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July 1, 2017 Prepared By: Department of Management and Budget


General Fund General Purpose - Categorical Report and Explanations Page #

FY 2018 General Appropriations Act ........................................................................ 1
General Fund/General Purpose Operations Budget Highlights ................................. 13
Circuit Court .............................................................................................................. 19
District Court Department ......................................................................................... 22
District Court Administration .................................................................................... 24
District Court Division I (Novi) ................................................................................ 26
District Court Division II (Clarkston)........................................................................ 28
District Court Division III (Rochester Hills) ............................................................. 30
District Court Division IV (Troy) .............................................................................. 32
Probate Court ............................................................................................................. 34
Prosecuting Attorney ................................................................................................. 36
Sheriff ........................................................................................................................ 39
Clerk/Register of Deeds............................................................................................. 43
Treasurers Office ...................................................................................................... 46
Board of Commissioners ........................................................................................... 49
Library Board............................................................................................................. 52
Water Resources Commissioner................................................................................ 55
County Executive ...................................................................................................... 58
Management and Budget ........................................................................................... 61
Central Services ......................................................................................................... 64
Facilities Management ............................................................................................... 67
Human Resources ...................................................................................................... 69
Health and Human Services ...................................................................................... 72
Public Services .......................................................................................................... 76
Economic Development and Community Affairs ..................................................... 79
Non-Departmental Operations ................................................................................... 82
Non-Departmental Transfers ..................................................................................... 86

Proprietary Funds - Categorical Report and Explanations

Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund .......................................................................... 89
Delinquent Personal Property Tax Admin............................................................ 93
Board of Commissioners
Parks and Recreation ........................................................................................... 96

Water Resource Commissioner

Sewage Disposal Systems.................................................................................... 100
Water and Sewer Trust Fund ............................................................................... 103
Drain Equipment Fund ........................................................................................ 106
County Executive
Building and Liability Insurance ......................................................................... 110
Management and Budget
Fringe Benefit Fund ............................................................................................. 113
Central Services
County Airports .................................................................................................... 118
Motor Pool ............................................................................................................ 122
Facilities Management
Facilities Maintenance and Operations................................................................ 126
Information Technology
CLEMIS............................................................................................................... 129
Fire Records Management ................................................................................... 132
Radio Communications ....................................................................................... 134
Information Technology ...................................................................................... 137
Telephone Communications ................................................................................ 141


BY: Finance Committee, Tom Middleton, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:

WHEREAS in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 139 of 1973, the Unified Form of County Government Act, and Public Act 621 of 1978 (as
amended by P.A. 493 of 2000), the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Government, it is the responsibility of the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners to establish and adopt the annual County Budget and work program; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee received budget requests from all County Departments, and has reviewed in detail the County Executive's Fiscal
Year 2018 Budget Recommendation; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee, after due deliberation, has formulated a Recommended General Appropriations Act balancing total appropriations
with available resources at $878,423,569 for Fiscal Year 2018, a summary of which was included in the Notice of Public Hearing published in newspapers of
general circulation; and
WHEREAS the further intent of this resolution is to maintain a budgetary system for the County of Oakland on the same basis of accounting (generally
accepted accounting principles) as the actual financial information is maintained; to define the powers and duties of the County's officers in relation to that
system; to designate the Chief Administrative Officer and Fiscal Officer; and to provide that the Board of Commissioners and committees thereof, as well as the
Fiscal Officer, shall be furnished with information by the departments, boards, commissions and offices relating to their financial needs, revenues and
expenditures/expenses, and general affairs; to prescribe a disbursement procedure, to provide for an allotment system; and to provide remedies for refusal or
neglect to comply with the requirements of this resolution; and
WHEREAS the Circuit Court Mediation Fund (Miscellaneous Resolution #90177) is used to cover the total cost of Attorney Mediators, with the balance
to be used for enhancement of Court operations as requested by the Court and approved by the Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners supports the concept of cultural diversity training for Oakland County employees and requires all supervisory,
division manager and director level employees to attend cultural diversity training.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt and amend the Fiscal Year 2018 General
Appropriations Act recommended by the Finance Committee as advertised and placed in the Clerk's Office for public inspection.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds from the Civil Mediation Account (10100-240201) be utilized to cover the total costs incurred in Fiscal
Year 2018 for the Civil Mediation Program.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following policy be established regarding administration of the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund:
1) The Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) was established in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 206 of 1893 (as amended) for the
purpose of paying local taxing units within the County their respective shares of delinquent ad valorem real property taxes, in anticipation of
the collection of those taxes by the County Treasurer. This policy statement, which encompasses the precept of self-funding, ensures that
utilization of unrestricted DTRF funds does not impair the functional intent or operational success of the DTRF as originally established.
2) To that end, at no time shall funds be diverted from the DTRF that would cause the unrestricted balance to fall below a level that would assure
a prompt payment of all current and future outstanding General Obligation Limited Tax Notes, as well as assure the continued operation of the
DTRF as specified in the preceding paragraph.
3) Penalties and investment interest generated by the DTRF may be transferred, in whole or in part, to the General Fund of the County upon
majority vote of the Board of Commissioners so long as such transfer(s) meets the provisions of paragraph #2 above.
4) Any and all appropriations from unrestricted DTRF funds, excepting penalties and investment interest, shall be limited to one-time
expenditures, as opposed to recurring operations.
5) Unless otherwise specified, appropriations from the DTRF shall be considered long- or short-term advances (with specific time frames detailed
in the authorizing resolution), to be repaid with interest as specified below.
6) Any appropriations from unrestricted DTRF funds, excepting penalties and investment interest, not considered advances to be repaid within a
time certain shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Commissioners.
7) All appropriations from unrestricted DTRF funds considered to be advances to be repaid within a time certain shall require a majority vote of
the Board of Commissioners.
8) Terms and conditions of any and all advances from the DTRF shall be specified in the authorizing resolution, including interest obligations
detailed as follows:
a. Interest on each payment will be based on the average monthly rate paid during the term of the agreement by the agent of the DTRF for
that year's outstanding borrowing, or
b. In the event no borrowing occurs for the DTRF, principal and interest payments will be made in accordance with the previously
established "Loan of County Funds Policy" (Miscellaneous Resolution #89276) which requires Board approval of repayment terms at an

interest rate no less than the prevailing six-month Treasury Bill rate and that such rates shall be computed and compounded quarterly.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $6,000,000 in DTRF interest earnings will be transferred to the General Fund to support General Fund/General
Purpose activities.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an indirect cost charges will be billed by the General Fund to the DTRF, in accordance with Oakland Countys
approved Central Services Indirect Cost Allocation Plan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $4,550,000, or one-half of the $9,100,000 convention facility tax revenues distributed by the State to Oakland County
under the authority of the State Convention Facility Development Act, P.A. 106 of 1985, be earmarked for substance abuse prevention and treatment programs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, in accordance with the requirements of Public Act 214 of 1899, as
amended, authorizes that .0004 mills Current Property Tax Levy be designated for the purpose of funding Veterans' Services Soldier Relief.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each Supervisor of the various townships and Assessing Officers of the several cities of Oakland County are
authorized and directed to spread on their respective township of city tax rolls for the year 2018 a County General Property Tax Levy of 4.0400 Mills to be
applied to the 2018 Taxable Value of all property located within their respective jurisdictions.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Manager - Equalization perform the function of Equalization Director including the examination of the assessment
rolls of the several townships and cities within Oakland County to ascertain whether the real and personal property in the respective townships and cities has
been equally and uniformly assessed at 50% of true cash value and to make recommendation to that fact to the County Board of Commissioners.
1. The County Executive is hereby designated the Chief Administrative Officer of the County of Oakland and, further, that the Director of Management
and Budget shall perform the duties of the Fiscal Officer as specified in this resolution.
2. The Fiscal Officer shall provide an orientation session and instructions for preparing department budget requests. These instructions shall include
information that the Fiscal Officer determines to be useful and necessary to assure that the budgetary estimates of the agencies are prepared in a
consistent manner and the needs of the Board of Commissioners and Committees are met.
3. Any offices, departments, commissions and boards of the County of Oakland financed in whole or in part by the County of Oakland shall transmit to the
Fiscal Officer their estimates of the amounts of money required for each activity in their respective agencies, as well as their estimate of revenues that
will be generated from charges for services. They shall also submit any other information deemed relevant by the Fiscal Officer and/or the Board of
Commissioners and committees thereof.
4. The Fiscal Officer shall provide guidelines to be used by the offices, departments, commissions and boards of the County of Oakland in submitting their

budget estimates and shall prescribe the rules and regulations the Fiscal Officer deems necessary for the guidance of officials in preparing such budget
estimates. The Fiscal Officer may require that the estimates be calculated on the basis of various assumptions regarding level of service. The Fiscal
Officer may also require a statement for any proposed expenditure and a justification of the services financed.
5. The Fiscal Officer shall prepare estimates of revenue for each budgeted fund, classified to show in detail the amount expected to be received from each
source. Estimates of expenditures and revenues shall also be classified by character, object, function and activity consistent with the accounting system
6. The Fiscal Officer shall review the agency estimates with a representative from each agency of the County of Oakland that has submitted such estimates.
The purpose of the review shall be to clarify the estimates, ensure the accuracy, and to determine their adherence to the policies previously enumerated
by the Fiscal Officer and the Board of Commissioners or committees thereof as herein required.
7. The Fiscal Officer shall consolidate the estimates received from the various agencies together with the amounts of expected revenues and shall make
recommendations relating to those estimates which shall assure that the total of estimated expenditures including an accrued deficit does not exceed the
total of expected revenues including an unappropriated surplus.
8. The recommended budget shall include at least the following:
(a) Expenditure data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated expenditures, or amended budget, for the current fiscal
(b) An estimate of the expenditure amounts required to conduct, the government of Oakland County, including its budgetary centers,
(c) Revenue data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated revenues, or amended budget, for the current fiscal year,
(d) An estimate of revenues, by source, to be raised or received by Oakland County in the ensuing fiscal years,
(e) The amount of surplus or deficit from prior fiscal years, together with an estimate of the amount of surplus or deficit expected in the
current fiscal year,
(f) An estimate of the amount needed for deficiency, contingent or emergency purposes and the amounts needed to pay and discharge the
principal and interest of the debt of Oakland County due in the ensuing fiscal years,
(g) The amount of proposed capital outlay expenditures, except those financed by enterprise, capital projects, or internal service funds,
including the estimated total costs and proposed method of financing of each capital construction project and the projected additional
annual operating cost and the method of financing the operating costs of each capital construction project for three (3) years beyond the
fiscal year covered by the budget,

(h) An informational summary of projected revenues and expenditures/expenses of any capital projects, internal service, and enterprise
(i) A comparison of the revenue and expenditure amounts in the recommended budget to the most recently approved budget adopted by
the Board of Commissioners with appropriate explanation of the variances,
(j) Any other data relating to fiscal conditions that the Fiscal Officer or the Board of Commissioners or committees thereof consider to be
useful in evaluating the financial needs of the County.
9. Not less than ninety (90) days before the next succeeding fiscal year, the County Executive shall transmit the recommended budget to the County Board
of Commissioners. The recommended budget shall be accompanied by:
(a) A proposed general appropriations measure, consistent with the budget, which shall set forth the anticipated revenue and requested
expenditure/expense authority in such form and in such detail deemed appropriate by the Board of Commissioners or committees
thereof. No appropriations measure shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners in, which estimated total
expenditures/expenses, including an accrued deficit, exceed estimated total revenues, including an available surplus.
(b) A budget message which shall explain the reasons for increases or decreases in budgeted items compared with the current fiscal year,
the policy of the County Executive as it relates to important budgetary items, and any other information that the County Executive
determines to be useful to the Board of Commissioners in its consideration of proposed appropriations.
(c) A comparison of the recommended budget to the most recently approved current year budget, together with an analysis and
explanation of the variances there from, such variances being divided to show the portion attributable to the current year budget
amendments and the portion resulting from the recommended budget.
10. The County Board of Commissioners, or any committee thereof, may direct the County Executive and/or other elected officials to submit any additional
information it deems relevant in its consideration of the budget and proposed appropriations measure. The Board of Commissioners or the committees
thereof may conduct budgetary reviews with the Fiscal Officer, and/or County departments and divisions or agencies, etc., for the purpose of
clarification or justification of proposed budgetary items.
11. The County Board of Commissioners may revise, alter, or substitute for the proposed general appropriations measure in any way, except that it may not
change it in a way that would cause total appropriations, including an accrued deficit, to exceed total estimated revenues, including an unappropriated
surplus. An accrued deficit shall be the first item to be resolved in the general appropriations measure.
12. The County Board of Commissioners shall fix the time and place of a public hearing to be held on the budget and proposed appropriations measure.

The Clerk/Register shall then have published, in a newspaper of general circulation within the County of Oakland, notice of the hearing and an
indication of the place at which the budget and proposed appropriations measure may be inspected by the public. This notice must be published at least
seven days before the date of the hearing.
13. No later than September 30, the Board of Commissioners shall pass a general appropriations measure providing the authority to make expenditures and
incur obligations on behalf of the County of Oakland. The supporting budgetary data to the general appropriations measure shall include at least the
(a) Expenditure data for the most recently completed fiscal year,
(b) The expenditures budget as originally adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the current fiscal year,
(c) The amended current year appropriations,
(d) An estimate of the expenditure amounts required to conduct, the government of Oakland County, including its budgetary centers,
(e) Revenue data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated revenues, or amended budget, for the current fiscal year,
(f) Budgeted revenue estimates as originally adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the current fiscal year,
(g) The amended current year Budgeted revenues,
(h) An estimate of revenues, by source, to be raised or received by Oakland County in the ensuing fiscal year,
(i) The amount of surplus or deficit from prior fiscal years, together with an estimate of the amount of surplus or deficit expected in the
current fiscal year,
(j) An estimate of the amount needed for deficiency, contingent on emergency purposes, and the amounts needed to pay and to discharge
the principal and interest of the debt of Oakland County due in the ensuing fiscal year,
(k) The amount of proposed capital outlay expenditures, except those financed by enterprise, capital project, or internal service funds,
including the estimated total costs and proposed method of financing of each capital construction project and the projected additional
annual operating cost and the method of financing the operating costs of each capital construction project for three (3) years beyond the
fiscal year covered by the budget,
(l) An informational summary of projected revenues and expenditures/expenses of capital projects, internal service, and enterprise funds,
(m) Any other data relating to fiscal conditions that the Board of Commissioners considers to be useful in considering the financial needs of
the County,

(n) Printed copies of the Board of Commissioners Adopted Budget, Financial Plan or any facsimile thereof shall contain all of the above
data unless otherwise approved by the Board of Commissioners,
14. The Board of Commissioners may authorize transfers between appropriation items by the County Executive or Fiscal Officer within limits stated in the
appropriations measure. In no case, however, may such limits exceed those provided for in paragraph #22 and #23 of this resolution.
15. A deviation from the original general appropriations measure shall not be made without first amending the general appropriations measure through
action by the Board of Commissioners, except within those limits provided for in paragraph #16 of this resolution.
16. Appropriations accumulated at the following three summary levels of expenditure within each County Department will be deemed maximum
authorization to incur expenditures: Personnel Expenditures, Operating Expenditures, and Internal Support Expenditures. The County Executive or the
Fiscal Officer shall exercise supervision and control of all budgeted expenditures within these limits, holding expenditures below individual line-item
appropriations or allowing overruns in individual line-items providing that at no time shall the net expenditures exceed the total appropriation for
Personnel and Operating Expenditures, respectively, for each department as originally authorized or amended by the Board of Commissioners. Further,
Personnel Expenditures are authorized only for positions specifically authorized pursuant to this Act as adopted and amended by Board of
Commissioner resolution, and appropriated overtime, holiday overtime, on-call pay, shift premium summer help, emergency salaries, and any
adjustments required by collective bargaining agreements. The Fiscal Officer shall submit to the Finance Committee a quarterly listing of new
governmental funded appropriations and internal service fund line items created administratively which were not properly classifiable. Line-item
detail, division, unit or cost center detail and allotments, which provide a monthly calendarization of annual appropriations, as deemed necessary by the
Fiscal Officer shall be maintained and utilized as an administrative tool for management information and cost control. The Fiscal Officer shall not
approve any expenditure beyond that necessary to accomplish stated program or work objectives authorized in the general appropriation measure as
originally approved unless amended, in which case the amendment takes precedence.
17. In order to amend the General Appropriations Act the amendment must specifically identify the fund, department, division, unit, program and account
affected by the amendment. Additionally, if the amendment increases an appropriation, the source of funding for that additional appropriation,
whether an increase in revenue or an offsetting decrease in expenditure, must be presented as part of the amendment.
18. The Fiscal Officer shall maintain, for all budgeted funds, appropriation ledger accounts in which are to be recorded such expenditure encumbrances and
obligations for the future payment of appropriated funds as the Fiscal Officer may approve.
19. Each purchase order, voucher or contract of Oakland County shall specify the funds and appropriation designated by number assigned in the

accounting system classification from which it is payable and shall be paid from no other fund or appropriation. The necessary amount of the
appropriation from such account shall be transferred pursuant to the provisions of this resolution to the appropriate general appropriation account and
the expenditure then charged thereto.
20. No obligation shall be incurred against, and no payment shall be made from, any appropriation account unless there is a sufficient unencumbered
balance in the appropriation and sufficient funds are or will be available to meet the obligation. All capital projects funded from the Capital
Improvement Fund shall require approval of the Board of Commissioners on recommendation of the appropriate liaison committee (Planning and
Building Committee) prior to initiation of the project. Pursuant to M.R. 15231, projects under $30,000 can be administratively approved by both the
Director of Facilities Management and the Fiscal Officer (or designee) if funding is available and any transfers required are to be included in the
subsequent quarterly forecast report. Any obligation incurred or payment authorized in violation of this resolution shall be void and any payment so
made illegal except those otherwise ordered by court judgment or decree.
21. The Fiscal Officer, after the end of each quarter, shall transmit to the Board of Commissioners a report depicting the financial condition of budgeted
operations, including, but not limited to:
(a) A forecast of actual revenues by major source compared with budgeted revenues accompanied by an explanation of any significant
(b) A forecast of actual expenditures and encumbrances by department compared with authorized appropriations accompanied by an
explanation of any significant variances, and
(c) A forecast of actual expenditures, encumbrances and transfers from each of the several non-departmental appropriations accounts
compared with authorized appropriations accompanied by an explanation of any significant variances.
22. Direct expenditure and/or transfers of any unencumbered balance or any portion thereof in any appropriation for transfer account to any other
appropriations account may not be made without amendment of the general appropriation measure as provided for in this resolution, except that
transfers within and between budgeted funds and departments may be made by the Fiscal Officer in the following instances:
(a) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental Overtime Reserve account and Fringe Benefit Reserve account to the appropriate
departmental budget as specific overtime requests are reviewed and approved by the Fiscal Services Division. Additionally, overtime
appropriations may be transferred between divisions within a department at the request of the Department Head, if authorized by the
Fiscal Officer or his/her designee. The Overtime Reserve account includes an estimated amount for the Parental Leave benefit that may
be needed by departments that have contractual service obligations or job duties that cannot be temporarily covered by other

departmental personnel and the use of Parental Leave causes the department to exceed their Personnel Expenditure budget category.
(b) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental appropriation accounts for Maintenance Department Charges and Miscellaneous
Capital Outlay to the appropriate departmental budget as specific requests for these items are reviewed and approved by the Fiscal
Officer or his/her designee.
(c) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental appropriation accounts for Emergency Salaries Reserve and Summer Employees
Reserve as specific requests for these items are reviewed and approved by the Human Resources Department.
(d) Transfers may be made from salary and fringe benefit savings, resulting from use of Merit System Administrative Leave without Pay
provisions, from departmental budgets to a non-departmental Administrative Leave account. Quarterly reports identifying such
transfers and detailing the status of the non-departmental Administrative Leave account shall be provided to the appropriate Board
(e) Fringe benefit rates shall be established annually in the budget process to charge all General Fund/General Purpose, Special Revenue
and Proprietary funds for actual employer fringe benefit costs. Such rates shall be sufficient to meet all fringe benefit costs including
sick leave and annual leave accumulations, tuition reimbursement, employee training, retirees' medical, required debt service on the
Retiree Health Care Refunding bonds pursuant to M.R. 12299 and M.R. 13280, and retirement administration. All funds collected for
Retirement, Tuition Reimbursement, Social Security (FICA), Medical for active and retired employees, Disability, Dental, Optical, and
Life and Accident Insurance shall be transferred to the Employee Fringe Benefit Fund as established by Miscellaneous Resolution #81-
312. Sufficient funds shall be maintained in the Employee Fringe Benefit Fund liability account for sick leave and annual leave to cover
the accumulated liability at an amount equal to 50% of the sick leave accumulation and 100% of the annual leave accumulation,
including applicable Social Security (FICA) taxes thereon. All funds collected by Workers' Compensation and Unemployment
Compensation shall be transferred to the Fringe Benefit Fund as established by Miscellaneous Resolution #81-012 and modified by
Miscellaneous Resolution #96-024.
(f) The transfer of funds to the Capital Improvement Fund/Building Improvement Fund shall be made in accordance with the
appropriation authorized by the Board of Commissioners.
(g) Transfers (advances) may be made as necessary from the Drain Revolving Fund to Drain Construction Funds and Drain Maintenance
Funds as short term advances for costs incurred such as preliminary engineering fees and ongoing maintenance costs. Costs incurred
by Drain Maintenance Funds and Drain Construction Funds will be repaid by the Drain Fund through assessments. Specific requests

