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Media, culture and public relations, 5, 2014, 2, 220-230 220
INFO- 76 UDK: 654.0:659.3:007
Primljeno/Received: 2014-02-15 Authors Review/Pregledni rad



Goran Gumze
University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

The Afro-Brazilian cultural institution and martial art capoeira as well its functions and role in
inter-personal, inter-institutional, and inter-generational communication are discussed in this
paper. Presented data was collected during the eighteen months anthropological fieldwork in
Brazilian city Salvador between the years 2004 and 2007. The main purpose of the research
was to obtain information about connections between capoeira, depression, aggression and
violence. The social role of capoeira was analysed during the research so the researcher has
also studied the means and importance of communication within the institution of capoeira.
Some of main focuses were how traditions are recreated in capoeira in order to achieve com-
petent inter- and intra- institutional communication and how important is the role of inter-
generational dialog in reestablishment of hierarchies within the institution of capoeira.

Keywords: capoeira, non-verbal communication, inter-generational dialog, equal terms com-

munication, elder people identification, inter-generational respect, creation and recreation of

Introduction have mixed together members of the different

African language and culture groups that were
Evolutional theories explain the development even in war or conflict in homeland. With such
and changes of human's physical and psychi- strategy of disabled communication they were
cal characteristics as the consequence of evolu- trying to prevent revolts. Also the social status
tional adaptations /1/, /2/, /3/. Therefore, as was taken away from the enslaved population
humans always exist as part of certain society, and all cultural manifestations were forbidden
it is reasonable to presume that also cultural in the first period of Portuguese slave economy
elements and traditions are influenced by evo- /6/. These marginal individuals lived together
lutional adaptations to environmental and in slave cottages called senzalas, and if we sup-
social changes. For example in the case of di- pose that the need to gather and belong - for
aspora, as Johnson /4/ writes, when certain which interpersonal communication is re-
social group is relocated in completely new quired - is one of the basic human needs, we
natural and social environment, new cultural can make inference that enslaved have devel-
patterns that would enable survival of the oped new modes of communication. Ignorance
relocated group in unknown environment of each others verbal language in newly origi-
have to be developed. Cultural set is changed nated groups was one of the reasons that the
in learning processes which are, as Bateson /5/ group members started to communicate using
writes, the result of evaluation and memorisa- non-verbal communication expressed through
tion of certain actions and reactions according the dance, rhythm and even martial arts.
to their efficacy in given situation. Skilled performances, as such activities are de-
Enslaved Africans brought to Brazil have scribed by Rozzelle at. /7/ , enabled personal
found themselves in completely different natu- expression and restoration of social hierarchy.
ral and social environment from the one back Aikins de-Graft /8/ writes that non-verbal
home. On the sugar plantations the Portuguese communication is a means of emotional ex-

