Faza Locala: Open-Cloze XI TH Grade 1

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Faza locala

Open-cloze XI th grade

For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap! Use
only one word in each gap!

The Great Wall of China ............(1)known to be over 1900 kilometres long , making it by far
the longest wall in the world. The building of the wall is said ...........(2)have begun in the
third ...........(3)BC . The reason it............(4)built was to keep the Huns out of Central Asia. A
lot of effort was put.......(5) the construction of the wall. It is ..........(6) of earth, stone and
brick and........(7) highest section is close to nine meters. Over the centuries, the wall has
often ........(8)added to , rebuilt and repaired. This was done to give China protection ........
(9)invaders. Despite its size, however, the wall failed to........(10) a stop to invading armies
such as the Mongols and the Manchus.

The wall is still .......(11) great importance, as it divides Inner China from Outer China. What
is ........(12), it is useful for dividing the region into cultivated land and pastureland. The Great
Wall holds another impressive record.........(13) won't be surpassed for quite a while. It is the
only man-made structure visible from ...........(14) It is no wonder that most travel guides
refer ............(15)the great Wall of China as the world's greatest tourist attraction.

Answer key

1. Is
2. To
3. Century
4. Was
5. Into
6. Made
7. Its
8. Been
9. From
10. Put
11. Of
12. More
13. Which
14. Space
15. To

Open-cloze XI th grade

For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap! Use
only one word in each gap!

Albert Einstein is........(1) of the best -known scientists of the 20th ..........(2).Yet he was
not ..........(3)particularly good student. At school in Munich, Einstein got fairly good grades in
nearly ..........(4)subjects and was excellent in mathematics and physics. However, he disliked
doing ............(5) he was told. He didnt like exams and ..........(6)did he like attending classes,
so he left school early.
............(7)failing the entrance exam , Einstein was eventually admitted to ......(8)Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology in 1896. Although he did well, he was ..........(9) to get a job at
a university after graduation, mainly because he was thought to ...............(10) very lazy.
Instead, he worked in a secondary school,............(11) he taught maths and physics, both of
which he was good .............(12).

About two years...............(13), Einstein received a job as a clerk in Bern. Shortly afterwards,
his special theory of relativity.....................(14) published-one of the greatest scientific
achievements in the history.............(15) mankind.

Answer key
1. One
2. Century
3. A
4. All
5. What
6. Neither
7. After
8. The
9. Unable
10. Be
11. Where
12. At
13. Later
14. Was
15. Of

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