will be reviewed and approved by the Fiscal Officer or his/her designee.
(h) A transfer of any or all of the appropriation allocated under the Non-Departmental account for Legislative Expense (#10100-9090101-
196030-731080) shall not be made to any departmental budget without adoption of an Oakland County Board of Commissioners
(i) Transfers may be made from the Non-Departmental Juvenile Resentencing account to the Prosecuting Attorney and Sheriffs Office as
actual costs are incurred and upon approval of the Fiscal Officer or his/her designee.
23. The Board of Commissioners may make supplemental appropriations by amending this general appropriations measure as provided by this resolution,
provided that revenues in excess of those anticipated in the original general appropriations measure become available due to:
(a) An unobligated surplus from prior years becoming available;
(b) Current year revenue exceeding original estimate in amounts sufficient enough to finance increased appropriations. The Board of
Commissioners may make a supplemental appropriation by increasing the dollar amount of an appropriation item in the original
general appropriations measure or by adding additional items. At the same time the estimated amount from the source of revenue to
which the increase in revenue may be attributed shall be increased, or other source and amount added in a sum sufficient to equal the
supplemental expenditure amount. In no case may such appropriations cause total estimated expenditures, including an accrued
deficit, to exceed total estimated revenues, including an unappropriated surplus.
24. Whenever it appears to the County Executive or the Board of Commissioners that actual and probable revenues in any fund will be less than the
estimated revenues upon which appropriations from such fund were based, the County Executive shall present to the Board of Commissioners
recommendations which, if adopted, will prevent expenditures from exceeding available revenues for the current fiscal year. Such recommendations
shall include proposals for reducing appropriations, increasing revenues, or both. After receiving the recommendations of the County Executive for
bringing appropriations into balance with estimated revenues, the Board of Commissioners shall amend the general appropriations measure to reduce
appropriations or shall approve such measures necessary to provide revenues sufficient to equal appropriations, or both.
25. All appropriations are annual and the unexpended portion shall lapse at year-end. Encumbrances and appropriations carried forward shall be recorded
as an assigned fund balance, and the subsequent year's budget amended to provide authority to complete these transactions. Appropriations shall not
be carried forward for more than six (6) months into the budget year following the year in which they were originally appropriated. A status report on
Appropriations Carried Forward, as required by Miscellaneous Resolution #93-156, will be incorporated as an integral part of the ensuing year's Second
Quarter Financial Forecast for the purposes of determining their continuation for the remainder of the year. The recommended year-end budget

amendment shall be supported with a statement of revenues and expenditures and operating surplus or deficit which shall contain the following data:
(1) budget as adopted; (2) budget amendments; (3) budget as adjusted; (4) revenues and expenditures, operating surplus or deficit; (5) accrued revenue
and expenditures; (6) transfers; (7) total revenues and expenditures and transfers, operating surplus or deficit, including accruals and transfers; (8)
encumbrances; (9) appropriations carried forward; (10) total revenues and appropriations utilized, operating surplus or deficit, including encumbrances
and appropriations carried forward; (11) balance of revenues not collected, unencumbered appropriation balance, operating surplus or deficit; (12)
detail of adjustments to designated and undesignated fund balance, detail of adjustment to reserves and/or any other utilization of surplus; (13) final
surplus or deficit or undesignated fund balance carried forward to the subsequent year's budget.
26. A member of the Board of Commissioners, the County Executive, any elected officer, the Fiscal Officer, any other administrative officer or employee of
Oakland County shall not: (1) create a debt, incur a financial obligation on behalf of the County against an appropriation account in excess of the amount
authorized, (2) apply or divert money of the County for purposes inconsistent with those specified in this general appropriations measure as approved
and amended by the Board of Commissioners, nor (3) forgive a debt or write off an account receivable without appropriate authorization of the Board of
Commissioners, as described in Miscellaneous Resolution #93-135 (Bad Debt Write-Off Policy) and Miscellaneous Resolution #12-048 (Short Sale Policy).
Specifically, application of the foregoing Bad Debt Write-Off Policy shall be invoked for all amounts in excess of $1,000; transactions of a lesser amount
shall be considered within the administrative authority of the Fiscal Officer or his/her designee. Application of the foregoing Short Sale policy may be
invoked to allow the County to consider less than the balance owed on an Oakland County home improvement loan in a proposed sale of property,
unless prohibited by Federal Regulations, as determined by the Manager of the Oakland County Community and Home Improvement Division or
his/her designee. Furthermore, the Fiscal Services Division must submit to the Board of Commissioners, as part of the quarterly financial report, a
listing of all bad debt write offs (including short sales) occurring during the preceding three months. In addition, transactions relating to Inmate
Prisoner Billings which are billed in excess of ability to pay are hereby authorized to be adjusted in accordance with Public Act 212 of 1994 with the
resultant amount of the write-off subsequently reported to the Board of Commissioners as part of the Quarterly Financial Report. Also, within the
administrative authority of the Fiscal Officer and with the general approval of the Court, Circuit Court and Probate Court financial orders for $2,500 or
less may be reduced and amended by the Fiscal Services Division based on an individuals ability to pay. Waiver of fees in excess of $2,500 shall require
the approval of the Court. Except as otherwise stated in the General Appropriations Act, funds shall not be expended without specific appropriation or
other appropriate action by the Board of Commissioners from reserved, designated or undesignated fund equity; from balance sheet accounts for the
purchase of fixed assets not cited in paragraph 26 of the General Appropriations Act, non-routine prepaid items or non-routine obligations related to a
specific appropriation; or from funds not budgeted.

27. All Internal Service Fund budgets that have depreciable assets shall have a capital budget with detail supporting the amount of annual depreciation
therein included, as well as a fiscal plan for replacing, upgrading or disposing of those assets.
28. The budgetary system shall be maintained on the same basis of accounting (generally accepted accounting principles) as the actual financial information
is maintained.
29. Any violation of the general appropriations measure by the County Executive, the Fiscal Officer, any administrative officer, employee or member of the
Board of Commissioners detected through application of generally accepted accounting procedures utilized by Oakland County or disclosed in an audit
of the financial records and accounts of the County shall be filed with the State Treasurer and reported by the State Treasurer to the Attorney General.
Pursuant to Public Act 621 of 1978, the Uniform Budgeting Act, the Attorney General shall review the report and initiate appropriate action against the
person or persons in violation. For use and benefit of the County of Oakland, the Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney may institute a civil and/or
criminal action in a court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of County funds disclosed by an examination to have been illegally expended or
collected as a result of malfeasance, and for the recovery of public property disclosed to have been converted or misappropriated.
30. The provisions of this act shall be applied to the General Fund and all Special Revenue and Proprietary Funds of the County, including Enterprise Funds
and Internal Service Funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as a condition of continuing debt covenants the Department of Management and Budget and Treasurers Office are
hereby directed to take any and all ministerial actions that may be necessary to facilitate the payment of the principal and interest on all debt obligations
that have been authorized through separate action by the Board of Commissioners and the payment of all other obligations.


Tom Middleton, Chairperson


(Note: Please see individual department sheets for more details)

Property Taxes: Net revenue increased $10,351,610 when comparing the FY 2017 amended budget to the FY 2018 recommended budget.
The overall increase reflects 5% for FY 2018.
Federal Grants: Revenue decrease of ($59,874); Health Division pass-through funding from the Michigan Department of Health and
Human Services (MDHHS), Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting and Contracting (CPBC) Agreement, Essential Local Public Health
Services ($42,507), and the Homeland Security Division from the Michigan Department of State Police, Emergency Management and
Homeland Security Division ($17,367).
State Grants: The FY 2018 budget has increased overall by $385,427 primarily in Non Departmental Child Care Subsidy $362,009
which reflects 50% reimbursement of updated qualified costs; Health Division MDHHS CPBC Agreement, Essential Local Public Health
Services $42,507, Hearing program $18,856 and Vision program $18,587; and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
(MDEQ) Inland Beach Monitoring Grant $3,198. This is partially offset by reductions in Water Resources Commissioner ($40,000) for
Stormwater, Asset Management and Wastewater (SAW) Grant, and ($20,000) in Public Services for a one-time FY 2017 County Veterans
Incentive Grant authorized by M.R. #17016.
Other Intergovernmental Revenues: Increased $532,476 primarily due to an increase in Convention Facility Liquor Tax of $675,660 and
Revenue Sharing of $255,359 based on FY 2018 projections from the State of Michigan. This is partially offset by a reduction of
($400,000) in Local Community Stabilization Share Appropriation revenue for estimated personal property tax loss reimbursements from
the State.
Charges for Services: Department estimates have been updated to reflect economic trends, historical activity, and current contracts. The
total increase is $1,113,077 from the FY 2017 Amended Budget. Changes by department are as follows (see individual department
summaries for more details):
Circuit Court increased $19,500.
District Court decreased ($325,431).
Probate Court increased $9,000.
Prosecuting Attorney decreased ($9,500).
Sheriff increased $965,226.
County Clerk/Register of Deeds increased $60,300.

Treasurers Office decreased ($230,000).
Water Resources Commissioner increased $543,445.
Central Services increased $5,170.
Human Resources decreased ($475).
Health and Human Services increased $111,435.
Public Services decreased ($21,000).
Economic Develop/Comm Affairs decreased ($14,593).

Indirect Cost: Budget increased $88,567 due to increase in General Fund cost pool related to salary adjustments.
Contributions: Contributions decreased ($18,940) due to donations for Circuit Court Drug Court that are reflected in the FY 2017
amended budget but will not be recognized in FY 2018 until the grant agreements are accepted.
Investment Income: Decrease of ($200) from FY 2017.
Planned Use of Fund Balance: Increased $716,501 based on anticipated need to fund current operations.
Transfers In: Decreased ($3,957,755) due to ($3,000,000) in Non-Departmental for a reduction in the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund
(DTRF) operating transfer to the General Fund; a decrease of ($459,781) in the Sheriffs Office primarily from Sheriff Restricted Funds
as amounts are transferred as needed through separate resolution; ($448,178) in the Treasurers Office due to lower Collection Fees
transferred from Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF); ($44,263) in the Animal Control Division for veterinarian hours allotted per
M.R. #14275 and ($5,553) for a one-time transfer of funds in FY 2017 from the Children's Village Donations Fund (#21330) to properly
account for expenditures eligible for Children's Village Donation funding.

Personnel - Personnel increased overall by $8,330,175 which includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflected
in the overall change are departmental reorganizations and position changes as well as the one-time fringe benefit reduction in FY 2017 as
noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution (General Fund impact approximately $5.5 million).
Contractual Services The budget has decreased overall by ($2,094,988) with major changes related to: ($592,564) reduction in Private
Institutions funding used to offset new positions for Childrens Village; ($463,275) Defense Attorney Fees and ($313,916) Defense
Attorney Fees Trials carried forward in FY 2017 for anticipated juvenile resentencing costs; Equipment Maintenance net reduction
($287,221) primarily due to FY 2017 carry forward for Sheriff aviation engine overhaul costs; Professional Services ($261,245) and
Special Projects ($255,983) for multiple departments, ($125,000) FY 2017 carry forward of Human Resources Legal Services; ($111,469)
decrease in Relocation for costs associated with the 2016 Presidential Election recount per M.R. #17043, ($102,304) decrease in Software
Support Maintenance primarily in the Health Division Environmental Health System maintenance charges previously budgeted in FY
2017 but not needed until FY 2019; ($73,087) Contracted Services mainly in Sheriff, Water Resources Commissioner; ($32,633) FY 2017

carry forward of Economic Development and Community Affairs Advertising; ($27,568) reduction in Circuit Court State Institutions;
($26,606) Sheriff Supportive Services reduction for FY 2017 Crime Victim Rights materials authorized per M.R. #17093 and ($21,833)
Software Rental Lease Purchase decrease in Human Resources Workforce Management and Community Corrections Division. Partially
offset by increases in Grant Match $402,655 and Contingency $169,078 to restore annual appropriations. Also increase of $68,223 Board
of Commissioners Public Information line item for funding that will provide the Commissioners with the option of direct mailing an
abbreviated version of the Annual Report to constituents.
Non-Departmental Overall decrease of ($3,167,281) with major changes related to: Road Commission Tri-Party ($1,752,230) and
Local Road Funding Program ($726,780) because funding for new projects comes from the Assigned Fund Balance. Also a decrease in
Juvenile Resentencing of ($1,186,866) which was appropriated through FY 2017 to reexamine juvenile life sentence cases and ($19,000)
in Overtime Reserve to cover an increase in Overtime within Facilities Maintenance and Engineering department due to higher workload
demands. This is partially offset by an increase in Substance Abuse Coordinating Agency $337,830 for payments to Oakland Community
Health Network (formerly Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority) for substance abuse prevention and treatment programs
representing one-half of the convention facility tax revenues received from the State; $93,185 in Emergency Salaries Reserve to restore
annual appropriation; $60,868 increase in Security Reserve based on one-time uses in FY 2017; and $25,612 Classification and Rate
Change to restore the annual appropriation.
Commodities - The budget has decreased overall by ($497,940) with major changes related to: Expendable Equipment net reduction of
($247,058): primarily related to Circuit Court ($158,883) equipment and furniture purchases for judicial chambers, courtrooms and staff
areas; in addition to several smaller one-time purchases across departments. Also, reductions in Other Expendable Equipment ($138,001)
primarily in the Sheriffs Office for FY 2017 replacement of Dive Team equipment and DARE vehicle; Deputy Supplies ($135,800)
related to FY 2017 purchase of bulletproof vests and ($11,718) in Security Supplies. Partially offset by an increase of $29,886 in
Laboratory Supplies for Health and Medical Examiner.
Capital Outlay Overall decrease of ($433,431) primarily due to Sheriff Vehicles ($300,000) in FY 2017 for motorcycle replacement per
M.R. #17060. Also includes reductions of ($216,188) in Equipment purchased in FY 2017 for Elections voting equipment per M.R.
#17082; Health Division lead analyzer; Sheriff Long Range Acoustical Device (LRAD); Mail Room forklift replacement; Medical
Examiner Blood Gas Analyzer and Furniture and Fixtures ($46,532) in Circuit Court. Partially offset by an increase in Capital Outlay
Miscellaneous of $129,289 for anticipated FY 2018 equipment replacement purchases for Sheriff, Medical Examiner, Mail Room and
Clarkston District Court.
Internal Services - Overall increase of $2,403,653 with major changes related to: Drain Equipment Labor increase of $1,048,606 includes
a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits related to the charges from the Drain Equipment Fund. Building Space Cost Allocation
$463,348 as Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain
the building; the building rates were reduced by a larger amount in FY 2017 compared to FY 2018 in order to bring equity in line with
Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements; Info Tech Development $417,164 to restore annual appropriation; Info Tech Operations
$347,827 due to rate and usage level adjustments; Motor Pool $226,251 due to increases in the County fleet; Insurance Fund $164,525

fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based
on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%). Partially offset by decreases in Motor Pool Fuel charges
($137,946); Info Tech CLEMIS ($77,875); and Equipment Rental ($51,528).
Transfers Out - Decreased ($1,740,000) with the major changes related to Non Departmental: a reduction of ($954,737) transfer out to the
Project Work Order Fund as FY 2017 was increased to cover various maintenance projects, ($241,605) for the Auto Theft Prevention
Authority grant match; a decrease of ($210,553) to the CLEMIS fund reflecting a ($200,000) reduction in the annual transfer from the
General fund and ($10,553) related to the FY 2017 purchase of radios for Sheriff Marine Patrol boats (Transfer Out should have been
posted to Radio Communications Fund instead of CLEMIS Fund and will be corrected); ($134,000) related to the Narcotics Enforcement
Team (NET) grant match; ($117,833) to the Motor Pool Fund for Sheriffs Office FY 2017 law enforcement contract amendments;
($38,212) transfer to the Radio Communications Fund for FY 2017 purchase of radios for Sheriff law enforcement contract amendments;
($34,047) to the Information Technology Fund for the FY 2017 purchase of mobile data computers for Sheriff law enforcement contract
amendments; and a decrease of ($18,940) in Donations received from the Restore Foundation in FY 2017 for the Adult Drug Court Grant
(M.R. #16290). Any donations, if received, for the FY 2018 Drug Court Grants will not be recognized until the grant agreements are
accepted by the Board of Commissioners. This is partially offset by a $16,177 increase for the Fire Records Management Fund.

Property Taxes: Increased $9,193,588 and includes a projected 5% over FY 2018.
Federal Grants: No change from FY 2018.
State Grants: State Grants net increase $74,312 for Non-Departmental Child Care Subsidy which reflects 50% reimbursement of updated
qualified costs.
Other Intergovernmental Revenues: No change from FY 2018.
Charges for Services: Decreased ($152,997) primarily due to Title Search Fees in the Treasurers Office ($200,000). This is partially
offset by increased Reimbursement General of $40,399 for Economic Development and Community Affairs NO HAZ Program and
$5,075 Laboratory Charges 3rd Party in the Health Division.
Indirect Cost: No change from FY 2018.
Contributions: No change from FY 2018.
Investment Income: No change from FY 2018.
Other Revenues: No change from FY 2018.
Planned Use of Fund Balance: Decreased ($1,359,893) based on anticipated need to fund current operations.
Transfers In: Decrease of ($100,000) in the Treasurers Office due to lower Collection Fees transferred from Delinquent Tax Revolving

Personnel No changes to salaries and fringes in General Fund departmental budgets. In non-departmental section, the budget is
increased $6,297,415 for a 1% salary increase for General Fund departments of $1,785,650 and $2,400,000 contingency amount for the
Human Resources Compensation and Classification study; a $683,716 increase for fringe benefits related to the salary increase and
$1,428,049 for a 4% increase of medical costs.
Contractual Services Decrease of ($35,455) is primarily due to a FY 2018 Board of Commissioners Public Information line item
($68,223) for funding that will provide the Commissioners with the option of direct mailing an abbreviated version of the Annual Report
to constituents; and ($8,013) reduction in Private Institutions funding used to offset new positions for Childrens Village. Partially offset
by a Rent increase of $12,575 for Novi and Clarkston District Courts; $7,250 Professional Services for annual audit contract; $5,400 for
Periodicals, Books, Publications and Subscriptions; $4,173 in Contracted Services; $3,000 Computer Research Service; $1,600
Equipment Maintenance; $1,500 Licenses and Permits; $1,283 in Grant Match; $1,266 Special Projects and $1,000 Travel and
Conference. Also Personal Mileage increase of $1,000; Special Event Program of $1,000; Travel and Conference $1,000; $1,000 in
Clerk/Register of Deeds for Charge Card Fees and $499 Workshops and Meetings.
Non-Departmental The $7,793,926 increase relates to 1% salary increase and related fringe benefits, 4% increase in medical costs and
the Human Resources Compensation and Classification study noted in the Personnel section. Also includes increase of $1,500,000 to
restore the Interest Expense budget.
Commodities Overall increase of $1,500 due to $2,000 for Library Board office supplies which is offset by a ($500) reduction in Sheriff
Uniforms for anticipated usage.
Capital Outlay Overall decrease of ($557,950) for equipment replacement needs included in FY 2018 for Sheriff, Medical Examiner,
Mail Room, Library Board and Clarkston District Court.
Internal Services Overall $1,730,934 increase primarily related to Building Space Cost Allocation $1,633,212 as building rates are based
on full cost recovery for building maintenance and operations; Information Technology Development $56,988 to restore annual
appropriations; Drain Equipment Labor of $40,389 and $20,000 Equipment Rental for Medical Examiner. Partially offset by a ($15,420)
reduction in Info Tech Operations and ($5,000) in Insurance Fund.
Transfers Out Overall decrease of ($1,275,750) mainly due to a reduction of ($1,268,000) to the Project Work Order Fund as
maintenance projects are determined on an annual basis and a decrease of ($7,750) to the Building Authority Facilities and Information
Technology Projects debt fund.

Property Taxes: Increased $10,859,928 that includes a projected 4.5% over FY 2019.
Federal Grants: No change from FY 2019.
State Grants: State Grants increased $4,486 reflecting adjustments in the Child Care Subsidy based on updated qualified costs.

Other Intergovernmental Revenues: No change from FY 2019.
Charges for Services: Decreased ($195,913): primarily in the Treasurers Office for Title Search Fees ($200,000); Civil Action Service
Fees ($25,000) and Foreclosure Notification Fee ($15,000). This is partially offset by increased Reimbursement General of $30,143 for
Economic Development and Community Affairs NO HAZ Program; Water Resources Commissioner $13,011 Reimbursement General
for Drain Administration labor allocation to special revenue and proprietary funds and $908 Reimbursement Salaries Construction
Indirect Cost: No change from FY 2019.
Contributions: No change from FY 2019.
Investment Income: No change from FY 2019.
Other Revenues: No change from FY 2019.
Planned Use of Fund Balance: Decreased ($5,457,071) based on anticipated need to fund current operations.
Transfers In: Decreased ($100,000) in Non-Departmental for a reduction in the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) operating
transfer to the General Fund.