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pression, self-presentation, concealment or fight-dance was not only the power game but
uncovering of manners and intentions, and also leisure and amusement. In Western-
least but not the last the technique to regulate African societies dances and some rituals are
inter-personal interactions. Aspirations of en- performed in circle, therefore also capoeira was
slaved to express and self-present themselves no exception. Such dance-fight of two men in
have surpass the language ignorance, and new circle accompanied by music - we suggest that
communication channels and manners were at the beginning also more than two players
applied to restore the communication. Hanna might be involved in the play as it is the case
/9/ writes that dance is a kind of non-verbal by the dance samba de p - was amusement for
communication that appears when verbal those in the circle and also for those outside
communication is aggravated, and we may the circle. So the play-fight represented the
assert that dance was the first means of basic means of communication on inter-personal
communication among enslaved Africans in and also group level. On the first level indi-
Brazil. However, the manners of expressions viduals were trying to win the opponent using
and self-presentations are not only different concealment and mind reading. Gaining or
between members of the different cultural loosing reputation they have climb up and
groups, but also as Campbell /10/ writes, be- down the social hierarchy ladder. With new
tween men and women. Fight dances are part cultural performances also the new society and
of male tradition among West African people its consciousness were developed. The notion
from which most Brazilian slaves were of new society of enslaved people in Brazil was
brought. Surely the men have expressed their established. Mastering and practicing of prop-
dancing-fight skills on senzals once the leisure er martial art disguised in dance has surely
activities were allowed. For example in Salva- raised self-respect of enslaved which has co-
dor capoeiristas are learning dance named ma- create such circumstances where emancipation
qulele, which is demonstration of fight with could be brought to light. In such context the
poles and swords. Surely such dance was not new method of non-verbal communication has
performed on senzalas but rather slow and re-established social circumstances in which
concealed version of fight dance. The rhetoric specific segment of population has survived as
of the dance had to be incomprehensible to the physical as also psychical oppression.
outsiders and harmless in its semantic. Capoei-
ra consists of many such "unnecessary moves" Short presentation of capoeira
performed by the players during the play- Capoeira is interrelated in social life of Salvado-
fight. Elements of martial art are integrated in rian society. It is perceived as sport activity, as
such, for the outsider incomprehensible educational institution, and as folklore activity.
movement. We propose that capoeira was de- The institution promotes Afro-Brazilian cul-
veloped as means of non-verbal communica- ture and represents a part of Salvador's tourist
tion through which men have expressed their promotion. Capoeira's historical development is
fight skills and cunning in order to prove their the consequence of colonization processes and
social value and establish new social hierarchy. slave economy. However, even if other parts of
Yet such communication of physical strength Americas had similar slave economy systems,
and domination of martial arts had to be con- capoeira was developed only in Brazil. We sug-
cealed at least for two reasons. Firstly, every gest that capoeira was developed among en-
martial art practice could be noticed and pro- slaved African population in Brazil as commu-
hibited by slave owners. Secondly, direct and nication technique and means of hierarchy
uncompromising struggle for social position reestablishment. As such it was also an im-
can be harmful for group members which for portant means of inter-generational communi-
the enslaved in given situation was undesired cation where experience is important factor in
outcome, namely they were already explored reestablishment of inter-generational respect
and marginalised by the Portuguese. Within and readiness for equal terms communication
these artificially originated groups new kin- between different generations. Talmon-
relationships had to be established. Thus the Chvaicer /11/ writes that capoeira was devel-

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oped as leisure activity, once the Portuguese century. First theory explains that the art was
allowed cultural manifestations on the senzalas developed on senzalas, the second one defends
in order to improve slaves' psychic condition. the idea that capoeira is the product of defen-
According to Dal Lago and Katsari /12/, the sive tactics in quilombos (escaped slaves en-
early Portuguese slave system was different claves), and the third one that it was already
then the ones of other colonizers like for ex- brought as such from Africa. However, most
ample Spanish. African diaspora was mixed literature and also capoeira discourse empha-
and Portuguese used this ethnic pluralism in size its development from the beginning of the
their advantage. They have even further mixed 19th century. From that period on capoeira al-
the slaves from different cultural and ethnic ready existed as consolidated institution, on
groups to prevent communication and poten- the one side representing the means of street
tial revolts. So enslaved had to develop new fighting, and on the other side an Afro-
communication techniques and re-establish Brazilian political institution. Further devel-
social hierarchy. Language barrier and lack of opment of the institution in the second half of
social hierarchy were important factors in es- 19th century and in the first decades of 20th
tablishment of circumstances where alternative century has had an important impact on to-
communication techniques were developed. day's capoeira role in inter-institutional and
Communication in capoeira was enabled inter-generational communication. Hanna /13/
through body language, music, and rhythm writes that dance is a forum to express political
that accompany the play-fight in so called roda convictions, aspirations and values. Enslaved
de capoeira (circle of capoeira). Through play- population was excluded from Brazilian politi-
fight, amusement and corporal interaction the cal life even being an important contributor to
inter-personal respect and hierarchies were its economy, so it had to search for alternative
established. During the centuries institutional methods of political expression. Besides play-
traditions and rules were developed so today ing capoeira on the streets, capoeiristas from the
the formal and informal hierarchical system is 19th century were frequently hired as body-
strongly empowered within the institution. guards for the politicians, so capoeira got the
Older capoeiristas and masters are admired and reputation being dangerous and effective mar-
respected as role models by the younger ones. tial art. Even if it was stigmatised being the art
Their reputation is acquired through years of of robbers, violent and idlers, on the other
practice, instructing and playing in rodas. hand it was respected among some members
Younger ones are respected according to theirs of the higher social class as serious martial art.
motivation and wish to learn. Older capoeiristas Such perceptions surely contributed to the
are also masters of instruments and singing. In positive reputation of the institution.
performed rodas they would be the ones play- Capoeiristas were also involved in Afro-
ing the main berimbau (central capoeira instru- Brazilian political movement called Flor da
ment) that dictates the speed and the manner Gente. During the war with Paraguay in 1860s
of play-fight. With the main berimbau also the some of the capoeiristas joined the Brazilian
start and finish of the play-fight is marked. army, so stories about brave and effective bare-
Those present in the roda are expected to sing foot capoeira fighters appeared among Afro-
and clap the hands when two of capoeiristas are Brazilians in Rio de Janeiro, even if there is no
playing. Through the music they communicate written evidence for that /14/, /15/. Such dis-
with others present in the roda. Communica- course brought the institution of capoeira on the
tion is performed through verbal and non- political level as herald of emancipation of
verbal channels and serves to create and recre- enslaved and marginalised Brazilian popula-
ate capoeira traditions of inter-personal and tion. After the first Brazilian republic was
inter-generational dialog. founded in 1989 capoeira - supporting the old
government - was persecuted as dangerous
Capoeira as means of political communication street martial art so the institution got under-
There are at least three theories regarding his- cover. In Salvador masters of capoeira started to
torical development of capoeira prior to 19th represent the art as the part of the Afro-

