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

the musculature, which then again can lead to the Composition of the Human Jaw Muscles - (Prat
already mentioned negative consequences. 1). Origin and Functional Significane of Fiber-type
It is therefore advised to always keep the func- Diversity. J Dent Res., 84(9), 774-83.
tion in perspective - in the interest of all, the patient,
Korfage et al. (2005). Fiber-type Composition of
the dentist, therapist, and the dental technician.
the Human Jaw Muscles (Part 2). Role of Hybrid
The parameters movement and masticatory force
Fibers and Factors Responsible fr Inter-indi-
are being applied with the instantaneous goal to
vidual Variation. J Dent Re., 84(9), 784-93.
bring the moving structures (actual state) into an
ideal physiological state (target state) for the object. Murray, G. M., Bhutada, M., Peck, C. C., Phana-
The many internationally conducted experiments chet, I., Sae-Lee, D., & Whittle, T. (2007). The
presented have created a good starting position for human lateral pterygoid muscle. Arch Oral Biol.,
bringing more clarity into the oriofacial system 52(4), 377-80.
and to begin solving many problems in dentistry.
Murray, G. M., Phanachet, I., Uchida, S., &Whit-
In addition to TMD many other controversial
tle, T. (n.d.). The human lateral pterygoid muscle.
problems are being discussed. These issues will
A review of some experimental aspects and pos-
require the dental field to research further.
sible clinical relevance. Austral dental Journal,
49(1), 2-8.
REFERENCES Regber, K. (2002). Auswirkungen eines Kaukraft-
trainings auf die Kaumuskulatur. Freiburg i.Br.:
Hndel, L. (1986). Experimentelle Untersuchun- Inaugural-Dissertation.
gen am Miniaturschwein (Mini-LEWE) zur Aus-
Trp, J. C., & Schindler, H.-J. (2002). Zum Zu-
wirkung unilateraler Okklusionsstrungen auf
sammenhangt zwischen Okklusion und Myoar-
die Mjorphologie der Strukturen beider Kiefer-
thropathien. Schweiz. Monatsschr. Zahnmed,
gelenke (Ein Beitrag zur tiologie des Schmerz-
113(9), 403-11.
Dysfunktions-Syndroms). Leipzig: Dissertation
zur Promotion A. Ulrici, V. (1982). Experimentelle Untersuchungen
am Miniaturschwein (Mini-LEWE) zur Auswir-
Hirsch, C., & John, M. (2003). Prvalenz kranio-
kung von unilateralen Okklusionsstrungen auf
mandiblulrer Dysfunktion (CMD) bei Kindern
die Kaumuskulatur (Ein Beitrag zur tiologie
und Jugendlichen. Dtsch. Zahnrztl. Zeitschr,
des Schmerz-Dysfunktions-Syndroms). Leipzig:
(DZZ), 10, 589-92.
Dissertation zur Promotion A.
Huang, B. Y., Whittle, T., & Murray, G. M. (2006).
Ulrici, V. (1991). Die Vernderungen des arthro-
A working-side chang to lateral tooth guidance
muskulren Gleichgewichts im orofazialen Organ
increases lateral pterygoid muscle activity. Arch
durch unilaterale Interferenzen. Eine tierexperi-
Oral Biol. 5(8), 689-96.
mentelle Untersuchung am Minischwein. Leipzig:
Janke, A. T. W. (2007). Auswirkung nach dem Habilitationsschrift.
DIR-System vermessener okklusal adjustierter
Vogel, A., Jakstat, H., & Jde, H.-D. (1990).
Aufbischienen auf die Stellung der Halswirbel-
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einflu der
sule bei CMD-Patienten. Krems: M.A.-theses.
Registrierkraft auf das Ergebnis der Sttzstiftre-
Korfage, J. A. M., Koolstra, J. H., Langenbach, G. gistrierung. Dtsch. Stomatol., 40, 363-65.
E. J., & van Eijden, T. M. G. J. (2005). Fiber-type

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

v. Schilcher, C. (2004). Die Position des Condylus DIRSystem: An obejctive method to re-
mandibulare Eine kritische Literaturbersicht. cord the mandible alignment to gain the centric
Wrzburg: Inaugural-Dissertation. position
Weber, N. A. (2006). Untersuchung zur Przision Intraoral Recording: Recording the mandible
des intraoralen Sttzstiftregistrates bei der Er- position relating to the maxilla
mittlung der zentrischen Kieferrelation verglichen
Lateral Pterygoid Muscle: A masticatory
mit der maximalen Interkuspidationsposition
muscle, which lays in the depth and can not be
funktionsgesunder Probanden. Mnster: Inau-
palpated properly
Mandible Alignment: Positioning of the
mandible in relation to the maxille
KEY TERMs Masticatory Force: Force developed by clos-
ing the theeth rows under power
Bite Registration: Various methods to reg-
Masticatory Muscles: System of muscles for
istrate the relationship of the maxilla and the
opening and closing the mandiblel, for chewing,
swallowing and articulation

Section II
Software Support in Oral

Chapter V
Requirements for a Universal
Image Analysis Tool in
Dentistry and Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery

Thomas Hierl Thomas Gbler

University of Leipzig, Germany University of Leipzig, Germany

Heike Hmpfner-Hierl Alexander Hemprich

University of Leipzig, Germany University of Leipzig, Germany

Daniel Kruber Gert Wollny

University of Leipzig, Germany Universidad Polytchnica de Madrid, Spain


This chapter discusses the requirements of an image analysis tool designed for dentistry and oral and
maxillofacial surgery focussing on 3D-image data. As software for the analysis of all the different types
of medical 3D-data is not available, a model software based on VTK (visualization toolkit) is presented.
VTK is a free modular software which can be tailored to individual demands. First, the most important
types of image data are shown, then the operations needed to handle the data sets. Metric analysis is
covered in-depth as it forms the basis of orthodontic and surgery planning. Finally typical examples of
different fields of dentistry are given.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

INTRODUCTION Optical scanning of dental plaster casts in

Image analysis is routinely performed in all fields CT, MRI, and optical scanning in epithet-
of dentistry, ranging from 2D X-ray analysis to the ics (i. e. generating artificial missing facial
investigation of plaster model casts in orthodontics parts after tumor surgery, accidents or due
or the planning of surgical procedures based on to syndromic diseases)
CT data. In daily practise, different image analysis
tools are used which have been designed for spe- A key issue of most 3D scanners is the use
cialized needs, in many instances one programme of proprietary file formats with an inconsistent
for one single task. This is especially true for 3D export possibility into common file formats.
images where landmark based analysis methods Most software functions of the programmes
are often used. Ways to handle these data will be which come alongside the scanners, however, are
shown in this chapter. confined to these proprietary file formats. This
implies that missing import filters are limiting
the use of these programmes in daily practise.
Image data in dentistry Commercially used software is free of such con-
straints but rarely adapted to the needs of dental
During the last decades, image analysis in den- professionals, is rather expensive and requires
tistry was mostly confined to 2D bitmap images. profound training.
Typical examples have been:

Plain X-rays cephalometric analysis in Requirements for a

orthodontics, caries diagnostics, endodon- universal image analysis
tics etc. tool
Photographs facial analysis in oral and
maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics An ideal image analysis tool should appeal to the
typical software used by medical professionals
The advent of 3D-scanning technologies (i.e. the look and feel of standard office software).
has brought a wealth of new image data to den- Functions and drop down menus should be named
tistry. CT-scanning, magnetic resonance imag- in plain words, mathematical terms should be
ing (MRI), cone beam tomography, and optical used sparsely. Regarding the data to be analysed,
scanning (e. g. laser scanning, fringe projection import filters for typical 2D and 3D format files
or stereophotogrammetry ) are now widely used. should be available. These include:
A short and incomplete list of reasons why such
data is acquired includes: Bitmap formats (BMP, JPEG, )
Rdiologic images (DICOM standard)
Optical scanning of dental crowns for Polygon based surface data derived from
prosthodontic work (CAD-CAM design and optical scanners (STL, VRML, OBJ, )
production of crowns and bridgework)
CT and CBT for implant surgery (ranging Regarding the 3D image files export filters
from planning of implant position to surgical are required for special tasks. This includes
navigation during implant placement) production of rapid prototyping (RP) specimens
CT, MRI, and optical scanning for 3D for implant templates, epithetics or alloplastic
cephalometry implants (Ono et al. 2000). The most important

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

format is STL, which is the standard language of CT, MRI and CBT data may be inspected
RP-machines. Other export formats like VRML by way of image stacks, that means looking at
are useful in case of surgical planning if virtual individual slices within the scanned specimen.
skulls or bone segments are created which will These planes may be parallel to the scanners
undergo surgery. For DICOM data export formats gantry or perpendicular forming orthogonal x,
are needed if the data have to be processed as the y, z planes. Furthermore so-called oblique planes
original DICOM data should not be changed (this may be created which may lie in any direction.
is a key point of this format to keep the inherent In case of 3D reconstruction, the image data
medical information). has to be segmented (i. e. using a threshold to
For 2D images typical pre-analysis procedures define which grey-scale values will be shown)
include cropping, rotation, mirroring, colour to confine the displayed image to the structures
changes and correction of contrast and brightness. to be analysed. This works easy with CT images
Here a multitude of software solutions exists, due to the wide range of the Hounsfield scale,
and most tasks can be performed with any of somewhat worse for CBT data and most compli-
them. In the majority, analysis of dental images cated for MRI data. Anatomical structures may
is concerned with metric measurements. After be displayed via volume or surface rendering.
calibration to the real distances landmarks are Regarding metric analysis, 3D images are much
used to define distances, angulations, proportions more difficult than 2D ones. As the object may
to create new landmarks with new distances and move, the chosen landmarks have to stick. As
so on. Furthermore parallel and perpendicular the landmarks lie on the surface of the object,
lines will have to be created. In the 2D world thresholding becomes a major issue analysing CT
special orthodontic software exists to solve these or CBT images. Changing the threshold changes
requirements. Here a most important factor is the geometry und thus the landmark coordinates
how intuitive the analysis can be done and the (that way the threshold boundaries should be stated
time needed. Being able to perform an analysis in scientific work using segmentation procedures).
in the shortest possible time will be a key issue A coordinate system has to be set up to attribute
in clinical practise and will define the use of any x, y, and z values to calculate distances or define
software. Also the database should allow easy lines, angles and planes. More elaborate features in
access to the data for statistical analysis. processing 3D-data sets include clipping, adding
In the 3D world the situation is more compli- different aspects, loading different data-sets and
cated. As mentioned above many programmes are manipulate them independently, or performing
confined to special formats. Converting formats boolean operations (Hierl et al. 2006).
may lead to loss of information like an export As mentioned above, image analysis can be
from OBJ to STL format looses facial texture landmark-based. In dental and medical applica-
information. Programmes may read DICOM data tions, the use of landmarks is widely accepted as
or polygon data. The key asset of 3D data is the most areas of interest show distinct landmarks
possibility to have a look from all sides. Thus which are routinely used in clinical language to
pre-analysis features have to include: describe these specimens. As therapeutical ap-
proaches are orientated on these landmarks, too,
Moving the object (pan) metrical information about these landmarks is
Rotating the object more or less self-explaining for the medical prac-
Zoom capability titioner. Using 3D cephalometric measurements
is the method of choice in cases of asymmetry

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

or severe pathology (Kragskov et al. 1997). On ing) and ITK (NLM insight toolkit;
the contrary, using complex ways of analysis which deliver modules for data processing and
like thin-spline-analysis (Bookstein 1996) or visualization that are publicly available and can
landmark-free methods, which describe shape be combined freely. Furthermore, modules not
changes may lead to a general understanding but available by now can be written by and shared
can rarely be utilized for therapy. Therefore the with the huge VTK community. Based on VTK,
focus of this chapter will lie on a conventional ap- a software designed for dental and medical image
proach with stress on 3D datasets. Image analysis analysis is presented. Schroeder et al. (2006) serve
of time series (for example comparing pre- and for further reading on VTK. A most important
posttherapeutical images) using registration pro- feature is usability, therefore close contact be-
cedures is an important feature, too, but is not tween clinicians and software programmers is
dealt within this chapter. suggested.
First step is choosing the image formats to
be read. For 2D and 3D images, the following
Design of a model software formats were selected: 2D: BMP, JPEG, PNG, for
As mentioned above, an ideal, low-priced software Second step is to integrate basic functions. This
for analysing medical 3D data is hard to find. On implies 3D rendering of DICOM images as well
the other hand, open projects to furnish the back- as functions like zooming, rotation or panning.
ground for such software have been developed. Independent clipping planes and thresholding
Most famous are VTK (visualization toolkit; www. to segment DICOM images are needed, too. To, for parallel comput- facilitate segmentation, buttons for typical pre-set

Figure 1. Four window display of a CT data set. The use of crosshairs allows landmark placement
anywhere. The sella landmark is shown in the midst of sella turcica.

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

values for soft tissue surface display and bony crosshairs, or by using a maximum intensity pro-
segmentation are integrated decreasing the need jection to reduce a 3D image to a 2D one, in which
for manual segmentation. In medical CT scanning exact landmark placement can be easier. Figure
an often neglected problem is the orientation of 1 shows the use of crosshairs, which is important
the scanners gantry. Tilting of the gantry plane is for landmarks that do not lie on the surface of the
done to avoid exposition of the lenses. During 3D investigated object. Furthermore the coordinates
reconstruction most software programmes will of the individual landmarks must be available for
not correct the gantry which will lead to gross further use (Figure 2). This allows processing
distortion of the rendered object by displacement of the data. In case of cephalometry, Euclidian
of all axial slices in the z-plane. Automatic gantry distance matrix analysis (Lele and Richtsmeier
tilt correction can be implemented in VTK and 2001) or finite element methods (Lozanoff and
is a useful feature. Diewert 1989) may be performed that way.
For metrical analysis, a hierarchical procedure Having chosen the landmarks, the trigono-
was chosen. First step is to select the appropriate metric operations follow. Figure 3 shows possible
landmarks. These may be anatomical ones in operations, ranging from defining distances,
case of cephalometry and orthodontics and here different ways to construct planes, proportions,
an open, self-defined library to choose the ones angulations, to perpendicular distances, lines or
needed is helpful. Landmarks may be select by planes. In addition these operations may define
way of different means. E. g. by direct placement new points etc, which can serve as a basis for
on the thresholded CT image, by way of using further measurements (Figure 4). So, an intricate

Figure 2. Facial scan taken by an optical scanner. Import format is VRML. Anatomic landmarks have
been placed on the surface. The individual coordinates are displayed instantly and may be used for fur-
ther processing. On the far left of the table the landmark is given, then a short definition follows. Below
right the location of the highlighted landmark is shown.

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Figure 3. Construction table for trigonometric operations. Any operations can be performed by inserting
the appropriate landmarks. Each result is shown and stored in a spreadsheet.

Figure 4. Pathway for a landmark based analysis. Generated objects can be used for further analysis.
This way, complex metrical analysis is possible.

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

trigonometric analysis can be performed. In the Boolean operations with objects will be nec-
end a spreadsheet with all the information for that essary to construct CAD-CAM facial implants
individual specimen is given. The construction (Figure 6), epithetic prostheses, or in prosth-
table has to be self-explaining. In this example a odontics .
drag and drop function to allocate the landmarks Being able to inspect intersections of multiple
and picking from a table are possible. Finally datasets will also allow the investigation of oc-
analyses are created which resemble batch pro- clusion using virtual model casts.
grammes. In the end, an appropriate analysis is Export filters are necessary to allow further
selected for the data, the landmarks are loaded work with the generated data. For practical rea-
automatically and the only work is to place the sons VRML and STL seem reasonable. This way
landmarks in the correct order. After the last objects can be created by way of rapid prototyping
landmark has been placed, the result of the full or used for further work (Figure 7). If finite ele-
analysis is given in a spreadsheet ready for export ment methods need to be applied, segmentation
to a statistical software programme. In addition, and export functions are needed for preprocessing
the landmark coordinate data can be saved, too. of the data, too (Remmler et al. 1998).
Thus the correct position of the landmarks may
be re-evaluated or more landmarks may be added
for a new analysis. SOFTWARE VALIDATION
By way of segmentation, objects can be cre-
ated. Adding multiple objects to a scene and Any kind of software used for medical investi-
handling them independently allows planning gations needs validation. Different ways have
operations like surgery, orthodontic therapy or been suggested. Human skulls have been used in
prosthodontics (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Virtual try-on of an internal mandibular distraction device on a patients skull. Virtual opera-
tions help in shortening operation room times and can improve surgical outcome.

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Figure 6. Planning of a CAD-CAM generated alloplastic implant by fusion of two objects. Pink: patients
situation with traumatic nasoethmoidal and frontal deficiency; deep yellow: skull segment taken from
a skull library. Both objects are superpositioned and fused. Afterwards the patients object will be sub-
tracted and the implant object will remain. Only minor work to correct the transition to the patient skull
will be necessary. Segmented VRML data is used for these operations.

Figure 7. Surgical template for implant placement generated via rapid prototyping. Here the STL export
filter has been used to create a FDM specimen.

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

many instances as they resemble best the intricate CLINCAL APPLICATION

anatomy and the data set may show problems with
import functions, 3D-reconstruction, segmenta- A typical application of dental image analysis is
tion, and trigonometric measurements. A common investigating a dental arch. Plaster casts are taken
way is measuring distances on the real skull and routinely and conventional analysis was done by
compare the results with measurements on the placing a Perspex plate with an etched metric
virtual object (Hildeboldt and Vannier 1988). grid over the crowns. For precise measurements
Distances on the real skull can be taken with a reflection microscopes or callipers were used. Now
3D-digitizer or with precision callipers. In our optical scanning will furnish a precise virtual
validation study, a precision calliper was used. model with no risk of loosing information due
To minimize errors due to landmark identifica- to fractures of the brittle plaster cast. Having set
tion, titanium micro-screws were inserted on up a metric analysis the file is loaded and the ap-
22 landmarks before CT-scanning of the skull. propriate landmarks are placed. Then the batch
Statistical analysis of 48 measurements showed programme will calculate all pre-defined measure-
not significant difference (CT parameters: 1 ments automatically. As the virtual model can be
mm slicing, contiguous slices, deviation real zoomed, moved, or rotated freely, an analysis can
skull vs. virtual skull 1 % of the measurements be performed in short time (Figure 9).
which equalled 0.24 mm. Students t test, p < 0.01)
(Figure 8).

Figure 8. Software validation. Measurements between titanium micro screw markers (red dots) are
performed on the real and virtual skull. Using micro screws diminishes landmark location errors.

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Figure 9. 3D-analysis of a dental plaster cast. Import format is STL. Note the high quality of the laser-
scanning process. On the left landmarks, a midsagittal symmetry plane, and distances from cuspids to
the reference plane are shown. Right a grid has been placed for quick visual reference.

ADDITIONAL FEATURES between informatics and medical departments

is an ideal way to generate software up to the
Of course the above mentioned features cover clinicians need. As these features will be com-
only parts of dental image analysis. Measuring municated freely, it sounds reasonable to expect
areas and volumes is important and will have to that commercial software will be developed, which
be included. That way manual segmentation of will incorporate these features.
regions with little contrast difference is possible,
too. Registration procedures are also integrated
but will not be discussed within this chapter. REFERENCES

Bankman, I. A. (2000). Handbook of medical

CONCLUSION imaging, London: Academic press.
Bookstein, F. L. (1996). Biometrics, biomathemat-
With the increase in image data in dentistry and
ics and the morphometric synthesis. Bull Math
medicine analysis tools become more and more
Biol, 58, 313-65.
important. Especially the possibility to scan ob-
jects three-dimensionally increases the need for Hammond, P. (2008). The use of 3D face shape
powerful instruments. As commercially available modelling in dysmorphology. Arch Dis Child,
software by now lacks special features or has 92, 1120-1126.
drawbacks in workflow, a solution to overcome
Hierl, Th., Wollny, G., Schulze, F. P., Scholz,
these problems is using free software. VTK is
E., Schmidt, J. G., Berti, G., Hendricks, J., &
presented as a possible solution. It offers a wealth
Hemprich, A. (2006). CAD-CAM implants in
of modules which can be used for almost all tasks
esthetic and reconstructive craniofacial surgery.
in dental image analysis. Thus close cooperation
J Comp Information Tech, 14, 65-70.

Requirements for a Universal Image Analysis Tool in Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Hildebolt, C. F., & Vannier, M. W. (1988). Three- Yu, I. H., & Wong, Y. K. (2008). Evaluation of
dimensional measurement accuracy of skull mandibular anatomy related to sagittal split ra-
surface landmarks. Am J Phys Anthropol, 76, mus osteotomy using 3-dimensional computed
497-503. tomography scan images. Int J Oral Maxillofac
Surg, 37, 521-528.
Lele, S., & Richtsmeier, J. T. (2001). An invariant
approach to statistical analysis of shapes. London:
Chapman and Hall-CRC press.
Kragskov, J., Bosch, C., Gyldensted, C., & Sindet-
Pedersen, S. (1997). Comparison of the reliability
CAD-CAM: Computer-aided design and
of craniofacial anatomic landmarks based on
computer-aided manufacturing. Describes the use
cephalometric radiographs and three-dimensional
of software tools for design activities. Afterwards
CT scans. Cleft Palate Craniofac J, 34, 111-116.
computer systems are used to control the tools
Lozanoff, S., & Diewert, V. (1989). A computer during product manufacturing.
graphics program for measuring two- and three-
CBT: Cone-beam tomography. Radiologic
dimensional form changes in developing cranio-
method to acquire 3D data sets.
facial cartilages using finite element methods.
Comp Biomed Res, 22, 63-82. Cephalometry: The measurement of the hu-
man head. Standard procedure in orthodontics,
Ono, I., Abe, K., Shiotani, S., & Hirayama, Y.
anthropology, forensic medicine and maxillofacial
(2000). Producing a full-scale model from com-
puted tomographic data with the rapid prototyping
technique using the binder jet method: a compari- DICOM: Digital imaging and communica-
son with the laser lithography method using a dry tions in medicine. Standard for the management
skull. J Craniofac Surg, 11, 527-537. of medical imaging.
Remmler, D., Olson, L., Duke, D., Ekstrom, R., FDM: Fused deposition modelling. A rapid
Matthews, D., & Ullrich, C. G. (1989). Presurgi- prototyping procedure.
cal finite element analysis from routine computed
OBJ: An open geometry definition file for-
tomography studies for craniofacial distraction:
II. An engineering prediction model for gradual
correction of asymmetric skull deformities. Plast RP: Rapid Prototyping. Automatic construc-
Reconstr Surg, 102, 1395-1404. tion of physical objects using solid freeform
Schroeder, W., Martin, K., & Lorensen, B. (2006).
The visualization toolkit. An object-oriented ap- STL: Standard triangulation language or
proach to 3D graphics. Clifton Park: Kitware surface tesselation language. Standard language
for rapid prototyping and CAD.
Swennen, G. R., Schutyser, F., Barth, E. L., De
Groeve, P., & De Mey, A. (2006). A new method VRML: Virtual reality modeling language. A
of 3-D cephalometry Part I: the anatomic Car- common language to describe 3D objects, widely
tesian 3-D reference system. J Craniofac Surg, used in the internet.
17, 314-325.


Chapter VI
Denoising and Contrast
Enhancement in Dental
N. A. Borghese
University of Milano, Italy

I. Frosio
University of Milano, Italy


This chapter shows how large improvement in image quality can be obtained when radiographs are
filtered using adequate statistical models. In particular, it shows that impulsive noise, which appears
as random patterns of light and dark pixels on raw radiographs, can be efficiently removed. A switch-
ing median filter is used to this aim: failed pixels are identified first and then corrected through local
median filtering. The critical stage is the correct identification of the failed pixels. We show here that a
great improvement can be obtained considering an adequate sensor model and a principled noise dis-
tribution, constituted of a mixture of photon counting and impulsive noise with uniform distribution. It
is then shown that contrast in cephalometric images can be largely increased using different grey levels
stretching for bone and soft tissues. The two tissues are identified through an adequate mixture derived
from histogram analysis, composed of two Gaussians and one inverted log-normal. Results show that
both soft and bony tissues become clearly visible in the same image under a wider range of conditions.
Both filters work in quasi-real time for images larger than five Mega-pixels.

INTRODUCTION classical linear and non-linear filtering. The first

efficient statistical algorithms were first intro-
Principled statistical models have been introduced duced in the fields of astrophysics (Lucy 1974,
in the imaging field as an effective alternative to Richardson 1974) and PET imaging (Shepp and

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Vardi 1982). In these pioneering works the Poisson badly affects both readability of images and fur-
nature of the noise was first taken into account ther processing. Therefore, before providing the
explicitly in the filtering stage. This leads to the for- radiograph to the clinician, this noise component
mulation of a non-linear problem, where the cost has to be corrected, often in a transparent way,
function is named Kullback-Liebler divergence or at the driver level.
Csizar divergence (Csizar 1991). Its minimization The classical approach to impulsive noise re-
can be carried out efficiently through the Expecta- moval is based on a two stages procedure: pulses
tion Maximization algorithm, that is an iterative are detected first and then the image is filtered
approach for estimating the parameters of a statis- only in correspondence of the failed pixels; a local
tical model. EM iterates between the computation median filter is used to avoid the modification of
of an Expectation function, which describes the any pixel but the failed ones. This approach has
expected value of the negative log-likelihood over been named switching median filtering (Alparone
a set of latent variables, and the Maximization of Baronti and Carla 1995).
this function, which allows adjusting the values However, as shown in Figure 2 and Table I, the
of the parameters (Bishop 2006). number of false positives identified by traditional
It was soon clear that considering an adequate switching median filters (consider for instance
model of the noise, much better results could be the Rank Conditioned Filter (RCF) by Alparone
obtained. The price to be paid was a large increase Baronti and Carla 1995) is quite large with a
in computational time. This was an obstacle to consequent significant low-pass filtering effect
extend more principled statistical approaches to and loss of details. This has suggested developing
real problems and only few attempts were made better schemes for pulse identification.
in this direction (Geman and Geman 1984) until In particular, Gaussian models were intro-
the last decade, in which computational power duced in (Miller and Thomas 1976) to reliably
has made feasible this approach. identify pulses in the image, and the model has
In this chapter, it is shown how using principled been extended to mixture of Gaussians in (Saeed,
statistical models, two of the major problems in Rabiee, Kar, Nguyen 1997) to model different
radiographic imaging can be reliably solved: signal and noise distributions. However, none
impulsive noise removal, which is a common of these approaches takes into account the true
problem for any digital radiograph, and contrast statistics of the noise.
enhancement in cephalometric radiography, where In the first part of this chapter we show how,
the anatomical structures of both soft and bone taking this into account along with an adequate
tissue have to be both clearly visible in the same model of the sensor, a pulse detector can be de-
image (Figure 1). rived, which outperforms all the existing methods,
The method described in the first part of this for digital radiography. The filter was named RaIN,
chapter is based on the observation that two are which stands for Radiographic Impulsive Noise
the main noise components on a radiograph. The filter (Frosio and Borghese, 2009). It is based on
first one, called impulsive noise, shows up as a the definition of an adequate statistical model,
random pattern of light and dark pixels, which constituted of a mixture of impulsive and photon
changes from image to image. It may be attrib- counting noise. The corresponding likelihood
uted to transient failures of the A/D converter or function is efficiently maximized through EM.
communication over the bus of the sensor. The Mixture models can be used not only to build
second noise component is due to the emission a reliable pulse detector, but also to describe the
statistics of the X-ray photons, which is considered statistical distribution of the grey levels inside a
typically Poisson (Webb 1988). Impulsive noise single radiograph, and a cephalometric image in

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Figure 1. In panel (a), a raw cephalometric image is shown. The same image is shown: in panel (b)
after the application of UM (mask size 26 x 26, gain 3); after GC ( = 0.5) + UM in panel (c); after
HE + UM in panel (d); after STF (Bone = 0.25, Soft = 1.25, TP = 52) + UM in panel (e). The rectangle
highlighted in panel (e) is shown in panel (f) at a higher magnification rate (100 x 100 pixels are shown
here); notice the presence of impulsive noise in this area.

particular. This imaging modality is widely used pixels belonging to the two classes. To speed-up
by dentists, surgeons, and maxillofacial radiolo- processing, a look-up table and multi-resolution
gists for diagnosis, surgical planning, and implant processing have been implemented which make
evaluation (Moyers 1988). Because of the very dif- the filter operation fully compatible with the in-
ferent absorption coefficients of the soft and bone teractive visualization rates required by clinical
tissues, underexposure of bone and overexposure use (Frosio, Ferrigno and Borghese 2006). The
of soft-tissue often occur. A clear visualization of filter, named Soft Tissue Filter (STF), has proven
both types of tissue is therefore hardly achieved very effective under for a wide range of images; it
in the same radiograph and contrast enhancement outperforms the traditional contrast enhancement
becomes necessary to increase the visibility of algorithms like Gamma Correction (GC), Histo-
the interesting anatomical structures. gram Equalization (HE) and Unsharp Masking
In the second part of this chapter, we show that (UM). A typical result is shown in Figure 1.
a mixture of two Gaussians and one Log-normal
can be used to reliably cluster such an image into
three main classes: background, soft tissue and IMPULSIVE NOISE REMOVAL
bone tissue. Background pixels are discarded
whereas a large contrast increase for both soft Impulsive noise is removed through a switching
and bone tissues can be achieved by applying a median filter, whose efficiency is maximum if the
gamma transform with different values to the failed pixels only are identified. In the following

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

we derive the theory and the methodology, which scribed by a uniform distribution, but any other
lead to a very efficient pulse detector. pdf could be accommodated into the model. Under
these hypotheses, the following mixture model is
Sensor and Noise Model derived (Frosio and Borghese, 2009):

p (g n ,i | gi )= PPC pPC (g n ,i | gi )+ PImp pImp (g n ,i | gi )

The transfer function of a radiographic sensor can
be described by a simple, linear model (Yaffe and 0 PPC 1, 0 PImp 1, PPC + PImp = 1
Rowlands 1997): (3)

g n ,i = G pn ,i (1) where pImp(gn,i|gi) is the pdf of the impulsive noise;

PPC and PImp are respectively the probability that
where G is the sensor gain, gn,i is the noisy grey a pixel is corrupted by photon counting or im-
level and pn,i is the noisy number of photons reach- pulsive noise.
ing the ith cell of the sensor. More refined models Other forms of noise could be considered in
could be used; these may incorporate for instance equation. (3), like thermal, read-out, or quantiza-
non-linearity or hystheresis (Jaffe and Rowlands tion noise. However, for a well constructed and
1997). However, as sensors producers try to maxi- calibrated radiographic sensor, these components
mize linearity, sensors of the last generations can should be much smaller than photon counting
be accurately described by (1). and impulsive noise (Miller and Thomas 1976).
As pn,i in (1) describes an X-ray photon counting We also assume that the noise on each pixel is
process, it obeys Poisson statistics (Webb 1988). not correlated with that on adjacent ones, that is
Therefore gn,i can be considered a random vari- noise is white. Since the 40s (Fano G. 1947), it
able whose Probability Density Function (pdf), was known that the power of the photon counting
pPC, is given by: noise measured on the sensor is usually smaller
than the theoretically expected value (the ratio
between the measured and the expected noise
g n ,i
1 gi G Gi g n ,i power is known as Fanos factor). This fact was
pPC (g n ,i | gi )= e !
G G attributed to the finite width of the Point Spread
Function (PSF) of the sensor. Here, we suppose
(2) that PSF width is sufficiently small to neglect
this effect. Experimental results demonstrate
where gi is the noise free grey level value of the ith that, at least for the identification of the pixels
pixel. We explicitly observe that photon counting corrupted by impulsive noise, this assumption
noise is characterized by the fact that its variance is not critical.
increases linearly with the grey levels, while in In equations (3) the independent unknowns
the Gaussian model the variance is constant over are the rate of photon counting noise, PPC, and the
the entire grey levels range. Adopting a Gaussian sensor gain, G. The impulsive noise rate, PImp, is
noise model instead of the correct one produces derived from PPC as the two probabilities add to
therefore an under/overestimate of the noise power one. The noise free image gi, is also not known;
associated to the different grey levels. however such an image can be approximated by
On the sensor, impulsive noise adds to photon filtering the noisy image with a median filter. For
counting noise. We assume that it destroys any the derivation and a more detailed analysis, see
information about the original grey level of the (Frosio and Borghese, 2009).
failed pixels. It is also assumed that it can be de-

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Figure 2. The same portion of radiograph depicted in Fig. 1f is shown here after treatment with: RaIN
(G = 0.1904, PImp = 0.135%) (a); RCF 3x3 (d); RCF 13x13 (g); CSAM (j); BEM (m). All these images
were filtered with STF+UM before visualization. Panels (b), (e), (h), (k) and (n) show the pulses cor-
rected by each filter in this area. In panels (c), (f), (i), (l) and (o), the pulses corrected on the entire
image of Figure 1 are plotted.

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Parameters Estimate derives from the impulsive or photon counting

component; this information is coded in EM
Considering that the grey level values assumed by introducing a set of latent, unobservable random
the pixels are uncorrelated, the likelihood of G and variables, z, which code this information. In the
PPC, L(G, PPC). is the product of the probabilities expectation step, the Expectation function is built:
of all the measured grey values, each computed at the kth iteration, this can then be written as the
through equation (3). The unknown parameters expected value of the negative log likelihood with
can be estimated by minimizing the negative log respect to z, Q(z|G,PPC). For our model, it can be
likelihood function, f(G, PPC) (Weiss 2002), which written as shown in Box 2 (Equation 5) where ^
is shown in Box 1 (Equation 4). indicates the estimate of PPC, PImp, pPC(gn,i|gi) and
Using the Stirlings approximation for the pImp(gn,i|gi) obtained at the (k-1)th iteration. In the kth
factorial term, equation (4) becomes continuous Maximization sub-step, Q(z|G,PPC) is maximized
and it can be minimized through any standard by setting its derivatives with respect to G and
optimization technique for non linear functions. PPC equal to zero. This leads to the EM updating
In particular the EM approach was adopted (Fro- equations, which, for our model, are:
sio Abati and Borghese 2008) to speed up the N p PC (g n ,i | gi ) K i
optimization for this particular model.
i =1
p (g n ,i | gi )
This technique is based on splitting each G = 2 N
pPC (g n ,i | gi )
iteration of the optimization procedure into two
sub-steps: expectation and maximization. The

i =1 p (g n ,i | gi )

rationale is that the maximization would be N P p (g | g )

PC PC n ,i i
easier if one could know whether one sample N (6)

i =1
p ( g n , i | g i )
Box 1. Equation 4

f (G , PPC ) = ln L (G , PPC ) = ln p (g
i =1
n ,i | gi ) =

ln {P }
= PC pPC (g n ,i | gi )+ PImp pImp (g n ,i | gi ) =
i =1

g n ,i
1 gi G Gi g n ,i

= ln PPC e ! + PImp pImp (g n ,i | gi )
i =1 G G

Box 2. Equation 5

N PPC p PC (g n ,i | gi )
Q (z | G , PPC ) = ln PPC pPC (g n,i | gi ) + ...
i =1 (g n ,i | gi )

PImp p Imp (g n ,i | gi )
... + ln PImp pImp (g n ,i | gi )
p (g n,i | gi )

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

where: Switching Median Filtering

At the end of the minimization step, all the pixels

p PC (g n ,i | gi )= i e i
H K /G
that satisfy:

K i = g n ,i ln (gi ) ln (g n ,i ) + g n ,i gi PPC pPC (g n ,i | gi ) < PImp pImp (g n ,i | gi )

H = 1
i 2 g n ,i (8)
are recognized as pulses and substituted with the
median value of a 3x3 window centred in those
To reduce the computational burden of (6), Ki pixels; all the other pixels are left unaltered.
and Hi can be computed only once, before starting Time required to filter a Cephalometric and a
optimization. Panoramic radiograph is 2.21s and 1.92s respec-
Iterative computation of (6) minimizes (4) tively. Time was measured on a Mobile Toshiba
(Figure 3). It is assumed that convergence is Intel Core Duo @2GHz, 2G RAM. To reduce the
reached when the estimated parameters change computational load of each iteration, a limited
less than 10-5 between two consecutive itera- number of pixels (one over sixteen) has been used
tions. This requires on average 6 iterations of the to evaluate equation (6). As the image contains
EM algorithm, for a total of 0.125s on a Mobile a very large number of pixels (>4M), this do not
Toshiba Intel Core Duo @ 2 GHz, 2G RAM. For bias the estimate of the parameters, but it does
sake of comparison, using standard optimization reduce the computational time.
techniques (for instance steepest descent plus
line search), the same accuracy is obtained only
after 17 iterations, that require 0.61 seconds on SOFT TISSUE FILTERING
the same machine.
Aim of Soft-tissue filtering is to increase the
contrast of the anatomical structures of both soft

Figure 3. The negative log likelihood function, f, is plotted versus the number of iterations, for the
RaIN filter in panel (a) and for the STF in panel (b). The steep descent is clearly observable. Panel (c)
represents the histogram of the image shown in Figure 1 (black dashed line), matched by the mixture
model (red dotted line); the three components of the mixture models, each weighted by its probability,
are plotted using a blue, dash-dotted line.

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

and bone tissues by applying a power law, called the right part of the radiographs; however, the
gamma correction, with a coefficient adapted difference between these two distributions turns
to each single pixel. The power function can be out to be statistically not significant and a single
written, in its general form, as: component can be used to model the background.
1 The other two peaks are associated to bone and
g (i, j ) (i , j )
g '(i, j ) = (N GL 1)
(9) soft tissue. Soft-tissue is distributed approximately
N GL 1 following a Gaussian distribution; bone tissue
presents usually an asymmetrical shape, with a
where g(i,j) is the grey level of the pixel (i,j) in the sharp descent in the right side of the peak. For
original image and g(i,j) is its value transformed this reason an inverted log-normal distribution
by the power function with exponent (i,j). NGL is seems more adequate to represent the bone tissue.
the number of grey levels of the original image. We We explicitly remark that the position, the width
explicitly notice that such transformation leaves and the probability of the distributions associated
unaltered the grey levels 0 and NGL-1. to each component largely vary with the patient
The core of STF is the fitting of the cepha- and with exposure conditions. Nevertheless the
lometric image histogram through an adequate three-peaks structure of the histogram can be
mixture model of three components: one for the reliably fitted in all the images.
background, one for the soft tissue and one for As can be appreciated in Figure 3c, mixture
the bony tissue. This mixture model allows an models can estimate a probability density that
efficient and reliable separation of the three im- has a complex shape such that of the multimodal
age components. histogram shown here, using a restricted number of
parameters (nine in this case): the mean and stan-
Histogram Description dard deviation of the two Gaussian components,
two parameters for the inverted log-normal and
First, pixels which are not associated to the im- three mixing parameters (one for each component
age formation process are removed. These are of the mixture). More formally, we use the fol-
the pixels at the border and those associated to lowing pdf to describe the histogram:
possible logotypes. The histogram of the image, M
h(g), is then computed on all the remaining pixels p (g ) = p (g | j ) P ( j )
and then low-pass filtered with a moving average j =1

filter (the filter width is seven sampled for the with the constraint the sum of the probabilities
image of Figure 3c). of the each of the three components, P(j), adds
The shape of h(g) has been carefully analyzed, to one:
by superimposing the histograms of many images
taken with different exposure conditions and dif- M
ferent patients anatomical structures. This has P( j ) = 1
j =1
0 P( j ) 1 (11)
allowed us choosing the most adequate mixture
(Frosio, Ferrigno and Borghese 2006). Three The pdf of the first two components is a Gauss-
main grey-level distributions can be identified ian, with mean equal to j and standard deviation
in all the cephalometric images. The first one is equal to j:
associated to the background and it presents two

small peaks, one close to the other (Figure 3c). 2

p j (g | j ) =
j (12)
This double-peak can be ascribed to the AEC
control system, which generates a light band in 2 2 2

j j

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography


P ( j | g ) g H (g )
The inverted log-normal distribution can be old
written as: g =0
j = NGL 1

ln (N x )


P ( j | g ) H (g )
p (x ) =
g =0
2 (N GL x) 2 2


P ( j | g ) (g ) H
(13) old new 2
j 1F (g )
and it is defined only for x < NGL. Its mean and ( new 2
j )= g =0
standard deviation are easily derived from the P ( j | g ) H (g )
and parameters (see Frosio, Ferrigno, Borghese g =0
2006, for details). (16b)
For all the three pdfs, the following: for the two Gaussian components;

p (g | j ) dx = 1, j
P ( j | g ) ln (N
g =0
GL g ) H1 F ( g )
holds. The unknown parameters, that identify
j = NGL 1
the mixture, can be computed maximizing the P ( j | g ) H (g )
g =0
likelihood of the parameters for the given im-
age. Maximization is carried out more efficiently (17a)
minimizing the negative log-likelihood, which in
this case is:
P ( j | g ) ln (N
GL g ) new 2
H1F ( g )

ln p ( g ) = ln {p ( x | j ) P( j )} ( )
N N new 2 g =0
f = ln L = j NGL 1

P ( j | g ) H (g )
j j old
j =1 j =1 1F
g =0
where N is the number of pixels. A closed-form
solution for computing the parameters in Eq. (15) for the inverted lognormal component, and
is not available, so iterative algorithms have to be
adopted. The most efficient machinery, also in this NGL 1

P ( j | g ) H (g )
P( j)
case, is represented by EM. Maximum speed up = old
of the Maximization step is achieved consider- N g =0

ing that, for a digital radiography, the grey level

assumed by each pixel belongs to a limited set for the mixing parameters. Their full derivation is
(typically 256 grey levels for 8 bit images, or 4096
grey levels for 12 bit images). Since different pixels reported in (Frosio, Ferrigno, Borghese 2006). We
with the same grey level give the same contribu-
tion to parameters update, they can be grouped
also notice that the term P ( j | g ) H (g )
g =0

together. Following these observations we can is common to updating equations (16-18), and
derive the following updating equations: therefore, it can be computed only once for each

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

To obtain a reliable estimate and maximize Gamma Map and Local Gamma
convergence speed, the parameters are initialized Correction
to their mean value, computed on a set of beta-
test images. However, initialization is not critical: We can now apply gamma correction (Eq. 9) to
positioning the three components equally spaced each pixel in position (i.j): in particular, we chose
in the grey level domain, and setting the variance two different nominal values for (.), one for the
of the three components to NGL / 10, produces only soft and one for the bone tissue:
a slight increase in the optimization time.
Assuming as stopping criterion that the nega- (i,j )= Bone iff g(i,j) ThBone (20a)
tive log-likelihood does not decrease by less than
10-6 % of its value between two consecutive (i,j )= Soft_Tissue iff g(i,j) > ThBone (20b)
iterations, the final parameters are obtained in
about 50 iterations, with a computational time These values have to be set, having in mind
of less than 50ms for the same machine used to that a value lower than one makes bone struc-
compute the parameters of the RaIN filter. The tures clearly visible, but soft tissue darkens and
much shorter computational time here, is due to tends to mix with the background, while values
the number of equations that should be evaluated greater than one are used to recover overexposed
in each iteration: one for each pixel for RaIN (> soft tissue, but they compress the dynamic range
4M equations), and one for each grey level for in bone regions.
STF (= 256). If we apply such a gamma correction, that
After minimization of equation (15), the adopts only two distinct values, we would come
Gaussian component with the lowest mean value up with sharp edge artifacts as we do not take into
corresponds to background, the one with the account that the transition between bone and soft
intermediate mean value is associated to soft tissue is usually larger than one pixel. Therefore,
tissue, and the inverted log-normal describes the resulting map has to be smoothed to avoid
bone tissue. strong artifacts, as shown in Figure 6a.
At this stage the threshold that separates soft To smooth the transition a binary map is first
from bone structures, ThBone, can be set so that the created, b(.); this map contains either the value
following function is minimized in Eq. 19 (see Box Soft_tissue or Bone according to the pixel classifica-
3)that is the probability of wrongly classifying as tion coming out from equation (19). The final
soft-tissue a pixel belonging to bony tissue and map applied to the radiograph, f(.), is obtained
vice-versa. This produces a very robust separation by first downsampling b(.), averaging the gamma
of bone and soft-tissue into two clusters. values inside not overlapping squares of TP x TP
dimension, then applying a moving average, 3x3,
low-pass filter to the low resolution map, and

Box 3. Equation 19

ThBone NGL

pbone (g | j = 3)P ( j = 3)dg + psoft _ tissue (g | j = 2 )P ( j = 2 )dg

0 ThBone

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

lastly upsampling the filtered map to the original select in real time the preferred filter parameters,
resolution through a bilinear interpolation scheme changing them interactively until a subjectively
(Frosio Ferrigno and Borghese 2006). optimal visualization is achieved.
Lastly, to take advantage of the full grey levels
range, linear stretching is applied to the image
histogram before local gamma correction. This RESULTS
allows eliminating the small number of pixels
with very high grey levels; as a consequence, Impulsive Noise Removal
the image contrast is increased. Gamma correc-
tion, is then applied, resulting in the following To evaluate the capability of the RaIN filter to
transformation: correctly spot the pixels in which impulsive noise
is present, we have used a set of 200 simulated

N 1 g (i, j ) f (i , j ) , images. These have dimension of 512 x 512 pix-

g '(i, j ) = ( GL ) G g ( x, y ) < GMax
Max els at 12bpp and contain geometrical objects of

(N GL 1), elsewhere
different shapes, grey level and dimensions (cf.
(21) Figure 4a and 4b), filtered with a low-pass mov-
ing average filter with a large mask (from 33x33
where GMax is the maximum significant grey level, to 49x49 pixels) to obtain low frequency (LF)
defined as the minimum between the maximum images, and medium size mask (from 17x17 to
number of grey levels, NGL-1, and the grey level 31x31 pixels), to obtain medium frequency (MF)
equal to the mean of the inverted log-normal plus images, whose frequency content is similar to that
two of its standard deviations as shown in Box of a typical panoramic image. Impulsive noise was
4 (Eq. 22). then added to these images with a rate of 0.1%,
Maximum speed-up of the algorithm is 0.2%, 0.5% or 1%.
achieved by implementing Eq. (21) through a The efficiency of the filter was evaluated by
look-up table (LUT): f(i,j) is discretized into the Selectivity (Se), which describes the rate of
NV values, 0, ..., -1. For each grey level, g p, failed pixels identified, and the Positive Predictive
0 p NGL-1, and for each gamma value, k, 0 Value (PPV), that is the rate of failed pixels cor-
k NV-1, the corrected level, gp, is computed rectly identified with respect to the total number
through Eq. (21) and stored in the LUT, whose of identified pixels (Fawcett 2003). These indexes
size is therefore NGL x NV. Each pixel g(i,j) is are computed as:
then corrected by accessing the LUT in position
[g(i,j), (i,j)]: TP
As total processing time is extremely short (less TP + FP (23a)
than 1s for an image of 5M pixels, on a Mobile
Toshiba Intel Core Duo @2GHz, 2G RAM), in- TP
Se =
teractive use of the filter is possible: the user can TP + FN

Box 4. Equation 22

( ) (exp ( ) 1)
min N GL 1, N GL 1 exp + + exp
+2 2

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Figure 4. Two simulated radiographs from the dataset used for the validation of the RaIN filter. An
image with medium frequency content is shown in panel (a); an image with low frequency content is
shown in panel (b).

where TP, TN, FP and FN indicate the number image modification. Increasing the filter width
of true positive/negative and false negative and to 13x13, PPV increases (it raises from 2.09% to
false positive pixels. A pixel is a true positive 77.04% for LF images corrupted by impulsive
(or, respectively, true negative) if it is correctly noise of 0.2%), at the expense of a decrease in the
classified as a pulse (or, respectively, not pulse). A ability to locate the failed pixels (Se drops from
pixel erroneously classified as a pulse (not a pulse) 95.41% to 69.61% on the same data).
constitutes a false positive ( false negative). RaIN produces superior results also when com-
The values of Se and PPV are reported in pared with other advanced filter, either statistically
Table I. The RaIN filter spots more than 90% based like the BEM filter (Saeed, Rabiee, Kar and
for both MF and LF images at all the corruption Nguyen, 1997) or based on refined deterministic
rates, meaning that, given a corruption rates of image processing like the CSAM filter (Pok,
0.1%, less than 27 pixels are left uncorrected in Liu and Nair 2003). A more detailed account of
the image (on a total of 262 pulses). Moreover, a quantitative results can be found in (Frosio and
qualitative analysis of the undetected pulses re- Borghese, 2009).
veals that these are compatible with the statistics We have then evaluated the ability of the RaIN
of photon counting noise: their classification as filter to spot failed pixels on real radiographs on
pulses can be questioned, since even a human the field. To this aim we have considered a set
observer could not spot such pixels. of 16 cephalometric images, 2437x1561 pixels
Results were compared with standard switch- at 12bpp, and 10 panoramic images, 1310x2534
ing median filters, in particular with RCF (Alpar- pixels, at 12 bpp, acquired using the Orthoralix
one, Baronti, Carla 1995). A 3x3 and a 13x13 9200 DDETM System; the impulsive noise corrup-
window was considered. RCF 3x3 achieves a tion rate did not exceed 0.2% for this apparatus.
slightly higher Se, but its PPV is extremely low We have increased the contrast in the images,
confirming the poor ability of this filter to dis- according to the clinical practice, by applying a
criminate the failed pixels from the correct ones. gamma transform with = 0.5 followed by UM
In the best case (impulsive noise rate of 1%), PPV (Polesel, V., Ramponi, G., Mathews, V. J. 2000)
is equal to 11.45%: 19,004 pixels are erroneously with a mask size of 3x3 and a gain of 3. As shown
spotted, leading to a potentially unacceptable in Figure 1f, pulses are clearly visible on these

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Table 1. Selectivity and Positive Predictive Value measured for the images of the simulated dataset, for
different pulse corruption rates, for the different filters analyzed.

Pulses% 0.1% 0.2% 0.5% 1%
MF images 95.43%1.59% 95.75%0.83% 95.58%0.49% 93.74%0.31%
RCF 3x3
LF images 96.70%0.82% 96.29%1.22% 95.41%0.80% 94.32%0.57%
MF images 80.11%2.24% 77.45%1.42% 66.67%2.11% 54.40%1.57%
RCF 13x13
LF images 83.63%1.66% 79.87%1.94% 69.61%1.93% 57.18%1.88%
MF images 85.98%1.19% 86.15%1.92% 86.38%1.81% 85.57%1.02%
LF images 88.20%1.61% 87.12%2.32% 87.22%1.01% 87.28%1.30%
MF images 89.09%0.93% 88.74%2.06% 88.26%1.41% 85.77%1.20%
LF images 90.06%2.30% 89.64%1.69% 89.10%1.08% 87.21%0.68%
MF images 94.08%1.44% 94.28%1.70% 94.80%0.96% 95.05%0.47%
LF images 94.27%1.06% 93.96%1.58% 94.52%0.68% 94.70%0.70%

Pulses% 0.1% 0.2% 0.5% 1%
MF images 1.43%0.23% 2.51%0.48% 6.84%2.32% 11.45%1.34%
RCF 3x3
LF images 1.00%0.11% 2.09%0.33% 5.12%0.63% 8.85%0.94%
MF images 49.61%9.05% 64.10%12.29% 85.47%5.01% 92.18%2.61%
RCF 13x13
LF images 54.74%10.37% 77.04%6.65% 89.69%3.71% 94.17%2.64%
MF images 68.15%22.86% 78.20%22.19% 86.38%13.12% 94.24%6.43%
LF images 41.52%24.77% 57.63%26.63% 81.38%12.67% 87.65%11.35%
MF images 65.72%9.62% 78.27%5.36% 91.15%2.95% 96.54%0.92%
LF images 55.69%4.49% 74.01%4.55% 89.66%2.23% 94.93%1.12%
MF images 97.55%0.99% 97.61%0.70% 98.05%0.37% 98.32%0.34%
LF images 89.06%16.70% 92.41%9.39% 93.98%7.74% 95.53%4.53%

images. All the radiographs were processed by a score between 0 and 3. 0 had to be assigned
the RCF 3x3, RCF 13x13, CSAM, BEM and the to images with no pulses, 1 if no more than two
RaIN filter, thus producing a total of 156 images, failed pixels were identified in no more than two
including the original un-filtered images; these analyzed areas, 2 if many pulses (> 2 pulses) were
images constituted the set used to asses the filter- visible in a few areas of the image ( 2) or few
ing results. pulses ( 2 pulses) were visible in several areas of
Evaluation was carried out by fifteen subjects the image (> 2). A score of 3 was assigned when
expert to the field: seven dental surgeons operat- more than 2 pulses were visible in many areas
ing in the day surgery unit of the University of of the image. Each subject evaluated a subset of
Milano dental hospital, with at least three years fifteen images, one at a time, randomly chosen
of clinical experience and eight high level techni- in the images data set; he had unlimited amount
cians employed in research and development in the of time and he was free to navigate it, zooming
dental radiographic field, with at least five years at 8x rate to better analyze the image locally. The
of experience. They were instructed to evaluate score distribution is reported for each analyzed
the presence of failed pixels in the images with filter in Figure 5.

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Figure 5. Score attributed to the images filtered with RaIN, BEM, CSAM, RCF 13x13 and RCF 3x3

All the original radiographs received a score maxillofacial surgeons during clinical trials was
higher than or equal to 2: despite the low corrup- very positive. All of them observed a large increase
tion rate, impulsive noise was clearly visible on in the readability of the radiographs filtered using
them. On the other extreme, almost no pulse was the standard parameters. Moreover, they appreci-
spotted in the images processed with the RaIN ated being able to modify the filter parameters
filter, which obtains an average score of 0.19. RaIN interactively so as to obtain the best subjective
filter corrects overall only 0.14% pixels, which is visualization results.
compatible with the nominal corruption rate of The generalized large improvement in the
0.2% of these images. visibility of both soft tissue and bony anatomical
RCF 3x3 corrects as many as 4.73% of the structures (cf. Figure 1) was achieved under a
pixels of a radiograph, on the average. Neverthe- wide range of exposures, including underexposed
less it was not able to clear efficiently impulsive (cf. Figure 6c) and overexposed radiographs (cf.
noise as it leaves a significant amount of failed Figure 6e). When underexposure occurs, the grey
pixels undetected (mean score of 1.1). RCF 13x13 level range of the bony pixels is compressed and
corrects a lower number of pixels (0.23% of the structures become poorly visible; on the other
total number of pixels), but it also leaves an even hand, in overexposed images, soft tissue tends
higher number of failed pixels undetected (mean to merge with the background. STF is able to
score of 1.5). CSAM and BEM filters have similar improve the visibility of image details in both
performances: they produce an average score of bone and soft tissues, in both types of images (cf.
0.71 correcting, respectively, 1.67% and 0.80% Figures 6d and 6f).
pixels on the average. The default values used for the three filter
parameters, Soft_Tissue, Bone and TP, are respec-
Soft Tissue Filtering tively Bone = 0.25, Soft_Tissue = 1.5, and TP = NROW
/ 36, where NROW is the number of row of the
The filter was extensively tested in the clinical radiograph. These parameters allow good results
field. The feedback obtained from dentists and under a wide variety of exposures and are used to

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Figure 6. The same radiograph shown in Figure 1 is shown in panel (a) after the application of STF
when no downsampling and filtering is applied to the gamma map (Bone = 0.25, Soft = 1.5, TP = 0).
Notice the brisk transition between bony and soft tissue. The same image, when a parameter setting
different from the standard one is adopted, is shown in panel (b): Bone = 0.15, Soft = 2, TP = 104. A
raw underexposed radiograph is shown in panel (c) and in panel (d) after the application of STF with
Bone = 0.15, Soft = 1.2, TP = 104. A raw, slightly overexposed radiograph is shown in panel (e) and
in panel (f) after the application of STF with (Bone = 0.5, Soft = 2, TP = 52). Notice the clear visibility
of both soft-tissue and bone structures for the filtered images. UM was applied after STF to images in
panels a, b, d, and f.

produce image in Figure 1e. However, thanks to two indexes seem the most adequate. The first one
STF processing speed, the clinician can modify is the local contrast of the anatomical structures,
the parameters interactively until he can find his which is a critical parameter associated to the
best image quality, subjectively (cf. 6b). Moreover, ability to identify small anatomical details (Webb
Bone < 0.25 and Soft_Tissue > 1.5, allow recovering 1994). Local contrast was evaluated, selecting a
image highly under or overexposed (Figures 6d window of 80 x 80 pixels, centered on the left-
and 6f). most molar in the radiograph, and measuring the
Besides extensive qualitative evaluation, following quantity:
quantitative evaluations has been carried out.
To this aim eighteen lateral 1871 x 2606 pixels C= (24)
cephalometric images, acquired with Orthoralix b
9200 DDE, have been used. A large debate is where o and b are defined as the 75th and 25th
active on the most adequate metric to evaluate percentiles, respectively, of the histogram of the
image quality. In our case, as the aim is to make grey levels inside the window. The window was
the elements of two clusters clearly visible in the positioned manually on each image. The contrast
image without introducing any spatial artifact, enhancement effect was quantified dividing the

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

local contrast measured in the filtered image by The entropy of a radiograph treated with
that measured in the original one. The second STF remains almost constant (98% of the initial
index is the Shannon entropy (Dhawan, Buelloni, entropy), while the contrast is raised more than
and Gordon 1986) , which is defined as: four times, by 404% of the original contrast, on
the average. These two characteristics largely
NGL 1 improve the visibility of the anatomical features
H = g =0
p ( g ) log 2 ( p ( g )) (25) of both the bone and soft tissue. The contrast
enhancement effect achieved by STF is therefore
obtained through an optimal coding of the image
where p(g) is the probability of grey level g oc- grey levels, which does not imply any informa-
curring in the image. In order to compare the tion loss.
processing effect on a population of images with It should be remarked that STF is equivalent
widely divergent H values, normalized entropy to a local non-linear stretching of the grey-levels
was adopted. This is defined as the ratio of the dynamic range: the dynamic range of both soft
entropy of the filtered image to that of the original and bony tissue is enlarged, leading to increased
image. It quantifies the decrease/increase of the visibility of anatomical structures of the two tis-
information contained in the filtered image with sues. As a consequence, in the filtered images,
respect to the original one, taking in account only bone and soft tissue may share some grey levels,
the distribution of the grey levels. as can be observed in Figures 1e and 6. Although
Both HE and GC reduce sensibly the entropy this may be critical for some applications, such as
to 81% and 87% respectively, showing that they analyzing bone density or investigating tumors,
both reduce the information content in the image, it holds little importance when the clinician has
as it is evident observing the limited grey level to identify anatomical features precisely, locate
dynamics in Figures 1c and 1d. The local contrast alterations in the patients anatomy or visualize
is greatly increased for both filters to 1468% and post-operative aesthetic modifications.
430% respectively. However, it should be remarked
that this contrast increase is paid with a large loss
of resolution in the grey levels dynamics, which, CONCLUSION
overall, produces images of less quality as features
are outlined more poorly. Statistical models are becoming crucial to the
UM, on the contrary, increases both the en- development of effective noise reduction and
tropy (to 104%) and the local contrast (116% of quality improvement. This is particularly true
the original contrast). This effect can be ascribed in radiographic imaging, where the often im-
to the edge enhancement introduced by the high plicitly adopted Gaussian noise model, is a poor
pass filter used by UM. However, UM produces approximation of the noise statistics. We have
little increase in contrast in those regions where shown here that using more principled models,
the grey levels are most uniform (for instance, better results can be obtained in a reasonably
the skull area) as in these regions the gradient amount of processing time.
is small and therefore high pass filtering has a
small effect. However, these are the regions where
the need of contrast increase is maximum as the REFERENCES
visibility threshold increases with the grey level
(Webb 1994). Alparone T., Baronti S., & Carla R. (1995). Two-
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Trans. Circuits Syst. II, 42(2), 130-132.

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Bishop C. (2006). Pattern recognition and ma- Gonzalez, W. (2008). Digital image processing.
chine learning. Springer Verlag. 3rd edition. Prentice Hall.
Csiszar I., (1991). Why least squares and maximum Jaffe, M. J., & Rowlands, J. A. (1997). X-ray
entropy? An axiomatic approach to inference for detectors for digital radiography. Phys. Med.
linear inverse problems. Annals of Statistics, 19, Biol., 42, 139.
Lucy, L. (1974). An iterative technique for the
Dhawan, A. P., Buelloni, G., & Gordon, R. (1986). rectification of observed distribution. Astron. J.,
Enhancement of mammographic features by op- 79, 745-754.
timal adaptive neighborhood image processing.
Miller, J. H., & Thomas, J. B. (1976). The detec-
IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., MI-5, 815.
tion of signals in impulsive noise modeled as a
Fano, U. (1947). Ionization yield of radiations. mixture process. IEEE Trans. on Communica-
II. The fluctuations of the number of ions. Phys. tions, (pp. 560-3).
Rev., 72, 26-29.
Moyers, R. E. (1988). Handbook of orthodontics.
Fawcett, T. (2003). ROC graphs: Notes and practi- Chicago: Year Book Medical Publisher.
cal considerations for data mining researchers.
Pok, G., Liu J. C., & Nair A. S. (2003). Selective
Tech report HPL-2003-4. HP Laboratories, Palo
removal of impulsive noise based on homogeneity
Alto, CA.
level information. IEEE Trans. Image Processing,
Frosio I., Abati S., & Borghese N. A. (2008) An 12(1), 85-92.
expectation maximization approach to impulsive
Polesel, V., Ramponi, G., & Mathews V. J.
noise removal in digital radiography. Int. J. Com-
(2000). Image enhancement via adaptive unsharp
puter Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
masking. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 9(3),
Frosio I., & Borghese N. A. (2008). Statistical 505-510.
based impulsive noise removal in digital radiog-
Richardson W. H. (1972). Bayesian-based itera-
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tive method of image restoration. J. Opt. Soc.
Amer., 62, 55-59
Frosio I., Ferrigno G., & Borghese N. A. (2006).
Saeed, M., Rabiee, H. R., Kar, W. C., & Nguyen,
Enhancing digital cephalic radiography with mix-
T. Q. (1997). Bayesian restoration of noisy images
ture models and local gamma correction. IEEE
with the EM algorithm. In Proceedings of the
Trans. Medical Imaging, 25(1), 113-121.
ICIP 1997, (pp. 322-5).
Garnett, G., Huegerich, T., Chui, C., & He, W.
Shepp, L. A., & Vardi, Y. (1982). Maximum like-
(2005), A universal noise removal algorithm with
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an impulse detector, IEEE Trans. Image Process-
IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 1, 113-122.
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Webb, S. (1988). The Physics of medical imaging.
Geman, S., & Geman, D. (1984). Stochastic re-
Adam Hilger, Bristol-Philadelphia-New York,
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dison Wesley, sixth edition.

Denoising and Contrast Enhancement in Dental Radiography

Key Terms bright pixels. The number of failed pixels in digital

radiography is usually small (<1%).
Contrast Enhancement: Contrast enhance-
Mixture Model: Mixture models are linear
ment is a procedure aimed to increase the contrast
combination of probability density functions that
of an image, improving the visibility of small
allow describing complex distributions of random
details in the image.
variables using a limited set of parameters.
Expectation Maximization: This is a very
Poisson Noise: Poisson noise is associated to
efficient, iterative, optimization procedure specifi-
any photon counting process like that occurring
cally tailored for the estimate of the parameters
in digital imaging. It follows the Poisson statistics.
of a statistical model.
In this model the noise variance increases linearly
Gamma Transform or Correction: Gamma with the average number of photons.
transform is a parametric, monotone grey level
Photon Counting Noise: In this chapter, pho-
transformation expressed as a power function. It
ton counting noise refers to the noise on a grey level
allows the contrast for a limited set of grey values
radiograph. Its variance increases linearly with
to be increased, at the expense of decreasing it for
the average grey level. The formulation is slightly
the others. For values of the parameter higher or
different from that of a Poisson distribution.
smaller than 1, the contrast enhancement effect is
obtained for the darker / brighter grey levels. Soft Tissue Filter: Soft Tissue Filter refers
to a wide class of image processing algorithms,
Impulsive Noise: Impulsive noise is described
whose aim is to increase the contrast of the
by a random value with a variance much higher
anatomical structures of both the soft and bone
than that of the original signal. In imaging, it can
be observed as a random pattern of very dark and


Chapter VII
3D Reconstructions from Few
Projections in Oral Radiology
Ralf K. W. Schulze
Klinikum der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt, Mainz, Germany


Established techniques for three-dimensional radiographic reconstruction such as computed tomography

(CT) or, more recently cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) require an extensive set of measure-
ments/projections from all around an object under study. The x-ray dose for the patient is rather high.
Cutting down the number of projections drastically yields a mathematically challenging reconstruction
problem. Few-view 3D reconstruction techniques commonly known as tomosynthetic reconstructions
have gained increasing interest with recent advances in detector and information technology.

INTRODUCTION treatment procedures. Established techniques

for radiographic 3D reconstruction such as Com-
Three-dimensional (3D) imagery has been gaining puted Tomography (CT) including its most recent
ever increasing attention during the last decade. extension, Cone Beam CT (CBCT) are based on
Since human beings are familiar with a 3D world an extensive set of projections from all around
surrounding them, representing image informa- the object. Also, the imaging geometry of each
tion also in 3D is a natural desire. This holds and every projection has to be precisely known a
true particularly in medical radiography, where priori, requiring large-scale scanners and sophis-
more or less complex structures are visualized ticated hardware technology. Obviously, since
for the purpose of diagnosis or sophisticated the x-ray dose is directly related to the number of

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3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

projections, techniques using multiple projections instances to obtain a reliable representation of

administers a rather high dose to the patient. In the object.
Germany the increasing patient dose over the last In 1917, the Austrian mathematician Johann
decade is attributed to the increasing number of Radon discovered that the two-dimensional (2D)
CTs (Bundesamt fr Strahlenschutz, 2004). Dose distribution of properties of an object may be
considerations as well as other practical aspects obtained from an infinite number of line integrals
such as flexibility, costs or availability have been sampled through the object. Mathematically, a
the driving forces for the development of alterna- function f (x, y ) can be completely described
tive techniques. If one drastically cuts down the by the complete number of straght line integrals
number of input projections, then obviously the through the support of f (x, y ), i.e.
dose will also be reduced considerably. Such an +
approach, however, poses major challenges for the f (x, y ) = f x (l ), y (l ) dl

3D reconstruction process, since the lack of input
information renders the reconstruction problem at
least instable. The reconstruction problem itself The famous method predominantly applied
is a classical inverse problem, where the results for image reconstructions in CT-scanners uses
of actual observations (i.e. the projection data) this formula in a process termed Filtered Back-
are used to infer the values or the parameters projection (FBP). Assuming parallel x-rays, the
characterizing the system under investigation. relationship between the projection data (P) and
This chapter will summarize the most important the object are given by:
techniques to tackle the very challenging problem + +
of few-view 3D reconstruction. To begin with, P (, t ) = f (x, y ) (x cos + y sin t ) dxdy
we shall briefly resume the physical principles

of radiographic image formation and the math- (3)
ematical background of established 3D imaging
techniques, such as CT.
where denotes the projection angle and t the
detector position in the beam (Fig. 1). Diracs delta
Radiographic projection and function is required to define the line interval.
3D reconstruction from The CT image reconstruction problem is to com-
multiple projections pute f (x, y ) given P (, t ). Note, that the term
x cos + y sin t in equation (3)" represents
The projection value measured by any x-ray a line equation (e.g. green ray-line in Fig. 1),
sensitive receptor follows the well-known Lam- (Beyerer & Leon, 2002) the sum of which the in-
bert-Beer law: tegrals are sampled. In other words, the measured
data on the image receptor represent the integrals
over a finite number of lines connecting the x-ray
I1 = I o e
( x , y , z ) dl
(1) source with the detector cells.
We can easily see from eqs. (2) and (3), that the
with I1 defining the intensity behind an absorber inversion of the Radon transform, i.e. the inverse
and I0 the input intensity, respectively. The pa- Radon transform, which is a standard procedure in
rameters and d denote the mass absorption CT, in theory requires an infinite number of line
coefficient and the thickness of the absorber. We integrals (photon counts) to be measured. A good
aim to estimate as shade of gray at discrete approximation, however may also be obtained

3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

Figure 1. An x-ray (green line) traverses an object located in the x,y-coordinate system at the position
t of the detector (blue line) in the , t-coordinate system. The intensity profile (gray plot) acquired by
parallel x- rays is displayed adjacent to the detector line.

from a sufficient number of measurements. Also, to solve this ill-posed inverse problem which we
eqs. (2) and (3) imply that the directions of the will further refer to as few-view limited-angle
line integrals should cover the entire range. Both reconstruction.
requirements give rise to a rather high radiation
dose for the patient. Hence, methods requiring less
input information, i.e. less radiation dose, may Historical Background
provide a useful alternative for some diagnostic
tasks. This, however, violates the mathematical The first researcher introducing an approach to
foundation stated above. Consequently, we are recover depth information from few projections
looking for methods requiring by far less input acquired at different geometries was Ziedses des
information, i.e. only few radiographic projec- Plantes in 1932(Ziedses, 1932). The so called
tions, to obtain a reliable estimate of the object Planigraphie was later refined by Miller (Miller,
under investigation. In addition, the projections McCurry, & Hruska, 1971) and Grant (Grant,
may not come from all around the object, rather 1972), who also coined the term tomosynthesis.
the angle they suspend is limited (i.e. < ). This The latter today is often used as a general term
combination yields a mathematically ill-posed for techniques basing on few-view radiographic
inverse problem. Methods had to be found allow- 3D reconstruction (for an in depth overview
ing for a reasonably accurate estimation of the see(Dobbins & Godfrey, 2003)). Before the intro-
3D object, when the input information, i.e. the duction of fast and highly efficient digital radio-
projection data alone are not sufficient to solve graphic detectors in the late 1990s, a widespread
the problem. employment of tomosynthesis was impeded by the
In the remainder of this chapter we will briefly lengthy and cumbersome procedure required in
discuss the most important techniques developed clinical applications. Novel acquisition technol-

3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

Figure 2. Projection scenarios ranging from dense source positions (black spots) distributed in a full
circle (A) around the object (gray circle) to sparse arbitrarily orientated positions (F). The complexity
of the reconstruction problem increases from A to F. The detector positions are assumed opposite the
respective source positions.

ogy, however, resulted in a variety of research RECONSTRUCTION METHODS

approaches to establish tomosynthesis as a viable
clinical adjunct to CT (Dobbins et al., 2003). The Few-View Limited-Angle Inverse
Indeed, the introduction of digital image receptors Problem
gave rise to a boost of interest in the technology.
Some authors extend and generalize the term From Figure 2 we get a good impression, what
tomosynthesis for all techniques attempting the nature of the problem is like. Obviously, we
to reconstruct 3D-information from few projec- aim to solve the problem in instances, where
tions which may or may not be distributed over projections of the object are not available from
a narrow angle. Tomosynthetic techniques have all around the object, and, in addition, are only
successfully been investigated in a variety of medi- limited in numbers (Fig. 2, C to F). In the worst
cal apllications such as a angiography(Dorsaz, and most general case, the projections may be
Dorsaz, & Doriot, 2000; Fencil & Metz, 1990; taken in an arbitrary source motion (Fig. 2, E and
Hoffmann et al., 1997; Hoffmann, Wahle, Pel- F). It is well known that in all settings except of
lot-Barakat, Sklansky, & Sonka, 2000; Metz & the one depicted in Fig.1A, FBP does not work
Fencil, 1989), hand imaging(Duryea, Dobbins, properly to solve the reconstruction problem (see,
& Lynch, 2003), pulmonary imaging (Sone et al., e.g. (Mueller, Yagel, & Wheller, 1999; Siltanen
1995), mammography (Suryanarayanan et al., et al., 2003)).
2000; Wu, Moore, Rafferty, & Kopans, 2004; In tomosynthesis, typically relatively few pro-
Zhang et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2007) and dental jections are obtained from a limited angle, often
imaging(Groenhuis, Webber, & Ruttimann, 1983; from a circular array of source positions above
Kolehmainen et al., 2003; Niinimki, Siltanen, & the object. Hence, tomosynthetic reconstruction
Kolehmainen, 2007; Siltanen et al., 2003; Webber, cannot rely on an inverse Radon transform. In-
Horton, Tyndall, & Ludlow, 1997). In the follow- stead, the classical reconstruction algorithm in
ing we will have a look on the methods which tomosynthesis is based on a simple shift-and-add
have been developed to solve the tomosynthetic procedure. If only negligible magnification differ-
reconstruction problem.