Personnel No major changes to salaries and fringes in General Fund departmental budgets. In non-departmental section, the budget is
increased $4,897,335 for a 1% salary increase for General Fund departments of $1,785,580, a $683,706 increase for fringe benefits related
to the salary increase, and $1,428,049 for a 4% increase of medical costs. Also reflected in the overall change is $1,000,000 for an
estimated pension contribution.
Contractual Services Increase of $29,634 primarily due to $16,635 in Rent for Novi and Clarkston District Courts; $7,200 Professional
Services for annual audit contract and $4,299 Library Board Contracted Services.
Non-Departmental The $4,897,335 increase relates to 1% salary increase and related fringe benefits, 4% increase in medical costs and
estimated pension contribution noted in the Personnel section.
Commodities No changes from FY 2019.
Capital Outlay No change from FY 2019.
Internal Services $193,711 increase primarily related to Building Space Cost Allocation $92,338 as building rates are based on full cost
recovery for building maintenance and operations due to inflationary adjustments for building maintenance; Information Technology
Development increased $57,559 for anticipated rate adjustments and $40,181 increase for Drain Equipment Labor.
Transfers Out Overall decrease of ($9,250) due to a reduction to the Building Authority debt fund.

Department: 301 - Circuit Court OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Other Intergovern. Revenues 4,500 4,500 4,500 0 0.00% 4,500 0 0.00% 4,500 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 4,236,000 4,236,000 4,255,500 19,500 0.46% 4,255,500 0 0.00% 4,255,500 0 0.00%
Contributions 0 18,940 0 (18,940) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 4,240,500 4,259,440 4,260,000 560 0.01% 4,260,000 0 0.00% 4,260,000 0 0.00%

Salaries 14,810,483 14,837,373 15,307,035 469,662 3.17% 15,307,035 0 0.00% 15,307,035 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 9,196,627 8,716,913 9,283,638 566,725 6.50% 9,283,638 0 0.00% 9,283,638 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 18,175,990 18,918,282 18,009,916 (908,366) -4.80% 18,009,916 0 0.00% 18,009,916 0 0.00%
Commodities 318,960 480,273 318,960 (161,313) -33.59% 318,960 0 0.00% 318,960 0 0.00%
Capital Outlay 0 46,532 0 (46,532) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Internal Services 4,867,079 5,135,545 4,721,106 (414,439) -8.07% 4,920,968 199,862 4.23% 4,932,265 11,297 0.23%
Transfers Out 5,246,653 5,265,593 5,246,653 (18,940) -0.36% 5,246,653 0 0.00% 5,246,653 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 52,615,792 53,400,511 52,887,308 (513,203) -0.96% 53,087,170 199,862 0.38% 53,098,467 11,297 0.02%


Revenues reflect an anticipated increase of $19,500 in the net collection of various fees and costs under Charges for Services; Civil
Mediation Payments $20,000 offset by Diversion Fees ($500).
In addition, a decrease in Contributions of ($18,940) primarily reflects the Donations received from the Restore Foundation in FY 2017
for the Adult Drug Court Grant (M.R. #16290). Any donations, if received, for the FY 2018 Drug Court Grants will not be recognized
until the grant agreements are accepted by the Board of Commissioners.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefit decrease ($35,606) reflect an adjustment to remove the 3% general salary increase and associated
fringe benefits for judges, as their compensation is controlled at the state level.
Contractual Services overall decrease of ($908,366) is primarily a result of a reduction in Defense Attorney Fees ($463,275); Defense
Attorney Fees Trials ($313,916); and Special Projects ($93,895) all due to a one-time carry forward of unspent funds in the amended FY
2017 budget.
The decrease in Commodities ($161,313) is primarily due to Expendable Equipment for a one-time carryforward of ($158,883) in order to
purchase furniture for judicial chambers, various courtrooms and staff areas in FY 2017.
The decrease in Capital Outlay ($46,532) is due to a FY 2016 encumbrance under Furniture and Fixtures that was reappropriated in FY
Internal Services reflect a decrease of ($414,439) primarily due to InfoTech Development ($175,011) and Maintenance Dept. Charges
($64,014) as appropriation for the two line items are budgeted in Non-Departmental and transferred as needed per the General
Appropriations Act. In addition, there is a decrease in Info Tech Operations ($152,069) and Equipment Rental ($39,404) which are based
on rate and usage adjustments. Also there is a decrease in Insurance Fund ($12,326) due to fluctuations associated with the allocation
methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and
current exposure of budgeted positions (50%). The decrease is partially offset by an increase in Building Space Cost Allocation $25,478.
Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building;
the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements.
Transfers Out decreased ($18,940) due to donations from the Restore Foundation for the FY 2017 Adult Drug Court Grant (M.R.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $199,862 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $11,297 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Department: 302 - District Court OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Other Intergovern. Revenues 1,800 1,800 1,800 0 0.00% 1,800 0 0.00% 1,800 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 11,668,081 11,668,081 11,342,650 (325,431) -2.79% 11,342,650 0 0.00% 11,342,650 0 0.00%
Investment Income 2,400 2,400 2,200 (200) -8.33% 2,200 0 0.00% 2,200 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 11,672,281 11,672,281 11,346,650 (325,631) -2.79% 11,346,650 0 0.00% 11,346,650 0 0.00%

Salaries 7,953,977 7,953,977 8,210,188 256,211 3.22% 8,210,188 0 0.00% 8,210,188 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 4,959,500 4,701,157 5,007,983 306,826 6.53% 5,007,983 0 0.00% 5,007,983 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 2,330,737 2,330,737 2,337,480 6,743 0.29% 2,350,055 12,575 0.54% 2,366,690 16,635 0.71%
Commodities 285,943 285,943 285,943 0 0.00% 285,943 0 0.00% 285,943 0 0.00%
Internal Services 1,564,649 1,662,062 1,626,678 (35,384) -2.13% 1,655,946 29,268 1.80% 1,657,601 1,655 0.10%
Grand Total Expenditures 17,094,806 16,933,876 17,468,272 534,396 3.16% 17,510,115 41,843 0.24% 17,528,405 18,290 0.10%

52nd District Court (Page 107)

For Explanations, see Division reports

Department: 30201 - District Court Administration OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Grand Total Revenues 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Salaries 163,939 163,939 167,955 4,016 2.45% 167,955 0 0.00% 167,955 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 47,769 44,605 68,748 24,143 54.13% 68,748 0 0.00% 68,748 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0.00% 10,000 0 0.00% 10,000 0 0.00%
Commodities 300 300 300 0 0.00% 300 0 0.00% 300 0 0.00%
Internal Services 1,766 1,766 1,935 169 9.57% 1,935 0 0.00% 1,935 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 223,774 220,610 248,938 28,328 12.84% 248,938 0 0.00% 248,938 0 0.00%


Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
The increase in Internal Services $169 is primarily for Insurance Fund due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used
for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of
budgeted positions (50%).

No changes.

No changes.

Department: 30202 - District Court I Div. (Novi) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Other Intergovern. Revenues 500 500 500 0 0.00% 500 0 0.00% 500 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 4,099,200 4,099,200 3,784,200 (315,000) -7.68% 3,784,200 0 0.00% 3,784,200 0 0.00%
Investment Income 500 500 500 0 0.00% 500 0 0.00% 500 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 4,100,200 4,100,200 3,785,200 (315,000) -7.68% 3,785,200 0 0.00% 3,785,200 0 0.00%

Salaries 2,618,493 2,618,493 2,682,584 64,091 2.45% 2,682,584 0 0.00% 2,682,584 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 1,656,556 1,568,030 1,632,210 64,180 4.09% 1,632,210 0 0.00% 1,632,210 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 958,635 958,635 958,635 0 0.00% 962,355 3,720 0.39% 969,869 7,514 0.78%
Commodities 62,556 62,556 62,556 0 0.00% 62,556 0 0.00% 62,556 0 0.00%
Internal Services 350,541 371,156 355,641 (15,515) -4.18% 355,641 0 0.00% 355,641 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 5,646,781 5,578,870 5,691,626 112,756 2.02% 5,695,346 3,720 0.07% 5,702,860 7,514 0.13%


Revenues reflect an anticipated decrease of ($315,000) in the net collection of various fees and costs under Charges for Services;
primarily Probation Fees ($200,000) as well as Ordinance Fines and Costs ($100,000) due to a reduction in caseload.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefit decrease ($5,622) reflects an adjustment to remove the 3% general salary increase and associated
fringe benefits for judges, as their compensation is controlled at the state level.
Internal Services reflect a decrease of ($15,515) primarily due to Info Tech Development ($10,475) and Maintenance Department Charges
($10,140) which are budgeted in a Non-Departmental account and transferred to departments as needed per the General Appropriations
Act. Additional decrease includes Telephone Communications ($6,248) due to reduced activity. These decreases are partially offset by an
increase in Info Tech CLEMIS $6,999 which is based on rate and usage adjustments along with Insurance Fund $4,413 due to fluctuations
associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on
historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%).

No changes.

The increase in Contractual Services of $3,720 is due to an increase in Rent effective 04/01/2019.

No changes.

The increase in Contractual Services of $7,514 is due to an increase in Rent effective 04/01/2020.

Department: 30203 - District Court II Div. (Clark) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Other Intergovern. Revenues 300 300 300 0 0.00% 300 0 0.00% 300 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 1,730,200 1,730,200 1,731,200 1,000 0.06% 1,731,200 0 0.00% 1,731,200 0 0.00%
Investment Income 500 500 300 (200) -40.00% 300 0 0.00% 300 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 1,731,000 1,731,000 1,731,800 800 0.05% 1,731,800 0 0.00% 1,731,800 0 0.00%

Salaries 1,333,977 1,333,977 1,385,922 51,945 3.89% 1,385,922 0 0.00% 1,385,922 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 806,386 764,413 816,578 52,165 6.82% 816,578 0 0.00% 816,578 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 591,130 591,130 597,873 6,743 1.14% 606,728 8,855 1.48% 615,849 9,121 1.50%
Commodities 50,938 50,938 50,938 0 0.00% 50,938 0 0.00% 50,938 0 0.00%
Internal Services 190,457 214,707 199,833 (14,874) -6.93% 199,833 0 0.00% 199,833 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 2,972,888 2,955,165 3,051,144 95,979 3.25% 3,059,999 8,855 0.29% 3,069,120 9,121 0.30%


Revenues reflect an anticipated increase of $1,000 in the net collection of various fees and costs under Charges for Services.
Revenues reflect an anticipated decrease of ($200) based on prior years collection of Income from Investments.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefit decrease ($3,748) reflects an adjustment to remove the 3% general salary increase and associated
fringe benefits for judges, as their compensation is controlled at the state level.
The overall increase in Contractual Services of $6,743 is due to an increase in Rent, effective 06/01/2017.
Internal Services reflect a decrease of ($14,874) primarily due to Maintenance Department Charges ($13,775) and Info Tech Development
($10,475) as appropriations are budgeted in a Non-Departmental account and transferred to departments as needed per the General
Appropriations Act. The decrease is partially offset by an increase in Info Tech Operations $5,846 and Info Tech CLEMIS $5,458 which
are based on rate and usage adjustments.

No changes.

The increase in Contractual Services of $8,855 is due to an increase in Rent, effective 06/01/2018.

No changes.

The increase in Contractual Services of $9,121 is due to an increase in Rent, effective 06/01/2019.

Department: 30204 - District Court III Div. (Roch) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Other Intergovern. Revenues 700 700 700 0 0.00% 700 0 0.00% 700 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 3,588,900 3,588,900 3,563,900 (25,000) -0.70% 3,563,900 0 0.00% 3,563,900 0 0.00%
Investment Income 400 400 400 0 0.00% 400 0 0.00% 400 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 3,590,000 3,590,000 3,565,000 (25,000) -0.70% 3,565,000 0 0.00% 3,565,000 0 0.00%

Salaries 2,413,530 2,413,530 2,497,089 83,559 3.46% 2,497,089 0 0.00% 2,497,089 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 1,564,918 1,485,514 1,582,709 97,195 6.54% 1,582,709 0 0.00% 1,582,709 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 299,616 299,616 299,616 0 0.00% 299,616 0 0.00% 299,616 0 0.00%
Commodities 117,117 117,117 117,117 0 0.00% 117,117 0 0.00% 117,117 0 0.00%
Internal Services 781,040 800,622 814,425 13,803 1.72% 843,693 29,268 3.59% 845,348 1,655 0.20%
Grand Total Expenditures 5,176,221 5,116,399 5,310,956 194,557 3.80% 5,340,224 29,268 0.55% 5,341,879 1,655 0.03%


Revenues reflect a decrease of ($25,000) in the net collection of various fees and costs under Charges for Services; Garnishment Fees due
to a reduction based on the inability to charge additional filing fees upon expiration.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefit decrease ($5,622) reflects an adjustment to remove the 3% general salary increase and associated
fringe benefits for judges, as their compensation is controlled at the state level.
Internal Services reflect an increase of $13,803 due to higher Building Space Cost Allocation of $15,599. Facilities Maintenance &
Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building
rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. In addition, there is an
increase in Info Tech Operations $8,435 and Info Tech CLEMIS $7,490 based on rate and usage adjustments. The increase is partially
offset by a reduction in Info Tech Development ($10,475) and Maintenance Department Charges ($9,107) which are budgeted in Non-
Departmental and appropriated to departments on an as-needed basis, per the General Appropriations Act.

No changes.

Internal Services reflect an increase of $29,268 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

No changes.

Internal Services reflect an increase of $1,655 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Department: 30205 - District Court IV Div. (Troy) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Other Intergovern. Revenues 300 300 300 0 0.00% 300 0 0.00% 300 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 2,249,781 2,249,781 2,263,350 13,569 0.60% 2,263,350 0 0.00% 2,263,350 0 0.00%
Investment Income 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% 1,000 0 0.00% 1,000 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 2,251,081 2,251,081 2,264,650 13,569 0.60% 2,264,650 0 0.00% 2,264,650 0 0.00%

Salaries 1,424,038 1,424,038 1,476,638 52,600 3.69% 1,476,638 0 0.00% 1,476,638 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 883,871 838,595 907,738 69,143 8.25% 907,738 0 0.00% 907,738 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 471,356 471,356 471,356 0 0.00% 471,356 0 0.00% 471,356 0 0.00%
Commodities 55,032 55,032 55,032 0 0.00% 55,032 0 0.00% 55,032 0 0.00%
Internal Services 240,845 273,811 254,844 (18,967) -6.93% 254,844 0 0.00% 254,844 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 3,075,142 3,062,832 3,165,608 102,776 3.36% 3,165,608 0 0.00% 3,165,608 0 0.00%

Revenues reflect an increase of $13,569 in the net collection of various fees and costs under Charges for Services; primarily Ordinance Fines
and Costs of $11,569 due to increased enforcement of commercial vehicle violations which have greater statutory fines and costs than those of
passenger vehicles.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in FY
2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefit decrease ($3,748) reflects an adjustment to remove the 3% general salary increase and associated fringe
benefits for judges, as their compensation is controlled at the state level.
Internal Services reflect a decrease of ($18,967) primarily due to Maintenance Department Charges ($22,492) and Info Tech Development
($10,474) which are budgeted in Non-Departmental and appropriated to departments on an as-needed basis, per the General Appropriations
Act. The decrease is partially offset by an increase in Info Tech CLEMIS $5,318 and Equipment Rental $4,541 which are based on rate and
usage adjustments. In addition, there is an increase in Insurance Fund $2,591 due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology
used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of
budgeted positions (50%).

No changes.

No changes.

No changes.

No changes.

Department: 304 - Probate Court OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 507,600 507,600 516,600 9,000 1.77% 516,600 0 0.00% 516,600 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 507,600 507,600 516,600 9,000 1.77% 516,600 0 0.00% 516,600 0 0.00%

Salaries 2,885,319 2,885,319 2,890,711 5,392 0.19% 2,890,711 0 0.00% 2,890,711 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 1,767,010 1,668,255 1,773,158 104,903 6.29% 1,773,158 0 0.00% 1,773,158 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 735,315 735,315 735,315 0 0.00% 735,315 0 0.00% 735,315 0 0.00%
Commodities 76,109 88,936 76,109 (12,827) -14.42% 76,109 0 0.00% 76,109 0 0.00%
Internal Services 917,504 940,792 918,200 (22,592) -2.40% 943,219 25,019 2.72% 944,634 1,415 0.15%
Grand Total Expenditures 6,381,257 6,318,617 6,393,493 74,876 1.19% 6,418,512 25,019 0.39% 6,419,927 1,415 0.02%


Revenues reflect an anticipated increase of $9,000 in the net collection of various fees and costs under Charges for Services; Gross Estate
Fees $10,000 offset by decrease of ($1,000) Judge On Line Services.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefit decrease ($22,989) reflects an adjustment to remove the 3% general salary increase and associated
fringe benefits for judges, as their compensation is controlled at the state level.
In addition, Salaries and Fringe Benefit changes reflect the extension of a Full Time Eligible Cashier position that is funded by
Emergency Salaries; the position is scheduled to be sunset at 9/30/2018.
Commodities decrease of ($12,827) is due to the reduction in Expendable Equipment; replacement office furniture was purchased in
Internal Services reflect a decrease of ($22,592) primarily for Insurance Fund ($22,668) due to fluctuations associated with the allocation
methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and
current exposure of budgeted positions (50%). There is also a decrease in Info Tech Development ($21,467) as appropriation is budgeted
in a Non-Departmental account and transferred to departments as needed per the General Appropriations Act. The decrease is partially
offset by an increase in Info Tech Operations $19,362 which is based on rate and usage adjustments.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $25,019 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $1,415 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Department: 401 - Prosecuting Attorney OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Federal Grants 205,000 205,000 205,000 0 0.00% 205,000 0 0.00% 205,000 0 0.00%
State Grants 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 294,800 290,000 280,500 (9,500) -3.28% 280,500 0 0.00% 280,500 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 499,800 495,000 485,500 (9,500) -1.92% 485,500 0 0.00% 485,500 0 0.00%

Salaries 10,518,658 10,523,458 10,889,012 365,554 3.47% 10,889,012 0 0.00% 10,889,012 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 6,102,794 5,717,522 6,207,652 490,130 8.57% 6,207,652 0 0.00% 6,207,652 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 458,710 458,710 458,710 0 0.00% 458,710 0 0.00% 458,710 0 0.00%
Commodities 101,456 101,456 101,456 0 0.00% 101,456 0 0.00% 101,456 0 0.00%
Internal Services 1,865,301 1,914,352 2,082,213 167,861 8.77% 2,150,449 68,236 3.28% 2,154,307 3,858 0.18%
Transfers Out 975,027 1,042,027 975,027 (67,000) -6.43% 975,027 0 0.00% 975,027 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 20,021,946 19,757,525 20,714,070 956,545 4.84% 20,782,306 68,236 0.33% 20,786,164 3,858 0.02%


Decrease in Charges for Services Welfare Fraud Case Review Revenue of ($9,500) due to the State of Michigan performing the review

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services No changes.
Commodities No changes.
Internal Services increased overall by $167,861. The increase is mainly attributable to Insurance Fund $167,172 due to fluctuations
associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on
historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%). Several adjustments were made to the following Internal
Services accounts resulting in a net increase of $689; Building Space Cost Allocation increased $9,565 as Facilities Maintenance &
Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building
rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements; Info Tech Operations
$43,822 and Info Tech CLEMIS $6,088 increased due to rate and usage adjustments; partially offset by a decrease in Info Tech
Development ($40,896) and Maintenance Department Charges ($8,155) which are budgeted in a Non-Departmental account and
transferred to departments as needed per the General Appropriation Act. Also, Info Tech Managed Print Services ($8,217) and Telephone
Communications ($1,018) decreased due to rate and usage adjustments and ($500) reduction in Motor Pool Fuel Charges.
Transfers Out overall reduction of ($67,000) represents transfers for grant match funding for the Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET)
grant (M.R. #16307). Grant match is budgeted in Non-Departmental and appropriated to the department receiving the grant award at time
of the grant acceptance.

No changes.

Internal Services increase of $68,236 reflects Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

No changes.