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Brazilian folklore and dance. Such method of that such style always express the characteris-
political and cultural communication enabled tics of specific capoeira school or group. Be-
survival of the art. The change in the rhetoric cause the traditions in capoeira are passed oral-
also caused the organisational changes of the ly from generation to generation, sabedoria
institution. In accordance to overall africanisa- (wisdom) - related to age and expertness - is an
tion of black population culture from the be- important notion in capoeira. One of my inter-
ginning of the 20th century, also some capoeira locutors, master of capoeira himself, described
rituals and traditions were recreated. Africani- this informal hierarchy as following: "Even if I
sation followed the principles of the Yoruba have the same level of formal graduation as the
cultural renaissance that according to Johnson oldest master of our group, I wouldn't dare to pull
/16/ appeared in all Afro-American societies. him out of the roda when he is playing with some-
There are several reasons for choosing Yoruba one. He has more than forty years of experiences in
cultural set as the identification object of the capoeira and me less than twenty five."
Afro-Brazilians, however, they are not of great Older masters posses the knowledge and rep-
importance for our discussion. It is important resent the bond between the living and the
to mention that unification of Afro-Brazilian dead. Oliveira Cruz /20/ describes the tradition
cultural set, the Afro-Brazilian's political pow- of Mestre Pastinha's clan, however, also other
er and involvement in Brazilian political life groups are using similar self-representation
have increased. That lead to the official recog- techniques and identifications. As he writes
nition of the art as national martial art and the main master of the group is the one that
sport activity in 1937 /17/,/18/. posses the most sabedoria and is perceived as
the present connection with the ancestors -
Capoeira the tool of relationships harmonisation even those in Africa. In the worlds of apo-
and promotion mega /21/, the elderly possess the wisdom
Capoeira today is enforced as part of Afro- that younger might lack, so they are the bond
Brazilian folklore and culture. It is perceived as between tradition and modernity (ibid.). Even
sport, martial art, as education method and if they do not adapt to the changes in capoeira
even as therapeutic technique. In Salvador it and broader society, they teach the younger
represents the means of individual and cultur- generations how to maintain and incorporate
al identification. To be capoeirista means to traditions into modernity. As it was noticed
follow the norms, customs and values of cer- during the research, such knowledge is passed
tain capoeira group. Oliveira Cruz /19/ de- to younger capoeiristas during the capoeira
scribes the processes of capoeira identity en- events and through constant communication
forcement in capoeira angola. Their clothes, be- with other members of the group. The main
haviour, appearance locus, play style in roda, master transmits his learned values, beliefs
and their attitude toward other capoeiristas, and knowledge to other masters; meanwhile,
communicate to which capoeira lineage they they will pass those traditions to theirs instruc-
belong. Some of them - mostly older tors and students. Yet such communication is
capoeiristas - still use special protection tech- not performed only in capoeira schools. The
niques for the body and spirit before they enter public events like presentations, celebrations,
or organize the roda. As they mentioned such and capoeira baptisms called batizado are of
techniques were commonly used by their great importance for communication of beliefs,
capoeira ancestors and are learned through values and traditions. Public presentations are
secret rituals to those who gained the trust of both, the promotion of particular school or
the older masters. Regardless to which capoeira group (each group my have at least as many
style they belong, capoeiristas would sing the schools as there are instructors in the group)
songs that emphasize the importance of older and also the events where cultural elements of
masters from the clan, and use particular institution are presented to the lay, non-
group play-fight once they enter the roda. Even capoeira public. On individual level capoeiristas
if all included in the research assert that each are presenting their knowledge of capoeira
individual has his particular style, they agree play-fight, and singing or playing instruments

