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Outline of the Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science for Aw Mow FY2014 (SAKURA Exchange Program in Science) ae Basic Policy fos April 2014 1. Purpose of the Program Asia is undergoing a period of dramatic progress. Promoting science and technology is a key engine to realize a bright future of Asia and it is vitally important to enhance the exchange of Japanese and Asian youths who will play a crucial role in the field of science and technology. Based on this concept, “Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science” (SAKURA Exchange Program in Science) is the program for enhancing exchanges between Asia and Japan of the youths who will play a erucial role in the future field of science and technology through the close collaboration of industry-academia-government by facilitating short-term ‘Visits of competent Asian youths to Japan. This program aims at raising the interest of Asian youths toward the leading Japanese science and technologies at Japanese universities, research institutions and private companies, 2, Basic Concept for Implementing the Program, (1) Invite approximately 2,000 youths for short-term visits to Japan from the 14 Asian countries and res ns specified below *, who will engage in exchange programs with Japanese youths and other activities inthe field of science and technology. Eligible youths must be a student of high school, university or graduate school, a postdoctoral researcher or a teacher, who is under 40 years old, and has never stayed in Japan before basically. * The People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan, Brunei Darussalam, Kingdom of Cambodia, Republic of Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Singapore, Kingdom of Thailand, and Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. (2) The program will be implemented based upon an overall plan which includes estimated ay One week is regarded as the standard length of stay, nd [P10 (B) Collaborative Research Activity Course (referred to as "Course B") nny In this course, university or graduate school students and postdoctoral researchers from stem Asia conduct short-term collaborative research activities with Japanese researchers based on the arrangements made by the receiving organization, including university, research institution and private company. ‘Three weeks are regarded as the standard length of stay. (C) Planed Activity Course (referred to as "Course C") Jn this course the Asian youths coming to Japan participate in exchange activities such as Visiting universities or corporate research laboratories, visiting schools and science museums, participating in scientific experiments and events, based on the arrangements made by the receiving organization. Eligible organizations for becoming receiving organizations are limited to a local wernment, a zaidan-houjin (social foundation) or a shadan-howjin (social corporation) that does not conduet any educational activity or research activity in science and technology. One week is regarded as the standard length of stay. (3) Application of Exchange Plan The receivi organization makes application(s) to JST in the fixed format provided after the exchange plan is prepared jointly with the sending organization(s). (4) Registration of Receiving and Sending Organizations (a) Before a receiving organization submits its exchange plan to JST, it needs to be registered on the exclusive homepage of the SAKURA Exchange Program in Science as a cooperative organization. Registration may not be approved in some cases where the information contained in the application is insufficient or inadequate, (b) A registered receiving organization may submit an exchange plan. The sending organization listed in the exchange plan ontine application submitted to JST by the receiving organization will be registered as @ cooperative organization of the SAKURA Exchange Program in Science. Registration may not be approved in some cases where ‘the information contained in the exchange plan is insufficient or inadequate. WCJST finds a certain organization to be adequately qualified to become a sending organization during the process of publicizing this program in the Asian countries, there ‘may be cases where JST will register such organization as a sending organization with [Reference: Conceptual Diagram of the Exchange Program] IST’s Basic Policy on the Exchange Program Promotional Activities for the Program by JST Technology" Experiences Lect z Distinguished Seien a Appendix: Information Providing Program for Exchange and Support in Science and Technology change Contents) (Construction of a Platform for Science and Technology (2) Contents of the Platform, JST collects, organizes and lists useful contents for exchange programs in science and technology which it already possesses such as “advanced measurement technology”, “PRESTO” research laboratories, outline of Super Science High (SSH) Schools, events at Miraikan (National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation) and provides these information on the web as “The Platform of Science and Technology Exchange Content” Contents of the scientific and technical events held by other entities such as incorporated administrative agencies, private companies and local governments, and information concerning showrooms and science museums run by these entities as well are also going to be listed as a part of the platform and these outlines are made publicly available on the web site, JST regularly updates the platform to reflect the latest information. (2) Utilization of the Platform Entities which intend to implement exchange programs for science and technology, including the cooperative organizations of the SAKURA Program should browse the information on the platform. If they find any content that they wish to use in their exchange program, they should notify JST of their intention. Subsequently, they should directly approach to the contact point designated by JST and make necessary arrangement with the concemed party to use the content in their exchange program. After arrangement, they should report the status to