3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

ences between projections occur, slices parallel to weight matrix A represent the contribution of the
the detector surface can be reliably reconstructed ray ri passing through pixel bi on voxel vj. We
by simply shifting the object images in relation may formulate the following system of equations
to their distance to the detector and subsequently modeling the projection:
adding their intensities. Thereby, object images
are added when appropriately shifted into focus, a11 x1 + a12 x2 + ... + a1n xn = b1
while at the same time images of out-of-plane
structures are blurred. For an instructive illustra- a21 x1 + a22 x2 + ... + a2 n xn = b2
tion the reader is referred to (Dobbins et al., 2003; .
Webber et al., 1997). The disadvantage of this .
rather simple backprojection technique is, that it am1 x1 + am 2 x2 + ... + amn xn = bm,
requires the source to be traversed within a plane
parallel to the (stationary) detector plane(Wu et or
al., 2004). To accomplish for less constrained
acquisition geometries, Webber and colleagues Ax = b (4)
introduced Tuned Aperture Computed Tomogra-
phy (TACT) in the 1990ies (Webber et al., 1997), Each eq. can be interpreted as a radiographic
which enables determination of the acquisition projection through the voxel grid, with bi repre-
geometry from a posteriori by using fiducial senting the ray-sum of a ray of finite width
markers. While shift-and-add reconstructions matching the width of the detector pixels.
are simple and require little computational effort, It is important to realize, that the weights aij are
their quality suffers from tomographic blur from of utmost importance for the solution, since they
structures outside the plane of interest. Deblurring link the known pixel intensities to the unknown
procedures have been established implementing voxel intensities. Also note, that the entries in
either spatial frequency filtering or algorithms b correspond to the number of all pixels avail-
more exactly correcting for blur by solving for able and defines the overall number of equations
blurring functions on planes adjacent to the one available in (4). This in turn means, that for the
under reconstruction (Dobbins et al., 2003). few-view case we are interested in, the matrix A
A conceptually completely different approach is sparse since only few entries will be nonzero.
addressing the reconstruction problem is de- Consequently, there is no exact solution and eq.
scribed in the following. It is important to realize, system (4) is underdetermined. It may be solved
that in the discrete case, the measured intensity using numerical methods in the sense of an opti-
value in an image pixel may be interpreted as the mization problem. It is obvious from the definition
sum of intensity values of all voxels in the path of A, due to its huge (R N ) dimension efficient
of that beam. This brings us to a convenient way strategies to handle it are necessary.
to formulate the problem. Let x store values of The techniques to obtain the entries in x from
unknown intensities in an (N 1) column vector eq. system (4) can be summarized under the gen-
of all N = n3 volume elements (voxels) in an n eral term Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques
n n reconstruction grid. The R 1 column vec- (ART). Originally, ART defined the application
tor b, composed of R =MRm intensity values of bi of Kazcmarzs algorithm (Kaczmarz, 1937) to
pixels, represents the pixel intensities measured find a best-fit solution of (4).
in M projections. The elements aij of the R N

3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

Algebraic reconstruction illustrated by considering the eq. system (4) as a set

algorithms of equations where each eq. defines a hyperplane
in an N-dimensional space. If an exact solution
The Classical ART-Algorithm to the system exists, all hyperplanes intersect in
one single point representing that solution(Kak
As an extension to the Kaczmarz method for solv- & Slaney, 1988). The Kaczmarz idea is illustrated
ing linear systems, ART in its classical form had in Fig. 3 for the simplified two-dimensional case
been introduced by Gordon et. al. in 1970(Gor- of three equations (lines). Starting point is an
don, Bender, & Hermann, 1970). ART refers to arbitrary initial guess (v0 in Fig. 3), which is then
an iterative process implementing the system of projected onto the first hyperplane (line in Fig. 3)
linear eqs. (4) as the projection model. Starting and the resulting point reprojected onto the second
from an initial guess volume vector V0 (e.g. all hyperplane and so forth. The voxels are updated
entries set to zero), the goal of ART is to identify after one eq. is processed. After processing all
those voxel-grid entries, that represent the best eqs., one iteration is finished. If a single solution
approximation given the projection values b. A exists, this procedure will converge to this solu-
projection value bk is computed according to the tion. For an excellent review of the technique the
present state of V and the difference between bk reader is referred to (Kak et al., 1988).
and bi is distributed back (backprojected) onto the In the few-view case, however, de facto an
voxels V0 to obtain Vk+1. Each update of the voxel infinite number of solutions is possible. Yet the
grid (iteration) consists of a projection step, the procedure introduced above will always converge
to a solution VS that minimizes V V (Tanabe,
0 S
calculation of a correction factor and a backprojec-
tion step. Mathematically, the basic concept may be 1971). ART introduces artifacts (salt and pepper

Figure 3. Consider three line equations, the intersection of which is the desired solution. This sketch
illustrates the geometric interpretation of the Kaczmarz procedure. Due to errors in the data the lines
do not actually intersect. Starting from an arbitrary initial guess v0 is projected onto the starting line.
This procedure is repeated with all equations until convergence in a closest point fashion is reached.
Obviously, the speed of convergence is triggered by the angle subtended by the lines.

3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

noise) due to the mostly crude approximation of ously, such as the Conjugate Gradient (CG)
the weighting factors aij , which cause inconsis- algorithm(Shewchuk, 1994) to reach faster
tencies in the system of linear equations. Due convergence. Regularizations of the linear sys-
to the sequential updating process of the voxels tem such as the well-known Thikonov-regular-
ray after ray, these artifacts are additionally ization(Tikhonov, 1963) or minimization of the
emphasized. Another source of error is induced Total Variation Norm may be used to constrain
by the diverging paths of x-rays from the source the solution. Also, a non-negativity constraint in
towards the detector(Mueller, 1998). Thus, the ray x may be applied to model the physical fact that
density in the voxel grid decreases from source to the attenuation is necessarily positive.
detector, resulting in a relative undersampling of
voxel slices close to the detector. One well-known
consequence is aliasing, typically appearing as Statistical reconstruction
Moire patterns in the reconstruction. methods
Numerous modifications of algebraic recon-
struction algorithms have been suggested since Apart from the deterministic approach introduced
its introduction in 1970(Gordon et al., 1970) The above one may model the inverse problem from a
most prominent representatives are Simultaneous statistical point of view, assuming the unknown xij
Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) and as a random variable following some appropriate
Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Tech- probability distribution function. This allows for
nique (SART). While the classical ART algorithm an explicit modeling of noise and measurement
proceeds each ray-sum separately, SIRT aver- statistics. Following the seminal paper of Siltanen
ages over all ray-sums in one projection before et al.(Siltanen et al., 2003) we consider the fol-
the backprojection and thus produces smoother lowing linear model in analogy to eq. (4):
results at the cost of a slower convergence(Kak
et al., 1988). SART was developed(Andersen
Ax + = b (5)
& Kak, 1984) in an attempt to combine the ad-
vantages of ART and SIRT. SART updates the Here x R m, b R n and R n are vectors con-
volume analogously to SIRT, however, a weighted taining random valued variables and represents
sum is used to update each voxel and voxels are Gaussian distributed error. However, the statisti-
interpolated by bilinear functions. More recent cal formulation does not depend on a Gaussian
work suggests that the latter is responsible for approximation(Siltanen et al., 2003). In terms of
the better performance of SART with respect to probabilities, the desired object probability density
artifact suppression(Mueller, 1998). An additional can be expressed by the prior density ppr and the
advantage of SART is the highly parallel struc- noise probability density pnoise as:
ture of its main computations lending itself very
well for implementation on graphic processors to p (x | ) = p pr (x ) pnoise ( ) (6)
speed up reconstruction process (Mueller, 1998).
Interestingly, an in depth analysis of classical ART Now we make use of extra knowledge we have
by Mueller revealed that ART can be modified to on the imaging process by estimating the prob-
produce equally artifact-reduced reconstructions ability densities ppr and pnoise in an appropriate
as SART(Mueller, 1998). form to substitute our lack of knowledge caused
Further modifications of ART include imple- by the limited number of projections and the lim-
mentation of solvers computing more than one ited angular range. pnoise can be estimated from
hyperplane or even all hyperplanes simultane- analyzing phantom x-ray projections. In ppr, also

3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

termed prior, we accumulate all a priori infor- Applications in Oral

mation on the object under investigation we have Radiography
(and which we are able to formulate mathemati-
cally!). It is of utmost importance, that ppr is not In oral radiology, Webber and colleagues were
obtained from the measurements b. The proper the first researchers addressing(Groenhuis et
formulation of the prior is the fundamental part al., 1983; Webber & Messura, 1999) and finally
of the statistical inversion procedure. As Siltanen solving practical issues of tomosynthesis(Webber,
points out rule of thumb is that typical image 1994; Webber et al., 1997; Webber, 1997). Webbers
vectors (say, of some existing library) should have patented technique TACT has often been used
high prior probability (density) while atypical or experimentally to address various clinical tasks
impossible ones should have low or negligible in oral radiology(Abreu, Tyndall, & Ludlow,
probability(Siltanen et al., 2003). 2001; Abreu, Tyndall, Ludlow, & Nortje, 2002;
The posterior probability density p (x ) we are Chai, Ludlow, Tyndall, & Webber, 2001; Liang,
looking for given the measurements b is obtained Tyndall, Ludlow, & Lang, 1999; Morant, Eleazer,
by the well-known Bayes theory: Scheetz, & Farman, 2001; Nair, Tyndall, Ludlow,
May, & Ye, 1998; Nair, Nair, Grndahl, Webber,
& Wallace, 2001a; Nair et al., 2001b; Shi, Han,
p (x, b ) p pr (x ) p (b | x )
p (x | b ) = = (7) Welander, & Angmar-Mnsson, 2001; Tyndall,
p (b ) p (b ) Clifton, Webber, Ludlow, & Horton, 1997).
Also, it has even been applied successfully in
Where p (b ) is the marginal density of b and vivo where it proved to be superior over conven-
essentially represents a normalization constant. tional 2D-radiography with respect to diagnostic
The posterior density p (x | b ), according to the information(Webber et al., 1999). While TACT
Bayesian theory, is the solution of the inverse in its original version computes reconstructions
problem since it expresses our belief in the distri- as stacks of 2D planar slices using the shift-
bution of x based on the measurements b plus the and-add algorithm(Webber et al., 1997), more
a priori information contained in the prior density elaborate modifications for artifact suppression
ppr. Obviously, solving eq. (7) requires efficient were also applied (Nair et al., 2001c; Nair et al.,
searching strategies over a large-dimensional 2001b; Nair et al., 2001a; Nair, Nair, Grndahl,
space, which is computationally demanding. For & Webber, 2002; Nair, Grndahl, Webber, Uma-
instance, the volume based on the posterior den- devi, & Wallace, 2003). Artifact reduction, i.e.
sity is computed from the Maximum A Posteriori deblurring of the planes reconstructed, had been
Estimate (MAP): thoroughly addressed in a seminal paper by the
tact inventors (Ruttimann, Groenhuis, & Webber,
p (x MAP | b ) = max p (x | b ) (8) 1984). In the early years of the new millennium,
two important papers were published introduc-
which is an optimization problem. For detailed ing statistical inversion reconstruction for dental
introduction of statistical inversion theory with applications(Kolehmainen et al., 2003; Siltanen et
focus on dental imaging the reader is referred to al., 2003). The authors demonstrated, that inclu-
(Kolehmainen et al., 2003; Kolehmainen et al., sion of a priori knowledge on the object under
2006; Siltanen et al., 2003). investigation indeed improves the quality of few-
view limited-angle reconstructions(Kolehmainen
et al., 2003). The prior information consisted of
a positivity prior in combination with a total va-

3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

riation prior(Kolehmainen et al., 2006). Interest- of them relying on a circular (section) acquisition
ingly, this work was the basis for an innovative geometry, our intention was to use projections
radiographic device brought on the market some from arbitrary geometries. The rational for our
years later(see: This ra- approach was the fact, that using conventional
diographic unit combines panoramic radiography x-ray devices, e.g. intra-oral x-ray tubes, with-
with few (11) projections acquired over a narrow out any further equipment, de facto a random
angle ( 21) to generate transversal slices through acquisition geometry will result. By means of
the mandible or maxilla(Hyvnen, Kalke, Lassas, a particular registration method(Schulze, Brl-
Setl, & Siltanen, 2008). It is, however, important lmann, Rder, & dHoedt, 2004), we were able to
to realize that the cross sections generated with develop a framework for computing volumetric
the technique based on statistical (i.e. Bayesian) datasets from such arbitrary projections(Schulze
inversion fundamentally differ from cross sections et al., 2008). For examples we refer to our website
acquired by relatively simple tomographic motion
blur. The latter technique has been established Obviously, the radiation dose will be low with
much earlier, and can be obtained using a normal this technique, and the image quality seems to be
radiographic film. appropriate e.g. for implantological preoperative
Our working group is also working in the planning. Also, simply due to ever increasing
field of 3D reconstruction from few projections. hardware potential, it seems reasonable to assume
In contrast to the approaches described before all that research in the field of 3D reconstruction from

Figure 4. Acquisition geometry of the novel imaging device combining panoramic and cross sectional
reconstructions. After exposure of a conventional panoramic radiograph on the direct digital image
receptor with an individual splint containing small radioopaque reference objects, 11 additional projec-
tions are obtained roughly orthogonally to the panoramic geometry. By combination of the projection
information from both acquisitions after registration by means of the reference objects, cross sections
are computed using a statistical reconstruction approach. The cross sections may be interpreted as
volumetric data lacking information in certain directions which are determined by the limited angular
sampling range (modified from(Hyvnen et al., 2008)).

3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

few projections continues to be very active. Thus Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and
it is very likely that we will experience further Endodontology, 92, 576-581.
advances in reconstruction mathematics, resulting
Abreu, M. jr., Tyndall, D. A., Ludlow, J. B., &
in a higher quality of the volumetric data.
Nortje, C. J. (2002). Influence of the number
of basis images and projection array on caries
detection using tuned aperture computed tomog-
raphy (TACT). Dentomaxillofacial Radiology,
31, 24-31.
The marketing of the panoramic device imple-
menting statistical inversion reconstruction was Andersen, A. H., & Kak, A. C. (1984). Simultane-
a first step towards novel 3D technologies basing ous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART):
on incomplete input information. In mammog- A superior implementation of the ART algorithm.
raphy, the technical state of the art is even more Ultrasonic Imaging, 6, 81-94.
advanced(Rantala et al., 2006; Suryanarayanan
Beyerer, J., & Leon, F. P. (2002). Die Radon-
et al., 2000; Suryanarayanan et al., 2002; Wu et
transformation in der digitalen Bildverarbeitung.
al., 2004; Wu, Moore, & Kopans, 2006; Zhang et
Automatisierungstechnik, 50, 472-480.
al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2007) and systems ready
to enter the market have proved their sensitivity Bundesamt fr Strahlenschutz (2004). Unter-
already. It is evident, that tomosynthetic recon- richtung durch die Bundesregierung. Umweltra-
struction offers a great potential for the future. dioaktivitt und Strahlenbelastung im Jahr 2004
Owing to the lack of input information inherent Bundesdruckerei Berlin, Germany.
in these techniques, however, few-view limited-
Chai, U. Dom, Ludlow, J. B., Tyndall, D. A., &
angle reconstruction methods will never match
Webber, R. L. (2001). Detection of simulated
image quality of CT. Nevertheless, their flexibility
periodontal bone gain by digital subtraction
in combination with their dose and cost reduction
radiography with tuned-aperture computed
potential will establish them as alternative niche
tomography. The effect of angular disparity.
techniques appropriate for specific diagnostic
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 30, 92-97.
tasks. As Dobbins and Godfrey point out in their in
depth review, they potentially provide a low-dose, Dobbins, J. T., & Godfrey, D. V. (2003). Digital
low-cost method of volumetric imaging that can x-ray tomosynthesis: current state of the art and
be easily performed as an adjunct to conventional clinical potential. Physics in Medicine and Biol-
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Dorsaz, P.-A., Dorsaz, L., & Doriot, P. A. (2000).
volumetric reconstruction techniques will really
The effect of image distortion on 3-D reconstruc-
manage to occupy this diagnostic niche.
tion of coronary bypass grafts from angiographic
Views. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
19, 759-762.
Duryea, J., Dobbins, J. T., & Lynch, J. A. (2003).
Abreu, M. jr., Tyndall, D. A., & Ludlow, J. B. Digital tomosynthesis of hand joints for arthritis
(2001). Generation of TACT image slices using assessment. Medical Physics, 30, 325-333.
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Fencil, L. E., & Metz, C. E. (1990). Propagation
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ture determined from biplane views of unknown Kolehmainen, V., Siltanen, S., Jrvenpa, S., Kai-
orientation. Medical Physics, 17, 951-961. pio, J. P., Koistinen, P., Lassas, M. et al. (2003).
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3D Reconstructions from Few Projections in Oral Radiology

emerge from an x-ray source and traverse the few-projections obtained from a limited projec-
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Tomosynthetic Reconstruction: Synonym Volume Reconstruction: Reconstruction
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mation on the object under investigation from under investigation.

Section III
Software Support in Tissue
Regeneration Proceeders in

Chapter VIII
Advances and Trends in Tissue
Engineering of Teeth
Shital Patel
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Yos Morsi
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia


Tooth loss due to several reasons affects most people adversely at some time in their lives. A biological
tooth substitute, which could not only replace lost teeth but also restore their function, could be achieved
by tissue engineering. Scaffolds required for this purpose, can be produced by the use of various tech-
niques. Cells, which are to be seeded onto these scaffolds, can range from differentiated ones to stem
cells both of dental and non-dental origin. This chapter deals with overcoming the drawbacks of the
currently available tooth replacement techniques by tissue engineering, the success achieved in it at this
stage and suggestion on the focus for future research.

INTRODUCTION one of the most significant oral health problems in

the U.S. (35% of the U.S. population is estimated
The occurrence of children born with missing to have periodontitis, and 80% of these also suffer
primary and/or adult teeth (hypodontia) is mo- from gingivitis).
mentous (Nunn et al) and tooth loss resulting due Although there are several materials, which
to various pathological conditions like periodontal are used to replace lost tooth structures, none
disease, dental caries, trauma, or a variety of can completely replace the lost functions. Thus,
genetic disorders affects most adults around the as compared to endodontic treatment, tooth
world. As per Mooney et al, periodontal disease is transplantation, and dental implants, the de novo

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

regeneration of dental tissues might be a better ap- substitute, which can be used to repair, regenerate
proach in restorative dentistry (Zhang et al). John or replace parts of the body.
Hunter carried out homologous transplantation of A general approach of TE involves the use of
teeth in humans, which was a common technique temporary porous three-dimensional scaffolds to:
in the United Kingdom during the eighteenth cen- (a) define the complex anatomical shape of the tis-
tury. According to him, if teeth were transplanted sue, (b) guide the proliferation and differentiation
from a sound and healthy person, they might of seeded cells and (c) provide mechanical support
last for years. However, there is a possibility of for the cells (Morsi et al). Thus scaffold plays a
transmitting infections in some cases; which was key role in tissue engineering by providing the
also discussed by him (Schultheiss et al). Present initial extracellular matrix required to support
day technique of dental implant is more prone to the growth and proliferation of cells.
mechanical and biological failure as compared Various techniques are available for manufac-
to the natural dentition. In addition to this, they turing the three-dimensional scaffolds that are
require a minimum level of bone, which makes its dependent on the optimal scaffold required for
use limited in cases of severe bone loss (Ferreira the application on hand. The ideal scaffold should
et al). Also these techniques can elicit an immune posses following characteristics: (i) the rate of
stimulated host rejection response. scaffold degradation should be in accordance to
As the innate, biological tooth is better the rate of tissue growth, (ii) the surface of the
equipped to deal with biological threat and me- scaffold should be conductive to cell attachment,
chanical loading, the long-term goal of dental re- growth and differentiation, (iii) possess required
search is to develop methods of tooth replacement pore size and interconnectivity for tissue integra-
biologically. The ideal way of tooth replacement tion, vascularisation and transfer of nutrients and
is to create a new, natural tooth from autologous waste removal, (iv) have adequate mechanical
human tissues. Progress in the field of tissue strength and flexibility to suit intended application,
engineering and stem cell biology make it now (v) possess high surface area to volume ratio and
feasible to investigate ways to make this become (vi) the scaffold should be easy to process and be
a reality. Ferreira et al have talked of several dif- manufactured in a cost effective manner.
ferent methods that have been proposed to achieve The design of an ideal scaffold has to be ac-
biological tooth replacement. These include companied by the selection of a suitable material.
stimulation of the formation of a third dentition, Several synthetic biodegradable polymers, such
the construction of a tooth by bioengineering the as polyglycolic acid (PGA), polylactic acid (PLA)
different component parts separately, seeding of and their copolymers, natural materials like col-
tooth shaped biodegradable scaffolds with stem lagen, fibrin and alginate are the most commonly
cells and producing embryonic-like tooth primor- used materials as scaffolds for tissue engineering
dia from cultured cell populations. Each of these applications. Irrespective of the type of material
approaches has advantages and disadvantages. used and its application, it should be biocom-
patible, easy to modify, should have structural
stability, and should be versatile, biodegradable
The techniques being used for manufacturing
Tissue engineering (TE) is a multidisciplinary 3D scaffold for TE has undergone considerable
area that integrates the principles of engineering changes in the last decade and these techniques
and biological sciences to develop a biological are continuously being evolved to accommodate

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

the specific requirements of individual organ or Gas foaming: Here the melted polymer is
tissue of interest such as pore size, interconnec- saturated with blowing agent such as carbon
tivity and mechanical strength. The techniques dioxide at high pressure. This high-pressure
for 3D scaffold fabrication can be divided into gas is then brought back to atmospheric
two categories: conventional methods and newer level thus rapidly decreasing the solubility
manufacturing technologies such as rapid proto- of the gas in the polymer. With decreasing
typing. Further research into both approaches will solubility of gas, the mixture is quenched
lead to significantly new processes by overcoming so that the physical state of the material can
the drawbacks of the current available techniques be set. This generates nucleation and gas
(Morsi et al). bubbles of various sizes varying from 100-
500 m within the polymer. Scaffolds with
pore sizes of 200 300 m and porosities of
CONVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES up to 93% can be created by this technique
(Morsi et al).
Various conventional processing techniques have Melt molding: In meld molding, a teflon
been developed to build porous structures from mold of the required shape is filled up with
synthetic scaffold materials. These techniques powdered polymer and porogen of specific
can be broadly divided into the ones that involve diameter. This mold is then heated above the
addition of particles/porogens and those based on glass-transition temperature of the polymer
concepts of phase separation. Solvent casting- while applying pressure to the mixture. As
particulate leaching, gas foaming, melt molding a result, the polymer particles bind together.
are some of the examples of the former and the Immersing it in water leaches the porogen
latter includes emulsification, freeze-drying component out and the scaffold is then dried.
and liquid-liquid phase separation. The phase Thus a porous scaffold of desired/required
separation techniques can be used to incorporate shape can be obtained by melt molding
biological components into a scaffold. technique.
Emulsification: Polymer such as PLGA is
Solvent casting-particulate leaching: This dissolved in a solvent and mixing of ultrapure
technique involves dissolving a polymer like water to it produces an emulsion. This emul-
polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) or PLLA sion is cast in a mold and quenched in liquid
in a solvent such as chloroform or methyl- nitrogen. Solvent and water are removed by
ene chloride in a petri dish or a mold and freeze-drying process. Porosities up to 95%
adding porogen to it. Usually salt particles and pore sizes of 13-35 m can be achieved
such as sodium chloride, tartrate or citrate using this technique.
of regulated size are used as porogens for Freeze-drying: Here scaffolds can be pro-
this purpose. The salt particles can then be duced from synthetic as well as natural poly-
leached out by immersion in water. Porosity mers such as collagen. Synthetic polymers
and pore size obtained are dependent upon are dissolved in solvents like glacial acetic
the particle size and salt weight fraction. acid or benzene. The polymeric solution is
Pore diameters of 100-500 m and porosi- then frozen and freeze-dried, resulting in
ties of 87-91% have been reported (Bartolo a porous matrix. The freezing of the colla-
et al). gen solution results in the formation of ice
crystals and this in turn forces the collagen

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

molecules to aggregate into the available RAPID PROTOTYPING

interstitial spaces. Ethanol dehydrates the TECHNIQUES
frozen collagen and ice crystals formed are
removed by freeze-drying. The pore size of Rapid prototyping techniques may be able to
the scaffold is determined by the freezing address some of the limitations encountered by
rate and pH whereby a high freezing rate the conventional techniques. They would help in
produces smaller pores (Morsi et al). building three-dimensional scaffold of desired
Liquid-liquid phase separation: In this shape using layered manufacturing strategies ac-
fabrication technique polymers are dissolved cording to computer-aided design (CAD) without
in solvents that have low melting point and the preparation of molds (Pfister et al). There are
are easy to sublime. A small amount of water various types of rapid prototyping techniques:
may be required to work as a non-solvent stereolithography, selective laser sintering (SLS),
in order to induce phase separation. The fused deposition modelling (FDM), three-dimen-
polymer solution is cooled below the melt- sional printing (3D printing), bioprinting, ink
ing point of the solvent and vacuum dried jet printing, three-dimensional bioplotting (3D
for some days for the solution to undergo bioplotting) (Pfister et al, Sachlos et al).
complete solvent sublimation. The cooling Stereolithography produces scaffolds directly
parameters for the solution are important from the CAD model; by solidifying the surface
as they determine the morphology of the of a liquid photo polymer layer by layer with the
resultant scaffold. This method can produce help of a laser beam. Irradiation can be done
scaffolds with porosities of up to 90% and by two ways in this process. The first one is the
pores of approximately 100 m (Morsi et mask-based method wherein an image is trans-
al). ferred to a liquid polymer by irradiating through
Fibre meshes: Here non-woven scaffolds are a patterned mask. The irradiated part of the liquid
produced from polymers by the use of textile polymer is then solidified. In the second method,
technology. Difficulties in obtaining good polymer structures are produced by direct writ-
pore size, high porosity and low mechani- ing process using a focused UV beam (Bartolo
cal strength limit the use of this technique et al). This process is highly accurate in scaffold
(Morsi et al, Bartolo et al). production.
SLS uses a laser emitting infrared radiation,
However, the use of harsh organic solvents for which selectively heats the powder material just
dissolving polymers and other chemicals required beyond its melting point. The laser traces the
by the fabrication process may produce toxic shape of each cross-section of the model to be
by-products, which greatly limits their applica- built, thereby sintering powder in a thin layer. In
tion. In addition, the pore size, distribution and addition, it also supplies energy that not only fuses
interconnectivity cannot be precisely controlled, neighbouring powder particles, but also bonds
as these processing techniques (excluding phase each new layer to ones previously sintered. For
separation and fibre meshes) are dependent on polymeric powders, the sintering process takes
a randomly distributed pore generator to form place in a sealed heated chamber at a temperature
the pores within the scaffold. The lack of proper near the melting pointing filled with gases like
porosity and interconnectivity might prevent the nitrogen or argon. After each layer is solidified,
cells from migrating deep into the scaffold when the piston over the model retracts to a new posi-
seeded and thus rendering the goal of tissue-en- tion and a fresh layer of powder is supplied by
gineered tissue/organ futile. means of a mechanical roller. The powder, which

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

remains unaffected by the laser, works as a natural be achieved using rapid prototyping techniques. A
support for the model and remains in place until novel CAD system of structures based on convex
the model is complete (Bartolo et al). polyhedral units called Computer Aided System
Crump developed this extrusion-based rapid for Tissue Scaffolds or CASTS has been created
prototyping technique, commercially known as for use with this technology for TE applications.
FDM in 1989 (Bartolo et al). Here, the computer CASTS consists of a basic library of units. Each
converts the virtual object, created by CAD or open-cellular unit is a unique configuration of
computer tomography (CT) scan or magnetic linked struts. Various shapes can be obtained by
resonance imaging (MRI), into a sequence of assembling these units. Along with an algorithm,
slices that are used to build, layer by layer, the that permits the designer to identify the unit
corresponding real three-dimensional (3D) object cell and the required dimensions, the system is
(Pfister et al). FDM enables complex yet accurate able to generate a structure that is suitable for
shapes to be constructed with high mechanical the intended TE application automatically. The
stability. It offers high degree of control over shape, shape and spatial arrangement of the structures
pore interconnectivity and porosity of scaffolds can easily be altered by changing the parameters.
and a high resolution of 250 m (Morsi et al). The major advantage of CASTS is the elimina-
Sachs et al developed 3D printing at the Mas- tion of dependence on user skills. Many different
sachusetts Institute of Technology in 1989 (Bartolo scaffolds of controllable architecture and desired
et al). The 3D printing is a layered fabrication properties can be designed from a small range of
process whereby sliced 2D profile of a model de- basic units (Naing et al).
termined by CAD file is transformed to a STL file
and printed onto a fresh layer of powder (natural
polymers such as starch, dextran and gelatin) CURRENT RESEARCH
via deposition of a suitable water-based binder
from the inkjet printhead. Though this technique One of the aims of tissue engineering is to cre-
enables the production of scaffolds at a fast pace ate biological substitutes for transplantation. As
as compared to the FDM technique, it lacks the scaffolding plays a vital role in the neo-tissue
precision and mechanical strength of FDM. formation, selection of the biomaterial is very
Bioprinting incorporates biological compo- important. Synthetic biodegradable polymers like
nents such as living cells into the scaffold pro- PGA, poly L-lactic- -caprolactone copolymer,
duced. Thus it has the ability to produce viable polyglycolic acid-poly L-lactic acid copolymer
tissue (Morsi et al). Unlike the above techniques, (PGA/PLLA) and so on have been used for scaf-
3D bioplotting can process a astonishingly wide fold fabrication for dental applications as they do
range of different materials, including polymer not carry the risk of pathogen transmission and
melts, thermostat resins, polymer solutions, immunorejection. On top of this, they degrade
pastes with high filler contents, cement, and even and resorb after fulfilling the scaffolding function,
bioactive polymers such as proteins. It can also thereby eliminating the long-term inflammation
be used to design and fabricate hydrogels with and complications associated with foreign body
complex architectures and internal substructures reactions (Ma et al). Several studies have been
(Pfister et al). carried out using synthetic biodegradable scaf-
The creation of scaffolds for dental applications folds like PGA/PLLA, PLGA, and PGA, some of
requires specific characteristics and precision of which are listed in Table 1.
the tissue to be captured and ideally these scaffolds Both Buurma et al and Mooney et al have
should be tailored to individual patients, which can used non-woven PGA fibres as scaffold for their

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

study. Young et al used PGA/PLLA and PLGA thereby favoring the migration and growth of cells
for tooth scaffolds. These were prepared with the throughout the scaffold. They used phase-change
use of polyvinylsiloxane (PVS) tooth molds in the ink-jet deposition rapid prototyping technique
shape of human incisors and molars. They used and critical point drying technique. The moulds
solvent casting-particulate leaching technique produced contained predefined and reproducible
wherein the solvent used was chloroform and features as small as 200 m (Sachlos et al).
the porogen was sodium chloride. Duailibi et al Type of cells also plays a very important role
produced biodegradable PGA and PLGA scaf- in production of biological substitutes for tissue
folds by using the method suggested by Young engineering. Several studies have been carried
et al. Lee et al produced PLGA by mold casting out using dental derived pulp fibroblasts and cell
technique using sucrose as a porogen. Thus most obtained from third molar tooth buds. In most
studies have been carried out using conventional studies for regeneration of tooth structures, por-
technique for scaffold preparation. However, cine third molar tooth buds have been used (Table
scaffolds should be produced based on patients 1). Previously differentiated cells like endothelial
requirements by using CASTS and RP techniques cells, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts etc were
like 3D printing and 3D bioplotting. used for seeding the scaffolds for tissue engineer-
Natural synthetic materials like collagen ing applications. However, with the progress in
sponge have also been used as biocompatible and the field of stem cell biology, the cells, which
biodegradable scaffolds for tooth tissue engineer- have the capacity to differentiate, are being used
ing (Table 1). Collagen sponge has a number of increasingly.
advantages as it is similar in composition to the Mooney et al carried out in vitro studies by
extra cellular matrix, it has low immunogenicity seeding adult human dental pulp fibroblasts on
and cytotoxicity, and it has the efficiency with biodegradable PGA fibers for a period of 60 days.
which it can form different shapes. It favors cell Buurma et al showed that adult human dental
attachment and is chemotactic to cells. The pore pulp and gingival cell populations attached to
structure of collagen sponge is ideal for the colo- biodegradable PGA scaffolds, synthesized and
nization of seeded cells. Furthermore, collagen secreted type I collagen, cellular fibronectin and
sponge is reported to enhance bone formation may express genes implicated in transducing bone
by promoting the differentiation of osteoblasts. morphogenetic protein signals after subcutane-
The features of collagen sponge suggest that it ous implantation in immuno-compromised mice.
has the potential to provide an ideal scaffold for Young et al dissociated porcine third molar tooth
tooth-tissue engineering (Sumita et al). buds into single-cell suspensions and seeded them
The collagen sponge used by Sumita et al and onto the biodegradable PGA/PLLA scaffolds and
Honda et al is made from the collagen extracted then implanted into the omenta of athymic rats
from porcine skin and contained 75% (dry weight) for 20-30 weeks. Duailibi et al implanted single-
type I atelocollagen and 25% type III atelocol- cell suspensions obtained from molar tooth buds
lagen. They produced it using freeze-drying from three- to seven-day-post-natal Lewis rat pups
technique (Sumita et al). As previously men- and seeded onto biodegradable PGA/PLGA into
tioned, the foam structure design of the scaffold the omenta of adult Lewis rats. They found that
thus produced prevents the cells from migrating four day post-natal tooth bud cells were optimal
further into the scaffold. Thus, Sachlos et al, de- for tooth tissue engineering. They also demon-
signed novel collagen scaffolds, which contained strate that bioengineered rat teeth develop more
predefined internal architecture anticipated to sup- quickly than bioengineered pig teeth. The single
port the transfer of nutrients and waste products, cell suspensions used in the above experiments

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

Table 1. Selected tissue engineering applications for tooth

Process Authors Application Findings Validation

Fiber mesh Mooney et al (1996) Adult human dental Formation of new tissue In vitro
pulp fibroblasts resembling dental pulp

PGA fibres
Fiber mesh Buurma et al (1999) Adult human dental Expression of genes In vivo
pulp fibroblasts, human indicative of a capacity to
gingival fibroblasts produce extracellular matrix

PGA fibres
Solvent casting- Young et al (2002) Porcine third molar 20, 25 and 30 weeks post- In vivo
particulate leaching tooth buds implantation, recognizable
crown structures exhibiting
distinct coronal and
apical organization with
recognizable cusps and root
tips are formed

Solvent casting- Duailibi et al (2004) 3 to 7 day-post-natal 12 weeks post-implantation, In vivo
particulate leaching rat tooth buds crowns containing dentin,
pulp and enamel are formed

Solvent casting- Young et al (2005) Porcine third molar Formation of tooth crown In vivo
particulate leaching tooth buds, porcine and rudimentary root
bone marrow structures containing pulp,
progenitor cells dentin, enamel, alveolar
bone, and PDL-like
collagen type III connective
tissue, and bone constructs
consisting of immature
and compact bone after 12
weeks of implantation

Freeze-drying Honda et al (2006) Porcine third molar Significantly greater In vitro
tooth buds alkaline phosphatase
After 20 weeks, the In vivo
implants attained the
structural characteristics of
individual teeth
Collagen sponge

continued on following page

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

Table 1. continued

Process Authors Application Findings Validation

Freeze-drying Sumita et al (2006) Porcine third molar Superior cell retention In vitro
tooth buds and enhanced alkaline
phosphatase activity
observed in collagen sponge
scaffold as compared to
PGA mesh scaffold
Higher proportion In vivo
of calcified tissue in
Collagen sponge and
regenerated teeth in the
PGA mesh
collagen sponge scaffold
than the PGA mesh scaffold

suggest that mammalian tooth buds may retain FUTURE DIRECTIONS

a cell-autonomous development program, even
when dissociated into single-cell suspensions Sterilization Methods
and grown in culture (Duailibi et al). Young et al
demonstrated the utility of a hybrid tooth-bone TE Various sterilisation techniques like use of ethyl-
approach for eventual clinical treatment of tooth ene oxide, gamma irradiation, and plasma steril-
loss accompanied by alveolar bone resorption. ization are usually being used for the purpose of
Unlike the above studies, Honda et al used dental disinfecting the biomaterials used. 75% ethanol is
epithelium and mesenchyme from porcine third also used for the purpose of sanitizing the bioma-
molar teeth enzymatically separated and disso- terial. These may play an important role in tissue
ciated into single cells to seed collagen scaffold. formation. Ethylene oxide may be toxic to the
Mesenchymal cells obtained were seeded onto cells if not completely removed. Gamma irradia-
the surface of the collagen scaffold and epithelial tion has shown to change the properties of PGA,
cells were then plated on top so that the two cell mainly by increasing its cristallinity, making it
types were in direct contact with each other. These more brittle, and by quicker weight loss (Mol).
constructs were evaluated in vitro and in vivo by Nevertheless, cell growth and matrix production
implanting in immuno-compromised mice for a by the cells seeded onto gamma-irradiated scaf-
period of 6-20 weeks. Sumita et al proved that col- folds were not influenced. It still seemed that the
lagen is a better scaffold for tooth TE as compared cells were less dedifferentiated (Mol). Moreover,
to PGA fibre mesh. They used porcine third molar it is a costly process and requires an isolated site
tooth bud cells onto these scaffolds and cultured for safe operation. Plasma sterilization is a useful
them in vitro to evaluate the cell adhesion and surface treatment as it uses UV photons to destroy
alkaline phosphatase activity. They also carried micro-organisms (Mol). But it still has to be seen
out in vivo studies by implanting these seeded whether this is a suitable method for sterilizing
scaffolds in the omenta of immuno-compromised scaffolds and whether the UV photons do not
rats and evaluating the tooth formation up to 25 disrupt the surface of the polymer (Mol). Steril-
weeks. The results obtained suggest that collagen ization using high frequency microwaves seems
sponge scaffold enhances initial cell attachment, to be a novel way of sterilization of biomaterials.
cell differentiation and consequently the formation It has been found to retain the native mechanical
of calcified tissue.

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

strength of the tissue (pericardium). Further stud- For the tissue-engineered tooth to resemble
ies need to be done to test its suitability. the native tissue, it also needs to be vascularised
and also needs nerve regeneration.
Scaffold Improvements
Alternative Cell Sources
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex
cross-linked network of proteins and glycosamino- Studies have been carried out using the stem cells
glycans. It is like a naturally available scaffold in from dental origin. Ohazama et al have carried out
the body which acts as an architectural support studies using embryonic stem cells, neural stem
that organizes cells in space, provides them with cells, and adult bone-marrow-derived cells. This
biochemical signals that regulate cellular behav- resulted in the development of tooth structures,
iour, and separates one tissue type from another. showing that an embryonic primordium can grow
The extracellular environment is significant for in its adult environment. These results thus provide
the control of the behaviour of every cell in all a noteworthy advance toward the construction of
tissues. Cell-ECM interactions are mutual and artificial embryonic tooth primordia from cultured
very dynamic. Cells constantly receive and cells that can be used to replace missing teeth
process information about the environment and following transplantation into the adult mouth
respond accordingly and they often remodel their (Ohazama et al).
ECM as per their requirement. Numerous factors
contribute to the nature of cells interactions
with other cells, growth factors, extracellular CONCLUSION
matrix proteins, and matricellular proteins. All
of these components act collectively to regulate TE is being increasingly used in medical research
cell-surface protein activity, intracellular signal due to its flexibility and ability to generate tissues/
transduction, and subsequent gene expression, that organs as good as or even better than the natural
lead to proliferation, migration, differentiation, ones. Most studies have been carried out using
programmed cell death, modulation of cytokines scaffolds produced by conventional techniques,
and growth factor activities and formation of further research needs to be focused on the use of
complex tissues. Thus these interactions need to RP techniques as these can capture the specificity
be considered while designing the tissue analogues and can accurately design the scaffolds tailored to
(Ritter et al). individual patients. Progress in stem cell research
Chen et al explored the effect of biomaterial can be very useful in tooth tissue engineering.
on tooth germ cell adhesion and proliferation in Commercialisation of tissue-engineered tooth
vitro. They evaluated the effects of cellsurface is still far away, however, this approach is very
interactions of tooth germ cells on biomaterials promising and efforts should certainly be made
with various surface hydrophilicities. Their results towards its commercialisation.
demonstrated that tooth germ cells attached and
grew preferentially on moderately hydrophilic
biomaterials. Moreover, cellular viability was REFERENCES
proportional to the adhesion ratio (Chen et al).
Incorporation of biological components such as Ohazama, S. A. C. M., Miletich, I., & Sharpe, P.
proteins, growth factors etc into the scaffolds to T. (2004). Stem-cell-based tissue engineering of
make bioactive scaffolds is another direction of murine teeth. J Dent Res, 83(7), 518-522.
future research.

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

Pfister, A., R. D. L., Laib, A., Bner, U. H., Schmel- Nunn, J. H., N. E. C., T. J. Gillgrass, R. S. Hobson,
zeisen, R., Lhaupt, R. M. (2004). Biofunctional N. J. Jepson, J. G. Meechan, and F. S. Nohl. (2003).
rapid prototyping for tissue-engineering applica- The interdisciplinary management of hypodontia:
tions: 3D bioplotting versus 3D printing. Journal background and role of paediatric dentistry. Brit-
of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, ish Dental Journal 194, 245251.
42, 624-638.
Naing, M. W., C. K. C. a. K. F. L. (2008). Computer
Ritter, A. B., S. R., & Michniak, B. B. (2005). aided tissue engineering scaffold fabrication. In P.
Tissue Engineering. In S. R. Aurthur, B. Ritter, B. Bopaya Bidanda (Ed.), Virtual prototyping &
& B. B. Michniak (Eds.), Biomedical engineering Bio manufacturing in medical applications (pp.
principles (p. 596). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis 67-85). Springer.
Duailibi, M. T., S. E. D., C.S. Young, J.D. Bartlett,
Buurma, B., & Rutherford, R. B. (1999). Trans- J.P. Vacanti, and P.C. Yelick. (2004). Bioengi-
plantation of human pulpal and gingival fibroblasts neered teeth from cultured rat tooth bud cells. J
attached to synthetic scaffolds. Eur J Oral Sci., Dent Res 83(7), 523-528.
107(4), 282-289.
Honda, M. J., S. T., Yoshinori Sumita, Hiroshi
Ferreira, C. F. (2007). Biological tooth replace- Sagara, Minoru Ueda. (2007). The sequential
ment and repair. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, seeding of epithelial and mesenchymal cells for
34, 933-939. tissue-engineered tooth regeneration. Biomateri-
als, 680-689.
Young, C. S., Vacanti, J. P., Honda, M., Bartlett,
J. D., & Yelick, P. C. (2002). Tissue engineering Min Lee, J. C. Y. D., Benjamin M. Wu. (2005).
of complex tooth structures on biodegradable Scaffold fabrication by indirect three-dimensional
polymer scaffolds. J Dent Res, 81(10), 695-700. printing. Biomaterials. 26, 4281-4289.
Young, C. S., Rose Asrican, H. A., Ravens, M., Mol, A. (2005). Functional tissue engineering
Troulis, M. J., Kaban, L. B., Vacanti, J. P., & Yelick, of human heart valve leaflets. The Netherlands:
P. C. (2005). Tissue-engineered hybrid tooth and Eindhoven University of Technology.
bone. Tissue Engineering, 11(9/10), 1599-1610.
Bartolo, P. J., H. A. A., Rodrigo A. Rezende, Tahar
Mooney, D. J., C. P., James Piana, and Bruce Laoui and Bopaya Bidanda. (2008). Advanced pro-
Rutherford. (1996). Engineering dental pulp-like cess to fabricate scaffolds for tissue engineering.
tissue in vitro. Biotechnol. Prog., 12, 865-868. In P. B. Bopaya Bidanda (Ed.), Virtual prototyping
& Bio manufacturing in medical applications (pp.
Schultheiss, D., D. A. B., Jorg Wefer, Udo Jonas.
149-170). Springer.
(2000). Tissue engineering from Adam to the
zygote: Historical reflections. World J Urol, 18, Ma, P. X., R. Z. (2001). Microtubular architecture
84-90. of biodegradable polymer scaffolds. J Biomed
Mater Res, 56, 469-477.
Sachlos, E., N. R., C. Ainsley, B. Derby, J.T.
Czernuszka. (2003). Novel collagen scaffolds Chen, R-S., Y.-J. C., Min-Huey Chen, Tai-Horng
with predefined internal morphology made by Young. (2007). Cell-surface interactions of rat
solid freeform fabrication. Biomaterials, 24, tooth germ cells on various biomaterials. Journal
1487-1497. of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 83,

Advances and Trends in Tissue Engineering of Teeth

Zhang, W., X. F. W., J.G.C. Wolke, Z. Bian, M.W. Porogen: It is a chemically inert and high
Fan And J.A. Jansen. (2005). Differentiation temperature resistant porous polymeric material
ability of rat postnatal dental pulp cells in vitro. which can be used for a wide variety of applica-
Tissue Engineering, 11(3/4), 357-368. tions. For the purpose of scaffold preparation,
normally sodium chloride particles of specific
Morsi, Y. S., C. S. W. a. S. S. P. (2008). Convention-
diameter are used as porogens.
al manufacturing processes for three-dimensional
scaffolds. In P. B. Bopaya Bidanda (Ed.), Virtual Scaffolds: A supporting structure for cells
prototyping & Bio manufacturing in medical ap- and tissue to grow on. A scaffold will provide the
plications (pp. 129-148). Springer. physical structure that guides the cells to grow to
the right anatomical shape.
Sumita, Y., M. J. H., Takayuki Ohara, Shuhei
Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Sagara, Hideaki Kagami, Stem Cells: They are found in almost all
Minoru Ueda. (2006). Performance of collagen multi-cellular organisms. They are the kind of
sponge as a 3-D scaffold for tooth-tissue engineer- cells which have the ability to renew themselves
ing. Biomaterials, 27, 32383248. and differentiate into a variety of specialized cell
Sterilization: This is a process that destroys
Key Terms (kills) all living micro-organisms by the use of
different chemicals, temperature, high pressure
Computer Aided System for Tissue Scaf- steam or irradiation.
folds: This is a novel technology that enables the
Tissue Engineering: A multidisciplinary area
application of advanced CAD system based on
which integrates the principles of engineering
convex polyhedral units.
and biological sciences to develop a biological
Phase Separation: It is the transformation of substitute, which can be used to repair, regenerate
a homogenous system into more than one phase. or replace parts of the body.
It is one of the ways of scaffold preparation.


Chapter IX
Automated Bacterial Colony
Counting for Clonogenic Assay
Wei-Bang Chen
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), USA

Chengcui Zhang
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), USA


Bacterial colony enumeration is an essential tool for many widely used biomedical assays. This chapter
introduces a cost-effective and fully automatic bacterial colony counter which accepts digital images
as its input. The proposed counter can handle variously shaped dishes/plates, recognize chromatic and
achromatic images, and process both color and clear medium. In particular, the counter can detect dish/
plate regions, identify colonies, separate aggregated colonies, and finally report consistent and accurate
counting result. The authors hope that understanding the complicated and labor-intensive nature of
colony counting will assist researchers in a better understanding of the problems posed and the need to
automate this process from a software point of view, without relying too much on specific hardware.

Introduction of the bacteria strains in our oral cavity, has

been implicated as a major etiological agent of
Numerous dental diseases such as dental caries dental caries. Hence, it is critical to know what
and periodontal diseases are closely related with bacterial strains and the amount of them that are
the bacteria in our oral cavity. Taking dental car- in the collected oral samples, such as the saliva
ies as an example, dental caries is well-known a and plaque samples. To identify and quantify the
multi-factor disease, which occurred with both microbes in a sample, one of the most widely ac-
fermentable dietary carbohydrate and dental cepted function assay in both clinical and research
plaque bacteria. The Mutans Streptococci, one laboratories, is the clonogenic assay (a.k.a. colony
forming assay).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

The clonogenic assay is achieved by pouring The technical hurdle occurs at the final step, the
a liquefied sample containing microbes onto agar colony enumeration step in the assay since it is
plates, incubating the survived microbes as the a time consuming and labor intensive process.
seeds for growing the number of microbes via The reason is that there might exist hundreds
binary fission to form colonies (colony forming or thousands of colonies in a Petri dish, but the
unit, CFU) on the plates. The bacteria species can counting process is manually performed by well-
be distinguished by growing them on different trained technicians. In Figure 1 (a) and (b), we
selective medium, and the quantification for the show a typical 100mm Petri dish with hundreds
amount of viable microbes in the sample can be of colonies grown in it.
measured by enumerating the number of colony In addition to the low throughput problem, the
on the plate, since each viable microbe can grow consistency is another issue. The manual counting
and become a colony. In this way, the identity and is an error-prone process since the results tend to
the quantity of the bacteria in a given sample can have more subjective interpretation and mostly
be determined. With this diagnostic tool, we can rely on persistent practice, especially when a vast
monitor the progress of the disease and even to number of colonies appear on the plate (Chang,
indicate the susceptibility of future occurrence of Hwang, Grinshpun, Macher, & Willeke, 1994).
the disease. Moreover, it also provides a basis to Thus, it is very important to have consistent criteria
determine proper antibiotic agents used in medical to avoid the fluctuations in results.
treatment. Without a doubt, this assay is broadly In order to increase the throughput and to
used in biomedical examinations, food and drug provide consistent and accurate results, colony
safety test, environmental monitoring, and public counting devices were invented in the market
health (Liu, Wang, Sendi, & Caulfield, 2004). (Dahle, Kakar, Steen, & Kaalhus, 2004). We
Though clonogenic assay is very useful, there reviewed these counters available on the market
exists a bottleneck that limits its throughput. (Advanced Instruments, ; Barloworld Scientific

Figure 1. (a) Mutans Streptococci grown in a 100mm Petri dish with Mitis-Salivarius agar; (b) Es-
cherichia Coli grown in a 100mm Petri dish with LB agar; (c) The hierarchical structure of objects in
a bacterial colony image.

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

; BioLogics ; ChemoMetec ; Colifast ; Neutec the affordability of this kind of equipment is still
Group ; Oxford Optronix ; Perceptive Instruments questionable for most of laboratories due to the
; Progen Scientific ; Synbiosis) and classified them economical inefficiency of these high cost equip-
into two categories. ments in the market. For some laboratories that
The first kind of counter, the automatic digital need to perform a large amount of enumeration
counters (Barloworld Scientific), is widely used tasks, more than one high-throughput counter
in most laboratories. However, they are not truly are needed to fit their needs. Thus, the colony
automatic since they require operators to identify enumeration device poses a significant budgetary
each colony with a probe so that the sensor system challenge to many laboratories (Putman, Burton,
can detect and register each count. Obviously, this & Nahm, 2005).
kind of counter still heavily depends on the routine Further, the robustness and applicability of the
manual counting, and is of no use in solving the existing automatic counters is another concern.
problems aforementioned. Laboratories have needs to use various types of
The second type of counter is semi-automatic dishes and plates in their examinations. However,
or automatic counters. Some counters of this type most of the commercial counters are designed for
may require users to manually specify the plate/ measuring 60-150mm Petri dish and thus lack the
dish area and to provide parameters prior to the flexibility for accommodating plates with differ-
actual enumeration process (Niyazi, Niyazi, & ent sizes and shapes. In addition, some existing
Belka, 2007). Besides, some of them may need counters use only binary images for detecting
operators to manually adjust the threshold values colonies. Plenty of important characters of the
in order to handle dishes/plates that differ from colony, such as color, are lost for identifying the
their default settings. In addition, most automatic genus of the bacteria.
counters can only process one Petri dish at a Nowadays, digital image capture devices such
time. In such cases, human operators are still as digital cameras and flatbed scanners, become
heavily involved in the operation, and it is thus more popular and affordable. Hence, it motives us
not efficient for high-throughput processing of to use these devices to obtain high-quality images
plates/dishes. for counting bacterial colonies. In this chapter, we
In addition to the high-throughput processing use photos taken by digital cameras with various
concern, the affordability is another issue. Most settings as our input images, and then, make an
automatic counters are often very expensive since attempt to recognize colonies in those images. Our
they are equipped with dedicated image capturing goal is to provide an inexpensive, software-based
hardware for acquiring high quality images to op- solution for alleviating those problems aforemen-
timize counters efficiency and performance. Be- tioned. The proposed colony enumeration system
sides, some automatic counters can only accurately is designed and implemented to work in a fully
detect colonies by growing bacteria on special automatic manner such that it can process vari-
growth medium with fluorogenic substrates (Dee ous types of plates and correctly detect bacterial
et al., 2000). The substrates are utilized by bacteria colonies without users intervention. Thus, time
and are metabolized into fluorescent product that and money can be saved for laboratories to do
can be used to locate colonies. These systems are more important tasks.
extremely sensitive, and are good for detecting In the rest of this chapter, we first introduce the
micro-colonies. However, the disadvantages are system architecture and the proposed methods,
that it is costly to add fluorogenic substrates in then demonstrate the experimental results, and
the medium, and a sensitive instrument is also finally summarize and conclude this chapter.
required to detect the fluorescence signal. Hence,

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

Methods Dish/Plate Region Detection

The proposed bacterial colony enumeration sys- The first step in this system is to detect the dish/
tem simulates the human recognition behavior plate region in a given image. The goal is to re-
that progressively identifies objects in an image duce the operators workload by eliminating the
based on the hierarchical layout of major objects process of manually specifying the target dish/
in a bacterial colony image. The natural hierarchy plate region in the image. To make the dish/plate
of objects in a bacterial colony image consists of region more conspicuous from the background,
three layers, including the background, the plate/ the contrast-limited adaptive histogram equaliza-
medium region, and the colonies. We illustrate tion (CLAHE) is first performed on the converted
the hierarchical layout of a bacterial colony image grayscale images which operates on small regions
in Figure 1 (c). More specifically, the bacterial called tiles in the images rather than the entire
colony enumeration system first separates the image (Zuiderveld, 1994). The contrast of each
plate/medium region from the background, and tile is enhanced and the neighboring tiles are then
then, recognizes the bacterial colonies in the combined using bilinear interpolation to eliminate
identified plate/medium region. artificially induced boundaries.
There are four major steps in the proposed Following the histogram equalization, we
bacterial colony enumeration system: dish/plate apply the Otsus segmentation algorithm on the
region detection, colony recognition, clustered contrast enhanced image to detect the dish/plate
colony separation, and finally, the colony enumera- region as a target region. However, because of the
tion. The main technique used in the proposed varying intensity of the target object (dish/plate
system is object segmentation. In particular, the region), there may form some small holes inside
proposed segmentation technique distinguishes the target plate region. Those small holes are then
foreground objects, such as dish regions or colo- filled by adopting a morphology-based method,
nies, from their corresponding background by and the target region can thus be consolidated.
minimizing the intraclass variance and maximiz- Sometimes, this method may also detect some
ing the interclass variance. In this chapter, we smaller objects outside the target region due to
introduces a progressive segmentation method the existence of noise in the background region.
which is based on the recursive use of a widely These isolated small objects are also removed by
adopted clustering and thresholding method called our algorithm on the basis of the assumption that
Otsus method (Otsu, 1979). This method is used the target region should occupy the majority (and
to find a proper threshold value for separating central) part of the image. With the above opera-
pixels into foreground and background classes tions, the target plate/dish regions can be correctly
in the target region (regions-of-interest). Once detected most of the time. We demonstrate the
all colonies on the plate are recognized, we can effectiveness of our automatic dish/plate region
simply count the number of remaining segments detecting algorithm in the experimental results
in the image as the estimated number of bacterial (as shown in Figure 3). The experimental results
colonies on the plate/dish. In the remaining of this show that our proposed counter can detect dish/
section, we will introduce in details the proposed plate regions very effectively, regardless of the size
bacterial colony enumeration system. and shape of the dish/plate. Thus, the proposed
system is flexible enough to be used for handling
various kinds of dishes and plates.

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

Colony Recognition existence of artifacts such as scratches, dusts,

markers, bubbles, reflections, and dents in the
The second step in our proposed architecture image. Equation 1 shows the calculation of color
is colony recognition. The purpose of this step similarity in the HSV color space.
is to isolate colonies in the dish/plate, identify
(x ) + (y ) + (z )
2 2 2
clustered colonies, and separate clustered colonies CSij = 1 j xi j yi j zi
for subsequent colony enumeration. 5
Before actually performing the colony rec- xi = Si cos (H i 2 )
ognition, we have noticed that bacterial colony yi = Si sin (H i 2 )
images can be classified into two groups based (1)
zi = Vi
on their color characteristics. For those images
with abundant color information, we call them where CSij is the color similarity of two pixels
chromatic images. On the contrary, for those i and j. H, S, and V are the hue, saturation, and
images with less color information, we call them value of a pixel in the HSV color space.
achromatic images. The use of color similarity in colony boundary
Figure 1 (A) and (B) shows black Mutans detection is based on the assumption that pixels
Streptococci colonies grown in the 100mm Petri inside a segment, no matter it is a colony segment or
dish with the blue Mitis-Salivarius agar, and white a dish/plate segment, have higher similarity values
Escherichia Coli colonies grown in the 100mm with its neighboring pixels, and pixels along the
Petri dish with the clear LB agar, respectively. segment boundary have lower similarity values
These two images exemplify the chromatic im- with their neighbors. For each single pixel, it is
age and the achromatic image. Since these two surrounded by eight neighboring pixels such that
types of images are quite dissimilar in their color all nine pixels form a 33 window. We calculate
characteristics, it is more appropriate to handle the color similarity values between a pixel and its
chromatic and achromatic images in different eight neighbors, and use the minimum similarity
ways. value to represent the maximum color difference
In order to distinguish chromatic images from with its neighbors. Thus, pixels within a segment
the achromatic ones, we examine the standard have higher minimum similarity values. On the
deviation of average RGB values from each color contrary, pixels on the boundary of a segment have
channel. The smaller the standard deviation is, lower values. After the calculation, the boundaries/
indicating a relatively low variation of colors, edges are more evident, and all the minimum color
the higher the possibility that the image is achro- similarity values form an intensity image. Thus,
matic. After grouping images into the two groups we can adopt the Otsus method on the extracted
(chromatic/achromatic) by their embedded color dish/plate region in the enhanced intensity image
information, we are now ready to apply differ- to further distinguish the background (medium)
ent algorithms on extracted dish/plate regions to from foreground objects (candidate colonies).
isolate colonies. A much more challenging part in this research
For chromatic images, we not only use Otsus is to deal with achromatic images. Most of the
method (Otsu, 1979) to separate colonies from existing colony counters have disappointing per-
medium, but also adopt color similarity in HSV formance in handling achromatic images due to
(Hue-Saturation-Value) color space to facilitate the low contrast between colonies and medium.
the colony boundary detection (Ma & Zhang, In addition, the background artifacts look very
1998). This is essential since a simple global similar to colonies in the clear agar, making it more
threshold cannot extract all colonies due to the difficult to discriminate the background artifacts
from real colonies in the dish/plate.

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

To handle achromatic images, we develop a region as a two-peak distribution which consists

different method to alleviate the low contrast and of the distribution of medium pixels (background)
artifacts problems. We also apply Otsus segmen- and distribution of colonies pixels (foreground).
tation algorithm to isolate colonies. However, Those small artifacts belong to background dis-
Otsus method is much less accurate in achromatic tribution; however, they have overlapped with
images due to the interference of artifacts. An the colony distribution. Therefore, we assume
additional noise removal step is developed for that colonies should be significantly different in
those achromatic images. intensity values comparing with their surrounding
The color similarity measurement described background, and it is very likely that those small
earlier in this section cannot be applied since artifacts have similar intensity values to their
achromatic images lack color information. In this surrounding pixels. Based on this assumption,
chapter, we proposed a new statistic approach to we examine each small object including colonies
detect and remove those artifacts and successfully by hypothesis testing. In the hypothesis testing,
preserve only colonies. Our proposed statistic we use the mean of surrounding pixel values as
approach includes two steps. The first step is to null and test if the mean of object pixel values
remove those relatively large artifacts. We collect has significant difference with the null, at the
the sizes of all objects detected by Otsus method significance level of = 0.01.
from the dish/plate region, and generate frequency
distribution with log base of those size values. Colony Separation
Colonies of similar size should occupy the high
frequency segment in this distribution, and the After most of the artifacts being removed from both
frequencies for those very large artifacts should chromatic and achromatic images, the remaining
be very low. By this assumption, we can remove foreground objects are considered to be colonies.
those large size objects. The next step is to remove Ideally, each of these isolated foreground objects
those smaller artifacts which are about the same corresponds to one single colony. However, such
size as the colonies in the dish/plate. In this step, an object may correspond to more than one colony
the area size is not a good determinant since the because several colonies may cluster together.
area size range of those small artifacts has a sig- Therefore, there is a need to split them in order
nificant overlap with that of colonies. Instead, we to obtain the correct colony count. To separate
consider the intensity distribution of the dish/plate the aggregated colonies, we consider the intensity

Figure 2. An example of the Watershed algorithm performed on clustered colonies

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

gradient image as topological surfaces (Vincent Dentistry at the University of Alabama at Bir-
& Soille, 1991), thus the Watershed algorithm can mingham. This type of plate contains blue color
be applied to divide clustered colonies in the im- Mitis-Salivarius agar which is used for isolating
age just as water flood in a topographical surface. Mutans Streptococci. These acid-producing
We demonstrate how Watershed algorithm works bacteria are commonly seen in our oral cavity,
in Figure 2. Figure 2 (a) shows a binary image and have been implicated as a major etiological
that simulates two clustered colonies; Figure 2 agent that attack tooth enamel minerals and cause
(b) presents the distance transform of the binary dental caries. The second type of plate is obtained
image in Figure 2 (a); Figure 2 (c) illustrates the from the Division of Nephrology, Department of
Watershed transform successful splitting the Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
clustered colonies. After applying the Watershed This type of plates contains the clear LB agar
algorithm, almost all colony segments have been which is widely used in laboratories for growing
separated and identified and are ready for the Escherichia Coli.
colony enumeration step.
Dish/Plate Region Detection
Colony Enumeration
In this experiment, we compare the proposed dish/
After all colonies are properly separated and iden- plate detection algorithm with Otsus segmentation
tified, the final step is to acquire the total number algorithm. Some sample segmentation results are
of viable colonies by adding up the number of demonstrated in Figure 3 (A). We evaluate the
the remaining objects that have been identified performance of the proposed dish/plate detec-
as colonies. tion algorithm and Otsus method by applying
both algorithms on 300 images, including 36
chromatic images and 264 achromatic images.
Experimental Results The performance is measured by the satisfaction
rate which is defined in Box 1 (Eq. 2).
To test the robustness of this counting system, The overall satisfaction rates for the proposed
we use five different digital cameras as the image method and Otsus method are 89.0% and 36.3%,
acquiring devices in our experiments to obtain respectively. For the 36 chromatic images, the
bacterial colony images for bacterial colony enu- satisfaction rates for the proposed method and
meration. The five digital cameras include a Sony Otsus method are 86.1% and 0%, respectively. For
DSC T100 Digital Camera (8.0-megapixel) with the 264 achromatic images, the satisfaction rates
a resolution of 3264 2448, a Nikon D50 Digital for the proposed method and Otsus method are
SLR Camera (6.0-megapixel) with a resolution of 89.4% and 41.3%, respectively. It is obvious that
3008 2000, a Canon PowerShot A95 Camera the proposed method outperforms Otsus method
(5.0-megapixel) with a resolution of 2592 1944, in dish/plate region detection. We summarized
a Sanyo DSC-J1 Camera (3.2-megapixel) with a the satisfaction rates for both methods in Figure
resolution 1600 1200, and an Asus P525 PDA 3 (b).
cell phone built-in camera (2.0-megapixel) with
a resolution 1600 1200. Colony Recognition
Additionally, Petri dishes with two different
types of medium and bacteria strains are used In this Section, the performance of this system
in our experiments. The first type of images on colony recognition is evaluated. It is more
is obtained from the Department of Pediatric reasonable to discuss the counter performance on

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

Box 1. Equation 2

Number of images that dish/plate regions are correctly detected

Total number of images

Figure 3. Performance comparison for dish/plate region detection

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

chromatic and achromatic images separately in In the second experiment, we further apply
this experiment since the characteristics of them the proposed method on 30 different achromatic
are quite different. We compared the proposed images taken from the same dish, but with dif-
counter (P.C.) with the Clono-Counter (C.C.) ferent background surfaces, zooms, and lighting
which is reported by Niyazi in 2007 (Niyazi et conditions. We measure the precision, recall,
al., 2007). We apply both counters on 10 chro- and F-measure of the proposed counter. The
matic images and 30 achromatic images. The average precision, recall, and F-measure on the
enumeration results are then compared with the 30 achromatic images are 0.950.04, 0.800.04,
ground truth for calculating the precision, recall, and 0.870.02, respectively. The results of the
and F-measure values. consistency analysis show the proposed system is
For chromatic images, the precision values quite consistent since the variance of enumeration
of the P.C. and C.C. methods are 0.970.04 and results from the same dish is small.
0.560.24, respectively; their recall values are
0.890.07 and 1.000.01, respectively; their Colony Separation
F-measure values are 0.920.03 and 0.690.19,
respectively. Table 1 shows the performance In recognizing colonies, there are some clustered
comparison on chromatic images. colonies that need to be further divided into sepa-
To evaluate the robustness of the proposed rate colonies. As mentioned earlier, we adopt the
counter (P.C.) on achromatic images, we conduct Watershed algorithm to solve this problem and
the following two experiments, and compare the found it effective in splitting clustered colonies
performance of P.C. with that of C.C. according to our experimental results. An example
In the first experiment, we test the proposed of the splitting result with the use of Watershed
counter (P.C.) on 30 achromatic images. The algorithm is given in Figure 4.
performance of the P.C. and C.C. methods on In our experiment, we checked the perfor-
these achromatic images are summarized in Table mance of the Watershed algorithm on 19 randomly
1. From Table 1, we can observe that the P.C. selected segments with clustered colonies which
significantly outperforms the C.C. method. The actually contain 98 colonies. After applying the
average precision, recall, and F-measure values Watershed algorithm, we obtain 96 colonies. Only
of the P.C. method are 0.690.30, 0.870.09, and 2 overlapped colonies are missed in the splitting
0.720.18, while the corresponding values of process. It is worth mentioning that the Water-
C.C. are 0.000.00, 0.000.00, and 0.000.00, shed algorithm is an integral part of the proposed
respectively. system, where each step contributes to the better
performance of the subsequent steps.