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on such capoeira events. On the institutional Bateria (composition of instruments), obligato-
level they communicate the group's principles, ry roda's component, is in capoeira angola consti-
values, beliefs and style through their song tuted of atabaque three berimbaus and two pan-
selection, through more or less dynamic play deiros. There is a gape on each side of bateria
style, through the degree of aggression and that represents a porta (the door), through
violence involved in the play-fight, and which the players enter the play-fight. Enter-
through their attitude towards the older, the ing the roda players would usually perform an
younger and peer capoeiristas. In such manner individual protection technique gesture, than
traditions are communicated to both, capoeira first compliment the central berimbau, after the
and lay public. Those attracted by the art are co-player, and then start with the play-fight.
further encouraged to start practicing capoeira. Music and songs' texts are those dictating the
Thus, each capoeirista is not promoting only the tempo and the style of the play. Ancestors and
capoeira group or school but also him as per- living masters are praised in some texts, but
sonality. He tempts to make a good impression most of them would count day-by-day stories
on the others which can increase his reputation from capoeiristas life, or would emphasize
within his own group and also in broader some important historical events connected
capoeira public. Those older and more experi- with the institution. Some texts are admoni-
enced recreate the concept of experienced and tions or play manner guidance. Not just those
wise masters with self-presentations in rodas. in bateria but rather all participants have to
They prove to themselves and others that they sing the coro (choir) and clap the hands in the
should be respected as sbio (wise). Yet in rhythm of the music. Players would enter and
many cases some older master would surprises exit the roda on the command of central berim-
his opponent and others in roda with his agility bau or by individual decision of each on porta
and uncommon play-fight style. Spectators waiting capoeirista. In latter case they would
would express their enthusiasm with applaud- have to respect the rule saying that younger or
ing and exclamations - like it is the case in less experienced capoeirista should never pull
other cultural or sport performances. On one out of the game the older more experienced
of the street rodas I have frequented occasional- one. Such hierarchy is in force also among co-
ly during my research, two older masters pre- masters and masters. However, many older
sented the play for money, which in today's capoeiristas are complaining that younger ones
capoeira is almost extinct. It was practiced dur- are not respecting the rules and traditions an-
ing the 19th and at the beginning of 20th cen- ymore. Such behaviour is supposed to be the
tury. Today is a funny presentation, however, consequence of wrong teaching. Regardless if
it was rather a dangerous jogo in the past, be- player wants and knows how to respect all the
cause the razors and knifes were used during rules and traditions, he is strongly involved in
the play. The objective of the player is to grab the roda de capoeira due to its circular form, and
the bank note from the ground with his mouth has to conform to the ritual. Rhythm, music
during the play. To achieve that safely, he and play-fight of the others agitate feelings
should play himself out the position in which and emotions of the participants which became
his neck is not exposed to the opponent, which receptive of the traditions, rules and capoeira's
is not an easy task. The play is similar to chess, cultural elements consolidated and recreated
where the players have to predict several traits through capoeira rituals. Those still inexperi-
in advance. Such play may not be interrupted enced or to the rules ignorant capoeiristas have
as long as one of the players manages to grab to learn and obey the ritual rules if they want
the bank note. It is played only occasionally to to participate in the roda. Any unaccepted be-
preserve and present the old traditions of haviour is sanctioned already during the play
capoeira. or in speeches that as a rule would conclude
Capoeira cultural elements are promoted every important roda. As the rules are passed
through roda ritual. Already composition of the and learned through participation on events
roda (circle formed by the participants) points and play in the roda, capoeira is easily accepted
out the mystic and the magic of the institution. also outside Brazil, in different cultural set-