JST. IST provides necessary support for those entities that make requests such as suggesting suitable contents for their program or coordinating the date for using a platform content. (3) Follow-up for Entities Utilizing the Contents Upon Completion of the Exchange Program The entity that utilized the content to carry out their exchange program must make a report to JST that includes the number of participants from the eligible 14 countries and regions of the SAKURA Program and the results of the surveys from them. Q&A of SAKURA Exchange Program in Science [1. General Issues of the Exchange Program] Question 1-1 Could you describe the entire flow of how this Program should be implemented? Answer: The entire flow of how this Program should be implemented is as follows: JST contacts and asks various organizations in Asian countries to participate in the Program, ‘The receiving organization prepares an exchange plan with the cooperation of the sending, organization, @® Before the receiving organization applies for the exchange plan to JST, it is necessary to register as a cooperative organization on the exclusive home page of the SAKURA. Exchange Program in Science e® After registration, the receiving organization submits online the exchange plan application to JST, The sending organization listed in the exchange plan application submitted by the receiving organization is registered as a cooperative sending organization. If JST finds an appropriate sending organization during the process of promoting this program in the Asian countries, there may be cases where JST registers it as a sending organization with its consent. Even in cases where no exchange plan application is submitted, an organization can apply for registration as either a sending or receiving ‘organization if it thinks that there is a future possibility of cooperation. © Exchange plans which have been approved by IST are implemented. © Afer the exchange plan has been implemented, the receiving organization follows up, among others, by submitting a report to JST including the results of a questionnaire sent to all participant, Question 1-3 Could you explain details of the “Science and Technology Exchange Activity Course” (henceforth referred to as Course A)? Answer: (1) In this course, based on the arrangements made by the receiving organization which would be a high school, university, research institution or private company, the Asian youths invited to Japan participate in activities such as attending special lectures and visiting research laboratories atthe receiving organization. It is also possible to include activities at other organizations, One week is regarded as the standard length of stay and ten days is the maximum length of stay. The length of s yy is counted from the day of arrival to Japan to the day of departure from Japan. @ For example, let us assume that University X Japan has or is preparing a cooperative relationship with University Y in Asia, University X invites the students of University Y. The invited students participate in exchange activities by attending special lectures or Visiting laboratories at University X. They will also be able to participate in other activities such as visiting science museums and corporate enterprises as arranged by University X. Question 1-4 Could you explain details of the “Collaborative Research Activity Course” (henceforth referred to as Course B) University or graduate school students and/or postdoctoral researchers from Asia conduct short-term collaborative research activities based on the arrangements made by the receiving organization, which would be a university, research institution or private company in Japan. Three weeks are regarded as the maximum length of stay. (2) For example, let us assume that University X in Japan and University Y in an Asian country conduct collaborative research or intend to do so in the future. The researchers from University Y can be invited to University X in Japan to conduct short-term collaborative research. Cases where University X in Japan and University Y in Asia plan to hold a collaborative seminar or symposium at University X will also fall under this category. Question 1-5 Could you explain details of the “Planed Activity Course” (henceforth referred to as Answer: With the registratiun of many cooperative organizations, we aim to build a database of receiving and sending organizations to enhance the possibility of cooperation between both types of organizations. For example, we look forward to enhanced future cooperation by obtaining information about the cooperative organizations. JST wishes to enhance the broad registration of cooperative organizations that support the values of the SAKURA Program by continuous approaching and assisting matching such organizations in Japan and Asia Question 2-2 How will the receiving organizations be registered? Answer: (1) Before the receiving organization submits its exchange plan to JST, it needs to be registered on the exclusive home page of the “SAKURA Exchange Program in Science”. Registtation may not be approved in some eases where the information contained in the application is insufficient or inadequate (2) In eases where a receiving organization has not yet identified a sending organization, it can still register itself as a cooperative organization. In this ease, IST cooperates in finding an appropriate counterpart if necessary. Registration may not be approved in some cases where the information contained in the application is insufficient or inadequate, Question2-3 How will the sending organizations be registered? Answer: (1) The sending organization listed in the exchange plan online application to JST by the receiving organization is registered as a cooperative organization of the “SAKURA Exchange Program in Science”. Registration may not be approved in some cases where the information contained in the application is insufficient or inadequate. If IST finds a certain organization to be adequately qualified to become a sending organization during the process of publicizing this program in Asian countries, there may be cases where JST registers such organization as a sending