Table 1. Performance comparison on chromatic and achromatic images

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

Figure 4. An example of colony separation

Discussions and Conclusions It is worth mentioning that this study has

the following contributions. First, the proposed
In this chapter, we introduce a robust and effective counter can handle various kinds of dish/plate,
automated bacterial colony enumeration system. including round and rectangular shaped dishes/
The proposed system has the ability to identify plates, which is a very desirable feature. Second,
various types of dish/plate in images, and then we use general digital camera images as its input,
recognize colonies in the identified dish/plate and there is no need to purchase expensive and
region. The morphology of the colony segment is dedicated image acquiring devices. The third
checked for distinguishing clustered colonies from contribution is that our counter can distinguish
single colonies. To obtain the accurate number of chromatic from achromatic images and process
colonies, the Watershed transform is then applied both color and clear medium. In addition, since
to separate the aggregated colonies. After these our counter is a fully automated, software-
steps, the number of colonies can be enumerated centered colonies counter, all the user needs to
as the total number of segments in the image. do is to take the pictures of the dishes/plates and
The most challenging part in this study is to leave the remaining job to the counter. Users
handle achromatic images, since colonies look are no longer involved in the tedious and time-
very similar to the clear medium (background). consuming process of selecting the target area or
In addition, there exist a lot of noises on the providing values for parameters. Moreover, the
plate such as bubbles, small scratches, and small performance of the proposed counter is promising
markers. These round-shaped objects also look for both chromatic and achromatic images. The
very similar to colonies and it is often hard to above desirable features make this enumeration
tell whether or not they are colonies even by hu- system very flexible and attractive to laboratories.
man eyes. This makes the colony isolation task Laboratories can save precious time and allocate
extremely difficult. The experimental results show limited budget on more important tasks.
the proposed system addresses these challenges Though the performance of our proposed bac-
and demonstrates reasonable performance on both terial colony enumeration system is very promis-
chromatic and achromatic images. ing, there are still some remaining issues. In the

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

future, we will put more effort on distinguishing Colifast. Colifast Rapid Microcolony Counter.
the colony from noises in achromatic images. Retrieved March 21, 2008, from http://www.
We may introduce more colony features such as
color, texture, and topology to improve colony
Dahle, J., Kakar, M., Steen, H. B., & Kaalhus, O.
recognition. Another issue in this study is that
(2004). Automated counting of mammalian cell
bacterial colonies may have different shapes as
colonies by means of a flat bed scanner and image
well as colors in the real world; however, currently
processing. Cytometry A, 60(2), 182-188.
we can only handle clustered colonies which are
composed of round-shaped colonies with Water- Dee, S. W., Aas, R. S., Skjanes, K., Hermansen,
shed algorithm. The ultimate goal is to accurately L. F., Samset, I. D., Reitehaug, E., et al. (2000,
differentiate various bacteria species grown in the Jan 1). Development of a rapid system for moni-
same dish and correctly enumerate the colonies toring total microbial load (HPC) in distribution
for each bacteria species. We believe it will have systems and raw waters. Paper presented at the
great benefit for clinical dental studies. Water Quality Technology Conference, Salt Lake
City, UT.
Liu, X., Wang, S., Sendi, L., & Caulfield, M. J.
(2004). High-throughput imaging of bacterial
colonies grown on filter plates with application
This research of Dr. Chengcui Zhang is sup-
to serum bactericidal assays. J Immunol Methods,
ported in part by NSF DBI-0649894 and UAB
292(1-2), 187-193.
ADVANCE program through the sponsorship of
the National Science Foundation. Ma, W.-Y., & Zhang, H. (1998). Content-based
image indexing and retrieval. In B. Furht (Ed.),
Handbook of multimedia computing. Boca Raton,
References FL: CRC Press.
Neutec Group. Flash and Grow automatic colony
Advanced Instruments. QCount and Color
counter. Retrieved March 23, 2008, from http://
QCount. Retrieved March 23, 2008, from http://
Niyazi, M., Niyazi, I., & Belka, C. (2007). Count-
Barloworld Scientific. Stuart SC6. Retrieved
ing colonies of clonogenic assays by using densi-
March 23, 2008, from http://www.barloworld-
tometric software. Radiat Oncol, 2(4).
Otsu, N. (1979). A thresholding selection method
BioLogics. AccuCount. Retrieved March 23, 2008,
from gray-scale histogram. IEEE Trans. on Sys-
tems, Man, and Cybernetics., 9(1).
Chang, C. W., Hwang, Y. H., Grinshpun, S. A.,
Oxford Optronix. ColCount. Retrieved March 23,
Macher, J. M., & Willeke, K. (1994). Evalua-
2008, from
tion of counting error due to colony masking in
bioaerosol sampling. Appl Environ Microbiol, Perceptive Instruments. Sorcerer Colony Coun-
60(10), 3732-3738. ter. Retrieved March 23, 2008, from http://www.
ChemoMetec. NucleoCounter. Retrieved March
23, from

Automated Bacterial Colony Counting for Clonogenic Assay

Progen Scientific. Schuett ColonyQuant automatic single living microbe can grow and form a colony
colony counter. Retrieved March 23, 2008, from via binary fission.
Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram
Putman, M., Burton, R., & Nahm, M. H. (2005). Equalization (CLAHE): Contrast Limited
Simplified method to automatically count bacte- Adaptive Histogram Equalization is a contrast
rial colony forming unit. J Immunol Methods, enhancement method that performs on grayscale
302(1-2), 99-102. image. This method operates on small regions,
called tiles, in the image, rather than the entire
Synbiosis. aCOLyte and ProtoCOL SR/HR.
image. The contrast of each tail is enhanced by
Retrieved March 23, 2008, from http://www.
adopting histogram equalization.
HSV Color Space: HSV stands for Hue-
Vincent, L., & Soille, P. (1991). Watersheds in
Saturation-Value, which describe colors as
digital spaces: an efficient algorithm based on
points in a cylinder whose central axis ranges
immersion simulations. IEEE Trans. on Pat-
from black to white with neutral colors between
tern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 13(6),
them, where angle around the axis corresponds
to hue, distance from the axis corresponds to
Zuiderveld, K. (1994). Contrast limited adaptive saturation.
histogram equalization. In Graphics gems IV, (pp.
Image Segmentation: A process that parti-
474-485): Academic Press Professional, Inc.
tions images into meaningful regions based
on certain characteristics or properties such as
intensity, color, shape, and/or texture.
key terms
Otsus Method: A thresholding technique
used to determine an optimal threshold value for
Bacterial Colony Counter: A manual,
dividing data into two classes such that the intra-
semi-automatic or automatic instrument used
class variance is minimized and the inter-class
to enumerate the number of bacterial colonies
variance is maximized.
on a plate.
Watershed Transformation: A morphologi-
Colony Forming Unit: Colony Forming Unit
cal segmentation method that partitions images
(CFU) is a measure of the number of viable mi-
based on the gradient regardless of the shape and
crobes in microbiology. The theory behind is a
size of the object.

Section IV
Software Support in Dental

Chapter X
A New System in Guided
The Flatguide System

Michele Jacotti
Private Practice, Italy

Domenico Ciambrone
NRGSYS ltd, Italy


In this chapter the authors describe a new system for guided surgery in implantology. The aim of this
system is to have a user friendly computerized instrument for the oral surgeon during implant plan-
ning and to have the dental lab included in the decisional process. This system gives him the possibil-
ity to reproduce the exact position of the implants on a stone model; the dental technician can create
surgical guides and provisional prosthesis for a possible immediate loading of the implants. Another
objective of this system is to reduce the economic cost of surgical stents; in such a way it can be applied
as a routine by the surgeon.

INTRODUCTION a maxillary CT to the creation of surgical stents

and provisional prosthesis.
In this chapter the authors present a new system They will try to organize the steps leading to a
of implant planning dedicated to guided surgery. correct planning of the case and its realization from
They will explain the details of a process that the surgical and prosthetical point of view.
leads from the elaboration of the digital data of

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
A New System in Guided Surgery

Setting up the treatment plan. Robotic systems with radium-mat repere

Creation of the Flatguide diagnostic stent. points on the diagnostic stents to gauge the
Acquisition of the digital CT. difference between the capture plan and the
OneScan Software 3D phase. diagnostic stent creation plan.
Flatguide Implant Planning. Systems utilizing stereolithographic models
Creation of the Real Volume. to transfer the implant position onto the
Technical phase. model;
Surgical phase. Double acquisition systems, with the stent
Prosthesic phase. and the maxillary CT with the stent to match
the images.


The use of Dentascan in implantology goes back to
the second half of the 80. The first article dealing Setting up the Treatment Plan
with the use of CT goes back to 1987.
After only one year, in 1988, the first article In the phase of the visit to the patient the clini-
describing a system based on surgical stents based cian must start to elaborate treatment plans able
on CT appeared. to solve the needs of the patient himself.
In the 90s there is the appearance of the first It will be necessary to check the patients
interactive Software for dentistry use. general state of health, and the state of health of
After that, up to nowadays, one has noticed the the oral cavity. The evaluation of the periodontal
more and more systematic appearance of: situation , in case the patient is not completely
toothless, is of vital importance.
Systems utilizing known angle values and One starts from the phase of impressions,
emergency points to be gauged by means of of the bite registration and of the facial arc if
appliances and protractors. necessary.

Figure 1. Stent attached over the Flatguide

A New System in Guided Surgery

The dentist gives everything to the technician, The DICOM standard is public and its defi-
including the patients treatment plan. nition is accessible to everybody. It allows the
Once the model has been mounted on the interchange of information between different
articulator, it twill be necessary to evaluate the makers equipments, server and PC, specific for
feasibility of the project from the biomechanical, the biomedical field.
aesthetic and functional point of view. The DICOM data will then be treated by
dedicated software.
Creation of the Flatguide Stent
OneScan 3D Software
Once the treatment plan has been established,
the technician will realize a diagnostic wax- The OneScan 3D ( ) software is a
up reproducing the prosthetic planning on the program for implant diagnosis and planning based
model. On these data the technician will prepare on digital data. It is the only program including
a diagnostic stent. the Flatguide function.
One of the peculiar characteristics of the Flat- The functioning of the software subverts the
guide system is that no kind of particular stent usual characteristics of the various CT based
is used. The clinician can go on using the kind of interactive systems. With this system one starts
stent he has always used: with barium sulphate from an automatic 3D reconstruction modifying
teeth, with teeth brushed with dental amalgam the acquisition plan if necessary and thus obtain-
powder, or without any specific property. ing an insertion of the axial images to perfect the
The only demand that needs attention is to glue next phase, that is the reconstruction curve of the
a Flatguide over the stent. (Figure 1) panorex sections.
Like all the most advanced software, OneScan
Acquisition of CT 3D includes a series of functions, such as the
marking of the alveolar nerve, a database of the
The patient must undergo the CT wearing the implants and the abutments and the possibility to
Flatguide stent. evaluate tissue densitometry.
It is necessary to verify that the stent perfectly Instead, the three advanced characteristics that
adheres to the residual teeth or to the mucosa, in differentiate it from the other software are:
the case of a completely edentulous patient. It is
of primary importance that the stent in the oral 3D reconstruction: All the program opera-
cavity can be always reproducible. tions are interactive and based on a real time
It is advisable to spread some silicon on the 3D rendering. The OneScan 3D shows the
Flatguide and ask the patient to close his teeth volume of data acquired through a normal
so that the stent is fixed in the correct position.. CT scan in an photorealistic way by using
The dentist must verify that the patient is the Windows standard PC platform and the
able to wear the stent by himself in the correct most widely used graphical cards (either
position. ATI or nVIDIA). The volume is rendered by
The patient must go to a radiologist centre setting the proper opacity to each voxel to
equipped to supply the CT data in digital form, show the patients tissues, as selected by the
usually on CD. The axial section data are saved dentist, setting a visible range of values in
in DICOM format (Digital Imaging and Com- the Hounsfield scale. The result is enforced
munications in Medicine). by applying to the visible voxels a colormap

A New System in Guided Surgery

Figure 2. 3D reconstruction of the mandibular jaw with OneScan 3D

that better represents the visible tissues in cleaning the volume from all possible artefacts
and then some lighting effects to obtain a (say scattering)
photorealistic rendered image (Figure 2).
STL generator: The OneScan 3D can gen-
All the operations on the volume are in real erate an *stl. file representing the volume
time. rendered as from the current filter settings.
All the opacity and Hounsfield visibility set- This kind of file is used by the firms that deal
tings can be changed on-line with an immediate with prototypization to produce sterelitho-
visible result; it is then possible to skim through graphic or sintherized three dimensional
the tissues filtering their density, pass from soft models.
tissues to hard tissues, from the mucosa to the Flatguide function: The function that
teeth. primarily characterizes the software. Its
The volume can be clipped to analyze the functioning is described in the next chap-
anatomy cross-sections in a realistic way to exam- ter.
ine structures of anatomic interest from inside
The overall volume transparency can be set Flatguide Planning
to distinguish details of the different tissues of
different density; for example to view the teeth After loading the digital data with the OneScan 3D
roots while the volume is fully rendered software, one goes on with implant planning:
As well as in other software products, it is the To simplify the planning operation, the volume
possible to segment the model on various plans, is first calibrated by graphically correcting
axial and cross sectional, perform any type of possible anatomys pitch and roll due to a wrong
measurements on them including density profile patients position during the scan.
along an arbitrary segment The most correct position for the implants is
The OneScan 3D software has a simple but chosen, verifying, if it is there, the position of the
powerful virtual 3D brush to help the dentist prosthetic element reproduced by the diagnostic

A New System in Guided Surgery

Figure 3. Implant planning with the Flatguide, reconstructed in 3D

Figure 4. The virtual volume fitting over the Flatguide

The implant diameter and length are opti- tool it is possible to section the images to check
mized. the implant relations with structures of anatomic
The planning effected on cross sectional and interest from inside.
panorex is checked on the 3D (Figure 3). Once the implants are correctly positioned,
Remember that the 3D image does not suffer one goes on with the virtual stent phase. The
from dimensional changes created by a wrong software scans all the axial sections searching
design of the reconstruction curve. The usual pan- for the Flatguide holes, and positions them in
ning a zooming tools on all the projections help the next window. After finding the Flatguide
in this phase. As mentioned, using the clipping spatial position it positions a Virtual Volume

A New System in Guided Surgery

with the same horseshoe shape, with pins in the useful to the technician for the reproduction of
place of lingual holes above the Flatguide . The the implant depth in the stone model as it gives
Virtual Volume is then shown over the rendered him the mucosal thickness.
volume. The precision of the automatic position- The last phase consists of exporting the Virtual
ing, in terms of fitting between the Flatguide Volume. The spatial position data of the holes
holes and parallelism between the Flatguide inside the Virtual Volume is exported. The infor-
and the Virtual Volume layers, is usually very mation is gathered in a very light file, weighing
high. The best result can be obtained if all the usually 1 o 2 Kbite. This file is sent by e-mail to the
artefacts have been reduced or removed (virtual Service Centre that will create the Real Volume.
3D brush) and if the volume has been correctly In the OneScan 3D local archive the information
calibrated (see above) to put the Flatguide on relevant to the submitted request is stored; all the
a seamless horizontal plane (Figure 4). Real Volume production and delivery phases are
In case the position of the Volume on the Flat- tracked through the Internet.
guide is not perfect, it is possible to modify it The result of the planning activity can be re-
manually orientating the Virtual Volume in space ported in an automatically generated *pdf report
until it ties in perfectly with the Flatguide. Once document than can include dentists annotations,
again, all the manual adjustment operation are snapshots from the OneScan 3D operation and/
visual and in real time. or images coming from any source. The report
Once the correct position of the Virtual Volume automatically includes all the images to better
on the Flatguide has been verified, the program visually describe the implants and their position,
is asked to create the holes on the guide. The both in 2D and in 3D.
software creates the extension of the implants to
perforate the Virtual Volume (Figure 5). Creation of the Real Volume
Moreover the distance between the Flat-
guide and the fixture-abutment connection is The data sent by e-mail to the Service Centre are
automatically calculated. This measure will turn elaborated by CAD-CAM software. Trough this

Figure 5. Implant extension perforating the virtual volume

A New System in Guided Surgery

process it is possible to identify the holes repro- the diagnostic stent and the stone model below
ducing the prolongation of the implant axis in the (Figure 6).
defined space of the Virtual Volume. In this way the correct implant position and
By means of the CAD-CAM technology, the axis are created. With a calibrated rod, the implant
Real Volume, in plastic material, with the repro- analog will be positioned inside the stone model,
duction of the implant holes will be obtained. reproducing the distance between the Flatguide
Inside the holes metal sleeves are inserted, and the implant head calculated by the software
that will be useful to the technician in the suc- in order to get also the exact depth.
cessive phase. As to the creation of a surgical stent there are
The Real Volume is sent to the implantologist two choices:
by courier. The more economical and quicker solution
that can be used also by the dentist without the
Technical Phase technicians support is to pierce the diagnostic
stent after superimposing the Real Volume onto the
As we said above, the dental technician figure is Flatguide. In the holes created by the appropri-
vital in the whole process, from the diagnosis to ate drill some surgical steel sleeves are inserted
the prosthesis. As in every team work, the dental and the stent will turn from a diagnostic stent to a
lab is involved in every phase. surgical stent. This system, the quickest and most
In the technical phase the technician will economic one does not allow the application of
receive the Real Volume. The Real Volume will depth stops for the mills. The implantologist can
be coupled to the Flatguide, glued onto the avail himself of a spatial guide for the implants,
diagnostic stent and positioned on the patients but not for their depth, which he will measure by
stone model. means of mills with depth notches.
With appropriate drills, one goes through the The most complex, but also the costliest solu-
Real Volume sleeves piercing the Flatguide, tion is to pierce the stone model too, position the

Figure 6. Real volume over the Flatguide, with the sleeves and the calibrated rod

A New System in Guided Surgery

implant analog in the established spots and depth For this reason it is suggested to create pro-
and use the stone model for the creation of a new visional prosthesis with wider preparations so
surgical stent. With this system, as the implants that they can be relined directly in the patients
have the right depth, it is possible to create a stent mouth.
with depth stops for the mills. All the metal sleeves
are positioned in the stent at the same height, Surgical Phase
usually 10 mm from the implant, including the
sleeve thickness. In this way the stent becomes The surgical phase takes benefit from the spatial in-
compatible with kits of commercially available formation extracted from the planning and applied
surgical drills. For every implant length there will to the stent through the Flatguide system.
be a proper drill that works as long as it is. In accordance with his needing the dental tech-
By choosing the second solution, the more nician will prepare stents with different character-
refined one, the technician has at his disposal the istics. Being an open system, without constraints,
stone model reproducing the exact position of the the technician, based on the dentist instructions,
implants and the thickness of the mucosa. On this will prepare surgical stents with vertical holders
model it is possible to realize any kind of provi- in case he uses drills with holders for flapless
sional prosthesis, a single tooth, a small bridge, a surgery, or simple steel guides for a conventional
full arch, and the Toronto bridge prosthesis. surgery with open flaps. (Figure 7, 8).
It is important to notice that the system does As already pointed out above, the Flatguide
not assume to supply perfectly correct prosthesis system requires a team work; each step is discussed
without any kind of tension when positioned in in advance to optimize results, costs, benefits.
the patients oral cavity.
One must take into account a certain degree Prosthesic Phase
of discrepancy between the implant virtual po-
sition on the model and the real position in the It is the latest phase, but not for importance.
patients cavity.

Figure 7. Surgical stent in situ

A New System in Guided Surgery

Figure 8. Correct implant positioning

Figure 9. Provisional prosthesis, immediate loading

This is the objective of any interactive plan- prosthesis fitting the requirements coming from
ning system: to have the prosthesis ended even the implantologist (Figure 9, 10).
before you begin the surgery phase! This systematic doesnt claim to provide a
With the Flatguide system it is possible to prosthesis with precision of 10th of a millimeter.
get the patients stone model in which to insert the The aim is to provide a stone model with implant
implant analogs each of them at the position and analogs positioned in such a way to allow the tech-
depth planned using the computer software. nical to create provisionals slightly larger than the
On this model the technician can choose the size of the implants abutments. The provisional
suitable abutments and prepare the temporary prosthesis, ranging from single crown, to the

A New System in Guided Surgery

Figure 10. Final ceramic restoration

bridge, to the Toronto type bridge prosthesis, will an excellent instrument of communication and
be relined directly in the patients mouth. marketing with the patients.
Relining the prosthesis directly in the mouth Last, but not least, the cost of a single stent is
of the patient, we will eliminate all the tensions limited to the creation of a Real Volume, whose
we inevitably get by building a prosthesis on a cost is today about 80-90. With a limited cost it
model, stereolithographic or in stone, even before is possible to rehabilitate a whole arch.
the surgery phase.

Balshi, S. F., Wolfinger, G. J., & Balshi, T. J.
The Flatguide system, matched with OneScan (2006). Surgical planning and prosthesis con-
3D software, has revealed itself very simple to struction using computer technology and medical
be used also for the General Practitioner. It does imaging for immediate loading of implants in
not need any calculation and the software is the pterygomaxillary region. Int J Periodontics
very immediate and self explaining; it has been Restorative Dent. Jun, 26(3), 239-47.
studied to be used every day. The characteristic
Campbell, D. J. (2001). The use of cross-sectional
of not excluding the technician turns out to be
spiral tomography in the placement of implants.
added value. The technician starts cooperating
N Z Dent J. Jun, 97(428), 49-51.
in the diagnostic phase and ends in the definitive
prosthesis phase, acting as part and parcel in ev- Cannizzaro, G., Leone, M., & Esposito, M. (2007).
ery intermediate step. The quality of the images, Immediate functional loading of implants placed
particularly in 3D reconstructions, offers the clini- with flapless surgery in the edentulous maxilla:
cian an excellent diagnostic instrument besides 1-year follow-up of a single cohort study. Int J Oral
being useful in implant planning. It is therefore Maxillofac Implants. Jan-Feb, 22(1), 87-95.

A New System in Guided Surgery

Cheng, A. C., Tee-Khin, N., Siew-Luen, C., Lee, Marchack, C. B. (2007). CAD/CAM-guided im-
H., & Wee, A. G. (2008). The management of plant surgery and fabrication of an immediately
a severely resorbed edentulous maxilla using a loaded prosthesis for a partially edentulous patient.
bone graft and a CAD/CAM-guided immediately J Prosthet Dent. Jun, 97(6), 389-94.
loaded definitive implant prosthesis: a clinical
Marchack, C. B. (2008). Complications of Comput-
report. J Prosthet Dent., 99(2), 85-90.
Engelman, M. J., Sorensen, J. A., & Moy, P. (1988). Guided (NobelGuidetrade mark) Surgical Implant
Optimum placement of osseointegrated implants. Placement: An Evaluation of Early Clinical
J Prosthet Dent, 59(4), 467-73. Results. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.
Frederiksen, N. L. (1995). Diagnostic imaging in Reddy, M. S., Mayfield-Donahoo, T., Vanderven,
dental implantology. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral F. J., & Jeffcoat, M. K. (1994). A comparison of the
Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. Nov, 80(5), 540-54. diagnostic advantages of panoramic radiography
Review. and computed tomography scanning for placement
of root form dental implants. Clin Oral Implants
Ganz, S. D. (2007). CT-derived model-based sur-
Res. Dec, 5(4), 229-38.
gery for immediate loading of maxillary anterior
implants. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. Jun, 19(5), Rocci, A., Martignoni, M., & Gottlow, J. (2003).
311-8; quiz 320, 302. Immediate loading in the maxilla using flapless
surgery, implants placed in predetermined posi-
Jeffcoat, M. K. (1993). Application of digital
tions, and prefabricated provisional restorations:
radiography to implantology. J Dent Symp. Aug,
a retrospective 3-year clinical study. Clin Implant
1, 30-3.
Dent Relat Res., 5(Suppl 1), 29-36.
Kupeyan, H. K., Shaffner, M., & Armstrong, J.
Sanna, A., Molly, L., & Van Steenberghe, D.
(2006). Definitive CAD/CAM-guided prosthesis
(n.d.). Immediately loaded CAD-CAM manu-
for immediate loading of bone-grafted maxilla:
factured fixed complete dentures using flapless
a case report. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res., 8(3),
implant placement procedures: A cohort study of
consecutive patients.The Journal of Prosthetic
Lam, E. W., Ruprecht, A., & Yang, J. (1995). Dentistry, 97(6),331 339.
Comparison of two-dimensional orthoradially
Van Steenberghe, D., Glauser, R., Blombck, U.,
reformatted computed tomography and panoramic
Andersson, M., Schutyser, F., Pettersson, A., &
radiography for dental implant treatment planning.
Wendelhag, I. (2005). A computed tomographic
J Prosthet Dent. Jul, 74(1), 42-6.
scan-derived customized surgical template and
Mal, P., Rangert, B., & Nobre, M. (2005). All- fixed prosthesis for flapless surgery and immediate
on-4 immediate-function concept with Brnemark loading of implants in fully edentulous maxillae:
System implants for completely edentulous max- a prospective multicenter study. Clin Implant Dent
illae: a 1-year retrospective clinical study. Clin Relat Res., 7(Suppl 1), S111-20.
Implant Dent Relat Res., 7(Suppl 1), S88-94.
Marchack, C. B. (2005). An immediately loaded
CAD/CAM-guided definitive prosthesis: a clinical Key Terms
report. J Prosthet Dent. Jan, 93(1), 8-12.
CAD: Computer-aided design is the use of
computer technology to aid in the design and

A New System in Guided Surgery

especially the drafting of a part or product. It medical imaging. It includes a file format defini-
is both a visual (or drawing) and symbol-based tion and a network communications protocol.
method of communications whose conventions The communication protocol is an application
are particular to a specific technical field. Nel protocol that uses CTP/IP to communicate be-
software OneScan 3D viene utilizzata solo la tween systems. DICOM files can be exchanged
componente visuale. between entities that are able of receiving patient
data in DICOM format.
CAM: Computer-ided manufacturing is the
use of computer-based software tools that assist Flapless Surgery: The surgery without open-
engineers and machinists in manufacturing or ing flaps. The surgical template will drive the drill
prototyping product components. CAM is a pro- through the soft tissues and will stop the drill at
gramming tool that allows you to manufacture the correct depth. Its a painless surgery, very
physical models using computer-aided design well accepted by the patient.
(CAD) programs. CAM creates real life versions
Immediate Loading: When it is possible
of components designed within a software pack-
to give an adequate primary stability to the
age. The Real Volume is creating using CAM
implants it is possible load them immediately.
The implants stability is measured through the
Computer Assisted Surgery: (CAS) repre- tightening torque. A value higher then 35N/cm
sents a surgical concept and set of methods, that use will ensure the possibility to perform the implant.
computer technology for presurgical planning, and To do this the implantologist can perform some
for guiding or performing surgical interventions. under-preparations of the site in order to increase
CAS is also known as computer aided surgery, the bone stability.
computer assisted intervention, image guided
Implant Planning: The planning activity be-
surgery and surgical navigation, but these terms
fore a surgical intervention. It is usually performed
that are more or less synonyms with CAS.
over CT data. The best results can be obtained,
CT: Computed tomography (CT) is a medi- today, through dedicated implantology software
cal imaging method using tomography. Digital applications.
geometry processing is used to create a three-
STL: Is a file format native to the stereolithog-
dimensional image of the inside of an object from
raphy CAD software. This file format is supported
a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images
by many software packages; it is widely used for
taken around a single axis of rotation. The word
rapid prototyping and computer-aided manufac-
tomography is derived from the Greek tomos
turing. STL files describe only the surface ge-
(slice) and graphein (to write).
ometry of a three dimensional object without any
DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communica- representation of colour, texture or other common
tions in Medicine. Is a standard for handling, CAD model attributes. The STL format specifies
storing, printing, and transmitting information in both ASCII and binary representations.


Chapter XI
Visualization and Modelling in
Dental Implantology
Ferenc Pongracz
Albadent, Inc, Hungary


Intraoperative transfer of the implant and prosthesis planning in dentistry is facilitated by drilling
templates or active, image-guided navigation. Minimum invasion concept of surgical interaction means
high clinical precision with immediate load of prosthesis. The need for high-quality, realistic visualiza-
tion of anatomical environment is obvious. Moreover, new elements of functional modelling appear to
gain ground. Accordingly, future trend in computerized dentistry predicts less use of CT (computer to-
mography) or DVT (digital volume tomography) imaging and more use of 3D visualization of anatomy
(laser scanning of topography and various surface reconstruction techniques). Direct visualization of
anatomy during surgery revives wider use of active navigation. This chapter summarizes latest results
on developing software tools for improving imaging and graphical modelling techniques in computer-
ized dental implantology.

INTRODUCTION efforts can be seen worldwide on the field of

image-guided navigation systems applied in dental
In this chapter the author give his experiences implantology. Several commercial products are
gained developing visualization and graphical available on European market (Simplant, www.
modelling tools in applications for computer-; coDiagnostiX, www.ivs-solu-
ized dental implantology. Intensive development; DenxIGI,; ARTMA

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

Virtual Implant,; Galileos GRAPHICAL MODELlING

Implant Guide,, Dental Planner,
Albadent Inc.). Drawbacks and advantages of Data Sources
technology in dentistry and oral surgery for the
last decade are surveyed by several laboratories Conventional (CT) and cone beam computer
(Siessegger et al, 2001, Ewers et al, 2005). The tomography (CBCT) are generally used for 3
computerized implantology evolves into two dimensional dental imaging. Recent results have
directions: 1/ surgery support with prefabricated controversial results regarding optimization of
templates; 2/ active, image guided navigated drill- image characteristics (artifacts reduction versus
ing. In case of surgical template preparation of density resolution) by using CT and CBCT tech-
both the registration and drill calibration can be nologies (Humpries et al, 2006, Katsumata et al,
made outside of operation room in a stress-free 2007). In our studies the patient imaging data are
environment. This improves accuracy; however, read in from both CT and CBCT sequences and
other problems like template fixing to patients stored as volumetric model (Xoran Technologies:
jaw, complete absence of interactive control of i-CAT 3D Dental Imaging, GE Medical Systems:
drills orientation in space make the future of this HiSpeed NX/i). Reslicing algorithm is frequently
method uncertain. In case of active, intraoperative included to generate slice view in arbitrary cut-
navigation, the lack of experience, poor software ting plane orientation. Bone surface models are
support for synchronization of real and virtual created by isosurface raytracing algorithm or
environments sometimes overburden the surgeon. marching cubes algorithm. Mesh surfaces can be
Future trend in computerized dentistry predicts imported for adding gips model topography and
less use of direct diagnostic imaging and more use realistic model of implants. The surface models
of 3D visualization of anatomy (laser scanning can be clipped to see interaction of surfaces
of topography and various surface reconstruction with volumetric data and visualize the details of
techniques). Functional modelling is now possible interocclusal relationships.
with tooth surface database and simulation of oc-
clusal properties (Pongracz and Bardosi, 2006). Tooth Database
Modern visualization methods like resampling the
slice sequence in CT and MR diagnostic volumes, This is a really difficult issue because the fine,
combined views of surface topography and mesh realistic details of intercusp relations are impor-
surfaces support the modelling. These new ap- tant for dental planning and their presence in the
proaches help in direct visualization of anatomy program gives an impression of the real environ-
during surgery that revives wider use of active ment for the dentist. The realistic graphics helps
navigation in the future. in navigating within the virtual scene for medical
The accuracy of dental hand piece tracking in personnel even if he doesnt like working with
active navigation highly depends on the alignment computers. The CT imaging was performed on
method between diagnostic and surgical spaces teeth of undamaged surfaces taken from the same
(REGISTRATION) and the alignment procedure cadaver skull. The teeth had no metal filling. The
between tools own coordinate space and the coor- surface reconstruction was made by marching
dinate space of attached sensor (CALIBRATION). cubes (Lorensen and Cline, 1987) and decimator
Well designed computational approach is needed algorithms to find polygons and set their number
for calibration of dental hand piece with small and to a reasonable level (Figure 1). The ideal posi-
unique geometry (Bardosi and Pongracz, 2007, tions and the 3D surface models of each tooth
Pongracz et al, 2007). are stored and added during initialization (read

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

in from compressed file package). Their locations Dentition Planning

are rendered to the standard dentition curve (rep-
resented as cubic spline connecting the surface Latest effort in software development reveals
centers of teeth). The coordinates are based on that functional modelling is possible within the
detailed anatomical description of articulation of diagnostic environment with some novel graphi-
dental curves and classification of the permanent cal features (Pongracz et al, 2005, Pongracz and
dentition which are available for a long time Bardosi, 2006). The goal is to simulate the func-
(Massler and Schour, 1958). Local alignment tion of articulator used in conventional design
and scaling of each tooth is possible within the of prosthesis. The optimal dental occlusion is
ideal occlusal reference frame on separate panels estimated according to the condition of centric
for mesiodistal (transversal) and faciolingual occlusion i.e. after bringing occlusal surfaces
(tangential) inclinations. These are related to the of mandible and opposing maxillary arch into
actual tangent and normal planes of the upper or identical centered position. This identical posi-
lower dentition curves. Similar database has been tion of occlusal surfaces is set by triangles in
created by others (Hassan et al, 2005, Krsek et the program, andafter appropriate resampling
al, 2007) but without using globally structured (interpolation of images according to the triangles
datasets based on ideal dental curves. normal vectors) of the CT volumethe diagnostic
estimate for an ideal interocclusal relationship

Figure 1. Tooth surface database from cadaver teeth. Each tooth model was reconstructed from CT data
with marching cubes algorithm and decimated to 5000 triangles. After reconstruction they were placed
into a global coordinate space defined by occlusal triangles. The triangles for the upper and lower
jaws are in the same position and size according to ideal centric occlusion. Spline curves, - crossing
the occlusal triangles vertices - added to initialize dentition curves. The shape of dentition curves is
controlled by moving the triangles vertices in 3 dimensions. Each tooth model can be locally moved,
rotated relative to their initial location on dental curve. Each tooth has own anatomical coordinate space
and their shape can be rescaled along any of local axes.

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

can be created (Figure 2). The original volume is gips model is registered to CT diagnostic data
divided into two subvolumes during resampling: and visualized with or without the bone surface.
first one is defined above the maxillary triangle Important element of the topographic modelling
and the second one is under the mandibular tri- is the clipping and contur tracing algorithms
angle. These two subvolumes are merged into a together with an appropriate texture mapping
single one for analysing local relationships. This onto planes or surface meshes. The effective use
resampled volume now determines the common of these new methods needs special program-
reference frame for all manipulation of tooth and ming technique based on OpenGL (OpenGL 2.1:
implant models and helps in implant placement or DirectX
(Figure 3). Local alignment is made on separate (The DirectX SDK: )
planes for mesiodistal and faciolingual inclina- graphical libraries and suitable hardware support.
tions. These local views display the resampled The conventional, CPU based programming can
image together with tooth models (from database) slow down the output causing large delay in vi-
to predict small details for contact areas. The tooth sualization that hinders these new methods from
models can be scaled, rotated and shifted in 3D surgical planning.
to fit patients anatomy. The bone surface is first reconstructed by
segmentation and marching cubes algorithms
Topographic Modelling which are available in several third party ap-
plications (Osirix Mac OSX version is used in
The information on the shape of mucous soft this article). After it the exported model of bone
tissue is added to the graphical scene after laser surface, which is automatically aligned with CT
scanning the gips model or other negative impres- data, can be included in modelling. The 3D scene
sion taken from the mouth. The mesh surface of now contains several graphical elements, such as

Figure 2. Modelling centric occlusion in diagnostic environment. The 3D volumetric resampling is per-
formed separately for the upper and lower subvolumes (maxilla and mandible) above the upper triangle
and under the lower triangle, respectively.

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

Figure 3. Modelling local interocclusal contacts in resampled volume (a and b: transversal and tangential
planes). Implant planning has been made in parallel with dentition planning. The surface model (c and
d) is given according to the original volume sampling in CT and shows the final results of planning.

surface mesh of the gips model for soft tissue rep- Several approaches are known to decrease artifacts
resentation, bone surface, CT volumetric model, and improve surface reconstruction (Bazalova et
implants, virtual hand piece for active navigation al, 2007, Krsek et al, 2007, Yongbin et al, 2007,
and clipping planes for interactive visualization Beaulieu and Yazdi, 2006). The visibility of com-
of internal structures. plex region at tooth-jaw bone transitions can be
Following figures show samples of texture greatly enhanced by clipping at critical locations.
mapping onto the clipping plane defined on the The relationship between the topographic and
registered model of soft tissue (Figure 4a). The bone surfaces can be analysed and small details
critical procedure for implant localization can visualized by plane and volume clippings. This
be greatly simplified. The optimum software procedure enhances the visibility of critical layer
implementation of previous calculation utilizes the between the bone surface and the surface of mu-
power of 3D texture programming and graphics cous soft tissue. The clipping can be performed
accelerator card. The real-time calculation and vi- in real time synchronized or unsynchronized to
sualization of resampled CT images give a chance the implant alignment procedure. The unclipped
for fast, convenient diagnostic analysis. surface models of bone and soft tissue are usu-
ally displayed in noisy 3D scene with disturbing
Bone Clipping metal artifacts. The hidden elements of the im-
plant base and abutment tool can be made visible
The reconstruction of bone surface of the maxil- with clipping planes. Figures 4B and C illustrate
lofacial area is usually difficult because of frequent the results after clipping with transversal and
artifacts seen in CT images. The marching cubes horizontal planes. Both clipping interactions are
algorithm (Lorensen and Cline, 1987) generates locked to the actual position and orientation of
noisy surface with abundant components in mesh. implant. Further clipping is possible by volumes

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

Figure 4. (a) Topographic modelling with vertical and horizontal clipping planes, contur detection with
soft tissue surface and CT texture mapping (both clipping planes are locked to implant and can be moved
in real-time). (b) and (c): Clipping with transversal and horizontal planes. The clipping is applied for
registered models of bone (white) and surface of soft tissue (green). Distance analysis between the bone
surface and soft tissue is possible by appropriate compression and expansion algorithms applied to the
surface representing soft tissue.

with resizable edges. Graphical manipulations HAND PIECE NAVIGATION

(clipping plane rotation around the implant axis, CONTROL
resizing of volume clip edges near the implant)
help in detailed visualization. Surface expansion Previous results of graphical modelling and vi-
and compression tools can be easily implemented sualization can be validated in active navigation
in this environment to support distance analysis after the registration of surgical space and drill
between the bone surface and soft tissue. This calibrations have been done. The registration to
analysis can give valuable information for surgery. the CT volume can be performed with the help of
At this time the real-time clipping technique is surface fiducials located on the template (Figure
more acceptable in practical applications than any 5a). The registration should be handled as SVD
filtering or image pre-processing method. (singular value decomposition) problem and

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

this way, even with ill-defined marker positions, min At B

a least-square estimate always can be found for
the registration matrix (Arun et al, 1987, Press
et al, 1992). SVD problem
The hand piece calibration has three steps
(using optical tracking with passive sensors): Drill axis calculation. The second phase of the
calibration (axis direction) starts with data capture
1. Tip offset vector calculation is based on on that part of device which has a cylinder shape
the known pivoting procedure (Bardosi with an axis identical with the tip direction. An
and Pongracz, 2007, Pongracz et al, 2007) optimization algorithm (Levenberg-Marquardt
and gives back results with accuracy under method; Press et al., 1992) was implemented
0.2 mm (mean sqrt variation from pivoting, which uses the output of data capture made by the
50-100 samples); random move of the pointer on the tool cylinder
2. Drill axis direction was estimated by surface (Figures 5c and d). This optimization procedure
scanning (50-200 samples) with the pointer; projects first the random surface points onto the
the estimated projection error remained in plane centered by the tip offset vector which was
the range of 0.15-0.2 mm; determined during the pivoting phase. The 3D
3. Final orientation of tools space is aligned projection transform for the actual axis direction
to the tools geometry (handle position) by is calculated from two orientation angles. These
the pointer of the tracking system. angles are the parameters to be optimized. On
output the axis calibration procedure gives back
This procedure is flexible and accurate enough the orientation angles for the tip axis, the cost
to use for small dental hand piece and also usable value at optimum and the estimated diameter of
in many cases during research and development the fitted cylinder.
period of navigation systems. Tool axis calibration algorithm:

Tip offset vector calculation. The drill calibration 2 rotation angles used to define projection
(both for template drilling and active navigation) plane, relevant to the problem (,);
is based on the known pivoting procedure (tip Center the data origin to the tip offset (preset
offset vector calculation) (Figure 5b). during tip offset pivoting);
Tip offset calculation steps: Cost function is the empirical variance of
the distances of the projected points from the
Sampling data by rotating the tool around origin, as related to the rotation angles:
the tip; N 2

All points lie on a tip-centered sphere; C( , ) = ( ) i

N , ,
i =1
Task: find the center point (tip offset) (t); 2

( , ) ;
(R , p ) = tip offset 2 2
x2 x1 xn xn 1
A = y2 y1 yn yn 1 where R , is the rotation/projection matrix.
z2 z1 zn zn 1
The final orientation of tools space can be
x12 + y12 + z12
1 aligned to the tools geometry (handle position)
B= by an up-vector defined by the pointer.
2 2 2
x + y 2
n + z n

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

Figure 5. Registration and drill calibration controls in the navigation panel of dental planning and
navigation program. (a) Typical arrangement of registration panel. The registration procedure is marker-
based with accuracy in the range of 0.3 to 0.6 mm. The patient is scanned in CT lab with a template
containing four fiducials. (b) Tip offset calibration for navigated drill. The offset vector points from the
sensors space origin to the drill tip. (c) and (d): Axis vector calibration of small dental hand piece. The
system reads in location and orientation values for tool sensor and pointer sensor during the random
move of the pointer on drill head.

SYSTEM DESIGN FOR ACTIVE accelerators help to improve applications for surgi-
NAVIGATION cal planning. Large volumetric or surface models
can be moved, clipped or resampled (recalculated
The architecture of the software implementation according to non-standard sampling directions) in
can follow different principles: 1/ modular design real time. The interaction of different diagnostic
with panels reflecting well distinguished steps models can be visualized with fine details. Com-
in surgical workflow; 2/ highly simplified view munication with new peripherals like 3D mouse
integrating several steps in workflow. The latest can make the graphical manipulation of virtual
development in computer hardware offers power- scenes more and more acceptable for medical
ful support for real-time graphical programming personnel and will have an increasing impact on
(Burdea and Coiffet, 2003). The improved quality dentistry in the future (Huff et al, 2006).
and fast, direct visualization of anatomy during The inadequate drill calibration methods can
surgery revives wider use of active navigation. influence the accuracy of active navigation of
Modern programming techniques with hardware small dental hand piece. Therefore, generally

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

usable calibration procedure is needed, which, by References

means of the methods known in reverse engineer-
ing, accurately estimates the tip offset and axis Arun, K. S., Huang, T. S., & Blostein, S. D.
direction of navigated device relative to the space (1987). Least square fitting of two 3-D point sets.
of an attached motion sensor. An implementation IEEE Trans Patt Anal Machine Intell (PAMI), 9,
of modular calibration for improved accuracy 698-700.
control has been described in this article. This
Bardosi, Z., & Pongracz, F. (2007). Flexible drill/
method gives stable output without the use of
endoscope calibration method for navigation.
prefabricated adapter clamps known in com-
Proc.of 4thInternational Conference on Computer
mercial systems.
Aided Surgery Around the Head, Innsbruck, (pp.
CONCLUSION Bazalova, M., Beaulieu, L., Palefsky, S., & Ver-
haegena, F. (2007). Correction of CT artifacts and
Novel visualization and modelling techniques its influence on Monte Carlo dose calculation.
have been summarized for use in field of dental Medical Physics, 34(6), 2119-32.
implantology. New graphical tools have been
Beaulieu, L, & Yazdi, M. (2006). Method and ap-
presented for functional modelling. Latest model-
paratus for metal artifact reduction in computed
ling incorporates inter-occlusal analysis of teeth
tomography. Patent Pub. No.: WO/2006/039809
contacts and simulation of dentition together
(US), PCT/CA2005/001582 (Int.)
with virtual implant positioning. The critical
relationship between the jaw bone surfaces and Burdea, G. C., & Coiffet, P. (2003). Virtual reality
the mucous soft tissue can be visualized. An technology, (2nd Ed.) with CD-ROM. New York:
implant planning and navigation system has been Wiley.
developed which implements the new features
presented in this article. Ewers, R., Schicho, K., Undt, G., Wanschitz, F.,
Truppe, M., Seemann, R., & Wagner, A. (2005).
Basic research and 12 years of clinical experience
in computer-assisted navigation technology: a
review. International Journal of Oral and Maxil-
lofacial Surgery, 34, 1-8.
The author thanks to Dr. M. Truppe (Karl Landste-
iner Institute, Vienna) for medical advices, Zoltn Hassan, H. et al. (2005) A volumetric 3D model of
Brdosi (Etvs Lrnd University, Budapest) the human jaw. Proceedings of 19th International
for help in software development and Northern Congress and Exhibition of CARS2005, Berlin,
Digital Europe GmbH (Radolfzell, Germany) for Germany, Elsevier ICS 1281, 1244-49.
supplying us with the Polaris system. This work
was supported in part by the Bureau of National Huff, R., Dietrich, C. A., Nedel, L. P., Freitas, C.,
Research and Development in Hungary under Comba, L. D., Olabarriaga, S. D. (2006). Erasing,
the combined EU/hungarian grant GVOP-3.3.3- digging and clipping in volumetric datasets with
05/1.-2005-0002/3.0. one or two hands. VRCIA06 Proceedings of the
2006 ACM int. conf. on Virtual reality continuum
and its application, Hong Kong, 271-278.

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

Humphries, S., Christensen, A., & Bradrick, J. Proc.of Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren

(2006). Cone beam versus conventional computed fr die Medizin Nr.267, Mnchen, (pp. 41-42).
tomography: comparative analysis of image data
Press, W. H., Teukolsky, S. A., Vetterling, W. T.,
and segmented surface models. International
& Flannery, B. P. (1992). Numerical Recipes in
Journal of CARS (Computer Assisted Radiology
C. The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge:
and Surgery), Suppl. 1, 398-400.
Cambridge University Press.
Katsumata, A., Hirukawa, A., Okumura, S., Na-
Siessegger, M., Schneider, B. T., Mischkowski, R.
itoh, M., Fujishita, M., Ariji, E., & Langlais,R. P.
A., Lazar, F., Krug, B., & Klesper, B. (2001). Use
(2007). Effects of image artifacts on gray-value
of an image-guided navigation system in dental
density in limited-volume cone-beam computeri-
implant surgery in anatomically complex opera-
zed tomography. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol
tion sites. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 29, 276-81.
Oral Radiol Endod, 104, 829-36.
Yongbin, Z., Lifei, Z., Zhu, X. R., Lee, A. K.,
Krsek, P., Spanel, M., Krupa, P., Marek, I., &
Chambers, M., & Lei, D. (2007). Reducing metal
Cernochov, P. (2007). Teeth and Jaw 3D Recon-
artifacts in cone-beam CT images by preprocess-
struction in Stomatology. Medical Information
ing projection data. Int. J. Radiation Oncology,
Visualisation BioMedical Visualisation, MediVis
Biology, Physics. 67, 924-932.
2007, 23-28.
Lorensen, W. E., & Cline, H. E. (1987). Marching
cubes: A high resolution 3D surface construction
Key Terms
algorithm. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 87
Proceedings), 21, 163-169.
Active Navigation: The type of surgical in-
Massler, M. & Schour, I. (1958). Atlas of the Mouth. teraction where the surgical tool is moved under
Chicago: American Dental Association. continuous 3D motion tracking on a motion path
which is selected freely by the surgeon.
Pongracz, F., Bardosi, Z., & Szabo, L. (2005).
Dentition planning for image-guided implan- Centric Occlusion: The ideal, closed posi-
tology. In Proc. of CARS (Computer Assisted tion of upper and lower jaws. The teeth contacts
Radiology and Surgery), International Congress in this case represent the ideal relationships in
Series, Chicago, 1268, (pp. 1168-1173). the mouth.
Pongracz, F., & Bardosi, Z. (2006). Dentition Hardware Accelerator: The name of an inter-
planning with image-based occlusion analysis, nal element of computer hardware which supports
International Journal of CARS (Computer As- the visualization of complicated 3D graphics.
sisted Radiology and Surgery), 1(3), 149-156.
Maxilla and Mandible: Upper and lower
Pongracz, F., & Bardosi, Z. (2007). Navigated jaws, respectively.
drilling for dental implants based on virtual oc-
Open GL: The name of a graphical library
clusion analysis: presentation of a new approach.
which is frequently used during software develop-
Proc.of 4thInternational Conference on Computer
ment with complex 3D visualizations.
Aided Surgery Around the Head, Innsbruck, (pp.
125-127). Optical Tracking: It is a procedure where the
motion of a rigid object is continuously followed
Pongracz, F., Szabo, L., & Bardosi, Z. (2007). Plan-
by cameras through sensors attached rigidly to
ning and navigation tools for dental implantology.
the object.

Visualization and Modelling in Dental Implantology

Surface Model: Mathematical representation Tip Direction in Navigation: The 3D axis

of surfaces. Ordered sequence of large number vector representing the direction of the drill axis
of small polygons (usually triangles) which can within the coordinate space of the attached mo-
be placed in 3D graphical scene created by pro- tion sensor.
Topographic Surface: The surface which
Surgical Template: Supporting tool or guide represents 3D variability of shape of an object.
to help surgical interaction by guiding tools into Laser topography can be created by laser scan-
the target position. Computerized dental implan- ning of the visible surface of an object made from
tology uses frequently this approach to prepare hard material.
implant placement into jaw.
Volumetric Model: Mathematical representa-
Tip Offset in Navigation: The 3D vector tion of 3D grid consisting of voxels (3D equivalents
representing the offset from the origo of an at- of pixels) in vertices. The model can be filled up
tached motion sensor to the tip of the navigated by reading in the sequence of grayscale medical
drill. The tip offset vector is defined in the local images.
coordinate space of the attached sensor.


Chapter XII
Finite Element Analysis and its
Application in Dental Implant
Antonios Zampelis
School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Greece

George Tsamasphyros
School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Greece


Biomechanical research has gained recognition in medical sciences. Osseointegrated dental implants,
being medical devices functioning under constant load, are one of the focal points of such research.
One of the most powerful tools for biomechanical research on dental implants is finite element analysis
(FEA). This chapter will cope with basic elements of FEA research, the mechanical properties of bone
and the various parts of dental implants, as well as delve into published literature on the subject.

Introduction method of numerical analysis and minimization

of variational calculus to obtain approximate solu-
Finite element analysis (FEA) is a computer simu- tions to vibration systems. Shortly thereafter, the
lation technique used in engineering analysis. It work of M.J.Turner, R.W.Clough, H.C.Martin and
uses a numerical technique called the finite ele- L.J.Topp in 1956 established a broader definition
ment method (FEM). There are many finite ele- of numerical analysis. The researchers centered
ment software packages available, both free and on the stiffness and deflection of complex
proprietary. The sophistication of this technique structures. Development of the finite element
has rendered it an invaluable tool in biomechani- method in structural mechanics is usually based
cal research. on an energy principle such as the virtual work
The finite element analysis was first developed principle or the minimum total potential energy
in 1943 by Richard Courant, who used the Ritz principle.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Figure 1. Close up of an implant cervix (right) and bone (left). The finite elements are depicted as the
ares marked by white lines. Each quadrilateral element consists of four nodes. The different colors
depict iso-stress areas

In its applications, the object or system is sional (such as tetrahedrals and hexahedrals). As
represented by a geometrically similar model a force is applied, these interconnected elements
consisting of multiple, linked, simplified repre- start to move. Movement is defined by means of
sentations of discrete regions-i.e. finite elements displacement of their nodes. This displacement
on an unstructured grid. Equations of equilibrium, is transformed, through the calculations, to stress
in conjunction with applicable physical consid- and strain values (Figure 1). While being an
erations, such as compatibility and constitutive approximate method, the accuracy of the FEA
relations, are applied to each element and a sys- method can be improved by refining the mesh in
tem of simultaneous equations is constructed. the model using more elements and nodes.
The system of partial differential equations is A common use of FEA is for the determina-
solved for unknown values using the techniques tion of stresses and displacements in mechanical
of linear algebra or nonlinear numerical schemes, objects and systems. However, it is also rou-
as appropriate. tinely used in the analysis of many other types of
In lay terms, the mathematical model is rep- problems, including those in heat transfer, fluid
resented by a mesh geometrically identical to the dynamics and electromagnetism. FEA is able to
object being studied. The mesh is broken down to handle complex systems that defy closed-form
elements. There is a set number of elements for a analytical solutions.
distinct mesh, hence the term finite element analy- Finite element analysis is also frequently used
sis. Each element is defined by points called nodes. in biological systems, for example in orthopedics,
Depending on the type of analysis, a wide variety but also for dental implants. In fact, realization
of elements can be used, such as one-dimensional of the importance of biomechanical aspects in
(straight or curved), two-dimensional (triangles implant dentistry have rendered FEA an essential
or quadrilaterals), torus-shaped and three-dimen- tool in dental implant research.

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Among the subjects investigated in dental material properties

implantology are both material properties and
biomechanical performance of implants and In order to understand the structure, material and
their components. The behavior of titanium results of any FEA study, a basic understanding of
parts, such as abutments and screws, has been certain terms is required. The intricate mechanics
put under scrutiny to determine their function of bone will also be discussed in this section.
under load and the possibility of failure due to
fatigue. From a mechanical point of view, such Youngs Modulus
studies are trivial.
On the other hand, the biological behavior of Youngs modulus, also known as elastic or tensile
implants integrated in bone is a more complicated modulus, is a measure of the stiffness of a mate-
matter. A number of studies have investigated the rial. It is one of several elastic moduli and widely
effect of implant length, diameter, shape, as well used in FEA. It is named after Thomas Young,
as different placement configurations and the an 18th century British scientist.
resulting stresses transmitted to the bone. Often, Youngs modulus is defined as the ratio of
the effect of prosthetic material and shape of con- stress over strain in a region in which Hookes
struction, such as the inclusion of cantilevers, is Law is obeyed for the material (Anonymous,
taken into consideration. 2008b) In lay terms, it represents the relative
The main concern with the application of stiffness within the elastic range (the range of
FEA in implant research is to which extent a deformation in which the material can revert
mathematical model can represent a biological completely to its undeformed state). The elastic
system. Published studies show a notable trend modulus can be determined from a stress-strain
towards optimization of mathematical models. curve by calculating the ratio of stress to strain
Improved software and a dramatic increase in (Figure 2). A ratio of stress, which has units of
easily available computational power have as- pressure, to strain, which is dimensionless, results
sisted in this trend. in Youngs modulus being measured in units of

Figure 2. Youngs modulus as a stress-strain curve. Strain is in the x-axis, stress is in the y-axis. (a)
Elastic limit, (b) upper yield strength, (c) lower yield strength, (d) ultimate stress, (e) breaking stress

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Figure 3. The green area depicts the bar cross-section. The schematic shows the bar profile before (solid
line) and after elongation (dotted line)

pressure. The SI (International System) unit of =F/A

modulus of elasticity (E) is the pascal (N/m2).
Practical units include the megapascal (MPa) and where F is the force applied and A the cross-
gigapascal (GPa or kN/mm2). section surface of the bar (Figure 3). If is the
Materials that obey to Hookes Law show a total initial length of the bar, after force applica-
constant Youngs modulus over a range of strains. tion the bar will be elongated by . Therefore,
Such materials, including steel, carbon fiber and strain, which is the deformation of our object,
glass, are called linear. Rubber and soils are will be calculated as:
considered non-linear materials (except at very
small strains). An important distinction is between =/
isotropic and anisotropic materials. Most metals
and ceramics are isotropic, meaning that their It is easy to deduct that strain is a percentile
mechanical properties are the same in all direc- showing the amount of deformation. Finally,
tions. Wood, on the other hand, is anisotropic. Youngs modulus is represented by the follow-
Isotropic materials can be treated in certain ways ing formula:
to make them anisotropic, thus giving them dif-
ferent mechanical properties when load is applied E=/
in different directions. In such materials, Youngs
modulus varies depending on the direction of the Poissons Ratio
load applied. A typical example is carbon fibre,
which is much stiffer when a load is applied par- Poissons ratio, named after Simeon Poisson, is the
allel to its fibers. ratio of relative contraction strain, or transverse
If we apply a tensile force of 100N on a bar strain (normal to the applied load), divided by
along its longitudinal axis, the stress can be the relative extension strain, or axial strain (in
calculated as: the direction of the applied load) (Anonymous,

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Figure 4. Poissons ratio. As the cube is compressed in the vertical direction, it stretches laterally

Table 1.
Material Young's Modulus (in GPa) Poisson's ratio
Composite resin 9-21 0,24
Porcelain 68-107 0,19
Titanium 105-120 0,33
Gold Alloy 77-100 0,33
Tooth Enamel 70-80 0,33
Cortical Bone 117 0,3
Trabecular Bone 1,37 0,3

When a sample is stretched in one direction, when stretched in one direction, become thicker
it tends to contract in the other two directions. in perpendicular directions.
Conversely, when the sample is compressed in If the material is compressed along its axial
one direction, it tends to expand in the other two direction:
(Figure 4). Poissons ratio (v) is a measure of
this tendency. For stable materials, the Poissons v=-trans/axial
ratio cannot be less than -1 nor greater than 0.5.
Most materials have a ratio between 0 and 0.5. where v is the resulting Poissons ratio, trans is
For example, cork is close to 0, most steels are transverse strain and axial is axial strain.
around 0.3 and rubber is almost 0.5. A negative The values of Youngs modulus and Poissons
Poissons ratio is found in some materials, mostly ratio for some common materials are presented
polymer foams. These materials are called auxetic in Table 1.
(from the greek word =increasing) and,

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Bone Properties specimens by direct testing of cantilever-type

specimens. The samples of trabecular bone were
In contrast to engineering research, where it is a compared to machined aluminium and cortical
norm to study materials with well defined prop- bone, in order to test the accuracy and reproduc-
erties, biomechanical research must deal with ibility of the method. The results were entered
complex, living structures such as bone. From a into a finite element modeling software and a
mechanical point of view, bone is an anisotropic combination of the experimental and calculated
material. Furthermore, it has the potential to self displacement was used to determine the actual
repair when it is submitted to severe stress. elastic modulus of trabecular bone. The authors
Bone is a hard, lightweight matter, formed concluded that the calculated elastic modulus
mostly of calcium phosphate and incorporating was significantly lower than values reported in
basic characteristics of a composite material. It the literature.
has high compressive strength but poor tensile In another study (Katsamanis & Raftopoulos,
strength, therefore resisting pushing forces well, 1990), the Hopkinson bar stress technique and a
but not pulling forces. Bone is brittle, but has a universal testing machine were used to investigate
high degree of elasticity, due to its high concen- dynamic and static mechanical properties of corti-
tration in collagen. In the human skeleton, we cal bone taken from the femur of fresh cadavers.
can distinguish two main categories, long bones This study reported a Youngs modulus, Poissons
(eg the tibia) and flat bones (eg most bones of the ratio and viscosity of cortical bone consistent with
scull), followed by smaller categories such as values found in the literature. Bending tests are
short, irregular and sesamoid bones. common when investigating bone mechanical
Despite the different shapes and function properties (Hara, Takizawa, Sato, & Ide, 1998;
of various bone groups, all bones share similar Lotz, Gerhart, & Hayes, 1991; Spatz, OLeary,
characteristics. Bone comprises of two distinct & Vincent, 1996). Other techniques, such as
layers, the outer being called compact, also dense measurement of nano-indentation of bone tissue
or cortical, and the inner layer called trabecular, and subsequent calculation of the elastic modulus,
also cancellous or spongy, bone. Compact bone is have been employed, only to verify that there is
hard and incorporates very few gaps, accounting a wide variation of elastic properties in the bone
for 80% of the total mass of an adult skeleton. In of different individuals (Zysset, Guo, Hoffler,
compact bone we can find a series of tubes around Moore, & Goldstein, 1999).
narrow channels, called Haversian canals. These More modern approaches to determining
canals surround blood vessels and nerves. Such bone properties include the evaluation of imaging
an arrangement is conducive to mineral deposit techniques (van Lenthe, van den Bergh, Hermus,
and gives bone its strength. Trabecular bone, on & Huiskes, 2001). The researchers in this study
the other hand, is composed of a network of rod- investigated the feasibility of deriving the elastic
and plate-like elements, making it lighter and modulus of trabecular bone from microfinite
allowing room for blood vessels and marrow. It element analysis in combination with ultrasound
is apparent that bone is a complex structure, with and bone mineral density measurements. The
inherent difficulties to determine its mechanical trabecular morphology was constructed based
properties. on microcomputed tomography. The authors
The elastic modulus of bone has been inves- concluded that ultrasound, as well as computed
tigated in experimental trials (Mente & Lewis, tomography or magnetic resonance imaging,
1989). The authors of this study developed a pro- can be used to estimate bone stiffness. Magnetic
cedure to measure the elastic modulus of small resonance imaging (MRI) is supported by fur-

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Figure 5. Screw-type implant, abutment and screw

ther studies as a good tool for investigating bone Mechanical Behavior of Titanium
properties (Mehta, Rajani, & Sinha, 1997; van Implant Components
Rietbergen, Majumdar, Newitt, & MacDonald,
2002), as well as computed tomography (Van The mechanical behavior of titanium implant parts
Oossterwyck et al., 2000). has yielded a significant amount of research. The
It is obvious that detailed parameters of bone implant complex consists of the implant, abutment
anatomy and mechanical properties must be taken and abutment screw (Figure 5). The implant is
into account in biomechanical research. Simpli- embedded in bone, while the abutment serves
fied representations of bone as a uniform material as an extension penetrating the oral mucosa, on
are not encouraged, nor vaguely determined me- which the prosthetic reconstruction is anchored.
chanical properties. This is further accentuated by The abutment is fixated on the implant with an
studies on stress distribution around oral implants, abutment screw tightened by a specific torque.
where it is shown that bone-implant interface, The friction coefficient between these titanium
bone elastic properties and bone anatomy greatly parts seems to affect the amount of preload
influence loading patterns (Van Oosterwyck et inherent in such a complex after tightening the
al., 1998). screw with a given torque (Lang, Kang, Wang,
& Lang, 2003).

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Implant Properties the pattern of strain distribution was similar for

both methods.
During chewing or clenching, the masticatory Published research on the importance of
forces are transferred from the prosthesis to the implant shape, length etc will be covered in a
implants. This leads to implant bending (Glantz separate section.
et al., 1993). Bending overload has been impli-
cated as a major risk factor for implant fracture Abutment Properties
(Rangert, Krogh, Langer, & Van Roekel, 1995).
These bending moments have been verified by The abutment is an integral part of the dental im-
use of load cells in vivo (Richter, 1998). plant, as it is the means by which the restoration
Stress on the implant and the alveolar bone is anchored on the implant. A number of studies
have been investigated from the early years of utilizing finite element analysis have been pub-
implantology (Atmaram, Mohammed, & Schoen, lished on the properties of different abutments.
1979). In fact, finite element analysis has been As in all FEA studies, optimization and refine-
proposed as a useful research tool for designing ment of the mesh is important in order to obtain
implants 30 years ago (Weinstein, Klawitter, & accurate results (Holmes, Haganman, Aquilino,
Cook, 1979). Diaz-Arnold, & Stanford, 1997).
Early studies on blade-type implants demon- When abutments are tightened to the implants
strated that the material and, consequently, the by means of screws, a preload is developed. The
elastic modulus of an implant can affect stress amount of preload generated is dependent on the
distribution in the supporting bone (Cook, Klawit- tightening torque applied, which, in turn, is af-
ter, & Weinstein, 1981). Since then, screw shaped fected by the inter-component friction. It has been
titanium implants have dominated the dental shown by means of FEA that, when the friction
market. The incorporation of stress absorbing coefficient of implant components varies, it affects
elements in titanium implants does not affect the tightening torque required to achieve a certain
stress transfer to the bone (van Rossen, Braak, amount of preload (Lang, Kang, Wang, & Lang,
de Putter, & de Groot, 1990). 2003). In this study, it was demonstrated that a
The use of finite element analysis to investigate lower friction coefficient between components
the mechanical properties of dental implants and allowed to reach the desired amount of preload
stress distribution in the implants and surrounding in the implant-abutment complex with a lower
bone has been compared to in vitro strain gauge tightening torque. Different materials for the abut-
measurements (Akca, Cehreli, & Iplikcioglu, ment may also affect how stress is transferred to
2002; Iplikcioglu, Akca, Cehreli, & Sahin, 2003). the implant (Lewis, 1994). This finding, however,
This research group worked on validating FEA was produced by means of two-dimensional FE
through comparison with in vitro strain gauge models and is in contrast with findings from an in
measurements of implants embedded in methyl vitro study on dynamic loading of abutments with
methacrylate. The strain gauges were bonded to different mechanical properties, where abutment
the cervical part of the implants, while computer material failed to influence strain transfer from
generated identical models were constructed. the abutment to the implant and bone (Morton,
The researchers found differences between Stanford, & Aquilino, 1998).
the strains measured and those calculated by The dimensions and particular shape of an
FEA. In particular, strains obtained from strain abutment have been investigated in several stud-
gauge analysis were greater than those for three- ies. Implants are available in different diameters,
dimensional finite element analysis. However, ranging, in average, from 3 to 6mm. Implants and

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Figure 6. Implant with external connection hexagon (left) and internal connection (right)

abutments of large diameter are believed to lower respective abutment had a hexagon cavity that
the transferred stress from the implant complex fit on the implant hex. Nowadays, most implant
to the bone (Tuncelli, Poyrazoglu, Koyluoglu, & companies opt for an internal connection, where
Tezcan, 1997), presumably due to the increased the abutment is inserted into the implant (Figure
interface surface. 6). The reason behind this shift was mainly soft
Implant diameter alone cannot solve all tissue problems associated with a poorer fit of
placement problems. When there is limited bone external connection components, resulting in bac-
availability, the implant may have to be placed at terial ingrowth between the implant and abutment
an angle to the occlusal plane. In such cases, an (Persson, Lekholm, Leonhardt, Dahlen, & Lindhe,
angulated abutment must be used. Care must be 1996). A popular design for such internal connec-
taken when evaluating FEA studies on angulated tion abutments is one where the lower section of
abutments and stress transfer. Studies evaluating the abutment has a morse taper (Merz, Hunen-
a single implant and abutment tend to show higher bart, & Belser, 2000). Finite element analysis has
stress generation (Clelland, Lee, Bimbenet, & demonstrated that a conical connection results in
Brantley, 1995). This is easily explained by the lower and more evenly distributed stress compared
application of forces at an angle to the long axis to a conventional, flat top connection (Hansson,
of the implant and parallel to the abutment axis, 2000). The same author demonstrated that, if
which produce a bending moment (Clelland, the conical connection is placed higher than the
Lee, Bimbenet, & Brantley, 1995; Papavasiliou, bone level, this advantage disappears (Hansson,
Kamposiora, Bayne, & Felton, 1996). In contrast, 2003). The morse taper connection is discussed
stress in the bone around implants splinted with a in yet another study, where an important problem
fixed bridge is not affected by the geometry of the of FEA is presented (Perriard et al., 2002). The
abutment (Zampelis, Rangert, & Heijl, 2007). results from the analysis indicate that areas of high
The first well documented implants belonged peak stress may, indeed, be geometry dependant
to the Brnemark System (Nobel Biocare AB, computational artifacts. Further discussion on the
Sweden). These implants, which are still avail- importance of geometry in FE models will follow
able, had an external connection. This connection in another section of this chapter.
consisted of a hexagon on top of the implant. The The introduction of esthetic materials such as
zirconium in the fabrication of implant abutments

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

has further accentuated material oriented research. Prosthesis Geometry

Zirconium is considered a good material for abut-
ments, having a satisfactory fracture strength and The physics of cantilever units clearly indicate
good fit with minimal deformation after repeated that bending moments result in increased stresses.
high loading (Gehrke et al., 2006). The bending moment is proportional to the mag-
nitude of the force applied and the length of the
Mechanical Behavior of Prosthetic lever arm:
T= F x
Prosthetic reconstructions are divided into two
main categories, fixed and removable. Fixed where T is the bending moment, F the applied
restorations are further distinguished as screw force and the length of the lever arm. Finite
retained or cemented. Such restorations may element studies clearly agree that the incorpora-
consist of a metal frame dressed with acrylic or tion of a cantilever unit in an implant supported
porcelain, only acrylic or only porcelain. Choice prosthesis results in increased stress around the
material is based on cost, ease of construction, implant adjacent to the cantilever (Stegaroiu, Sato,
expected functional burden and esthetics. Kusakari, & Miyakawa, 1998; van Zyl, Grundling,
The geometry of a prosthesis can also vary con- Jooste, & Terblanche, 1995; Williams et al., 1990;
siderably. In a severely resorbed jaw, the distance Zampelis, Rangert, & Heijl, 2007).
from the implant to the occlusal plane is increased, As stated above, increasing the length of the
resulting in a higher prosthesis. In a patient with cantilever results in a proportional increase in
large teeth, the width of the prosthesis may also bending moment and stress. Using longer implants
have to larger. Finally, anatomical reasons may does not have an effect on stress transferred to
prohibit implant placement in the posterior parts the bone (Sertgoz & Guvener, 1996). To mini-
of the jaw. In such cases, if we want to incorporate mize the possibility of plastic deformation and
molar teeth in our reconstruction, we have to resort fracture, cantilever beams must be constructed
to the use of cantilever extensions. with a favorable cross-section (Young, Williams,
Draughn, & Strohaver, 1998).