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tings. In Europe for example it doesn't repre- ical abilities but in the first place in regards to
sent only the martial art but an important his sabedoria (wisdom), the mastering of in-
promoter of Brazil and Afro-Brazilian culture. struments and singing, and experience in
Being accepted among Europeans as attractive capoeira that can only be achieved through
sport art, capoeira is an important toll if indi- many years of practice. Therefore, the most
vidual and cultural promotion. Yet promotion experienced master would begin to tocar a viola
is not the only function of capoeira rituals, also (play on the central berimbau called viola) and
the harmonisation of social relationships is sing ladainha. The play of the masters is fol-
performed through them. Batizado is the most lowed by a short brake where some of the mas-
typical event in regards to harmonisation of ters would perform the inauguration speeches.
social relationships. Initiation of new In such speeches the importance of tradition,
capoeiristas and change of capoeira girdles are respect and learning is emphasized. After that
just the most obvious functions of batizado. the baptism of new capoeiristas exams for the
However, for anthropologist those hidden, not higher girdles are carried through. The exams
obvious functions are of greater interest. As I are usually finished with another brake dedi-
have noticed on batizado and other capoeira cated to the thanksgiving speeches followed by
events traditions are recreated and social rela- exams for instructors, professors and masters
tionships are harmonised. Baptism and exams of capoeira. On the level of contramestre or mes-
for higher girdle are performed in roda, which tre such exam is only a formality. Contramestre
has a slight different ritual than on other or mestre has already proved his knowledge
events. The hierarchies are more obvious on and position with his work and participation
batizado, where respect toward older and more on many rodas. Their preparation can last even
experienced capoeiristas is emphasized. On one ten or more years. The play in roda de batizado
of such occasions one of the masters played with most experienced and oldest masters
disrespectful with the older master which agi- represents inauguration of new contramestre or
tated impetuous debates among participants mestre. Such play is demonstration of sabedoria
about respect toward the older masters. Name- and malandragem. Another set of thanksgiving
ly the younger, stronger master played with speeches is performed by invited masters and
the force with the older one, demonstrating his those who organised the batizado after the ex-
physical supremacy regardless to the accepted ams are finished. In the first place organising
rule that the older masters should be respected master would thank all those who came to
according to their experiences. Even if the batizado from abroad and also to all domestic
player knows that he could beat his older op- masters who accept the invitation and ap-
ponent, he shouldn't do so not to offend the peared on the event. Then the invited would
older master and discredit him in front of the thank to organiser emphasizing the im-
other younger capoeiristas. However, I have portance of his work. On most events masters
witnessed only two such occurrences, mean- were praising the importance of host master in
while, on other capoeira events participants the local society (comunidade). They would
respected that unwritten rule of inter- emphasize his role in education of local chil-
generational respect. dren and his social function in harmonisation
When the roda de batizado starts only the mas- of familiar relationships as well the relation-
ters and co-masters (sometimes also profes- ships within the comunidade. Formal part of
sors) are allowed to play. Their objective is to batizado is concluded with hosting master's
demonstrate to the younger ones the rules, speech, where he thanks to the sponsors, to
traditions and techniques that are supposed to those who helped to organise the event, to all
be applied in the play-fight of capoeira. By ob- participating masters, capoeiristas and to the
servation of the game, participants learn new parents of the children that are the most im-
techniques and tricks. Through such perfor- portant joint of capoeira institution. Namely,
mance also the ideal image of mature they are the ones helping to organise the
capoeirista and the master is constructed. Mas- capoeira events and are encouraging their chil-
ter is not only respected according to his phys- dren to practice capoeira.