Internal Services increase of $3,858 reflects Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Department: 403 - Sheriff OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Federal Grants 27,220 27,220 27,220 0 0.00% 27,220 0 0.00% 27,220 0 0.00%
Other Intergovern. Revenues 263,675 263,675 263,675 0 0.00% 263,675 0 0.00% 263,675 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 56,054,323 57,252,378 58,217,604 965,226 1.69% 58,217,604 0 0.00% 58,217,604 0 0.00%
Other Revenues 11,000 11,000 11,000 0 0.00% 11,000 0 0.00% 11,000 0 0.00%
Transfers In 71,046 533,327 73,546 (459,781) -86.21% 73,546 0 0.00% 73,546 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 56,427,264 58,087,600 58,593,045 505,445 0.87% 58,593,045 0 0.00% 58,593,045 0 0.00%

Salaries 71,895,821 72,330,537 74,973,400 2,642,863 3.65% 74,971,205 (2,195) 0.00% 74,971,205 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 43,962,472 41,908,964 45,573,020 3,664,056 8.74% 45,573,020 0 0.00% 45,573,020 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 9,488,280 9,781,037 9,376,272 (404,765) -4.14% 9,376,272 0 0.00% 9,376,272 0 0.00%
Commodities 2,956,093 3,004,334 2,730,559 (273,775) -9.11% 2,730,059 (500) -0.02% 2,730,059 0 0.00%
Capital Outlay 440,623 867,154 56,995 (810,159) -93.43% 56,995 0 0.00% 56,995 0 0.00%
Internal Services 17,417,804 17,726,640 18,131,925 405,285 2.29% 18,622,013 490,088 2.70% 18,650,468 28,455 0.15%
Transfers Out 334,086 844,124 334,874 (509,250) -60.33% 334,874 0 0.00% 334,874 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 146,495,179 146,462,790 151,177,045 4,714,255 3.22% 151,664,438 487,393 0.32% 151,692,893 28,455 0.02%


Charges for Services increased overall by $965,226, primarily due to Sheriff Special Deputies which increased $971,339 as a result of an
increase in the law enforcement services contract rates (M.R. #16315); Fingerprints increased $160,000 due to a requirement that new
teachers be fingerprinted; a new Impound Fee was implemented and expected to generate $18,730 (M.R. #17095); Reimbursement Court
Services increased $26,000 due to revenues being higher than initially estimated. This was partially offset by declining revenues from
Gun Registrations ($160,000) as this income is processed through the County Clerk per Public Act No. 3 of 2015 and Dispatch Services
decreased ($50,843) to reflect current dispatch contract rates and number of calls projected for FY 2018.
Transfers In decreased ($459,781). In FY 2017, ($380,025) was transferred from the Law Enforcement Enhancement Fund (#21341) in
support of drug law enforcement efforts: replacement of twenty (20) motorcycles and DARE vehicle, SWAT training, Medical
Marihuana surveillance vehicle prep and purchase of one (1) Long Range Acoustical Device (LRAD); ($85,456) was transferred from
Law Enforcement Lab Fee Fund (#21340) for forensic laboratory support; ($26,606) was transferred from the Prosecuting Attorney OWI
Crime Victims Fund (#21393) for the distribution of Crime Victim Rights materials (M.R. #17093); ($8,282) was transferred from the
Sheriff Booking Fee Training Fund (#21397) and ($1,001) was transferred from the Sheriff Training Fund (#21396) for eligible
correction officers training and dispatch costs. The decreases are offset by a $41,589 increase from the Facilities Management and
Operations (FMO) Fund. This line item is amended during the year as authorized by the Board of Commissioners.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other salaries and fringe benefit changes reflect the creation of positions, reclassifications and upgrades of the following: five (5) Full-
Time Eligible (FTE) Deputy I positions for 52nd District Court/Friend of the Court security and three (3) Part-Time Non-Eligible
(PTNE) Court/Park Deputy positions for background investigations at a total cost of $425,201. Sheriffs Office Reorganization M.R.
#17095 total cost of $132,072 reflects the creation of positions, reclassifications and upgrades of the following: one (1) new Office
Assistant II, one new Court/Park Deputy II, two (2) Sergeant positions that were reclassified to Detective Sergeant, two (2) Major
positions that were reclassified to Major/Deputy Chief of Staff, one (1) Sheriff Business Manager that was reclassified to Sheriff
Fiscal Officer and one (1) Sheriff State & Federal Coordinator that was reclassified to Sheriff Supervisor of State & Federal Affairs.
Contractual Services decreased overall by ($404,765). Equipment Maintenance decreased ($286,250) due to FY 2016 carry forward of
($175,000) and appropriation of ($111,250) from Sheriff Aviation Assigned Fund balance (M.R. #17043) for the overhaul costs of the
Air 1 helicopter completed in FY 2017. The net impact of the Sheriffs Office Reorganization (M.R. #17095) included reductions to

Contracted Services ($58,039) and Professional Services ($20,000) to partially offset the creation of new positons, reclassifications and
upgrades. Also, Supportive Services decreased ($26,606) as the funding was for the FY 2017 distribution of Crime Victim Rights
materials (M.R. #17093) and Officer Training decreased ($14,625) due to a one time FY 2017 appropriation (M.R. #17060) for SWAT
Commodities decreased overall ($273,775) largely in Other Expendable Equipment ($137,534): forfeited funds of ($16,585) carried
forward and appropriated in FY 2017 for equipment and training, replacement of Dive Team equipment ($95,949) and Dare Vehicle
($25,000). Also, Deputy Supplies decreased ($135,800) as a result of funds appropriated in FY 2017 for a one-time purchase of
bulletproof and slash & puncture proof vests for PTNE Court Deputies.
Capital Outlay decreased ($810,159) due to one-time costs in FY 2017 for the following: Capital Outlay Miscellaneous upgrade of
equipment in the Emergency Communications Dispatch Center in the Sheriffs Office ($358,128), replacement of 3D LASER scanner
($59,872) per M.R. #17024, purchase of Interview Room equipment ($26,659), purchase of body orifice security scanners ($25,500),
Vehicles ($300,000) for replacement of motorcycles and Equipment ($40,000) purchase of Long Range Acoustical Device (LRAD).
Internal Services increased overall by $405,285. Building Space Cost Allocation increased $287,962 as Facilities Maintenance &
Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building
rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Info Tech Operations
$183,578, Motor Pool $179,851, Equipment Rental $23,692, Info Tech Equipment Rental $17,504 and Telephone Communications
$5,308 all increased based on rate and usage adjustments. Insurance Fund increased $169,370 due to updated allocation methodology for
purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of
budgeted position (50%). These increases were partially offset by Info Tech Development ($125,839) and Maintenance Department
Charge ($112,015) as these are budgeted in Non-Departmental and transferred as needed per the General Appropriations Act. Motor
Pool Fuel charges ($147,096), Radio Communication ($50,609), Info Tech Managed Print Services ($18,147) and Info Tech CLEMIS
($8,274) decreased; based on rate and usage adjustments.
Transfers Out decreased ($509,250) as the FY 2017 budget includes grant match funding for Auto Theft Prevention (ATPA) ($241,605)
and Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET) ($67,000); and patrol vehicles of ($117,833), mobile data computers and radio acquisitions
totaling ($82,812), all related to patrol contract amendments.

No changes.

Salaries and Fringe Benefits decreased by ($2,195) in Overtime related to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (M.R. #17041).
Commodities decreased ($500) due to Uniforms for anticipated usage.
Internal Services overall increase of $490,088 is primarily due to Building Space Cost Allocation $489,323 as rates are based on full cost
recovery for building maintenance and operations. Also, Info Tech CLEMIS increased $765; based on rate and usage adjustments.

No changes.

Internal Services overall increase of $28,455 is primarily due to Building Space Cost Allocation $27,667 as rates are based on full cost
recovery for building maintenance and operations. Also, Info Tech CLEMIS increased $788; based on rate and usage adjustments.

Department: 201 - County Clerk OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 13,603,000 13,682,000 13,742,300 60,300 0.44% 13,742,300 0 0.00% 13,742,300 0 0.00%
Investment Income 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0.00% 2,500 0 0.00% 2,500 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 13,605,500 13,684,500 13,744,800 60,300 0.44% 13,744,800 0 0.00% 13,744,800 0 0.00%

Salaries 4,630,564 4,634,386 4,765,269 130,883 2.82% 4,765,269 0 0.00% 4,765,269 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 3,200,213 3,042,745 3,238,534 195,789 6.43% 3,238,534 0 0.00% 3,238,534 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 481,075 652,544 483,075 (169,469) -25.97% 483,075 0 0.00% 483,075 0 0.00%
Commodities 954,433 954,433 950,333 (4,100) -0.43% 950,333 0 0.00% 950,333 0 0.00%
Capital Outlay 0 90,000 0 (90,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Internal Services 1,347,338 1,564,420 1,313,495 (250,925) -16.04% 1,367,515 54,020 4.11% 1,370,569 3,054 0.22%
Grand Total Expenditures 10,613,623 10,938,528 10,750,706 (187,822) -1.72% 10,804,726 54,020 0.50% 10,807,780 3,054 0.03%


Charges for Services net increase of $60,300 is mainly due to increased activity for Land Transfer Tax $400,000, Deeds $250,000 due to
legislation on recording fees, Passport Fees $1,600, Photostats $1,000, and Miscellaneous $500. The increase in revenue is partially offset
by decreased activity for the following: Mortgages ($500,000) due to legislation on recording fees, Reimbursement General ($79,000),
Assumed Names ($10,000), and Voter Registration Application ($3,800) realigned to reflect projected activity.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services reflect an overall decrease of ($169,469). This decrease is primarily within the Elections Division due to the
Relocation ($111,469) for costs associated with the 2016 Presidential Election recount per M.R. #17043 and Professional Services
($60,000) for the purchase of equipment to facilitate implementation of new voting system per M.R. #17082. In addition, within the
County Clerk Division, a decrease due to less than anticipated charges in Court Transcripts ($5,000) and Printing ($500). This is partially
offset by Charge Card Fee increase of $7,500 due to increased activity.
Commodities overall decrease of ($4,100) reflects decreased activity in Office Supplies ($3,050) and Elections Supplies ($1,050).
There is a decrease in Capital Outlay ($90,000) due to the purchase of equipment for the new voting system authorized per M.R. #17082.
Internal Services reflect a net decrease of ($250,925) mainly due to Info Tech Development ($206,153) and Maintenance Department
Charges ($10,929). Appropriation for the two line items are budgeted in Non-Departmental and transferred as needed per the General
Appropriations Act. In addition, Insurance Fund decreased ($63,297) which is due to fluctuations associated with the allocation
methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and
current exposure of budgeted positons (50%). Telephone Communications ($4,070), Equipment Rental ($3,600) and Info Tech Managed
Print Services decrease of ($2,726) are due to rate and usage adjustments. Offsetting the decrease is an increase to Info Tech Operations
of $34,098 due to rate and usage adjustments and to Building Space Cost Allocation $5,652 as Facilities Maintenance & Operations
determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been
adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements.

No Changes.

Internal Services net increase of $54,020 is due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations

No changes.

Internal Services increased by $3,054 due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Department: 701 - Treasurers Office OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Property taxes 1,293,500 1,293,500 1,293,500 0 0.00% 1,293,500 0 0.00% 1,293,500 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 5,032,300 5,032,300 4,802,300 (230,000) -4.57% 4,602,300 (200,000) -4.16% 4,362,300 (240,000) -5.21%
Investment Income 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0.00% 100,000 0 0.00% 100,000 0 0.00%
Transfers In 3,048,178 3,048,178 2,600,000 (448,178) -14.70% 2,500,000 (100,000) -3.85% 2,400,000 (100,000) -4.00%
Grand Total Revenues 9,473,978 9,473,978 8,795,800 (678,178) -7.16% 8,495,800 (300,000) -3.41% 8,155,800 (340,000) -4.00%

Salaries 2,050,651 2,050,651 2,115,538 64,887 3.16% 2,115,538 0 0.00% 2,115,538 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 1,322,035 1,250,870 1,328,197 77,327 6.18% 1,328,197 0 0.00% 1,328,197 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 4,425,205 4,425,205 4,425,205 0 0.00% 4,425,205 0 0.00% 4,425,205 0 0.00%
Commodities 86,900 86,900 86,900 0 0.00% 86,900 0 0.00% 86,900 0 0.00%
Internal Services 780,029 927,172 777,694 (149,478) -16.12% 794,634 16,940 2.18% 795,591 957 0.12%
Transfers Out 120,000 201,500 120,000 (81,500) -40.45% 120,000 0 0.00% 120,000 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 8,784,820 8,942,298 8,853,534 (88,764) -0.99% 8,870,474 16,940 0.19% 8,871,431 957 0.01%


Charges for Services net decrease ($230,000) due to Title Search ($300,000) which is attributed to a decrease in delinquencies as well as
the revenue generated for parcel look ups. This decrease is partially offset by increases in Recording Fee Forfeiture Cert $35,000 and
Recording Fee Redemption Cert $35,000.
A decrease in Transfers In ($448,178) is due in part to lower Collection Fees transferred from Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF).
The decrease is the result of lower property taxes returned as delinquent.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefit changes reflect the deletion of one General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) Part Time Non Eligible
Office Assistant II position, which sunsets on September 30, 2017.
Internal Services net decrease of ($149,478) is due to Info Tech Development ($143,664) and Maintenance Department Charges ($3,479).
Appropriation for the two line items are budgeted in Non-Departmental and transferred as needed per the General Appropriations Act.
Also, decreases in Telephone Communications ($2,010), Info Tech Operations ($7,486), Equipment Rental ($1,903), and Info Tech
Managed Print Services ($788) are due to rate and usage adjustments. Partially offset by Insurance Fund increase of $7,545 which is due
to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which
is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%). Also, Building Space Allocation increased
$2,307 as Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the
building; the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance
Transfers Out net decrease ($81,500) primarily due to one-time FY 2016 carry-forward (M.R. #16324) appropriation for the demolition of

Charges for Services decreased ($200,000) primarily due to Titles Search Fees which is attributed to a decrease in delinquencies as well as
the revenue generated for parcel look ups.
A decrease in Transfers In ($100,000) is due to lower Collection Fees transferred from DTRF. The decrease is the result of lower property
taxes returned as delinquent.

Internal Services increased by $16,940 primarily due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Charges for Services overall net decrease ($240,000) is due to a decrease in Title Search ($200,000), which is attributed to a decrease in
delinquencies as well as the revenue generated for parcel look ups. In addition, Civil Action Service Fees ($25,000) and Foreclosure
Notification Fee ($15,000) decreased due to anticipated reduction in the number of parcels turned over as delinquent.
A decrease in Transfers In ($100,000) is due to lower Collection Fees transferred from DTRF. The decrease is the result of lower property
taxes returned as delinquent.

Internal Services increased by $957 due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance and

See also Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund and Delinquent Personal Property Tax Fund highlights.

Department: 50101 - BOC - Administration OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 12,500 12,500 12,500 0 0.00% 12,500 0 0.00% 12,500 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 12,500 12,500 12,500 0 0.00% 12,500 0 0.00% 12,500 0 0.00%

Salaries 1,315,986 1,315,986 1,353,353 37,367 2.84% 1,353,353 0 0.00% 1,353,353 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 869,545 819,918 882,618 62,700 7.65% 882,618 0 0.00% 882,618 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 463,727 625,815 531,400 (94,415) -15.09% 470,427 (60,973) -11.47% 477,627 7,200 1.53%
Commodities 11,578 11,578 11,578 0 0.00% 11,578 0 0.00% 11,578 0 0.00%
Internal Services 235,909 240,888 214,137 (26,751) -11.11% 224,638 10,501 4.90% 225,232 594 0.26%
Grand Total Expenditures 2,896,745 3,014,185 2,993,086 (21,099) -0.70% 2,942,614 (50,472) -1.69% 2,950,408 7,794 0.26%


No changes.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction
in FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services overall decrease of ($94,415) is primarily due to Special Projects ($162,088) which were appropriations from
assigned fund balance for projects in FY 2017: M.R. #17000 for Human Trafficking ($50,000), M.R. #17153 for Arts Beats and Eats
($10,000), and M.R. #17099 for Gun Safety Month ($5,000). Also includes FY 2016 Carry forwards (M.R. #16324) for Anti Bullying
($70,000), Youth Enhancement Scholarship Program ($23,000), and Lock It Up Oakland ($4,088). The decrease is offset by a FY
2018 Budget Request to increase Public Information $68,223 for funding that will provide the Commissioners with the option of direct
mailing an abbreviated version of the Annual Report to their constituents. An increase in the Public Information line item will be
reviewed annually.
Overall decrease in Internal Services is ($26,751). The decrease is mainly attributable to Insurance Fund ($19,382) which is due to
fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which
is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%). In addition, Telephone Communications
decreased ($5,459) due to rate/usage adjustments. Info Tech Development and Maintenance Department Charges had a net decrease
of ($4,979); appropriation for the two line items are budgeted in Non-Departmental and transferred as needed per the General
Appropriations Act. Partially offsetting is an increase in Building Space Operations $1,488. Facilities Maintenance & Operations
determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have
been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. In addition, Info Tech Operations
increased $1,112 due to rate/usage adjustments.

No changes.

Contractual Services decrease of ($60,973) is primarily due to a FY 2018 Budget Request for Public Information line item ($68,223)
for funding that will provide the Commissioners with the option of direct mailing an abbreviated version of the Annual Report to their

constituents. An increase in Public Information line item will be reviewed annually. Partially offsetting is an increase in Professional
Services Annual Audit $7,250 to reflect the current annual audit contract amount for FY 2019.
Internal Services increased by $10,501 mainly due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

No changes.

Contractual services increased $7,200 due to Professional Services Annual Audit to reflect the current annual audit contract amount
for FY 2020.
Internal Services increased by $594 due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Department: 50103 - Library Board OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 14,000 14,000 14,000 0 0.00% 14,000 0 0.00% 14,000 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 14,000 14,000 14,000 0 0.00% 14,000 0 0.00% 14,000 0 0.00%

Salaries 328,157 328,157 340,335 12,178 3.71% 340,335 0 0.00% 340,335 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 167,255 155,674 170,264 14,590 9.37% 170,264 0 0.00% 170,264 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 360,568 360,568 361,620 1,052 0.29% 379,793 18,173 5.03% 384,092 4,299 1.13%
Commodities 3,713 5,697 5,713 16 0.28% 7,713 2,000 35.01% 7,713 0 0.00%
Capital Outlay 15,000 15,000 16,000 1,000 6.67% 0 (16,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Internal Services 468,447 475,376 474,669 (707) -0.15% 500,857 26,188 5.52% 502,338 1,481 0.30%
Grand Total Expenditures 1,343,140 1,340,472 1,368,601 28,129 2.10% 1,398,962 30,361 2.22% 1,404,742 5,780 0.41%


No Changes.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services overall increase of $1,052 is primarily due to a 3% annual increase in Contracted Services $4,052 for its contract
with Rochester Hills Library to provide Library Visually and Physically Impaired (LVPI) services. This is offset by a decrease ($3,000) as
a result of a shift in budget categories to account for the one-time purchase of replacement security gates at the main entrance of the
Library. The project was initially thought to be complete in FY 2017, but due to unexpected equipment repairs it was postponed until FY
Commodities increased $16 due to an increase in Office Supplies $2,000 as a result of a shift in budget categories to account for the one-
time purchase of replacement security gates at the main entrance of the Library. This is partially offset by a decrease ($1,984) for a FY
2017 encumbrance in the Expendable Equipment line item (M.R. #16324).
Capital Outlay increased an additional $1,000 for the one-time purchase of replacement security gates. The project was initially thought
to be complete in FY 2017, but due to unexpected equipment repairs it was postponed until FY 2018. The offset is in Contractual Services
due to a shift in budget categories.
Overall decrease in Internal Services is ($707). The decrease is mainly attributable to Info Tech Development ($6,835) which is budgeted
in Non-Departmental and transferred as needed per the General Appropriations Act and Insurance Fund ($3,827) which is due to
fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is
based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%). Also Info Tech Managed Print Services ($291)
which is based on usage. Partially offset by an increase in Info Tech Operations $4,965 and Equipment Rental $1,588 due to rate/usage
adjustments. There is also an increase for Building Space Cost Allocation $3,672. Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the
rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in
order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements.

No changes.

Contractual Services increased $18,173 due to restoring the budgets of several expenditure line items $14,000 previously reduced for the
purchase of replacement security gates and a 3% annual increase in Contracted Services $4,173 for the contract with Rochester Hills
Library to provide LVPI services.
Commodities increased $2,000 due to restoring the Office Supply line items previously reduced due to fund the replacement security gates
in FY 2018.
Capital Outlay decreased ($16,000) due to the budget reallocation from the purchase of replacement security gates in FY 2018.
Internal Services increased by $26,188 mainly due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

No changes.