Figure 7. Bending moment with cantilevers of high (continuous line) and low stiffness (dotted line). T)
bending moment, F) force, ) lever arm length

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Another way to minimize the effect of canti- Implant shape

lever arms is to design the prosthesis so that the
cantilever arm is flexible and infraoccluding (Lau- Today there are literally hundreds of commer-
rell, Lundgren, Falk, & Hugoson, 1991). However, cially available implant systems. Most, if not all,
it is important to stress that, when chewing, the are screw-shaped. Each system offers implants
interfering food particles transfer a constant force at varying diameters and lengths. Some systems
on the cantilever extension and, irrespective of have a research background behind their proposed
the amount of deflection, the bending moment is products, while other implants are designed based
the same (Figure 7). on anecdotal evidence.
Two main areas of interest in biomechanical
Prosthesis Materials implant research are the dimensions and specific
design of different implant systems. These will
The prosthesis materials can be chosen based on be covered in the following sections.
several criteria. These materials are believed to
affect the mechanical behavior of the reconstruc- Implant Length and Diameter
tion. FE studies sometimes argue for the protective
role of acrylic restorations (Ciftci & Canay, 2000), Implant dimensions are defined by an implants
while in vivo studies tend to demonstrate minimal length and outer diameter. Both affect the total
or no influence of the prosthesis material on the surface of the implant available for osseointegra-
loading of implants (Duyck et al., 2000). tion. It is believed that a larger surface will lead
Once more, it is important to always bear in to greater implant stability. This leads numerous
mind the methodology of each study and the model clinicians to choose longer implants for the reha-
proposed. In a FE study on the effect of various bilitation of edentulous patients, often based on
veneering materials on stress distribution in the reviews and opinion articles (Misch, 1999). While
bone surrounding an implant, it was shown that, in there is nothing inherently wrong with placing
the models with acrylic and composite as veneer a long implant instead of a short one, provided
material, stress in the bone was lower (Ciftci & that there is enough available bone to receive the
Canay, 2000). In contrast, studies where multiple implant, the objective of scientific research should
implants are splinted with the prosthesis show be to investigate the minimum surface required
that the veneering material has no (Papavasiliou, to achieve a stable result in cases where, in fact,
Kamposiora, Bayne, & Felton, 1996) or little in- placement of a long implant is not possible.
fluence on stress distribution in the surrounding The irrelevance of implant length on the stress
bone (Sertgoz, 1997). transferred to the bone has been shown by means
It is not the objective of this chapter to inves- of 3-dimensional finite element analysis (Sertgoz
tigate clinical evidence on the effect of prosthesis & Guvener, 1996). The authors concluded that,
material on stress distribution in the supporting in the case of a fixed denture supported by six
implants and bone. In light of the conflicting implants, implant length did not affect stress in the
evidence it is, however, useful to bear in mind bone. This is in accordance with other studies on
that most published studies propose dissimilar FE the subject. In a study on single implants loaded
models that can produce conflicting results. obliquely, it was shown that bone stress was not
affected by implant length, while bicortical an-
chorage tended to increase stress on the implant

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

(Pierrisnard, Renouard, Renault, & Barquins, Implant Design

2003). Two dimensional FE analysis of splinted
implants produces identical results (Zampelis, The importance of implant shape on bone stress
Rangert, & Heijl, 2007). has been discussed since the era of blade implants
The importance of short implants is illustrated (Cook, Klawitter, & Weinstein, 1982b). More
in a study comparing the usage of short implants recent studies comparing implants with a stepped
in cases of posterior edentulism to the incorpora- vs straight cylinder shape (Holmgren, Seckinger,
tion of cantilever extensions. It is obvious from the Kilgren, & Mante, 1998) or a cylinder vs screw
results that short implants were associated with shape (Tada, Stegaroiu, Kitamura, Miyakawa, &
far lower stress compared to cantilevers, creating Kusakari, 2003) argue against the use of straight
a biomechanically more favorable situation (Akca cylinders. From a clinical point of view, straight
& Iplikcioglu, 2002). cylinder implants are no longer commercially
Some studies, nevertheless, tend to disprove available, nonetheless because those marketed in
the above findings. A 3-D FE study evaluating the nineties incorporated a very rough surface,
implant type (screw vs cylinder), implant length frequently associated with pronounced periim-
and bone quality concluded that longer implants plantitis (Albrektsson, Sennerby, & Wennerberg,
were associated with lower stress in the bone 2008).
(Tada, Stegaroiu, Kitamura, Miyakawa, & Attempts to compare several shapes of com-
Kusakari, 2003). The main factor of influence, mercially available or experimental implants have
however, was bone quality and not implant length. shown that stress distribution in the surrounding
Another study on implant diameter, length and bone may vary significantly (Joos, Vollmer, &
taper produced similar results, although the re- Kleinheinz, 2000; Rieger, Adams, & Kinzel, 1990;
ported results included bone strain and not stress Rieger, Mayberry, & Brose, 1990). The patterns of
(Petrie & Williams, 2005). stress distribution observed with certain designs
Of the above studies, the work of Pierrisnard of implants have led researchers to investigate the
and coworkers (2003) offers some valuable insight possibility of developing implants with a high
into the biomechanics of dental implants. The initial stability and favorable stress dispersion,
authors show beyond any doubt that the cortical suitable for immediate loading (Pierrisnard, Hure,
layer of the bone and more specifically its most Barquins, & Chappard, 2002).
coronal part, carries the major part of the load What remains to be proven is to what extent
applied. Compared to the cortex, only a small the differences observed are of clinical relevance.
amount of stress is transferred to the trabecular It is undeniable that different implant shapes may
bone. Thus, the biggest part of the implant, which carry load to the supporting bone in different
is embedded in trabecular bone, contributes ever magnitudes, but there is still no solid proof of
so slightly to the total stability of the implant. a load threshold, above which implant failure
In a following section, the influence of the may be observed.
bone-implant interface and its accurate model-
ing will be discussed. It must be born in mind
that computational artifacts may be associated Bone-to-implant interface
with peak stress values that are excessively high.
Therefore, it is useful for publishing authors to The interface between implants and bone is an
include the distribution of stress values in their area of great interest. The intricate details of this
reports and not just the maximum values. interface make dental implants such interesting
research objectives. There are two main areas of

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

distinction. One is the microscopical level of the fication technique (Simmons, Meguid, & Pilliar,
interface, relating to the surface structure of the 2001). The finite element models demonstrated
implant. The surface roughness of an implant can that the porous surface was, indeed, beneficial in
affect its initial stability, facilitating and accelerat- terms of a more favorable strain distribution.
ing osseointegration (Albrektsson, Sennerby, & Considering bone and implant as bonded bod-
Wennerberg, 2008). The second area of interest ies has been shown to be of lesser importance
is the macroscopical contact area of implant and (Rieger, Adams, Kinzel, & Brose, 1989), mean-
bone. This contact surface causes many problems ing that, although close adaptation is desirable, a
as to how it can be accurately modeled in a FE bonded interface does not alter stress distribution
environment. It is not uncommon to see peak in the bone. In contrast, the amount of adapta-
stress artifacts in implant FE studies at the bone- tion, or osseointegration, has a profound effect
implant interface and, more particularly, at its on the pattern of stress distribution (Lai, Zhang,
most coronal part. Zhang, Yang, & Xue, 1998). At the early stages of
The effect of tissue ingrowth into the porous integration, very high stresses are located in the
surface of a cylindrical implant was assessed in a crestal bone region, while development of inte-
3-D FE environment (Cook, Klawitter, & Wein- gration reduces severe stress peaks and ingrowth
stein, 1982a). Two models were constructed. In of tissue almost eliminates them (Borchers &
the first model, bone ingrowth into the implants Reichart, 1983).
rough surface was simulated. In the second model, One group of researchers proposed the use of
direct bone-to-implant contact was assumed. The large sliding contact elements to simulate bone-
results from the FE analysis were compared to implant micromotion and test if it is feasible to
results from mechanical testing on implants in- predict implant micromotion as a risk factor for
serted in canine jaws. The model simulating tissue osseointegration (Viceconti, Muccini, Bernakie-
ingrowth was found to be in better accordance wicz, Baleani, & Cristofolini, 2000). The authors
with the experimental data. concluded that their proposed technique was
Porous implant surface has also been compared the only one that did not exceed their accuracy
to plasma sprayed surface, an older surface modi- threshold.

Figure 8. Modeled bone crater to assure identical bone-to-implant anatomy regardless of inclination.
Cervix of the perpendicular (left) and 45 degree tilted implant (right)

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

Macroscopic modeling of the bone-implant implant placement

interface is also important. The first obvious configurations
step in FE analysis is to optimize the mesh in
this area. This is commonly done by element Various components of implant therapy and
downsizing (Sato, Wadamoto, Tsuga, & Teixeira, their biomechanical characteristics have been
1999). Smaller and more elements produce a more presented. However, these biomechanical aspects
detailed mesh. Element downsizing is continued intertwine to form the biomechanical complex
until the differences between models are negli- of dental implants. This refers not only to the
gible. Many times, however, compromises must separate parts of an implant reconstruction, but
be made, since extremely fine meshes demand how they are put together. Designing the place-
large computational power. ment of implants is equally important as how the
Probably the most problematic area for model- prosthesis will be fabricated (Rangert, Sennerby,
ing is the most coronal bone-to-implant contact. Meredith, & Brunski, 1997).
One research group compared FEA to in vitro In order to minimize the bending effect of
strain gauge measurements on a Morse taper oblique forces, placing several implants in a stag-
implant (Iplikcioglu, Akca, Cehreli, & Sahin, gered (offset) series has been proposed. FE studies
2003). The researchers found some differences have disproved this theory by showing that offset
in the results of the two methods in the coronal placement of implants does not result in lower
part of the interface. stresses (Akca & Iplikcioglu, 2001; Sato, Shindoi,
Another research group investigated the ef- Hosokawa, Tsuga, & Akagawa, 2000).
fect of marginal bone resorption on bone stress Bicortical anchorage is sometimes used to
(Kitamura, Stegaroiu, Nomura, & Miyakawa, improve initial stability of implants. The work
2004, 2005). The researchers created FE models of Pierrisnard and coworkers (2003) mentioned
of osseointegrated implants with normal bone and above showed that not only did bicortical anchor-
horizontal, vertical or angular bone resorption. age have little effect on bone stress, it did, in fact,
While normal bone and horizontal resorption result in higher implant stress.
produced similar results, angular resorption was Lack of bone availability in the posterior seg-
associated with lower stress. The authors specu- ments of the upper and lower jaw, along with the
lated that bone resorption might be a protective presence of anatomical landmarks such as the
mechanism, in order for the bone to reach a stable maxillary sinus and the mandibular nerve, have led
state. It is more probable, however, that the angular to the development of a technique incorporating
resorption produced a more asymptotic bone-to- inclined (tilted) implants. Although clinical data
implant contact, avoiding acute angles of contact exist to support this technique (Krekmanov, Kahn,
and peak stresses. Rangert, & Lindstrom, 2000; Malo, Rangert, &
A similar experimentation has been published Nobre, 2003), FE data are few. Published stud-
in another study (Zampelis, Rangert, & Heijl, ies are actually investigating related topics, like
2007). A microscopic crater was created at the placing a cylinder implant perpendicular to the
distal surface of the experimental implants, to Spee curve (Satoh, Maeda, & Komiyama, 2005),
ascertain an identical bone-to-implant interface or placing a single implant in a resorbed jaw and
anatomy regardless of how the implants were in- loading it with an oblique force (Watanabe, Hata,
serted in the bone (Figure 8). This method proved Komatsu, Ramos, & Fukuda, 2003).
reliable and succesful in avoiding peak stresses. One of the first published FE studies on the
subject of tilted implants utilized a simplified, well
defined 2-D finite element model where distally

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

tilted implants were evaluated as an alternative parison between material fatigue and bone loss,
to cantilever extensions (Zampelis, Rangert, & since bone responds to stimuli by remodeling,
Heijl, 2007). The authors concluded that bone something simple materials cannot do. Getting
stress around tilted implants was identical to into details concerning inflammation driven
that around non-tilted implants. This stress was bone resorption in the form of periimplantitis
significantly lower than that around implants exceeds the scope of this chapter and will not be
supporting cantilever extensions. commented upon.
Far more meaningful is the use of FEA as a
comparison tool. In the study of Zampelis and
Discussion coworkers (2007), simple models are constructed
to test different implant placements and their ef-
The results from biomechanical research are fre- fect on bone stress. The results from this study
quently misinterpreted, even by the very authors confirm, in statistical terms, the null hypothesis
of relevant studies. It must be realized that FEA, of no difference between implant placements.
albeit a powerful engineering tool, cannot, yet, Pierrisnard and coworkers (2003) used a similar
fully and reliably simulate a biological system as approach to compare implants of varying length.
complicated as the human body. It is stressed, once more, that, if a difference in
A frequent observation that bears questioning stress levels was found in these studies, it would
is for bone stress values to be treated as absolute be extremely difficult to speculate whether a par-
numbers. When the properties of a prosthesis ticular value would be considered pathological.
are investigated, it is quite easy to determine Studies that do not adopt a precise, consistent
if plastic deformation, fatigue or fracture will approach towards proper modeling should be
occur, since the materials are well defined and evaluated with scepticism. Yet, there are published
easy to simulate. Bone, on the other hand, is a studies where copious algorithms are described
very complex structure. Despite its anisotropic and analytical methods developed, only to use a
anatomy, bone is often considered isotropic to simplistic model of cylinders embedded in a uni-
facilitate modeling, its elastic properties being form matter considered jawbone. Simple models,
approximated. This simplification is not neces- allowing focus on specific parameters, are very
sarily poor practice, as it makes construction of useful, but we must be able to understand their
basic models less complicated. Nevertheless, we limitations.
cannot draw absolute conclusions on the nature Future research must focus on optimization
and behavior of bone in a FE environment if we and validation of bone modeling. Once the com-
fail to simulate it properly. plexities of this live tissue can be simulated in a
It is obvious that a stress value alone does not mathematical model, new research horizons will
offer much insight. The stress/strain threshold for extend. At the same time, ongoing research must
bone injury is still unclear in the literature, while, make the most of available computational power
in clinical practice, there is no proof of acute bone to produce interesting, educational experimental
fracture due to implant overload. A number of data that will broaden our knowledge on the bio-
FE studies speculate on possible prediction of mechanics of dental implants.
bone loss around implants due to overload, but Another use of FEA will be to test original
we must bear in mind that overload is a vaguely hypotheses which can, consecutively, be tested in
supported concept. More important is the fact vivo. In this way, differences found in FEA can be
that bone resorption is a dynamic process that is further investigated for clinical significance.
biologically driven. There is absolutely no com-

Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

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Finite Element Analysis and its Application in Dental Implant Research

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Implant: A device implanted in the human
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tic support: a two-dimensional finite element missing teeth
analysis. J Prosthet Dent, 97(6 Suppl), S35-43.
Osseointegration: The biological process dur-
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E., & Goldstein, S. A. (1999). Elastic modulus and host tissues (bone) and maintains this anchorage
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Section V
Software Support in Clinical
Dental Management and

Chapter XIII
Electronic Oral Health Records
in Practice and Research
Amit Chattopadhyay
University of Kentucky, USA

Tiago Coelho de Souza

University of Kentucky, USA

Oscar Arevalo
University of Kentucky, USA


Electronic Oral Health Records (EOHRs) contains all personal health information belonging to an
individual and is entered and accessed electronically by healthcare providers over the persons lifetime.
This chapter presents a systematic review about EOHRs, describes the current status of availability of
EOHR systems, benefits and barriers for implementation and EOHR usage in clinical, public health and
research settings to pave the way for their rapid deployment. The chapter draws the scenario of how a
fully integrated EOHR system would work and discuss the requirements for computer resources, con-
nectivity issues, data security, legal framework within which a fully integrated EOHR may be accessed
for real time data retrieval in service of good patient care practices. This chapter also describes the need
for defining required criteria to establish research and routine clinical EOHR and how their differences
may impact utilization and research opportunities to establish practice-based research networks.

INTRODUCTION of dental informatics. The scenario envisioned a

completely paper-less series of interaction between
In 2003, Sittig, Kirshner and Maupom (Sittig a patient, his/her dentist, and several specialists
et al.2003) described an informatics-oriented, starting from her initial presentation to comple-
future-patient care scenario and identified key tion of a series of procedures and scheduling
functions, applications, or technologies in the field periodic recall leading to an ideal treatment
experience. It would be naive to think that such

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

a system will not happen its fundamentals are 1995, Walther 1998), their adoption has been
already in place. Such a system does not require still slower. To respond proactively to the digital
technological marvels, but only needs proper transformation of oral health care, dentists must
integration of technologies that are in existence become familiar with technologies and concepts
for some time. Central to this variety of tasks (Umar 2002a, 2002b). They must learn what new
and sub-tasks in the oral health care system is information technology can do for them and their
the patients health record. patients and then develop creative applications
Traditionally, patient information ranging that promote the profession and their approaches
from clinical history to research results has been to care (Bauer & Brown 2001).
stored in hard copy format all around the world.
Such a storage system demands ever increasing
space and is prone to easy destruction requiring WHAT IS EOHR?
great security systems for its physical existence
and control of privacy of the information. Such Terminology of EHRs have undergone several
a system also poses difficulty in duplication of changes and currently several terms are still used
data when needed, availability of real-time up- to represent EHRs. Terms such as: automated
dated patient information over space and time, medical record (AMR), clinical data repository
and poses even greater difficulty in organizing (CDR), computerized medical record (CMR),
and aggregating the data for analyses. With the computerized patient record (CPR), computer-
advent of computerized information processing based patient record system (CPRS), electronic
and ever increasing cheap computer disk space health record (EHR), electronic medical record
and memory, it has become imperative to use (EMR), electronic patient record (EPR), lifetime
this easily available resource to organize health data repository (LDR), virtual health record
records of patients in an easily retrievable man- (VHR), virtual patient record (VPR) are some
ner in digitized format called electronic health of the terms that have used interchangeably for
records (EHRs). EHRs. In dentistry, these systems have been
EHRs digitize the contained information variously referred to as: electronic dental re-
becoming a database that allows easy access to cords, dental electronic records, electronic
the information from individual EHRs, or in an dental patient records, electronic patient record
aggregated manner. Development of electronic system, computer-based patient record, and
records for oral health requires substantial de- dental EHR. However, the term EOHR is more
partures from standard EHRs because several comprehensive compared to and is frequently
specialty-specific nuances need to be incorporated being used universally therefore, we resolved
to appropriately address the needs and maximize to use this term.
the benefits for patients, researchers, practitioners In general, EOHR is an electronic repository
and academicians. Although EHRs have come of patients oral health related information in form
into existence in routine medical care facilities, of a database at the back-end. Therefore EOHR
their adoption has been slow for a variety of contains a wide array of information (Heid et
reasons. Similarly, although development and al.2002) including:
incorporation of electronic oral health records
(EOHRs) in day to day clinical practice has been Patient demographics
anticipated, forecast and urged for long (Green Practitioner characterization
1996, Greenwood 1997, Miller 1995, Rada 1995, Immunizations
Schleyer 1995, Schleyer et al. 2001, 2003, Snyder Health history

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

Health conditions/ problems tion are also being reported from the develop-
Examinations and findings ing countries such as Argentina, Brazil, China,
Treatment plans/ clinical orders Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia,
Diagnostic observations Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. In general,
Radiographs, laboratory data and other the world over, the introduction of EHR seems
investigation reports overwhelming and almost out of reach to many
Prescribed medications healthcare providers and administrators as well
All therapeutic interventions as medical record/health information managers
Hospital admissions and attendances (WHO, 2006).
Scheduled events The US Department of Health and Human
Patient encounters Services (DHHS) took the lead in developing
a National Health Information Infrastructure
EOHR, therefore contains all personal (NHII) which is a voluntary initiative aiming at
health information belonging to an individual improving the effectiveness, efficiency and over-
and is entered and accessed electronically by all quality of health and health care in the United
healthcare providers over the persons lifetime. States. This infrastructure has been conceived as
EOHR extends beyond acute inpatient situations a comprehensive knowledge-based network of
including all ambulatory care settings at which interoperable systems of clinical, public health,
the patient receives care. Ideally it should reflect and personal health information that would im-
the entire health history of an individual across prove decision-making by making health infor-
his or her lifetime including data from multiple mation available when and where it is needed
providers from a variety of healthcare settings, (DHHS 2004) NHII integrates various aspects of
primarily to support continuing, efficient, and individual health, health care, and public health
quality healthcare. (WHO, 2006) EOHRs must such as: technologies, standards, applications,
also continue to meet legal, confidentiality, and systems, values, and laws. The central focus of
retention requirements of the patient, the attending NHII is to implement computer-based patient
health professional and the healthcare institution/ records for most Americans, connect personal
country health information with other clinical and public
health information, and enable different types of
The Status of EOHRs care providers to access computer-based patient
Currently, the use of EHRs and EOHRs and their USDHHS pointed out categorically that the
outcomes are still considered as scientifically NHII is not a centralized database of medical
reportable events and clear quality assurance records or a government regulation. The NHII in-
guidelines are derived from the HIPAA in the tegrates the lessons-learned from other National
US. systems (Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia)
EOHRs are slowly being recognized as the and ongoing projects. The NHII has three defined
cornerstone of data storing and management stages with outlined timelines: 1) development
on clinical, public health and research settings of leadership (2-years); 2) building collaboration
all over the world although the main thrust of between stake holders (5-years); and 3) Developing
evolving workable EOHRs has remained in the and implementing the infrastructure in all relevant
developing world, especially Canada, the United public and private sectors (10-years final target
States, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and year: 2014) (USDHHS 2004).
New Zealand. EOHR development and adop-

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

Development of the NHII begot the ques- Access to Clinical Data, Medical
tion: Should dentistry be part of the National Information and Population Data
Health Information Infrastructure? (Schleyer
et al. 2004b). The authors pointed out that the Without an up-to-date record, it often becomes
advantages of NNHII including transparency of difficult to provide time high-quality care. Clinical
health information across health care providers, dentistry has a need for complete current data on
potentially increased involvement of patients in patients including medical history, radiological,
their care, better clinical decision making through laboratory, patients drug sensitivity, resistances
connecting patient-specific information with the and allergies. Often such data may be present in
best clinical evidence, increased efficiency, en- different physical locations across clinics and
hanced bioterrorism defense and potential cost centers which make difficult to procure and may
savings and argued for integration of Dentistry lead to repeated procedures and testing. EOHRs
into the NHII (Schleyer et al. 2004b). allow available data to be accessed easily, even
from distant locations in a comprehensive man-
ner at any time of the day. This increases the
EOHR: BENEFITS efficiency of medical care and also allows speedy
resolution to several issues by bypassing logistic
EOHRs provide immense benefits in storage, problems related to manual chart retrieval and
retrieval, and utilization of data and are a key storage problems. Because EOHRs can be easily
component of establishing efficient and effective duplicated, it is also possible for more than one
evidence based clinical practices. EOHR help to clinician to access the records at different places
save time and money by reducing paper work, simultaneously. At the same time, integrating
duplicate laboratory and radiologic testing and technological advances such as tele-dentistry into
eliminating the need for dictating services, reduc- the system allows for quick conferences between
ing transcribing errors. In general, EOHRs: multiple clinicians, laboratory staff, administra-
tors and healthcare/ insurance managers.
Improve the accuracy, precision and qual- Evidence based practice demands ready
ity of data recorded in a health record and knowledge about recent advances. EOHRs address
reduce errors in data recording this issue by allowing the presentation of current
Enhance access to patients healthcare infor- medical findings which can be incorporated both
mation by clinicians, researchers and public actively and passively. Using EOHRs, practitio-
health authorities and increasing the ability ners can easily integrate references and cross-
to share data and facilitating continuity of checks by incorporating guidelines, protocols,
care. recommendations, clinical notes, directions at the
Improve the quality of care as a result of hav- point of care efficiently and effectively. EOHRs
ing health information immediately avail- may also incorporate built-in rules, alerts, or
able at all times facilitating inter-consulting reminders that act to remind clinicians about care
among health care providers. that is due for patients, both for preventive care
Improve the efficiency of the health care and for chronic disease management. In more
delivery system. advanced systems, these reminders may allow for
Contain healthcare costs resolution of the issue at the point of care, allow-
ing a clinician to resolve the issue from within
the alert itself. (Cusack, 2008)

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

EOHRs can add functionality to track popu- underwent two upward dose adjustments, and
lation data and parameters, incorporate flags to achieved control by reducing HbA1c from 8.0%
schedule and recall patients for preventive care, to 6.1% (Goldberg et al.2003). Similarly, several
follow-up patients with a set of risk factors. The recent studies have reported the use of EOHRs to
clinician can easily not just track laboratory, pa- successfully assess health risk and improve oral
thology, radiologic tests, but can also incorporate health care quality and dental education. (Atkinson
automatic flagging and alerts for abnormal results. 2002, Delany 2004, Delrose 2000, Finkeissen et
Use of EOHRs eliminates the need for dictation al.2002, Fouad & Burleson 2003, Freydberg 2001,
and use of transcribing services. This eliminates Reis-Schmidt 2000)
a source of errors resulting from medical tran-
scription errors. Clinical Quality Assurance and
Education Improvement
Improvement in Patient Safety and
Quality of Care EOHRs play a major role in dental educational
institutions in terms of improving student and
The Institute of Medicines (IOM) report To Err patient experience, quality assurance, improving
is Human (IOM 2000) estimated that up to 98,000 quality of education, and inculcating principles of
patients were dying each year in the United States evidence based practices among dental students
because of medical errors. A subsequent report and residents.
suggested that the IOMs figure be an underes-
timate and the true number may be as high as The international development and deployment of
225,000 a year (Healthgrades 2004). Medical an electronic modularized dental curriculum is
errors have been reported in dentistry resulting central to the development of an electronic engine
from procedural, diagnostic, dispensing, pre- to be used for the effective management of dental
scription and other processes (Pontes et al.2008, education. This will ensure continuity in high
Ogunbodede et al.2005, Kim 2004, Bergenholtz quality of care across all boundaries, through the
et al.2004, Kim 2004, Krol et al.2002, Vaubert continuous updating of its content and linkages
et al.1999, Oakley & Brunette 2002). to contemporary resources and databases. An
EOHRs with inbuilt rules, alerts, stops, range electronic engine to be used for the effective man-
checks can go a long way in preventing a large agement of dental education in a comprehensive
proportion of these errors and maximize patient dental school/hospital setting is at the core of an
safety. It has been reported that even achieving international virtual dental education institu-
a 10% improvement in quality care measures tion. The issue of policy development necessary
for the population served by small offices could to ensure consistency, quality and management
have a substantial effect on public health (Baron, for an electronic engine is at the very centre of:
2007) and EHRs contribute substantially to this a) systems management and system databases; b)
improvement. records of students, patients and personnel; and
For example, in a pilot study at the University c) financial records.(Eplee et al.2002)
of Washington, a diabetes care module was de-
veloped, and the feasibility of allowing patients For example, in a recent study, Shelly et
with type 2 diabetes to co-manage their disease al.(2007) evaluated the use of an EOHR system
from home using institutional EHR and web ac- to assess quality of care in an academic dental
cess by the patients in which one newly diagnosed institution. Their primary outcome of interest
patient was started on an oral hypoglycemic, was the timeliness and completeness of restor-

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

ative care following completion of nonsurgical ing from lost/ mutilated/ forgotten prescriptions
root canal therapy. They were quickly able to and fraudulently prepared prescriptions. Drug
query the system and develop a report assessing dosing calculations based on patients age and
permanent restoration, teeth build-ups, complete weight linked with updated information on liver,
coverage restorations and were able to assess if renal and other patho-physiological conditions
patients were receiving recommended treatment. can reduce dosing errors by calculating correct
They were able to use EOHR to objectively and dosages, and modifying those in real-time on an
efficiently assess one aspect of quality of care as per need basis.
in a dental school environment and found the
use of EOHR to help in clinical assessment and
quality assurance. ADOPTION OF EOHRs IN CLINICAL
Minimizing Medication Errors
The fact that electronic systems, especially com-
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality puters in dental clinical offices could revolutionize
(AHRQ) in the United States has defined error as clinical management and practice was recognized
an act of commission (doing something wrong) very early. The earliest article we found that dealt
or omission (failing to do the right thing) that with electronic data processing in the storage and
leads to an undesirable outcome or significant retrieval of dental patient file information was
potential for such an outcome. Medication errors published in 1967. (MacGregor & Halabisky 1967)
may or may not cause harm to the patient. Such With the advent of personal computers, their role
errors include any errors in dose, route, frequency, in clinical dentistry was envisioned quickly and
and drug choice (IOM 2000, Cusack 2008) that several articles predicted various scenarios of
may due to prescribing multiple drugs of similar automated clinical practice. (Green 1996, Green-
class, or due to drug-drug, and other possible wood et al. 1997. Miller 1995)
interactions. Adverse drug events (ADE) may A British study noted that despite the advan-
or may not involve medication errors, but may tages of using computerized systems, many dental
be avoidable if a patient has previous history of practices were only using them to a limited extent.
similar or related events. ADEs need to be tracked (John et al. 2003) In a study about the adoption,
irrespective of whether they occur due to medica- utilization and attitudes toward clinical comput-
tion error or not. ing Schleyer et al.(2006) surveyed 256 randomly
EOHRs, when linked to electronic prescrip- selected general dentists in the US using a 39-item
tion systems and drug checking software, can interview questionnaire. These dentists were
reduce ADE and medication errors by alerting selected from among 1159 because they met the
the clinician of such possibilities (for example eligibility criteria of having computers at chair-
through a pop-up message about ADEs and side. Among these, only 102 (39.8%) could be
drug interactions, related to medications being interviewed. The authors found that 1.8% of the
prescribed, and by cross checking prescriptions dentists were working in a completely paperless
against patient history, laboratory test results environment. Auxiliary personnel, such as dental
and other prescribed medications). One study assistants and hygienists, entered most data. Re-
found that some 21% of the prescriptions had spondents adopted clinical computing to improve
errors (Shaughnessy & Nickel 1989). EOHRs office efficiency and operations, support diagnosis
also minimize errors resulting from legibility and treatment, and enhance patient communica-
of prescriptions and prevent difficulties result- tion and perception. Barriers included insufficient

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

operational reliability, program limitations, a ing and insurance processing. Currently, different
steep learning curve, cost, and infection control companies supply the necessary software and
issues. (Schleyer et al.2006) hardware components, which makes integration
a significant challenge for end users (Schleyler
general dentistry has become increasingly 2004a) future research must address useful-
computerized in the past 20 years the proportion ness and ease of use, workflow support, infection
of all dental offices (generalists and specialists) control, integration, and implementation issues.
with computers has increased from 11% in 1984 (Schleyer et al.2006)
to over 85% in 2000. According to data from the
Dental Products Report (DPR), a dental trade A study conducted by Flores-Mir reported on
publication, the adoption of computers in treat- the perceptions of Canadian dentists. Using an
ment rooms follows a similar curve with a time lag anonymous self-administered survey by mail to a
of approximately 13 to 15 years. The 2004 Survey stratified random sample of 1,096 Canadian den-
on computer/ internet usage by the DPR found tists (283 were finally available for analysis), the
that 30% of all general dentists used computers study found: the usefulness of digital technolo-
in the operatory [an operatory is a treatment gies in improving dental practice and resolving
room or bay equipped with a dental chair] (Goff practice issues; to determine dentists willingness
2004). Respondentsprimary uses for computers at to use digital and electronic technologies; to de-
chairside included scheduling (77.9%), treatment termine perceived obstacles to the use of digital
planning (63.9%), patient education (60.7%), hard and electronic technologies in dental offices; and
tissue charting (58.2%), and periodontal charting to determine dentists attitudes toward Internet
(54.1%). (Schleyer et al.2006) privacy issues. (Flores-Mir et al. 2006)
Diffusion of innovation is the process by
Implementing clinical computing in a dental which an innovation is communicated through
office is a difficult undertaking for a number of certain channels over time among the members
reasons. Most dental offices are small (75.3% of a social system (Rogers 2003). Depending
of all dentists work in a solo practice) (ADA upon whether people innovate or adopt innova-
2003) and thus cannot spend large amounts of tion, they can be divided into: innovators, early
capital on information technology (IT). Limited adopters, secondary adopters, tertiary adopters,
personnel resources require that most dentists quaternary adopters, and laggards. Innovators are
outsource the installation and maintenance of very few and only a small number of people are
the IT infrastructure to a vendor or consultant. early adopters. Most people fall under secondary,
Dental computer applications are complex be- tertiary and quaternary adopters depending upon
cause they must integrate and maintain structured how quickly they adopt the innovation. Laggards
data (such as intraoral findings, treatment plans, are the most skeptical people who are the last to
and the medical/dental history), free text (such adopt the innovation. In relation to EOHRs, at
as progress notes), images (such as radiographs this time, it seems that in the US, early adopters
and photographs), and three-dimensional models. have appeared and are incorporating EOHRs in
(Eisner et al.1993) On a small scale, these systems their dental clinical environment.
integrate the functions that are typically found in EOHRs have started to make inroads into
medical software applications for registration, dental clinics and institutions slowly though
admission, discharge, and transfer; laboratory EOHRs are being increasingly adopted by dental
results; picture archiving and communications; professionals, the adoption rate is slow as is evident
computer-based patient records (CPRs); and bill- from the findings of the studies described above.

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

EOHRs may be viewed as innovations and adop- challenges and barriers may be summarized into
tion of innovations takes time because adoption the following points.
of EOHRs requires behavioral modification on
part of dental professionals. Behavior changes are Resistance to change on part of healthcare
slow and acceptance and adoption of innovations providers
occur through processes known as diffusion of Lack of standard terminology
innovation. In relation to EOHRs, at this time, Issues related to clinical data entry
it seems that in the US, early adopters have ap- Data coding issues and lack of skill in using
peared and are incorporating EOHRs in their disease classification systems
dental clinical environment. Concerns about the correct software
Commercial EOHR systems are critical to choice
universal adoption of EOHRs across the world be- Issues related to integration of EOHR soft-
cause the development of these systems represent ware with existing database systems
good business opportunities for private investors. High costs of hardware and software
Larger scale adoption of EOHRs will require Data security, privacy and confidentiality
settling of the commercial EOHR offerings. Cur- issues
rently there are several major technical problems Resistance to computer technology
facing the developers of EOHR programs which Lack of computer literacy and need for
may prevent quick adoption of EOHR by most of relearning and updating skills
the dental community. Concern about availability/ retrieval and ac-
curacy of information in a timely manner
Quality of electronic healthcare information
EOHR: PROBLEMS, PITFALLS AND and accuracy of data entries
BARRIERS Issues related to space requirement and other
associated logistics
The interest in implementing EHR is similar in Involvement of clinicians and hospital ad-
developing and developed countries as are the ministrators
key issues, challenges and barriers (WHO 2006).
Different countries and Institutions within coun- Dealing barriers in implementing EOHRs
tries are at different stages of implementation of require deft management of all or some of the
EOHRs. While some countries are in the planning points mentioned above. We approached a clinic
stage, others have implemented pilot projects, and manager of an academic institution in the US who
some have implemented functional systems and described his experience in implementing EOHRs
are progressing to large-scale deployment and in an academic institution. He responded:
development of nationally integrated systems.
Slow adoption of EOHRs has been attributed to The initial function of the clinical management
several factors such as: clinician resistance, high system (CMS) was for keeping accurate track of
costs, skepticism about return on investment, mis- patients, procedures and billing. The CMS had 7
aligned incentives, and technical issues related to or 8 components, one of which was the EOHR.
their compatibility with query systems and larger To make use of the EOHR it was necessary to
back-end database systems. Anecdotal evidence implement the major pieces of the CMS which feed
suggests that EOHRs do not represent clinical into the EOHR. A major concern for implementa-
information with the same degree of complete- tion was the significant dollar investment. The
ness and fidelity as paper records. These issues, initial investment can be hundreds of thousands

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

of dollars and then the yearly maintenance fees the nomenclature used to describe dental dis-
in addition to licensing for users although some eases and treatments. For example, stating that
software is based on having blocks like 1-25, 25-50, the patient has periodontal disease means little,
100+, etc. Although there is basic software that since this is a very broad term and does not de-
works well in private practice, in that particular scribe the location, severity, or type of periodontal
academic institution we were charged to imple- disease. Further, there is considerable subjectivity
ment an enterprise CMS for the network offices in how different dentists use this term. This means
that would eventually go into the dental school. that periodontal disease may mean one thing in
(Sullivan 2008). one practice but something different in another
practice. Of course, this problem is not unique
Data Related Barriers to dentistry, but it is a problem for researchers
trying to use record data to understand why some
Lack of uniform standard data format and record patients are receiving certain services.
content across clinical facilities is a major limita-
tion for implementation of EOHR. Practitioners Data charting: Charting of dental data is a tedious
use different record formats, and even those using and time consuming process. Therefore for those
the same format may not collect data uniformly. who are used to manual charting, the transition to
This factor limits the integration of data among electronic format involves re-learning the entire
clinical facilities and health care organizations. process and re-orienting to a new process. Flipping
This issue is compounded because different com- through paper is different from clicking through
mercial EOHR systems use different formats and tabs. Similarly, the orientation of data fields in
different technical specifications for the data. paper formats and EOHR are substantially dif-
Technical data related barriers include: ferent in structure.
A typical scenario leading to frustration out of
Different data formats and specifications technical issues not easily resolvable by the data
used by different EOHRs. entry operator or similar end user that occurs with
Lack of diagnostic codes impedes linking of EHR was recently reported by Baron (2007):
diagnostic, treatment and claims data sets
Adoption of ICD systems or procedure codes Unfortunately, our electronic signature did not
is not uniform and a variety of terminology transfer the contents of that document to the chart
exists to describe diagnoses, treatment and as data that a computer could conveniently ma-
procedures nipulate. For that to happen, data must be entered
Lack of universal identifiers (in several set- into the chart in a structured format An EHR
tings). is a large, highly structured database. Because
patients do not usually present themselves or
The dental profession should develop a more their histories in a structured data format, EHR
common record with standard diagnostic codes users must translate what they hear or read into
and clinical outcome measures to make the EOHR a format that the computer can use... Although
more useful for clinical research and improve the much information can be readily translated (for
quality of care (Atkinson et al.2002). Bailit (2003) example, medication data), some of it cannot (for
has pointed out the problem of inaccurate and example, recording for preserving the patients
non-specific diagnoses found in dental charts: voice). Electronic interfaces can automatically

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

import certain data, such as quantitative labora- clinical information in paper-based records and
tory results, into the chart in a structured format. examine its degree of coverage by commercially
However, interfaces may not be reliably available available EOHRs. (Schleyer et al.2007) The gen-
for many clinical data. eral conclusions from the study were revealing:

However, data retrieved from EOHRs although Although dental records contain a relatively
present in electronic form, give rise to several is- large number of fields, there is little agree-
sues. Most EOHRs export data elements in Excel ment on what those fields should be.
format. This limits the analytical functionality A complied list of dental record elements
of the data to those functions that may be easily aggregated across different paper record
performed in Excel. However to maximize analyti- formats contained more data elements than
cal yield, specialized statistical software need to any EOHR system (70% of the elements
be used. Transferring data from Excel to formats were present in EOHR).
suitable for statistical software requires thorough Dental schools records covered slightly
checking of the Excel spreadsheets for appropriate more categories dentists and vendors re-
marking of missing data, correct formatting of date cords.
and data fields etc., a process generally called as Dental schools use more comprehensive
data cleanup. Data clean up preparation of data medical history forms.
elements and formats for proper use in statistical There was a relatively high level of agree-
analytical software consumes a large amount of ment on categories among paper-based and
data analysts time, apart from being a tedious computer-based record formats.
process. Most of the times, analysts involved in This agreement did not extend to data fields
cleaning of such data annotate their data clean-up only 57% of the data fields occurring in
outputs with a the best that I could do. Anecdotal five or more paper records were contained
data suggests that in a study, some 90-95% of the in more than two EOHRs.
total time is taken up in data cleaning whereas Limitations in information representation in
the actual analysis takes only 5% of the time. Our EOHRs were evident in charting hard tissue
experience at the University of Kentucky has also and periodontal findings, and procedures.
been along similar lines. Furthermore, the data Dedicated fields associated with developing
cleanup process cannot be automated because of problem lists or making diagnoses were
non-standard terminology, data fields, varying absent in EOHRs
formats and filters and variables across different Information coverage in EOHRs were more
EOHR programs. If multiple formats are to be limited that paper formats
accommodated in an analysis of data aggregated
from different sources, the enormous data cleanup EOHRs contain lesser information and provide
time required may even prohibit the conduct of limited scope for covering clinical information that
the analysis. clinicians may wish to add. Furthermore, data
In order to obtain greater harmony across fields/ elements in EOHRs are grouped differently
EOHRs and make these systems better than than paper formats which may lead to clinicians
paper records, the question to be asked is: what resistance in using EOHRs. Extensive navigation
information should be contained in EOHRs, and requirements in EOHRs through routines that
in what format should those be inputted, retained may be perceived as counterintuitive may also
and exported? A recent qualitative study reported be a limiting factor in clinicians resistance in
an attempt to develop a basic content model for using EOHRs. This suggests that the front-end

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

interface of EOHR may need major modifications being intuitive, speech functionality is directly
and re-designing to improve clinician compliance comparable to using a mouse and the available
with using EOHRs on regular basis. systems require memorizing an enormous amount
of specific terminology opposed to using natural
Data Entry Issues language. Overall, limited speech functionality
reduces the ability of clinicians to interact directly
Anecdotal data suggests some uneasiness in using with the computer during clinical care. This can
a chair side computer for clinical data entry as it hinder the benefits of electronic patient records
leads to breaks in the rhythm of clinical work. and clinical decision support systems. (Yuhaniak
Infection control issues have also been raised by et al.2007)
some clinicians. One alternative could be to record In an attempt to solve these issues, a recent
the data in paper and then input it into the EOHR. study reported the analysis of structured data
However, such a mechanism leads to repetitive entry for dentistry using an interactive dental
work, increases costs and is time consuming. An cross (DentCross component). This component is
alternative to have dedicated personnel for direct a graphic part of dental documentation connected
data entry as the clinician dictates is expensive to an EOHR. In conjunction with an automatic
and has the potential for transcription entry er- speech recognition system, based on a statistical
rors. As an alternative to these methods, voice approach, the speaker-independent (DentVoice
activated direct data entry systems have drawn component) made the data entry easier and faster.
considerable attention as an ideal mechanism for The study showed the practical ability of the Dent-
data entry. Therefore, the possibility of a voice Cross component to deliver a real service to dental
activated data entry system integrated with an care and the ability to support the identification of
EOHR system could be a perfect solution to a person in forensic dentistry. (Zvarova 2008)
popularize adoption of EOHRs. Another recent study from the European
Speech recognition in voice activated systems Center for Medical Informatics, Statistics and
allows clinicians a hands-free option for interact- Epidemiology at Prague in the Czech Republic
ing with computers, which is important for dentists (EuroMISE Centre) also reported encouraging
who have difficulty using a keyboard and a mouse results in voice activated EOHR technology us-
while working with patients. While roughly 13% ing DentCross and DentVoice components (Nagy
of all general dentists with computers at chairside 2008). This study reported that the junction of
use speech recognition for data entry, 16% have voice control and graphical representation of
tried and discontinued using this technology. dental arch makes hand-busy activities in dental
(Yuhaniak et al.2007) Voice-activated modules praxis easier, quicker and more comfortable. It
are available for most leading EOHRs. Improve- is anticipated that these advancements will lead
ments in speech recognition and microphone to better quality of the data stored in a structured
technology have helped voice-activated charting form in dental EOHRs.
and clinical note dictation become more accurate,
faster and easier to carry out than previously pos- Security Issues and Health
sible. (Drevenstedt et al.2005). Information Protection
It has been suggested that with improvement
of technology, voice activation will become a Security of data, when in storage or when trans-
mainstream part of dental computer technology. ported/ transmitted via electronic medium, has
Currently speech functionality faces several been a major concern with patients, administra-
hurdles. It has been suggested that instead of tors, and governments. Personal information

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

privacy issues have been regulated strongly in evidence in legal actions. Security systems must
developed countries. The European Commission be carefully planned to limit access and provide
(1995) through the Directive 95/46/EC protected for back-up and storage of dental records. Care-
right to privacy of individuals with regard to the fully planned security systems protect the patient
processing of personal data and transfer of data. from disclosure without the patients consent and
Protection of electronic storage of clinical records also protect the practitioner from the liability
was mandated in Japan through the directive num- that would arise from such disclosure. Human
ber HPB No. 517 (Director-General HPB Japan errors account for the majority of data security
1999). Although the HPB No. 57 regulated data problems. Personnel security is assured through
storage, these directives fell short of complete pre-employment screening, employment contracts,
privacy of data: policies, and staff education. Contracts for health
information systems should include provisions for
These criteria must be followed when storing indemnification and ensure the confidentiality of
clinical records in electronic form, but do not the system by the vendor. (Szekely 1996)
need to be followed when using the information
from the clinical records. However, an individual The lead in assuring security of PHI was
medical facility must pay attention to ensure the taken by the US with the enactment of the Health
proper utilization of information from clinical Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
records stored in various systems (i.e. source-input (HIPAA) that was enacted by the U.S. Congress
system, new and old systems). (Director-General in 1996 under the Clinton Administration. It is
HPB Japan 1999) also known as the Kennedy-Kassebaum Act. Title
I of HIPAA protects health insurance coverage for
Because EOHRs deal with personally identifi- workers and their families when they change or
able information and the nature of information is lose their jobs. Title II of HIPAA, known as the
personal and private for the patient, the importance Administrative Simplification provisions, requires
of maintaining privacy, security and confidenti- the establishment of national standards for elec-
ality is paramount. To protect personal health tronic health care transactions and national iden-
information (PHI), measures are being taken tifiers for providers, health insurance plans, and
at different level of social organization dealing employers. (USDHHS 2008, ADA 2005) HIPAA
with PHI policy, judicial-legal, administrative, requires PHI to have administrative, physical and
personnel and software levels. This issue has be- technical safeguards. A primary goal of HIPAA
come more important due to the potential security is to maintain confidentiality of an individuals
breaches in databases that are reported in the identifiable health information if it is transmitted
media regularly and frequently. Data security is by electronic means for administrative purposes.
a major concern because of the potential for great (USDHHS 2001, Pai & Zimmerman 2002) The
harm that stolen data may cause in the hands of phrase, identifiable health information, means
unscrupulous elements. the information itself can be directly or indirectly
linked to a person. Another goal of HIPAA is
Computer-based, electronic dental record keeping the establishment of commonality of the format
involves complex issues of patient privacy and used for administrative transactions.(Chasteen
the dental practitioners ethical duty of confiden- et al.2003a, 2003b)
tiality Authenticating the electronic record in The HIPAA privacy rule is designed to protect
terms of ensuring its reliability and accuracy is a patients personal health information from being
essential in order to protect its admissibility as accessed by an unauthorized person. It mandates

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

the creation of a format to be used by healthcare should be adequately tested against those as has
entities such as a dental clinic/ office/ hospital been reported by Schleyer et al.(2007). Thereafter,
which transmit health information electronically the electronic templates should be modified for
to protect the confidentiality and security of health comprehensive coverage, smooth navigation and
information by setting and enforcing standards. ease of use in a busy clinical facility.
(Walker 2002) The security regulations contain
standards with both required implementation
specifications and addressable implementation ESTABLISHING EOHR AND
specifications. The security regulations require TRANSFORMING FROM PAPER
covered entities to adopt administrative, physi- RECORDS TO ELECTRONIC
cal and technical safeguards to protect electronic RECORDS
protected health information. (Sfikas 2003) Some
functions covered under HIPAA include: enrol- With the massive growth in computer technology
ment, claims (encounters, status, payments, and and exponentially reducing digital storage space
attachments), referrals, eligibility verification, costs, implementing EOHRs is not really a choice
premium billing, and first report of injury or anymore, but a necessity. An EOHR has become
compensation. All EOHR systems therefore are a priority in many countries, including the UK
required to confirm to HIPAA mandates, and to (Reynolds et al. 2008).
modifications of regulations specific to the coun-
tries where those are used. (Day 2000, 2001) It is In the last several years, dentistry has crossed
expected that other countries will develop their over into the new frontier of electronic dentistry.
own regulations by adapting existing regulations It has embraced such developments as computer
from European Union, Japan and USA. programs for producing digital radiographs and
photographs, as well as digital programs that en-
Impact on Workflow hance these images, store and organize them into
a retrievable chart-like fashion, and transmit
Impact of EHR on workflow in terms of slowing them via the Internet. In Europe, I saw patients
down clinical work has been known to contribute with an electronic health card. This credit
to clinician resistance in using EHRs (Dansky et card-sized CD can carry all the information on a
al.1999). Clinicians were concerned that a negative patients written charts, results of laboratory tests,
impact on workflow would reduce productivity. radiographic/imaging information and more. It is
However, EHRs require re-learning and adapting expected that the mobile phone will be an alternate
to a new paradigm of data entry, and the learning- vehicle for patient records, and that these records
curve integrated in this need to re-learn may be will be accessed with a password security system.
the bottleneck for the workflow impact. It has This will allow patients to carry their records from
been shown that once clinicians learn the EHR location to location. Certainly, the dental implica-
processes, their workflow and productivity return tions of such seemingly advanced processes are
to normal in 30 days (Krall 1995). evident. The expression, The future is now, was
It has been suggested that the possible slow- never truer. (Schutze 2001)
down in workflow with an EHR may be mitigated
by using templates and forms. However, prior to One of the key problems faced by any insti-
implementing an EHR, paper templates should tution or clinical facility when converting from
be created around all commonly seen diagnoses a paper-based/ manual health record system to
follow-up (Cusack 2008) and electronic templates EOHR is the planning of such a transition because

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

the change reflects a paradigm shift in the way In the early 1990s the American Dental As-
daily work is done. When instituting any major sociation (ADA) published the monograph The
large-scale change, it is generally necessary to Computer-based Oral Health Record, to describe
establish an Executive committee or hire a consul- a specific EOHR that complements the EHR used
tant knowledgeable in EOHR. These individuals for general healthcare. Subsequently, the ADA
must be integrated from the first day of planning established a Standards Committee for Dental
and retained until the transition is completed. Informatics (SCDI) that promoted the applica-
WHO has developed a step-by-step manual tion of information and various computerized
to guide implementation of EHRs in developing technology. (Heid et al.2002) In 2001, the SCDI
countries (WHO 2006). The WHO guide re- developed American National Standards Institute/
views current health record systems and policies ADA Specification 1000: Standard Clinical Data
related to medical records practice. Thereafter it Architecture (ADA 2006) outlining the Structure
provides a sequential guidance to every aspect of and Content of an Electronic Health Record and
setting up EHRs: planning for the introduction is the first ANSI standard that defines the fun-
of an EHR; developing an implementation plan; damental data structures used to create patient
factors to be considered when developing an health records. The standard promotes the shar-
EHR implementation plan; and finally points out ing of like data between dentists, physicians, and
the issues and challenges, providing reasonable hospitals (Harrell et al. 2005). This is a blueprint
solutions. This document is downloadable freely from which commercial vendors are encouraged
from WHO web site [ to build uniform health records in interoperable
publications/PUB_9290612177.htm] and is a very practice management systems to prevent incom-
useful guide to anyone anywhere wanting to set patibility problems between vendor systems.
up an EOHR system. The SCDI is preparing an informational report
In order to implement electronic technology called Practitioners Guide to Electronic Dental
dependent methods, some key safeguards are Records to specify the capabilities of computer-
necessary to ensure proper functioning. The basic based dental record systems. (Hamilton 2005)
general needed safeguards for EOHRs include The ADA Technical Report No. 1004 provides
existence of: a checklist of features and functions helps the
dentist determine specific requirements and their
Regular, reliable and efficient back-up system priorities. Characteristics of specific systems are
and protocol then compared to these specific needs to rank
Electrical system emergency preparedness the available choices. The report has also been
protocol and disaster-recovery protocol for updated to reflect increasing sophistication in
EOHR the industry such as the charting interface of the
Efficient, practical and easy to use security clinical workstation. This specification will also
for work stations and servers and data be updated to reflect the growth of web-based
Control over who is able to access the data systems and dental specialty requirements.
and a system for data de-identification of (ADA 2004)
data when accessed by individuals who do Supported by the ADA, orthodontic oriented
not need to know the patients identity solutions are being developed to send patient
Mechanism to identify who accesses and/ information to colleagues allowing practitioners
or modifies the data. to share the same patient record across different

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

software programs by solving technical incompat- that the top five systems in terms of market share
ibilities. (Magni et al. 2007) These orthodontic were Dentrix (26.2%) and Easy Dental (9.8%)
EOHRs aim to establish a seamless interchange (both from Dentrix Dental Systems, American
of data between software programs and to cre- Fork, UT), SoftDent (15.0%) and PracticeWorks
ate a standard for electronic orthodontic patient (7.9%) (both from Kodak Corp., Rochester, NY),
records. and EagleSoft (11.0%) (Patterson Dental, St. Paul,
MN). (Clinical Research Associates, 2003 cited
in Schleyer et al.2006) Anecdotal data suggests
EOHR SYSTEMS IN THE MARKET that in the US dental schools, AxiUm is commonly
used system with EOHR software.
Several EOHR systems are available in the market The main features included in the EOHR sys-
around the world, but most developers are in the tems available in the market are : (a) appointment
US most systems are commercial although few management, (b) clinical charting, (c) employees
are freeware. Several notable systems are being management, (d) financial management,(e) gen-
developed by firms based in Canada, France, eration of presentations, (f) image interface, (g)
Germany, New Zealand, and elsewhere. Table insurance management, (h) laboratory tracking,
1 provides a list of commercially available and (i) marketing management, (j) patient & family
freeware EOHR systems along with the web ad- information, k) practice paperless, (l) prescription
dresses of the firms that are involved in develop- writing, m) reports tool, n) software integration,
ing those programs. Different EOHR programs (o) touch screen, (p) treatment plan, and (q) 3D
work differently and comparative studies are rare. feature. Pricing of different commercial software
Only one comparative analysis has been published vary substantially. Some have no up-front cost
so far which found that commonly mentioned where one does not have to purchase the software
strengths of the software applications included per se but has to pay a monthly or annual fee
easy to use/learn, scheduling, integration and for use the product (license). Others use a more
flexibility, whereas common weaknesses included traditional mechanism which one purchases at a
complexity, and integration issues. (Schleyer et one-time cost. Still others ask for payments of
al.2006) different services, such as support, maintenance
The market-share of different programs var- or updates.
ies. A study published in the United States found

Table 1. Comprehensive list of EOHRs available in the market (in alphabetical order)
No. Software name Company Country Website
1 ABELDent ABELSoft Corporation Canada
2 ACE Dental American Computer Exchange USA
3 AD2000 CLG Canada
4 Ad.I.C.O Software Odontlogo Argentina
5 ADSTRA Management ADSTRA Systems Inc. Canada
6 AlphaDent AlphaDent USA
7 AltaPoint Dental AltaPoint Data Systems, LLC USA
8 Apollonia Procedia GmbH Germany
9 AxiUm Exan Enterprise Canada
continued on the following page

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

Table 1. continued
No. Software name Company Country Website
10 BioDente BioManager Brazil
11 Bridge-IT Fusion Software Ltd. Kingdom
12 CDM CamSight Co., Inc. USA
13 Ciraden Ciraden, Inc. USA
14 ClearDent Prococious Technology Inc. Canada
15 Curve DMS Curve Dental Canada
16 DAISY Dentist Management Corp. USA
17 Data Team DDS Data Team Corporation USA
18 Datacon Datacon Dental Systems USA
19 DDS Works DDS Works USA
20 DentaGrama DentaGrama Colombia
21 Dental 2000 Complete Systems, Inc. USA
22 Dental Business BioManager Brazil
Serbia &
23 Dental Clinic Codegroup Montenegro
24 Dental Clinic Dental Clinic Brazil
25 Dental-Exec DSN Software, Inc. USA
26 Dental 4 Windows Centaur Software Development Australia
27 Dentalis Dentalis Software Brazil
28 DentalManager Larix Dental Concepts Netherland
29 DentalMate MDC Services, Inc. USA
30 Dental Office Rh ! Software Ltda. Brazil
Dental Office Manager
31 Studio Applied Computer Concepts USA
32 DentalPro Random Information Systems USA
33 Dentalpro Prodoctor Software Ltda. Brazil
34 Dental System Dialog Medical Systems, Inc. Canada
35 DentalVision Henry Schein, Inc. USA
36 DentalVox Plus Softart Colombia
37 DentalWare OptiMicro Technologies, Inc. Canada
38 DentalWriter Nierman Practice Management USA
39 Dentech Softech, Inc. USA
40 Denticon Planet DDS, Inc. USA
41 DentiLogic DentiLogic Argentina
42 DentiMax DentiMax USA
43 Dentisoft Office Dentisoft Technologies, Inc. USA
44 Dentista Pro Logicroutes, Inc. Philippines
45 Dentitek Progitek dev, Inc. Canada
46 DentoNovo NovoLogik, Inc. Canada

continued on the following page

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

Table 1. continued
No. Software name Company Country Website
47 Dent-O-Soft B-tech Greece
48 Denturist Office Manager Specialized Office Systems Canada
49 Denturotek Progitek dev, Inc. Canada
50 Dentrix Henry Schein, Inc. USA
Diamond Dental
51 Software Diamond Dental Software USA
52 Didimo Galeon Technology Solutions Costa Rica
53 DOM for Windows BRS Systems LLC USA
54 EagleSoft Patterson Dental Supply, Inc. USA
55 EasyDent Data Tec, Inc. USA
56 EasyDental Easy Software Brazil
57 Easy Dental Henry Schein, Inc. USA
58 EdgeDMS Edge Health Solutions, Inc. Canada
59 Efficient Efficient System Brazil
60 EndoVision Henry Schein, Inc. USA
61 Eurodent 2000 Inforabaco, S.L. Spain
62 EZ 2000 EZ 2000, Inc. USA
63 EXact Software of Excellence New Zealand
64 ExcelDent ExcelDent Canada
65 EXDental EXDental Brazil
66 Foxteeth Foxteeth Software, LLC USA
67 Galeno Dental 2000 Galeno Software Mexico
68 GCS DentOffice Glendale Computer Services USA
69 Genesis Genesis Software USA
70 Gesden Infomed Spain
71 Gold Dental Management Gold Dental Management Systems Canada
72 Grin Dental Software Environmental Design, Inc. USA
73 GSD academic General Systems Design, Inc. USA
74 GSD groups General Systems Design, Inc. USA
75 iDental HealthWare Corporation USA
76 impDAT Kea Software GmbH Germany
77 LiveDDM Doctor Company, Inc. Canada
78 MacDent Pro DDSMac, LLC USA
79 MacPractice DDS MacPractice, Inc. USA
80 Maxident Maxim Software Systems Canada
81 MediaDent SQL MultiMedia Dental Systems, Inc. USA

continued on the following page

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

Table 1. continued
No. Software name Company Country Website
82 MLS Marcelo Liberati Sistemas Argentina
Software of Excellence International
84 Oasis Ltd. Australia
85 OdontoDop Doper Tecnologia e Sistemas Ltda. Brazil
86 Odontolgico The Best Media Software Ltda. Brazil
87 Odontology Avansys Colombia
88 OdontoPlus CarSan Software Colombia
89 OdontoSoft Millennium GB Systems Argentina
90 OdontoSys IAQ Software Uruguay
91 OdontoWay LS-Sistemas Ltda. Brazil
92 Odisea Aura Colombia
93 Office-Partner Office Computer Systems, Inc. USA
94 OmegaPrax Dental Damar Software USA
95 OMSVision Henry Schein, Inc. USA
96 Open Dental Open Dental USA
97 OPMS Kodak Corp. USA
98 Oral Surgery-Exec DSN Software, Inc. USA
99 Ortho Easy Dental Soft. Brazil
100 OrthoFast UpSide France
101 OrthoNovo NovoLogik, Inc. Canada
102 Orthotek Progitek dev, Inc. Canada
103 Orthotrac Kodak Corp. USA
104 Orthoware Kodak Corp. USA
105 Ortomed Infomed Spain
106 Pappyjoe DR Toms International India
107 Paradigm Office Suite Logic Tech Corporation Canada
108 PBS Endo ProBusiness Systems, Inc. USA
109 PeakDent iDenex company USA
110 Perio-Exec DSN Software, Inc. USA
111 PerioVision Henry Schein, Inc. USA
112 PerfectByte Dental PerfectByte USA
113 PerfectByte Ortho PerfectByte USA
114 Practice-Web Practice-Web, Inc. USA
115 PracticeWorks Kodak Corp. USA
116 PracticeX Exan Mercedes Software, Inc. Canada
117 Prime Dental Prime Dental Software USA
118 ProDent HartSystem Informtica Brazil
119 ProPrctica ProPrctica Dental Software Colombia

continued on the following page

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

Table 1. continued
120 Salud Two-Ten Health Ltd. Ireland
121 SAM Odontologia Nadoza S.R.L. Argentina
122 SaralDent SARAL Solutions India
123 Sigosoft BIMS of Per Peru
124 Soel Health Sofftware of Excellence New Zealand
125 Softdent Kodak Corp. USA
126 Star Byte Dental Star Byte Systems, Inc. USA
127 SuzyDental Suzy Systems, Inc. USA
128 TalkTeeth TalkTeeth Egypt
The Complete
129 Practitioner Teleo Practice Services, Inc. USA
130 TheSpecialist Zalik Software Development Canada
131 Tiradentes BioManager Brazil
132 ToothPics ToothPics Company USA
133 Tops Cogent Design, Inc. USA
134 ViewPoint Ortho Computer Systems, Inc. USA
135 VisualDent Innova Soluciones Tecnolgicas Chile
136 Windent EE HealthSoft, Inc. USA
137 Windent SQL HealthSoft, Inc. USA
138 Windent OMS HealthSoft, Inc. USA
139 W-Odonto WAKO Software Bolivia
140 XLDent PEB of America, Inc. USA

EOHRS IN RESEARCH AND with greater scientific rigor everyday issues in

PUBLIC HEALTH the delivery of oral healthcare. (NIDCR 2008)
The goal of PBRNs is to encourage practicing
EOHRs in Practice Based Research dentists and hygienists to propose and conduct
each clinical study in close collaboration with
Practice Based Research Networks (PBRNs) are their network colleagues. The general idea of
teams of practicing dentists who investigate ev- developing the PBRNs is to address practical,
eryday issues in the delivery of oral healthcare real-world issues and generate data that will be
with greater scientific rigor (NIDCR 2008). of immediate interest to practitioners and their
patients. (NIDCR 2008) Recently, a group of
In March of 2005, the US National Institute of dental practitioners participating in the PBRN
Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) effort wrote about their perspective calling the
announced it has awarded three grants, totaling effort to be a win-win for private-practice den-
$75 million that establish regional practice- tists and the future of dentistry. (Veitz-Keenan
based research networks (PBRN) to investigate 2007) Although not enough data is available at

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

this moment about success or utility of PBRNs in thereby making policy making in real time
dentistry, such networks have been in existence possible - use of EOHRs can help
in medical research for over two decades; they A recent report discussed and identified impor-
have generally been successful (Moskowitz 2007) tant design, implementation, and methodological
and have resulted in significant clinical protocol issues with current EHR systems and their role in
changes. (Chattopadhyay et al. 2008) public health (Kukafka et al.2007). The authors
suggested that in order to support public healths
Successful PBRN activity requires that the traditional focus on preventive health and socio-
PBRNs are linked group of clinical practices behavioral factors, EHR data models would need
that can pool their data and resources to conduct to be expanded to incorporate environmental, psy-
research. Such data sharing will be possible only chosocial, and other non-medical data elements,
through coordinated use of compatible and stan- and workflow would have to be examined to de-
dardized EOHR systems that allow data sharing termine the optimal way of collecting these data.
and analyses. Similarly, administrative databases They also argue that redesigning EHR systems to
are also reservoirs of wealth of information that support public health offers benefits not only to
contribute greatly to develop workable health im- the public health system but also to consumers,
provement policies. Several studies demonstrated health-care institutions, and individual providers.
the benefit of linking the service data to patient or Although the need of immediate real time data
provider characteristic through EOHRs. (Leake, in oral health surveillance is not as urgent as in
Werneck 2005) The success of PBRNs depends surveillance for bioterrorism (biosurveillance),
upon active participation of dental practitioners the characteristics and issues involved in data
who must use computers and EOHRs. As noted transmission from EOHRs in remote areas are
earlier, adoption of computerization among den- the same as for biosurveillance.
tists have been slow. Training and follow-up
support may encourage dental practice teams to Biosurveillance requires near-real-time event
develop more positive attitudes towards comput- monitoring to enable early event detection and
erization and encourage them to use computers rapid response (Ventres et al.2000). The US
more extensively in clinical practice. (John et Healthcare Information Technology Standards
al. 2003) Panels Biosurveillance Technical Committee has
done extensive work on standards and interoper-
EOHRs in Dental Public Health ability issues for biosurveillance, employing a
use case that involves transmitting ambulatory
Public health policies are usually based on analy- care, emergency department visit, utilization, and
ses of data collected over a long period of time lab results data in standardized and anonymized
which also requires time for analyses. This creates format to public health agencies within one day.
a large time lag between the origin of the data Steps in biosurveillance data transfer will include
and development and enactment of policies by identifying relevant information, aggregating
when the nature of oral health realities may have data, and anonymizing it, formatting it to public
changed. Use of EOHRs in PBRNs, public health health specifications, identifying the relevant
settings and in other relevant clinical examina- public health agencies, transmitting the data to
tion based surveys can help speed up the process them, and logging all transactions. Data could
and reduce the time between data collection and be sent data directly from individual health-care
publication of analytical results from the survey organizations, through some intermediary net-

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

worked organization, or through a combination evolution data optimized (EV-DO) or enhanced

of models. Importantly, this standards project data rate for global system for mobile commu-
is being harmonized with that of the EHR. The nications evolution (EDGE), gaining access to
Biosurveillance Technical Committee has pub- patient data in an orthodontic office remotely has
lished extensive reports (BTC 2006a, 2006b) on become a relatively simple task. Affordable and
standards needed to support this goal, as well as convenient cellular broadband networks allow
on remaining interoperability issues. (Kukafka the orthodontist to remotely access schedules, and
et al.2007). update, review, add, or modify data virtually from
anywhere. Newer generation wireless broadband
It has been suggested that guidance on what technologies have made the virtual office a reality.
data elements to include may be gleaned from the (Mupparapu 2007)
Chronic Care Model (Wagner 1998) developed to
reformulate healthcare from an acute care model Further enhancement of use of technological
in managing chronic diseases into a public health advancements will make it possible to use remote
model. area data collection and their real time availability
One idea for use of EOHRs in public health in analytical centers possible through the use of
setting is to use them in mobile devices so that EOHRs that are adaptable to mobile data collec-
data collection and transfer can be speeded up tion instruments such as PDAs and other hand
from remote areas. No ideal customisable mobile held devices.
digital solution currently exists but evidence from
general healthcare use suggests that there are EOHR Input in Research Data
valuable features that can aid the general dental
practitioners such as personal management and Data needs for oral health related clinical and
point of source assistance (Reynolds et al.2008). public health research, especially when integrated
Wireless personal digital assistants (PDA) together with etiological research and basic science infor-
with data secure transmission of digital clinical mation are special. For example, the scientific
information could be used in order to assist in methods require minimizing within- and between-
disaster victim identification in areas where GSM examiner variability, highly accurate, and precise,
cellular networks are available (Salo et al.2007). regular periodic unbiased measurements and a bat-
An experiment in the state of New York used tery of biologic measurements along with detailed
PDAs for data collection in remote areas, but disease and exposure measurements that may be
the program witnessed several transmission and out of scope of routine clinical EOHRs. However,
integration problems inhibiting effective use of clinicians involved in PBRNs would need to have
PDAs for such activities in oral health surveillance access to such detailed parts of EOHRs for the
(Kumar 2008). purpose of research.
However, wireless transmission of records has
recently been successfully adopted in orthodontic A general understanding of the measurement
clinics. of dental diseases can help practitioners in the
process of assessing the patients future risk of
Wireless cellular broadband technology currently disease. More importantly, as clinical studies shift
transmits data at speeds that only wired broad- from the traditional academic setting to practice-
band connections were capable of until now. By based networks, practitioners might play a more
using high-speed data access protocols such as significant role in research. An important issue
in oral health disease management in the future

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

will be the standardization of clinical criteria to be integrated into a seamless working whole
and the development of alternative mechanisms from which all benefits of EOHR can be utilized
of data collection for epidemiologic purposes. to maximum by clinicians, researchers, academi-
(Chattopadhyay et al.2008) cians and public health professionals and policy
makers. Apparently there is a gap in the direction
To incorporate such standardization require- of research and implementation of an obviously
ments may need substantial expansion of EOHRs needed system that would be conducive for modern
which might make them prohibitively expensive methods of health information storage, retrieval
or difficult to deploy in clinical settings. It is and usage. Furthermore, implementation of EOHR
not possible to extend the EHR data model to is lagging way behind the available hardware and
capture the entire host of factors, but an EHRs software resources for implementing EOHR. At
data model should represent those data elements the same time, it seems that the need for dental
that are known to contribute to the disease process research databases and routine clinical use data-
in order to provide decision support and/or data bases will have different sets of requirements to
transfer to research centers on an as-per-need maximize analytical outputs from EOHR.
basis (Kukafka et al.2007).
It is however possible to develop modular To make paperless offices possible will require
EOHRs where clinical, practice, public health and researchers and dental professionals to address
research needs could be addressed by designing multiple grand challenges The following appli-
separate modules that can be appended to a core cations, processes, and technologies would need
EOHR leading to an integrated database that to be designed, developed, and implemented:
can be as comprehensive as the need be, and yet
deployed in smaller modules. Such a modular 1. A system could profile patient risk for specific
system can also be integrated with a clinical chronic oral disease status
decision support system. (Benn et al.2000) A 2. A population-based system could assess the
modular approach would enhance the scope of likelihood of successful outcomes for dental
using EOHR system for a variety of activities treatments such as implants, periodontal
beyond routine clinical work. For example, a surgery, prostheses, amalgam, plastic, cast,
public health EOHR modules would allow high- and ceramic restorations.
quality population-level research by improving 3. 3-D image manipulation and simulation
data quality, pooling it, and making it available systems could illustrate the effect on the
for analysis through traditional epidemiological current patients appearance of specific
or data-mining methods (Kukafka et al.2007); proposed procedures,
allow modification and redesign large surveys; 4. An automated treatment planning system
expand scope of the type and depth of data col- for all dental diagnoses could be used by
lected from individuals; improve recruitment for clinicians (evidence-based guidelines for
clinical trials. dental diseases and conditions, multiple
semi-edentulous conditions, and malocclu-
ESTABLISHING A PAPERLESS 5. A decision aid for patients would help them
DENTAL OFFICE learn about all personally relevant and ap-
plicable dental treatment options. Such a
The vision of a completely paperless office has the support system would also help patients in
EOHR at its center, and needs several technologies a decision making process that would lead

Electronic Oral Health Records in Practice and Research

to a value-based choice among the various 5. To automate data capture, integration, and
alternatives. synthesis to create real-time, knowledge-
6. Procedures and processes would be needed based, clinical monitoring systems based
to capture and analyze digital images pro- on both continuously and intermittently
gressively over time to track hard-tissue available analog and digital data.
changes. 6. To develop learner-centered educational
7. Nano-robots would be used intra-orally to systems that select a learning goal, evaluate
monitor and transmit information on various the students abilities, and determine the
markers of oral health status, such as sali- individual learning style (Sittig et al.2003)
vary pH fluctuations and long-term trends,
degree of mineralization shifts at certain
index tooth surfaces, salivary enzyme and CONCLUSION
bacteriologic make-up changes over time,
and information about crevicular fluid flow Adoption of EOHR offers multiple benefits
and composition. for clinical practitioners, academicians and re-
8. Computer-based simulations could in- searchers including ready access to patients
corporate haptic feedback and thus allow information, decreased medical errors, ability
students to develop and enhance their fine to share information with providers and health
motor skills. (Sittig et al.2003) care organizations, collection of data for research
purposes, etc. EOHRs must also balance the need
To attain this scenario, the following challenges to be integrated with EHRs although any EOHR
that must be addressed: system cannot be subordinate to, or a subset of,
an EHR. From a public perspective, EOHR could
1. To develop a knowledge-based ontology of result in improved oral health outcomes and
dental concepts from which one could extract reduced health care expenditures. While much
a standardized controlled clinical terminol- progress has been made several challenges remain
ogy to describe dental signs, symptoms, to be overcome. Integration of EOHR has been
conditions, diseases, and treatments (i.e., slow because it represents re-engineering current
procedures, methods, techniques, materials, practices and processes, dealing with technical
and devices). difficulties and data safety issues, which many
2. To develop an evidence base of etiol- perceive outweigh the benefits. However, as
ogy, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and government and health care systems strive for
treatment outcomes (including materials, improved efficiency and quality, the refinement
methods, techniques, and usage) for a large of EOHR and wide adoption in dentistry seems
proportion of dental patients and dental to be where the future lies.
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health record that is seamlessly integrated REFERENCES
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Chapter XIV
Haptic-Based Virtual Reality
Dental Simulator
as an Educational Tool
Maxim Kolesnikov
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Arnold D. Steinberg
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Milo efran
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA


This chapter describes the haptic dental simulator developed at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
It explores its use and advantages as an educational tool in dentistry and examines the structure of the
simulator, its hardware and software components, the simulators functionality, reality assessment, and
the users experiences with this technology. The authors hope that the dental haptic simulation program
should provide significant benefits over traditional dental training techniques. It should facilitate stu-
dents development of necessary tactile skills, provide unlimited practice time and require less student/
instructor interaction while helping students learn basic clinical skills more quickly and effectively.