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Batizado is mostly followed by the party in tion that the capoeiristas included in the sample
local bar where food and drinks are served. were between 20 and 75 years old.
Members of the group, parents and also some
invited capoeiristas participate on such parties Research conduction
where capoeira subjects are discussed. Such The research was conducted in Bahian capitol
gatherings would mostly be finished till the Salvador, more precisely in city quarter Boca
late afternoon. do Rio. Between the years 2004 and 2007
capoeira groups Capoeira Angola Palmares and
Methodology Naao Capoeira were studied. Even if the
The in this article analysed topic was not the groups are located in different city quarters
main research object of the fieldwork per- and are different in play style, traditions and
formed in Brazilian city Salvador. However the values, some masters - now members of the
anthropological method of multi-sited field- Naao Capoeira - originate from the group
work makes possible for anthropologist to Capoeira Angola Palmares. Most of the data was
collect also the important data which is not collected on daily trainings and on capoeira
directly connected with his research subject. events, yet some important information were
Comprehensive information set allows pro- gathered through informal conversations with
found insight into the cultural institutions of masters and other capoeiristas. Also sixteen in-
studied society. Thus during the eighteen depth interviews with nine masters and seven
months fieldwork from 2004 to 2007, the students of capoeira were performed. The dura-
capoeira institution was studied where observa- tion of interview varied between 40 minutes
tions, informal interviews and anthropologist's and two and a half hours according to availa-
reflections were recorded and noted into two ble time and loquacity of the interviewees. The
diaries. Beside the participating observation interviews were semi-structured so the ques-
also the qualitative research method with in- tions were adjusted for each interviewee indi-
depth interviews was applied. Information vidually. Following sets of questions were
about the institutional structure of capoeira and employed in the conversations:
about capoeiristas subjective views on the im- 1. Attitudes towards capoeira (When and
portance of institution were acquired through how you learned about the art? Why
semi-structured interviews. I learned about the does he choose and practice it? Expec-
importance of formal and informal hierarchy tations? What makes him enthusiastic
in capoeira and manners of its creation and in regards to capoeira?),
recreation. I also got the information about 2. historical and today's role of capoeira,
capoeiristas' attitudes towards health, illness 3. relationships within the capoeira,
and treatments, and least but not the last the 4. capoeira's role in the attitude towards
important data about the capoeira traditions, health aggression and violence,
the importance of the ancestors and experi- 5. hierarchies and traditions of capoeira.
enced masters and the inter-generational rela-
tions were collected during the fieldwork. Lat- Data analysis
ter data is discussed in this contribution. Collected data was systemized through tran-
scription of the conversations and repeated
Sample reading of the diaries. Further, the fieldwork
Capoeiristas from three different capoeira groups results were compared with the already exist-
were included in the research. Some interviews ing literature from the area.
were performed also with the masters from
other capoeira groups. Participation of the re- Findings
searcher on important capoeira events all Capoeira's role in establishment of inter-
around Salvador and his notes, observations generational communication and relationships.
and talks with participants enabled collection As we have already shown, tradition and hier-
of important data. It is also reasonable to men- archy are important concepts within capoeira.
Hierarchy doesn't exist only as a formal struc-