Contractual Services increased due to a 3% annual increase in Contracted Services $4,299 for the contract with Rochester Hills Library to
provide LVPI services.
Internal Services increased by $1,481 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Department: 601 - Water Resources Commissioner OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

State Grants 40,000 40,000 0 (40,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 1,953,732 1,953,732 2,497,177 543,445 27.82% 2,511,588 14,411 0.58% 2,525,532 13,944 0.56%
Grand Total Revenues 1,993,732 1,993,732 2,497,177 503,445 25.25% 2,511,588 14,411 0.58% 2,525,532 13,944 0.56%

Salaries 146,939 146,939 151,762 4,823 3.28% 151,762 0 0.00% 151,762 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 71,475 66,285 72,844 6,559 9.90% 72,844 0 0.00% 72,844 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 434,557 434,557 389,557 (45,000) -10.36% 389,557 0 0.00% 389,557 0 0.00%
Commodities 98,418 98,418 98,418 0 0.00% 98,418 0 0.00% 98,418 0 0.00%
Internal Services 4,881,378 5,059,061 5,970,144 911,083 18.01% 6,042,557 72,413 1.21% 6,084,549 41,992 0.69%
Transfers Out 56,165 56,165 56,165 0 0.00% 56,165 0 0.00% 56,165 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 5,688,932 5,861,425 6,738,890 877,465 14.97% 6,811,303 72,413 1.07% 6,853,295 41,992 0.62%


State Grants decreased ($40,000) due to M.R. #14116 that provided funds in FY 2017 for the Water Resources
Commissioner Stormwater, Asset Management and Wastewater (SAW) Grant from the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality to evaluate and upgrade existing data management systems related to Asset and Stormwater
Charges for Services reflects an increase of $543,445:
Reimbursement General Revenue increased $516,893; a result of Drain Administration labor allocation to special
revenue and proprietary funds.
Soil Erosion Fees increased $21,816 due to anticipated improvements in the housing market.
Reimbursement of Salaries for Construction Administration increased $4,736 due to allocation of labor cost related to
the reimbursement of positions for the Water Resources Commissioner and Chief Deputy Water Resources

Salaries and Fringes Benefits $11,382 increase reflects the FY 2018 salary forecast for the Water Resources Commissioner
position and includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services decreased ($45,000) due to M.R. #14116 that provided funds in FY 2017 for the Water Resources
Commissioner Stormwater, Asset Management and Wastewater (SAW) Grant from the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality to evaluate and upgrade existing data management systems related to Asset and Stormwater
Internal Services increased $911,083: Drain Equipment Labor of $1,048,606 is based on the historical spending in the fund
from the previous year and includes one (1) position reclassification due to workloads and a 3% salary increase and
associated fringe benefits related to the charges from the Drain Equipment fund. Other adjustments include actual changes
in the activity of services provided by Drain Equipment $27,600, Telephone Communications $3,277, Information
Technology Managed Print Services $3,173 and Information Technology Operations ($4,260). Building Space Cost
Allocation increased $9,962 because Facilities Maintenance and Operations determines the rates for each building based on
estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity
in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Information Technology Development ($157,134) and

Maintenance Department Charges ($20,549) allocations are reduced since appropriations for these areas are budgeted in a
Non-Departmental account and transferred to departments as needed per the General Appropriations Act.

Charges for Services increased $14,411; Reimbursement General Revenue increased $12,882; a result of Drain Administration
labor allocation to special revenue and proprietary funds. Reimbursement of Salaries for Construction Administration
increased $899 to reflect 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits related to various program allocations and Soil
Erosion Fees increased $630 due to anticipated improvements in the housing market.

Internal Services increased $72,413; Drain Equipment Labor increased $40,389 to reflect the 1% salary increase and associated
fringe benefits related to the charges from the Drain Equipment fund. Building Space Cost Allocation increased $32,024
because building rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance and operations.

Charges for Services increased $13,944; Reimbursement General Revenue increased $13,011; a result of Drain Administration
labor allocation to special revenue and proprietary funds. Reimbursement of Salaries for Construction Administration
increased $908 to reflect 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits related to various program allocations.

Internal Services increased $41,992 for Drain Equipment Labor increased $40,181 to reflect the 1% salary increase and
associated fringe benefits related to the charges from the Drain Equipment fund. Building Space Cost Allocation increased
$1,811 because building rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance and operations.

See also Drain Equipment Fund, Sewage Disposal Systems and Water and Sewer Fund highlights.

Department: 101 - County Executive OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 230,000 230,000 230,000 0 0.00% 230,000 0 0.00% 230,000 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 230,000 230,000 230,000 0 0.00% 230,000 0 0.00% 230,000 0 0.00%

Salaries 3,955,880 3,983,997 4,174,603 190,606 4.78% 4,174,603 0 0.00% 4,174,603 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 2,202,286 2,072,742 2,301,865 229,123 11.05% 2,301,865 0 0.00% 2,301,865 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 366,087 397,037 366,087 (30,950) -7.80% 366,087 0 0.00% 366,087 0 0.00%
Commodities 48,489 48,489 48,489 0 0.00% 48,489 0 0.00% 48,489 0 0.00%
Internal Services 1,019,450 1,076,439 970,118 (106,321) -9.88% 1,005,134 35,016 3.61% 1,007,113 1,979 0.20%
Grand Total Expenditures 7,592,192 7,578,704 7,861,162 282,458 3.73% 7,896,178 35,016 0.45% 7,898,157 1,979 0.03%


No changes.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefits changes reflect position changes within Corporation Counsel per M.R. #17106 and include the
creation of one (1) Full Time Eligible Senior Assistant Corporation Counsel.
Contractual Services decreased ($30,950). This is due to a decrease in Compliance Office-Professional Services ($21,450) as a result of a
one-time FY 2016 year end carry-forward appropriated in FY 2017, and a Miscellaneous Capital Outlay Appropriation Memo ($9,500)
for a FY 2017 purchase toward an Audit Management System Software.
Internal Services decreased ($106,321). The decrease includes Insurance Fund ($61,992) which is due to fluctuations associated with the
allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience
(50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%). There are also decreases in Info Tech Development ($37,283) and Maintenance
Department charges ($17,098) which are budgeted in a Non-Departmental account and transferred to departments as needed per the
General Appropriation Act. Also a decrease in Telephone Communications of ($4,125) due rate/use adjustments. The decrease is partially
offset by an increase in Building Space Cost Allocation $7,159 as Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each
building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring
equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. In addition, it is offset by an increase in Info Tech Operations $7,271
due to rate/use adjustments.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $35,016 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $1,979 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Department: 102 - Management and Budget OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 3,765,600 3,765,600 3,765,600 0 0.00% 3,765,600 0 0.00% 3,765,600 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 3,765,600 3,765,600 3,765,600 0 0.00% 3,765,600 0 0.00% 3,765,600 0 0.00%

Salaries 10,279,806 10,279,806 10,589,326 309,520 3.01% 10,589,326 0 0.00% 10,589,326 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 6,532,552 6,171,855 6,622,224 450,369 7.30% 6,622,224 0 0.00% 6,622,224 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 503,795 503,795 498,795 (5,000) -0.99% 498,795 0 0.00% 498,795 0 0.00%
Commodities 320,226 323,023 320,226 (2,797) -0.87% 320,226 0 0.00% 320,226 0 0.00%
Internal Services 2,186,735 2,670,415 2,268,830 (401,585) -15.04% 2,308,384 39,554 1.74% 2,312,420 4,036 0.17%
Grand Total Expenditures 19,823,114 19,948,894 20,299,401 350,507 1.76% 20,338,955 39,554 0.19% 20,342,991 4,036 0.02%


No changes.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefits changes reflect one (1) position upgrade from Grant Compliance & Program Coordinator to Grant
Compliance Administrator.
Contractual Services decreased ($5,000) due to a reduction within the Fiscal Services Division for the Printing line item as demand has
decreased. Also, this line item reduction is being used to offset the position change noted above.
Commodities decreased ($2,797) due to FY 2016 year-end encumbrances in Expendable Equipment line item within the Fiscal Services
Internal Services overall decrease ($401,585). This decrease is due to Info Tech Development ($479,197) and Maintenance Department
Charges ($4,483) which are budgeted in a Non-Departmental account and transferred to departments as needed per the General
Appropriation Act. Decreases in Info Tech Managed Print Services ($2,760) and Telephone Communications ($2,588) due to rate and
usage level adjustments. The overall decrease is partially offset by increases for Info Tech Operations $55,332 due to rate and usage level
adjustments and Insurance Fund $24,389 due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning
risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%).
Also, there is an increase in Building Space Cost Allocation $6,649. Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each
building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring
equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $39,554 due to Building Space Cost Allocation $46,214 which is based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations. Offset by decrease in Info Tech Operations ($6,660) due to rate and usage level adjustments.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $4,036 due to Building Space Cost Allocation $2,613 which is based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations and Info Tech Operations $1,423 due to rate and usage level adjustments.

Department: 103 - Central Services OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 316,780 316,780 321,950 5,170 1.63% 321,950 0 0.00% 321,950 0 0.00%
Other Revenues 600 600 600 0 0.00% 600 0 0.00% 600 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 317,380 317,380 322,550 5,170 1.63% 322,550 0 0.00% 322,550 0 0.00%

Salaries 894,066 894,066 913,752 19,686 2.20% 913,752 0 0.00% 913,752 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 554,463 524,161 567,971 43,810 8.36% 567,971 0 0.00% 567,971 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 318,011 318,011 318,211 200 0.06% 318,211 0 0.00% 318,211 0 0.00%
Commodities 57,982 57,982 81,982 24,000 41.39% 81,982 0 0.00% 81,982 0 0.00%
Capital Outlay 0 29,000 0 (29,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Internal Services 770,104 788,152 783,521 (4,631) -0.59% 831,657 48,136 6.14% 834,378 2,721 0.33%
Grand Total Expenditures 2,594,626 2,611,372 2,665,437 54,065 2.07% 2,713,573 48,136 1.81% 2,716,294 2,721 0.10%



Net Charges for Services reflects an increase of $5,170 indicated below:

Increase of $15,000 in Metered Postage based on historical trends.
Increase of $170 in Reimbursement General due to contract to reimburse for Satellite TV services provided in the courthouse cafeteria
and the expiration of the new customer pricing promotion for Satellite TV services.
Decrease of ($10,000) in Commission Vending Machines based on historical data.


Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefits reflect position changes within Central Services which includes the creation of one (1) Full Time
Eligible Support Service Equipment Operator position, offset by the deletion of one (1) Full Time Eligible Mail Services Coordinator
position; an upgrade of two (2) Full Time Eligible Clerk II Delivery Person positions to Full Time Eligible Office Assistant II
positions, and due to the manual adjustment of fringe benefits for overtime.
Contractual Services reflect increase of $200 in Periodicals, Books, Publ Sub due to the expiration of the new customer pricing promotion
for satellite TV subscription in the courthouse cafeteria.
Commodities reflect an increase of $24,000 in Metered Postage based on historical data.
Capital Outlay reflects a decrease of ($29,000) due to replacement of a lift truck in FY 2017.
Internal Services reflects a net decrease of ($4,631) indicated below:
Info Tech Development ($17,656) and Maintenance Department Charges ($392) decreased; Appropriations for the two line items are
budgeted in a Non-Departmental account and transferred as needed per the General Appropriations Act.
Decrease of ($8,745) in Insurance Fund due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning
risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions
Increase of $10,111 in Info Tech Operations based on historical expenditures and a decrease of ($163) in Info Tech Managed Print
Services due to rate adjustment and usage level.

Increase of $8,072 in Building Space Cost Allocation. Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each building
based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity
in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements.
Increase of $1,142 in Telephone Communications due to rate adjustment and usage level.
Increase of $2,700 for Motorpool due to lease of new vehicle and an increase of $300 in Motorpool Fuel due to projected fuel charges.


No changes.


Internal Services reflects an increase of $48,136 in Building Space Cost Allocation; rates for each building based on full cost recovery for
building maintenance and operations.


No changes.


Internal Services reflects an increase of $2,721 in Building Space Cost Allocation; rates for each building based on full cost recovery for
building maintenance and operations.

Department: 104 - Facilities Management OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Grand Total Revenues 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Salaries 670,451 670,451 695,902 25,451 3.80% 695,902 0 0.00% 695,902 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 366,855 345,025 383,548 38,523 11.17% 383,548 0 0.00% 383,548 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 168,302 168,302 224,802 56,500 33.57% 226,302 1,500 0.67% 227,802 1,500 0.66%
Commodities 6,144 6,144 6,144 0 0.00% 6,144 0 0.00% 6,144 0 0.00%
Internal Services 70,514 70,646 64,528 (6,118) -8.66% 66,639 2,111 3.27% 66,759 120 0.18%
Grand Total Expenditures 1,282,266 1,260,568 1,374,924 114,356 9.07% 1,378,535 3,611 0.26% 1,380,155 1,620 0.12%


Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services increased $56,500 primarily for Professional Services due to a greater demand for capital projects in FY 2018.
Internal Services decreased ($6,118) primarily for Info Tech Operations ($5,349) based on rate and usage adjustments. In addition, there
is a decrease in Insurance Fund ($1,638) due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning
risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%).
Partially offset by Building Space Cost Allocation increase of $618. Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each
building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring
equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements.

Contractual Services increased $1,500 for Licenses and Permits due to costs related to Nuclear Gauge testing.
Internal Services increased $2,111 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Contractual Services increased $1,500 for Licenses and Permits due to costs related to Nuclear Gauge testing.
Internal Services increased $120 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

See also Facilities Maintenance and Operations Fund highlights.

Department: 105 - Human Resources OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 475 475 0 (475) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 475 475 0 (475) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%

Salaries 1,795,589 1,795,589 1,719,754 (75,835) -4.22% 1,719,754 0 0.00% 1,719,754 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 1,015,835 954,195 996,028 41,833 4.38% 996,028 0 0.00% 996,028 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 711,904 877,704 689,353 (188,351) -21.46% 689,353 0 0.00% 689,353 0 0.00%
Commodities 30,307 30,307 26,054 (4,253) -14.03% 26,054 0 0.00% 26,054 0 0.00%
Internal Services 848,833 969,120 659,534 (309,586) -31.95% 663,543 4,009 0.61% 665,568 2,025 0.31%
Grand Total Expenditures 4,402,468 4,626,915 4,090,723 (536,192) -11.59% 4,094,732 4,009 0.10% 4,096,757 2,025 0.05%


The decrease of $475 is due to employees no longer being charged for copies of records.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Salaries and Fringe Benefits changes reflect a reorganization of Human Resources (HR) - Benefits Administration within Human
Resources including the funding change of one (1) Full Time Eligible General Fund/ General Purpose (GF/GP) Manager Human
Resources and one (1) Part Time Non Eligible GF/GP Office Assistant II. Both positions are now budgeted in the Proprietary Fund
(PR) Fringe Benefit Fund.
Salaries and Fringe Benefits changes reflect a reorganization of Human Resource - Workforce Management within Human Resources
including a deletion of one (1) Full Time Non Eligible GF/GP Central Employee Records Coordinator and the creation of one (1) Part
Time Non Eligible GF/GP Employee Records Specialist and one (1) Full Time Eligible GF/GP Office Assistant I.
Contractual Services decreased ($188,351) mainly in the Human Resources Administration Division due to Legal Services ($125,000) and
Professional Services ($40,800) which are a result of a one-time carry forward appropriation in FY 2017. Also, Software Rental Lease
Purchase decreased ($12,827) due to a contract price reduction and partially offsets the cost of a Full Time Eligible Office Assistant I as
noted above. In addition, within HR - Benefits Administration total Contractual Services budget decreased ($9,724) as a result of the
budget funding transfer to the Fringe Benefit Fund.
Commodities decreased overall ($4,253) as a result of transferring HR Benefits Administrations budget to the Fringe Benefit Fund.
Overall decrease in Internal Services is ($309,586) primarily due to Building Space Cost Allocation ($148,935) as Facilities Maintenance
& Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building
rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Also, Info Tech Operations
($22,958), Equipment Rental ($10,770), and Telephone Communications ($14,499) are due to rate and usage adjustments. IT
Development ($116,448) and Maintenance Department Charges ($3,839) decreased as the appropriations for these areas are budgeted in a
Non-Departmental account and transferred to departments as needed per the General Appropriation Act. These decreases are partially
offset by an increase in Info Tech Managed Print Services $5,643 due to increased activity and Insurance Fund $2,220 which is due to
fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is
based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%).

No changes.

Internal Services increased $4,009. This is due to Building Space Cost Allocation $10,669; rates are based on full cost recovery for
building maintenance and operations. Partially offset by Info Tech Operations ($6,660) due to rate and usage adjustments.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $2,025. Primarily due to Info Tech Operations $1,422 which is based on rate and usage adjustments. In
addition, Building Space Cost Allocation increased $603; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance and operations.

Department: 106 - Health and Human Services OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Federal Grants 470,465 476,565 416,691 (59,874) -12.56% 416,691 0 0.00% 416,691 0 0.00%
State Grants 4,709,523 4,730,006 4,813,424 83,418 1.76% 4,813,424 0 0.00% 4,813,424 0 0.00%
Other Intergovern. Revenues 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 0.00% 18,000 0 0.00% 18,000 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 7,146,399 7,345,599 7,457,034 111,435 1.52% 7,462,109 5,075 0.07% 7,462,109 0 0.00%
Transfers In 0 5,533 0 (5,533) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 12,344,387 12,575,703 12,705,149 129,446 1.03% 12,710,224 5,075 0.04% 12,710,224 0 0.00%

Salaries 26,102,902 26,391,979 27,869,973 1,477,994 5.60% 27,869,973 0 0.00% 27,869,973 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 17,298,823 16,495,767 18,089,519 1,593,752 9.66% 18,089,519 0 0.00% 18,089,519 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 12,791,578 12,631,488 11,854,687 (776,801) -6.15% 11,846,674 (8,013) -0.07% 11,846,674 0 0.00%
Non-Departmental 283,027 283,027 283,027 0 0.00% 283,027 0 0.00% 283,027 0 0.00%
Commodities 2,653,305 2,710,970 2,681,355 (29,615) -1.09% 2,681,355 0 0.00% 2,681,355 0 0.00%
Capital Outlay 24,000 72,000 24,000 (48,000) -66.67% 24,000 0 0.00% 24,000 0 0.00%
Internal Services 6,141,000 6,515,968 6,421,990 (93,978) -1.44% 6,674,188 252,198 3.93% 6,688,566 14,378 0.22%
Transfers Out 0 43,401 0 (43,401) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 65,294,635 65,144,600 67,224,551 2,079,951 3.19% 67,468,736 244,185 0.36% 67,483,114 14,378 0.02%


Decrease in Federal Grants ($59,874) as a result of funding reductions within the Health Division from the Michigan Department of
Health and Human Services (MDHHS), Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting and Contracting (CPBC) Agreement, Essential Local Public
Health Services ($42,507), and the Homeland Security Division from the Michigan Department of State Police, Emergency Management
and Homeland Security Division ($17,367).
Increase in State Grants $83,418 as the result of funding increase within the Health Division from the Michigan Department of Health and
Human Services (MDHHS), Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting and Contracting (CPBC) Agreement, Essential Local Public Health
Services $42,507; the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting and
Contracting (CPBC) Agreement, Hearing program $18,856; the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS),
Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting and Contracting (CPBC) Agreement, Vision program $18,587; and the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Inland Beach Monitoring Grant $3,198.
Charges for Services reflect an overall increase of $111,435. The increase is primarily due to increases within the Childrens Village
Division for Board and Care $100,000 and Out County Board and Care $100,000 based on historical revenues and higher per diem rates.
Increases within the Health Division, include Administration Fees $190,000 due to a reallocation of funds from Clinic Charges and the
inclusion of vaccine administration fees and increased Medicaid Outreach billable activity, Permits $62,000 and Pneumo Vax 3rd Party
$40,000 due to increased demand. The overall increase is partially offset by reductions within the Health Division for Laboratory Charges
3rd Party ($117,441) due to decrease in Medicaid revenue; Clinic Charges ($105,000) due to the of reallocation of funds to Administration
Fees to more accurately reflect the budget with projected revenues; Difference Between Charge and Initial Pay ($50,000) due to increased
third party billings and contractual adjustments; and Flu 3rd Party ($30,000) due to decrease in demand. In addition, decrease in Reimb
Clinical Evaluations ($75,000) within the Childrens Village Division due to a reduction of funding from the Oakland Community Health
Network contract for psychiatric services.
Decrease in Transfers In ($5,533) as a result of a one-time transfer of funds in FY 2017 from the Children's Village Donations Fund
(#21330) to properly account for expenditures eligible for Children's Village Donation funding.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Overall position changes within the Health Division include the creation of one (1) Full Time Eligible Chief Public Health Clinical
and Special Programs position; one (1) Full Time Eligible Epidemiologist position; one (1) Full Time Eligible Public Health Educator

III; and one (1) Full Time Eligible Senior Public Health Sanitarian position. Partially offset by deletion of the following: one (1) Full
Time Eligible Supervisor Public Health Nursing position; one (1) Full Time Eligible Public Health Nurse III position; and one (1) Full
Time Eligible Supervisor Health Central Support position. Additional position changes within the Childrens Village Division include
the creation of one (1) Full Time Eligible Treatment Services Clinician I position; one (1) Full Time Eligible Childrens Village Case
Coordinator I position; and three (3) Full Time Eligible Reentry Specialist positions.
Contractual Services decreased overall by ($776,801). Private Institutions decreased ($592,564) within the Health and Human Services
Administration Division as the funding will be used to offset the creation of positions noted above for the Childrens Village Division.
Also, Software Support Maintenance decreased ($97,243) within the Health Division due to maintenance charges for the new
Environmental Health System of ($85,000) which was previously budgeted in FY 2017 but not needed until FY 2019. Also, anticipated
reduction in maintenance needs for the Insight Electronic Health Record Software of ($15,000) as the software will no longer be
supported by the vendor; a request for proposal will be issued in FY 2019. Also, the reduction partially offsets the creation of the positions
noted above for the Health Division. Psychological Testing decreased ($75,000) within the Childrens Village Division due to reduced
funding from the Oakland Community Health Network contract for psychiatric services.
Commodities decreased ($29,615) due to FY 2016 year-end encumbrances for Expendable Equipment ($44,402) and Security Supplies
($11,718) which were re-appropriated in FY 2017 for the Childrens Village Division. Partially offset by an increase in Laboratory
Supplies $25,386 within the Health Division to reflect operating needs for lead and heavy metal testing.
Capital Outlay decreased ($48,000) due to FY 2016 year end carryforward for the purchase of a Lead Analyzer within the Health Division.
Overall decrease in Internal Services ($93,978). The decrease is due to IT Development charges ($302,753) and Maintenance Department
Charges ($72,215) which are budgeted in Non-Departmental and appropriated to departments on an as-needed basis, per the General
Appropriations Act. Decrease in Telephone Communications ($31,531) due to decreased activity. Partially offset by increase in Building
Space Cost Allocation $152,564 as Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to
operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB
Uniform Guidance requirements. Also, increases in Info Tech Operations $113,561 based on analysis of Internal Service Fund rates; and
Insurance Fund $33,187 due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the
Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%).
Transfers Out decreased ($43,401) as the FY 2017 budget includes increased funding for the Health Division Lead Analyzer lab
remodeling project (M.R. #17038).