Introduction impact the way users interact with virtual objects:

the visual impression of an object and touch-
In a comprehensive virtual reality (VR) simulator enabled interaction with it. While touch is one of
there are two important aspects that ultimately the most fundamental ways for people to perceive

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

physical objects (Gardner, 1983), until recently to feel and interact with onscreen objects. The
VR simulators focused primarily on the audio device is designed for training and evaluation of
and visual aspects of simulation (Laycock & Day, performance in periodontal probing and white
2003). However, to explore an object of interest spot caries activity by dental students, hygiene
we would like to be able to sense its physical students and practicing professionals. These tech-
properties by applying forces to it (Van Shaik et nological tools being developed at UIC should aid
al., 2004; Broeren et al., 2007; Bird & Gill, 1987). in solving some of the pressing problems faced
This is possible by using special mechanical by dental schools, such as the decreasing pool
tools, called haptic devices, that enable the user of dental school instructors, the reduction in
to feel the feedback forces (Thurfjell et al., 2002). time instructors interact with students, and the
Recent technological advances have resulted in limited time available to practice various dental
the production of a variety of affordable haptic procedures. Furthermore, computer technology
devices, such as PHANToM Desktop (Massie can dramatically reduce the need for students to
& Sallisbury, 1994), providing possibilities for practice on patients.
creating sophisticated simulation systems with
vastly improved touch-based human-machine
interfaces. Haptics allows the user to feel, ma- Simulator Components
nipulate and interact with the object displayed on
the PC monitor. The user can touch, move and The simulator system consists of a high-end
feel an existing distant object indirectly through a computer workstation with appropriate software
robotic arm. Furthermore, haptics provide force (listed below), a haptic device, and a stereoscopic
feedback to humans interacting with virtual or computer monitor with stereo glasses. The com-
remote environments since the robotic arm is able puter renders three-dimensional (3D) graphics
to provide preprogrammed guidance. that can be viewed with the stereo glasses, and
This chapter is dedicated to exploring the uses operates the haptic device that provides a realistic
and advantages of haptics-based simulators as an tactile sensation. Onscreen VR instruments can
educational tool in dentistry. Tactile skills training, be manipulated on this monitor by operating the
so necessary in dentistry, is very time-consuming, haptic device stylus for sensing life-like contact
and requires extensive one-on-one instructor- and interaction with teeth and associated peri-
student interaction. Traditionally trained students odontal structures.
do not feel what the instructor feels nor can they The haptic device utilized in the system is
be physically guided by the instructor performing PHANToM Desktop (SensAble Technologies,
a procedure. At the same time, high visual acuity Woburn, MA, USA). It provides a range of mo-
is required from the student. tion approximating hand movement pivoting at
To aid in solving many of these problems, a the wrist. The device includes a passive stylus and
prototype haptics-based VR dental simulator for provides 6-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) positional
training first-year dental and hygiene students to sensing and 3-DOF force feedback. The PHAN-
do periodontal probing and detect caries active ToM haptic device connects to the PC via a
and non-caries active white spot lesions (Perio- parallel port (EPP) interface. The device allows
Sim) has been developed at the University of the user of the simulator to move freely and explore
Illinois at Chicago (UIC) through joint efforts of the virtual environment with the stylus without
the College of Dentistry and College of Engineer- feeling any unnecessary or unnatural forces. The
ing. The addition of haptics allows the trainee tactile sensation is created by the actuators and

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

breaks which are, in turn, controlled by the simu- General Haptic Open Software Toolkit
lator software. There exists another variation of (GHOST, SensAble Technologies, Woburn,
the PHANToM haptic device that can provide MA, USA) (Thurfjell et al., 2002) is employed
6-DOF force feedback but this is extremely costly. in order to use the PHANToM haptic device
The less expensive 3-DOF force feedback haptic in the simulator. This general cross-platform
device is used in this project. As such, only forces haptic application programming interface (API)
(and not torques) can be displayed by the device processes the interaction with the haptic device
and the haptic interaction is effectively limited to by constantly monitoring for collisions between
single-point contacts. The default haptic update the stylus, representing a dental instrument on the
rate provided by the PHANToM is 1 kHz. A screen, and the objects in the virtual environment
parallel port interface connects the haptic device (collision detection), and computes the force to be
with a Dell Xeon 530 Workstation (Dell, Austin, conveyed to the user through the haptic device
TX, USA) equipped with 3.0 GHz dual CPU, 2 when a collision occurs (haptic rendering). The
GB RAM, and 256 MBnVidia Quadro FX 3400 illusion of touching the onscreen object is created
Graphics Card (nVidia, Santa Clara, CA, USA). in this way. The API allows developers to control
A high quality Crystal Eyes monitor with various physical properties of virtual objects such
Crystal Eyes stereo glasses (Stereo Graphics as location, mass, friction and stiffness.
Corp., San Rafael, CA, USA ) is used to view 3D For the graphical display of the objects on the
graphic images generated on the workstation. A screen, the Coin3D (Systems in Motion AS,
PowerPoint (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, Oslo, Norway) library is used. This is a special
USA) presentation on a second monitor (flat panel API for rendering 3D graphics. It is important
Dell LCD) provides basic procedure information to have the two API data structures (GHOST
and instructions (Figure 1). and Coin3D) synchronized, so that visual and
The simulator software (PerioSim) is devel- haptic data refer to the same virtual scene and are
oped in C++ programming language using several therefore consistent. For the various elements of
specialized libraries.

Figure 1. Simulator setup: the operator wearing 3D glasses, 3D visualization monitor, haptic device
and LCD flat panel monitor.

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

common graphical user interface (GUI) Fast Light in displaying the graphics may be introduced.
Tool Kit (FLTK) (Digital Domain, Venice, CA, For realistic simulation the graphics refresh rate
USA) is used. Such elements include buttons, should be at least 25 Hz.
menus, dials and various selectors. A realistic, finely detailed model of a four-
The simulator provides both visual and haptic tooth mouth segment (lower right 2nd bicuspid
feedback, therefore the simulator software must through lower right 3rd molar) was developed
update both haptic and visual data without any by Illumen Group, Evanston, IL, USA for use
noticeable delay between the two. The haptics in PerioSim. The model contains gingiva,
update routine runs strictly at 1 kHz and is main- bone, connective tissue attachment, junctional
tained by the API library and the PHANToM epithelium and teeth depicted in Virtual Reality
hardware. This refresh rate is high enough to Modeling Language (VRML). VRML is an open
simulate realistically a wide variety of materials, standard for representing 3D interactive vector
including the tissues that are present in a human graphics. With this model periodontal structures
mouth, even some very stiff materials such as a can be observed in both normal and pathological
tooth surface. When performing the rendering states allowing students to view, feel and study
of stiff materials special care needs to be taken to differences between these states in a 3D environ-
maintain the stability of the system. The system ment while having unlimited time to practice on
must have sufficiently high haptic refresh rate. the simulator (Figure 2).
The provided rate of 1 kHz is high enough for Additionally, a depiction of caries active and
all practical purposes, but if the rate drops below caries inactive lesions (white spot lesions) are
this value (e.g. the hardware is too slow), an ap- shown on various surfaces of the 1st and 2nd
propriate error message is displayed to the user. molars, permitting students to differentiate these
The graphics update routine runs at about 30 Hz conditions (Figure 3). The trainee has unlimited
on this system. It is maintained by the Coin3D practice time to become familiar with the visual
graphics library and its refresh rate depends on as well as tactile aspects of early dental caries
the CPU speed. This refresh rate is sufficient for (white spot lesions). Since the anatomical models
visualization purposes, so there are no noticeable have been developed in the VRML format, they
latencies. If slower hardware is used, the graphics are easy to reuse in other applications and can
refresh rate is automatically reduced and delays be shared over the Internet. This format also al-

Figure 2. Various individual periodontal structures can be seen in healthy and diseased areas. Also
shown are two white spot lesions with the one on the left being felt as caries active.

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

Figure 3. Shepherds hook explorer evaluating possible carious white spot lesions on the occlusal of
the model.

lows for easy modifications of the models in the Simulator Functionality

future. Additional features such as normal and
periodontal disease induced bone pathologies, The simulator consists of several functional blocks
gingival pathologies and calculus, have been realized in its software. These include model
modeled in VRML format, and overlaid within selection, graphics and haptics control as well as
the main model. Two-dimensional (2D) models record and replay functionality.
are being used as a reference in developing the
3D models that will depict both a healthy and Model Selection
diseased periodontium.
Interestingly, such demanding graphics appli- Currently there are over 10 dental instruments
cations were formerly run on expensive graphics which may be chosen for haptic use, including
supercomputers, however now comparatively low Williams, UNC15 and CP12 periodontal probes,
cost equipment can provide enough computa- Shepherds hook, periodontal explorer, and Gracey
tional power to run the simulator software. The scaler. New instruments, gingiva, teeth, bone and
current system can now be run easily on a dual other components for the 3D VRML models can
core desktop PC. A completely portable version be added easily when desired. These 3D models
of the simulator has been developed using a dual are geometrically and anatomically accurate and
core laptop PC with a parallel port adaptor for constructed to our specifications by a commercial
attaching the haptic device. Reduced cost and graphics company (Illumen Group, Evanston, IL,
compact size of such systems are important assets USA). Once 3D VRML models are constructed
that allow haptics-based virtual reality technology they can be configured for use through a special
to be widely used in a broad range of applications configuration file, and observed and felt in the
including dental education. PerioSim program through a haptic device.
This functionality was incorporated in the latest

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

version of the software in order to make it more quadrant of a dental arch along with the main con-
versatile and allow the user to handle most routine trol panel. The main control panel (Figure 4) can
adjustments to the simulator without any need be hidden and reactivated by using pre-assigned
for a programmer. This was also done to allow function keys. The main control panel contains a
the simulator to be used for any training system, variety of controls for navigation which include
be it medical or non-medical: requiring only the options to select and manipulate gingiva, teeth,
specific 3D instrument models and/or the 3D bone and any other model objects. The trainee
model of the system. Thus, PerioSim can be can induce varying degrees of transparency of
used for a variety of applications. the selected objects using a slider bar.
3D movements of any of the selected instru- Another available feature is the ability to turn
ments are through the use of the stylus attached on or off groups of objects. Initially, two groups
to the haptic device. The user can also rotate the are formed: gingiva and bone in one group and
model in one of the three planes (XY, YZ, XZ) and teeth in the other. The groups may be reconfigured
move the model along one of the three axes (X, Y, by the user in the configuration file. Special but-
Z) using the navigation control block. tons allow users to switch immediately to buccal,
occlusal or lingual views of the model. For other
Graphics Control applications (e.g. non-dental) these views may be
redefined in the configuration file as well. Also
In the main window of the simulator the user available is the positioning aid tool that allows
can see the full-screen 3D model of a lower right the trainee to observe for 2 seconds the occlusal

Figure 4. Main control panel

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

view of the entire scene, which includes the dental contains the four sliders controlling several hap-
instrument. In many cases this aids the user, es- tic parameters for teeth, gingiva or bone (Figure
pecially a novice, to achieve the proper alignment 5).
of the instrument for a specific procedure. The haptic parameter panel controls the fol-
lowing parameters:
Haptics Control
Viscosity: The resistance that a material
In the main window of the simulator the user can offers to flow when it is subjected to a shear
control the haptic properties of the simulation stress (Parker, 1984).
process. This includes the basic ability to turn Stiffness: The ratio of a steady force act-
haptics on or off for each selected object. ing on a deformable elastic medium to the
A force magnitude indicator (in vertical grams- resulting displacement (Parker, 1984).
force being applied) allows the student to feel Static friction: The force necessary to start
the small amount of force used for periodontal one solid surface just sliding over another
probing. It is well documented that the force of horizontal surface (Lord, 1986).
around 20 gf (0.196 N) is all that is required for Dynamic friction: The force necessary
periodontal probing (Magnusson et al., 1988; Van to keep one solid surface just sliding over
Der Velden, 1979). However, it is difficult, if not another horizontal surface (Lord, 1986).
impossible, to describe to a student how much
force this is. With the use of a haptic device, the These haptic parameters can be altered sepa-
exact force reading can be viewed and felt by rately for each object.
instructor and student, thus greatly enhancing the
learning experience. Once the required force of Record and Replay Functionality
20 gf (0.196 N) is reached, the force magnitude
indicator changes color from white to red. This An important functionality implemented in the
sends a visual cue to the student to reinforce the simulator is 3D haptic recording and playback
experience. capability allowing the user to record the mo-
The additional haptic parameter panel can tion of an instrument for up to 5 minutes. This
be viewed by using one of the function keys. It allows an instructor to create short scenarios of

Figure 5. Haptics control panel

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

procedures, such as periodontal probing, which haptically-rendered guiding force is applied that
can be stored and played back on the computer by drags the user-controlled instrument to the desired
the student at any future time, either from storage recorded position. This guiding force is calculated
media or over the Internet. according to the following algorithm. First, the
A recorded 3D motion can be filtered to difference vector, p, between the desired position
eliminate or decrease any extraneous move- of the tip of the instrument, pgoal, and its actual
ments using a built-in 3rd order Butterworth filter position, pact, is calculated as
(Butterworth, 1930) with an adjustable cut-off
frequency ( fc). In this application, the value of p = pgoal pact (1)
the cut-off frequency that was suitable for the
removal of unintentional hand shaking or tremor Then, the guiding force F is calculated as a
was experimentally found to be f c = 1.5Hz. The function of this difference vector according to
recorded motion can be saved in a specified file, the expression
and then exported and viewed on any other PC us-
ing the developed viewer application. The viewer
is essentially a much-simplified version of the k p 2
, p 2 < 1
simulator with all the haptic features removed. 1
The recorded 3D motion can be played back in

one of the three modes: F = k p 2 , 1 p 2 2

1. Observation mode: During playback a
0, p 2 > 2
trainee can cradle the stylus, observe a
ghost (green transparent) image of the
original instrument and view the on-screen (2)
instrument movement. A recorded proce-
dure can be paused and the 3D viewing where k (the proportional coefficient), 1 and 2 are
component of the program permits playback some parameters. In Eq. (2) the guiding force F is
from any angle, so that the user can observe proportional to the distance between the desired
various views of an instrument, teeth, and and actual position of the tip of the instrument
any other periodontal structures, both if the distance is between 1 and 2 units. If the
healthy and diseased. Various degrees of distance is greater the guiding force is turned off
transparency can be applied to this model. completely being set to zero. It is assumed that
2. Learning mode: A trainee holds the hap- in this case the user has decided to abandon the
tic stylus and actually physically feels it learning mode. As the actual position of the tip
guiding his/her hands through exactly the gets closer than 1 units to the target position, the
same movements felt by an instructor while value of the force is determined using a quadratic
encountering the same tactile feedback. function. This is done to insure that the absolute
This hands-on nature of the procedure is value of the guiding force is sufficiently low at
a major benefit of the robotic properties the points where pgoal pact, so that the user does
of PerioSim , making the process more not feel these sudden force jumps, particularly
enticing for most students. when the value of the proportional coefficient k
is high. Computed value of the guiding force F
In this mode, the recorded graphics data is passed through the limiter
is displayed as in the observation mode and a

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

F , F Fmax from different views (e.g. buccal, lingual, occlusal

F0 =
(3) and angled views). By using these viewpoints, the
Fmax sgn( F ), F > Fmax
observation of an instrument going improperly
where we make sure that the displayed force F0 into the structure of the tooth or gingiva can be
is not greater than Fmax , the maximum possible quickly compensated for and corrected by the
value that can be displayed through the system. user. An alarm that is controlled by the logic is
This parameter is based on the specifications used to enhance the visual cues:
of the haptic device as well as safety concerns.
Generally, parameters k, 1 and 2 are determined ON, >
experimentally. In the current system k = 0.1, ALARM = 2

1 = 10 mm and 2 = 60 mm. A limiting constraint 2 (5)
Fmax = 0.5 N on the rendered force was also set, but
in principle greater forces can be displayed. where is an experimentally determined threshold
To take into account not only position but also parameter. In our system, = 0.5 rad. Expression
orientation information, the difference vector (5) is continuously re-evaluated in the main loop
between the desired orientation of the instrument of the program.
goal and its actual orientation act is also calculated It is important to note that when a user follows
in the program loop as the prerecorded trajectory perfectly, he/she feels
the same tactile feedback that was felt by the
= goal act, (4) instructor. This means that in the case of perfect
trajectory tracking an ideal haptic playback can
where the quantities goal and act are expressed occur, i.e. the student will both follow the recorded
using Euler angles. trajectory and feel the forces that were felt by the
Two different techniques can be used to teach expert when the recording was made (Williams
the correct orientation of the instrument. The most et al., 2004).
obvious teaching method would be to calculate
a guiding torque and exert it through the haptic 3. Testing mode: This mode is designed for
device. This approach is essentially the same as testing the ability to repeat a recorded pro-
that applied to teach the correct position of the cedure; e.g. periodontal probing or initial
instrument. In this case, however, a very expensive caries evaluation. No recorded graphics or
6-DOF haptic device is required. Another ap- haptics data are displayed (although either
proach can be used with more affordable 3-DOF or both of these capabilities could be turned
haptic devices. To draw the users attention to on if needed). The trainee can perform the
the wrong orientation of the instrument, a clue same procedure recorded by the instructor
can be given using modalities other than haptics, and receive instant grading of how well the
e.g. a visual clue and/or a sound. In our system procedure was performed. An aggregate
both are used. Visual cues are the most important score G is determined as:
since such cues are the usual way by which most N

( p )
learning occurs. In the visual clue method, sight G = 100 i 2 + r2 i 2
is used to observe the instrument stereoscopic N i =1 , (6)
position and its proper 3D alignment in relation-
ship to both the gingiva and the tooth surface. where pi and i are vectors of differences
Instrument, gingiva and tooth alignment can be in position and orientation calculated on the
further modified by viewing these relationships ith frame according to Eqs. (1) and (4), N

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

is the total number of frames in the testing Reality Assessment

sequence, r1 and r2 are experimentally de-
termined parameters. We used r1 = r2 = 5. From Interaction with a few of the dental teaching
Eq. (6) it can be seen that the score reaches faculty was needed on a regular basis during the
its maximum of 100 when pi = 0 and development of the PerioSim to identify the
i = 0 for all values of i ranging from 1 to strengths and weaknesses of the simulator from
N. Since it is convenient to give the score on a clinicians point of view. Thirty experienced
a standard scale between 0 and 100 points, dental and hygiene instructors from a variety of
the displayed grade G0 needs to be limited clinical areas were then used to assess the realism
to non-negative values according to of this system and determine which components
required further development (Steinberg et al.,
G , G 0
G0 = (7) 2006; Steinberg et al., 2007). Faculty/practitioners
0, G < 0. found the images very realistic for teeth and instru-
ments, but less so for gingiva. Tactile sensation
It may be desirable to slow down the playback was realistic for teeth but not so for gingiva. The
in the observation and learning modes or even probing instruments were realistic and the mil-
stop it completely, so that a student can absorb limeter markings easy to read. Faculty believed
the unfamiliar technique better. Then, if desired, the simulator had a high training potential, were
he or she can rotate the model and take a look enthusiastic about its potential for evaluating
at the position of the instrument from various students basic procedural skills and anticipated
angles. In the simulator it is possible to adjust incorporating this device into teaching. The study
the speed of the playback by using the Playback suggested that the self-contained teaching and
speed slider. training program in periodontal probing should
Furthermore, an overall score can be provided, aid students in the development of tactile skills
or an evaluation of the various components of the necessary in dentistry.
test can be procured. This includes: speed of test
performance, accuracy of following instructors
instrument path, accuracy of instrument to gin- Supplementing the Simulator
giva/tooth stereoscopic placement, similarity of with a Training CD
student instrument pressure to that of instructor,
accuracy of probe reading and gingiva to tooth A self-training, instructional CD was developed
attachment loss. to introduce students to the PerioSim and the
Learning to perform specific translational basic techniques they would practice later on
movement patterns using haptic guidance can the simulator (Steinberg et al., 2008). This CD
improve short-term performance, but appears enabled students to:
to result in slow learning and rapid forgetting
in a rehabilitation process (Liu et al., 2005). Differentiate between a healthy sulcus and
However, it appears that limited knowledge is a pathological gingival sulcus (pocket).
available in this complex process and that further Understand proper instrument positioning,
studies in training human subjects are required. angulation, and location during periodontal
Practice reading the probing depths of
healthy sulcus and pathological gingival

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

sulcus (pocket) and self-test the accuracy and hygienists will use PerioSim to practice
of these readings. differentiating between active and inactive white
Become familiar with probing procedures spot lesions. When using a simulator there will be
so he/she can visualize the relationships no damage to tooth enamel, as would be the case
between a probe and the teeth and other if a student applied too much force to defects in
periodontal supportive structures s from actual teeth. They will be warned when too much
any angle pressure is applied, alerting them to the very small
Have unlimited practice time to hone the force required to identify carious lesions.
above skills. We found it interesting that users reported that
although their hand was on the off-screen stylus,
their brain appeared to react to the 3D model on
Reactions to Using the screen as if they were manipulating the instru-
PerioSim ment itself, not its virtual image. This reaction
have been most likely due to the simulators tactile
Much has been learned by observing clinical feedback causing users to react as though move-
instructors and students using PerioSim tech- ments and sensations involved when manipulating
nology as it has been developing over the past the onscreen instruments were real.
five years. Students have been able to learn to It was noted that using a 3D VR display monitor,
use the PerioSim much more rapidly than the along with the stereo glasses, did create a feeling
instructors have. The students shorter learning of depth in the display. This was especially use-
curve was probably due to their lifelong familiar- ful to novice users unfamiliar with the simulator
ity with computers. Nevertheless, both students system. However, as users became proficient at
and instructors were able to use the device within using the simulator setup, they were able to use
approximately 5 minutes. This is an important the system with only the flat-panel LCD display
factor in todays learning environment where monitor with satisfactory results.
time limitations are an important factor. It is well If one has a computer equipped with an ap-
known that the cost of technology decreases as propriate haptic interface and is able to download
availability increases, so computer simulations the software needed to render the haptic texture,
such as this one will decrease in cost over time. one can use PerioSim anywhere. Then a user,
Another benefit of simulations over traditional who has both the hardware and necessary soft-
models is that the simulations do not wear out as ware, will have the sensation of touching an
do the models. object, moving it, rotating it into any position,
A class of 30 postgraduate students first used and feeling its contours as it appears on their
PerioSim in Fall 2007 and learned to use it to computer screen.
determine pocket depths and inspect initial white
spot lesions for activity. These students then
answered a short questionnaire where they were Conclusion
asked to compare the simulator to their real-life
experiences. These dentists reported that Perio- Over the last decade there has been a marked
Sim was easy to learn and effectively mirrored increase in the use of technology in medical
real oral conditions. These training sessions are education. Concomitantly, dental education
to be repeated in the Fall semester of 2008 with has also seen an increased use of technology in
a similar group of postgraduate students. In the both learning and training. The growing use of
Fall semester of 2008 first-year dental students computers, networking, the Internet, multimedia

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

programs, use of 3D, VR simulators, and finally Magnusson, I., Clark, W. B., Marks, R. G., Gibbs,
haptics have contributed to the enhancement of C. H., Manouchehr-Pour, M., & Low, S. B. (1988).
medical and dental education. The vast amount Attachment level measurements with a constant
of publications and conferences dealing with force electronic probe. Journal of Clinical Perio-
educational technology supports these observa- dontology, 15(3), 185-188.
tions. PerioSim provides realistic 3D models
Massie, T. H., & Salisbury, J. K. (1994). The
with haptic sensing, replay and recording ability,
PHANToM haptic device: A device for probing
unlimited practice time, and the ability to share
virtual objects. In Proc. of ASME Winter Annual
recordings of the procedures online. These fea-
Meeting, Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for
tures combine to make it an ideal supplement to
Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems,
traditional teaching methods.
(pp. 295-300).
Parker, S. P. (Ed.). (1984). McGraw-Hill diction-
References ary of physics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Bird, M., & Gill, G. (1987). Individual differences
Steinberg, A. D., Ashrafi, S., efran, M., &
and technology attributes: An examination of
Kolesnikov, M.(2008). Facilitate learning peri-
educational technology considerations related to
odontal probing skills by using a CD with 3D
trade and industry training. Australian Journal
video recordings. ADEA 85th Annual Session
of Educational Technology, 3(2), 108118.
and Exhibition.
Broeren, J., Sunnerhagen, K., & Rydmar M.
Steinberg, A. D., Bashook, P. G., Drummond,
(2007). A kinematic analysis of a haptic hand-
J. L., Ashrafi, S., & efran, M. (2007). Assess-
held stylus in a virtual environment: A study in
ment of faculty perception of content validity
healthy subjects. Journal of NeuroEngineering
of PerioSim, a haptic-3D virtual reality dental
and Rehabilitation, 4(13).
training simulator. Journal of Dental Education,
Butterworth, S. (1930). On the theory of filter 17, 15741582.
amplifiers. Wireless Engineer, 7, 536541.
Steinberg, A. D., Drummond, J. L., Bashook, P.
Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: the theory of G., efran, M., & Ashra S. (2006). Haptic 3D
multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books. virtual reality dental training simulator reality
validation. Journal of Dental Research, 85(A),
Laycock, S., & Day, A. (2003). Recent develop-
ments and applications of haptic devices. Com-
puter Graphics Forum, 22(2), 117132. Thurfjell, L., McLaughlin, J., Mattsson, J., &
Lammertse, P. (2002). Haptic interaction with
Liu, J., Emken, J. L., Cramer, S. C., & Reinkens-
virtual objects: the technology and some applica-
meyer, D. J.(2005). Learning to perform a novel
tions. Industrial Robot: An International Journal,
movement pattern using haptic guidance: slow
29(3), 210-215.
learning, rapid forgetting, and attractor paths.
In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Van Der Velden, U. (1979). Probing force and the
Rehabilitation Robotics, (pp. 37-40). relationship of the probe tip to the periodontal
tissues. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 6(2),
Lord, M. P. (1986). Macmillan dictionary of phys-
ics. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Dental Simulator as an Educational Tool

Van Schaik, P., Turnbull, T., Van Wersch, A., & Haptic Recording and Playback: The process
Drummond, S. (2004). Presence within a mixed of recording the haptic data (usually, along with
reality environment. CyberPsychology & Behav- the graphics data) during the simulation, and its
ior, 7(5), 540552. subsequent playback. This allows the user to not
only perceive the visual information from the
Williams, R. L., Srivastava, M., Conaster, R., &
recorded clip, but also feel the corresponding
Howell, J. N. Implementation and evaluation of
tactile sensations.
a haptic playback system. Haptics-e, 3(3).
Haptic Rendering: The computation of the
force to be conveyed to the user through the
haptic device when a collision occurs. After the
Key Terms
amount of force and its direction are determined,
this information is sent to the haptic device for
Collision Detection: The process of deter-
mining if two or more virtual objects are inter-
secting. Haptics: The area of robotics dealing with
devices designed to simulate pressure, texture,
Dental Simulator: An interactive computer
vibration and other sensations related to touch.
simulator of a patients mouth which includes
the teeth, gingiva, bone, connective tissue and is Refresh Rate: The speed at which the visual or
capable of simulating normal and certain patho- haptic information displayed to the user is updated.
logical states. For realistic simulations the graphics refresh rate
should be no less than 25 Hz, while the haptics
Guiding Force: An artificial force created in
refresh rate should be at least 1 kHz.
the simulator to drag the user-controlled instru-
ment to the desired position. Virtual Reality: An immersive and interactive
simulation of either reality-based or imaginary
Haptic Device: Robotic input/output device
images and scenes.
with force feedback capabilities that enables the
user to get the impression of touching virtual


Chapter XV
Digital Library for Dental
Anka Letic-Gavrilovic
International Clinic for Neo-Organs ICNO, Italy


In this chapter, the author will demonstrate and describe a project to develop a unique database with
multilingual information and knowledge resource for biomedical dental materials and their properties.
The database will be populated with high-quality, peer-reviewed information, equipped with an original
search engine which would include all necessary information to (1) do standardization of therapeutic
treatments (2) understand, the tissue response to biomaterials; (3) identify biomaterials and tissue matrix
environment, to allow deeper understanding of the underlying relationship which allow more effective
device design and engineering; (4) develop enabling tools by improvements in high-throughput assay
and instrumentation, imaging, modalities, fabrication technologies, computational modelling and bio-
informatics;(5) promote scale up, translation and commercialisation.

INTRODUCTION has replaced the manner in which we prepare,

restore, and bond restorations to teeth. The en-
The digital revolution affects our lives daily. The tire field of ceramics and methods of fabricating
introduction of computer technology has greatly aesthetic restorations are entering a new era. The
affected the way the restorative dentist practices, exceptional prognosis of various implant systems
and the evolution of cyber technologies in den- has changed the way we think about maintain-
tistry are no longer a fantasy. Adhesive dentistry ing hopeless teeth. Through tissue engineering

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

(TE), the 21st century may be revolutionary in dental biomaterials, its long-term preservation,
the way we replace missing teeth and lost tooth accessibility and usability. Consequently, our tem
structure. plan to create new digital library which will be
Further on, in todays globalized world, sci- designed to cover the following aims, as presented
entific discoveries are introduced and swiftly in Road map at Figure 1.
absorbed into clinical practice. In dentistry, new
products are launched daily, most of which are used Allowing content and knowledge to be
in oral and dental surgery. When these products produced, stored, managed, personalized,
or biomaterials, are used, they come into direct transmitted, preserved and used reliably,
contact with living tissues, such as dentin, pulp, efficiently and at low cost;
the alveolar bone and periodontal tissue, and Allowing making the management and pro-
sometimes stay in contact for prolonged periods duction tools for digital resources easier and
(Figure 2a). more cost- effective, to create and reuse;
In order to gather together huge knowledge Allowing more creative approaches to con-
from this interdisciplinary field, we will try to tent and knowledge, enabling creators to
help in this work, organizing digital library for design more participative and communica-

Figure 1. System architecture of digital library for dental biomaterials

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

tive media and increase the productivity of the products (Table 7). The use of biomaterials
publishers; without any recognized criteria for bio-safety not
Enabling the mass-individualization of only causes clinical problems such as therapeutic
learning experiences, through systems al- failure, but also gives rise to ethically conflicting
lowing faster acquisition of competences situations (Table 12). This is because the patient
and skills, increased knowledge worker may undergo treatment without knowing about
productivity, and more efficient organiza- the subsequent risks, either to himself or to the
tional future learning processes. dental professional.
Because of that, we need to open up new ways
Biomaterial is defined, in the broader sense, to use masses of data resulting from experiments
as any pharmacologically inert material that is and observations in the scientific process (Figure
capable of interacting with a living organism 2a) and to extract meaning from this data stored
without causing adverse reactions either at the in repositories in combination with other scientific
site of the implant or across the whole organ- information resources. We need more effective
ism (Agrawal,1998). The treatment with dental technologies for intelligent content creation and
biomaterials of gum, mucosal and hard tissues, management (The Global Technology Revolution,
represents a therapeutic risk that can only be 2001), and for supporting the capture of knowledge
contained if the dental professional has knowl- and its sharing and reuse. Examples of few digital
edge of the qualities, strengths and properties of libraries are shown in Figure 2b.

Figure 2. (a) Examples of application of few biomaterials in Maxillo-facial and oral surgery re-
constructions; (b) List of few digital libraries existing on WEB where biomaterial s characteristics
could be found.

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

STATE OF THE ART OF THE CASPAR95 involves major research organisa-

(IT), European Space Agency) and broadens the
Everything started and came from the projects scope of work to also cover the preservation of
DELOS and ERPANET. DELOS, a thematic scientific data, audiovisual content and digitised
network on digital libraries, co-organized a joint cultural heritage. The research agenda of these
workshop with the National Science Foundation projects includes the discussion and development
in 2003, which gave rise to the report Invest to of relevant technical standards, their adoption
Save. This report identified the main problems by standards bodies and their promotion among
faced by libraries in particular and organizations the industry and users. Both projects adopt the
in general with the transition from the analogue OAIS model as the main architectural reference
to the digital world in terms of long-term ar- for their implementation of digital preservation
chiving and preservation. The associated research systems. These developments are expected to of-
agenda identified a number of priorities later fer a solution to the immediate problems faced by
reflected in calls for proposals under FP6-IST of organisations having to deal with the long-term
Euporean Commision (EU) and in the activities preservation of their digital resources. Despite
of the NDIIPP (National Digital Information the high expectations placed in PLANETS and
Infrastructure and Preservation Program) in CASPAR, the magnitude of the problem faced
the United States. The ERPANET project was requires further research work. In order to prepare
an accompanying measure whose main objective more extensively for future work in this area, the
was to raise awareness of digital preservation Commission is also funding the coordination ac-
among the organizations concerned: memory tion DPE (Digital Preservation Europe) (Pres-
institutions (museums, libraries and archives), the ervation, 2000;) whose remit includes updating
ICT and software industry, research institutions, the research agenda of DELOS, reflecting the
government bodies, entertainment and creative new challenges resulting from the evolution of
industries, and commercial sectors (including for the internet and Web-publishing technologies
example pharmaceuticals, petro-chemicals and and the wide adoption of ICT by the research
finance). This included the creation of a knowledge community. The work being carried out by DPE
base on state-of-the-art developments in digital is already visible in the preparation of FP7-IST
preservation and the transfer of that expertise (Papers from the Preservation Conference (2000).
among individuals and institutions. ERPANET The work programme 2007-2008 in challenge
organized, between 2003 and 2004, more than 4 Digital Libraries and Content establishes
20 workshops bringing together several hundred digital preservation as a priority and calls for
experts and practitioners in digital preservation research on radically new approaches to digital
across Europe (Third European Report on Science preservation, capable of addressing critical is-
& Technological Indicators, 2003; University Of sues of high volume, dynamic and volatile Web
Glasgow, 2008). The project PLANETS brings content, the evolving meaning and usage context of
together the national libraries and archives of digital content and the need to safeguard integrity,
several European countries (UK, NL, DK, CH, authenticity and accessibility over time (Project
DE, AT) and focuses on the preservation of the PRISM). Other relevant projects are DILIGENT,
assets held by these institutions. The goal is to DRIVER and EURO-VO-DCA launched in FP6
develop a coherent methodological approach and EU funding projects. The DILIGENT project aims
a set of technological tools that can be adopted by to build a knowledge layer on top of the existing
similar organisations across Europe. The project GEANT and middleware layers. DILIGENT deals

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

with many issues relevant for digital repositories field and in the commercial sector demonstrate
(i.e. data management, common approach to the value of this technology for such diverse ap-
standards, protocols and interfaces, interaction plications as content production for bio-databases,
between national and international repositories, mining of electronic health records and mining
handling complex objects). the abstracts of journal articles. Peer-reviewed
One of the main objectives for the achievement journals play a critical role in the selection of
of the Lisbon Agenda is the investment of three relevant raw material and are frequently the start-
percent of GDP in research and development by EU ing point for the development of new information
Member States by 2010 (The Global Technology resources. An interesting example is the Cochrane
Revolution, 2001). In connection with the fact that Library. The Cochrane Library is a growing
all research builds on earlier work, and depends on source of reliable evidence about the effects of
scientists possibilities to share and access scien- health care. Evidence-based results from among
tific publications and research data, the efficiency the major bibliographic databases are collected
of the system for dissemination of and access to and evidence is put together for and against the
research results and data significantly contributes effectiveness and appropriateness of treatments
to overall technological advance, and is essential (medications, surgery, education, etc.) in specific
for innovation and economic performance. circumstances.
The environment in which research is con- Patents are also an important scientific and
ducted and disseminated is undergoing profound technical information resource with great poten-
change, with new technologies offering new tial. Given their public domain nature, facilitating
opportunities and changing research practices its digitization and online access will also con-
demanding new capabilities. New opportunities tribute to enhancing access to and preservation
and new models could enhance the dissemination of scientific information. Some initiatives have
of research findings and maximize the returns been taken to this end by both institutional and
on investment in R&D. The potential benefits of private entities. The European Patent Officea
better and quicker access to scientific information major player in the digital patent databases and
for the efficiency of research include: related serviceshas set up espace@net.
More recently, Google has launched a service
Acceleration of the research and discovery that aims at enabling the wider public to access
process, leading to increased returns on patent information in a structured and user-
R&D investment; friendly way.
Avoidance of duplicative research efforts, In the domain of Biomaterials Engineering, the
leading to savings in R&D expenditure; Materials for Medical Devices Database, ASM
Enhanced opportunities for multi-disci- International is the first and only comprehensive
plinary research, as well as inter-institu- database created specifically to support medical
tional and inter-sectional collaborations. device design (Figure 2, ex.2); fully relational
and modular, featuring both materials properties
Another important benefits of digital library is and biological response data for medical device
data mining (Biomaterials Research, 1999). New designers. The Materials for Medical Devices
information services could emerging that build on Database provides designers of medical devices
the results of individual research projects, gather- with a comprehensive and authoritative source of
ing scientific literature and data, and using data mechanical, physical, biological response and drug
mining techniques. More and more examples of compatibility properties for the materials and coat-
the use of text mining technology in the academic ings used in cardiovascular devices. Researchers

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

and designers of medical devices get access to Software development - Design of computer
authoritative information and knowledge from architecture for implementation and interac-
thousands of citations to published literature, tion
FDA device approval information, and manu- Implementation of the digital library, da-
facturers datasheets and websites (FDA Dental tabases, search engines and software mod-
Devices, WEB site) (Table 2). It is useful for the ules
identification, screening and selection of material Setting up a strategy for transfer of the
grades, manufacturing processes and suppliers ap- developed project onto the users level
propriate for orthopedic and cardiovascular appli- Specific training activities for end-user
cations In-house installations can be extended to partners.
include someones own proprietary data to provide
organization a complete materials information The work will strengthen the link between
management solution. The main imperfection of content, knowledge and permanent learning
the Materials for Medical Devices Database, processes. The work carried out under this proj-
ASM International is in absence of relevant legal ect will contribute to the implementation of the
and regulatory information within the EU related i2010: Digital Libraries initiative (Web Site
to biomaterial manufacturers, final products and Profiler).
medical devices (Web Site Profiler). Our project objectives are also in accordance
with the European Council Conclusions on
scientific information in the digital age: access,
AIM dissemination and preservation 2832nd COM-
PETITIVENESS (Internal market, Industry and
Our project aims to develop a unique, multilin- Research) Council meeting Brussels, 22 and
gual information and knowledge resource for 23 November 2007 (Lupovici, 2000; Metadata
dental materials and their properties, populated Engine Project, PANDORA project):
with high-quality, peer-reviewed information,
equipped with an original search engine which 1. Access to and dissemination of scientific
will include biocompatibility criteria, and readily informationpublications and dataare
available as a Web service. Detailed schematic crucial for the development of the European
presentation in Figure 1. Since this is one of the Research Area, and can help accelerate in-
first project or research in this domain, our start- novation;
ing point in research and development will be the 2. The Internet has created unprecedented pos-
key results available in the literature. sibilities to disseminate, share and build on
Objectives of this proposal are as follows: the outcome of research efforts;
3. Information and communication technolo-
Development of new techniques for bioma- gies revolutionize the way scientists com-
terials data collection and classification municate, perform research and produce
Development of a new design methodology knowledge;
for overlapping decentralized algorithms 4. In an era of high speed connectivity and
Design of the knowledge-based expert sys- high performance computing, data emerges
tem for data classification (Defining system as key for modern science;
architecture and developing heuristics and 5. The systems by which scientific information
methodology for data classification) is published are pivotal for its dissemination
and quality control, in particular through

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 1. Basics standards for creating digital libraries: Implementing standards, metadata, interoper-
ability and preservation
How do these standards work together for digital libraries?

A container format such as METS allows for packaging together forms of metadata with objects or pointers to object

METS records the (possibly hierarchical) structure of digital objects, the names and locations of the files that comprise those objects, and
the associated metadata

A container for metadata and file pointers

A METS document may be a unit of storage or a transmission format

METS is extensible and modular, using wrappers or sockets where elements from other schemas can be plugged in.

METS uses the XML Schema facility for combining vocabularies from different Namespaces



A data dictionary for metadata to support the long-term preservation of digital objects
A piece of the necessary infrastructure for implementing reliable, sustainable preservation programs
A supporting set of XML schema for implementation in a variety of contexts
A maintenance activity hosted at LC including an Implementers Group and Editorial Committee

A quality Website must:

be transparent, clearly stating the identity and purpose of the Website, as well as the organization responsible for its management;

select, digitize, author, present and validate content to create an effective Website for users;
implement quality of service policy guidelines to ensure that the Website is maintained and updated at an appropriate level;

be accessible to all users, irrespective of the technology they use or their disabilities, includingnavigation, content, and interactive ele-

be user-centered, taking into account the needs of users, ensuring relevance and ease of use through responding to evaluation and feed-

be responsive, enabling users to contact the site and receive an appropriate reply. Where appropriate, encourage questions, information
sharing and discussions with and between users

be aware of the importance of multi-linguality by providing a minimum level of access in more than one language;

be committed to being interoperable within cultural networks to enable users to easily locate the content and services that meet their

be managed to respect legal issues such as IPR and privacy and clearly state the terms and conditions on which the Website and its
contents may be used;

adopt strategies and standards to ensure that the Website and its content
can be preserved for the long time

peer review, and thus have a major impact scientific publishers and other stakehold-
on research funding policies and on the ers have in recent years made considerable
excellence of European research; investments in information technologies for
6. Universities, libraries, research perform- online accessibility;
ing and research funding organizations,

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

7. Effective and long-lasting digital preserva- Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial
tion of scientific information is fundamental Surgery, Orthodontics, Pedodontics, Periodontics,
for the current and future development of Prosthodontics, as well as for legislative and
European research. regulatory authorities (Figure 1).

Several online search algorithms will be

DIGITAL COLLECTION STRATEGIC developed and made accessible through the
PLAN Web site:
Classic search engine for the database,
One of the main problems faced by scientists which will enable simple, flexible and high-
today is that they are overwhelmed with data. As performance search.
scientific problems become more complicated, the Google search engine, for fast, unstructured
models and instruments they use to study them search.
become more complex, so the amount of data is Special algorithms based on artificial intel-
increasing rapidly. This explosion in scientific data ligence and fuzzy search that will resolve
creates new challenges in how the data is stored, two issues:
retrieved, analyzed and manipulated. Cross-referencing of biomaterials, with the
This is not just a problem for the scientists. opportunity to propose equivalents and
Given the importance of research in science and close matches when there are no official
engineering for innovation, our ability to find recommendations by standards and manu-
answers to these questions will directly affect facturers. Normally, recommendations that
Europes competitiveness. Europe has the op- consider biocompatibility are very rare if
portunity to be in the front line of international not nonexistent, and the newly developed
developments in this field. The digital libraries algorithm will use biocompatibility as a
initiative aims at making European information criterion as well.
resources easier and more interesting to use in an Identification of biomaterials, based on their
online environment. Technological progress can chemical composition. Similarity of bio-
greatly contribute to the accessibility and use of materials will be calculated by considering
scientific information. For example, better search biocompatibility.
tools can help researchers find information and
progress in new areas and collaborative tools Development of marketing strategy will be
can enhance the way in which researchers share based on extensive analyses of international
information. marketing environments, researching foreign
High-speed communication networks, dis- markets, especially views about the dimensions,
tributed storage, and sharing of computational from creators of each market environment sepa-
resources and data processing allow scientists to rately, analyses and comparisons of the competi-
tackle the full scientific process in an innovative tive marketing strategies. Market opportunities,
and more effective way. What is missing, how- weaknesses, risk, priorities for the proposed
ever, is effective ways of sharing and transferring Biomaterials digital library on each specific mar-
knowledge. ket, separately (for EU and other world markets)
The scope of our project is to include informa- will be determined, as well as optimal marketing
tion on biomaterials (including ethical questions) communication according to the needs of the
for application in various Specialties of Dentistry, end-users of digital library (with the well-known
such as: Dental Public Health , Endontics, Oral and methods). Our multidisciplinary research aim will:

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Set up a strategy for transfer of the developed Content Management, Advanced Search,
digital library for dental materials onto the us- etc (Web Site Profiler);
ers level; Powerful workflow engine able to simulate
and orchestrate the execution of any col-
Provide distribution of such digital li- laboration process;
brary; Knowledge Management module for an-
Transfer knowledge of marketing strategy notating the material stored in the Digital
for the emergence of our digital library onto Library based on a pre-defined ontology for
a specific market for industrial products; later semantic information and knowledge
Provide development of own international extraction;
marketing programme for use in the fu- Semantically enhanced search engine, able
ture; to retrieve information based on knowledge
Provide marketing communication between base entities patterns search;
the manufacturer and end-user in the field Semantic annotation, discovery and invoca-
of dental biomaterials; tion of Web services based on the WSMO
Develop a marketing model as an efficient initiative;
response to digital library end-users Advanced security methods for authenti-
Provide an international recognition of the cation, authorization, access control and
proposed digital library in the targeted non-repudiation (Certificates, Smart cards,
markets. Time Stamping, Biometric Authentication,
The result of this project will be translation
of the multidisciplinary research on biomedi- Estimated global market size of electronic data
cal materials and devices data and processes libraries for biomaterials on mid- to long-term (5
to wide range of biomedical materials digital to 7 years) is 20 million Euros. Even at that point,
library users, optimizing the delivery of informa- market will be far from being mature. Our project
tion to healthcare professionals, biotechnology will provide reliable digital library, technology-
engineers, graduate and postgraduate students, enhanced learning concept and appropriate algo-
biomedical materials manufacturers, medical rithms to be used in different fields of biomaterials
device manufactures, etc. Strong EU-based bio- research and processing. These results will support
medical research will enhance competitiveness the work programmes goal, Digital libraries and
of the European pharmaceutical and healthcare technology-enhanced learning. Developed algo-
industries. It is therefore imperative that the EU rithms will, with minor modifications, be suitable
creates an environment conductive to innovation to monitor and identify the faults and range of
in the public and private sectors. irregularities in vehicles, increasing their safety,
Additionally innovative aspects of the project: with significant socio-economic implications for
the society. Furthermore, the growing use of life
Highly configurable and customizable col- sciences and biotechnology, for the development
laboration environment supporting the cre- of drugs, vaccines and innovative therapies, as
ation of close virtual communities, providing well as the applications of nanomedicine and
services like Members Management, Email/ nanobiomaterials, represent huge potential for
Sms, Calendar with Chat and Whiteboard innovation and growth. The health sector must
functionalities, Forum, Workflow, Web take advantage of innovation and technology

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

where this will lead to greater efficiency and entry will be defined. The data entry process
health improvements. needs to follow clear editorial and quality assur-
ance guidelines, which will be defined using a
Defining Digital Library Architecture workflow, which will then be implemented in data
and Developing Heuristics and input applications. In order to provide access to
Methodology for Data Classification all the information to as broad audience as pos-
sible, the system will be intristically multilingual.
Firstly, characterization methodologies, process Starting with major European languages like
modeling, functional tests and specifications of English, German, and Italian, the system will
biomedical constructs and devices will be defined. be extensible to other European languages. To
Based on the review of resources, distribution and manage large amounts of multilingual system
limitations, we will select the best way to classify and content, a dedicated content management
biomaterials associated to the medical devices, system (CMS) will be designed. Beside manag-
TE and regenerative medicine. After analyzing, ing content and editorial workflow, the CMS will
compiling and peer reviewing of the information include the complete humane-machine interface
sources and industrial needs, details of the system of the system, thus making it easily expandable
architecture of the digital library will be defined. to new languages.
The basic building blocks of the architecture will A hybrid Web-based search engine will be
be: (1) central database, (2) data input databases defined atop of the central database in this step,
and workflow, (3) content management system, with the objective to achieve robustness, superior
and (4) online search engines. search performance, and multiplicity of search
Our Dental biomaterials digital library, after modes. Classic search strategies will be combined
analyzing, compiling and peer reviewing of the with Google search engine and special algorithms
information sources and industrial needs, details based on artificial intelligence and fuzzy search for
of the system architecture of the digital library material identification and cross-referencing.
will be defined. The basic building blocks of the
architecture will be: (1) central database, (2) data Implementation of the Digital Library,
input databases and workflow, (3) content manage- Databases, Search Engines and
ment system, and (4) online search engines Software Modules
A large relational database as a unique, con-
sistent data infrastructure for including all the The system will be implemented as a versatile,
compiled information will be in the core of the easy-to-use and multilingual online service, read-
system. This central database will synthetize and ily available for medical devices manufacturers,
include comprehensive biomaterial information, medical and dentistry practitioners, material
such as biomaterials classification and composi- professionals, regulatory bodies, scientific com-
tion, physical and mechanical properties, special munity, and other interested parties (Table1).
properties, biological behavior and biocompat- Implementation includes central database
ibility, application guidelines, cross-referencing creation, implementation and deployment of pro-
etc. Figure 1 and Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, duction databases, data entry workflow, content
and 13. The central database will be structured to management system and Web-based programs for
provide flexibility, extensibility and high search peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, and entering
performance, and will consequently have data compiled data information into the production da-
warehouse architecture. In order to populate tabases. In parallel, Web site interface and search
central database, production databases for data engines will be implemented. (Table 1).

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

After relevant amount of information and presence as an exchange standard. The potential
content is added, it will be propagated to the of METS to digital asset management systems
central database and functional prototype will be is that it is capable of storing and exchanging
launched to the Web for testing by selected groups metadata from a number of standards at once. It
of users from industry and academia. can also bundle this data with the object. This will
allow the developed system to exchange the wider
System Deployment range of metadata formats that it has created in
a single transaction. Standards are essential for
The goal of this activity is to form a large network interoperability between systems.
of participants for information and knowledge ex- Interoperability refers to the ability of a system
change and leverage. Special opportunities will be to interact and exchange data with one or more
offered to universities and scientific community: other systems. This can be in the form of direct
they can enter into collaboration by contributing data exchange or the exporting, transformation
to the digital library and in return access will be and importing of records. Interoperability is not
granted for educational and research purposes, just about being able to get multiple services to
thus stimulating knowledge and information present their data coherently in the same place
exchange. In the future, similar benefits may be - it is also about the data making sense in that
mutually exchanged with regulatory bodies and other context.
Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). When data moves between systems the dif-
Together with special courses and training ferences between the internal requirements of
workshops that will be organized predominantly the systems creates an interoperability bound-
for academic users, beta testing and refinement ary that has to be crossed. The changes to the
of the system will be organized. metadata that are required to cross this interop-
Our work plan directly covers most of the erability boundary may be structural, semantic,
objectives, including the following advances: or syntactical.
Another reason for supporting the use of a
Standards, Metadata, Interoperability standards in a system is the potential to migrate
and Preservation to future systems. Further, standards are essential
to support preservation forever (Table 1).
Standards are a part of every day life whether we Long-term preservation of assets is an impor-
realize it or not.Metadata is used to facilitate the tant aspect of digital asset management within the
understanding, characteristics, and management wider information environment. It is particularly
usage of data (Table 1). The metadata required important in ensuring that future users have access
for effective data management varies with the to original information, so that knowledge may
type of data and context of use (Metadata Engine be built upon. In traditional knowledge reposi-
Project). In a library, where the data is the content tories this has been recognized since the earliest
of the titles stocked, metadata about a title would libraries; in modern society this has tended to
typically include a description of the content. be catered for by national and university librar-
Standards particularly relevant to the development ies maintaining copies of works. Preservation
of digital asset management in Further Education in the academic world is particularly important
are: METS Metadata Encoding and Transmission for historical, cultural, and scientific research;
Standards. METS is a developing standard for the it should be noted however, that the usefulness
sharing of assets and related metadata and it can of an information asset in the future cannot be
reasonably be expected to establish a market completely predicted in the present.

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

In many ways, preservation of paper-based New AI-based search algorithms

assets is a simple matter assuming that storage System design and implementation
and curation costs can be borne. Digital assets
offer opportunities of much lower cost storage but
also raise new problems relating to the formats DENTAL BIOMATERIALS:
in which assets are stored and ability to retrieve DIVERSITY AND COMPLEXITY
them in the context of new technologies. In con-
sidering the development of a strategy for digital Research from Concept to Clinic
asset management it might be useful to consider
the OAIS model of preservation (Consultative The subject of biomaterials resides at a multidi-
Committee for Space Data Systems, 1999; Pres- mensional interface between chemistry, chemi-
ervation, 2000). cal engineering, materials science, mechanics,
surface science, bioengineering, biology, and
Intellectual Property Rights IPR to medicine, with considerable input from ethicists,
be Implemented in our Project Are: government-regulated standards organizations,
and entrepreneurs. The field has seen consistent
Defining architecture of the digital library, growth since its inception and a steady introduc-
databases, search engines and software tion of new ideas and productive branches. Some
modules (COPYRIGHT) examples of these outgrowths from biomaterials
Developing methodology for classifying that have evolved into identifiable fields of their
biomaterials properties and the structure own include controlled release, diagnostic arrays,
of the central database (COPYRIGHT) and tissue engineering TE.
Defining production databases, data entry Although medical implant materials have been
workflow, editorial process and content used for at least 2000 years (some historians trace
management (COPYRIGHT) sutures back 32,000 years), most early medical
Developing search engine and artificial in- implants were doomed to failure because impor-
telligence based algorithms for biomaterials tant concepts relating to infection, materials, and
search, comparison and cross-referencing the biological reaction to materials were not yet
(COPYRIGHT and possibly PATENT) established.
Implementation of operational and produc- A Little History on Biomaterials indicates
tion databases (COPYRIGHT) the socio-cultural importance of digital library
Implementation of developed algorithms, developments as shown in Exhibit 1.
their interdependences and integration On the other hand, the history of implants
(COPYRIGHT) development confirms the permanent evolution
Design and implementation of online, mul- of biomaterials:
tilingual HMI (Human Machine Interface)
in user-friendly programme environment The first generation of biomaterials: (1) ad
adapted for application in biomaterials hoc implants, (2) specified by physicians us-
industry (COPYRIGHT) ing common and borrowed materials, (3) most
Systems, algorithms and programmes which successes were accidental rather than by design
will be subject of intellectual property pro- (Galletti,1988).
tection are related to: Examples of first generation implants: (i)
New biomaterial classification meth- gold fillings, wooden teeth, PMMA dental
ods prosthesis, (ii) steel, gold, ivory, etc., bone

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 2. Food and Drug Administration Department of Health and Human Services- Listing of Dental
Devices (Changed and adapted)

-Gingival fluid measurer. - Amalgam alloy.

- Pulp tester. - Noble metal alloy.
- Electrode gel for pulp testers. - Mercury and alloy dispenser.
- Caries detection device. - Dental amalgamator.
- Laser fluorescence caries detection device. - Dental amalgam capsule.
- Extraoral source x-ray system. - Preformed anchor.
- Intraoral source x-ray system. - Resin applicator.
- Dental x-ray exposure alignment device. - Articulator.
- Cephalometer. - Precision attachment.
- Dental x-ray position indicating device. - Resin tooth bonding agent.
- Lead-lined position indicator. - Facebow.
- Sulfide detection device. - Dental bur.
- Dental x-ray film holder. - Calcium hydroxide cavity liner.
- Dental sonography device. - Cavity varnish.
- Jaw tracking device. - Dental cement.
- Preformed clasp.
- Hydrophilic resin coating for dentures.
SURGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES - Coating material for resin fillings.
- Preformed crown.
- Bone cutting instrument and accessories. - Gold or stainless steel cusp.
- Intraoral dental drill. - Preformed cusp.
- Dental handpiece and accessories. - Karaya and sodium borate with or without acacia denture
- Gas-powered jet injector. adhesive.
- Spring-powered jet injector. - Ethylene oxide homopolymer and/or carboxymethylcellulose
- Dental diamond instrument. sodium denture adhesive.
- Dental hand instrument. - Carboxymethylcellulose sodium and cationic polyacrylamide
- Intraoral ligature and wire lock. polymer denture adhesive.
- Fiber optic dental light. - Ethylene oxide homopolymer and/or karaya denture adhesive.
- Dental operating light. - Polyacrylamide polymer (modified cationic) denture adhesive.
- Dental injecting needle. - Carboxymethylcellulose sodium and/or polyvinylmethylether
- Bone plate. maleic acid calcium-sodium double salt denture adhesive.
- Rotary scaler. - Polyvinylmethylether maleic anhydride (PVM-MA), acid co-
- Ultrasonic scaler. polymer, and carboxymethylcellulose sodium (NACMC) denture
- Intraosseous fixation screw or wire. adhesive.
- Dental electrosurgical unit and accessories. - OTC denture cleanser.
- Mechanical denture cleaner.
THERAPEUTIC DEVICES - OTC denture cushion or pad.
- OTC denture repair kit.
- Orthodontic plastic bracket. - Preformed gold denture tooth.
- Extraoral orthodontic headgear. - Preformed plastic denture tooth.
- Preformed tooth positioner. - Partially fabricated denture kit.
- Teething ring. - Endosseous dental implant abutment
- Intraoral devices for snoring and intraoral devices for snoring - Endosseous dental implants
and obstructive sleep apnea. - Subperiosteal implant material.
- Oral rinse to reduce the adhesion of dental plaque. - Impression material.
- Abrasive device and accessories. - Optical Impression Systems for CAD/CAM.
- Oral cavity abrasive polishing agent. - Resin impression tray material.
- Saliva absorber. - Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) vitreous carbon materials.
- Ultraviolet activator for polymerization. - Tooth shade resin material.
- Airbrush. - Dental mercury.
- Anesthetic warmer. - Base metal alloy.
- Articulation paper. - Pantograph.
- Base plate shellac. - Retentive and splinting pin.
- Dental chair and accessories. - Bracket adhesive resin and tooth conditioner.
- Prophylaxis cup. - Denture relining, repairing, or rebasing resin.
- Rubber dam and accessories. - Pit and fissure sealant and conditioner.
- Ultraviolet detector. - Temporary crown and bridge resin.
- Dental floss. - Root canal post.
continued on following page

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 2. continued
- Heat source for bleaching teeth. - Root canal filling resin.
- Oral irrigation unit. - Endodontic paper point.
- Impression tube. - Endodontic silver point.
- Dental operative unit and accessories. - Gutta percha.
- Massaging pick or tip for oral hygiene. - Endodontic stabilizing splint.
- Porcelain powder for clinical use. - Posterior artificial tooth with a metal insert.
- Silicate protector. - Backing and facing for an artificial tooth.
- Boiling water sterilizer. - Porcelain tooth.
- Endodontic dry heat sterilizer. - Bone grafting material.
- Cartridge syringe. - Total temporomandibular joint prosthesis.
- Manual toothbrush. - Glenoid fossa prosthesis.
- Powered toothbrush. - Mandibular condyle prosthesis.
- Disposable flouride tray. - Interarticular disc prosthesis (interpositional implant).
- Preformed impression tray. - Endosseous dental implant accessories.
- Intraoral dental wax.

Exhibit 1.

The Romans, Chinese, and Aztecs used gold in dentistry over 2000 years ago. Ivory & wood teeth. Aseptic surgery
1860 (Lister). Bone plates 1900, joints 1930. Turn of the century, synthetic plastics came into use - WWII, shards
of PMMA unintentionally got lodged into eyes of aviators - Parachute cloth used for vascular prosthesis. 1960 -
Polyethylene and stainless steel being used for hip implants.

plates, (iii) glass eyes and other body parts (iv) The third generation of biomaterials: (1) bioen-
dacron and parachute cloth vascular implants. gineered implants using bioengineered materials,
(2) few examples on the market, (3) some modified
The second generation of biomaterials: (1) en- and new polymeric devices and (4) many under
gineered implants using common and borrowed development.
materials (2) developed through collaborations Examples of third generation implants: (i)
of physicians and engineers, (3) built on first tissue engineered implants designed to regrow
generation experiences, (4) used advances in rather than replace tissues (Letic et al.,2005), (ii)
materials science. Integra Life Sciences artificial skin.
Examples of second generation implants: Biomaterials (Table 2, 3, 5, and 6) are used in
(i) titanium alloy dental and orthopedic im- the oral cavity either to restore function, comfort,
plants, (ii) cobalt-chromium-molybdenum or aesthetics caused by developmental disorders,
orthopedic implants, (iii) UHMW polyethyl- disease, or trauma. More elective procedures are
ene bearing surfaces for total joint replace- being requested and performed purely for aesthetic
ments and (iv) heart valves and pacemakers purposes as the incidence of caries has dropped
in certain population groups and as patients have

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 3. Dental materials


Dental Amalgam General Gypsum

Zinc Phosphate Cement Plaster of Paris
Polycarboxylate Cement Artificial Stone
Glass Ionomer Cement
Zinc Oxide And Eugenol DENTAL WAXES


Inlay Wax
Acrylic Resins Baseplate Wax
Composite Resins Sticky Wax
Acid Etch Technique Utility Wax
Pit and Fissure Sealants Disclosing Wax
Intermediate Restorative Material Boxing Wax
Low-fusing Impression Wax
Calcium Hydroxide
Root Canal Filling Materials Agar-Type Hydrocolloid
Gutta-Percha Points Alginate-Type Hydrocolloid
Silver Root Canal Points Synthetic Rubber Base Impression Materials
Cavity Lining Varnish
Dental Porcelain
Polishing Materials


Gold Foil
Casting Gold Alloy
Gold Alloy Solder
Wrought Gold
Gold Plate
Non Precious Alloys

become more aware of various restorative or its biomechanical, thermal, optical, chemical, bio-
cosmetic options. However, the replacement of chemical and cellular aspects. Our digital library
diseased tooth structure or missing teeth accounts will address all of these dimensions of research,
for the bulk of work in restorative dentistry. The and contribute to an enhanced mechanistic un-
instruments and materials used in the surgical derstanding of biomaterial behavior in vivo. Our
aspects of oral, maxillofacial and periodontal sur- rresearch interest involves the whole field of dental
gery have much in common with medicine (Table and orthopaedic biomaterials, but especially in
4). Laboratory-based biomaterials (Table 3) re- metals, ceramics, polymer systems, composites/
search is essential to the genesis and development adhesives, smart and nanomaterials (Tab. 2, 3,
of new and improved biomaterials for dentistry 5, 10,11, ). Biomaterials for dental operative use
and orthopaedics. The number and complexity entail special boundary conditions on account
of questions requiring resolution far exceeds the especially of: (1)micro-engineered small quanti-
worldwide resources available for Randomized ties; (2) constrained cavity-filling placement; (3)
Clinical Trials. Hence, careful and appropriate alveolar bone grafting within GTR (guided tissue
laboratory modeling is also needed to replicate regeneration) and GBR (guided bone regenera-
key features of the oral environment, including tion); (4) in situ composites solidification.

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

The following specific topics are illustrative Clinical placement of biomaterials is greatly
of diversity and complexity of biomaterials used affected by their perceived ease of handling
in dental daily practice. The digital library could and manipulation in vivo. However, these
greatly facilitate understanding of their use: clinical impressions are frequently highly
subjective and non-transferable.
The stability of interfaces between host tis- Aesthetic dentistry relates to the optical prop-
sues and restorative biomaterials is crucial erties of biomaterials, and this also depends
(Table 5) Substantial advances have been on their surface morphology as well as their
made in understanding the interface of internal microstructure.
hard substrates such as dentine and bone,
but these hybrid bonding zones are chal- The success of biomaterials is seen in the
lenged clinically by the rapid development of importance to modern medical therapies, in the
intra-coronal stress arising from molecular economic potential of the market, and the steady
setting processes. Are to be studied polym- growth of the field over more than 50 years.
erization-shrinkage phenomena, especially The next several years will be critical for the
in the dynamics of photo-polymerization. maturation of biomaterials for TE science and
Photo-activation methods, based on LED its role in clinical medicine. Elucidation of the
light sources, have now been deployed and fundamental structure-function relationships in
these are being carefully evaluated, along normal and diseased or damaged tissue through
with composite biomaterials based around sound basic research will continue to be a prereq-
novel chemistry and systematically-varied uisite. In addition, consideration of the different
formulations. elements in the product development continuum
Metal-free biomaterials - required to with- from inspiration, product design and bench stud-
stand functional stresses - are usually de- ies, to the clinic are vital. Because of the limited
signed around composite structures and/or availability of organs and the increasing demand
high performance ceramics. These cannot be of such, new research has been initiated some
dissolved so as to apply classical analytical years ago to develop biological, in vitro engineered
methods. Investigation of their behavior and transplants.
internal microstructures, down to the mo- Although great progress has been made in
lecular and nano-scales requires development field, still remains some serious problems in
of appropriate spectroscopic, viscoelastic biomaterials and TE science, such as: defining,
and image-analysis techniques. There are researching and/or selecting the appropriate bio-
much more experimental methods, including materials physical/chemical and other weakness
Photo-DSC, FTIR, Rheology, X-Ray 3-D in relation to host (Table 5) and the problems and
micro-tomography and Fracture-Mechanics, challenges in the field of biocompatibility. These
for this purpose. problems need to be understood and specifically
Natural bio-composites utilize fibers as well address the general lack of knowledge relating
as particulate ceramics for reinforcement. to:
Are to be develop user-friendly, economi-
cal and strong fiber-reinforced biomaterials The rapid development of regulations and
for applications in endodontics, temporary standards over recent years in the biomedi-
restoratives and fixed and removable prost- cal field;
hodontics. The principles behind the correct interpreta-
tion and use of such regulations and stan-

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 4. Various metal and non metal materials are used to fabricate Instruments for dental use and in
the high level dental technologies

Basic Examination Setup Air-Abrasion,

Anesthetic Setup Bone Replacement,
Rubber Dam Instrument Setup CAD/CAM,
Restorative Setups Caries Detection Solution,
Surgical Setups CAT Scans,
Routine tooth Extraction Setup Composite Materials,
Endodontic Instrument Setups Diagnodent,
Dental Implants,
Electric Hand Pieces,
Removing Decay Internet,
Finishing The Cavity Preparation Intra-Oral Camera,
Preparing and Placing the Base Material Lasers,
Confining the Restorative material in Cavity Optical Scanners,
Preparation Microscope,
Preparing and Placing of the Restorative Material NTI Splint,
Finishing the Restorative Material Periodontal Antibiotics,
The Wand,

dards, the best methods necessary as part scientific papers and other equivalent data
of the evaluation of safety of biomedical sources related to biomedical materials from
materials and devices; all over the world.
The importance of issues relating to stan- 2. Analyzing, compiling and peer reviewing
dardization and quality of testing; all these data and information sources prior
The forthcoming role that risk analysis will to Web publication.
play in evaluating biological safety; 3. Structuring large relational database as a
The structure of standardisation and the unique, consistent data infrastructure for
function of the standards within the frame- including all the compiled information.
work of the European and US legislation and Besides that, the database will be structured
the moves towards global harmonisation. to provide flexibility, extensibility and high
search performance.
In order to approach resolutions of aforemen- 4. Entering the compiled information into the
tioned problems, our digital library project will be database. As a part of this process, data
focused on (Road map schematised in Figure1): structures and Web-based programs for the
database updating will be created, as well
1. Selecting and collecting data from literature, as Web-based program for peer-to-peer
experimental results (in vitro, in vivo, etc.), knowledge exchange.
standards, manufacturing specifications, 5. Publishing the content via the specialized
Web site to professionals worldwide, with

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 5. Example of dental and medical materials and their applications

A. Metals and Alloys

316 Stainless Steel-CP-Ti, Fracture fixation, stents, surgical instruments, bone and joint replacement,
Ti-Al-V, Ti-Al-Nb, fracture fixation, dental implants, pacemaker, encapsulation
Ti-13Nb-13Zr, Ti-Mo-Zr-Fe Bone and joint replacement, dental implants, dental
Bone plates, stents, orthodontic wires
Co-Cr-Mo, Cr-Ni-Cr-Mo Dental restoration
Ni-Ti Antibacterial agents
Gold Alloys Dental restorations
Silver products
Platinum and Pt-Ir
Hg-Ag-Sn amalgam
B. Ceramics and Glasses

Alumina Joint replacement, dental implants, dental

Zirconia Various parts of dental replacement
Calcium Phosphates Bone repair and augmentation, surface coatings on metals
Bone replacement
Bioactive glasses Dental restorations
Porcelain Heart valves, percutaneous devices, dental implants
C. Polymers

Polyethylene Joint replacement

Polypropylene Sutures
PET Sutures, vascular prosthesis
Polyamides Sutures
PTFE Soft-tissue augmentation, vascular prosthesis
Polyesters Vascular prosthesis, drug-delivery system
PVC Tubing
PMMA Dental restorations, intraocular lenses, joint replacement (bone cements)
Soft tissue replacement.
Silicones Drug-delivery systems

D. Composites

BIS-GMA-quartz/silica filler Dental restorations.