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ture but rather emerges from informal respect speech) certain actual thematic is discussed.
toward older and more experienced Since they are malandros - in regards to their
capoeiristas. Since sabedoria and malandragem are play-fight style and also regarding communi-
even more important capoeirista's features than cation manners - their knowledge is passed per
physical agility and strength, capoeirista gets partes, which allows them to stay interesting
more respected in his old age. Elderly for the younger ones. They are also the ones to
capoeiristas themselves are also proud on their decide to whom and when they will pass fur-
experiences that according to Ryan /22/, is an ther knowledge and for who the whole sa-
important issue for their identification and bedoria will be accessible. Older masters are
construction of positive self-image. Sijuwade mentors to contramestres and are the group
/23/ writes that positive self-image of the elder- leaders. However, communication and learn-
ly is hindered by social isolation and negative ing are not one-sided, going from the more
changes in their social role. As older masters experienced to the less experienced one. Such
are gaining their sabedoria with age their task is might be the first impression of external ob-
to stay socially active, frequenting capoeira server that would focus only on verbal levels
events in order to pass their knowledge to the of the communication within capoeira. On
younger ones. Such acting helps them also symbolical, ritual and non-verbal levels, com-
construct and preserve a positive self-image. munication flows in both directions. Older
Thus in capoeira public respect and positive masters would for example let the younger
self-image are achieved through the time capoeiristas play central berimbau that would
spend in teaching capoeira, and frequency of give them the right to choose the songs and
appearing on public rodas and capoeira events. dictate the manner and tempo of the game. In
Older capoeiristas are by default group leaders such manner the development of younger
or at least honourable members of the group. capoeiristas identities is achieved, and creativity
For those organising capoeira events it is a is promoted. With their individual style - in-
question of good social practice to invite at fluenced by constant social changes and the
least one elder and respected master on his youngster's identity - younger capoeiristas con-
event. Namely, with the age the master trans- tribute to creation and recreation of traditions
forms into ultimate capoeira product - the mas- and styles of certain group, so mutual respect,
ter of the masters. Older capoeiristas are also based on hierarchic system and multi-
the ones that would narrate anecdotes and directional learning, between older and
semi-mythological stories about the old times younger capoeiristas is achieved. Inter-personal
of capoeira. They would have the privilege to be and inter-generational communication is exe-
the first to enter the roda, play the central cuted on physical level during the game of
berimbau and sing ladainha. If they continue to capoeira. As younger one is learning from the
sing the songs, they would also have the right more experienced one, vice versa the older one
to dictate the manner and tempo of the game is learning from less experienced but accurate-
in roda. On symbolical level the older master ly informed one. To preserve his reputation,
represents the connection between ancestors the more experienced one can not allow him-
and today's younger capoeiristas. Such older self to be surprised by a kick or rastera from the
master - once student of already deceased mas- less experienced one. Therefore, he has to
ter - is now the one who possesses knowledge adapt to new techniques and tricks of younger
about traditions of the clan. Even if rules and ones. Mutually younger and older ones are
teaching techniques are already written in learning in the game of capoeira, teacher be-
numerous handbooks of capoeira, all interlocu- comes a student and vice versa. Namely,
tors agreed that real capoeira is learned out of younger capoeiristas practice several martial
experiences and direct communication and arts where they learn some, to capoeira alien
play with older sbios capoeiristas. Thus, techniques. The task of the master is to imple-
capoeiristas are always interested in older mas- ment such techniques in the capoeira movement
ters' speeches and playing techniques. In mas- called ginga and to develop defensive tech-
ters' narrations (using semi-mythological niques which would neutralise the former

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ones. Most interlocutors mentioned that capoei- different capoeira styles analysed. While play-
ra is the art in constant adaptation and trans- ing capoeira angola also the history of the art
formation, however, changes have to follows was discussed. Thus sabedoria was not availa-
the rules, values, ritual characteristics and ble to everyone especially not to strangers,
established traditions of the institution. There- periodically visiting Salvador. Such practition-
fore, to enable development and existence of ers are considered as gringos (strangers) and
the art and institution inter-generational com- are, according to some capoeiristas, more inter-
munication is needed and promoted in capoei- ested in so called instant capoeira or capoeira do
ra. gringo. Since masters school was located in the
university part of the town, in the vicinity of
Discussion hotels and hostels, many times coincidental
Some existing researches on the field of capoei- visitors have come to train in his school. He
ra are concerned with its social meanings and was aware that they will not stay longer and
historical development, are phenomenological therefore, have to learn the effective attractive
and ethnological analysis of rituals and institu- capoeira that is easily accepted also by those
tion, or represent historical analysis of differ- coming from different cultures. His students
ent styles and rituals development. The field of were aged between seventeen and forty years,
inter-personal and inter-generational commu- when he at the time was fifty seven but incred-
nication within capoeira is interesting notion ibly fast, flexible and agile. Thus he was not
that still needs to be studied. We have estab- respected only because of sabedoria, but pri-
lished during the research that inter-personal marily because of his dangerous and effective
respect - created and recreated through cor- play-fight in the roda.
poral interaction and intra-institutional com- Other studied school is located in slam and
munication - is an important value of capoeira rarely gringo would come and train there.
institution. Communication is performed Strangers practicing in this school are mostly
through verbal and non-verbal channels, and members of the same group from abroad.
might be direct or expressed through symbol- Head master of the school passes his
ism of rituals and traditions. The head master - knowledge to everyone, yet per partes. He
mostly also the oldest one - being possessor of teaches through the analytical play in roda,
knowledge and a link between ancestors and meaning that play-fight techniques and tactics
living capoeiristas, is the one that decides how as well instruments playing and singing will
his sabedoria will be passed to the students. He be analysed and discussed on the trainings.
decides to whom, when, and how much he His comments were in regards to style and
will teach and to whom he will pass every- respect of specific group traditions. After each
thing. For example, one of the masters includ- lesson he had a lecture about history and pre-
ed in the sample has instructed capoeira, exclu- sent role of capoeira. Many times he told an
sively as martial art to most of his students. anecdote about some older master. Students
Even if he has performed roda de capoeira once have perceived him as a father, yet he has al-
a week, he did not teach how to play the in- ways emphasized that the real father of the
struments or either has taught much about the group is his master, the head master of Capoei-
rituals and history of capoeira. His school is ra Angola Palmares group. Even if he is around
more fitness or aerobic centre alike, where he 70 years old, he is always invited on the capoei-
offers also other sports activities. At the time of ra events all around Brazil Europe and USA.
the research he had some three hundred mem- Mestre N, as his apelido (nickname) is, is be-
bers who have participated in various activi- lieved to come out of Mestre Pastinha's, the
ties. Yet after I have frequented capoeira lessons founder of the capoeira Angola, lineage. He also
for a longer period and did show a lot of inter- mentioned that his master has taught him eve-
est for the art, master invited me on special rything and he will pass to his student all the
lessons, organised only for most loyal and knowledge the way he has learned. Thus in
dedicated students. On such lessons instru- this group knowledge was available for every-
ments were played, songs were learned and one yet learned gradually and the hierarchy