Increase in Charges for Services $5,075 reflected by the Health Division for Laboratory Charges 3rd Party due to new billing of clinic
sexually transmitted disease tests for patients with Medicaid.

Contractual Services decrease of ($8,013) is due to the reduction in Private Institutions as funding is being used to offset three (3) full-
time eligible Youth Specialist I positions created in FY 2017 for the Childrens Village Division.
Internal Services increased $252,198 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $14,378 due to Building Space Cost Allocations; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Department: 107 - Public Services OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

State Grants 0 20,000 0 (20,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 1,463,200 1,463,200 1,442,200 (21,000) -1.44% 1,442,200 0 0.00% 1,442,200 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 0 (20,000) 0 20,000 -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Transfers In 44,263 44,263 0 (44,263) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 1,507,463 1,507,463 1,442,200 (65,263) -4.33% 1,442,200 0 0.00% 1,442,200 0 0.00%

Salaries 7,884,292 7,884,292 8,120,303 236,011 2.99% 8,120,303 0 0.00% 8,120,303 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 4,498,113 4,245,422 4,533,841 288,419 6.79% 4,533,841 0 0.00% 4,533,841 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 1,316,695 1,316,695 1,383,195 66,500 5.05% 1,383,195 0 0.00% 1,383,195 0 0.00%
Commodities 542,710 566,660 533,210 (33,450) -5.90% 533,210 0 0.00% 533,210 0 0.00%
Capital Outlay 0 9,188 0 (9,188) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Internal Services 3,262,219 3,417,570 3,466,429 48,859 1.43% 3,633,907 167,478 4.83% 3,642,527 8,620 0.24%
Grand Total Expenditures 17,504,029 17,439,827 18,036,978 597,151 3.42% 18,204,456 167,478 0.93% 18,213,076 8,620 0.05%


State Operating Grants decreased ($20,000) due to a one-time FY 2017 County Veterans Incentive Grant authorized by M.R. #17016;
funding was used to partially offset the cost of a wheelchair accessible van.
Charges for Services decreased ($21,000) due to reduction of MSU Extension fees collected for workshops.
Planned Use of Balance decreased ($20,000) due to a one-time FY 2017 County Veterans Incentive Grant authorized by M.R. #17016
(should have been posted to Non-Departmental correction included in the second (2nd) quarter forecast M.R. #17170)
A decrease in Transfers In ($44,263) for veterinarian hours budgeted per M.R. #14275, but not anticipated for FY 2017 and beyond.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services increased $66,500 mainly within the Medical Examiners Division. Increases for Transportation Services $40,000,
Laboratory Fees $12,000, and Laundry and Cleaning $5,000 are due to the increased cost of goods and services provided and a steady
increase in the number of cases being handled. In addition, a $9,500 increase is due to small changes between several line items within
other Public Services Divisions to reflect operating needs. This is paritally offset by a decrease in the Commodities category.
Commodities decreased ($33,450) primarily as a result of a decrease in Expendable Equipment ($23,950); Medical Examiners Office
($21,865) for FY 2017 Capital replacement of autopsy equipment and Circuit Court Probation ($2,085) for purchase of replacement
furniture. Office Supplies within Community Corrections Division decreased ($9,500) due to reduced activity. This is fully offset by an
increase in the Contractual Services category.
Capital Outlay decreased ($9,188) due to equipment purchased by the Medical Examiners Office in FY 2017.
Overall increase in Internal Services is $48,859 due to Building Space Cost Allocation $198,546 as Facilities Maintenance & Operations
determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been
adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Motor Pool $36,500 increased due to
adjustments in the lease and maintenance of vehicles and Motor Pool Fuel Charges $6,000 increased due to projected fuel rates. Info
Tech Ops $20,403, Info Tech CLEMIS $10,145, and Radio Communications $3,834 due to rate and usage level adjustments. These
increases are partially offset by decreases in Info Tech Development ($127,948) and Maintenance Department Charges ($27,403) as the
appropriations for these areas are budgeted in a Non-Departmental account and transferred to departments as needed per the General
Appropriation Act. Insurance Fund ($47,260) also decreased due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for

purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of
budgeted positons (50%). In addition, Equipment Rental ($13,072), Info Tech Managed Print Svcs ($6,875), and Telephone
Communications ($4,011) decreased due to rate and usage adjustments.

No changes.

Internal Services increased $167,478 due to Building Space Cost Allocation $152,478 which is based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations and Equipment Rental $20,000 due to rate and usage adjustments. The increases are offset by the Insurance
Fund ($5,000) which decreased due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the
Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%).

No changes.

Internal Services increased $8,620 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Department: 109 - Econ Dev and Comm Affairs OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 477,318 479,818 465,225 (14,593) -3.04% 492,742 27,517 5.91% 522,885 30,143 6.12%
Contributions 29,240 29,240 29,240 0 0.00% 29,240 0 0.00% 29,240 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 506,558 509,058 494,465 (14,593) -2.87% 521,982 27,517 5.57% 552,125 30,143 5.77%

Salaries 3,422,484 3,422,484 3,599,932 177,448 5.18% 3,599,932 0 0.00% 3,599,932 0 0.00%
Fringe Benefits 2,002,830 1,885,941 2,040,682 154,741 8.20% 2,040,682 0 0.00% 2,040,682 0 0.00%
Contractual Services 1,743,219 1,936,800 1,762,201 (174,599) -9.01% 1,762,201 0 0.00% 1,762,201 0 0.00%
Commodities 75,356 75,356 75,530 174 0.23% 75,530 0 0.00% 75,530 0 0.00%
Internal Services 897,922 967,795 908,363 (59,432) -6.14% 935,701 27,338 3.01% 937,249 1,548 0.17%
Grand Total Expenditures 8,141,811 8,288,376 8,386,708 98,332 1.19% 8,414,046 27,338 0.33% 8,415,594 1,548 0.02%


Charges for Services decreased overall ($14,593). Seminars/Conferences decreased ($30,000) due to the elimination of the Innovention
Conference and Sale of Maps ($10,000) due to reduction in demand of maps. Partially offset by Reimb General increase of $25,407 based
on anticipated community participation in the NO HAZ Program in FY 2018.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other Salaries and Fringe Benefits changes reflect the creation of a Full Time Eligible Small Business Analyst Position $78,027.
Contractual Services decreased ($174,599) due to the following: Professional Services ($147,900) and Advertising ($24,633) for one-time
carry-forward appropriation in FY 2017. Workshops and Meetings ($2,420) for one-time appropriation in FY 2017 for Manufacturing
Day. Offset by increase in Printing $314 and Mileage $40 anticipated for the NO HAZ Program.
Commodities increased $174 due to Information Supplies $94 and Office Supplies $80 anticipated for the NO HAZ Program.
Internal Services decreased ($59,432) due to Info Tech Development ($66,977) and Maintenance Department Charges ($2,896).
Appropriation for the two line items are budgeted in Non-Departmental and transferred as needed per the General Appropriations Act.
Also, decreases in Telephone Communications ($10,308) and Info Tech Managed Print Services ($2,064) due to rate and usage
adjustments. Decrease in Insurance Fund ($6,935) due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of
assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted
positions (50%). Offset by an increase in Info Tech Operations $26,924 and Motor Pool $300 as a result of allocation and usage
adjustments. Also, Building Space Cost Allocation increased $2,524 as Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each
building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring
equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements.

Charges for Services increased due to Reimb General $27,517 based on anticipated participation in the NO HAZ Program.

Internal Services increased $27,338 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Charges for Services increased $30,143 based on greater anticipated participation in the NO HAZ Program.

Internal Services increased $1,548 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Department: 901 - Non Departmental OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Property taxes 214,981,588 214,981,588 225,333,198 10,351,610 4.82% 234,526,786 9,193,588 4.08% 245,386,714 10,859,928 4.63%
State Grants 15,579,080 15,391,673 15,753,682 362,009 2.35% 15,827,994 74,312 0.47% 15,832,480 4,486 0.03%
Other Intergovern. Revenues 43,917,579 43,917,579 44,450,055 532,476 1.21% 44,450,055 0 0.00% 44,450,055 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 716,812 716,812 716,812 0 0.00% 716,812 0 0.00% 716,812 0 0.00%
Indirect Cost Recovery 8,000,000 8,046,170 8,134,737 88,567 1.10% 8,134,737 0 0.00% 8,134,737 0 0.00%
Investment Income 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 0 0.00% 1,800,000 0 0.00% 1,800,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 32,532,802 32,175,952 32,872,453 696,501 2.16% 31,512,560 (1,359,893) -4.14% 26,055,489 (5,457,071) -17.32%
Other Revenues 417,500 417,500 417,500 0 0.00% 417,500 0 0.00% 417,500 0 0.00%
Transfers In 9,000,000 9,000,000 6,000,000 (3,000,000) -33.33% 6,000,000 0 0.00% 6,000,000 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 326,945,361 326,447,274 335,478,437 9,031,163 2.77% 343,386,444 7,908,007 2.36% 348,793,787 5,407,343 1.57%

Contractual Services 353,305 353,305 353,305 0 0.00% 353,305 0 0.00% 353,305 0 0.00%
Non-Departmental 15,909,986 18,975,862 16,247,816 (2,728,046) -14.38% 17,747,816 1,500,000 9.23% 17,747,816 0 0.00%
Commodities 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% 30,000 0 0.00% 30,000 0 0.00%
Internal Services 3,149,123 2,748,951 3,013,898 264,947 9.64% 3,119,469 105,571 3.50% 3,125,436 5,967 0.19%
Transfers Out 38,314,645 39,053,136 38,272,803 (780,333) -2.00% 37,071,364 (1,201,439) -3.14% 37,066,601 (4,763) -0.01%
Grand Total Expenditures 57,757,059 61,161,254 57,917,822 (3,243,432) -5.30% 58,321,954 404,132 0.70% 58,323,158 1,204 0.00%


Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2017 Amended Budget:
Property Tax revenue had a net increase of $10,351,610 when comparing the FY 2017 amended budget to the FY 2018 recommended
budget. The overall increase reflects 5% for FY 2018.
State Grants Child Care Subsidy increased $362,009 and reflects 50% reimbursement of updated qualified costs.
Other Intergovernmental Revenues increased $532,476 primarily due to an increase in Convention Facility Liquor Tax of $675,660
and Revenue Sharing of $255,359 based on FY 2018 projections from the State of Michigan. This is partially offset by a reduction of
($400,000) in Local Community Stabilization Share Appropriation revenue for estimated personal property tax loss reimbursements
from the State.
Indirect Cost Recovery increased $88,567 due to increase in General Fund cost pool related to salary adjustments.
Planned Use of Fund Balance increased $696,501. The FY 2017 Amended Budget of $32.2 million, as of May 31, 2017, is the amount
budgeted for the appropriation of Encumbrances, Carry Forwards and one-time Special Projects approved by miscellaneous
resolutions. The FY 2018 budget assumes the anticipated use of fund balance of $32.9 million.
Transfers In had a net decrease of ($3,000,000) due to a reduction in the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) operating transfer to
the General Fund.

Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2017 Amended Budget:
Non-Departmental had a decrease of ($2,728,046): Road Commission Tri-Party ($1,752,230) and Local Road Funding Program
($726,780) because funding for new projects comes from the Assigned Fund Balance. Also a decrease in Juvenile Resentencing of
($586,866) which was appropriated through FY 2017 to reexamine juvenile life sentence cases. This is partially offset by an increase
in Substance Abuse Coordinating Agency $337,830 for payments to Oakland Community Health Network (formerly Oakland County
Community Mental Health Authority) for substance abuse prevention and treatment programs representing one-half of the convention
facility tax revenues received from the State.
Internal Services had a net increase of $264,947: An increase in Maintenance Department Charges of $400,172 to restore annual
appropriations; costs for Maintenance Department Charges are re-appropriated to departmental funds on an as needed basis by various
miscellaneous resolutions based on actual usage, per the General Appropriations Act. The Insurance Fund line item decreased by
($5,874) due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost
centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%). The Building Space Cost
Allocation decreased ($129,351) as Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated

costs to operate and maintain the building; costs for maintenance of common space and temporary vacant space are included in Non-
Transfers Out had a net decrease of ($780,333); changes include: a reduction of ($829,836) transfer out to the Project Work Order
Fund as FY 2017 was increased to cover various maintenance projects, a decrease of ($200,000) to the CLEMIS Fund and ($6,250) to
the Building Authority Facilities and Information Technology Projects debt fund. This is partially offset by a $239,576 increase for the
transfer out to the Child Care Fund and $16,177 to the Fire Records Management Fund.

Same as the FY 2018 Recommended Revenue Budget except for these specific line item adjustments:
Property Tax revenue had a net increase of $9,193,588 and includes a projected 5% over FY 2018.
State Grants Child Care Subsidy increased $74,312 and reflects 50% reimbursement of updated qualified costs.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($1,359,893) and reflects the planned use of fund balance.

Same as the FY 2018 Recommended Expense Budget except for these specific line item adjustments:
Non-Departmental increased $1,500,000 to restore the Interest Expense budget.
Internal Services increased $105,571 for Building Space Cost Allocation as building rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.
Transfers Out had a net decrease of ($1,201,439) due to a reduction of ($1,268,000) to the Project Work Order Fund as maintenance
projects are determined on an annual basis, a decrease of ($7,750) to the Building Authority Facilities and Information Technology
Projects debt fund. This is offset by an increase of $74,311 to the Child Care Fund.

Same as the FY 2019 Recommended Revenue Budget except for these specific line item adjustments:
Property Tax revenue had a net increase of 10,859,928 and includes a projected 4.5% over FY 2019.
State Grants Child Care Subsidy increased $4,486 and reflects 50% reimbursement of updated qualified costs.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($5,457,071) and reflects the planned use of fund balance.

Same as the FY 2019 Recommended Expense Budget except for these specific line item adjustments:
Internal Services increased $5,967 for Building Space Cost Allocation as building rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.
Transfers Out decreased a net of ($4,763); a decrease of ($9,250) to the Building Authority Facilities and Information Technology
Projects debt fund which is partially offset by an increase of $4,487 to the Child Care Fund.

Department: 909 - Non Departmental Transfers OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: General Fund / General Purpose FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Transfers In 23,443,791 23,284,446 23,524,022 239,576 1.03% 23,598,333 74,311 0.32% 23,602,820 4,487 0.02%
Grand Total Revenues 23,443,791 23,284,446 23,524,022 239,576 1.03% 23,598,333 74,311 0.32% 23,602,820 4,487 0.02%

Contractual Services 1,774,289 1,207,804 1,779,537 571,733 47.34% 1,780,820 1,283 0.07% 1,780,820 0 0.00%
Non-Departmental 3,873,731 3,194,658 2,755,423 (439,235) -13.75% 9,049,349 6,293,926 228.42% 13,946,684 4,897,335 54.12%
Capital Outlay 250,000 193,502 791,950 598,448 309.27% 250,000 (541,950) -68.43% 250,000 0 0.00%
Internal Services 5,281,710 3,211,329 5,698,874 2,487,545 77.46% 5,755,862 56,988 1.00% 5,813,421 57,559 1.00%
Transfers Out 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 11,179,730 7,807,293 11,025,784 3,218,491 41.22% 16,836,031 5,810,247 52.70% 21,790,925 4,954,894 29.43%


Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2017 Amended Budget:
Transfers In appropriations are for transfers into the Child Care fund and the Social Welfare Foster Care fund from the General Fund.
They are offset by Transfers Out budgeted in the Non-Departmental Operations section of the General Fund. The Transfers In increase of
$239,576 represents the change for the Child Care fund from $23,283,446 in FY 2017 to $23,523,022 in FY 2018 due to net operations
increase; and no change to the Social Welfare Foster Care fund transfer of $1,000 in FY 2017 and FY 2018.

Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2017 Amended Budget:
Contractual Services has an increase of $571,733 due to Grant Match increase of $402,655 to restore annual appropriation; Grant Match
budget is reduced throughout the year because of re-appropriations to departments for various grant acceptances per miscellaneous
resolutions. Also, there is an increase in the Contingency line item of $169,078 to restore annual appropriation.
Non-Departmental had a net decrease of ($439,235) due to a reduction of ($600,000) for Juvenile Resentencing which was budgeted in
FY 2017 to cover costs of Supreme Court ruling to reexamine juvenile life sentence cases, ($19,000) in Overtime Reserve to cover an
increase in Overtime within Facilities Maintenance and Engineering Department due to higher workload demands. This is partially
offset by an increase of $93,185 in Emergency Salaries Reserve to restore annual appropriation; $60,868 increase in Security Reserve
based on one-time uses in FY 2017, and $25,612 Classification and Rate Change to restore the annual appropriation.
Capital Outlay increased $598,448 to restore annual appropriation and increase by $541,950 for equipment anticipated for Sheriff,
Medical Examiner, Mail Room and Clarkston District Court.
Internal Services Information Technology Development increased $2,487,545 to restore annual appropriations.

Same as FY 2018 Recommended Revenue Budget except for these specific line item adjustments:
Transfers In appropriations are for transfers into the Child Care fund and the Social Welfare Foster Care fund from the General Fund.
They are offset by Transfers Out budgeted in the Non-Departmental Operations section of the General Fund. The Transfers In increase
of $74,311 represents the change for the Child Care fund from $23,523,022 in FY 2018 to $23,597,333 in FY 2019; and no change to
the Social Welfare Foster Care fund transfer of $1,000 in FY 2018 and FY 2019. The Child Care fund increase is because of a net
operations increase.

Same as FY 2018 Recommended Expense Budget except for these specific line item adjustments:
Non-Departmental increased $6,293,926; major changes include Salary Adjustment Reserve increase of $1,785,650 to reflect an
anticipated 1% salary increase for General Fund departments and $2,400,000 contingency amount for the Human Resources
Compensation and Classification study; Fringe Benefit Reserve increased $683,716 to reflect fringe benefit adjustments related to the
salary increase and $1,428,049 for a 4% increase of medical costs.
Capital Outlay decreased by $541,950 for equipment replacement needs included in FY 2018 for Sheriff, Medical Examiner, Mail
Room and Clarkston District Court.
Internal Services Information Technology Development increased $56,988 to restore annual appropriations.

Same as FY 2019 Recommended Revenue Budget except for these specific line item adjustments:
Transfers In appropriations are for transfers into the Child Care fund and the Social Welfare Foster Care fund from the General Fund.
They are offset by Transfers Out budgeted in the Non-Departmental Operations section of the General Fund. The Transfers In increase
of $4,487 represents the change for the Child Care fund from $23,597,333 in FY 2019 to $23,601,820 in FY 2020; and no change to the
Social Welfare Foster Care fund transfer of $1,000 in FY 2019 and FY 2020. The Child Care fund increase is because of a net
operations increase.

Same as FY 2019 Recommended Expense Budget except for these specific line item adjustments:
Non-Departmental increased $4,897,335: Salary Adjustment Reserve increased $1,785,580 to reflect an anticipated 1% increase in
Salaries for General Fund departments; Fringe Benefit Reserve increased $683,706 to reflect fringe benefits associated with the salary
increase, $1,428,049 for a 4% increase of medical costs and $1,000,000 for an estimated pension contribution.
Internal Services Information Technology Development increased $57,559 for anticipated rate adjustments.

*Expenditure Note: Costs are appropriated in the General Funds Non-Departmental Transfers budget and then re-appropriated to
departmental funds on an as needed basis in each fiscal year by various miscellaneous resolutions based on actual usage, per the General
Appropriations Act.