organization with its consent. In cases where a sending organization has not yet lentified a receiving organization, it can still register itself as @ cooperative organization. In this case, IST cooperates in finding an appropriate counterpart if necessary. Registration may not be approved in some cases Question 3-1 ‘Who can apply for the exchange plan? Answer: A receiving organization already registered can prepare and apply for the exchange plan. Question 3-2 How is the exchange plan screened? Answer: ‘The exchange plans submitted to JST will be screened by the “Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science Committee” (henceforth referred to as the “Committee"). The Committe, Judges the exchange plans from the viewpoint of whether the proposed exchange plan is appropriate for achieving the basic policy. During the screening process, if itis judged that the plan could achieve better results regarding the basic policy by making necessary changes, we request that the plan be revised and re-submitted within a certain period to be passed on for a secondary screening. Question 3-3 ‘What are the standards used in the screening? Answer: The standards are as follows: (1) That it complies with the basic principles. (2) That it conforms to the intent of this program, which is to enhance exchanges in the field of science and technology between excellent youths of Asia and Japan, and not to make a profit Question 3-4 When asked to make modifications to the exchange plan, how much time will be permitted? ser: ‘We are considering it about 3 weeks. Question 3-5 What kinds of costs are covered in the “SAKURA Exchange Program in Science”? Answer: ‘The following costs required for implementing this program are planned to be supported. (1) Overseas Airfare: Round Trip Air Tickets (2) Program Implementation Fee Accommodation Fees, Meal Expenses, Domestic Travelling Costs (Bus Charter Fees, etc.) (for students and support members) + Accommodation Fees, Meal Expenses, Travelling Costs (for lecturers, ete.) Honoraritim for Lecturing ‘Venue Costs (for Lectures, Results Presentation, etc.) Costs for Visiting Related Facilities (Admission Fees, etc.) + Operating Costs (Labor Costs for Operating Staff, ete.) Interpretation Fees Question 3-10 What i the budget estimate for receiving a youth from Asia? Answ ‘We estimate 100,000 yen per youth for one week including accommodation, meals and domestic travel expenses. Question3-11 Concerning the cost when a private company participates in this program, itis stated in the item 3(6) of the basic plan that “If the receiving organization is a private company in the case of the Exchange Program Course A or B, JST provides basically a fund for the invited persons” overseas travel expenses only. Other expenses must be covered by the receiving organization. If private companies are included as visiting sites in Course C, the expenses related to the visit, including accommodations will be covered in cooperation with the corresponding private companies.” Is it possible to accept any exemptions because it says “basically”? How are the domestic travel expenses to visit the private companies treated? Answer: ‘We hope that private companies support this program as much as possible. By “basically”, itmeans we may approve exceptional cases if it is judged to be appropriate by reviewing details “SAKURA Exchange Program in Science”? Answer: Approximately 10 youths for each of Course A and B, and about 20 to 30 youths for Course € are considered. However, the numbers can increase or decrease according to the contents of any specific exchange plan. Question 3-17 Is there a limit to the number of youths from the same sending organization? Answer: There may be eases where we ask restriction of the number of youths from the same organization while considering the estimated number of youths to be invited from each country or region indicated in the basic plan and the overall state of the exchange plan submitted. Question 3-18 What ate the details of the youths to be invited? Are there any age restrictions? Answer: Eligible youths are in principle students of high schools, universities, graduate schools or postdoctoral researchers and teachers, under 40 years of age, who have never stayed in Japan. However, in cases where the plan seems feasible, junior high school students can be included with the senior high school students, Question 3-19 Is it possible to have a guardian accompany the students? Answer: In the case of high school students, (including junior high school students) there is an obligation to bri Mi accompanying guardian. Question 3-20 an individual apply to the program? Answer: No, an individual cannot apply u ‘After the exchange plan has been implemented, what must the receiving organization do? Answer: (1) After the exchange plan has been implemented the receiving organization must submit a report to JST about the results, including a survey from the participants. From summarizing these reports, we hope it will lead to the further continuation and progress of this program. (2) We request that the receiving organizations try to follow up with the invited Asian youths for realizing future cooperation. [5. Utilization of the Platform Program] Question 5-1 How should we utilize the Platform? Answer: When preparing the exchange plan, it is necessary to access the home page of the Platform and select one or more contents before contacting JST. The cooperative organizations must contact the concerned party indicated in the information provided by JST and make necessary ‘arrangement with the party so that it ean be incorporated as part of the exchange plan. In the case that the planned contents for the exchange program are not available in the Platform, or, ifthe schedule of the exchange program and the contents need to be adjusted, IST provides all possible support if requested. Question 5-2 How can we obtain the contents of the Platform? Answer: An outline of the contents of the platform is available on the website. We are planning to rake it available from on the home page of the “SAKURA Exchange Program in Science”.

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