PMMA-glass filler Dental restorations (dental cements).
PLLA/beta-TCP Bone replacement

a flexible multi-layer access system, thus modes, and will be combined with additional
providing a quick, easy online access via special software modules for material cross-
a single portal to consistent and relevant referencing and identification.
materials information. 7. Deploying multilingual system and content,
6. Developing Web-based search engine that in order to provide access to all the informa-
will combine robustness, superior search tion to as broad audience as possible. Starting
performance, and multiplicity of search with major European languages like English,

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 6. The effect of the various environmental factors on materials/device/tissue - relationship

(Adapted from Gautam P. et Valiathan, 2008)

1. Fabrication methods
2. Consistency and conformity to all requirements
3. Quality of row materials
4. Superior techniques to obtain excellent surface finishing or texture
5. Capability of material to get safe and efficient sterilization
6. Cost of product

In vivo interface device/tissue depends on

1. Type of material change in properties: Mechanical, Physical, Chemical
2. Static/dynamic stresses
3. Projected device life
4. Interactions with other device components

Mechanism of material degradation in situ

1. Local deleterious changes
chemical modification
2. Harmful systemic effects

Material properties adversely affected

1. strength
2. fatigue strength
3. fracture toughness
4. stiffness (elastic modulus)
5. surface roughness
6. wear resistance
7. chemical stability
8. time dependent deformation

German, French, Spanish, and Italian, the Biomaterials classification and composition
system will be extensible to other European with Relevant references (Tables 3, 5);
languages, as well as to Chinese, Japanese, Standards and best practices for determining
Arabic, etc. properties and biocompatibility; Physical
properties, such as density, conductivity,
Having all this in mind our project will pro- melting ranges, solubility in water, sur-
vide comprehensive Digital library which will face tension, viscosity, biomaterials per-
synthesizes and include the following data and formances for application in biomedical
information (Figure 1): environments, resorbability, etc. surface

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

characterization (Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) restorations, crowns, inlays, and veneers, cements,
Mechanical properties, such as tensile and denture teeth; Composites for replacing miss-
stress, compressive stress, hardness, impact ing tooth structure and modifying tooth colour and
strength etc (Tables 5 and 7). contour; Polymers for denture bases, plastic teeth,
Special properties, applicable for some cements, and other applications. These materials
groups of materials, such as colours of dental must withstand forces during either fabrication or
shade guides, creep of amalgam, etc. mastication, retain their strength and toughness,
Biological behaviour in the human body and be resistant to corrosion, friction, and wear.
(Table 6). Similar to implantable devices for non dental
Biocompatibility, such as corrosion proper- applications, they must also be biocompatible
ties, toxicity (systemic and local), allergic (Craig et al.,2002).
potential, mutangenicity and carcinogenic-
ity, biocompatibility test methods and test
results (when available and applicable), METALS: DATA COLLECTION AND
affinity and strength among inorganic and SELECTION
organic phases as interface phenomena
(Table 6) Metals are probably the oldest form of materials
Guidelines for the biomaterials applications used for dental implants and the most common
(Table 5); type of materials used so far.
Cross-reference tables of equivalent materi- Metals are widely used as biomaterials due to
als; their properties, such as strength and toughness
Technologies of application and processing (Table 7). For instance, some of the most common
Biomaterial manufacturers; (Tables 2, 3, orthopaedic surgeries involve the implantation of
9). metallic implants. In addition to orthopaedics,
Relevant legal and regulatory information metallic implants are used in maxillofacial and
both from within and outside of the EU oral surgery. Although many metals and alloys
Biomaterial manufacturers; are used for medical device applications, the most
Final products and medical devices (Table commonly employed are stainless steels, com-
2). mercially pure titanium and titanium alloys, and
cobalt-base alloys.
Shape Memory Alloys, patented as Nitinol
CLASSES OF DENTAL (nickel-titanium alloy), have very wide use because
BIOMATERIALS of their exceptional elasticity, their shape memory,
their good resistance to fatigue and wear, and their
Dental materials for restorative dentistry relatively good biocompatibility.
include (Tables 3 and 5): Metals, such as Amal- Shape memory alloys are characterized by
gam alloys for direct fillings; Noble metals and their ability to return to their original shape after
alloys for direct fillings, crowns and bridges, and heating to their transformation temperature after
porcelain fused to metal restorations (Letic et al., having been deformed. This is known as the shape
2000;2000a). memory effect and is caused by a change in the
Base metals and alloys for partial-denture crystalline structure during the transition from
framework, porcelain-metal restorations, crowns the martensitic phase to the austenitic phase. It
and bridges, orthodontic wires and brackets, and gives these materials attractive actuation capabili-
implants; Ceramics for implants, porcelain-metal ties.Shape memory alloys have a high power to

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

weight ratio (up to ten times that of conventional Titanium, Titanium Alloys and
actuation systems) and in the martensitic phase Modifications of Implant Devices
they can withstand large amounts of recover-
able strain (up to 8%). When heated to above Titanium is used in stomatology, particularly in
their transition temperature they can exert high implantology because its chemical, physical and
recovery stresses of up to 700MPa which can be biological properties provide good biocompat-
used to perform work. On the downside, they are ibility. As titanium has a unique combination of
relatively inefficient (less than 10%), having a properties (light weight, high strength to weight
slow response speed (predominantly dictated by ratio, low modulus of elasticity, and excellent cor-
the need for cooling) and are relatively complex rosion resistance), titanium and some of its alloys
to control due to inherent non-linearities and are important materials in medicine.
hysteresis in the shape memory effect. The most Superior fracture and fatigue resistance caused
common shape memory alloy is Nitinol and alloy them to become the materials of choice in tra-
of nickel and titanium. ditional load-bearing applications. Friction and
Amalgam remains the hardest and strongest wear are important properties of materials (Table
material available today for direct placement 7) and represent the response of a material pair
restorations. It is easy to use, helps maintain a in a certain environment to imposed forces, the
seal against leakage by developing corrosion at characteristics of the relative motion, the contact
the amalgam-tooth interface (although modern pressure between the surfaces, the temperature,
amalgams do this much less effectively), and the stiffness and vibration properties of the sup-
has withstood the test of time. Use of amalgam porting structures, and lubrication (the presence
in humans has become controversial due to con- of a lubricating film, such as saliva, separates
cerns regarding its mercury content and resultant surfaces during relative motion and reduces
potential health hazard. As in many controversies, frictional forces and wear). Nowadays, titanium
opposing views vary widely and are argued pas- and its alloys, with additional advantages (excel-
sionately by their proponents. A poor aesthetic lent biocompatibility, good local spot wettability,
result is another reason for a decline in amalgam and easy shaping, weldability and finishing via
use since it does not match natural tooth structure a number of mechanical and electrochemical
and darkens over time. processes) have become important material in
Gold-based alloys were the first alloys to be dentistry. Although more research is needed in
used for implants, probably because these alloys such areas as development of optimum casting
were available in dentistry, but they promoted the investments, device design and control of biologi-
fibrous interface with a bone, i. e. a distant osteo- cal responses, the future holds bright prospects
genesis with a short lifespan. Cobalt-chromium of use of titanium as biomaterial.
alloys were also developed and used as endosseous Cp Ti (Tab. 8A) and titanium alloys, such as
implants and in prosthodontics. However, the Ti-6Al-4V or as NiTi or TiNbZr, Ti-6Al-7Nb and
fundamental problem with these metals and alloys others (Tab. 8B), have been used for manufac-
was the fibrous response which they promoted turing implants for the last 25 years. However, in
with the bone. By todays standards, none of these spite of their excellent mechanical and physical
materials are biocompatible, probably because of properties, the worldwide medical use was hin-
their corrosion effected by the living tissue and the dered by their alleged toxicity, carcinogenicity
release of elements into the tissue. Today, these or genotoxicity, hard metal disease by TiN and
metals have largely been replaced by titanium TiC fibroblast-mediated osteolysis or merely by
and titanium alloys (Tables 5, 8, 19). their highly questionable longevity in vivo. An

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

extensive and excellent metanalytic review on oxygen, N, H, C and Fe in various amounts and
biological factors contributing to failures of os- forms a strong and tightly-bound oxide over the
seointegrated oral implants of Branemark type surface (TiO2). This oxide forms instantaneously
was published by Esposito, 1998. Comparative and spontaneously at all temperature. Its thickness
investigation found that Ti implant system, ap- is 5-10 nm, with tendency to grow up to 200 nm.
poses more bone than ceramic systems, although This layer, described as passive, is capable of
alternatives concerning the type of Ti alloy and withstanding a saline, physiological environment
bioactive surface layer engineering, generate without disintegrating, and is believed to give Ti
extremely diverse results in osseointegration its biocompatibility. This oxide layer (TiO2) makes
From the biocompatibility point of view, the Ti casting difficult, largely is responsible for the
two critical success factors for inductive osteo- outstanding corrosion resistance of cpTi and Ti
genesis i.e. osteoinduction that we expect from alloys of any known implant material.
titanium or other implants, are: (i) chemical Recently, many biotechnological improve-
composition and reactivity of bioactive surface ments were made to the surface layer of Ti
layer; and (ii) topography i.e. roughness of the (Tables 6 and 8). The question which arises is
surface in contact with the bone. whether the efforts that scientist have undertaken
Ti implant surface has been the focus of multi thus far, for upgrading both the quality of the
technical approaches and manipulations (both composition of the implant and the quality of its
mechanical and physico-chemical), which were bioactive surface layer, are sufficient to achieve a
targeted to enhance the responsiveness of the host desirable control of tissue response, i..e. to have
tissue to the implant, to promote in situ osteoin- a better osteogenesis. Combination of chemical
duction and thus to prolong the longevity of and mechanical manipulations were reported to
the implant (Tables 5,8). Pure titanium (cpTi) is improve the surface layer. For instance: polished
available in four grades: 1-4. Ti contains dissolved cpTi was acid-etched in two ways: (i) the natural

Table 7. Physical-chemical properties of metallic and non-metallic materials used in dentistry

Coefficient of Friction Permanent Deformation
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (Linear) Poissons Ratio
Color Range of Natural Teeth Proportional Limit
Colors of Dental Shade Guides Shear Strength
Surface Free Energy Solubility and Disintegration in Water
Surface Tension Specific Heat
Tear Energy Heat of Fusion
Tear Strength Heat of Reaction
Bond Strength (Between Restorative Materials and Tooth Strain in Compression
Structures) Thermal Conductivity
Hardness Number (Mohs Hardness) Thermal Diffusivity
Transverse Strength Duration
Contact Angle Compressive strength
Creep of Amalgam Tensile Strength
Density Vickers Hardness
Flow Creep of Amalgam
Impact Strength Critical Surface Tension
Index of Refraction Density
Melting Temperatures Elastic Modulus
Penetration Coefficient Viscosity
Percent Elongation Lied Strength
Dynamic Modulus Zeta Potential

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

oxide was dissolved with hydrofluoric acid and a cells to 1,25-(OH)2D3. An example of such a
new oxide layer was grown by oxidation in nitric coating material is the commercially available
acid (HF/HNO3); or (ii) Ti was pre-treated with composite materials, such as "Bonelike" which
HF/HNO3 and then machined, HF/HNO3 etched, is a synthetic bone material, hydroxyapatite re-
fine or coarse sand-blasted and then HCl/H2SO4 inforced with tiny glass particles. This material
etched, HF/HNO3 etched and electropolished and can be used to provide a layer on the surface of
HF/HNO3 etched and Ti plasma-sprayed. The pure titanium that its developers hoped will lead
different chemical treatments resulted in distinct to better incorporation of any implant.
differences in surface roughness when examined Surface roughness modulates the local pro-
by light microscopy, i.e., roughness was changed duction of growth factors and cytokines such as
from the smoothest to the roughest. Subsequently, prostanglandin (PGE2) and transforming growth
the effects of surface roughness on the function of factor 1 (TGF- 1) by osteoblast-like MG-63
osteoblast-like cells were measured. Acid-etching cells. Significant high levels of cellular attachment
pre-treatment were used for covalent attach- were observed when using rough, sand-blasted
ment of selected biological molecules as alkaline surfaces with irregular morphologies.
phosphatase and albumin. These developments
generated different kinds of interfaces between Ti Coatings on Implant Devices
and bone tissue, as described later. Subsequent
chemical procedures on Ti were: deposition of Bone formation on the bioactive surface layer of
thin polymeric film from ethylene plasma, al- the implant may be directly influenced by effects of
kali- and heat-treated Ti, biomimetic method for the quality of the surface layer on osteogenic cells
apatite nucleation for bone-like apatite-formed behaviour (Tables 5 and 9). From the character
Ti or electrochemical apatite deposition. These and amount of bone formation around different
chemical manipulations have two key results in implants, it can be concluded whether the used
common: changes on TiO2 layer reactivity and materials are biocompatibile. This is why we
surface fine topography. should fully understand the process of bone
The implant surface roughness is essential for growth around implants, as well as the reaction
interfacial interaction with local tissue around of the bone to trauma or to various properties of
implant, particularly for osteoblast. Osteoblasts, the implant surface layer.
osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells, macrophages, The classical protocol of osseointegration
fibroblasts, bone marrow cells, nicely grow on was based on the success of the uncoated cpTi,
polished Ti surfaces. However, they need not only treaded root-form implant. Long-term clinical
excellent chemical conditions, but also particular data support the use of this material as an ideal
topographic conditions of the surface layer to dental implant. Basically, Ti is osteoinductive
create an environment conducive to optimum and it may create physico-chemical bonds with
cell morphology and activity. Optimum rough- the bone. However, current data substantiate the
ness of Ti implants (e.g., 4000-4500 nm, or 600 use of a variety of implant surface biomodifica-
grit, or 300 A) was shown to significantly affect tions, coatings, as well as geometries to attain
osteoblast cell response. For instance, it can de- osseointegration.
crease the cell number, but increase the expres- Therefore, the next step in the upgrading of the
sion of more mature cellular phenotype such as: quality of implant surfaces was the addition of
alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OC), coatings onto the implant in the following ways
transforming growth factor and prostanglandin (Table 8) : (a) metal to metal; (b) ceramic to metal;
E2 and the response of MG63 osteoblast-like and (c) biological active molecules on metal on

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 8. Types of titanium and titanium alloys used for dental devices and implants (Letic-Gavrilovic
et al.,2000)

Type of Alloys Technological Improvements of Relationship of various alloys with

Ti surfaces (C) host tissues (D)
A) Pure Ti (cpTi, grade 1-4) 1. Physical manipulations: BIOTOLERANT - distant contact with
a) mechanical working - machining connective tissue capsulae: Eg:
- polishing) Co, Cr, Mo, Au, Polymers
- grooved surface (V shaped)
- smooth polished BIOINERT - direct contact : Eg:
- surface blasted Ti, Al, Ta, Ceramics
b) plastic forming
- hydrothermal method for coating HA BIOACTIVE - chemical bonding -
- sol-gel prepared sintered titanium osteogenesis: Eg:
- shape memory Ca-HA, CaP
c) plasma treatment - argon plasma cleaning
and etching treatment
d) ion implantation (N, C, B ) OSTEOINDUCTIVE - physico-
chemical bonds, new bone: Eg:
Ti alloys with coatings

B) Alloys with various metals Chemical manipulations:

a. ACID-ETCHED - pretreated with:
1.Ti90-6AL-4V -hydrofluoric/ nitric acid (HF/HNO3)
(Ti6A14V) -HF/HNO3 and machined
2.NiTi (Ni90Ti10; -HF/HNO3 and sand-blasted and HCl/
Ti50Ni50; Ti70Ni30) H2SO4 acids
3.Ti-6AL-7Nb -HF/HNO3 and electropolished
4. TiNbZr -HF/HNO3 and Ti plasma-sprayed
5. Titanium beta 3 b. chemically treated with Ca-P
(Ti77.5/Mo12/Zr6/S c. alkali- and heat- treated
n4.5) d. covalent immobilization of bioactive
organic molecules
e. ethylene plasma polymeric film coating
f. electropolished
g. biomimetic method

ceramics or diverse functional carriers. Ti has Ceramic coatings on titanium-based implants

been used to date as a biological substrate of many combine osteoconductivity and osteoinductivity,
osteoconductive and osteoinductive, inorganic and additionally improve the strength of chemi-
or organic coatings, such as ceramics of different cal bonds of the implant-bone interface.
kind, glass, adhesion proteins, extracellular bone Various Ti implant coating methods were
matrix proteins, growth factors and cytokines. developed: plasma spraying, chemical vapour
The primary goal of coated implants was to deposition process (CVD) and physical vapour
combine the benefit of a bioactive surface layer deposition process (PVD), slip casting/sintering,
with the properties of the substrate i.e., the strength electrophoretic deposition/sintering, electro-
of the underlining metal. The application of dif- chemical deposition, and sputter coating, but
ferent types of ceramics onto titanium surface, plasma spraying is most commonly used one.
was aimed at gaining two advantages: bonding Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) process
osteogenesis and connective tissue osteogenesis. with high temperature (500-1000C) of the

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

substrate is not very suitable for dental alloys. Of the large number of ceramics known, only a
In dentistry, the more recent physical vapour few are suitably biocompatible. The main problem
deposition (PVD) process may be used. For ex- with ceramic components is that they are brittle
ample, under vacuum conditions, evaporated Ti and relatively difficult to process.
is applied on thoroughly-cleaned metal surfaces, Bioceramics can have structural functions as
while feeding nitric or carbon gas in order to tissue replacements, can be used as coatings to
produce TiN or TiC. improve the biocompatibility of metal implants,
Coatings have a paramount clinical impor- and can function as resorbable lattices, which
tance in the following cases: (a) big defects and provide temporary structures and a framework
poorly supportive bone; (b) when a very small or that is dissolved, replaced as the body rebuilds
very big implant should be applied; (c) repeated tissue. The thermal and chemical stability of ce-
surgical procedure or re-implantation; (d) type III ramics, their high strength, wear resistance and
and IV bone ; and (e) in fresh extraction site. In durability all contribute to making ceramics good
each of this cases, given the adverse local condi- candidate materials for surgical implants. Some
tions, the use of an implant with a coating or a ceramics even feature drug-delivery capability.
sol-coated biomaterial, as a carrier of biologically Smart Ceramics (Cercon) was invented in 1995
active molecules, is recommended. as all ceramic teeth bridge enabling the direct
machining without stainless steel or other metals.
The overall product is metal-free, biocompatible
CERAMICS: DATA COLLECTION and crack resisting formation.
Gadgets for Dental Applications
Traditionally, ceramics have seen wide scale use as
restorative materials in dentistry. (Tables 2,3,5,9) Ceramics play a vital role in the manufacture
These include materials for crowns, cements, and and function of various gadgets used in dental
dentures. Some ceramic materials are used for science (Table 4). Various recently introduced
bone repair and augmentation. diagnostic and working tools of which ceramics
Ceramics are stiff, hard and chemically stable play an integral part include: Radio Visio Graphy
and are often used when wear resistance is vital. (RVG), Pulp tester Apex locators 1st generation

Table 9. Application of different coatings on Implantable dental device in order to improve biological
response (Letic-Gavrilovic et al.,2000)

A. metal on metal

B. ceramic on metal

C. Functional coatings- biologically active molecules on metal/ceramic

A. Methods for coatings on METAL

continued on following page

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 9. continued
Arc plasma spraying

CVD - chemical vapor deposition process

The CVD process is defined as the deposition of a thin solid film from a chemical reaction involving gas species at a
heated substrate Nanocrystalline Diamond - NCD),

PVD - physical vapor deposition process - ion planting. The surface to be coated is in contact with a plasma- high vacuum
thermal evaporation- RF magnetron sputtered

B. Ceramic coatings (osteoconductive)

1. nonapatite calcium phosphat,
2. apatite CaP (principally HA)
3. glass ceramic, bioactive glass
4. titanium nitride (TiN)
5. titanium carbide (TiC)
6. diamond-like carbon (DLC)
7. silicon carbide (SiC) AlCaP
8. HA ceramic
9. bioactive glass membrane
10. TCP beta
11. bone ceramic (TBC)
12. coraline
13. Titanium
14. 3-dimensional carbon/carbon composite (3D C/C)

C. Functional coatings as carriers for different growth factors

Natural and synthetic biomaterials
Allogeneic demineralized bone matrix (DBM)

Collagen - fibrous collagen membrane, type I collagen, type IV collagen

Bovine matrix non-collagen protein

Cartilage strips

Resorbable and nonresorbable membranes for Guided Bone Regeneration

a) basement membrane matrix (Matrigel)

b) expanded polytetraflouroethylene (ePTFE ) membrane


Biodegradable synthetic polymers of polylactic acid (PLA),(PLA-PEG; PLGA

- resistance based, 2nd generation - impedance crystalline materials including natural crystals
based, 3rd generation - frequency based. of Quartz, Rochelle salt and Tourmaline plus
manufactured ceramics such as Barium Titan-
Piezo Ceramics ate and Lead Zirconate Titanates (PZT). When
mechanical pressure is applied to one of these
Piezoelectricity can be defined as pressure elec- materials, the crystalline structure produces a
tricity which is a property of certain classes of voltage proportional to the pressure. Conversely,

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

when an electric field is applied, the structure protons from the polymeric acid exchange with
changes shape producing dimensional changes calcium and aluminium cations in the surface of
in the material. the glass particles. The cations then form elec-
The piezoelectric materials use polycrystalline trostatic bonds with carboxylate groups in the
ceramics instead of natural piezoelectric crystals. polymer chains, effectively cross-linking them
They are more versatile with physical, chemical to form a gel that sets the cement.
and piezoelectric characteristics able to be tailored
to specific applications. The hard, dense ceramics Bioceramics
can be manufactured in almost any given shape
or size, which are chemically inert and immune Bioceramics are a group of ceramics, which are
to moisture and other atmospheric conditions. biologically active materials rich in calcium and
phosphate. Hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phos-
Therapeutic Ceramics phate are similar in composition to bone and teeth
and can be used for augmentation of alveolar ridges
Silicate Cement and filling bony defects. They are manufactured
and are available in block, granular and injectable
Silicates constitute the first dental cement to use forms. These bioactive materials are packed in the
glass as its component. The cement powder is required site providing a scaffold for new bone
a glass consisting silica, alumina and fluoride growth and are osseoinductive in nature. The
compounds. The liquid, on the other hand, is an various forms of bioceramics are Single crystals
aqueous solution of phosphoric acid with buffer (Sapphire), Polycrystalline (Hydroxyapatite)
salts. The cement powder and liquid are mixed to- Glass (Bioactive glass) Glass ceramics (Ceravital)
gether resulting in an acid-base reaction. Fluoride Composites (Stainless steel reinforced Bioglass).
ions are leached out from the set cement, which There are about four types of bioceramics:
is responsible for the anti-cariogenic property
exhibited. Inert: Attached by compact morphological
fixation. e.g, Alumina, Carbon
Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) Porous: Attached by vascularization
through pores. e.g, Porous Alumina.
Glass ionomer cement represents a logical step in Surface active: Directly attach by chemical
the evolution of therapeutic cements. GICs are bonding with bone.e.g, Bioglass, Hydroxy-
composed of glass powder and a polycarboxylic apatite
acid. They constitute an improved version of the Resorbable: Designed to be slowly replaced
silicate cement, in which the liquid is replaced by by bone. e.g, Tricalcium Phosphate (TCP).
carboxylic acids with glass remaining as the pow-
der. It is the most popular dental cement that is used Ceramic coatings on dental implants, such as
in various aspects. The highlight of this material Calcium phosphates (hydroxyapatite- HA) appear
is demonstrated by its superior biocompatibility to have better biological response than cpTi or
and anti-cariogenic property. Modifications of Ti alloy alone, even if their clinical predictability
glass ionomer cement include the high density remains controversial. Coatings seem to promote
Glass ionomers, packable ionomers for use in faster bone adaptation, higher bone implant
Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART). Resin strength, better osteoblast precursor activity, bone
modified GIC incorporate resins in their powder growth around dental implants and thus bonding
component for better strength. When mixed wet, of the bone to the implants, i.e. osseointegration.

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

HA coatings were highly considered because not displayed a combination of mechanical and
they enhance osseointegration, and they lead to biological properties appropriate to these appli-
the formation of more mineralised extracellular cations. Composite materials are, however, used
matrix (ECM) and to faster bone formation with extensively for prosthetic limbs, where their com-
respect to Ti substrates alone. The philosophy bination of low density/weight and high strength
was that HA has an advantage over smooth Ti make them ideal materials for such applications.
surfaces having: (1) bioactive surface versus an Smart composites containing ACP (amorphous
inert Ti surface; (2) higher bond strength of calcium phosphate) is one of the most soluble of
the bone to the implant; and (3) increased bone- the biologically important calcium phosphates,
to-implant contact. In spite of reports about exhibiting the most rapid conversion to crystal-
overstressing, rapid, bone-resorption adjacent line hydroxyappatite (HAP) (Letic et al.,2004).
to HA-coated implants, short-term survival ACP, when incorporated in specially designed and
rates (from 6 months to 6 years), or other causes formulated resins to make a composite material,
of failures, there are still evidence of positive will have an extended time-release nature to act
effects of HA coatings on osseointegration. as a source for calcium and phosphate, useful for
Recently, other ceramic coatings, such as preventing caries. Biodegradable bone cements
titanium nitride (TiN) and titanium carbide (TiC), are highly desirable because they can provide
have been proposed for implantology (Tab.6 and for immediate structural support and, as they
19). In general, biocompatibility of TiN in cell degrade from the site of application, they allow
culture and animal tests was evaluated positively. the ingrowth of new bone for complete healing
Aesthetic appearance (gold-coloured layer) is of the bone fracture.
questionable and probably culture dependent. Although improvement has occurred in the
However, longitudinal clinical studies have been field of dental adhesives and composites, problems
scarce so far. In total joint arthroplasty, a diamond- with composite restorations still exist. The most
like carbon (DLC) coating was applied onto Ti. serious problem is polymerization shrinkage,
TiC coatings were developed to fit straight stems which causes gap formation and cusp deflection.
and cementless accetabular implants. Subsequent Both of these problems show clinically as postop-
studies questioned the biocompatibility of TiC erative sensitivity and pain. Based on the review
on grounds of toxicity or hard metal disease. of available articles, it appears that the use of liners
Also vitreous carbon, pyrolytic carbon, pyrolytic is still desirable because liners may help overcome
graphite/silicon-carbide were occasionally used these problems. Both flowable resin composites
as Ti coating on implants. and resin-modified glass ionomers (RMGIs) have
a lower modulus of elasticity than restorative
composites, which may counteract some of the
BIOCOMPOSITES: DATA polymerization shrinkage of the restorative com-
COLLECTION AND SELECTION posites. Because of the low viscosity of RMGIs
and flowable resin composites, they can wet the
The most successful composite biomaterials tooth better than restorative composites and de-
(biocomposites) are used in the field of dentistry crease the chances of gaps. RMGI liners appear
as restorative materials or dental cements (Table to perform better than flowable resin composites
5). Although carbon-carbon and carbon reinforced because of their physical properties. Additionally,
polymer composites are of great interest for bone placing the self-adhesive RMGI liner on the areas
repair and joint replacement because of their of deep dentin can protect this sensitive dentin
low elastic modulus levels, these materials have from the strong conditioners needed for the sub-

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

sequent bonding procedure. From the clinicians to make livers for transplantation Advances in the
standpoint, overcoming these problems translates design of stimuli-responsive polymers have cre-
into less postoperative sensitivity. ated opportunities for novel biomedical applica-
tions. Changes in shape, surface characteristics,
solubility, formation of an intricate molecular self-
BIOPOLYMERS: DATA assembly and a sol-gel transition enabled several
COLLECTION AND SELECTION novel applications in the delivery of therapeutics,
tissue engineering, cell culture, bio separations,
A wide variety of polymers are used in medicine bio mimetic actuators, immobilized bio catalysts,
as biomaterials. Their applications range from drug delivery and thermo responsive surfaces.
facial prostheses to tracheal tubes, from kidney One area of intense research activity has been
and liver parts to heart components, and from the use of biocompatible polymers for controlled
dentures to hip and knee joints (Tables 5 and 10). drug delivery. It has evolved from the need for
Polymeric materials are also used for medical prolonged and better control of drug administra-
adhesives and sealants and for coatings that serve tion. The goal of the controlled release devices
a variety of functions. They are widely used as is to maintain the drug in the desired therapeutic
implant materials as they have physical properties range with just a single dose.
that are most similar to the natural tissues. Use The list of new polymers developed specifically
of polymers includes wound dressings, tendon for medical applications is far too long to describe
replacements, intraocular lens replacement and here. We have chosen to focus on two types of
joint linings. The polymers that are widely used synthetic biomaterials: (a) hydrogels and hybrid
include polyethylene, PET, PTFE and polyure- polymer systems, which are attractive owing to
thane and themselves are well tolerated in the their high water content and tissue-like properties,
human body. However, additives and molecules and (b) smart materials, which can rapidly respond
released from polymer breakdown can lead to to changes in the in vivo environment.
allergic and inflammatory responses. Hydrogels are crosslinked polymer networks
The use of polymers as biomaterials started that are insoluble but swellable in aqueous me-
over 2500 years ago with collagen (found in animal dium. These materials offer an environment that
tissue) used as a surgeons thread. In the 1970s the resembles the highly hydrated state of natural
polymer polyglycolic acid (PGA) was developed tissues, making them excellent candidates for
as synthetic degradable sutures. tissue engineering and drug delivery. Hydrogels
PGA was further developed over the next few and bone cements, can, for instance, be used as
decades and was used in implants that would an interface between bone and an implant with
slowly release desired chemicals into the body and the aim of providing a mechanism for fixing a
scaffolding on which replacement organs could prosthesis in the intramedullary cavity. The bone
be grown, for TE (Letic-Gavrilovic et al.,2004; cements would, in principle, dilate in a controlled
2005). Over 25 different types of cells have been manner by absorption of body fluids and achieve
grown on the polymer scaffolds, and skin grown fixation by an expansion mechanism. The physi-
on these scaffolds has been successfully trans- cal properties of hydrogels make them also very
planted to heal diabetic skin ulcers. It is hoped useful for controlled-release applications, such as
that in the future these scaffolds will be used to the delivery of contraceptives, opthalmic, antiar-
grow nerve cells for use in spinal cord repairs, hythmics, hormones, enzymes, anticancer agents,
bone or cartilage cells for joint repairs, pancreatic anticoagulants, antibodies. Biodegradable poly-
cells to make insulin for diabetics, and liver cells mers like poly(lactic acid) (PLA), poly(glycolic

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

acid) (PGA) and their copolymers, have recently in the similarity of their physical properties with
found numerous applications in a variety of those of living tissues.
drug-delivery systems (Letic et al., 2001;2003). There has been great interest in implantable
A potential alternative, for the currently used biomaterials that are injectable as well as biode-
materials, is starch-based polymer which are gradable. The development of hybrid polymer
well-known biodegradable materials.Hydrogels systems (copolymers, complexes, hydrogels,
are three-dimensional polymeric networks held blends, etc.) based on natural and synthetic mac-
together by cross-linked covalent bonds and weak romolecules and their open wide spectrum of ap-
cohesive forces in the form of either hydrogen plications in the biomaterials science has received
bonds or ionic bonds. These mechanisms include tremendous attention. Natural and synthetic bio-
ionic (e.g., alginate), physical (e.g., pluronics and degradable polymers hold great promise for use
peptide self-assembling gels), and chemical bonds as scafolds in TE. Main advantage of polymers
(e.g., fibrin glue and multivinyl methacrylate and are theirs properties which can be engineered
acrylate derivatives). Hydrogels are, by definition, for a wide range of medical applications (Letic
a broad class of hydrophilic polymeric materials et al., 2002;2002a). Of particular interest to oral-
which have the inherent ability to swell in water maxillofacial applications are injectable, in situ
and other suitable solvents, capable of imbibing polymerizable, biodegradable polymer scafolds
and retaining more than 10% of their weight in for filling irregularly shaped bone defects with
water within the gel structure. Attributes such as minimal surgical intervention. A biodegradable
permeability to small molecules (such as tissue support material would be ideal, as it would elimi-
metabolites), a soft consistency, and a low inter- nate the need for a second surgery to remove the
facial tension between the gel and an aqueous fixation device. Furtheron, in order to avoid the
solution are some of the important properties inconvenient surgical insertion of large implants,
which have helped to generate interest in hydrogels injectable biodegradable and biocompatible poly-
as useful biomaterials. Additionally, the facility meric particles (microspheres, microcapsules,
of purification, a high equilibrium water content nanocapsules, nanospheres) could be employed.
(advantageous for the permeability and biocom- Since the range of potential TE applications is
patibility of these materials), along with their broad, there is a continuous ongoing search for
sterilizability makes them extremely versatile. materials which either possess particularly desir-
The utility of hydrogels as biomaterials lies also able tissue-specific properties, or which may have

Table 10. Synthetic polymers Selected examples

Non-Degradable Biodegradable
Materials Principal applications Materials Principal applications

sutures suture
Polyamides device housings vascular grafts Poly-lactic/glycolic acid bone plates, bone pins
Polycarbonates tubing, blood bags Poly-orthoesters wound closure
Polyesters tubing, coatings alveolar bone, tendon
PVC tubing, soft tissue Cyanoacrylates repair
Polyurethanes hip & knee bearing Polylactic acid

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

broad applicability and can be tailored to several patients eliminating multy interventions
tissue systems. Naturally derived materials bio- and reducing more than 50% costs of their
degradable polymers show great promise, for TE treatments.
applications. Natural biopolymers are composed
of extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins Resorbable and Non Resorbable
that are conserved among different species and Membranes for GTR and GBR
that can serve as intrinsic templates for cell at-
tachment and growth. Contrary to the synthetic, Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) is a surgical
natural polymers are more easy for processing, procedure that specifically aims to regenerate the
degradability, biocompatibility, exhibition of periodontal tissues when the disease is advanced
bone-analogous properties, bone bonding, and and could overcome some of the limitations of
ability to be surface engineered to produce desired conventional therapy. GTR is a procedure that
mechanical and biological behaviours. In addi- enables bone and tissue to re-grow around an
tion, and not less important, polisaccharide-based endangered tooth or if the tooth is lost to increase
natural polymers are significantly less expensive the amount of bone for implant placement
than most commercial synthetics. Bio-polymers Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) is a current
could be used as filling elements of irrregular treatment for periodontal bone defects. In the
defects for orthopaedic and maxillo-facial sur- GBR technique, a barrier membrane (Table 8) is
gery, as bone cements, and drug delivery carriers. placed over the periodontal defect to prevent the
Other proposed natural polymers could be used in-growth of cells from the gingival connective tis-
for preparation of biodegradable and resorbable sue, epithelium, and the periodontal ligament.
(Table 10) bio-membranes for epidermis protec- GBR membrane materials must maintain their
tion, with special relevance in the field of burn- barrier function long enough to allow osteoblasts
ing, separation membranes to avoid adherences to migrate into the wound.The distance to be
between different tissues in postoperative process, spanned determines the time the membrane must
dental filling composites, membranes and supports function properly. Resorbable and non-resorbable
for jaw regeneration, etc. membranes have been used as a GBR barrier.
From the practical point of view, we expect However, non-resorbable membranes must be
that this new biomaterials will promote biological surgically removed after the healing period. A
response of the treated tissue giving the follow- resorbable membrane that can transmit tissue
ing results: fluid, but excludes undesired cells from the clot,
would have the advantage of not requiring sur-
Plastic, multy-functional device, which gical removal. Recent studies have reported the
dramatically help surgeons to fill irregularly successful use of resorbable membranes in GBR
shaped defects with minimal intervention; (Letic et al.,2002;2002a;2005)
To enormously faster osseointegration (not
less than 50% reduction of ossification 1. Osteopromotive membranes of expanded
time); polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE; GORE-
To eliminate second surgery step, and TEX) facilitate guided bone regeneration,
therefore prolongs life of implanted pros- are not resorbable and require a second
thesis and reduce number of post-surgery procedure to be removed. The combination
complications: of membrane placement with rhBMP-2 may
Drug delivery device for long controlled be of value in the clinical applications for
drug release will enormously help chronic bone regeneration purposes. This finding is

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

also valuable for choosing carrier materials cellular events which are involved in wound heal-
for delivery of other growth-stimulatory ing: cell proliferation, chemotaxis, differentiation,
substances, in combination with mem- and matrix synthesis. Growth factors elicit their
branes. ePTFE membrane plus BMP can be effects by binding to specific cell surface recep-
combined with Ti implants, demineralized tors, which transduce signals to the nucleus via
freeze-dried bone (DFDB), and with the complex signal transduction pathways. Examples
growth factors PDGF-BB, PDGF/IGF-I or of growth factors found in bone, cementum and
rhBMP (Table 9). Clinical results, demon- healing tissues include platelet-derived growth
strated that ePTFE membranes plus PDGF/ factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor
IGF-I, had the -highest bone density com- (TGF-), acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors
pared with controls receiving membranes (a- and b-FGF), insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I
alone and they also allow the bone to grow and II), cementum-derived growth factor (CGF)
directly around the implant. and the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs).
2. Basically there are two types of biologically The in situ factors which induce osseointegration
resorbable biomaterials: (a) synthetic poly- of the implant material are not fully understood,
mers of lactide-/glycolide- and polylactic but most researchers agree that the contact be-
acid; and (b) collagen. Collagen plays an tween the bioactive surface layer of the implant
important role in wound healing since it and the bone is not static but dynamic (Letic et
is present in connective tissue capsules al.,2001;2003).
which lie around implanted materials. The
influence of collagens, including collagen
I, III and IV on in vitro cell proliferation SMART BIOMATERIALS: DATA
greatly depends on the cell cultures. Collagen COLLECTION AND SELECTION
membranes are used in clinical applications
because their compact layer protects against The use of biocompatible smart materials has revo-
soft tissue invasion and their porous texture lutionized many areas in regenerative medicine
enables the integration of newly formed bone (Gautam, 2008). The term smart materials refers
tissue. The amount of collagen type I and III to a class of materials that are highly responsive
during soft tissue capsule formation varies, and have the inherent capability to sense and
depending on the type of metal implants. react according to changes in the environment.
The properties of collagen favour cell at- Biomedical applications of smart materials involve
tachment. Collagen I was reported to inhibit their use in tissue engineering, cell culture, bio-
cell proliferation, whereas collagen IV had separations, biomimetic actuators, immobilized
no effect. It can be used independently or in biocatalysts, drug delivery and thermoresponsive
association with various biomaterials, such surfaces. Applications of stimuli-responsive, or
as polystyrene, low and high crystallinity smart, polymers in areas like dentistry, biomedi-
HA and rough Ti. cal engineering, delivering of therapeutics, tissue
engineering, bio separations are an indicator of
Osteopromotive Growth Factors on the potential and rapid progress in this area.
Implant Devices Smart Biomaterials can senses and reacts ac-
cording to changes in the environment. For that
Polypeptide growth factors are a class of natural reason they are often also called responsive
biological bone mediators regulating the critical materials. Early smart material applications
started with magnetostrictive technologies. These

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

involved the use of nickel as a sonar source during typically hydrogen, ionic, or van der Waals
WW1. Smart materials can be classified as: (1) bonds or hydrophobic interactions. For example,
passive smart materials that respond to external amphiphilic molecules have hydrophobic and
change without external control; (2) active smart hydrophilic segments that self-assemble into
materials that utilize a feedback loop to enable distinct structures, such as micelles, vesicles,
them to function like a cognitive response trough and tubules that are nanometers in length. When
an actuator circuit; (3) very smart materials that dispersed in an aqueous solvent, the hydrophobic
sense a change in the environment and respond segments in the amphiphilic molecules agglomer-
(e.g., by altering one or more of their property ate, driving out water and, as a result, producing
coefficients, tuning their sensing or actuation a well-ordered structure that can be useful in a
capabilities); and (4) intelligent materials that number of different biomedical applications. A
integrate the sensing and actuation functions naturally occurring amphiphilic molecule is a
with a control system. When smart biomaterials phospholipid, which largely composes the cell
respond in vivo, it can be exploited to control pa- membrane. Alternatively, a polymer (or oligomer)
rameters such as drug release, cell adhesiveness, of amino acids can be synthesized to contain a
mechanical properties, or permeability. Several number of different regions (hydrophobic, hydro-
approaches have been examined for stimulants philic, charged, etc.) that under certain conditions
such as pH , temperature, and light. will self-assemble into a macroscopic hydrogel.
The body employs changes in pH to facilitate In general, the final three dimensional structure
a range of different processes. of the self-assembled material is dependent on
For example, drug delivery by oral adminis- the molecules length and composition . Thus,
tration is attractive to many patients who require by systematically synthesizing a molecule, a
routine, periodic delivery of drugs. However, for desired 3-D structure can be produced. These
the drug to remain effective, it must survive the self-assembled biomaterials are promising new
acidic pH of the stomach. materials that can be engineered for applications
in nanotechnology and in tissue engineering for
drug and cell carriers. These materials may be
BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED particularly beneficial because the engineered
MATERIALS peptides will take on a 3-D shape that may be
recognized by the in vivo environment, more so
In an effort to design materials that will perform than a conventionally synthesized material, and
their intended functions in the presence of cells furthermore will breakdown into amino acids that
and/or in vivo, we as engineers and scientists can the body is well equipped to deal with.
look to biology and take advantage of biological
processes that have evolved over thousands of Biomimetic Biomaterials
Direct mimicry of biological processes represents
Self-Assembled Biomaterials an important strategy in modern biomaterials.
Hydroxyapatite is the natural mineral in bone.
One of the many fascinating aspects of biology There is now a huge amount of literature describ-
is the self-organization of molecules into hier- ing the use of hydroxyapatite and other forms of
archal structures that perform a specific task. calcium phosphate coupled with synthetic and
This self-organization or self-assembly is based other natural biomaterials to induce bone forma-
on the formation of weak noncovalent bonds, tion. Nacre, the aragonite-rich lining of many

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

seashells, also induces rapid bone formation. required for cell proliferation, differentiation and
Nacre contains about 5% protein that serves as 3D tissue formation.
a mortar to bind together a brick-like mineral
structure. A biomimetic approach to creating Periodontal Engineering Using
synthetic nacre-like structures has been published. Biomimetic Nano-Scaffolds
Normal tissues have a complex 3-D architecture
important for the mechanics and functionality of Periodontal diseases result in loss of supporting
the biological organism. Biomimetically, we might tissues including bone, cementum, and periodontal
emulate such structures with synthetic biomateri- ligament (PDL), ultimately leading to tooth loss
als. Synthetic materials offer the ability to generate if left untreated. Unfortunately, dental tissue
many different kinds of 3-D structures with precise loss has the second largest patient population
control over the final macroscopic properties and next to blood transfusion. The restorative results
degradation profiles by varying the chemistry of the current therapies are often disappoint-
and processing techniques. However, synthetic ing and unpredictable. It was proposed a novel
materials provide little control over cell behavior biomimetic/tissue engineering approach. In this
and tissue response in vivo. Thus, to generate a approach an unique nano-fibrous polymer scaf-
biomaterial for a specific cell type and/or tissue, folding (mimicking collagen architecture), modi-
efforts have focused on adding biological cues to fied with apatite (mimicking bone mineral), and
synthetic materials in an attempt to mimic the containing microspheres for delivery of bioactive
native tissue while simultaneously maintaining factors (mimicking development and reparative
control over the material properties. signaling cascades) will be used in periodontal
osseous defects to: promote activities of cells at
Biomimetic Nano-Scaffolds the healing site, e.g., osteoblasts, cementoblasts,
and PDL fibroblasts (and their progenitor cells),
Repair of tooth-supporting structures destroyed allow for nutrients, metabolites, and signal
by the chronic inflammatory disease-peridontitis molecules to permeate, and guide cell prolifera-
is a major goal of oral reconstructive therapy. It tion, differentiation and tissue neogenesis in 3D.
was proposed developing a novel scaffolding The specific aim of this project would be:
system that can also deliver regenerative agents
to periodontal defects. This system consists of To test whether polymer scaffolds with nano-
a nano-fibrous polymer scaffold modified with fibrous pore walls are superior to scaffolds
bone mineral- mimicking apatite that contains with solid pore walls, and whether bone
microspheres for delivery of bioactive molecules mineral-mimic apatite promotes calcified
such as bone morphogenetic protein- 7 (BMP- 7), tissue formation, in vitro.
to periodontal defects. It is expected that this To develop a combined nano-fibrous scaf-
scaffolding/factor delivery system will promote fold/biodegradable microsphere delivery
periodontal regeneration at the defect site by system that allows for controlled release
providing an environment for enhancing adhesion and improve bioavailability of putative peri-
and migration of putative cells such as osteoblasts, odontal regenerative factors and to evaluate
cementoblasts, and periodontal ligament (PDL) their regenerative function, in vitro.
fibroblasts as well as promoting differentiation To confirm that the microsphere/scaffold
of their progenitor cells. Moreover, this scaffold- systems selected based on the results from
ing delivery system will allow for permeation of studies under aims 1 and 2, provide a superior
nutrients, metabolites, and signaling molecules environment for regeneration of periodontal

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tissues, in vivo.By accomplishing these the NanoTite Implant may help patients increase
specific aims, results will be significantly overall confidence due to a brand new smile!
advanced, in new and improved periodon- I think Its One Nano Step For Man, One Giant
tal regenerative therapies. Furthermore, Leap For Implant Dentistry! adds Dr. Meltzer.
the ability to manipulate the scaffolding Hybrid Plastics Inc. (USA) received a $750,000
structure and control the rate and types of grant from the National Institutes of Health to
factors delivered, this system can be utilized develop nanocomposite-based dental materials.
to answer many fundamental questions in This grant will allow the company to develop a
regenerative biology, including other tissue prototype adhesive and restorative system for
engineering applications. bonding, shrinkage control and corrosion resis-
tance. The materials will be based on Hybrids
POSS Nanostructured building blocks. Hybrid
NANOBIOMATERIALS is working on the project with Ohio State Univer-
sitys College of Dentistry (USA) and dental supply
Nano-Features and Nano-Particles in firm Pentron Corp. Another company Hybrid and
Restorative Dentistry Pentron developed Nano-Bond, dental bonding
agents commercially launched 2003 year. Two
The word nano in Greek actually means ex- technologies are currently under investigation,
tremely small or one billionth. The actual size nano-fibre coatings to encourage linear cellular
of the calcium deposits on the NanoTite Implant growth and mineral nano-particles in a colloidal
(3i) are as small as 20 nanometers and can best suspension to interact with the damaged tooth.
be seen at 20,000X magnification. Nanotechnol-
ogy is technology done on a nanometer scale. Nano-Fibre Coatings
In the physical world we have all been familiar
with the three states of matter, solid, liquid and The investigation of the biological effect of nano-
gas. There is one more, the interfacial or surface fibre coatings on the trans-mucosal element of
state. The physical world becomes very different the endosseous dental implants. Human gingival
at the surface of materials, and some very inter- fibroblast cells have demonstrated the ability to
esting physical properties come with materials align, proliferate and secrete collagen in the di-
in thissurface state. When materials are at the rection of the nano fibres in preference to other
nanometer scale, they are in many ways in the topographies. It was hypothesised that if this to-
surface state of matter. We can also manipulate pography is applied in a circumferential dierection
down to individual molecules or groups of atoms around the implant abutment, gingival fibroblasts
to make useful materials and devices (Table 10). will align to this surface nanotopography, leading
Nanomaterials, sometimes called nanopowders to the secretion of collagen fibres circumferentially
when notcompressed, have grain sizes in the around the implant, forming a tight fibrous collar
order of 1-100 nm in at least one coordinate and This fibrous soft tissue attachment will protect
normally in three. the underlying osseous attachment from bacterial
Patient applications and benefits of the Nano- attack and breakdown.
Tite Implant include use to replace single or mul-
tiple missing teeth due to cavities, decay, trauma Mineral Nano-Particles
or disease. The NanoTite Implant (3i) , like all
dental implants, is designed to help preserve bone The investigation of the ability of colloidal nano-
structure and natural facial contours. Additionally, particles (Hydroxy-apatite, silica, an analogue

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

of silica or a calcium compound) to infiltrate de- In order to avoid undesirable problems with
mineralised (carious) dentine and act as a seed Biomaterials and/or Devices, we suggest to fol-
for further remineralisation. It is hypothesis that low the materials safety procedures as shown in
the application of an appropriate formulation of Table 11. Any material implanted into the body
colloidal nano-particle to a carious lesion may evokes a biological response which could be
prevent further demineralisation and given the dangerous. Some responses are simply fibrous
right environment it may encourage reminer- capsule formation protecting both the implant and
alisation. the host. However some responses develop into
chronic inflammatory responses with macrophage
accumulation and development of giant cells.
SAFETY OF DENTAL DEVICES AND The in vitro studies are being developed, and so
BIOMATERIALS far there is much data accumulated on PMMA
(polymethyl-methacrylate: bone cement), HA (hy-
Biological Response to Dental droxyapatite, a calcium phosphate ceramic used
Device Materials to coat dental and orthopedic implants), and the
oxides of titanium and cadmium which would be
All materials intended for application in humans the surface of implants made of these metals. The
as biomaterials, medical devices, or prostheses production of biologically active substances such
undergo tissue responses when implanted into as nitric oxide and tumour necrosis factor TNF
living tissue (biocompatibility) (Anderson, 2001). alpha (which are important substances in inflam-
Alloys must demonstrate biocompatibility by matory responses and the production of cytokines
conducting toxicity testing according to ANSI/ such as Il-6, Il-4, and Il-10) involved in the immune
ADA (USA) document, which describes recom- responses are being assessed. Lipopolysaccharide
mended standard practices for biological evalua- (LPS), which is a component of the cell wall of
tion of dental materials. This testing requirements Gram negative bacteria and a known stimulant
include cytotoxicity testing that evaluates cell of cells, is added to macrophage cultures in the
death in L929 or HeLa cell cultures exposed to presence and absence of the particles. It is evi-
the alloy, hemolysis testing in rabbit blood and dent to date that there is strong production of the
mutagenicity testing conducted according to the biologically active substances by the LPS alone.
Ames test. Corrosion testing must be completed The addition of HA or PMMA, with the LPS to
for new alloys by comparing their performance the macrophage cultures, markedly potentiates
to alloys that have been in use successfully for the production of these substances. Whether it
at least five years. is additive or synergistic is still being assessed.

Table 11. The applications in surface coating of selected nanomaterials

Metal oxides such as Ceria, Zinc oxide, Aluymina, Zirconia Coating on dental implants, Car catalysts, fuel cells, transparent UV,
absorbers, antibacterial functions, structural ceramics, Sunscreens.
Carbon Electrical and thermal conductors
Coating on dental implants
Aluminosilicate (imogolite) Catalyst support, ceramics filter, and humidity controlling building
Calcium phosphates (hydroxyapatite) Bone grafts in periodontology, Coatings on dental Implants

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Table 12. Dental devices safety data sheet

Product and Company Identification
Composition and Information of Ingredients
Hazards Identification
First aid Measures
Fire Fighting
Accidental Release Measures
Handling and Storage
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Physical/Chemical Characteristics
Stability and Reactivity
Toxicological Information
Ecological Information
Disposal Consideration
Transport Information
Regulatory Information

On the other hand, the presence of the metallic identification of allergenic proteins in latex in
oxides depresses the response to LPS. order to reduce or eliminate them from finished
The in vivo data have indicated the forma- latex products.
tion of a capsule composed of fibroblasts and
macrophages when the material is placed into Risk Associated with Metals in
the peritoneal cavity for several days. These cells Dental Prostheses
can then be grown in culture and their activity
assessed. The production of the biologically ac- Development of tumours near medical implants
tive substances by these peritoneal cells in the raises concerns regarding the safety of certain
absence of LPS is very low. The addition of LPS implant materials. Metal prostheses consist mainly
stimulates the active response. The in vitro data of iron in titanium and cobalt alloys. Copper is
and the in vivo data seem to be in agreement and the main component of dental casting alloys and
giving correlative studies. amalgams. All implanted metallic materials cor-
These findings on the different responses to the rode and release ions or particulate matter into
different particles and materials will help delineate the surrounding tissue (Esposito et al.,1998). It
the differences in biological reaction. Natural la- has been suggested that long-term use of medical
tex in medical devices can cause life-threatening implants, made from either metallic or synthetic
Type 1 allergic reactions in individuals sensitized materials, may cause mutations or be carcino-
to latex proteins. HSB latex research project was genic. Better understanding of the processes and
initiated to solve the problem of severe allergic interactions between materials and the biological
reactions. It included efforts to provide basic data environment is needed for assessing the risk of a
on the nature of allergens and to develop meth- variety of metal-containing dental devices. Studies
odology for evaluating the allergenic potential are being conducted in order to evaluate the effects
of latex products. The studies are focused on the of mercury vapour on gene expression in rat brain.

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Mercury constitutes 50% of dental amalgam, and Expected Benefits of Digital Library
amalgam restorations release small amounts of
mercury vapour (elemental mercury). This vapour The expected results are to:
is absorbed and distributed throughout the body,
localizing in the kidney and brain. Dental prac- 1. Research, structure, review and harmonize
titioners who use mercury have elevated urinary various data and information sources for
mercury levels, and in persons who have amalgam Dental Biomaterials worldwide.
restorations, the number of amalgams is directly 2. Develop and deploy digital library for dental
proportional to the urinary mercury concentra- biomaterials, as the worlds most compre-
tion. Since mercury is a known neurotoxicant, hensive information resource for biomaterial
exposure to mercury vapour during pregnancy properties, applied in dentistry, and other
may interfere with brain development. In contrast fields.
to animal studies, reports of human reproductive 3. Develop innovative ways and search mecha-
and developmental effects due to occupational nisms for finding information from the da-
vapour exposure have been inconclusive. tabase.Create necessary know-how, human
and equipment infrastructure to continue
with permanently updating and upgrading
CONCLUSION the database and the complete system.
4. Form a large network of participants for
The Dental Biomaterials Digital Library will be information and knowledge exchange and
structured as a unique, consistent data infrastruc- leverage.
ture including all the compiled information, and
it will provide flexibility, extensibility and high Market segments will include:
search performance. The compiled information
will be entered into the database, data structures Dental device manufacturers
and Web-based programs for the database. Updat- Dentistry practitioners
ing will be created, as well as Web-based program Material specialists
for peer-to-peer knowledge exchange. Regulatory bodies (Institutes on Standards
The content will be published via the special- and Technology, Institutes of health, etc.)
ized Web site to professionals worldwide, with a Research and scientific community (Uni-
flexible multi-layer access system, to provide a versities, Research institutes and centres,
quick, easy online access via a single portal to University hospitals, Pharmaceutical com-
consistent and relevant materials information. panies, Biomedical engineering students,
Web-based search engine with superior search etc.).
performance, and multiplicity of search modes will
be developed, combined with additional special The obtained results will gain a broader un-
software modules for material cross-referencing derstanding of the work being performed glob-
and identification. Multilingual system and con- ally by identifying, visiting and assessing work
tent will be deployed, in order to provide access being done at key research centres for Dental
to all the information to as broad audience as Biomaterials. Examining new cross-disciplinary
possible. strategies will help to identify knowledge gaps
in critical areas of material and clinical science

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

and engineering that need to be filled in order FDA dental devices aproval Web site http://www.
for the potential of biomaterials engineering to
be realized by end users of Dental Biomaterials
Galletti.(1998). Artificial organs: Learning to live
Digital Library.
with risk. Tech. Rev, (pp. 3440).
Gautam, P., & Valiathan, A. (2008). Bio-smart
Acknowledgment dentistry: Stepping into the future! Trends Bio-
mater. Artif Organs, 21(2), 94-97.
This chapter is based in part of the Proposal project
Letic, A., Crudo, V., & Abe, K. (2002).Tooth-germ
for RTD European Commission-VII Framework.
morphogenesis signals for 3D tissue engineering
The author gratefully thank to the colleagues for
scaffolds in oral reconstructions. Tissue Engineer-
their help.
ing, 8(6) Abs. O-118, 1165.
Letic, A., Crudo, V., & Abe, K. (2002a). Micro-
REFERENCES spheres-based tissue engineering product for cran-
iofacial bone reconstruction. Tissue Engineering,
Agrawal. (1998). Reconstructing the human body 8(6) Abs. PP-169, 1234.
using biomaterials. J Met, 50(No. 1), 31.
Letic-Gavrilovic, A., & Bakos, D. (2005). Mem-
Anderson, J.M. (2001). Biological responses to branes and bone substitutes in reconstructive
materials. Annu Rev Mater Res, 31, 81110. surgery. Nova Science Publishers,Inc. USA. ISBN
1-59454-368-2, In B.M.Caruta, (Ed.), Polymeric
Biomaterials Properties Database (1996). Uni-
materials: New research, (pp. 107-139).
versity of Michigan, Copyright Quintessence
Publishing. Letic-Gavrilovic, A., Fini, M., Giavaresi, G.,
Dental_tables/toc.html Giardino, R.,& Abe, K. (2001). Evaluation of
composite collagen/hydroxy-apatite implanta-
Biomaterials Research http://www.biomaterials.
tion and nerve growth factor (NGF) delivery on
new bone ingrowth, Acta Veterinaria, 51(5-6),
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. 299-310.
(1999). Reference model for an Open Archival
Letic-Gavrilovic, A., Todorovic, L. J., & Abe,
Information System (OAIS), Red Book, Issue 1.
K. (2004). Oral tissue engineering of complex
CCSDS 650.0-R-1. Washington, D.C.: National
tooth structure on biodegradable DLPLG/beta-
Aeronautics and Space Administration. http://
TCP scaffolds. In N. Hasirci & V, Hasirci (Eds.),
Biomaterials: From molecules to engineered
Craig, R.G., & Powers, J. M.(2002). Restorative tissue, (pp. 267-281). Kluwer Academic/Plenum
dental materials, 11th ed.,Ed., Mosby, Inc., An Publishers, USA, .
Affiliate of Elsevier Science.
Letic-Gavrilovic, A., Piattelly, A., & Abe, K.
Esposito, M., Hirsch, J-M., Lekholm, U., & Thom- (2000). Nerve growth factor beta (NGF beta)
sen, P. (1998). Biological factors contributing to delivery via collagen/hydroxyapatite composite
failures of osseointegrated oral implants. Eur J and new bone ingrowth. J Mat Sci: Mat Med,
Oral Sci, 106(1), 527-52. 14, 1-8.

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

Letic-Gavrilovic, A., Scandurra, R., & Abe, K. Key Terms

(2000). Genetic potential of interfacial guided
osteogenesis in implant devices Dent Mater J, Biocompatibility: Tissue responces to the
19(2), 99-132. biomaterials without pathological reactions. Re-
cent advances in the design and composition of
Lupovici, C., & Masans, J. (2000). Metadata for
bioactive surface layers of implants and to improve
Long Term Preservation. NEDLIB report series, 2.
osseointegration and durability properties, which
The Hague: Koninklijke Bibliotheek.. http://www.
are required for long-term implantation in the
living body.
Metadata Engine Project: http://meta-e.uibk.
Calcium Phosphates (hydroxyapatite-HA):
Bioceramics of crystalline structure very similar
PANDORA project: to the human bone structure. Calcium phosphate
pandora/ ceramics (HA and -TCP) are considered as the
most biocompatible synthetic substance which
Papers from the Preservation (2000) conference
are known to be used in hard tissue implantation.
and presentations from the Information Infra-
These biomaterials are not osteogenic per se, in
structures for Digital Preservation workshop are
that they do not induce ectopic bone formation.
available on the RLG Web site: http://www.rlg.
However, they provide a physical matrix suitable
for deposition of new bone and display growth-
Preservation 2000: an International Conference guiding properties causing the bone to extend
on the Preservation and Long Term Accessibil- into otherwise non-occupied spaces.
ity of Digital Materials:
Dental Biomaterials: Biomaterials or any
pharmacologically inert material that is capable
Project Prism: of interacting with a living organism. It represents
main.htm various Dental implants for jaws and facial hard
tissues, gums or teeth, to be used with recognized
The Global Technology Revolution: Bio/Nano/
criteria. They are used in the oral cavity either
Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Infor-
to restore function, comfort, or aesthetics caused
mation Technology by 2015. (2001), RAND.
by developmental disorders, disease, or trauma.
Third European Report on Science & Technology More elective procedures are being requested
Indicators (2003) - Towards acknowledge-based and performed purely for aesthetic purposes as
economy. European Commission (EC). the incidence of caries has dropped in certain
population groups and as patients have become
University of Glasgow, Humanities Advanced
more aware of various restorative or cosmetic
Technology and Information Institute, MPhil
options. However, the replacement of diseased
in Digital Management and Preservation.
tooth structure or missing teeth accounts for the
bulk of work in restorative dentistry.
Digital Library: Database of masses of data
Web Site Profiler:
resulting from experiments and observations
in the scientific processes. Digital libraries are
htmli2010: Digital Libraries Initiative http://
readily available as an online service for medical
devices manufacturers, medical and dentistry

Digital Library for Dental Biomaterials

practitioners, material professionals, regula- central database in this step, with the objective to
tory bodies, scientific communities, and other achieve robustness, superior search performance,
interested parties through single- and multi-user and multiplicity of search modes. Classic search
licensing. If it proves useful and requested by strategies will be combined with Google search
the market, CD editions could be derived from engine and special algorithms based on artificial
the main digital library. intelligence and fuzzy search for material iden-
tification and cross-referencing.
Material Properties: Multidimensional inter-
face between chemistry, chemical engineering, Smart Biomaterials: Refers to a class of
material science, mechanics, surface science, materials that are highly responsive and have the
bioengineering, biology and medicine. inherent capability to sense and react according
to changes in the environment.
Periodontal Tissue: Supporting teeth tissues
including bone, cementum, periodontal ligament Titanium (Ti): Ti is a transition metal with
and gums. Atomic Number 22, Atomic mass 47.88. Since it
is strong and resists acids it is used in many alloys.
Search Engines: Digitalized process of data
TiO2, white pigment that covers surfaces very well,
mining based on simple, flexible, structured or un-
is used in paint, rubber, paper and many others
structured performances of artificial intelligence.
industries. Ti is used in implantology, because
For Dental Biomaterials Library a hybrid Web-
its chemical, physical and biological properties
based search engine will be defined atop of the
provide very good biocompatibility.


Chapter XVI
Rapid Prototyping and Dental
Petros Koidis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Marianthi Manda
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


The present chapter deals with the introduction and implementation of rapid prototyping technologies
in medical and dental field. Its purpose is to overview the advantages and limitations derived, to discuss
the current status and to present the future directions, especially in dental sector. Furthermore, a flow-
chart is outlined describing the procedure from the patient to the final 3-D object, presenting the possible
alternatives in the process. Finally, an example is presented, decribing the process of the construction
of high accurate surgical guided templates in dental implantology, through rapid prototyping.

INTRODUCTION numerical models of great complexity and under

convoluted conditions, with relative ease and
Computational modeling represents the simulation mainly safety.
of real-world scenarios in a virtual environment The last years, the computer modeling is
throught the transformation of physical structures experiencing increasing application and extend-
into numerical models. It has revolutionized the ing deeper in the fields of biology and medicine,
engineering and science over the last 30 years, across a vast range of scale, from the individual
by integrating itself into many aspects of the molecules and cells of the micro-world, through
modern life from entertainment through medi- the varieties of tissue and interstitial interfaces,
cine. The framework of operating in an in-silico to complete organs, organ systems and body parts
field allows the practitioner to handle and analyze of the macro-world (Robb RA, 1999).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

The framework of bio-tissue informatics Virtual biomodels are directed to suit the purpose
includes a variety of scientific and engineering of visualization and manipulation, while compu-
disciplines, according which the computational tational models are suited for the purpose of the
simulation of internal and external configura- analysis and, specifically, of the biomechanical
tion of biological structures is conducted, often analysis, exhibiting stress and strain distributions
providing information about biological, biophysi- (Udupa JK, 1999).
cal and biochemical properties. It is a matter of The increasing potentiality of the computed-
multidisciplinary procedure, expressed as bio- or aided technology, through its provided operations,
biomimetic modeling. Formerly, biomodeling has been and it is expected further to be the
was used to express a generic term, defining the vehicle to the accomplishment of several clini-
process during which a biological structure could cal objectives, both in medical and dental field.
be transformed into a solid substance (D Urso, Specifically, its major so far contribution has been
1998). Though, currently, after the advances and scored for the tissue engineering field, where
the vast implementation of the computed technol- new disciplines have been raised, by developing
ogy innovations, the definition of biomodeling can the computer-aided tissue engineering (CATE).
be extented in order to include the fidel replication Tissue engineering had been developed as an at-
of a biological structure in terms of geometry or tempt to resolve the shortage in tissue and organs
morphology both in a computer-based or a solid for translaplantation therapy, by developing tools
physical form. Based on the latter definition of for patient-specific biological substitutes, in order
biomodeling, the resulted output-forms (biomod- to restore, mentain and improve tissue function.
els) can be classified into: a) computed-based and Though, today, CATE has branch out into four ma-
b) physical biomodels. The formers can be further jor categorizes, which are the (a) computer-aided
divided into virtual and computational biomodels. tissue anatomical modeling, (b) computer-aided
Physical models constitute the physical production tissue classification, (c) computer-aided tissue
in an actual or scaled size of a computer-based, implantation and (d) computer-assisted surgery
virtual, usually, models by engineering technolo- (Sun W, 2002).
gies (Lohfeld S, 2005). Explicitly, computer-aided anatomic model-
Each kind of computer-based model constitutes ing constitutes the realization in form of 3d-
an object system (such an anatomical organ), which representation of tissue anatomy, originated form
may undergoes specific object operations, the non-invasive data acquisition, usually computed
results of which provide information of qualitative tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance image
and / or quantitative nature. These operations are (MRI). The biomodels derived are able to be
highly independed and may be distinguished in: submitted, through certain format files, in rapid
a) visualization, b) manipulation and, finally, c) prototyping (reverse engineering), in computed-
analysis. More specific, visualization serves the aided based environment and biomechanical
viewing and comprehending the structures and analysis. A number of proceedings control the
the dynamics of the object system. Manipulation development of the anatomic model according
aims at the altering of the object system either by to its final destination (Sun W, 2005).
changing the relationship among the consisted As far as concern the computer-aided tissue
objects or by altering the objects themselves. On classification, this is mainly made for the hard
the other hand, analysis aims at the extraction and soft tissues, which is used for the deformable
of quantitative measures of certain parameters, modeling in surgical simulation. This is occurred
which are related to the functionality of the object via virtual reality deformable models (single
system (Sun W, Lecturer Topic Sp.AYO1O2). animation of tissue deformation) or mathematical

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

deformable models (simulation of the exact physi- beeing carved away from a solid block of the
cal behavior) (Terzopoulos D, 1990, Chen DT, desired material (Petzold R, 1999). The additive
1992). Another advantage of tissue classification ones include thenewerrapid prototyping,
is the identification of trauma and its contribution usually referred as solid freeform fabrication or
in tumor diagnosis. sometimes as rapid manufacturing, layered manu-
Computer-aided tissue implantation includes facturing, additive fabrication and, colloquially,
scaffold guided tissue engineering or else named art-to-part technology (Pham DT, 1998). Through
computer-aided system for tissue scaffolds this process, physical models are produced in a
(CASTS). This technique eliminates the reliance gradual, controlled way, by selectively solidifying
of the results on users skills, which is prereq- one horizontal layer (each layer represents the
uisite in the convectional techniques. Though, shape of the cross-section of the model at specific
there is criticism about the model validation and, model) at a time (layer-by-layer) with stepwise
especially, the limitation about the internal archi- submergence along the vertical axis, until the part
tecture built (Leong KF, 2002). Furthermore, the is completed. The limitations of the former are
computer-aided tissue implantation involves the referred to the machine restriction, the material
tissue replacement with artificial organs (total knee employed, the inability of creation models with
and hip replacement as well as total implantable complex internal morphology, the lower accuracy
artificial heart). of the final product to the length of the process as
The application of computer-aided technolo- well as the cost (Klein HM, 1992).
gies in surgical procedures covers the preoperative
diagnosis and the planning of surgical procedures.
It also contributes in the training of both patient RAPID PROTOTYPING
and less experienced surgeons as well as in the
communication between the operative team. Rapid prototyping technologies were firstly in-
The applications of computer-aided biomod- troduced in the early 1980s, in the mechanical
eling can be further classified into those whose engineering field, in order to evaluate the ease of
functions are limited inside the computational assembly and manufacture of designed products
environment and to those that they use the com- ahead of actual production. Ever since, pervad-
putational environment as the mean in order to ing in, almost, every scientific sector, more than
design the original desired parameters of the twenty rapid prototyping systems have been
products that are going to become solid physi- developed and commercialized, with the advent
cal structures, suited for biological substitutes. of stereolithography in 1986. Though, not untill
The key for the accomplishment of this goal 1990s, these technologies started to officiate in
are several manufacturing techniques, based on the medical and biomedical field, establishing
which the information derived from the in-silico the medical rapid prototyping as the tool of hu-
environment may become an accurate reality of man anatomys recreation (Webb PA, 2000). So,
the computational prototype. These techniques medical rapid prototyping is used to describe the
are included in the domain of reverse engineer- process of using radiant energy to capture mor-
ing and they can be classified into two major phological data on a biological structure and the
divisions: (a) the substractive and (b) the additive procesing of such data on a computer, to generate
ones. The substractive ones include theearlier the code required to manufacture the structure,
numerically controlled machining, according by a rapid prototyping apparatus.
which the physical model is fabricated through

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

Medical Applications surgery and by setting a visualized end-point of

the optimized surgical outcome (Petzold 1999,
Anatomical and Physical Modeling in Singare 2008). During this conditional surgery
Treatment Planning process, the surgeon has the opportunity to di-
rectly estimate, study, measure and manipulate
When considering reconstructive surgery, it is the region of interest and the surrounding tissues,
often difficult to ascertain the exact nature of to design and prefabricate custom-made implants,
affected internal anatomy. Although advances control their adaptation within the deformity and
in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic analyze their biomechanical behavior, so as to in-
resonance imaging (MRI) have enabled the gen- vestigate the tissue mechanics in cases that ethics
eration of 3D reconstructions of internal anatomy, do not allow the in vivo experiments (Heckmann
they are often only available as fixed 2D images. 2001, Adam 2002). Though, the greater advantage
These may obscure important details or prove according to most of the surgeons is the ability
ambiguous depending upon the angle of view of preparation of templates for intra-operatively
(Bibb 2000). guiding and positioning of screws, plates and
Rapid prototyping is impacting medicine implants during surgery, for executing other
in several important ways (Giannatsis 2007). surgical techniques (resections and osteotomies)
Its beneficial utility has been reported through and for shaping bone grafts (D Urso 1998, Brown
clinical prospective studies and case reports, 2002, Lal 2006, Milovanovic 2007). Finally, rapid
facilitating the explanation, planning and ex- prototyping models may be great communica-
ecution of the surgical phase by the practitioner tion tools for teaching and explaining purposes
in certain medical specialities such as oral and either between surgeon and patient or among the
cranio-maxillo-facial surgery, neurosurgery, or- members of surgical team (Milovanovic 2007).
thopeadics and cerebrovascular surgery (da Rosa Consequently, rapid prototyping constitutes an
2004). Syndroms (Crouzons disease, Apertss important adjunct for intra-operative navigation
syndrome), tumors (meningioma, C2 osteoblas- which results in less extensive instrumentation,
toma), congenital and development abnormali- increasing surgical confidence, securing safer
ties (craniosynosteosis, encephalocoeles, facial intra-operative procedure with lower complica-
clefts, hypertelorism, hemifacial microsomia, tions and risks, better fitting of the artificial body
congenital kyphoscoliosis, congenital idiopathic parts, saving time and cost and, finally, ensuring
juvenil thoracolumbar scoliosis), post-traumatic more accurate predictability of the final surgical
deformities are some of the plethora of pathological outcomes (Erickson 1999, D Urso 2000, Muller
cases, where biomodeling and rapid prototyping 2003). It is amazing the fact of reported surgerys
were used as part of a sucessfull treatment (Izatt cancellation after the diagnosis through physical
2007). However, the use of rapid prototyping in model that the abnormality would not further
the medical treatment was more frequent for the developed. The diagnosis was confirmed with
dentofacial anomalies (28.9%), followed by the the followed good clinical outcome.
congenital diseases (20%), neoplasms (19.2%) Rating the impact of rapid prototyping in the
and the trauma (15%) (Winder 2005). surgical procedures as highly beneficial, in a post-
The incorporation of rapid prototyping in the operative survey conducted by the DUrso team,
treatment planning seems to improve the surgi- it has been concluded that the rapid prototyping
cal planning (especially the complex ones), by combined with the conventional image modalities
enhancing the diagnostic quality, enabling the not only improves the vast majority of theurapeu-
surgical phase to be simulated prior to the actual tic results, but, for some clinical cases, it was the