Fund: 51600 - Delinquent Tax Revolving OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 14,000,000 14,000,000 13,312,900 (687,100) -4.91% 13,112,900 (200,000) -1.50% 13,012,900 (100,000) -0.76%
Investment Income 1,470,000 1,470,000 1,470,000 0 0.00% 1,470,000 0 0.00% 1,470,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 2,365,113 2,360,626 0 (2,360,626) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 17,835,113 17,830,626 14,782,900 (3,047,726) -17.09% 14,582,900 (200,000) -1.35% 14,482,900 (100,000) -0.69%

Salaries 118,176 118,176 124,530 6,354 5.38% 125,775 1,245 1.00% 127,033 1,258 1.00%
Fringe Benefits 85,835 81,348 87,364 6,016 7.40% 87,841 477 0.55% 87,846 5 0.01%
Contractual Services 386,638 386,638 297,270 (89,368) -23.11% 333,422 36,152 12.16% 374,835 41,413 12.42%
Interest on Debt 223,069 223,069 230,625 7,556 3.39% 293,125 62,500 27.10% 355,625 62,500 21.32%
Internal Services 201,917 201,917 402,033 200,116 99.11% 402,033 0 0.00% 402,033 0 0.00%
Transfers Out 16,819,478 16,819,478 13,356,000 (3,463,478) -20.59% 13,235,550 (120,450) -0.90% 13,135,100 (100,450) -0.76%
Budgeted Equity Adjustment 0 0 285,078 285,078 0.00% 105,154 (179,924) -63.11% 428 (104,726) -99.59%
Grand Total Expenditures 17,835,113 17,830,626 14,782,900 (3,047,726) -17.09% 14,582,900 (200,000) -1.35% 14,482,900 (100,000) -0.69%


The overall decrease in Charges for Services ($687,100) is due to an expected reduction in taxes returned to the County Treasurer as
delinquent for collection.
Planned Use of Balance decreased ($2,360,626) to cover the funds operations due to lower taxes being returned as delinquent and reduced
Transfers Out.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
The decrease in Contractual Services of ($89,368) is due to less than anticipated charges in Professional Services ($70,000),
Administrative Overhead ($10,000), Professional Service-Financial Consultant ($5,000), Legal Services ($3,000), Paying Agents Fee
Contractual ($800), and Indirect Costs ($568).
Budget Equity Adjustments $285,078 increased to balance the FY 2018 budget.
The increase in Interest on Debt $7,556 is due to anticipated higher interest rates on borrowing.
Overall increase in Internal Services is $200,116. The increase is mainly attributable to Info Tech Development $200,000 due to the Tax
Management System project per M.R. #14259 and Insurance Fund $116 which is due to fluctuations associated with the allocation
methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and
current exposure of budgeted positons (50%).
Transfers Out overall decrease of ($3,463,478) is primarily due to the reduction of the annual subsidy ($3,000,000) to the General Fund; it
decreased from $9.0 million to $6.0 million. Also, Collection Fees decreased ($448,178) due to lower taxes being returned to the County
Treasurer as delinquent. Collection Fees are transferred to the Treasurers General Fund. A statutory fee of 4% is added to delinquent
taxes and remains in the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) for three years.
Included in the $13.4 million transfer out is an annual subsidy transfer made up of $6.0 million to the General Fund Non-Departmental,
$2.6 million for Collection Fees, $1.6 million for Work Release Facility Refunding Debt Service, $1.3 million for Rochester District
Court Refunding Debt Service, $0.5 million for Purchase of Executive Bldg. Refunding Debt Service, and $1.4 million for Renovation of
Executive Bldg Refunding Debt Service.

The overall decrease in Charges for Services ($200,000) is due to an expected reduction in taxes returned to the County Treasurer as

The overall change in Controllable Personnel is attributable to a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
The increase in Contractual Services of $36,152 is related based on anticipated charges in Professional Services $20,000 and Indirect
Costs $16,152.
Budget Equity Adjustments ($179,924) decreased to balance the FY 2019 budget.
The increase in Interest on Debt $62,500 is due to anticipated higher interest rates on borrowing.
Transfers Out overall decrease of ($120,450) is primarily due to a decrease in Collection Fees due to lower taxes being returned to the
County Treasurer as delinquent. Collection Fees are transferred to the Treasurers General Fund. A statutory fee of 4% is added to
delinquent taxes and remains in the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) for three years.
Included in the $13.2 million transfer out is an annual subsidy transfer made up of $6.0 million to the General Fund Non-Departmental,
$2.5 million for Collection Fees, $1.5 million for Work Release Facility Refunding Debt Service, $1.3 million for Rochester District
Court Refunding Debt, $0.5 million for Purchase of Executive Bldg. Refunding Debt Service, and $1.4 million for Renovation of
Executive Bldg Debt Service.

The overall decrease in Charges for Services ($100,000) is due to an expected reduction in taxes returned to the County Treasurer as

The overall change in Controllable Personnel is attributable to a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
The decrease in Contractual Services of $41,413 is based on anticipated charges in Professional Services $23,000 and Indirect Costs
Budget Equity Adjustments ($104,726) decreased to balance the FY 2020 budget.
The increase in Interest on Debt $62,500 is due to anticipated higher interest rates on borrowing.
Transfers Out overall decrease of ($100,450) is primarily due to Collection Fees. It decreased in part due to lower taxes being returned to
the County Treasurer as delinquent. Collection Fees are transferred to the Treasurers General Fund. A statutory fee of 4% is added to
delinquent taxes and remains in the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) for three years.

Included in the $13.1 million transfer out is an annual subsidy transfer made up of $6.0 million to the General Fund Non-Departmental,
$2.4 million for Collection Fees, $1.5 million for Work Release Facility Refunding Debt Service, $1.3 million for Rochester District
Court Refunding Debt, $0.5 million for Purchase of Executive Bldg. Refunding Debt Service, and $1.4 million for Renovation of
Executive Bldg. Debt Service.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 51800 - Delinqt Personal Prop Tax Adm OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 452,300 452,300 402,300 (50,000) -11.05% 402,300 0 0.00% 402,300 0 0.00%
Investment Income 750 750 500 (250) -33.33% 500 0 0.00% 500 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 34,259 27,945 82,565 54,620 195.46% 85,964 3,399 4.12% 88,132 2,168 2.52%
Grand Total Revenues 487,309 480,995 485,365 4,370 0.91% 488,764 3,399 0.70% 490,932 2,168 0.44%

Salaries 214,980 214,980 211,194 (3,786) -1.76% 213,306 2,112 1.00% 215,439 2,133 1.00%
Fringe Benefits 121,349 115,035 130,978 15,943 13.86% 131,787 809 0.62% 131,795 8 0.01%
Contractual Services 105,773 105,773 105,773 0 0.00% 105,773 0 0.00% 105,773 0 0.00%
Commodities 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0.00% 7,000 0 0.00% 7,000 0 0.00%
Internal Services 38,207 38,207 30,420 (7,787) -20.38% 30,898 478 1.57% 30,925 27 0.09%
Grand Total Expenditures 487,309 480,995 485,365 4,370 0.91% 488,764 3,399 0.70% 490,932 2,168 0.44%


The decrease in Charges for Services ($50,000) is a result of a lower number of parcels expected to be turned over to the County
Treasurer as delinquent.
Investment Income decreases of ($250) due to a lower fund balance.
Due to the decline in revenues resulting from fewer taxes returned delinquent and legislation to phase out Personal Property taxes, an
increase of $54,620 in Planned Use of Balance balances the FY 2018 budget.

The overall change in Controllable Personnel is attributable to a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-
time fringe benefit reduction in FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Internal Services net decrease of ($7,787) is primarily due to Motor Pool ($8,000) and Motor Pool Fuel Charges $500 as a result of rate
and usage adjustments. Insurance Fund ($353) which is due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for
purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of
budgeted positons (50%).

Planned Use of Balance increase of $3,399 is to balance the FY 2019 budget.

The overall change in Controllable Personnel is attributable to a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
The overall increase in Internal Services of $478 is due to a Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Planned Use of Balance increase of $2,168 is to balance the FY 2020 budget.

The overall change in Controllable Personnel is attributable to a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 50800 - Parks and Recreation OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Property taxes 12,870,200 12,870,200 13,336,000 465,800 3.62% 13,802,700 466,700 3.50% 14,174,053 371,353 2.69%
Other Intergovern. Revenues 0 271,123 0 (271,123) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 9,975,565 10,317,465 10,571,190 253,725 2.46% 10,571,190 0 0.00% 10,571,190 0 0.00%
Contributions 71,700 71,700 654,200 582,500 812.41% 54,200 (600,000) -91.72% 54,200 0 0.00%
Investment Income 222,000 222,000 220,000 (2,000) -0.90% 220,000 0 0.00% 220,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 2,022,599 1,909,013 1,590,376 (318,637) -16.69% 423,309 (1,167,067) -73.38% 0 (423,309) -100.00%
Other Revenues 0 23,705 0 (23,705) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Capital Contributions 45,000 45,000 84,000 39,000 86.67% 0 (84,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 25,207,064 25,730,206 26,455,766 725,560 2.82% 25,071,399 (1,384,367) -5.23% 25,019,443 (51,956) -0.21%

Salaries 8,709,507 9,232,916 9,594,169 361,253 3.91% 9,690,111 95,942 1.00% 9,787,012 96,901 1.00%
Fringe Benefits 3,049,920 2,904,453 3,018,094 113,641 3.91% 3,048,275 30,181 1.00% 3,078,758 30,483 1.00%
Contractual Services 7,012,344 7,007,044 7,060,501 53,457 0.76% 6,519,681 (540,820) -7.66% 6,519,681 0 0.00%
Commodities 1,208,240 1,314,840 1,559,374 244,534 18.60% 1,305,574 (253,800) -16.28% 1,305,574 0 0.00%
Depreciation 3,565,330 3,588,730 3,364,650 (224,080) -6.24% 2,838,780 (525,870) -15.63% 2,659,440 (179,340) -6.32%
Internal Services 1,661,723 1,682,223 1,668,978 (13,245) -0.79% 1,668,978 0 0.00% 1,668,978 0 0.00%
Transfers Out 0 0 190,000 190,000 0.00% 0 (190,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 25,207,064 25,730,206 26,455,766 725,560 2.82% 25,071,399 (1,384,367) -5.23% 25,019,443 (51,956) -0.21%



Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2017 Amended Budget:
Property tax revenue increased $465,800 based on estimated increase in the projected recovery in property tax values.
Other Intergovernmental Revenues are reduced ($271,123) due to personal property tax loss reimbursement from the State of
Charges for Services increased $253,725 to bring the budget in line with historical and seasonal fluctuations, including Special
Contracts $63,955, Rental Units or Events $169,500, Fees Camping $127,000, Rental Facilities $29,100, Fees Day Use $22,000,
Commission Contracts $14,650, Entrance Fees Gen Admission $35,000 and Commission Food Services $101,445; partially offset
by decrease in Reimb Contracts ($125,200) based on concession trends, Sales Retail ($129,000) and Greens Fees ($39,000) based
on current trend.
Contributions increased overall by $582,500 primarily due to an agreement with Independence Township for reimbursement for
the construction of a Safety Path at Independence Oaks Park, $600,000.
Overall Planned Use of Balance decreased ($318,637) in response to overall operating decreases, including a decrease in
Depreciation ($224,080), and net operating revenue gains.
Other Revenues are reduced ($23,705) reflecting the receivable write-off of Katherines Catering, authorized per M.R. #16336.
Capital Contributions increased $39,000 per M.R. #17159 and capital improvement project #1261 SAC Fair Paving
Improvements. Action reflects a parking lot pavement agreement with the Oakland County Fair Board, slated for completion by
November of 2017.


Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2017 Amended Budget:
Controllable Personnel includes a 3.0% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also, reflects a one-time fringe benefit
reduction in FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Salary and Fringe Benefit accounts were also adjusted to bring the budget in line with recent usage trends in PTNE positions
and reflect Human Resources recommendations.
Contractual Services are increased $53,457 reflecting updates to bring the various accounts in line with historical trends including
increases in General Program Administration $45,599, Natural Gas $34,450, Security Expense $10,829, Charge Card Fee $9,900,
Equipment Rental $6,850, Garbage and Rubbish Disposal $3,100, Licenses and Permits $1,590, Custodial Services $3,800,

Software Support Maintenance $4,800, Travel and Conference $6,700, Water and Sewer Charges $45,150 and Equipment
Maintenance $13,166; partially offset by decreases in Grounds Maintenance ($31,088), Indirect Costs ($8,700), Electrical Service
($4,713), Contracted Services ($79,300), Advertising ($6,000) and Miscellaneous ($2,950).
Overall Commodities increased $244,534 due to anticipated purchase of golf carts in FY2018, $256,400. The increase is also
attributable to increases for Uniforms $8,950, Special Event Supplies $3,730 and Custodial Supplies $3,150; partially offset by
reductions in Merchandise ($16,250), Office Supplies ($5,050), and Recreation Supplies ($7,825) to reflect current usage.
Depreciation expense decreased ($224,080) based on current level of depreciable assets.
Internal Services decreased overall by ($13,245) due to reductions in Motor Pool ($13,000), Maintenance Department Charges
($9,235) and Motor Pool Fuel Charges ($8,100), partially offset by increase in Insurance $13,000; a result of fluctuations
associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the County various cost centers, which is based
on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%) and Info Tech Development $4,000.
Transfers Out increased $190,000 for the anticipated purchase of three vehicles.


Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2018 Recommended Budget:
Same as FY 2018 Recommended Revenue Budget except for these specific adjustments:
Property Tax Levy is increased $466,700 based on projected property tax values.
Contributions are decreased ($600,000) due to contribution from Independence Township for the Safety Path project to be
received in FY2018.
Planned Use of Balance decreased ($1,167,067) reflecting reduced funding of the Safety Path project at Independence Oaks from
$807,000 in FY2017 to $504,820 in FY2018. Additional reductions in Planned Use of Balance include Depreciation expense,
($525,870) and overall operating decreases and net operating revenue gains.
Capital Contributions decreased ($84,000) per M.R. #17159 and capital improvement project #1261 SAC Fair Paving
Improvements. Action reflects a parking lot pavement agreement with the Oakland County Fair Board, slated for completion by
November of 2017.


Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2018 Recommended Budget:
Salaries and Fringe Benefits are increased to reflect a recommended 1.0% general salary increase, $126,123.
Contractual Services are decreased ($540,820) due to completion of Independence Safety Path in FY2018, ($504,820) and
adjustments to General Program Administration-Building Maintenance allocations ($36,000).
Commodities decreased ($253,800) reflective of golf cart purchases made in FY2018.
Depreciation expense decreased ($525,870) based on current level of depreciable assets.

Transfers Out decreased ($190,000) reflective of vehicle purchases made in FY2018.


Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2019 Recommended Budget:
Property Tax Levy increased by $371,353 based on projected property tax values.
Planned Use of Balance decreased ($423,309), the result of reduced Depreciation expense ($179,340), projected growth in
Property Tax revenue and overall operating decreases and net operating revenue gains.


Increase or (Decrease) compared to the FY 2019 Recommended Budget:
Salaries and Fringe Benefits are increased to reflect a recommended 1.0% general salary increase, $127,384.
Depreciation expense decreased ($179,340) based on current level of depreciable assets.

Department: Water Resources Commissioner OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: Sewage Disposal Systems FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Federal Grants Non-Operating 82,722 82,722 82,722 0 0.00% 82,722 0 0.00% 82,722 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 138,873,345 138,873,345 145,348,711 6,475,366 4.66% 145,595,516 246,805 0.17% 145,625,267 29,751 0.02%
Investment Income 700,000 700,000 700,000 0 0.00% 700,000 0 0.00% 700,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 191,890 191,890 127,302 (64,588) -33.66% 0 (127,302) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Other Revenues 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0.00% 3,000 0 0.00% 3,000 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 139,850,957 139,850,957 146,261,735 6,410,778 4.58% 146,381,238 119,503 0.08% 146,410,989 29,751 0.02%

Contractual Services 130,250,473 130,250,473 136,232,124 5,981,651 4.59% 136,236,712 4,588 0.00% 136,236,712 0 0.00%
Commodities 344,200 344,200 543,100 198,900 57.79% 543,100 0 0.00% 543,100 0 0.00%
Depreciation 3,329,758 3,329,758 4,075,543 745,785 22.40% 4,060,897 (14,646) -0.36% 4,060,897 0 0.00%
Interest on Debt 259,929 259,929 247,475 (12,454) -4.79% 247,475 0 0.00% 247,475 0 0.00%
Paying Agent Fees 800 800 300 (500) -62.50% 300 0 0.00% 300 0 0.00%
Internal Services 5,665,797 5,665,797 5,163,193 (502,604) -8.87% 5,292,754 129,561 2.51% 5,322,505 29,751 0.56%
Grand Total Expenditures 139,850,957 139,850,957 146,261,735 6,410,778 4.58% 146,381,238 119,503 0.08% 146,410,989 29,751 0.02%


Charges for Services $6,475,366 increase is the result of Great Lakes Water Authority and the Water Resources Commissioners annual
rate adjustments, which are passed along to the members of the Sewage Disposal Systems.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($64,588) due to the FY 2017 budget provided funds of ($191,890) to pay the initial cost of
three (3) new positions and fourteen (14) position reclassifications and the FY 2018 recommended budget provides funds of $127,302 to
pay the initial cost of six (6) new positions and nine (9) position reclassifications.

Sewage Disposal Systems Contractual Services $5,981,651 increase is due to projected sewage disposal service costs from the Great
Lakes Water Authority.
Commodities $198,900 increase to reflect spending trend on materials and supplies used to operate the sewage disposal systems.
Depreciation reflects a $745,785 increase per updated depreciation schedule.
Interest on Debt ($12,454) decrease for interest expense on the 13 Mile Road Sink Hole loan and Evergreen Farmington Sewage Disposal
System 8-Mile Pump Station Rehab project.
Paying Agent Fees ($500) decrease due to a reduction in the annual fee calculation on the Evergreen Farmington Sewage Disposal System
Internal Services ($502,604) decrease for Drain Equipment Labor ($513,945) to reflect the FY 2018 salary forecast charged from the
Drain Equipment Fund based on the historical spending in the fund from the previous year, includes six (6) new positions and nine (9)
position reclassifications due to workloads and a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefit changes that are included in the Drain
Equipment labor rate. Also, includes actual activity due to changes in services provided by Information Technology Operations
($10,000), Drain Equipment Materials ($6,000), Motor Pool ($1,000) and Drain Equipment $28,284.

Charges for Services increased $246,805 a result of Great Lakes Water Authority and the Water Resources Commissioners annual rate
adjustments, which are passed along to the members of the Sewage Disposal Systems.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($127,302) due to funds provided in FY 2018 to pay the initial cost of six (6) new positions and
nine (9) position reclassifications.

Sewage Disposal Systems Contractual Services $4,588 increase is due to projected sewage disposal service costs from the Great Lakes
Water Authority.
Depreciation reflects a ($14,646) decrease per updated depreciation schedule.
Internal Services increased $129,561 primarily related to Drain Equipment Labor $123,275 increase to reflect 1% salary increase and
associated fringe benefit charges from the Drain Equipment Fund and $6,286 increase for a change in services provided by Drain

Charges for Services $29,751 increase is the result of Great Lakes Water Authority and the Water Resources Commissioners annual rate
adjustments, which are passed along to the members of the Sewage Disposal Systems.