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229 Media, culture and public relations, 5, 2014, 2, 220-230

was at least superficially obvious and clear to utation are different as they were decades ago
everyone. As we see older masters are respect- when it was still predominantly coisa do Bra-
ed as the knowledge possessors, however, sileiro, coisa do negro (Brazilian thing, the thing
younger are not excluded from the discourse of the blacks). Older capoeiristas do oppose
as they have to participate in the debates and radical changes in capoeira, however, they are
have to prepare the folklore presentations of aware that the art has to be changed in order to
Afro-Brazilian culture on capoeira events. win the global market, so their task is to inte-
grate constant style changes into the valued
Conclusion traditions of capoeira. Communication system
The historical development of capoeira is pre- in capoeira offers means for reestablishment of
sented in this paper only because of better qualitative inter-personal and inter-
understanding of capoeira's social role. We em- institutional dialog in modern society because
phasize the communicational function of the capoeira, due to its historical and present social,
art. On the level of inter-personal and inter- political and economic influences, is strongly
institutional communication the role of capoeira dynamic institution open for changes and ad-
in inter-generational communication is also of aptations. Thus, its systems can be applicable
great interest for this contribution. According also in European inter-personal and inter-
to Williams and Nussbaum /24/ such commu- institutional communication systems.
nication is frequently hindered because there is
always a discrepancy in rules and communica- Notes
tion resources between generations. Habits
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Goran Gumze
Sveuilite Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenija

Afro-brazilska kulturna institucija i borilaka vjetina Capoeira kao i njezina funkcija i uloga
u meuljudskoj, meuinstitucionalnoj i meugeneracijskoj komunikaciji tema je ovog rada.
Predstavljeni su podaci prikupljeni tijekom osamnaest mjeseci antropolokog terenskog rada
u brazilskom gradu Salvadoru od 2004. do 2007. godine. Glavni cilj istraivanja bio je dobiti
podatke o vezama izmeu Capoeire, depresije, agresije i nasilja. Analizirana je drutvena
uloga capoeire na nain da je istraiva prouavao sredstva i vanost komunikacije unutar
institucije capoeire. Neki od kljunih zadaa u radu su opisati kako se tradicija ponovno
ukljuuje u capoeiru kako bi se postigla inter- i intra institucionalna komunikacija i koliko je
vana uloga meugeneracijskog dijaloga u ponovnom uspostavljanju hijerarhije unutar insti-
tucije capoeire.

Kljune rijei: Capoeira, neverbalna komunikacija, meugeneracijski dijalog, jednaki uvjeti

komunikacije, stariji ljudi, meugeneracijsko potovanje, stvaranje i rekreacija tradicije

ISSN 1333-6371
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