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

prerequisite in order for the desired results to be alloplastic decreases the long-term maintenance,
achieved (Izatt 2007). That is the reason why rapid combined with a prolonged surgical procedure
prototyping applications in certain clinical cases time and increased materials for intra-operative
are increasing in both scope and frequency. modeling may result in an inflammatory tissue
response (Vale 1997).
Anatomical and Physical Modeling in Furthermore, the prefabricated standard im-
Reconstructive and Regenerative plants constitute ideal objects that work satis-
Medicine factorily in a range of sizes and for some types
of procedures. Though, there are always patients
Beyond the diagnostic and training / educating outside the standard range, between sizes, or
performance that the physical models have, rapid with special requirements caused by diseases or
prototyping play a more assertive role in the genetics. Craniofacial surgeons do not routinely
treatment arena of reconstructive / plastic and recommend prefabricated implants to their pa-
regenerative medicine, through the development tients with large cranial defects. For these cases,
of computer-aided manufacturing of prosthetic a custom made prosthesis, which will precisely
devices (implants) and scaffolds, respectively. fit, fill and function in the deficient anatomy is
(Bill 2004, Hutmacher 2007). required (Adam 2002, Dean 2003).
A rough outline of the prosthetic materials used The challenge in the indirect fabrication of
in reconstructive surgery includes the autologous individual models is the extraction or creation
or homologous bone grafts, allografts and bone ce- of accurate contours from the virtual 3d-recon-
ments mainly based on poly (methyl methacrylate) structed patients anatomy, based on which the
(PMMA), ceramic and metals, either alone or in implant modeling will be directed. The method
combination (Vail 1999). Though, ceramics and of designing and constructing implants through
metals in a customized form have the edge on the rapid prototyping is based on two philisophies:
other materials, since their use is not restricted a) the morror-image production and b) the CAD-
from the donor site morbidity, the material sup- based contour generation ( Hieu 2003).
ply, the stress-shielding effect and the pathogen During the mirror-image production, the
transfer (Vail 1999). Their major advantage is the healthy side of patients anatomy in form of virtual
potentiality of customization either during the model is required in order to be mirrored at the
surgical phase or prior to. contra-lateral side, where the osseous deformity
The pre-fabrication of individual implants exists. A substracting and merging procedure
derived from patient-specific computational data is followed based on sophisticated algorithms,
source is often preferred over the customization according which the mirrored surface will be
techniques on actual surgical site or prefabricated matched with the contours at the defect edge.
standard sized replacement parts selected from The method is quite simple and predictable,
a range provided by manufacturers based on except from the cases of excisting asymmetrical
anthropomorphic data. The prosthetic treatment anatomies, which must be a priori diagnosed, so
modality of the osseous deficiencies through intra- as to be included in the procedure either through
operatively (direct) modeling of the implanted de- practitioners intervation or by proceeding in a
vices may compromise the final surgical outcome CAD environment (Bruant 1988, Connell 1999,
as far as conecrn the easthetics and the functional- Hieu 2002, Metzger 2007).
ity. The restriction of the selected materials and the The CAD-based contour generation is based
implant shaping may result in stress experienced on the transformation of the patients related im-
by the patient (Wurm 2004). Moreover, the use of aging data in a CAD system, where the excisted

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

contours are used for defining the borders of compared to the original surface approximated
individual implants shape, so as the implants 0.62+/- 0.35mm (Choi, 2000). Though, other
edges closely fit the defect edges. The desin- studies present higher or lower deviations within
ing of the implant is accomplished by using the a range of 0-2mm (Nizam 2006; Winder 2006).
non-uniform rational b-splines and the freeform This may give a prospect for greatly improved
surfaces are generated by extrapolation of the health, while the conquest of mortality is visible
surface contours of the defects, surrounding bone on a distant horizon.
(Winder 2006) (Figure 1). Despite the admitted effect of computer-aided
Despite the wide implementation of rapid pro- implantology in the reconstructive medicine, the
totyping in reconstructive medicine, its applicabil- ultimate goal of the prosthetic treatment is tissue
ity is not empty of errors, while several studies regeneration. In order to overcome the limita-
have attempted to investigate the accuracy of rapid tions (immunological intolerance) of biomaterial
prototyping implants. Ranking the validation of implantation and organ transplantation, scaffold-
the computer-aided generated implants, it seems based tissue engineering was developed, where
that they are clinically acceptable. Choi (2000) in vivo tissue regeneration is promoted through
presenting an analysis study of the errors in medi- guided wound healing as part of normal tissue
cal physical models, resulted that the deviation repair process; and /or bioartificial organs in vitro

Figure 1. A helical 3D CT data set of the patients skull (a) is acquired. A wax template is used for fab-
rication of the CFRP implant (b), which exactly fits into the defect of the biomodel (c) as well as into
the actual patients defect during surgery (d). Wurm G, Tomancok B, Holl K, Trenkler J. Surg Neurol :

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

are created (Langer 1993; Sun_2004d; Vacanti, healing phase to be compensated in favour of
2006). Solid freeform fabrication systems have tissue regeneration (Hutmacher, 2000).
the potential to optimise these scaffolds and So, scaffolds computational designing and
achieve not only the desired level of geometrical simulating based on the above principles consti-
complexity into the scaffold, but also may attain tutes a critical issue, coupled with their clinical
reproducability, reliability, and high customiza- performance and reliability. The framework of
tion (Stevens 2008). scaffolds computational designing and simulation
The role of computer-aided systems for tissue prior to rapid prototyping fabrication comprises:
scaffolds is: (a) to delimit the macro-environment (a) the representation of scaffold topology, (b)
in shape and in volume inside which the tissue will the attribution of initial scaffold characteristics
be regenerated, (b) to perform the optimum func- and (c) the definition of time-dependent scaffold
tionality as long as the healing process is taking performance (Hollister, 2008). (Figure 2)
place and (c) to create the biochemical and genetic The representation of scaffolds topology may
substratum in order for the tissue regeneration to be developed either in a vector-based modeling
be enhanced and accelerated (Hollister 2002). In environment, using computer- aided design tech-
order for these goals to be achieved, certain criteria niques or may be rely on specific-patient data
must be fullfiled, even if it is admitted that: (a) obtained from image modalities, using image-
the combination of some of those requirements is based design techniques (IBD) (Sun 2004e; Hol-
competing (Hollister 2005), (b) the ideal term for lister, 2004). The construction of scafforlds and
scaffolds is subjective, depending on the tissuue to the attribution of their inital characteristics is a
be repaired (Hutmcher 2004), (c) there is no much combinative two-phase solid-void design problem
of experimental data about which requirement is which must be coupled with the identification of
most effective in the healing process (Hollister their maximum effective mass transport (perme-
2002). The aforementioned make the construction ability and diffusion), electrical (conductivity)
of an ideal per se scaffold difficult and render and mechanical properties (steffiness), according
their further optimization and testing impera- to the objective functions (Guest, 2006). The
tive (Hutcmaher 2000, 2004). So, the minimum difficulty derived is the competing behaviour
set of criteria required, so as the basic principles of some properties towards the morphological
to be accomplished are:(a) the modulation of the characteristics of the scaffolds and the limita-
morphological properties (pore architecture, tion of the methods used in the optimization of
size and interconnectivity) which facilitate the a single property (Sigmund, 1997). The problem
tissue integration, the vasculirization and the has been faced through homogenization theory,
diakinesis of biological components, nutrients which projects the microstructural behaviour of
and metabolites, (b) the selection of biocompat- the material to the macroscopic properties and the
ible materials which determine the equilibrum relative new topology optimization theory which
between the tissue regeneration and scaffold investigates the optimal distribution material
degradation, through controlled biodegradabil- phases in a given design domain (Hollister SJ,
ity or biosorbability patterns, (c) the selection of 2005; Lin 2004a, 2004b).
surface chemistry to favour cellular attachment, Finally, one of the most significant as well as
differentiation, proliferation and ne novo produc- dufficult issues in scaffold fabrication process is
tion of extra-cellular matrix and, finally, (d) the the ability for the tissue regeneration and scaffold
determination of the mechanical performance so degradation to be simulated. Both are dynamic
as the mechanical changes occured during the and time-dependend biological procedures, which

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

Figure 2. (a) Part fabricated from Solidscape ModelMaker 2, (b) mold made by dewaxing fabricated
part, (c) final sintered HA scaffold made by casting. Sintering causes a 27% reduction in linear dimen-
sion that is accounted for by enlarging the mold design by 27%. Hollister SJ, Maddoxa RJ, Taboas JM.
Biomaterials: 23 (2002) 40954103

are controlled by the interaction of mechanical, ity (Tan 2005a, 2005b), the inapropriate micro-
chemical, cellular and extracellular factors, ren- environment due to the production and insufficeint
dering the predictability of the clinical scaffolds removal of undesired metabolites (Kohn, 2002)
performance unforeseen. In the literature, there are and, finally, with the limited tissue growth due
several mathematical models, trying to simulate to the diffusion of constraints in the foam-based
the bilogical chain in tissue regeneration, though structures (Freed, 1998). Rapid protototyping
the optimization and predictability of the process technology provide a solution to this problem,
demands further investigation (Hollister, 2008). while and many adoptations have beem made
There is a vast availability of conventional to successfully overcome other dreawbacks that
fabrication methods (solvent-casting, gas foaming, have been developed related with the fabrication
melt moulding, freeze drying etc) for the construc- conditions compromising the biomechanical
tion os scaffolds (Sachlos, 2003; Stevens, 2008). peformance of scaffold such as the difficulty in
Though, the long-term use has revealed several support powder removal, the presence of toxic
disadvantages related with the inadequate control organic binders and the high temperature process-
of scaffolds morphological features (Yeong, ing. The alternative of indirect rapid prototyping
2004), the lack of consistency and reproducabil- through the creation of sicrifacial moulds to be

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

invested may combine the safety of process issue some intermediate stages and independing the
with the maintainance of the scaffolds optimized quality of the outcomes from the practitioners
biomechanical cues (Sachlos, 2003) skills (Harris, 2002). Rapid prototyping directly
The success of tissue engineering is absolutely or not- expands in both fixed and removable prost-
related to the optimising the scaffold and solid hodontics (Bibb, 2006; Strub, 2006; Williams,
freeform fabrication has the potential to do so. 2006; Sun, 2007). Latest years, its major impact
is on investment casting of the metal framework
Rapid Prototyping in Dentistry (copings, crowns, fixed partial dentures, remov-
able partial dentures or other castable prosthetic
Dental Applications features) (Wu, 2001; Williams, 2004, 2006). The
wax patterns of the metal framework are built from
CAD/CAM technologies have been successfully CAD models which are created based on the laser
introduced in the field of dentistry over a number digitized geometrical data. With the computer-
of years. In 1971, Francois Duret introduced the printed wax patterns, the metal prostheses can be
CAD/CAM process to restorative dentistry, while, cast following the rest of the investment casting
in 1983, he produced the first CAD/CAM dental procedure (Eggbeer, 2005). This indicates the
restoration (Duret 1988). Dental applications of potential of the new method, which is capable of
CAD/CAM technology in dentistry remained replacing the traditional impression taking and
restricted to finished ceramic restorations, such waxing procedure. Furthermore, if the thermal
as inlays and crowns, for nearly two decades. expansion of the casting mold (investment) is
Beginning in the 1990s, its applicability expanded known, the rapid prototyping patterns can be
into restorative aspects of dentistry. Though, designed to the equired size by scaling the CAD
these techniques were based on milling, which is model thereby offsetting the casting shrinkage.
a substractive way of fabrication of solid block, So, through iterative improvement of the runner
followed by the aforementioned shortcomings. and gating system and the casting parameters by
The need of facing the geometrical complexity means of numerical simulations, the risk of the
and the expense, that milling could not, let rapid shrinkage and gas pores is avoided or minimized
prototyping to be introduced into dental field. The (Williams, 2004).
latter has the potential to become the next genera- In addition, CAD/CAM / rapid prototyping
tion in fabrication methods in dentustry, even if gains increasingly importance in prosthetic
now its application is not an ordinairy feature in dentistry using nonmetallic aesthetic materials.
the clinical routine (Liu, 2006). Several follow-up studies have been conducted,
Beyond its known contribution related with examining the performance of ceramic crowns,
the diagnosis, education and surgical planning, inlays and onlays, constructed by these tech-
the main dental areas that rapid prototyping have nologies. The main problem derived from theses
been or can be implemented are: (a) restorative constructions are the inacurracies resulting from
dentistry, (b) dental implantology, (c) orthodontics scanning process, software design, fabrication
(Chan, 2003). process and shrinkage effects, related to the poor
restoration fit. In vitro studies have revealed mean
Restorative Dentistry marginal gaps of 64-83m, while few metric
The emergence of the rapid prototyping technol- data on clinical fit of all-ceramic single-tooth
ogy has innovated the clinical and laboratory restorations are available. Within the limits of
procedures followed, during the fabrication of the reported studies, the results suggest that the
dental prostheses, by eliminating or abolishing accuracy of CAD / CAM generated all-ceramic

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

fixed partial dentures is satisfactory for clinical otpimize the aeshetic and biomechanical result.
use. (Reich, 2005). In a ten-year prospective The precision of this technology further allows
clinical study CAD/CAM inlays and onlays, the a final prosthesis to be fabricated before implant
authors reported very high patient satisfaction placement that can then be delivered at the comple-
after a decade of clinical service. They concluded tion of the implantation procedure (Lal, 2004;
that CAD/CAM restorations made of feldspathic Parel, 2004). Precision of CAD/RP technologies
ceramic appear to be acceptable in private practice ahs been evaluated preclinically and clinically,
(Otto 2002). In a seventeen-year study of case suggestin that the rapid prototyping tampletes
series, the same researchal group concluded that have the potential to improve accuracy (Sarment
that the survival propability of CAD / CAM inlays 2003; Do Giacomo, 2005). Finally, RP techniques
and onlays is 88.7%, which is a very respectable in dental implantology result in minimization of
clinical outcome (Otto, 2008) intraoperative radiographs, the simplification of
drilling sequence result in a reduction of chairtime
Implant Dentistry and osseous exposure, which may decrease overall
Nowdays, the treatment modality of dental im- implant morbidity and postoperative complica-
plants has proven to be a predictable prosthetic op- tions (Wong, 2007).
tion, with minimum risks and complications when Another contribution of rapid prototyping
certain prerequisites are taken into consideration in dental implantology is the ability to design
into the treatment planning. One of the major fac- customized implants and fixtures as well as the
tors contributing in treatments reliability is the pontentiality to create biologically active implants.
proper implant placement, impacting in aesthetics Using rapid prototyping to make patient-specific
(Kopp, 2003). and functionality (Rangert, 1995). dental implants is a potential alternative to stan-
Untill recently, implant placement was secured dard implants, for patients who may be outside the
by the conventional fabrication of surgical guid- standard range or demand special requirements
ing templates, though not providing the desired due to diseases or genetics. The manufacture of
accuracy. This limitation is overcomed through biologically active implants is a new area for rapid
interactive computer and rapid prototyping prototyping application. Many investigations have
technologies, through which precise planning been performed recently, but it will take years for
of dental implant placement and construction of this technique to be widely employed in practise
accurate guide splints is performed (Azari, 2008; (Liu, 2006).
Jabero, 2006). Finally, rapid prototyping has been used in
Inside a 3-D computentional environment clinical cases as part of the protocol for tooth au-
and based on patient-specific data derived form totransplantation, in cases of treatment of missing
computerized tomography combined with the teeth or replacement of avulsed or traumatized
ultimate outline of prosthetic restoration and teeth, when there is a donor tooth available. Spe-
the patients anatomy, the desired implants may cifically, rapid prototyping was used in order to
be selected in terms of lenght, diameter and create physical models of the recipients jaw and
compagny; and placed in terms of thesis or buc- donors tooth, in order for the donors tooth adapt-
colingual / mesiodistal tilting in patients jaw, by ability to be examined with the highest desired
translating or changing the angulation of implants. accuracy (Lee, 2001).
Furthermore, selection of abutment in different
angulations and abutment collars are available Orthodontics
in a database of commercial prosthetic features, Another field of dentistry which has been revo-
in order to compensate the derived problems and lutionized by CAD/RP technologies is orthodon-

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

tics. The computerized patients data acquisi- acuity and fatigue, not to mention misdiagnosis
tion through the 3D-representation of patients and malpractise (Mah, 2001).
anatomy constitutes a complementary process to Thanks to the aforementioned technological
the traditional one and in combination with the advances of CAD/RP techniques, new systems
2-D imaging (cephalometric radiography) and the have been developed in the manufacturing area
3-D diagnostic casts, improves the traditional way of bracket-archwire system, by replacing mass-
of orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning and produced prefabricated appliances with fully
treatments efficiency (Mller-Hartwich, 2007). customized brackets and archwires (Wiechmann,
While conventional model analysis is performed 2003). (Figure 3)
manually with a number of limitations in terms More specific, undesirable tooth movement
of accuracy and measuring ability and despite because of bracket placement errors and arch-
the efforts (photography, holographic technology, wire errors may be significantly reduced, thereby
3-D co-ordinate measuring technique) made to improving precision and predictability of tooth
resolve this problem (Cha, 2007), only CAD/RP movement. Especially in lingual ortodontics, three
process manage to provide high accuracy in the of the most frequently cited drawbacks of lingual
multifactorial process of the treatments outcome, appiances have been solved such as the difficult
by controlling and eliminating errors related with bonding and rebonding procedures, the more
factors such as the proper bracket placement, wire frequent accidental debonding, the problematic
bending, wire selection, variation in adhesive finishing processes and the patient discomfort
thickness, manufacturers tolerance, operators (Mujagic, 2005). Furthermore, new treatment

Figure 3. (a) In rapid prototyping, brackets are first produced in wax, applied in 0.02 mm layers. Red
support wax required for 3D production is removed thermally. (b) Wax lingual brackets before casting.
(c) Gold lingual brackets after casting. Wiechmann (d), Rummel al V, Thalheim A, Simon JS, Wiechmann
L. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2003;124:593-9.

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

modalitites that utilize computer-based virtual different applications are computed tomography
orthodontic models have been developed in order (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
to produce series of clear removable aesthetic These imaging techniques comprise internal and
appliance. external data of the patients anatomy. Though,
So, rapid prototyping is used to design orth- in dental field, in most of the cases of the routine
odontic devices with the specific patients tooth clinical practice, only the external data of the
alignment. The specific tooth aligment charac- patients anatomy are needed. For thoses cases,
teristics for an individual are included in the the external data capturing and acquisition is
prototype, allowing for development of a biome- done through laser surface digitizing. Acquired
chanically correct geometry that improves the fit, images can be used to develop a virtual model of
comfort and stability. Through this process, the the anatomical region of interest (ROI).
number of times that orthodontics have to refitted
is decreased, thus cutting down the overall cost Computed Tomography
(Faber, 2006).
Computed tomography (CT) is accomplished by
Models Fabrication Procedure acquiring series of individual images representing
cross-sections through the body, avoiding their
The basic process, according which the physical superimposition. The principles of CT are based
anatomical model or device is fabricated, is de- on the scanning and the transmittion of a beam of
scribe through the following steps (Chua, 2003) rays through the patients body and their partial
(Figures 3a and b): absorbtion from tissues with different density. The
X-ray beam is ejected from a rotating X-ray tube
CT / MRI imaging and passes through the tissues in different projec-
3-D object reconstruction through image tive directions. The amount of the not absorbed
processing radiation or else the degree of X-ray attenuation,
Data conversion into STL format and trans- depended on the tissue composition and density,
mission is detected from specific array detectors, located
Model slicing into cross-sectional layers in a contralateral position relatively to the X-ray
Model fabrication in a stratificated way source (Spoor 2000). The measurement of the
Postprocessing (Clean an finish of the degree of X-ray attenuation for every tissue voxel
model) is performed using an arbitrary grey scale, graded
with 2000 (+1000, 0 1000) numerical units,
Non-Invasive Data Acquisition known as Hounsfield units. The value of +1000
represents the higher density in while color for
Three-dimensional (3D) imaging was developed the bones and the value of 1000 represents the
to provide both qualitative and quantitative infor- lower density in black colour for the air.
mation about an object or object system, derived CT possess no magnification errors caused by
from non-invasive imaging data acquisition, like geometric distortions, though, despite the fact of
obtained with multiple image modalities including the high degree of accuracy within the individual
digital radiography, magnetic resonance, positron slices, it has relatively low between-slice accuracy
emission tomography, single photon emission, even with relatively narrow collimation and no
computed tomography and ultrasonography, each interslice gaps. The number of the detectors used
with its own advantages and limitations. Of course as well as the elements they consist of are related
the primary modalities that are made use of in to the in-plane resolution, while the depth reso-

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

Figure 4a. Roadmap of rapid prototyping

CT / MRI Imaging

Image Processing


3-D Object Reconstruction

STL File

Object Slicing

Rapid Prototyping Processing

Layer-by-layer Object

Clean and Surface Finish

3-D Prototype Object

lution is dependent on the aperure of the X-ray sequence of pulsed radio frequency fields in order
source and the scanning period. The diagnostic to take advantage of magnetic relaxation proper-
value of the image obtained is characterized by ties of the tissues. The MRI signal is calculated
factors such as the spatial resolution, uniformity, for each pixel and associated voxel in a computer
artifacts, signal- to- noise ratio, contrast and monitor using a grey scale with black representing
artifacts (Natali ). the lowest and white the highest intensity. This
signal or else called echo constitutes the emitted
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) energy equivalent to the difference between the
two energy states, picked up by a coil. Images
MRI images can be obtained based on different can be reconstructed using information from
tissue characteristics by varying the number and two different relaxation process, known as T1

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

Figure 4b. The general process of medical RP model production.Choi J-Y, Choi J-H, Kim N-K, Kim Y,
Lee J-K, Kim M-K, Lee J-H, Kim M-JInt. J. Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002; 31: 2332.

and T2. In T1-weighted images, fat gives a more complex models, discriminating between hard
intense signal than water and thus appears brigher, and soft tissues.
while T2-weighted images show the reverse pat-
tern. Since the concentration of fat and water Data and Image Processing
varies between different tissues, it is relatively
straightforward to differentiate, by their echos, The patients data captured from the aforemen-
tissues with a sufficient number of protons (Stark, tioned techniques are introduced as an input set
2000; Gray, 2003). of scenes into a computational inveronment,
CT and MRI are complementary techniques, where image analysis and processing is applied,
whereas CT provides excellent visualisation of resulting in an output set of objects or modified
hard-tissues and MRI is the method of choise to scenes, with the wanted information defined
investigate the soft-tissue systems. Consequently, and enhanced, whilst the unwanted informa-
MRI differs from CT in at least three points: (a) tion suppressed and/or extracted (Udupa, 1999).
MRI measures the density of a specific nucleus, Considering image processing, a set of operations
(b) the MRI measurement is volumetric and (c) have been established in order to serve the most
MRI provides better images for soft tissues. accurate anatomical 3d-representation, whom
Integration of information between CT and an accurate physical model or a tailored medical
MRI images will take it possible to develop more device will follow.

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

The sequence of the imaging operations begins delineation phase, a precise anatomical registra-
with the delimitation of the volume (or region) tion is obtained, including the spatial extent and
of interest and the indentification of the range of composition (Udupa, 2006).
the intensity of interest. During this procedure, The segmentation techniques are divided pri-
in the given set of data scenes, the image space is marily in the classification-, region- and contour-
reduced in dimensions and minimized to only the based ones, each with its own advantages and
data of study, while every other irrelevant subject limitations (Liew, 2006). In classification-based
is precluded. This procedure results in output segmentation, voxels are classified and labeled as
data scenes including only the information from belonging to a particular tissue class according
which the desired anatomical model will derived to a certain criterion. The simplest technique is
and, consequently, the file of the stored data is based on thresholding (Kundu, 1990). Threshold-
significantly reduced (Schenone, 1999). ing algorithm attempts to determine a threshold
After obtaining the minimized data and the value which separates the desired classes (Suzuki,
region of interest, improvement of image quality 1991).
is performed, by supressing or eliminating the Region-based methods are based on the image
noise and other artifacts, from which every image subdivision into regions, according to homoge-
modality suffers. This procedure is accomplished nious characteristics such as intensity or texture.
through filtering and smoothing techniques, by Each of them may be classified as either inside
using different filters, the most common of which or outside the target structure, and then break
are the Gaussian and the median ones. Though, up the regions on the boundary between the two
the sensitivity of those filters is not always ideal classifications into smaller regions and repeat
and suppression of desired data is often occured. the classification and subdivision on the new set
In these cases, the minimization of negative ef- of regions (Suetens 1993). This process can be
fects is achieved by the integration of the personal repeated as many times as the user wishes, within
knowledge to the algorithms activity. the bounds of hardware limitations, in order to
Proceeding on the actual indentification and refine the calculated boundary. So, according to
isolation of the tissues of interest from their back- their function, region-based algorithms may be
round, the phase of segmentation is performed classified into those who: (a) merge pixels, (b) split
(Fenster, 2005). Segmentation is an intermedi- image, (c) split-and-merge image in an iterative
ate thought crucial stage for image analysis and search scheme and, finally, in d) the watershed-
significant precondition for every task supported based approach (Chang, 1994).
(measurement, visualisation, registration, re- On the other hand, the contour-based ap-
construction and content-basd search) (Olabar- proach rely on detecting edges in the image by
riara, 2001). Segmentation is the interpretation classifying pixels using a numerical test for a
of parts of image as objects and constitutes the property such as image gradient or curvature.
process of partitioning images into constituent In these techniques, a scene intensity threshold
subregions through the extraction of boundary is specified and the surface that separates voxels
elements belonging to the same structure and with an intensity above the threshold from those
their integration into a coherent and consistent with an intensity below the threshold is computed
model of the structure (McInerney, 1996). It is (Bomans, 1990).
conducted in two phases, the recognition phase The segmentation techniques are based on so-
followed by the delineation one. In the recogni- phisticated algorithms that have been integrated in
tion phase, a broad distinguishing of the desired many commercial imaging and analysis systems.
anatomical structures is performed, while in the Though, despite the fact that accuracy, preci-

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

sion and efficiency is the optimal goal of every value interpolation to fill in the missing image
segmentation approach with validity and clinical information. More specific, the interpolation
applicability, there is no ideally reliable segmenta- schemes are necessary to recover the missing
tion technique, since the algorithms suffer from contours in intermediate slices, in order to ob-
variation due to the variation in the objects to be tain an isotropic volume image (Morigi, 2004).
segmented and due to user interaction (Fenster, Traditional interpolation algorithms can broadly
2006). Furthermore, the evaluation of the perfor- be divided into two categories, which are the
mance of segmentation algorithms is limited due scene-based (image-based) and object-based
to the poor methodology in training and testing (shape-based) (Frakes, 2008). The algorithms
them as well as due to the inability of comparing used in scene-based techniques determine pixel
them between (Hoover, 1996). So, depending values for interpolated cross-sections directly
on the purpose of the segmentation process, a from the density values of the given slices. The
different metric variable is most significant and most commonly used scene-based methods are
consequently needed than the others. As a result, the straightforward nearest-neighbor, the linear
finding the appropriate segmentation algorithm for interpolation of the grey intensity values and
a particular task as well as choosing the optimal the spline-based interpolation. In object-based
parameters internal to the segmentation algorithm techniques, the interpolation is guided by object
is still a challenge, rendering the fully automated information extracted from the slices (Atoui,
segmentation and unsolved problem and difficult 2006). The most known technique of the latter
to be established (Kang , 2004). Manual segmenta- class is the shape-based interpolation, according
tion is possible but is a time-consuming task and which the images are interpolated incorporating
subject to operator variability. Finally, the human the correspondance in shape and position between
intervention is often demanded to initialise, check objects on adjacent slices (Raya, 1990). Although,
and correct the results produced form the method, the scene-based algorithms have been used a lot
establishing an interactive part, where different the recent years, there is repeated evidence in
degrees of human assistance are combined with the literature of the superior performance of the
computational rational during the segmentation object-based interpolation. Though, object-based
phases (semi-automated segmentation) ) (Olabar- techniques are limitated by their high sensitivity
riaga, 2001) . in noise and their process methods over the scene-
Beyond segmentation, one of the most impor- based time-consuming process (Mascarenhas,
tant phases of the biomedical image processing 2000).
is image interpolation, through which the vol- After the accomplishment of the 3d object
ume reconstruction is going to occur. Most 3-D representation, the computational model must
biomedical images are sampled anisotropically, be interfaced to rapid prototyping. The interfac-
with the distance between consecutive slices ing of volume modeling to rapid prototyping is
significantly greater than the in-plane pixel size performed through its conversion into a stereo-
(Pan, 2004). Either prior to display and measure- lithography file (STL), which is a standard input
ment or during these manipulations, the images format of almost all rapid prototyping systems.
must be transformed in order to compensate for More specific, STL file consists of a mesh of
this anisotropy and to convert the input data into connected triangular planar facets representing
output data of isotropic or of the desired level of the outer skin of an object. Each facet is defined
discretization in any of the n dimensions (Grevera, in terms of its vertices and a unit surface normal
1998). This is achieved by using a pixel-by-pixel vector directed away from the interior part. The

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

vertices of triangular facets are also ordered to terms of material processability and each tech-
indicate which side of the triangle contain the nique requires a specific form of input material
part mass (Jacob, 1999). STL files used in rapid (Yeong, 2004). Though, the general building
prototyping systems must be valid to avoid failure philosophy is common for all of them and is based
in manufacturing. Invalid STL files may cause on the models decomposition into 2-D horizontal
incosistencies of facet orientation and uncertain- thin cross-sectional layer representation, on the
ties in the system about which side of the object implementation to the rapid prototyping machine
is the interior or the exterior one. Furthermore, and, finally, on the dimensionally accurate physical
irregularities in the solidified material, during construction in an additive fashion of the model
processing, may cause structural problems in the in a layer-by-layer way (Choi, 1997). Explicitly,
final part and consequently resulting in uncon- starting from the bottom and building layers up,
trolled shrinkage and surface warping (Ma 2001b). each newly formed layer adhers to previous in
Beyond the direct conveyance of the model into a pre-determined order, while each layer cor-
the rapid prototyping procedure, the STL file may responds to each of the cross-sectional series.
be conveyed indirectly to the rapid prototyping Rapid prototyping technologies may be classified,
procedure, through a CAD package. CAD package according to their methodology principles, into: (a)
constitutes a vector-based modeling environment, systems based on laser technology, (b) extrusion
which relies on boundary representation, mean- technology-based systems, (c) systems based on
ing that the solid object is defined by the surfaces print technology and (d) assembly technology-
which bound it. These surfaces are mathematically based systems (Hutmacher, 2004). The most
described using special polynomial functions representative and commonly used in dentistry
such as non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) methods in each category will be discribed:
function, which represent arbitrary shapes using
mathematical precision (Dimas, 1999). So, Inside a Systems Based on Laser Technology
CAD environment, surface refinement, triangula-
tion correction, editing and further manipulation Stereolithography
of biomodels may be occurred as well as implant Stereolithography (SLA) is a photopolymerization
designing and design verification, prior to the technique, according which the optical energy is
rapid prototyping process (Ma, 2001a). used to selectively solidify, by photocuring, seri-
After the computer-aided image processing ate layers of liquid photopolymer resin, each of
and the model manipulation to produce a STL which represents a cross-sectional division of the
file formatted solid model, a rapid prototyping model. The process involves an ultraviolet (UV)
procedure and apparatus are selected, by which laser beam which is applied on the thin layer at
the model will be sliced and the final anatomical the surface of the resin, in the direction of x and
part or device will be fabricated. y, through a mirror. The mirror is computer con-
trolled according to the computational model data
Typical Rapid Prototyping Systems sources. The solidification is performed in a vat
of liquid resin, inside which there is an elevator
The construction of the 3-D object (physical holding the constructed model. After the accom-
model or device) obtained from the aforementio- plishment of every cured layer, the elevator lowers
nied process may be achieved through different the already solid model along the z direction, so as
rapid prototyping apparatus. Rapid prototyping the level covered the surface immediately above
techniques are very specialized technologies in the model to be always liquid. The procedure is

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

repeated until the full construction of the final nism by which this machine works is based on
part, when the whole model is raised up. The heating and pumping of the thermoplastic mate-
shelf-adhesive property of the material causes rial, from which the 3-D object will be formed
the layers to bond to one another and eventually at one layer at time. Segments of a filament coil
form a 3-D object. Layers of sacrificial structures of the supplied material are introduced in a tem-
are simultaneously built up to fixture and sup- perature-controlled head, which is stabilized in
port the growing shapes and are removed after a stage, able to move in all, selected, diresctions,
the finishing of the process (Figure 4a) (Sachlos, according to the programming of the computa-
2003; Hutmacher, 2004; Stevens, 2008) . tion data. Inside this head, the material starts to
liquify and to extrud in a semiliquid state, through
Selective Laser Sintering a nozzle, on the fabrication platform. The mate-
Selective laser sintering (SLS) is based on the rial is immediately solidified after beeing ejected
interaction of a CO2 laser beam with seriate thin from the nozzle and bonds to the layer below. Due
surfaces of thermoplastic powdered materials, to the time-consuming procedure of the material
after the application of which the neighboring hardening and layer bonding, the resulted models
particles reach the glass-transition temperature, from FDM require support structures, made of a
get fused and form a solid mass. The energy of different thermoplastic material, extracted from
the laser beam is modulated to melt the powders a second nozzle, which will be removed after
only in selected areas defined by the objects the model accomplishment (Figure 4c) (Zein,
geometry at the specific cross-section. The 3-D 2002; Leong, 2003; Sachlos, 2003; Hutmacher,
object is constructed in a fabrication piston, 2004;Peltola, 2008; Stevens, 2008) .
which secures the layer-by-layer building by
lowering the model along the z-axis, after the Systems Based on Print Technology
accomplishment of each section. The powder
supply is secured by a second delivery piston with 3-D Printing
opposite movement to the first, through a roller One of the most investigated and used rapid
system. The fabrication chamber is maintained at prototyping technologies, especially in tisuue-
a temperature just below the melting point of the engineering and drug-delivery applications, is
powder so that heat from laser need only elevate 3-D printing (3-DP). The principles of operations
the temperature slightly to cause sintering. As are based in a ink-jet printing technology (ink-jet
previously reported, the procedure is repeated print head), according which deposits of binder
until the full construction of the model. After the solution are applied in a platform covered with
building process, the model is removed and sub- powder, causing merging of the powder particles,
mitted in post-processing procedures, including through gluing, in a 2-dimensionally pre-defined
removal of the not scanned and fused powder or way, on a stratification basis. Conceptually, any
other manipulations depending upon the intended powdered material including polymers, metals or
application (Figure 4b) (Berry, 1996; Leong, 2003; ceramics can be merged using this ink-jet system.
Hutmacher, 2004; Stevens, 2008). The mechanism is based on the repeated cycles
of cross-section reconstruction, securing by the
Extrusion Technology-Based Systems cantrarily movement along the z-axis of two cham-
bers. After the finifshing of each cross-section,
Fused Deposition Modeling the fabrication chamber inside which the model
Another rapid prototyping constructing approach is constructed laid down the completed part and
is fused deposition modeling (FDM). The mecha- the other chamber supplies the surface above the

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

completed part with material. The communication Other Rapid Prototyping Methods
between the two chambers is done though a roller and Future Directions
system, like in the FDM, which distributes and
compresses the powder at the top of the fabrica- Despite the advantage that computer-controlled
tion chamber. After the bonder has dried in the fabrication techniques of rapid prototyping have
powder bed, the finished component is retrieved shown over the conventional, manual-based
and unbound powder is removed (Figure 4d) fabrication methods, each rapid prototyping ap-
(Leong, 2003; Sachlos, 2003; Hutmacher, 2004; paratus performs its own unique limitations as far
Ryan 2006; Stevens, 2008). as concern the speed, the efficiency, the cost, the
complexity of the control systems, the customiza-
Assembly Technology-Based Systems tion, the working materials, the auxialiary and /
or supporting materials and, finally, the accuracy
Shape Deposition Manufacturing and the surface finish of the final products. So,
Despite the fact that all the rapid prototyping ap- even if rapid prototyping has already changed
paratus are based on additive layered manufactur- the way of medical approach, the presence of the
ing techniques, shape deposition manufacturing above limitations leads to a continued research
(SDM) combines the additive methodology with and developments that will help to improve and
the material removal process of computer-numer- revolutionize manufacturing as it is known.
ically-controlled machines. The basic principle So, beyond the known commercialized rapid
of SDM fabrication methodology is to deposit prototyping systems, there are new developing
individual segments of a part, and of support mate- innovations, some of the most recent are the two-
rial structure, as near-net shapes, then machined photon polymerization process (TPP), the rapid
each to net-shape before depositing and shaping freeze prototyping (RFP) and the multi-material
additional material. Beyond the contribution of laser-assisted densification (MMLD).
rapid prototyping in reconstruction of model of
high complexity, combines additive / substructive Two-Photon Polymeriazation Process
material processing enables the fabrication of het-
erogenious structures, permitting prefabricated The TPP technique is a rapid micro-structuring
components to be embedded within the growing technology for the fabrication of 3-D structures
shapes. The most significant advantage of the made of photosensitive materials having a reso-
last application is that this technique employs the lution well beyond the diffraction limit, down
simultaneous addition of cells to the matrix dur- to 100nm. Its principle is similar to the stereo-
ing 3-D scaffold fabrication, innovating further lithography, since both techniques use direct laser
the field of tissue engineering. Each prefabricated recording into a liquid volume of photosensitive
layer is first seeded with cells and biological material to induce a photochemical reaction and
factors, before the layers stacking up and final formation of polymolecules, leading to a solid
assembly. There are several materials which can mass. Though, in case of TPP, near-infrared laser
be formed with SDM including metals, plastics, pulses are used for curing of photosensitive materi-
and ceramics, while several alternative processes als. More specific, the TPP employs a two-photon
are used in order to deposit these materials in- absorption phenomenon, allowing energy deposi-
cluding extrusion, 2-part resin systems, hot wax tion, inducing chemical reactions between starters
dispention, photocurable dispention, microcast- molecules and monomers within a transparent
ing, welding, and thermal spraying (Figure 4e) matrix. The desired structures are fabricated by
(Sachlos, 2003; Hutmacher, 2004). moving the laser focus in three dimensions within

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

Figure 5a. Stereolitography

Figure 5b. Selective laser sintering

Figure 5c. Fused deposition modeling

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

Figure 5d. 3-D printing

Figure 5e. Shape deposition manufacturing

the matrix, by using a galvano-scanner and a through selectively water freezing into an iced
micro-positioning system. The fabrication is not substracte. The water is deposited in a layered
always patient- specific, however it is possible to manner, according which the one layer bonds
fabricate any computer-designed 3-D structure, to the previous through hydrogen bond. The
with design and material properties for a particular process is done through the compbined function
patient (Schlie, 2007; Peltola, 2008). of a computer-pre-defined programming for the
model slicing and a machine-setup, consisting
Rapid Freeze Prototyping of a pressurized water containment unit, an X-Y
table to control the plate to obtain the correct
RFP is a novel, environmentally conscious method part geometry, a Z-axis elevator for the succes-
of solid freeform fabrication in a low-temperature sive layers, a micro-dispensing drop-on-demand
environment, where 3-D objects are constructed nozzle and a freezer. This procedure has been used

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

instead of the wax patterns in investment casting, processability brings out benefits and limitations,
especially in dental field, though the research is which differentiate each apparatus efficiency and
still in a preliminary phase (Leu, 2000). suitability regarding specific application field.
This makes the identification of the optimum and
Multi-Material Laser-Assisted suitable rapid prototyping process to meet prac-
Densification titioners requirements increasingly important as
well as difficult (Byun, 2005). So, the selection
MMLD is a new automated additive 3-D rapid of a rapid prototyping machine often constitutes
prototyping technique which is used in the process- a sophisticated and multi-factorial process, based
ing and construction of 3-D bi-material objects, on, mainly, benchmarking studies and, recently,
directly from computer data sources, via moving on computer based selector programs. The main
laser beam. It is used instead of manual wax pat- criteria incorporated for a pointed selection are
tering of dental restorations and sintering of the the: (a) prize of the rapid prototyping machine,
porcelain-fused-to-metal in fixed prosthodontics, (b) dimensional accuracy along the X-Y and Z
eliminating part-specific tooling, human interven- directions, (c) surface finish of the built part, (d)
tion and burning-out procedure. This process is maximum dimensions of the part building enve-
performed in two phases, in which, at first, den- lope, (e) range or type of working materials, (f)
tal ceramic and metallic powders are delivered range of layer thickness for part building, (g) speed
through slurry approaches point-by-point to the and (h) availability of technology. Other second-
desired location and, finally, once a layer (or a layer ary criteria mentioned are the laser or non-laser
segment) is delivered, it is densified using a laser type, the size of machine and the office friendly
beam scanning in the desired pattern and with or commercially type (Masood, 2002).
adjusted input power density depending on which In dental field the biggest obstacles for rapid
powder material is under densification. Despite prototyping technologies are the restrictions set by
the fact that neither volumed experimental nor the material selection, speed and cost (Leu , 2000).
clinical data have been surfaced, it was found that Most specific, SLA produces 3-D objects with
that the temperature distribution, transient stress, high accuracy even in achieving small features,
residual stress and distortion of a multi-material good surface finish and easy post-processing. Its
component are dependent on the laser process- restriction is the limited choise of photopolymeriz-
ing conditions as well as the material properties able and biocompatible liquid polymer materials.
(Dai, 2005). The difficulty arising during the construction of
plastic pattern of a removable partial denture us-
Selection Criteria ing SLA was that mold cracking developed at the
investing stage, resulting in small fins appearing
Despite the fact that rapid prototyping technology on the divested casting. This was attributed to the
is a relatively new engineering task, firstly com- expansion of the plastic pattern due to exothermic
mercialized in 1980, it has become a continuously heat of the investment material during setting. So,
growing field with wide range of capabilities and the selection of other RP technologies to allow
acceptance, counting more than twenty systems a plastic pattern to be replaced by a wax pattern
worldwide. The uniqueness of each rapid proto- may overcome this problem (Williams, 2004,
typing system and their heterogeneity as far as 2006). Contrarily, SLS lacks in surface quality
concern the technology envelope and the material and detailed featuring compared to SLA, though
the vast range of working materials (polysterene,

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

nylon, wax etc) gives SLS a significant advantage. Applications

Furthermore, SLS has the potential of direct
fabrication of metal framework, eliminating the Implant Dentistry
intermediate pattern phase. Kruth et al. provide an
example of a direct application of RP, particularly Fabrication of Surgical Guiding
SLS, for the fabrication of metal-alloy frameworks Template (Surgical Splints)
for dental prosthesis (Kruth, 2005). Eggbeer et al.
investigated the efficiency of using RP models as Endosseous dental implants image guided place-
expendable casting models in the case of custom- ment has undergone revolutionary development in
made models of removable partial denture metal the last five years, through the use of stereolitho-
alloy frameworks (Eggbeer, 2005). RP models graphic surgical splints. Its main goal is the ac-
of the framework can be used as models for lost- curate positioning of dental implants, completely
wax casting of the actual framework with great correlated with the presurgical plan, resulting in
success. FDM models are considered to have a improved functionality, aesthetics, biomechanical
lower quality and speed compared to SLA, though performance as well as minimal complications
Wu et al, in a brechmark trial, has reported the (Parel 2004). The protocole of the technique has
possibility of fabrication of satisfactory titanium been previously described for the construction of
crown through FDM without porosity, with func- an optimum guiding template and an ultimate pro-
tional contours and smooth surface (Wu, 2001). visional fixed restoration prior the surgical phase
FDM machine is more suited for placement in a for patients suffering from complete edentulism
hospital environment and the models derived are (Lal 2004, Papaspyridopoulos 2008).
low-budget (Leu, 2000). As it is aforementioned, According this protocole, the edentulous
RFP and MMLD have been used instead of the wax patient is provisionally treated with an optimum
patterns in investment casting, especially in dental complete denture, based on which a radiographic
field, though the research as well as the clinical template was fabricated (Figure 6a).
performance is still in a preliminary phase. A scan tomography of the patient with the
Both SLA and FDM are methods of choise in denture in place was performed and an image data
surgical planning due to their ability to deposit set was acquired and transformed in the computa-
materials with different colours as well as with tional environment for further image processing.
translucency. This is quite beneficial since the use At this stage, the implant positions according to
of different colours highlighs the critical structures, the virtual prosthetic restoration can be viewed,
enhances the visualization of the complex model changed and selected (Figure 6b).
and helps the communication between the people After the accomplishment of the image
get into the surgical operation. The use of tranculent manipulation and the 3-D representation, the
material is used in the designing if guiding tem- modified data are transfered through an STL
pates during the surgical phase of dental implant format to the rapid prototyping process, where
insertion. Finally, FDM, SLS and 3DP are used a stereolithograaphic model of the patients jaw
in the production of biologically active implants was constructed, based on which a patient-specific
mainly due to their capability of using versatile surgical template was fabricated (6c). Finally, the
materials for the processes (Leu, 2000). surgical phase may initiate and accomplished
with high predictability, minimal complications
and in less time.

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

Figure 6a. Duplicate dentures as radiographic templates. Papaspyridakos P, Lal K. J Prosthet Dent

Figure 6b. 3-D implant-planning. Papaspyridakos P, Lal K. J Prosthet Dent 2008;100:165-72.

Figure 6c. Stereolithographic surgical template. Papaspyridakos P, Lal K. J Prosthet Dent 2008;100:165-

Rapid Prototyping and Dental Applications

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Object System: A collection of different
Key Terms Pixel: The 2-D analog of a voxel.
Precision: Precision of a segmentation algo-
Accuracy: Accuracy of a segmentation tech-
rithm provides information on the repeatability
nique refers to the degree to which the segmenta-
of the technique when used to segment a type
tion results agree with the true segmentation.
of image.
Bracket: An orthodontic device attached to
Reliability: The ability of a system or compo-
an individual tooth to hold arch wires
nent to perform its required functions under stated
Efficiency: Efficiency of the segmentation conditions for a specified period of time.
provides information on the practical use of the
Removable Partial Denture: Any dental
prosthesis that replaces some or all teeth in a
Fixed Partial Denture: Any dental prosthesis partially dentate arch (partial removable dental
that is luted, screwed or mechanically attached or prostheses) or edentate arch (complete removable
otherwise securely retained to natural teeth, tooth dental prostheses). It can be removed from the
roots, and/or dental implant abutments that furnish mouth and replaced at will.
the primary support for the dental prosthesis.
Scaffold: A supporting surface, either natural
Guide Template: 1. A thin, transparent form or prosthetic, that maintains the contour of tissue;
duplicating the tissue surface of a dental pros- a supporting framework.
thesis and used as a guide for surgically shaping
Schene: Digital image.
the alveolar process 2. A guide used to assist
in proper surgical placement and angulation of Voxel: The volume elements into which a body
dental implants. region is virtually partitioned.
Implant: A prosthetic device made of allo- Wax or Acrylic Patterns: A form that is used
plastic material(s) implanted into the oral tissues to make a mold; a model for making a mold.


Chapter XVII
Unicode Characters for Human
New Foundation for Standardized Data
Exchange and Notation in Countries
Employing Double-Byte Character Sets

Hiroo Tamagawa Masatoshi Hitaka

The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics,
Japan Japan

Hideaki Amano Noriaki Morimoto

The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics,
Japan Japan

Naoji Hayashi Hideaki Narusawa

The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics,
Japan Japan

Yasuyuki Hirose Ichiro Suzuki

The Japan Association for Medical Informatics, The Japan Association for Medical Informatics,
Japan Japan


In this chapter, the authors report the minimal set of characters from the Unicode Standard that is suffi-
cient for the notation of human dentition in Zsigmondy-Palmer style. For domestic reasons, the Japanese
Ministry of International Trade and Industry expanded and revised the Japan Industrial Standard (JIS)
character code set in 2004 (JIS X 0213). More than 11,000 characters that seemed to be necessary for

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

denoting and exchanging information about personal names and toponyms were added to this revision,
which also contained the characters needed for denoting human dentition (dental notation). The Unicode
Standard has been adopted for these characters as part of the double-byte character standard, which
enabled, mainly in eastern Asian countries, the retrieval of human dentition directly on paper or displays
of computers running Unicode-compliant OS. These countries have been using the Zsigmondy-Palmer
style of denoting dental records on paper forms for a long time. The authors describe the background
and the application of the characters for human dentition to the exchange, storage and reuse of the his-
tory of dental diseases via e-mail and other means of electronic communication.

Introduction character. Characters encoded using two-byte

codes are called double-byte characters (Oram
Computers store letters and other characters by 1991). In double-byte character sets, each char-
assigning a number to each character (Kilbourne acter is represented by two bytes, which enables
and Williams, 2003). The entire collection of the encoding of a maximum of 65536 (256x256)
characters is called a character code set. The characters.
character code set was established in Europe and The design of Unicode (http://www.unicode.
America, and was gradually expanded together org/) is based on the simplicity and the consis-
with the advent of computers. ASCII (American tency of ASCII; however, since it assigns between
Standard Code for Information Interchange) one and four bytes to each character, it goes far
(ANSI INCITS 4-1986, 1963) is one of the most beyond the abilities of ASCII which is limited to
popular and representative character code sets, encoding the Latin alphabet and a number of other
and it is capable of encoding a maximum of 256 characters, including those with diacritic marks
characters using one byte of information. All used in European languages. Before Unicode
alphanumeric characters are covered by this was invented, there were hundreds of different
code system, and ASCII has become the de facto encoding systems for assigning these numbers as
worldwide standard due to its simplicity. single encoding could contain enough characters
Together with the development of computers, a ( For ex-
problematical point emerged in that the one-byte ample, the European Union alone requires several
character set does not have the capacity to encode different encodings to cover all its languages
enough characters in countries such as Japan, and even for a single language like English, no
China, Korea and other Asian countries which single encoding was adequate for covering all
utilize ideographic writing systems (Hussein et al. the letters, punctuation, and technical symbols
2004) . The majority of these countries employs in common use.
writing systems based on the so-called Chinese Unicode has the explicit aim of transcending
characters and has their origins in long-standing the limitations of traditional character encodings,
Asian culture. Other glyphs, symbols and icons such as those defined by the ISO 8859 standard
developed in the course of history of the individual (ISO/IEC 8859-11, 1999) , which are widely used
countries are also used. in various countries of the world but remain
In order to circumvent the limitations of the largely incompatible with each other. In principle,
ASCII character set, computer systems in these Unicode encodes the underlying characters,
countries use two bytes for representing each graphemes and grapheme-like units rather than

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

the variant glyphs (renderings) for such characters. code set completed in 1983 (
In the case of Chinese characters, this sometimes press/past/c60926e1.html), the external character
leads to controversies over distinguishing the code specification (user-defined characters) was
underlying character from its variant glyphs. revalidated since most computers were used as
Unicode consists of a repertoire of about standalone machines, and networked computers
100,000 characters, a set of code charts for vi- were not dominant at that time. External character
sual reference, an encoding methodology, a set codes are used for displaying or printing glyphs
of standard character encodings, an enumeration and symbols on a monitor or a printer directly
of character properties such as upper and lower connected to the computer. However, the recent
case, a set of computer files containing reference development of computer networks requires multi-
data, and a number of related items, such as industrial information exchange using standard-
character properties, rules for text normalization, ized character code sets. A highly important point
decomposition, collation, rendering and bidirec- in the 1999 revision is that the external character
tional display order (for the correct display of code specification was abandoned (http://www.
text containing both right-to-left scripts, such as
Arabic or Hebrew, and left-to-right scripts) (The The field of dentistry is not an exception. From
Unicode Standard, 2006). Unicode also contains the beginning of the computerization of dentistry,
several characters, which enable the notation of Japan had adopted this external character code
human dentition and human tooth numbering. specification, especially in the dental insurance
In this report, we refer to this as dental notation. claim system. In order to denote and exchange
As we describe in the next paragraph, there are electronic patient records on a network continu-
three major notations for human dentition. In ously, two major approaches have been taken. One
countries using double-byte character sets, the is the typographical approach for a full notation
Zsigmondy-Palmer system (Zsigmondy, 1874) is of human dentition, and the other is the two-digit
the primary system for denoting or exchanging numbering system for human dentition..
information concerning human dentition on paper
media. In order to denote human dentition on
computer displays or printers using double-byte Materials and methods
characters, each of the companies producing com-
puter systems for the dental industry developed Dentists use several different dental notation
user-defined characters using their original code systems for assigning information to a specific
system. The differences in these code systems tooth on a paper medium. The three most com-
obstructed the exchange of human dentition mon systems are the Universal numbering system
information via digital means. The difficulties (Ferguson 2005) (dental), the FDI World Dental
arise from the fact that two encoding systems can Federation notation (Blinkhorn et al. 1998) , and
use the same number for two different characters, the Zsigmondy-Palmer (The Unicode Standard,
or use different numbers for the same character. 2006) notation method.
Moreover, there are three major character Figure 1 shows these three major conventional
sets in Japan (Shibano, 1999). One is JIS X 0208, methods for denoting human dentition. The Uni-
standardized by the Japan Industrial Standard versal numbering system is a dental notation sys-
(JIS), the second is EUC-JP, which is popular tem for assigning information to a specific tooth,
among UNIX users, and the third is Shift-JIS. and is commonly used in the US. The uppercase
These encoding systems also conflict with one letters A through T are used for primary teeth,
another. In the latest revision of the JIS character and the numbers 1 - 32 are used for permanent

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

Figure 1. Tooth numbering systems for normal human dentition

Univer sal number ing system

*Permanent Dentition

12345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

*Deciduous Dentition


T he two-digit notation system developed by F DI

*Permanent Dentition

18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
*Deciduous Dentition

55 54 53 52 51 61 62 63 64 65

85 84 83 82 81 71 72 73 74 75

Z sigmondy-Palmer notation
*Permanent Dentition
87654321 12345678

87654321 12345678
*Deciduous Dentition



teeth, where the tooth designated as 1 is the right easier encoding using a keyboard (The Unicode
maxillary third molar and the count continues Standard, 2006).
along the upper teeth to the left side. Then the The FDI World Dental Federation notation is
count begins at the left mandibular third molar, widely used by dentists internationally for assign-
designated as number 17, and continues along the ing information to a specific tooth. Developed
bottom row of teeth to the right side. Each tooth is by the Fdration Dentaire Internationale (FDI),
assigned a unique number or letter, allowing for it is also known as the ISO-3950 notation. The

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

FDI system uses a two-digit numbering system, tooth positions (Charbeneau, 1975). Permanent
in which the first number represents the quadrant teeth were numbered 1 to 8, and the primary
in which the tooth is located, and the second dentition of children was depicted with a quad-
number represents the number of the tooth from rant grid using the Roman numerals I, II, III, IV,
the midline of the face. For permanent teeth, the V to number the teeth from the midline distally.
upper right teeth begin with the number 1, the up- The Palmer notation consists of the symbols (
per left teeth begin with the number 2, the lower ), designating the quadrant in which the tooth
left teeth begin with the number 3 and the lower is found, and a number indicating the distance
right teeth begin with the number 4. For primary from the midline. Permanent teeth are numbered
teeth, the sequence of numbers is 5, 6, 7, and 8 1 to 8, with deciduous teeth indicated by a letter
for the teeth in the upper left, upper right, lower (A to E). Hence, the left and the right maxillary
right, and lower left quadrant respectively. From central incisor would have the same number, 1;
dentistry textbooks to insurance claims in every however, the right one would have the symbol,
dental clinic, the Zsigmondy-Palmer notation is underneath it and the left one would have . In
dominant in Japan (Huszr, 1989). Asian countries, the Zsigmondy-Palmer notation
The Palmer notation (Palmer, 1891) is another is dominant due to its ability to denote both the
system used by dentists to assign information to status and the position of the tooth.
a specific tooth. Although allegedly superseded Figure 2 is a typical front cover of a dental
by the FDI World Dental Federation notation, it record in Japan, where the dental notation is
continues to be the preferred method used by the written directly on the paper medium. Therefore,
overwhelming majority of dental students and several symbols are needed for transferring tooth
practitioners in the UK (Shibano, 1999). It was information via electronic media in order to utilize
originally termed the Zsigmondy system after the capabilities of this notation.
the Hungarian dentist Adolf Zsigmondy, who The tooth numbering system developed by
developed the idea in 1861, and makes use of a FDI is used in specialized fields such as epide-
Zsigmondy cross to record the quadrants of the miological surveys, international comparisons

Figure 2. A typical front cover of a dental record in Japan

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

of dental diseases and data bank registrations for tooth in the jaw. The last group comprises the
maxillo-facial diseases. In other words, the FDI symbols that denote non-natural human dentition,
method is not so popular in Japan. Therefore, as such as artificial teeth and supernumerary teeth,
the first step of our study, we accumulated all the and other abbreviations. These symbols are used
Japanese symbols concerned with the notation of for data exchange in insurance claims.
dental information in the field of dentistry. Some The fourth step was considering the symbols
symbols were built-in external characters in the for denoting the human dentition in one or three
dental hospital information systems, and others lines on monitors and printers, with the remark
were font sets developed individually for the that one-line notations might save space on a paper
personal computers in dental clinics. The total medium or a monitor display. Finally, we selected
number of characters was over 320. a minimal set of thirty-one symbols.
The second step was to eliminate the sym-
bols that can be denoted with combinations of
conventional alphabetical characters such as (-), Results
(+), (++) and so on. We eliminated the symbols
that are closely related to the Japanese health care Figure 3 shows the first group of sixteen numerical
insurance system, such as circled hiragana and symbols enclosed in a circle or a double circle.
circled kanji, as they will disappear or change Although these signs are not specific to den-
their typography when the health care system tistry, we assigned a specific meaning to these
changes in the future. We also eliminated the modified numerical symbols in accordance with
symbols that are used rarely in Japan, such as the the dental insurance claim system in Japan.
circled letters A to E for denoting abutment teeth A single-circled numeric indicates that the
of deciduous dentition. tooth is an abutment tooth for a bridge, while a
The third step was grouping the characters. double-circled one indicates that the tooth is an
As a result, one group comprises symbols that abutment tooth with pulp extirpated.
might have a general application outside the field Figure 4 shows nine characters in three groups
of dentistry. The next group contains the symbols denoting artificial teeth, supernumerary teeth and
for denoting the position of human dentition, such an abbreviation for a group of teeth respectively.
as upper jaw, lower jaw, right side of the jaw, left A triangle with a bar indicates an artificial spacer,
side and so on. The symbols in this group sup- especially on a denture, a circle with a bar indi-
ply the simple numeric notation with additional cates a supernumerary tooth, and a tilde with a
information about the biological position of the bar indicates an abbreviation for a group of teeth.

Figure 3. The first group of symbols (circled and double-circled numerical symbols) of the proposed

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

Figure 4. The second group of symbols, denoting artificial teeth, supernumerary teeth and an abbrevia-
tion for a group of teeth

Figure 5. The third group of symbols, which are used for classifying the quadrants of the human jaw

These symbols are not used by themselves but in Figure 6 shows a sample of the graphical user
combination with numerical symbols. interface of a Japanese input method that enables
Figure 5 shows six characters used for clas- the user to handle Unicode characters, where the
sifying the quadrants of the human jaw. These user utilizes alphanumeric codes for referring
symbols are used for clarifying the tooth position to the symbols in the Unicode Standard table in
with respect to the upper, lower, left and right their documents.
side of the jaw. Figure 7 shows several examples of notations
The Unicode system contains all symbols from with combinations of numerical and Unicode
Figure 3 to Figure 5. symbols. The example on the first row denotes
normal permanent dentition from the upper right

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

Figure 6. Character table of a Japanese input method

Figure 7. Notation examples indicating normal dentition and a fixed bridge

21 1234567



7 6 5

second incisor to the upper left second molar, permanent teeth. Furthermore, the example on the
while the one on the second row refers to the same third row denotes a right upper second deciduous
dentition with the symbol for abbreviation. These molar, a first deciduous molar and a deciduous
two examples in fact indicate the same set of nine canine respectively. In the example on the fourth

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

row, the combination of non-circled and circled medicine or pediatrics, it is a specific feature of
numerical symbols indicates a permanent denti- dentistry to exchange information in digitized
tion with a fixed bridge as a whole. In insurance form. With some information about disease name,
claims in Japan, this combination indicates that tooth position and treatment history, evidence of
the right lower first molar is missing and the the daily treatment activities can be obtained.
second premolar and the second molar are abut- As a result of their initial purpose and usage,
ment teeth. the symbols contained traces of features specific
to the Japanese insurance claim system. However,
there is no difference in the way dentistry handles
Discussion tooth data and other medical data. In order to de-
crease the influence of the insurance claim system,
A committee of the American Dental Association we have divided the symbols into four groups,
(ADA) recommended the use of the Palmer nota- where the symbols in the third group (Figure 5)
tion method in 1947 (Huszr 1989); however, since have the potential to become part of a standard-
this method required the use of specific symbols, ized data exchange format due to their simplicity.
it was difficult to implement using a keyboard. As Moreover, the symbols in the third group provide
a result, the association officially supported the a base for classifying the quadrants of the human
universal system in 1968 (Ferguson 2005). After jaw. By combining these symbols with numerical
that, there was a sharp distinction between the symbols, a clear distinction can be made between
information about the position and the status of tooth data and other information. Also, it is pos-
the tooth in the dental notation. In this regard, sible to search websites for tooth position data by
we have described the symbols that enable the using a combination of symbols from the Unicode
notation of both tooth position and related tooth Standard and numerical symbols.
information by virtue of the Unicode system. In Figure 8 shows a screenshot of our hospital
this discussion, we describe the problems related information system that reflects the Zsigmondy-
to this notation system. Palmer notation and the treatment history. This
WHO has also developed a standardized data format, a set of information such as date, tooth
exchange format based on numerical symbols notation, disease name and treatment name, is one
for each tooth that is specially designed for epi- of the most typical formats of an electronic patient
demiological use. This format has the advantage record in Japanese dentistry (http://law.e-gov.
of being capable of transferring dentition data However, there is a problem to overcome
over a computer network. However, this infor- with respect to these symbols. For example, when
mation is difficult to visualize since it contains the tooth notation continues onto a new line, the
only numerical symbols that are surrounded by position of only the symbols for classifying the
unrelated numerical information. Moreover, quadrants should be compensated on the lower
this system does not have any means of denoting line or the upper line in order to demonstrate the
supernumerary teeth. difference between the upper jaw and the lower
The symbols in the Unicode Standard are jaw. Moreover, separated molars, dicuspidized
originally derived from the concept in the Japanese premolars, deciduous abutment teeth with pulpec-
insurance claim system that information about tomy, implanted artificial teeth and transplanted
tooth position should not be separated from other natural teeth can not be denoted using the symbols
information about the tooth such as disease name in the Unicode table alone. However, other tooth
or history of dental treatment. In comparison with notation systems, such as the Universal system
medical record systems, for example, internal and the FDI system, also lack this function.

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

Figure 8. A sample from an electronic patient record using the Zsigmondy-Palmer notation. It is an
important part of the dental history of the patient.

As standalone computers gradually become Charbeneau, G. T. (1975). Principles and practice

more and more powerful, and as information of operative dentistry, 6. Philadelphia, PA: Lea
technologies make the world an ever more con- and Febiger.
nected place through the Internet, multimedia
Ferguson, J. W. (2005). The Palmer notation
information is being sent through the Internet
system and its use with personal computer ap-
with surprising speed. There is a need for a new
plications. Br Dent J.,198(9), 551-3.
foundation for exchanging information concern-
ing tooth notation, and the Unicode Standard is
one of the good alternatives in this field.
h t t p : // l a w. e - g o v. g o . j p / h t m l d a t a / S 3 2 /
S32F03601000015.html (In Japanese)
index.html (In Japanese)
ANSI INCITS 4-1986 (1963). American National
Standard for Information Systems Coded Char-
(In Japanese)
acter Sets 7-Bit American National Standard
Code for Information Interchange (7-Bit ASCII).
American National Standards Institute.
Hussein, R., Engelmann, U., Schroeter, A., &
Blinkhorn, A., Choi, C., & Paget, H. (1998). An Meinzer H. P. (2004): Internationalization of
investigation into the use of the FDI tooth notation healthcare applications: a generic approach for
system by dental schools in the UK. Eur J Dent PACS workstations. Methods Inf Med., 43(2),
Educ, 2(1), 39-41. 133-40.

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

Huszr, G. (1989). The role of the life and works Character Code Set: A codeset, or coded
of Adolf Zsigmondy and Ott Zsigmondy in the character set, is a set of unambiguous rules that
history of dentistry. Fogorv Sz, 82(12), 357-63. establishes a character set and the one-to-one re-
lationship between each character in the character
ISO/IEC 8859-11 (1999): 8-bit single-byte coded
set and its bit representation.
graphic character sets, Part 11: Latin/Thai char-
acter set (draft dated June 22, 1999; superseded Chinese Characters: Characters associated
by ISO/IEC 8859-11:2001, published Dec 15, with an ideographic writing system such as Chi-
2001). nese, Japanese and Korean typically are encoded
in more than one byte because the character rep-
Kilbourne J., & Williams T. (2003). Unicode,
ertoire has tens of thousands of characters.
Symp Proc. 2003; 892. Diacritic Marks: A diacritic, also called dia-
critical mark, point, or sign, is a small sign added
Oram, A. (1991). The hidden effects of computer
to a letter to alter pronunciation or to distinguish
engineering on user documentation. In T. T. Barker
between similar words.
(Ed.), Perspectives on software documentation,
inquiries and innovations. Amityville, NY: Bay- Double-Byte Characters: A character set
wood Press. where each graphic character is encoded in two
Palmer, C. (1891). Palmers dental notation. Dent.
Cosmos, 23(March), 194. EUC-JP: Extended Unix Code (EUC) is a mul-
tibyte character encoding system used primarily
Shibano K., et al (1999): Approved minutes of the
for Japanese, Korean, and simplified Chinese. The
UTC 81 / L2 178 Joint Meeting Mission Viejo,
structure of EUC is based on the ISO-2022 stan-
CA October 26-29.
dard, which specifies a way to represent character
The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0, Fifth Edi- sets containing a maximum of 94 characters, or
tion (2006). The Unicode Consortium. Addison- 8836 (942) characters, or 830584 (943) characters,
Wesley Professional, 27 October 2006. ISBN as sequences of 7-bit codes.
FDI:Fdration Dentaire Internationale
Zsigmondy A. (1874). A practical method for
Graphemes: In typography, a grapheme
rapidly noting dental observations and operations.
is the fundamental unit in written language.
Br. J. Dent. Science, 17, 580.
Graphemes include alphabetic letters, Chinese
characters, numerals, punctuation marks, and
all the individual symbols of any of the worlds
KEY TERMs writing systems.
Human Dentition: Dentition is the devel-
ADA:American Dental Association opment of teeth and their arrangement in the
mouth. The dentition can be expressed as a dental
ASCII: American Standard Code for Informa-
tion Interchange. The ASCII codeset contains a bit
representation for each uppercase and lowercase Ideographic Writing Systems: Ideographic
alphabetic letter as well as punctuation, numbers, writing systems consist of ideographs or picto-
and control codes. graphs that represent the meaning of a word, not

Unicode Characters for Human Dentition

the sounds of a language. Chinese and Japanese with Microsoft and standardized as JIS X 0208
are examples of ideographic writing systems that Appendix 1.
are based on tens of thousands of ideographs.
Technical Symbols: Technical symbols are
ISO:The International Organization for Stan- related to and used in the various technical,
dardization. ISO is an international-standard- programing language and academic professions.
setting body composed of representatives from Miscellaneous Technical is a Unicode character
various national standards organizations. block.
ISO-3950: Also known as FDI World Dental Tooth Notation: Associating information to
Federation Two-Digit Notation a specific tooth. Three most commons systems
are described in this paper.
ISO 8859 Standard: While the bit patterns of
the 95 printable ASCII characters are sufficient Toponyms: Place-names. A toponym is a
to exchange information in modern English, most name of a locality, region, or some other part of
other languages that use the Latin alphabet need Earths surface, including natural features (such
additional symbols not covered by ASCII, such as streams) and artificial ones (such as cities).
as (German), (Spanish), (Swedish and other
Two-Digit Numbering System: Each quad-
Nordic languages) and (Hungarian). ISO/IEC
rant of the mouth is assigned a number from 1
8859 sought to remedy this problem by utilizing
to 4 for the permanent teeth for example. One of
the eighth bit in an 8-bit byte in order to allow
eight teeth in the quadrant is assigned a number
positions for another 128 characters.
from 1 to 8. These two-digit represent the posi-
JIS: Japan Industrial Standard tion of the teeth.
JIS X 0208: JIS X 0208 is a Japanese Indus- Unicode Character Code: In computing,
trial Standard defining a set of kanji indexed by Unicode is an industry standard allowing comput-
a pair of integers from 1 to 94 (this is known as ers to consistently represent and manipulate text
the kuten pair of the kanji). This standard was expressed in most of the worlds writing systems.
previously known as JIS-C-6226. Unicode has its own character code.
JIS X 0213: JIS X 0213 is a Japanese In- Unicode-Compliant OS: Computer opera-
dustrial Standard defining coded character sets tion system that enables Unicode font sets so that
for encoding the characters used in Japan. This applications on this OS handles almost all the
standard extends JIS X 0208. The first version was language in the world. Mac OS X is Unicode
published in 2000 and revised in 2004 (JIS2004). compliant Windows based Unicode compliant OS
As well as adding a number of special characters, are Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/2000 Server/2003
characters with diacritic marks, etc., it included an Server.
additional 3,625 kanji. The name of this standard
Universal Numbering System: One of sim-
is 7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded extended kanji
plified method of identifying teeth. It has been
sets for information interchange.
adopted by the American Dental Association
Palmer: C. Palmer and is in use by most general dentists today in
the United States.
Shift-JIS: Shift JIS (also SJIS, MIME name
Shift_JIS) is a character encoding for the Japa- WHO: World Health Organization
nese language originally developed by a Japanese
Zsigmondy: Adolf Zsigmondy, Hungarian
company called ASCII Corporation in conjunction


Chapter XVIII
Virtual Dental Patient:
A 3D Oral Cavity Model and its Use in
Haptics-Based Virtual Reality Cavity
Preparation in Endodontics

Nikos Nikolaidis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Ioannis Marras
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Georgios Mikrogeorgis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Kleoniki Lyroudia
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Ioannis Pitas
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


The availability of datasets comprising of digitized images of human body cross sections (as well as
images acquired with other modalities such as CT and MRI) along with the recent advances in fields
like graphics, 3D visualization, virtual reality, 2D and 3D image processing and analysis (segmentation,
registration, filtering, etc.) have given rise to a broad range of educational, diagnostic and treatment
planning applications, such as virtual anatomy and digital atlases, virtual endoscopy, intervention
planning etc. This chapter describes efforts towards the creation of the Virtual Dental Patient (VDP)
i.e. a 3D face and oral cavity model constructed using human anatomical data that is accompanied by
detailed teeth models obtained from digitized cross sections of extracted teeth. VDP can be animated
and adapted to the characteristics of a specific patient. Numerous dentistry-related applications can be

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Virtual Dental Patient

envisioned for the created VDP model. Here we focus on its use in a virtual tooth drilling system whose
aim is to aid dentists, dental students and researchers in getting acquainted with the handling of drilling
instruments and the skills and challenges associated with cavity preparation procedures in endodontic
therapy. Virtual drilling can be performed within the VDP oral cavity, on 3D volumetric and surface
models (meshes) of virtual teeth. The drilling procedure is controlled by the Phantom Desktop (Sens-
able Technologies Inc., Woburn, MA) force feedback haptic device. The application is a very promising
educational and research tool that allows the user to practice in a realistic manner virtual tooth drilling
for endodontic treatment cavity preparation and other related tasks.

INTRODUCTION diagnostic, treatment planning and virtual reality

applications such as virtual anatomy and digital
Creation of datasets comprising of digitized im- atlases, virtual endoscopy, surgery planning etc.
ages of cross sections of the entire human body Some characteristic examples are described in
(as well as images acquired with other imaging Robb and Hanson (2006).
modalities such as CT and MRI) has been a major Apart from medicine, digitized anatomical
breakthrough in biomedical imaging and related head images are also a valuable asset for dentistry.
fields. The first such dataset was created as a result Such images can be used for the construction of
of the National Institute of Health (NIH) Visible 3D models for the anatomical education of den-
Human Project (Ackerman, 1998; Banvard, 2002). tistry students. In addition, such models can be
Within this project, a male (1994) and a female incorporated in virtual reality applications that
(1995) cadaver were embedded in blue gelatin, aim at familiarizing students with (virtual) dental
frozen and sliced at 1 mm (0.33mm for the fe- instruments and their use in a number of dental
male cadaver) cryosections, thus producing two procedures. Especially in the field of endodontics,
sets of transversal body slices. Each layer of the the success of an endodontic therapy depends on
body was photographed at a resolution of 2048 x many factors, two of them being the thorough
1216 pixels and 24 bits color depth to create the knowledge of the internal tooth anatomy and
Visible Human Male (VHM) and Visible Human the appropriate pulp cavity access. Indeed, the
Female (VHF) datasets. Axial MRI images of knowledge of tooth anatomy and good practice in
the head and neck, and longitudinal sections of dental drilling for cavity preparation are important
the rest of the body as well as axial CT scans of parts of a dental student training that can help
the entire body were also produced. Recently, a him/her learn how to achieve correct access of the
Chinese project (Zhang et al., 2006) resulted in root canal system during the endodontic therapy.
the creation of five Chinese Visible Human data- Usually, dental students learn how to obtain root
sets, whose creators claim that consist of images canal access on artificial teeth and jaws that are
of greater integrity and have better blood vessel sometimes placed within a manikin head, using
identification than their US counterparts. Korean dental instruments and burs before, they perform
scientists have also completed the Visible Korean this procedure on real patients.
Human (VKH) project (Park et al., 2005). These Thus, novel educational tools that would
Visible Human datasets (especially VHM, VHF) help students in obtaining solid knowledge of
have given rise to a wide range of educational, the tooth anatomy and practicing pulp cavity

Virtual Dental Patient

access procedures are of great interest to the BACKGROUND

endodontics community. This chapter describes
efforts towards this direction. More specifically, A number of commercially available 3D anatomi-
it deals with the creation of the Virtual Dental cal models (consisting mainly of triangle meshes)
Patient (VDP), namely a 3D face and oral cav- of the entire human body or its parts have been
ity model which was constructed using VHM developed in the last years. These models have
anatomical data. This model is accompanied by been constructed using a variety of approaches.
detailed 3D teeth models obtained from digitized 3D scanning of real body parts or anatomical casts
cross sections of a large number of extracted teeth (e.g. teeth of skeletal parts) followed by editing
(Lyroudia 2000, Lyroudia, et al. 2002). Using of the resulting models by experienced modelers/
these models, students can get familiar with both artists and doctors/dentists is such an approach.
the internal tooth anatomy and the anatomy of the Manual delineation of organs/structures on
maxillofacial region. The VDP can be adapted to each slice of a set of MRI/CT scans or cryosec-
the characteristics of a specific patient by using tions from the Visible Human datasets, followed
facial photographs or 3D surface data for this by surface reconstruction by triangulation and
patient. It can be also animated so as to perform post-processing by artists/experts is another ap-
basic facial and head movements. The developed proach. Pictures from photographic illustrative
models have been used in a virtual tooth drill- atlases have also been used as source material for
ing system, whose aim is to aid dentists, dental modeling. The triangle count of these models is
students and researchers in getting acquainted usually high or very high and the degree of vi-
with the handling of drilling instruments and sual realism extremely good, enhanced, in most
the skills and challenges associated with cavity cases, by texture mapping. Usually, each organ
preparation procedures in endodontic therapy is individually modeled and organs belonging to
(Lyroudia et al 2002, Marras, et al. 2008). Vir- the same system are grouped together. Only a
tual drilling can be performed within the VDP few models focus on areas that are of interest in
oral cavity, on 3D volumetric and surface models dentistry and endodontics, such as the oral cavity
(meshes) of teeth. The dental bur is controlled by and face/neck area. The uses for these models
the Phantom Desktop (Sensable Technologies vary. Most of them are used for educational pur-
Inc., Woburn, MA) force feedback haptic device poses and are usually incorporated in computer
(Sensable Technologies Inc., 2006). applications that allow the user to interact with
This chapter is organized as follows. Back- the models (add or remove organs and systems,
ground work on this topic is described first. Then, rotate them etc.). In such cases, the actual models
the methodology used for the creation of a data- are not directly available. Examples include the
base of 3D surface and volumetric teeth models models in VH Dissector (Touch of Life Technolo-
of various types is described. The construction gies Inc, Aurora, CO), 3D Head & Neck Anatomy
of the face/oral cavity model and the adaptation, for Dentistry (Primal Pictures LTD, London, UK)
personalization and animation of the model are and Voxel-Man 3D Navigator (University Medical
presented next, followed by a section detailing Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany)
the virtual tooth drilling procedure. Directions applications. Others have been constructed for
for future work and conclusions are provided in the production of educational videos, commer-
the last two sections. cials, feature length films, medical illustrations,
etc. These models are available for sale and are
sometimes processed (skinned, rigged), so as to

Virtual Dental Patient

facilitate subsequent animation. The male and teeth ex vivo (Oi et al., 2004; Plotino et al., 2006;
female anatomy collections (Zygote Media Group Kim et al., 2007). Nevertheless, the prolonged
Inc, Lindon, UT) are examples of models in this scanning and reconstruction time -up to 4 hours
category. Disadvantages of these models (at least per specimen (Nielsen et al., 1995; Rhodes et al.,
for the scientific community) include their propri- 2000) - comprise a factor that limits the efficiency
etary/commercial nature, the big polygon count of this method. Moreover, this method requires
that can hamper real-time animation attempts, and, costly and sophisticated hardware and software
the lack in most cases of anatomical landmarks that has to be supported and serviced by experi-
among the vertices of the model. enced personnel. Such conditions can be met only
In endodontics, the knowledge of the external in well equipped and organised research centers
and internal teeth morphology is essential for the (Rhodes et al., 2000; Stamm et al., 2003).
clinical practitioner. 3D reconstruction methods, Several papers have reported the use of virtual
which result in 3D models that allow observations reality technology in orthodontics (Carriere, J.
from arbitrary viewpoints, are gradually replac- and Carriere, L., 1995; Snow et al., 1996), restor-
ing the more limited 2D methods for the study of ative dentistry (Herder et al., 1996), orthognathic
internal tooth morphology. At first, the 3D study surgery (Wagner et al., 1997), implantology (Ver-
of the teeth anatomy has been performed by 3D streken et al., 1996; Seipel et al., 1998), oral implant
models created by tracing the contours of the teeth surgery (Kusumoto et al., 2006) and endodontics
and the pulp chambers on the specimens serial (Lyroudia et al., 2002) with encouraging results.
cross sections (Berutti, 1993; Blaskovi-Subat et Moreover, virtual-reality based cavity preparation
al., 1995; Hirano & Aoba 1995; Lyroudia et al., training systems have been introduced in recent
1997a; Lyroudia et al., 1997b; Mikrogeorgis et years, such as DentSim system (Denx Corp,
al., 1999; Lyroudia, 2000; Han et al., 1998). The Jerusalem, Israel) (Rose et al., 1999) and others
main disadvantage of this methodology is that (Ranta and Aviles, 1999; Wang et al., 2005; Yau
the specimens have to be destroyed to prepare and Hsu, 2006; Kim et al., 2005).
the cross sections and accurate images cannot be The DentSim system (Denx Corp, Jeru-
obtained because of the slice thickness. salem, Israel) (Rose et al., 1999) comprises of
The advanced X-ray computed transaxial a real dental unit, a manikin head, a tracking
microtomography, or microCT, has been used in system and software that allows student to view
the recent years as a good alternative. MicroCT the results of his/her cavity preparation in the
is a non-invasive method that provides the ability manikin head on 3D models on a computer
to accurately visualize the root canal morphol- monitor and compare them with the results of
ogy, without resulting into teeth destruction an optimal preparation. The system described in
(Nielsen et al., 1995; Rhodes et al., 2000; Berg- Ranta and Aviles (1999) involves a standalone
mans et al., 2001). However, early studies using 3D virtual tooth and a Phantom haptic device
microCT were hampered by insufficient quality that enables the trainee to perform virtual drill-
and resolution and projection errors (Nielsen, ing, while receiving appropriate force feedback.
et al. 1995). Significant improvements in both The system utilizes a stereoscopic display and
software and hardware reduced section thickness a volumetric tooth representation, divided into
to 81 micrometers (Rhodes, et al. 1999), 34 m different regions simulating different materials.
(Peters, et al. 2000) and 12.5 m (Bergmans et al., The user can utilize a virtual pick to probe the
2003). The microCT technique, with a resolution tooth, a drill for cavity preparation and a carrier
of at least 100 m, has proven to be useful as a to fill the cavity with amalgam. In Wang et al.
non-destructive method for 3D reconstruction of (2005), a triangular mesh is used for modeling the

Virtual Dental Patient

standalone tooth and the cutting tool is assumed models were generated from serial cross sections
to be represented by an analytical model (e.g. a of properly prepared teeth and are part of the
sphere). A force model based on the penetration Virtual Dental Patient model. A description of
distance between the tool and the tooth is formu- these efforts and details regarding the creation
lated and a local vertex deformation procedure is procedure are provided in the following subsec-
used to simulate material removal. The stability tions.
of the haptic simulation is also studied. In Yau
and Hsu (2006), a 3D object modeling approach Surface Reconstruction of Teeth
that utilizes surface elements (surfels) is utilized
to model the tooth and the dental bur, in an effort A database of teeth from different tooth categories
to improve visual quality and rendering rate. A was collected, prepared and reconstructed, using
Boolean operator is used to determine surfels that surface three-dimensional reconstruction from
have to be removed due to drilling. The method cross sections, as detailed in Lyroudia (2000).
utilizes adaptive collision detection and an octree The first efforts towards this direction included
for storing the teeth data. In Kim et al. (2005), the reconstruction of two C-shaped mandibular
a volumetric tooth representation is utilized in a molars for the study of their internal morphology
standalone virtual tooth drilling application. The (Lyroudia et al, 1997a). Later on, reconstruction
tooth volumetric properties (stiffness, color) are of two double teeth (Lyroudia et al, 1997b)
contained into the volumetric representation and and six teeth with morphological abnormalities
are used during the drilling procedure. The ap- (Mikrogeorgis et al, 1999) was performed. The
plication can also generate simulated drill/tooth steps that were followed in all these cases were
physical contact sound for increased realism. the following:
The application runs in a so-called multi-modal
workbench that incorporates a stereo display, Teeth preparation: The teeth that were
a Phantom haptic device, a SpaceMouse as a 6 used were cleaned under running water and
DOF position device and an audio system. The were placed in a 3% NaOCl solution for 24
three systems described in these papers operate hours. They were then embedded in a two-
on standalone teeth and the focus is on provid- component polyester resin and numerous
ing realistic material removal simulation as well serial cross sections were taken from each
as realistic haptic force rendering. In contrast, specimen, by using a special microtome for
the dental drilling simulator described in this hard tissues (Isomet, Buehler, Illinois, USA).
chapter incorporates the VDP 3D model of the The number of serial sections for each tooth
maxillofacial region, the oral cavity and the teeth, depended on its size and shape, ranging
so that dentistry students and researchers can get between 12- 25 sections. The thickness of
acquainted with the anatomy of the maxillofacial each section was 0.75-1mm.
region and develop their dental drilling skills Image digitization: Indirect or direct digi-
within a more realistic virtual environment. tization of the cross sections was performed
using a stereoscopic microscope (Stemy
SV8, Zeiss, Wetzlar or Stemi 2000-C, Zeiss,
3D TEETH RECONSTRUCTION Wetzlar, Germany). During the indirect
digitization, photographs of each section
During the last ten years, our group has created were taken and then digitized. The number
a database of surface and volumetric 3D teeth of the photographs was different for each
models from different tooth categories. These section depending on the size of the section.

Virtual Dental Patient

Figure 1. Indirect digitization and collage of a number of grayscale images from a cross section of a
maxillary molar.

During direct digitization, the images of the might not be very accurate. Besides, the
sections were transferred directly, through automatic alignment can produce artificial
a digital camera, in a personal computer. symmetry of the object under reconstruction.
Image mosaicing: In order to obtain suffi- Therefore, the method that was selected was
cient magnification, a number of overlapping manual alignment involving two consecu-
photographs (indirect digitization) (Figure tive slices at each time. The two slices were
1) or overlapping digital images (direct displayed one atop the other, the upper im-
digitization) of the serial sections were age being displayed in a transparent mode.
taken. These were then assembled by using The user used the mouse to move (rotate,
PhotoShop (Adobe Systems Inc.) in order to translate) the upper so image, so as to align
reconstruct the entire image of each section. it with the lower one. This procedure was
Image registration techniques included in applied repeatedly, until all images were
the software package EIKONA 3D (Alpha aligned. The image registration techniques
Tec Ltd, Thessaloniki, Greece) were used as that were used in the mosaicing step were
well in order to create the image collage. also applied in certain instances along with
Alignment: The acquisition procedure for the above procedure for better slice align-
the cross section images introduces align- ment.
ment discrepancies between object profiles Contour following: In order to proceed to
in consecutive cross sections. Although the 3D surface reconstruction of the structure
correlation-based automatic alignment under study, one has to specify the contours
techniques can be used, the results obtained delineating the objects of interest in each sec-

Virtual Dental Patient

Figure 2. Contour following of the external and internal surfaces of the section of Figure 1

Figure 3. Three-dimensional surface reconstruction of a maxillary molar

tion image. This can be done either directly, Contour matching-triangulation: During
using boundary/edge detection techniques this stage the user was asked to match the
or indirectly, by segmenting the objects of color-coded contours on pairs of sections,
interest from the background. The method i.e., to specify the correspondences between
that was selected in most of the cases was contours. Branching was handled by match-
manual contour following. An experienced ing two or more contours in one section with
user utilized the mouse to draw the bound- the same contour in the other section. Then,
aries of the objects of interest, namely the an automatic triangulation algorithm was
external surface of the tooth and the internal used to reconstruct the object(s) surface.
surface of the root canals (Figure 2). Dif- Objects were assigned a material and an
ferent colors were used for the contours of opacity value by the user and triangles were
different objects. The developed software shaded to produce the final tooth visualiza-
allowed also contour corrections. tion (Figure 3). The visualized teeth can

Virtual Dental Patient

Figure 4. Frame gallery showing the final set of tooth sections (after interpolation) used for the volume
reconstruction of a maxillary premolar

be cut using a cutting plane to reveal their another. This morphing transformation is applied
interior structure. They can also be rotated iteratively onto the sets obtained from the previous
or moved interactively, thus helping the morphing, resulting into new intermediary sets.
viewer to understand their 3-D structure. Eventually, these morphological transformations
lead to sets which are closer in shape and size
Volume Reconstruction of Teeth and finally, in their idempotency. The interpola-
tion process is applied to all consecutive pairs of
Volumetric models were created for all teeth. The slices that form a tooth volume. Volume filtering
same teeth that were used for surface reconstruc- that aimed at tooth surface smoothing was also
tion were used for volume reconstruction as well. applied. The resulting volumetric models (Figure
The steps up to (and including) contour following 5) can be seen in a user-selected semi-transparent
that were described in the previous subsection mode and be freely rotated and scaled for better
were applied in this case too. Since the pixel size viewing.
within the resulting processed slices (depicting
the segmented hard dental tissues) is different
-actually smaller - from the spacing between ANATOMICAL MODELING OF THE
two adjacent slices, interpolation of additional FACE AND THE ORAL CAVITY
slices (Figure 4) in order to obtain an accurate,
isotropic, volumetric description of the volume In order to create a realistic face/oral cavity
was performed. A binary, shape-based interpo- model for VDP, a large number of anatomically
lation method using morphology morphing has meaningful points were manually marked on
been used for this purpose (Bors et al., 2002). various head tissues depicted on anatomical
This approach relies on erosions and dilations cryosections and computer tomography (CT)
for morphing consecutive 2-D shape sets into one data of the Visible Human male cadaver. A sub-

Virtual Dental Patient

Figure 5. Volume reconstruction of a maxillary premolar

Figure 6. The VDP face/oral cavity 3D model

set of 377 section images corresponding to the anatomical entities, which were our modeling
head was used. The pixel spacing in the X and targets. We have used the mouse to obtain the
Y directions of these data is 0.33 mm, while that 3D coordinates of the internal or external points
in the Z direction (distance between sections) is of interest in each rendered anatomical entity.
1 mm. Hence, in order to create a 3D volume In addition, we have used the part of the Visible
with isotropic voxels, we performed linear slice Human CT dataset, which consists of scans of the
interpolation along the Z axis with a scale factor frozen cadaver. These scans were used in order
of 3. By employing simultaneously transversal, to identify bone structures, such as the mandible
sagittal and coronal views of the head volume, or palatal bones, since hard tissues are easier to
we were able to visually identify the tissues and distinguish in CT images. Appropriate scaling

Virtual Dental Patient

was applied in order to bring the CT data in the important 3D points (landmarks) that capture only
same scale as the corresponding anatomical data. the essential elements of the geometry of the mod-
The resulting 3D surface model consists of ten eled anatomical structures. The number of points
anatomical entities, namely, the external face selected to define each structure was chosen to
area, the internal surface of lips and cheeks, the be the minimum number required to express the
mandible, the tongue, the gums and the teeth of anatomical geometry of these parts, as well as
the upper and lower jaw, the larynx and, finally, their dynamics and functionality, in case of model
the uvula (Figure 6). We have concentrated on animation. Moreover, only the external surface of
modeling the inner surfaces of the human head the structures of interest has been modeled. These
in the area of the oral cavity, because our primary choices allow for model compatibility with the
target is dental applications. MPEG-4 external face models, ensure that the
Each anatomical entity is represented as a computational complexity for handling the model
separate triangular mesh, but various entities can is sufficiently low and create a model comprising
be combined to build more complex structures, of anatomically meaningful landmarks, instead
thus creating a hierarchical model. For example, of an overly detailed model comprising of thou-
the mesh that describes the mandible bone can be sands of vertices, which might be good for artistic
combined with the one that represents the gums visualization/animation but not for the envisaged
and the teeth to form the lower jaw. This hierar- scientific applications.
chical structure facilitates the animation of the During modeling, we assumed that any 3D
whole model by defining the interdependencies surface of a prototype human head tissue has
between parts. Moreover, it allows the selective plane symmetry with respect to the YZ plane in
visualization of a subset of these entities. the neutral posture and enforced this symmetry
The constructed model is not an overly detailed by proper modifications of the acquired 3D model
one. It comprises of anatomically meaningful and points. This enforced symmetry of the head sur-

Figure 7. VDP model adaptation using two facial photographs

Virtual Dental Patient

faces is obviously an idealization of the reality. a small amount of user interaction. The process
However, it was adopted, since our aim was to consists of two steps as explained below.
create not a model of the Visible Human male In the first step, the facial model, which is
head but a generic model. overlaid on the two photographs, is being trans-
In total, the model comprises of 1392 vertices lated and scaled by the user so as to achieve a
and 2209 triangles. The model of the external face coarse alignment. The models of the oral cavity
area was created by adapting the CANDIDE3 anatomical structures are also scaled and trans-
3D face model (Ahlberg, 2001) to the NIH data. lated automatically in the same way as the facial
In essence, the created model is an extension of model.
the CANDIDE-3 face model that includes the oral In the second step, the user performs a de-
cavity. More details can be found in (Moschos tailed adaptation and fitting of the 3D model on
et al., 2004). the photographs. This step involves a real-time
2D FEM method (Bathe, 1996). Essentially, the
model 3D-mesh is represented as a system of
MODEL ADAPTATION: springs that are deformed through user interaction.
PERSONALIZATION In more detail, the user moves with the mouse
a small number (6-10) of mesh vertices so as to
The VDP generic facial and oral cavity 3D model bring them into alignment with the correspond-
can be adapted to the particular characteristics ing points in the picture. For example, the user
of an individual. This is achieved using a semi- moves with the mouse the point of the 3D mesh
automatic approach that utilizes two photographs that corresponds to the mouth corner and places
of the person; a frontal one and a side one (Figure it over the mouth corner of the person depicted in
7). The adaptation is supported by a 2D Finite the photographs. Subsequently, the FEM moves
Element Model (FEM). The selected adaptation the remaining vertices of the mesh, i.e., those
approach offers speed, reliability and requires only that have not been placed by the user. Since this

Figure 8. Selection through a GUI of the teeth of the virtual patient that will be displayed

Virtual Dental Patient

operation takes place in real time, the user can tion Parameters (FAP) player that reads stored
see the results of the interactive adaptation and FAP files (files that describe the movement of
proceed in corrections. certain points of the 3D model) and uses them
The FEM-based user-assisted adaptation is ap- to animate the model (Figure 9). For example,
plied only on the facial part of the model, whereas a file that instructs the model to open its mouth
the models of the oral cavity anatomical structures and protract its tongue can be applied. The user
(palate, tongue, gums, teeth, etc) are translated can save the model pose at certain instances of
and scaled according to the position and scale of the VDP animation in VRML format.
the model mouth or the width of the jaws. Since the MPEG-4 facial animation standard
In addition, the user can opt to remove some deals only with facial movements, the VDP has
of the teeth of the model. This feature can be used to control the movement of the intraoral ana-
in order to create models of patients that lack tomical structures, which are not covered by the
some of their teeth. Selection of the teeth to be standard. More specifically, it controls the move-
removed is performed through a graphic interface ment of the lower jaw, i.e., its rotation around the
that depicts all teeth (Figure 8). The user can also corresponding axis. The user specifies this axis
select to render only certain parts of the model during the model adaptation procedure described
(face, gums, tongue etc.). in the previous section. The movement of the
At the end of the adaptation procedure, ad- vertex that represents the tip of the chin is used
ditional realism can be achieved by applying the to control the angle of rotation of the jaw around
facial photographs on the 3D face model through this axis. The lower teeth, gum and tongue follow
texture mapping. the rotation of the jaw. Furthermore, the VDP
controls the horizontal movement of the lower
jaw. In more detail, the influenced sub-models
MODEL ANIMATION (teeth, gums, jaw, etc) are translated along the X
axis for the same distance and direction as the
The Virtual Dental Patient provides compatibility tip of the chin.
with the facial animation part of the MPEG-4 During the animation, the curved Point-
standard, in order to facilitate model animation. Normal triangles real time mesh subdivision
In more detail, the VDP includes a Face Anima- technique (Vlachos, 2001) - i.e., a technique for

Figure 9. Frames extracted from an MPEG-4 video file

Virtual Dental Patient

the generation of a more refined 3D model through Coarse automatic placement on the gums by
the recursive subdivision of the initial triangles- is utilizing information regarding the size of the
applied in order to improve the visual quality of teeth and the alveolus.
the models and obtain smooth surfaces. Manual adjustment, which is optional and
can involve combinations of rotation, translation
and scaling.
VIRTUAL TOOTH DRILLING The volumetric tooth representation is re-
quired since the removal of tooth material that
Based on the VDP model, a drilling application takes place during drilling is implemented as a
that allows the user to perform virtual drilling series of mathematical morphology operations
has been developed. Before drilling, the limited (namely erosions) on this representation. In more
resolution (low triangle count) prototype of the detail, the drilling operations are simulated us-
virtual tooth, where drilling is to be performed, ing a series of successive erosions involving 3D
is replaced by a more detailed model within the structuring elements that represent the shape of
oral cavity. In order to do so, the user provides the drilling tools (dental burs) (Nikopoulos and Pitas,
3D volumetric (voxel-based) model of this tooth. 1997). This approach can be used to implement
As already mentioned above, this model is in the drilling tools of almost all shapes. The application
form of digitized serial cross sections, where the includes dental burs of four basic shapes, namely
structures of interest (external tooth surface and a spherical, a cylindrical, a cylindrical-conical and
root canals) have been segmented. The application a conical one (Figure 10). The user can choose the
loads the volumetric representation of the selected desired drilling tool and set its shape-controlling
tooth and applies the Discrete Marching Cubes parameters (for example, the radius of the spheri-
algorithm (Montani et al., 1994) in order to obtain cal tool). The parameters of a drilling tool can be
its surface (mesh) representation and embed it saved for future use. In addition, the application
in the face/oral cavity model. The insertion of features a database of virtual dental burs, whose
this tooth in the VDP face/oral cavity model is shape and dimensions correspond to commercially
performed in two steps: available ones.

Figure 10. A spherical virtual dental bur Figure 11. The Phantom Haptic Device

Virtual Dental Patient

Two additional operations can be performed volumetric representation (intensity, local surface
on the volumetric tooth model. The user can add gradients) in order to evaluate the components
material on the surface of the volume, an operation of the feedback force, namely the friction force,
that is implemented through 3D dilations. He/she the compressive force and the viscosity friction
can also perform local smoothing of the volume (Lundin et al., 2002). The user-defined properties
surface. To do so, the user selects an appropriate of the object (stiffness, static and dynamic friction)
smoothing window and moves the mouse or the are involved in the evaluation of the force values.
haptic device (see below) over the surface, in areas The stylus-controlled virtual dental bur is visible
that need to be smoothed. as a simple mesh model in the scene.
The user can select to perform the dental drill- During the material removal operation, the
ing operation on a standalone volumetric model application uses the internally available dual
of a tooth, by using the mouse. However, for more surface/volumetric representation of the tooth.
realism, he/she can choose to perform drilling This dual representation is necessary, since the
within the VDP oral and maxillofacial 3D model, SDK (Sensable Technologies Inc., Woburn, MA)
on the surface model of the inserted tooth. In this (Sensable Technologies Inc., 2006) that has been
case, the virtual dental bur can be controlled either used for handling the tool-tooth haptic interac-
by the mouse or by a haptic device. The Phantom tion requires that the object is in a surface (mesh)
Desktop six degrees of freedom positional sensing representation whereas the proposed mathematical
force feedback haptic device has been used for morphology-based material removal algorithm
this purpose (Figure 11). The main component operates on the voxel-based teeth representation.
of this device is a serial feedback arm that ends The procedure is as follows. The position of the tip
with a stylus. Only three of the six degrees of of the drilling tool (namely, the so-called haptic
freedom of the arm are active, providing transla- interface point) on the surface representation of
tional force feedback along the three axes. Thus, the tooth is obtained through collision detection
while using the stylus for controlling the position and is used to find the corresponding position
and orientation of the virtual dental bur, the user on the tooths volumetric representation. Then,
senses contact / resistance forces during drilling 3D erosions are performed at this position of the
(Figure 12). A realistic model of these forces volumetric model and the surface model is updated
is used. This model uses information from the on the haptic device scene graph, so as to reflect

Figure 12. Using the phantom desktop haptic device with the virtual teeth drilling application

Virtual Dental Patient

the induced surface changes. In order to reduce user can undo a certain number of them. Thus,
the update time, the fact that only local updating if an inexperienced user makes an error during
of the surface model is required is utilized. This the drilling procedure, he/she can undo his/her
is achieved by the local application of the Discrete last drilling steps and continue towards the right
Marching Cubes algorithm (Montani et al., 1994) direction. In addition, he/she can save the sequence
on the area of the volumetric model that has been of operations to a file and re-apply them on the
changed. The resulting surface patch is then used same tooth at a later stage. Moreover, an instruc-
to substitute the corresponding existing patch on tor can use this feature in order to view off-line
the surface tooth model. Another drilling variant the drilling procedure as performed by a trainee
is also available. This variant utilizes only the and judge its skill level.
surface representation of the tooth. A method A drilled tooth can be saved either as a series
for computing consistent penetration depth in- of cross sectional images or in surface repre-
formation, in order to reduce collision response sentation (namely, as a triangular mesh). The
artifacts inherent to other existing penetration application supports the following mesh formats:
depth approaches is used. The method consid- VRML2, DXF and STL. The latter is a format
ers a set of surface vertices that are close to the used in stereo-lithography and can be given as
bur surface to avoid discontinuous penetration input to a stereo-lithography device in order to
depths. Furthermore the method incorporates a construct a real 3D model of the tooth from the
scheme that performs local surface subdivision virtual model. An example of a virtual tooth that
or adjustment in order to cope with cases such as has been drilled with the developed application
penetration in areas where the mesh is too coarse can be seen in Figure 13.
for good results to be achieved. The locally updated During drilling, the user can use active shutter
3D surface patch is identical to the size and the glasses for stereo viewing and thus get a sense
shape of the bur tool. of depth in the scene. In addition, the user can
The user can choose to track the performed choose to visualize certain parts of the model
drilling operations. In this case, a history of in a semi-transparent way (Figure 13c). This is
the performed operations is being kept and the a useful option and can be used, for example,

Figure 13. Volumetric (a) and surface (b) representation of a canine that has been drilled with the
developed application; the semi-transparent model (c) of the same tooth that allows visualization of its
root canal.

Virtual Dental Patient

to allow the user to observe the anatomy of the drilling systems devised so far (that operate on
root canals during the virtual preparation of the standalone teeth and focus on realistic material
endodontic cavity. removal simulation and realistic force rendering),
in the new simulator, cavity preparation for the
pulp cavity access is performed on teeth placed
FUTURE TRENDS in their natural environment, i.e., within the oral
cavity. The dental bur can be controlled by a
The use of 3D anatomical models and virtual real- haptic device that provides force feedback dur-
ity technology in dental education and research is ing the drilling operation and increases the level
expected to increase in the near future, due to the of realism and immersion. Drilling is performed
many advantages that it offers. With respect to on the VDP 3D volumetric/surface teeth models.
the Virtual Dental Patient model and the virtual Final results, i.e., drilled teeth models, as well as
dental drilling application presented in this chap- intermediate steps of the drilling procedure can
ter, a number of improvements and extensions are be saved for future use or for inspection by an
planned. These include their adaptation for use in instructor.
other dentistry specialties, the development and In conclusion, the VDP and the dental simulator
implementation of more realistic and physically described in this chapter are promising educational
accurate material removal models for the drilling and research tool that allow users to familiarize
simulation and the creation of different bur types themselves with teeth and oral cavity anatomy
that are necessary in dental practice. Usability tests and practice virtual tooth drilling for endodontic
involving a large number of dental students and cavity preparation and similar tasks. Apart from
researchers that will make extensive use of VDP its use as a training tool for students, the virtual
and the virtual drilling application will also be drilling system can also assist experienced dentists
conducted. A small scale usability test involving in planning a tooth drilling intervention by get-
a small number of dental students yielded very ting familiar with the individual patient anatomy,
good results. identifying landmarks, planning the approach and
deciding on the ideal target position of the actual
clinical activity.

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Virtual Dental Patient

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developed by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts
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Group). MPEG-4 provides the technological ele-
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ments enabling the integration of the production,
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Wagner, A. & Rasse, M. & Millesi, W. & Ew- fields of digital television, interactive graphics
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surgery: the augmented reality environment multimedia.
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Marching Cubes Algorithm: An algorithm
55(5), 456-62.
initially published in 1987 by Lorensen and Cline
Wang, D. & Zhang, Y. & Wang, Y. & Lee, YS. for the extraction of a polygon mesh approxima-
& Lu, P. & Wang, Y. (2005). Cutting on triangle tion of an isosurface from volumetric data. An
mesh: local model-based haptic display for dental isosurface is a surface that represents points of
preparation surgery simulation. IEEE Transac- constant value within a volume. Many variants
tions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, of the algorithms (such as the discrete marching
11(6), 671-683. cubes algorithm) have been proposed.
Zhang, S.X., & Heng, P.A., & Liu, Z.J (2006). Mathematical Morphology: A theory for the
Chinese visible human project. Clinical Anatomy, analysis and processing of geometrical structures,
19(3), 204-215. usually applied in images (binary or grayscale)
but applicable also to 3D volumetric data or other
spatial structures. It is mainly based on set theory
Key Terms and topology. Common usages of mathematical
morphology in images include edge detection,
3D Surface Model: A digital representation noise removal, image enhancement and image
of a 3D object through its surface. The surface segmentation. The two most basic operations
of the object is often defined by a polygon (usu- in mathematical morphology are erosion and
ally triangle) mesh i.e., a collection of vertices, dilation.
edges and faces.
Mesh Subdivision: A common computer
3D Volumetric (Voxel-Based) Model: A graphics technique used to add detail and smooth-
digital representation of a 3D object through its ness to a polygon mesh by breaking into smaller
volume, represented as a collection of voxels. A pieces the polygons in the mesh.
voxel is essentially the extension of a pixel in
Texture Mapping: A method used for add-
three dimensions and represents an elementary
ing detail to a 3D model by applying a separately
volume just as a pixel represents an elementary
defined texture or pattern on its surface, similar
area in 2D data.
to applying wallpaper on a wall. Texture mapping
Haptic Device: An advanced user-machine does not affect the shape of the surface but only
interface that provides the sense of touch by ap- changes its colors. The most common texture
plying forces, vibrations and/or motions to the mapping approach is to create a 2D image of the
user. Haptic devices can be used to assist in the texture, often called a texture map, which is
creation or control of virtual objects or to enhance then wrapped around the 3D object.
the remote control of machines.

Virtual Dental Patient

Virtual Reality: A form of human-computer within the virtual environment. One of the ways
interaction in which a real or imaginary environ- to achieve immersion is by providing stimuli to
ment is simulated and users are allowed to interact more than one sensorial channels (visual, haptic,
with it in real time and manipulate its components. aural).
Virtual reality is usually connected to the sense
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Lan-
of immersion, i.e. the sense of actually being
guage): A standard file format for the representa-
tion of 3D interactive graphics.


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gram equalization. In Graphics gems IV, (pp. 474-485):
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Zampelis, A., Rangert, B., & Heijl, L. (2007). Tilting of
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splinted implants for improved prosthodontic support:
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structure archtecture for engineering applications. Bio-
materials, 23, 1169-1185.


About the Contributors

Andriani Daskalaki presently works in the field of molecular medicine and bioinformatics at the
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin. She completed her PhD in 2002 on working
in the applications of photodynamic therapy in the area of oral medicine from the Free University of
Berlin. She received a two-year DAAD scholarship (1996-1998) for her research in the field of PDT. Dr.
Daskalaki received a MS in Medical Informatics from TFH Berlin with her work in Development of
a documentation software for robot-assisted intraoral operations and a MS degree in bioinformatics
with her work in Variance analysis of multifactor models in gene expression experiments with ap-
plication to the identification of genetic markers for hypertension. She received a poster prize for her
participation in the International Photodynamic Association Meeting in Nantes. She is the editor of the
Handbook of Research on Systems Biology Applications in Medicine and has presented many oral
presentations at national and international meetings. She is a founding member and committee member
of the Greek Dental Laser Association. Her research interest areas include systems biology, PDT, and
laser applications in dentistry.

* * *

Hideaki Amano was graduated Hiroshima University in 1979. He obtained PhD in the field of
pediatric dentistry from Hiroshima University, Japan. He achieved for hospital information system of
Hiroshima university medical hospital as an associate professor. He is now a professor of team dentistry
of Hiroshima University Faculty of Dentistry. His interest is in study on the three dimensional growth
and development of the maxillo-facial complex and dental treatment for handicapped children.

Oscar Arevalo DDS, ScD, MBA, MS is the chief of the Division of Dental Public Health at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky College of Dentistry. His major interests include delivery and financing of dental
care; program evaluation; educational, training, and workforce issues; and advocacy, implementation,
and evaluation of oral health policy. Dr Arevalo is an active member of the American Association of
Public Health Dentistry, Hispanic Dental Association and the American Public Health Association
where has served as Scientific Chair of the Oral Health Section. He is a diplomate of the American
Board of Dental Public Health.

N. Alberto Borghese is associate professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University
of Milano, where he teaches the courses of intelligent dystems and robotics, and is the director of the
Laboratory of Applied Intelligent Systems. He graduated with full marks and honors from Politecnico

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
About the Contributors

of Milano in 1984-85; he was visiting scholar at the Center for Neural Engineering of USC in 1991, at
the Department of Electrical Engineering of Caltech in 1992, and at the Department of Motion Capture
of Electronic Arts, Canada in 2000. His research interests include quantitative human motion analysis
and modeling, statistical learning from data, applications to vision, graphics and medical imaging. He
has coauthored more than fourty peer-reviewed journal papers and holds nine international patents.

Amit Chattopadhyay is assistant professor of Epidemiology and Dental Public Health at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Graduate School, College of Public Health, and College of Dentistry. He has a
broad variety of research interests and scientific publications as author/editor of several books and book
chapters and as principal author in peer-reviewed journals of repute encompassing epidemiology; applied
biostatistics; pathology; HIV/AIDS; cancer-precancer; clinical trials; and health economics. Alongside
those areas, he is currently developing research in in-silico simulation of biological processes, disease
etiology and outcomes; life-like cellular automaton; application of imputation models in public health
and dentistry; ethics and philosophy.

Wei-Bang Chen is a PhD candidate in the Computer and Information Sciences Department at Univer-
sity of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Birmingham, AL, USA. He received his MS degree in genetics
from National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan in 1999 and a MS degree in computer sciences
from UAB in 2005. His main research interests include bioinformatics, multimedia data mining, image
processing, and computer vision. His current research involves microarray image and data analysis,
biological sequence clustering, biomedical video and image mining, and spam image mining.

Domenico Ciambrone is the founder and CEO NRGSYS Software sas, responsible for technical
and marketing strategies where he has acquired a strong experience over the Dicom standard, focused
on medical imaging applications, with 3 products in portfolio already in worldwide distribution, and 2
more large products under development. Previously he had been IT manager at Alenia Aerospace spa,
LAquila plant, designing, developing and managing the software infrastructure to support the entire
production and test cycle within the LAquila plant. He was also the integration engineer at Italtel spa,
responsible for setup of high performance measurement and test stations and for a specific collaboration
project with Hughes Aircraft Co. (USA). He has a Degree in IT engineering from Milan Politechnic.

Tiago Araujo Coelho de Souza is a Fulbright/Capes scholar working in his Doctor of Public Health
degree in the College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky, USA. Dr. Coelho de Souza has a
Master degree in dentistry with focus in public health from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and
a dental degree from the Federal University of Para, both in Brazil. Dr. Coelho de Souza worked as a
dental public health professional with some indigenous groups at the Brazilian Amazon rainforest and
as a UNESCO consultant at the Brazilian National Health Foundation (Funasa), Ministry of Health.

Iuri Frosio is an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Milan,
where he teaches computer science and programming. He received his MSc and PhD in biomedical
engineering in 2002 and 2006, respectively, from the Politecnico of Milan, Italy. His research interests
include medical image processing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and human movement analysis.
He is author or coauthor of nine peer-reviewed journal papers and holds four international patents.

About the Contributors

Thomas Gbler is an uppergraduate student of informatics at the University of Applied Sciences

in Leipzig. Before that he studied surveying and mapping. Since 2006 he works within the Department
of Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery at Leipzig University in the field of image analysis tools
and software for surgical interventions. Here he learned to programme in VTK which he now uses for
most of the tasks. Together with Daniel Kruber he is responsible for the software tool introduced in
Chapter V.

Demetrios Halazonetis received his dental education at the University of Athens Dental School
and his orthodontic training at the Orthodontic Dept. of Tufts University, where he also completed a
Masters of Science course. He has been in private practice of orthodontics in Athens, Greece since
1987. In 1994 he obtained the Doctor of Odontiatriki degree (equiv. to PhD) from the University of
Athens, and in 2002 was elected assistant professor at the same university, where he has been involved
in research and teaching at the Orthodontic Dept. Dr. Halazonetis has published more than 40 scientific
papers. He is the author of the Viewbox cephalometric software and associate editor of the Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop. His research interests and areas of expertise include cephalometrics and computed
tomography applications (3D cephalometrics and treatment planning), geometric morphometrics and
facial aesthetics.

Naoji Hayashi received a DDS from Osaka University, Japan in 1995. Since 1998, he was a research
associate of Department of Preventive Dentistry, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry. He
obtained a PhD in a field of epidemiology, from Osaka University in 2003. Since 2005, he is a research
associate of division of medical information, Osaka University Dental Hospital with research interest
of medical informatics.

Alexander Hemprich graduated in medicine and dentistry and is director of the Department of
Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery at Leipzig University since 1994. His major interest lies in the
rehabilitation of patients suffering from cleft lip and palate.

Jrg Hendricks graduated in medicine 2004 at Leipzig University and afterwards began to study
dentistry. He is affiliated with the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery at Leipzig
University since 2004. His main research interest lies in image analysis which was also his medical
doctors thesis (analysis of midfacial distraction on the basis of new CT-investigation techniques). He
now works on structural 3D craniofacial analysis and applications for dental and maxillofacial rigid and
non-rigid registration techniques.

Thomas Hierl graduated in dentistry and medicine and holds the post of a senior consultant at the
Department Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery at Leipzig University. His major interests lie in
plastic and reconstructive surgery, esp. the rehabilitation of patients suffering from cleft lip and palate.
In this field he received his PhD on midfacial distraction osteogenesis in 2002. Further research work
concentrates on 3D image analysis, biomechanics of the midface and surgical planning software.

Yasuyuki Hirose was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1958. He studied at Kyushu Dental College in Fukuoka,
Japan, where he graduated, then obtain his Dental Degree in 1984. He obtained PhD in the field of brain
research, at Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Tokyo in 1988. He worked as an anesthetist and a

About the Contributors

system architect at Dental Hospital in that university until 1998. He is currently a professor and chair
of Medical informatics, (Medical) Hospital, University of the Ryukyu in Okinawa, Japan, from 1998.
He has contributed as an international expert of ISO/TC215, for WG1 from 1997 to 2003, now for WG4
from 2004 and for WG3 from 2007. He also contributed to JIS X 0213:2000 and to Unicode 3.2.0 in 2002
in technical symbols for dentistry. His research areas are the modeling of clinical thinking process,
knowledge management, and the confidentiality control when accessing clinical data.

Masatoshi Hitaka studied at Kyushu Dental College in Fukuoka, Japan, where he graduated, then
obtained his Dental Degree in 1978 and his PhD in the field of periodontology in 1986, and worked as
an assistant professor of periodontology and endodontology until 2004. He is currently a general prac-
titioner (periodontist) and working as a member of the society of dental hospital information system of
Japan Association for Medical Informatics.

Heike Hmpfner-Hierl graduated in dentistry and medicine and is affiliated with the Department
of Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery at Leipzig University since 2006. Her special interests lie
in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Her research fields cover 2D and 3D facial analysis in cleft
lip and palate patients, functional surgical outcome and sleep related breathing disorders. In 2007 she
received the scientific prize of the German Cleft Lip and Palate Society for her research work on 2D
facial analysis and surgical outcome after rhinoplasty in cleft lip and palate patients.

Maxim Kolesnikov received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in automation engineering from Moscow State
Institute of Steel and Alloys in 2004 and the MS degree in electrical and computer engineering from the
University of Illinois at Chicago in 2007. He is currently working toward the PhD degree in electrical
and computer engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research interests include robotics
and haptics with the emphasis on haptic rendering algorithms, applications of haptics to sensorimotor
skill acquisition, collaborative haptics, haptic perception.

Daniel Kruber is an uppergraduate student of informatics at the University of Applied Sciences

in Leipzig. Since 2006 he works within the Department of Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery at
Leipzig University in the field of image analysis tools and software for surgical interventions. Here he
learned to programme in VTK which he now uses for most of the tasks. Together with Thomas Gbler
he is responsible for the software tool introduced in Chapter V.

Anka Lectic, DDS, PhD, has collaborated with Royal Medical School, Histochemistry Department,
London, Dental College - Biochemistry, Fukuoka, Japan and La Sapienza University Rome, Italy..
Dr. Letic has dedicated her research interest for over 20 years to the regulatory role of growth factors
in morphogenesis and postnatal development. Recently, she is very active in cranio-facial surgery, re-
searching the role of growth factors within the oral and maxillo-facial implantology area, interfacial
guided osteogenesis and biocompatibility of biomaterials: Ti, hydroxyapatite/ PLLA, organic-inorganic
composites as implants and bone fillers. She deposited Patent: Process of production of hydroxy-
apatite/poly-L-lactide (HAp/PLLA) composite biomaterial in various shapes and compositions for bone
tissue repair. Dr, Letic is member of four International Organization dealing with medical devices.

About the Contributors

Kleoniki Lyroudia received the Diploma of Dentistry in 1980 and the PhD degree in 1982, both from
the School of Dentistry of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. From 1980 until now she has
worked in the Department of Endodontology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
as a scientific co-operator, lecturer, assistant professor and associate professor. During her sabbatical
leaves she has worked at the Dental School of Giessen, Germany (1985 and 1986) and the Dental School,
University of Toronto, Canada, (1988 and 2002). She has also spent seven months in the University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, working in the Department of Electrical Engineering on items
related to dental informatics. Since 1989 she is in close co-operation with the Department of Informat-
ics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, participating in a number of joint research efforts in
topics related to dentistry and informatics. Prof. Lyroudia has published 60 journal papers and has over
80 conference presentations. She has worked in three-dimensional reconstruction of teeth (internal and
external morphology), three-dimensional reconstruction of biological structures of the dental pulp and,
recently, in virtual endodontics. She was scientific responsible for Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in
a number of European Union research projects (TASTY, BIOPATTERN). She also has limited private
dental practice in the field of Endodontics.

Marianthi Manda was born in Athens, Greece 1977. She currenlty conducts her PhD in biomateri-
als and biomechanics in the School of Dentistry, at the Aristotle Universtity of Thessaloniki, in Greece.
She is a gratuade of School of Dentistry, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She
otained the degree of Master of Scinece from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, completing her
graduate studies at the department of Fixed Prosthesis and Implant Prosthodontics. Her research activity
concentrates at the links of computer-aided design, bio-engineering and nanomechanics of biological
structures and biomaterials in Prosthetic Dentistry.

Ioannis Marras was born in Karditsa, Greece in 1980. He received the BS degree from the Depart-
ment of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2005. He is currently a researcher
and teaching assistant and studies towards his PhD degree at the Artificial Intelligence Information
Analysis (AIIA) Laboratory, Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His
current research interests lie in the areas of medical image analysis, signal and image processing and
computer vision.

Georgios Mikrogeorgis received the Diploma of Dentistry in 1995 and the PhD degree in Endodon-
tology in 2003, both from the School of Dentistry of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Since 1995, he is a researcher and teaching assistant in the Department of Endodontology, School of
Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has co-authored 1 book chapter, 17 journal papers
and 22 congress presentations. Dr. Mikrogeorgis was the recipient of the Hellenic Society of Endodontics
research scholarship in 2004, and the Hellenic Society of Endodontics Award in 2006.

Noriaki Morimoto was born in Japan in 1962. He studied at dental department of Hiroshima Uni-
versity, where he graduated, then obtain his Dental Degree in 1987. He obtained PhD in the field of ef-
fect of laser irradiation on orthodontic tooth movement research, at that University in 1993. He worked
as an orthodontist and a system architect at dental hospital information system in that university until
1997. He is currently the chief of dental hospital information system society at Japan Association for

About the Contributors

Medical Informatics. He is also a member of the committee concerning the standardization of a dental
term in MEDIS-DC(Medical Information System Development Center).

Yos Morsi has wide-ranging internationally recognised expertise in the area of engineering
simulation including laser diagnostics techniques and recently in the area of Bio-manufacturing and
Tissue engineering. He is an active member in the research community, participating in the organisation
of various international conferences on modelling and simulations, and heart valve research. His recent
work is concentrated on the use of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Rapid Prototyping technology
to produce implantable scaffold templates for tissue generation.

Hideaki Narusawa was born in 1959. He achieved his diploma in dentistry in 1986 and PhD in
1990 in the field of conservative dentistry from Showa University, Japan. His main work is clinical
education of general practice. His research work is to apply computer technology to dentistry. He is
currently a lecturer of Conservative Dentistry of Showa University, Tokyo.

Nikos Nikolaidis received the Diploma of Electrical Engineering in 1991 and the PhD degree in
Electrical Engineering in 1997, both from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. From 1998
to 2002 he was postdoctoral researcher and teaching assistant at the Department of Informatics, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki. He is currently an assistant professor in the same Department. Dr. Nikolaidis
is the co-author of the book 3-D Image Processing Algorithms (Wiley, 2000). He has co-authored
12 book chapters, 29 journal papers and 91 conference papers. His research interests include computer
graphics, image and video processing and analysis, copyright protection of multimedia, computer vi-
sion and 3-D image processing. Dr. Nikolaidis is currently serving as associate editor for the EURASIP
Journal on Image and Video Processing, the International Journal of Innovative Computing, Informa-
tion and Control and the Innovative Computing, Information and Control Express Letters.

Shital Patel has a strong background in biotechnology. She has worked on a number of projects
ranging from plant tissue engineering, molecular biology, genetics to clinical biochemistry. She is currently
doing her PhD on Tissue Engineering of Heart Valve Leaflets under Prof. Morsi. She has participated
in various international conferences and has received various awards and scholarships. She intends to
move ahead in the field of biomedical sciences.

Ioannis Pitas received the Diploma of Electrical Engineering in 1980 and the PhD degree in
electrical engineering in 1985 both from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 1994,
he has been a professor at the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. From
1980 to 1993 he served as scientific assistant, lecturer, assistant professor, and associate professor in
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the same University. He served as a visiting
research associate or visiting assistant professor at several Universities. He has published 157 journal
papers, 405 conference papers and contributed in 23 books in his areas of interest and edited or co-
authored another 7. He has also been an invited speaker and/or member of the program committee of
several scientific conferences and workshops. In the past he served as associate editor or co-editor of
four international journals and general or technical chair of three international conferences. His current
interests are in the areas of digital image and video processing and analysis, medical image analysis,
multidimensional signal processing, copyright protection of multimedia and computer vision. Prof. Pitas
is an IEEE Fellow and member of the National Research Council of Greece.

About the Contributors

Ferenc Pongracz, after finishing his studies in Technical University of Budapest, has engaged in
different fields of biomedical engineering. He spent the last 16 years with innovative research and devel-
opment on image-guided surgical applications. Started with ARTMA Biomedical Inc, Vienna, Austria,
he developed computer algorithm for augmented reality studies with magnetic digitizer (3Space,
Polhemus Inc., USA) and later with optical tracking devices (Polaris, Northern Digital Inc., Canada).
He participated in developing the ARTMA Virtual Implant software which was among the first ap-
plications focusing on use of active navigation in dental implantology. Recently, he worked as project
leader with Albadent Inc., in Hungary to develop a new application (Dental Planner) which integrates
novel functional principles in computerized dental implantology.

Arnold D. Steinberg completed his undergraduate studies in pre-dentistry at the University of Il-
linois at Chicago (UIC) and attended Northwestern University College of Dentistry where he received
his DDS degree. He received the MS degree in biochemistry from the UIC College of Medicine. He
was in part-time dental practice for over 30 years and was involved in a variety of research areas. He
was a professor of Biochemistry at UIC and is currently a professor at the Department of Periodontics,
UIC College of Dentistry. His current research interests include information technology in dentistry,
creating interactive courses on CD-ROM, use of robotics and haptics technology in computer-based
dental simulation programs.

Ichiro Suzuki graduated in 1981 from the Niigata University (Japan) and got a PhD in oral and
maxillofacial surgery in 1985. Between 1985 and 2003 he was an assistant professor and a lecturer at
the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Niigata University and University Dental Hospital.
Since 2003 he is an associate professor at division of Community Health Promotion of Niigata University
Medical and Dental hospital. His research interests cover the areas of medical and dental informatics, in
particular regarding the hospital information system including EHR and the standardization in dental
field. He also works on the regional medical liaison system.

Hiroo Tamagawa graduated from Osaka University (Japan) in 1979 and obtained his PhD in salivary
research from Osaka University in 1986. From 1998 to 1990, he worked for Institute for Biomedical
Research in University of Texas at Austin (U.S.A.) and researched epidemiological survey of Co-enzyme
Q10. Since 1994, he works for division of interdisciplinary dentistry and division of medical information
of Osaka University Dental Hospital, Japan, as an associate professor. He designed a hospital informa-
tion system in Osaka University Dental Hospital. His interest covers the area of dental informatics, an
application of information technology to dentistry and medicine, and ontology in medicine.

Daranee Tantbirojn is an assistant professor in the Division of Operative Dentistry, Department of

Restorative Sciences, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. She earned her DDS and Certificate in
Operative Dentistry from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. She pursued her MS in dental
materials from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1991, and a PhD in oral biology/material
sciences from University of Minnesota in 1998. Dr. Tantbirojn has taught dental materials, operative
dentistry, and cariology at undergraduates and Advanced Training levels.

Antheunis Versluis is an assistant professor in the Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials
and Biomechanics, Department of Restorative Sciences, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. In

About the Contributors

1988 he received his Ingenieurs degree in aerospace engineering at the Delft University of Technology,
the Netherlands. In 1994 he received his PhD degree in numerical modeling and process analysis from
the University of Greenwich, London, England for his research conducted at the University of Nijmegen,
the Netherlands and the University of Minnesota, USA.

Andreas Vogel, adjunct professor, has attended School of Dentistry at the University of Leipzig, from
1967-72. Dr. Vogels diploma thesis was film documenting conditioned reflexes in rats. In post graduate,
he attended the Department of Surgical Prosthetics and Facial Epithetics, University of Leipzig, in 1972
where his 1979 thesis explored blood flow measurement from the pulpa dentis by a nuclear diagnostic
method. His 1986 postdoctorate work included the development of a nuclear method for registration of
haemodynamic proceedings in small areas and implementation in the blood vessel system of the pulpa
dentis. In 1987, he became assistant medical director and Facultas docendi in Prosthetic dentistry. He
also founded the Institute for Medicine and Dental Technology GmbH Leipzig IMD in 2002. And in
2003 he began his private practice. He has published and researched blood flow, ephitheses, masticatory
muscles, temporomandibular joints, masticatory fores, relationship dentistry and tinnitus.

Gert Wollny studied mathematics at the University of Leipzig. After working as a software developer
for a short time he joined the Max-Planck-Institute of Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences to work in
image processing and in 2003 he received his PhD from the University of Leipzig on The Analysis
of Temporal Series of Medical Images. Later he joined the group on Human Evolution of the MPI of
Evolutionary Anthropology dedicating to image segmentation. Currently, Gert Wollny is with the Group
of Biomedical Imaging Technologies at the ETSI Telecomunicacin of the Universidad Politcnica of
Madrid working in image registration.

Milo efran completed his undergraduate studies in electrical engineering and mathematics at the
University of Ljubljana, where he also received a MS degree in electrical engineering. He subsequently
received a MS degree in mechanical engineering in 1995 and a PhD degree in computer science in
1996 from the University of Pennsylvania. From 1997 to 1999 he was a NSF postdoctoral scholar at the
California Institute of Technology, after which he joined the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Since
1999 he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Il-
linois at Chicago where he is currently an associate professor. His research interests are in robotics and
control with applications to medical training, rehabilitation, and sensor networks.

Chengcui Zhang is an assistant professor of Computer and Information Sciences at University of

Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) since August, 2004. She received her PhD from the School of Computer
Science at Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA in 2004. She also received her bachelor and
Master degrees in computer science from Zhejiang University in China. Her research interests include
multimedia databases, multimedia data mining, image and video database retrieval, bioinformatics, and
GIS data filtering. She is the recipient of several awards, including the IBM Unstructured Information
Management Architecture (UIMA) Innovation Award, NSF IDBR Award, and UAB ADVANCE Junior
Faculty Research Award from the National Science Foundation.



Symbols artifact effect, on voxel value distributions 10

ASCII (American Standard Code for Informa-
2D x-ray analysis 80 tion Interchange) 306
3D anatomical models 319 assembly technology-based systems 291
3D cephalometric analysis, software for 23 automated medical record (AMR) 192
3D cephalometrics 7 automatic counters 136
3D-image data 79 automatic digital counters 136
3-D printing (3-DP) 290 average intensity ray casting 15
3D reconstruction 149
3D reconstructions 156 B
3D reconstruction techniques 108
bacterial colonies, counting 136
3D scaffold 125
bacterial colony counter 134
3D scaffold, for TE 124
bacterial colony enumeration 134
3D teeth reconstruction 321
bacterial colony enumeration system 137
3D visualization 28
beam hardening 8
A bicortical anchorage 183
bioceramics 258
abutment properties 177 biocomposites, data collection and selection
active navigation, system design for 166 259
adult bone-marrow-derived cells 131 biomaterials, economic potential 247
adverse drug events (ADE) 196 biomaterials, first generation 243
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality biomimetic biomaterials 264
(AHRQ) 196 biomimetic nano-scaffolds 265
algebraic reconstruction algorithms 113 biopolymers, data collection and selection 260
algebraic reconstruction techniques (ART) 112 bone clipping 163
alignment 322 bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) 263
alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 254 bone properties 175
alternative cell sources 131 bone-to-implant contact 183
Amalgam 252 bone-to-implant interface 181
American Dental Association (ADA) 204, 313
anatomical and physical modeling, in recon- C
structive and regenerative medicine 277
CAD-CAM technology 153
anatomical and physical modeling, in treatment
CANDIDE3 3D face model 327
planning 276
cementum-derived growth factor (CGF) 263
application programming interface (API) 221
centric occlusion 161

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

cephalometric analysis 1 D
ceramics, data collection and selection 256
CFU, colony forming unit 135 data and image processing 286
character code set 306 data charting 199
chemical vapour deposition process (CVD) data classification, methodology for 241
255 data entry issues 201
CLAHE, contrast-limited adaptive histogram data, from a CT examination 5
equalization 137 data, related barriers 199
Classical ART-Algorithm 113 dental applications 281
clinical data, medical information and popula- dental applications, gadgets for 256
tion data, access to 194 dental biomaterials, classes of 251
clinical data repository (CDR) 192 dental biomaterials digital library 241
clinical quality assurance, and education im- dental biomaterials digital library 269
provement 195 dental biomaterials, diversity and complexity
clonogenic assay 134 243
Cochrane Library 236 dental device materials, biological response to
colony enumeration 140 267
colony forming assay 134 dental devices and biomaterials, safety of 267
colony forming unit (CFU) 135 dental image analysis, clinical application 87
colony recognition 138, 140 dental implantology 159
colony separation 139, 142 dental prostheses, risk associated with metals
computed tomography (CT) in 268
1, 2, 4, 108, 274, 276, 284 Dentascan 148
computer-aided design (CAD) 126 dentition planning 161
computer-aided system for tissue scaffolds DentSim system 320
(CASTS) 275 Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Zahn-, Mund- und
Computer Aided System for Tissue Scaffolds Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK) 66
(CASTS) 127 diamond-like carbon (DLC) 259
computer-aided tissue engineering (CATE) 274 DICOM 28, 81
computer-based patient record system (CPRS) DICOM CT images 29
192 DICOM, Digital Imaging and Communications
computerized medical record (CMR) 192 in Medicine 149
computer tomography (CT) 29, 127, 159, 324 DICOM file format 31
cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medi-
2, 4, 108 cine (DICOM) 149
cone-beam computed tomography, in orthodon- digital libraries 240
tics 5 digital library architecture, defining 241
cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) 108, digital library, databases, search Engines and
160 software modules, implementation of
cone beam tomography (CBT) 29 241
content management system (CMS) 241 digital library developments, socio-cultural
contour following 322 importance of 243
contour matching-triangulation 323 digital library for dental biomaterials 233
contrast-limited adaptive histogram equaliza- digital research area, state of the art of the 235
tion (CLAHE) 137 digital volume tomography (DVT) 159
cupping artifacts 8 digitizing points and curves 19


direct iso-surface rendering 12 finite element method (FEM) 170, 327

direct volume rendering 12 Flatguide 149
DIR system 71, 75 Flatguide, function 150
DIRSystem 65 Flatguide, planning 150
DIR system, functionality of 73 Flatguide stent, and undergoing the CT 149
dish/plate region detection 137, 140 Flatguide Stent, creation of 149
double-byte characters 306 Flatguide system 156
DPE (Digital Preservation Europe) 235 fluid dynamics 32
drill axis calculation 165 freeze-drying 125
DVT, digital volume tomography 159 fused deposition modeling (FDM) 126, 290

electronic health record (EHR) 192 Gamma Correction (GC) 92
electronic health records (EHRs) 192 Gamma map 99
electronic medical record (EMR) 192 gas foaming 125
electronic oral health records (EOHRs) 191 Gaussian model 93
electronic patient record (EPR) 192 GBR (guided bone regeneration) 246
electronic records, transforming from paper General Haptic Open Software Toolkit
records to 203 (GHOST) 221
emulsification 125 geometric morphometric (GM) 1
EOHR, benefits 194 geometric morphometrics (GM) 2
EOHR, establishing 203 Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) 258
EOHR, impact on workflow 203 gold-based alloys 252
EOHR input, in research data 211 Gothic arch 66
EOHR, problems, pitfalls, and barriers 198 graphical modelling 160
EOHRS, adoption of in clinical settings 196 graphical user interface (GUI) 222
EOHRs, in dental public health 209 GTR (guided tissue regeneration) 246
EOHRs, in practice based research 209 Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) 262
EOHRs, in research and public health 209 guided surgery 147
EOHRs, status of 193 Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) 262
EOHR, systems in the market 205
EOHR, what is 192 H
error calculation 36 hand piece calibration, three steps of 165
Escherichia Coli 138, 140 hand piece navigation control 164
Expectation Maximization algorithm 91 haptic dental simulator 219
extracellular matrix (ECM) 131, 262 haptic devices 220
extrusion technology-based systems 290 haptic model selection 223
haptic parameter panel, parameters controlled
face and oral cavity, anatomic modeling of the haptics-based simulators, in dentistry 220
324 haptics control 225
failed pixels 90 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Fdration Dentaire Internationale (FDI) 308 Act (HIPAA) 202
Few-View Limited-Angle Inverse Problem 111 heuristics, defning 241
fibre meshes 126 histogram analysis 90
finite element analysis (FEA) 170 histogram, description 97


Histogram Equalization (HE) 92 masseter muscle 67

Hookes Law 173 masticatory muscles 65
Hounsfield scale 32 material properties 172
materials and methods, for dental notations
I 307
image-based design techniques (IBD) 279 Materials for Medical Devices Database
image data, in dentistry 80 236, 237
image diagnostic in implantology, brief history maxillary distraction 39
of 148 Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis, soft tissue
image digitization 321 changes following 39
image-guided navigation systems, applied in maximum intensity projection (MIP) 15
dental implantology 159 measurement types 21
image mosaicing 322 median filtering, switching 96
implant dentistry 282, 295 medium frequency (MF) 100
implant design 181 melt molding 125
implant devices, coatings on 254 mesh 17
implant, length and diameter 180 Metadata Engine Project 242
implantology 147 metals, data collection and selection 251
implant placement configurations 183 METS Metadata Encoding and Transmission
implant properties 177 Standards 242
implant shape 180 microCT 320
impulsive noise 90 mineral nano-particles 266
impulsive noise removal 100 minimizing medication errors 196
impulsive noise, removal of 92 modelling techniques, in dental implantology
indirect rendering 15 167
Institute of Medicines (IOM) 195 models fabrication procedure 284
insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and II) 263 MOD (mesio-occluso-distal) restoration 48
intellectual property rights (IPR) 243 morse taper connection 178
multi-material laser-assisted densification
J (MMLD) 291, 294
Mutans Streptococci 138, 140
Japan Industrial Standard (JIS) 305, 307
nanobiomaterials 266
laser technology, systems based on 289
nano-Features and nano-particles, in restorative
lateral pterygoid muscle 68
dentistry 266
lifetime data repository (LDR) 192
nano-fibre coatings 266
liquid-liquid phase separation 126
National Health Information Infrastructure
Lisbon Agenda 236
(NHII) 193
local Gamma correction 99
NDIIPP (National Digital Information Infra-
M structure and Preservation Program) 235
noise, in CBCT 8
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) noise model, sensor and 93
127, 175, 274, 276, 284, 285 non-invasive data acquisition 284
mandible alignment 65 non-rigid registration 32
Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm 32 non-rigid registration, validation of 37


O polymer polyglycolic acid (PGA) 260

poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) 277
OneScan 3D software 149, 156 polyvinylsiloxane (PVS) 128
oral and maxillofacial surgery 79 practice based research networks (PBRNs) 209
oral radiography, applications in 115 principal component analysis 4
orofacial system, basic research of 66 print technology, systems based on 290
orthodontics 282 Procrustes superimposition 1, 2
Orthoralix 9200 DDE 104 prostanglandin (PGE2) 254
osseointegrated dental implants 170 prosthesic phase, Flatguide 154
osteocalcin (OC) 254 prosthesis geometry 179
osteopromotive growth factors, on implant prosthesis materials 180
devices 263 prosthetic reconstructions, mechanical behavior
Otsus method 139, 140 of 179
Otsus segmentation algorithm 137, 139, 140
radiation exposure, and CT examinations 6
paperless dental office, establishing 212 Radiographic Impulsive Noise filter(RaIN) 91
parallel port (EPP) 220 Rank Conditioned Filter (RCF) 91
partial volume averaging effect (PVAE) 10 rapid freeze prototyping (RFP) 291, 293
partial volume effect (PVE) 10 rapid prototyping 275
patient safety and quality of care, improvement rapid prototyping, in dentistry 281
in 195 rapid prototyping methods, other 291
periodontal ligament (PDL) 265 rapid prototyping systems, typical 289
periodontal rngineering, using biomimetic rapid prototyping techniques 126
nano-scaffolds 265 rapid prototyping technologies 273
PerioSim 228 Real Volume, coupled to the Flatguide 153
PerioSim, reactions to using 229 Real Volume, creation of the 152
personal health information (PHI) 202 region of interest (ROI) 284
Phantom haptic device 320 residual stresses 46
PHANToM Desktop 220 resin-modified glass ionomers (RMGIs) 259
PHANToM haptic device 221 resorbable and non resorbable membranes, for
physical vapour deposition process (PVD) 255 GTR and GBR 262
Piezo ceramics 257 restorative dentistry 281
Piezoelectricity 257 rigid registration and visualization method,
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) 263 validation of the 36
point spread function (PSF) 93 ringing artifacts 8
Poissons ratio 173, 174
polyglycolic acid (PGA) 124, 260 S
polyglycolic acid-poly L-lactic acid copolymer
(PGA/PLLA) 127 scaffold, improvements 131
poly(lactic acid) (PLA) 260 scaffolds 123
polylactic acid (PLA) 124 security issues, and health information protec-
polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) 125 tion 201
polymerization shrinkage, can it be modeled segmentation 28
59 segmentation phases (semi-automated segmen-
polymerization shrinkage of restorative materi- tation) 288
als 45 selective laser sintering (SLS) 126, 290


self-assembled biomaterials 264 sum of squared differences (SSD) 32

semi-automatic counters 136 surgical guiding template, fabrication of 295
Semilandmarks 4 surgical phase, Flatguide 154
shape deposition manufacturing (SDM) 291 surgical splints 295
Shape Memory Alloys 251
shape variables 4 T
shrinkage experiments, role of 57 technical phase, Flatguide 153
shrinkage, relaxation 57 technique, nine steps of 148
shrinkage research, role of finite element analy- teeth morphology 320
sis in 60 teeth preparation 321
shrinkage stress model 45, 46 teeth, surface reconstruction of 321
shrinkage stress model, C-factor 48 teeth, volume reconstruction of 324
shrinkage stress model, correlation with shrink- temporomandibular joint 68
age 46 therapeutic ceramics 258
shrinkage stress model, effective shrinkage 55 three-dimensional (3D) imagery 108
shrinkage stress model, restoration size 51 three-dimensional bioplotting (3D bioplotting)
shrinkage stress, what is 45 126
shrinkage value 52 three-dimensional printing (3D printing) 126
silicate cement 258 tilted implants 183
simulator components 220 time series analysis 29
simulator functionality 223 tip offset vector calculation 165
simulator, supplementing with a training CD tissue engineering 123
228 tissue engineering (TE) 124
Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Tech- titanium and titanium alloys 252
nique (SART) 114 titanium carbide (TiC) 259
Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Tech- titanium implant components, mechanical be-
nique (SIRT) 114 havior of 176
singular value decomposition (SVD) 164 titanium nitride (TiN) 259
smart biomaterials, data collection and selec- tomosynthetic reconstruction 111
tion 263 tomosynthetic reconstructions 108
soft tissue filtering 96, 103 tool axis calibration algorithm 165
soft tissue filter (STF) 92 tooth database 160
software used for medical investigations, vali- tooth loss 123
dation of 85 topographic modelling 162
solvent casting-particulate leaching 125 transfer function 12
Standards Committee for Dental Informatics transforming growth factor 1 (TGF- 1) 254
(SCDI) 204 trauma patient, analysis of a 40
standards development organizations (SDOs) treatment plan, setting up 148
242 Tuned Aperture Computed Tomography
stem cells, embryonic 131 (TACT) 112
stem cells, neural 131 two-photon polymerization process (TPP) 291
stereolithography file (STL) 288
Stereolithography (SLA) 289 U
sterilization methods 130
Unicode 306
STL generator 150
Unicode Standard 314
streaking artifacts 8


United Nations Scientific Committee on the Ef- Visible Human Male (VHM) 318
fects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) Visible Korean Human (VKH) 318
6 volume rendering 11
universal image analysis tool, requirements voxel based approaches 32
for a 80 VTK 88
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) 220 VTK (visualization toolkit 82
unsharp masking (UM) 92
US Department of Health and Human Services W
(DHHS) 193 Watershed algorithm 140, 142, 143
Watershed transform 140
validation of the methods 30 X
validation, of the rigid registration and visual- X-ray computed transaxial microtomography
ization method 36 320
validation, patients and skulls used for 33 X-ray photons, causing noise 91
VDP model 318
Viewbox software 1, 16, 22 Y
Virtual Dental Patient (VDP) 317, 319
Youngs modulus 172, 174
virtual health record (VHR) 192
virtual patient record (VPR) 192 Z
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
222 Zsigmondy-Palmer notation 313
virtual reality (VR) 219 Zsigmondy-Palmer style of denoting dental
virtual stent phase 151 records 306
Visible Human Female (VHF) 318


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