Internal Services - Drain Equipment Labor $29,751 increase to reflect 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefit charges from the
Drain Equipment Fund.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Department: Water Resources Commissioner OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
Fund: Water and Sewer Trust FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Special Assessments 278,600 278,600 456,000 177,400 63.68% 456,000 0 0.00% 456,000 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 89,196,046 89,197,965 96,211,443 7,013,478 7.86% 96,496,399 284,956 0.30% 96,685,813 189,414 0.20%
Investment Income 750,000 750,000 650,000 (100,000) -13.33% 650,000 0 0.00% 650,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 54,825 15,190,806 121,495 (15,069,311) -99.20% 0 (121,495) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Other Revenues 11,350 11,350 11,350 0 0.00% 11,350 0 0.00% 11,350 0 0.00%
Gain or Loss on Exchg of Asset 0 (14,937,100) 0 14,937,100 -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 90,290,821 90,491,621 97,450,288 6,958,667 7.69% 97,613,749 163,461 0.17% 97,803,163 189,414 0.19%

Salaries 105,886 105,886 111,844 5,958 5.63% 112,953 1,109 0.99% 114,073 1,120 0.99%
Fringe Benefits 73,831 70,086 74,945 4,859 6.93% 75,369 424 0.57% 75,798 429 0.57%
Contractual Services 42,722,993 42,722,993 45,951,917 3,228,924 7.56% 45,950,384 (1,533) 0.00% 45,948,835 (1,549) 0.00%
Commodities 1,988,000 1,988,000 2,718,200 730,200 36.73% 2,718,200 0 0.00% 2,718,200 0 0.00%
Depreciation 2,932,129 2,932,129 3,003,919 71,790 2.45% 3,027,846 23,927 0.80% 3,027,846 0 0.00%
Intergovernmental 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 0 0.00% 14,000,000 0 0.00% 14,000,000 0 0.00%
Interest on Debt 175,000 175,000 300,000 125,000 71.43% 300,000 0 0.00% 300,000 0 0.00%
Internal Services 28,292,982 28,294,901 31,222,526 2,927,625 10.35% 31,428,997 206,471 0.66% 31,618,411 189,414 0.60%
Transfers Out 0 202,626 66,937 (135,689) -66.97% 0 (66,937) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 90,290,821 90,491,621 97,450,288 6,958,667 7.69% 97,613,749 163,461 0.17% 97,803,163 189,414 0.19%


Special Assessments Payment in Lieu of Assessments increased $175,000 a result of Oakland Township water recovery cost for
improvement to storage/water treatment facility and Special Assessments increased $2,400 due to Farmington Hills sewer/water paybacks
per agreement with the City of Farmington Hills.
Charges for Services overall increased $7,013,478 mainly attributed to the Great Lakes Water Authority and Water Resources
Commissioners annual rate adjustments, which are passed along to the customers of the Water and Sewage Systems.
Investment Income decrease of ($100,000) is anticipated due to a decrease in cash balance available for investments.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($15,069,311) primarily due to ($14,937,100) as a result of transferring ownership of the
capital assets of the Oakland Township Water Supply System Fund to the Charter Township of Oakland (M.R. #17020). Also, transfer
of ($202,626) from various water and sewer funds to the Information Technology Fund to pay for the Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Solution and Automatic Call Distribution (ADC) solution, as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution and the
FY 2017 budget provided funds of ($54,825) to pay the initial cost of three (3) new positions and fourteen (14) position
reclassifications. The FY 2018 recommended budget provides funds of $121,495 to pay the initial cost of six (6) new positions, nine (9)
position reclassifications and two (2) vehicles.
Gain or Loss on Exchange of Asset increased $14,937,100 due to M.R. #17020 that transferred ownership of the capital assets of the
Oakland Township Water Supply System Fund to the Charter Township of Oakland.

Salary and Fringes increased $10,817 to reflect the salary forecast for two Fiscal Services positions assigned to perform the water and
sewer system accounting and includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services increased $3,228,924 due to anticipated annual fee adjustment for water usage and sewer disposal services.
Commodities $730,200 increase to reflect spending trend on materials and supplies used to operate the systems.
Depreciation reflects a $71,790 increase per updated depreciation schedule.
Interest on Debt increased $125,000 due to the Pontiac Water and Sewer Fund payments on the State Revolving Fund loans.
Internal Services $2,927,625 increase for Drain Equipment Labor $438,675 to reflect the FY 2018 salary forecast charged from the Drain
Equipment Fund based on the historical spending in the fund from the previous year, includes six (6) new positions and nine (9) position
reclassifications due to workloads and a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefit changes that are included in the Drain Equipment
labor rate. Also, includes actual activity due to changes in services provided by Drain Equipment $1,598,902, Drain Equipment Materials
$850,000, Motor Pool $37,500, Information Technology Operations $6,010 and Motor Pool Fuel Charges ($2,500).
Transfer Out decreased ($135,689) due to a transfer of ($202,626) from various water and sewer funds to the Information Technology
Fund to pay for the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Solution and Automatic Call Distribution (ADC) Solution as noted in the FY

2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution. Also, the FY 2018 recommended budget provides funds of $66,937 to pay the initial
cost of two (2) vehicles.

Charges for Services increased $284,956 mainly attributed to the Great Lakes Water Authority and Water Resources Commissioners
annual rate adjustments, which are passed along to the customers of the Water and Sewage Systems.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($121,495) due to the funds provided in FY 2018 to pay the initial cost of six (6) new positions,
nine (9) position reclassifications and two (2) vehicles.

Salary and Fringes increased $1,533 to reflect a 1% increase for the two Fiscal Services positions assigned to perform the water and sewer
system accounting.
Contractual Services decreased ($1,533) to offset for the two Fiscal Services positions that are allocated to the various water and sewer
retail systems and charged as Administrative Overhead.
Depreciation reflects a $23,927 increase per updated depreciation schedule.
Internal Services increased $206,471 primarily related to Drain Equipment Labor $227,704 increase to reflect 1% salary increase and
associated fringe benefit charges from the Drain Equipment Fund and ($21,233) decrease for a change in services provided by Drain
Transfer Out decreased ($66,937) due to the funds provided in FY 2018 to pay the initial cost of two (2) vehicles.

Charges for Services increased $189,414 mainly attributed to the Great Lakes Water Authority and Water Resources Commissioners
annual rate adjustments, which are passed along to the customers of the Water and Sewage Systems.

Salary and Fringes increased $1,549 to reflect a 1% increase for two Fiscal Service positions assigned to perform the water and sewer
system accounting.
Contractual Services decreased ($1,549) to offset for the two Fiscal Service positions that are allocated to the various water and sewer
retail systems and charged as Administrative Overhead.
Internal Services Drain Equipment Labor $189,414 increase to reflect 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefit charges from the
Drain Equipment fund.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 63900 - Drain Equipment OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

State Grants 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Charges for Services 41,881,166 41,883,085 43,831,385 1,948,300 4.65% 44,231,932 400,547 0.91% 44,643,241 411,309 0.93%
Ext ISF Charges for Services 161,000 161,000 181,000 20,000 12.42% 181,000 0 0.00% 181,000 0 0.00%
Contributions 780,083 780,083 0 (780,083) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Investment Income 25,000 25,000 65,000 40,000 160.00% 65,000 0 0.00% 65,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 38,101 (684,693) 175,227 859,920 -125.59% 0 (175,227) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Other Revenues 0 0 2,200 2,200 0.00% 2,200 0 0.00% 2,200 0 0.00%
Gain or Loss on Exchg of Asset 19,000 19,000 9,000 (10,000) -52.63% 9,000 0 0.00% 9,000 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 42,904,350 42,183,475 44,263,812 2,080,337 4.93% 44,489,132 225,320 0.51% 44,900,441 411,309 0.92%

Salaries 20,957,529 20,958,913 22,014,979 1,056,066 5.04% 22,315,973 300,994 1.37% 22,539,095 223,122 1.00%
Fringe Benefits 14,241,436 13,519,177 14,444,744 925,567 6.85% 14,581,928 137,184 0.95% 14,665,435 83,507 0.57%
Contractual Services 2,070,730 2,070,730 1,262,150 (808,580) -39.05% 1,262,150 0 0.00% 1,262,150 0 0.00%
Commodities 1,160,850 1,160,850 1,601,200 440,350 37.93% 1,571,500 (29,700) -1.85% 1,571,500 0 0.00%
Depreciation 895,515 895,515 951,560 56,045 6.26% 919,892 (31,668) -3.33% 1,016,792 96,900 10.53%
Interest on Debt 2,500 2,500 350 (2,150) -86.00% 350 0 0.00% 350 0 0.00%
Internal Services 3,575,790 3,575,790 3,831,714 255,924 7.16% 3,837,339 5,625 0.15% 3,845,119 7,780 0.20%
Transfers Out 0 0 157,115 157,115 0.00% 0 (157,115) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Budgeted Equity Adjustment 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 42,904,350 42,183,475 44,263,812 2,080,337 4.93% 44,489,132 225,320 0.51% 44,900,441 411,309 0.92%


Charges for Services net increase of $1,948,300 due to Reimbursement Salaries $1,535,074 for six (6) new positions and ten (10)
position reclassifications due to workloads and a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. In addition, Equipment Rental
increased $362,662 to be more in line with the use of equipment, Vehicle Rental increased $265,995 to be more in line with the use
of vehicles by staff, a $46,900 rate increase for Maintenance Contracts for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System
(SCADA) charges, Reimbursement General decreased ($224,556) to more accurately reflect the reimbursement amounts for
Materials and Supplies and Reimbursement Building Space Cost decreased ($37,775) to more accurately reflect the reimbursement
amounts for Pump Maintenance Building and Dixie Highway Building.
External ISF Charges for Services increased $20,000 due to External Rebilled Charges Revenue to reflect historical revenue trend.
Contributions ($780,083) decrease due to M.R. #14116 that provided funds in FY 2017 for the Water Resources Commissioner
Stormwater, Asset Management and Wastewater (SAW) Grant from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to evaluate
and upgrade existing data management systems related to Asset and Stormwater Management.
Investment Income increase of $40,000 is anticipated due to cash available for investments.
Planned Use of Fund Balance net increase of $859,920 primarily due to a one-time fringe benefit reduction of $722,794 as noted in the
FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution that should have been partially budgeted to the Budgeted Equity Adjustment
account and will be adjusted with the FY 2017 third (3rd) Quarter Forecast resolution and a ($38,101) decrease due to funds provided in
FY 2017 for the initial cost of new equipment. Also, for FY 2018 $175,227 due to the initial cost of four (4) vehicles, six (6) office
furniture purchases, six (6) desk phones, eight (8) cell phones and eleven (11) computer related equipment for staffing changes.
Other Revenues increased $2,200 for anticipated sale of scrap items.
Gain or Loss on Exchange of Asset decreased ($10,000) due to an adjustment for sale of equipment and vehicles sold at the county

Salary and Fringes increased $1,981,633 a result of six (6) new positions and ten (10) position reclassifications due to workloads and a
3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017
First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services decreased ($808,580) due to the following adjustments to reflect more accurate spending trends: ($836,490) for
spending on the SAW Grant, ($13,500) for Equipment Maintenance, ($4,000) for Natural Gas, ($3,500) for Property Taxes, ($3,000)
for Electrical Service, $35,000 for Maintenance Contract and $15,000 for Equipment Repair Motor Vehicle.

Commodities increased $440,350 mainly due to $400,000 for Material and Supplies, $20,000 Small Tools, $15,050 Expendable
Equipment that includes six (6) new office furniture purchases, $9,500 Shop Supplies, $5,000 Computer Supplies and a ($9,000)
decrease in Office Supplies all due to adjusting accounts to historical spending trends.
Depreciation reflects a $56,045 increase per updated depreciation schedule.
Interest on Debt decreased ($2,150) the result of principal balance and variable interest rate decreasing on the Drain Equipment
Storage Building loan.
Internal Services increased $255,924 for Drain Equipment Labor $40,065 increase to reflect FY 2018 salary forecast charged from
the Drain Equipment Fund based on the historical spending in the fund from the previous year and a 3% salary increase and fringe
benefit changes that are included in the Drain Equipment Labor rate. Insurance Fund decreased ($165,820) which is due to
fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers,
which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%). Also, includes projected activity
due to changes in services provided by Motor Pool $133,350, Information Technology Operations $81,363, Motor Pool Fuel Charges
$78,750, Drain Equipment $75,000, Telephone Communication $27,416, Maintenance Department Charges ($10,000) and
Information Technology Development ($7,000).
Transfer Out increased $157,115 due to the purchase of five (5) new vehicles.

Charges for Services increased $400,547 due to Reimbursement Salaries $395,366 which reflects the 1% salary increase and
associated fringe benefits related to labor reimbursement charges; also, includes changes in the reimbursement amounts for
Equipment Rental $14,579 and Vehicle Rental ($9,645).
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($175,227) due to the funds provided in FY 2018 for the purchase of four (4) vehicles, six (6)
office furniture purchases, six (6) desk phones, eight (8) cell phones and eleven (11) computer related equipment due to staffing

Salary and Fringes increased $438,178 to reflect a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Commodities decreased ($29,700) for Expendable Equipment expense that occurred in FY 2018 for six (6) office furniture requests.
Depreciation ($31,668) decrease per updated depreciation schedule.
Internal Services increased $5,625 for Drain Equipment Labor $7,702 due to 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits
partially offset by Information Technology Operations decrease ($1,561) and Telephone Communications ($516).
Transfer Out decreased ($157,115) due to the expense that occurred in FY 2018 for the purchase of five (5) vehicles.

Charges for Services increased $411,309 due to Reimbursement Salaries $306,629 increase to reflect the 1% salary increase and
associated fringe benefits related to labor reimbursement charges; also, includes changes in the reimbursement amounts for Vehicle
Rental $69,500, Equipment Rental $27,400 and Reimbursement General $7,780.

Salary and Fringes increased $306,629 to reflect a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Depreciation $96,900 increase per updated depreciation schedule.
Internal Services increased $7,780 for Drain Equipment Labor due to 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 67700 - Building Liability Insurance OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 3,623,171 3,623,171 3,629,579 6,408 0.18% 3,624,579 (5,000) -0.14% 3,624,579 0 0.00%
Ext ISF Charges for Services 10,397 10,397 10,211 (186) -1.79% 10,211 0 0.00% 10,211 0 0.00%
Investment Income 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 0.00% 150,000 0 0.00% 150,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 988,701 970,644 1,105,157 134,513 13.86% 1,177,414 72,257 6.54% 1,183,156 5,742 0.49%
Grand Total Revenues 4,772,269 4,754,212 4,894,947 140,735 2.96% 4,962,204 67,257 1.37% 4,967,946 5,742 0.12%

Salaries 551,973 551,973 537,241 (14,732) -2.67% 542,340 5,099 0.95% 547,490 5,150 0.95%
Fringe Benefits 299,277 281,220 303,129 21,909 7.79% 305,082 1,953 0.64% 305,549 467 0.15%
Contractual Services 3,770,611 3,770,611 3,840,479 69,868 1.85% 3,835,479 (5,000) -0.13% 3,835,479 0 0.00%
Commodities 38,381 38,381 110,256 71,875 187.27% 173,256 63,000 57.14% 173,256 0 0.00%
Internal Services 112,027 112,027 103,842 (8,185) -7.31% 106,047 2,205 2.12% 106,172 125 0.12%
Grand Total Expenditures 4,772,269 4,754,212 4,894,947 140,735 2.96% 4,962,204 67,257 1.37% 4,967,946 5,742 0.12%


Charges for Services reflect an increase in Liability Insurance of $74,384 which is due to fluctuations associated with the allocation
methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and
current exposure of budgeted positions (50%) that is rebilled to departments. A decrease ($67,976) for Property Insurance premiums due
to market fluctuations rebilled to departments and other applicable outside agencies.
Increase in Planned Use of Fund Balance of $134,513 due to updated allocation methodology for purposes of assigning risk.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits which is partially offset by an adjustment to Other
Miscellaneous Salaries. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in FY2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial
Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services reflects a net increase of $69,868. Claims increased $74,384 based on the most recent actuary report. Professional
Services increased $45,000 due to additional services provided by Select Medical for automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and an
increase of 18,460 for Indirect Costs based on two year average of actual costs. Insurance decreased ($67,976) due to anticipated market
Commodities reflect an increase in Expendable Equipment for $10,000 and Medical Supplies for $61,875 to replace items that will soon
reach expiration.
Internal Services reflects an overall decrease of ($8,185). Motor Pool decrease ($6,500) due to motor pool vehicle being fully depreciated.
Insurance Fund decrease ($4,838) which is due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning
risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%).
Info Tech CLEMIS increase of $3,916 is based on rate and usage adjustment. Building Space Allocation $505. Facilities Maintenance &
Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building
rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Other changes include Motor
Pool Fuel Charges $500, Telephone Communications $263, IT Operations ($1,402) and Info Tech Managed Print Services ($629) based
on rate and usage adjustments.

Charges for Services reflect a decrease ($5,000) in Property Insurance premiums rebilled to departments and other applicable outside
Increase in Planned Use of Fund Balance of $72,257 due to anticipated expenses for FY 2019.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services reflects a decrease in Insurance of ($5,000) due to anticipated insurance market conditions.
Commodities reflect an increase in Expendable Equipment for $50,000 and Medical Supplies for $13,000 to replace items that will soon
reach expiration.
Internal Services increased $2,205 due to Building Space Cost Allocation. Building rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Increase in Planned Use of Fund Balance $5,742 due to anticipated expenses for FY 2020.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Internal Services increased $125 due to Building Space Cost Allocation. Building rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 67800 - Fringe Benefits OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 133,602,200 125,554,641 140,297,600 14,742,959 11.74% 143,785,400 3,487,800 2.49% 147,387,100 3,601,700 2.50%
Ext ISF Charges for Services 6,890,500 6,890,500 7,031,500 141,000 2.05% 7,036,500 5,000 0.07% 7,040,500 4,000 0.06%
Investment Income 305,300 305,300 279,900 (25,400) -8.32% 287,800 7,900 2.82% 288,500 700 0.24%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 0 8,434,500 0 (8,434,500) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 140,798,000 141,184,941 147,609,000 6,424,059 4.55% 151,109,700 3,500,700 2.37% 154,716,100 3,606,400 2.39%

Salaries 1,423,552 1,423,552 1,588,496 164,944 11.59% 1,614,040 25,544 1.61% 1,632,865 18,825 1.17%
Fringe Benefits 817,143 769,584 889,002 119,418 15.52% 898,900 9,898 1.11% 906,149 7,249 0.81%
Contractual Services 104,258,571 104,693,071 110,603,112 5,910,041 5.65% 114,048,170 3,445,058 3.11% 117,629,623 3,581,453 3.14%
Commodities 35,590 35,590 41,147 5,557 15.61% 37,119 (4,028) -9.79% 37,127 8 0.02%
Principal Payments 23,020,000 23,020,000 23,870,000 850,000 3.69% 24,750,000 880,000 3.69% 25,660,000 910,000 3.68%
Interest on Debt 10,980,700 10,980,700 10,132,000 (848,700) -7.73% 9,252,000 (880,000) -8.69% 8,339,500 (912,500) -9.86%
Internal Services 262,444 262,444 485,243 222,799 84.89% 509,471 24,228 4.99% 510,836 1,365 0.27%
Grand Total Expenditures 140,798,000 141,184,941 147,609,000 6,424,059 4.55% 151,109,700 3,500,700 2.37% 154,716,100 3,606,400 2.39%

The average variable fringe benefit rate, charged to department, is 38.3% in FY2018. Actual charges vary depending on plan type,
number of dependents, etc.
Charges for Services net increase $14.7 million based on budgeted charges to departments in FY 2018 and a one-time fringe benefit
reduction made in FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
External Revenue increase of $141,000 reflects increase of $100,000 in Prescription Drug Rebates, $35,000 in Flexible Benefit
Deductions, $5,000 in Flexible Benefit Dental Insurance, and $2,000 in Flexible Benefit Vision Insurance based on historical trends.
Offset by a decrease of ($1,000) in External Dental Insurance based on historical trends.
Decrease in Investment Income ($25,400) based on available cash balance.
Decrease in Planned Use of Balance ($8,434,500) related to the FY 2017 one-time fringe benefit rate reduction due to better than
anticipated FY 2016 year end operating results in the Fringe Benefit Fund.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Other salaries and fringe benefit changes include the reorganization of HR Benefits Administration which is being transferred to the
Fringe Benefits fund.
Net Contractual Services increase of approximately $5.9 million reflected in detail below:
Increase in Hospitalization $3,375,000, Prescriptions $335,000 based on historical data, partially offset by decrease in Dental
Coverage ($30,000).
Increase in Defined Contribution Retirement $1,620,000 and Defined Contribution PTNE Retirement $25,000 due to projected
employee contributions.
Increase in Sick and Annual Leave Cash-Out $750,000 due to number of retirements and turnover expected to increase, and new
annual leave cash-out program for full-time eligible employees.
Increase in Retirement Health Savings (RHS) $641,000 due to increased number of employees hired on or after 1/1/06.
Increase in Disability Insurance $157,000 and Group Life Insurance $42,000 due to increased payroll.
Increase in Wellness Professional Services $28,000 due to increased costs in new contracts, with decreases in Employee Benefits
($7,000) due to decreased costs on new contracts and Workers Compensation ($8,000) per current contract with third party
Increase in Employee In-Service Training $22,000 due to expected department employee eligible training programs.

Increase in Special Event Program $12,907 due to an increase in Employee Recognitions budget of $8,907 and Wellness $4,000 to
cover costs of new and ongoing special event programs offered by Human Resources.
Increase is Physical Fitness Award of $10,000 due to a new fitness program award offered to eligible Sheriff Department employee,
per union contract.
Increase in Workers Compensation Excess Insurance $9,500 due to increased payroll.
Increased spending $5,200 in Travel and Conference due to anticipated staff travel and conference.
Increase in Legal Services $5,000 based on asset value in 401(a) and 457(b), which are expected to rise.
Decrease in Deferred Compensation County Payments ($434,500) due to expected employee participation.
Decrease in Reinsurance Fee ($241,000) and Health Insurance Premium Tax ($78,000), with increases in Michigan HICAA Tax
$26,000 and PCORI (Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute) Tax $500 due to rate changes for Federal PPACA (Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act) and other medical related taxes.
Decrease in Workers Compensation Claims ($150,000) based on historical trends in claims paid under self-insured program.
Decrease in Unemployment Insurance ($100,000) due to the non-qualification of seasonal workers and historical trends.
Decrease in Wellness Screening ($50,000) based on historical data.
Decrease in Indirect Costs ($15,000) based on historical costs.
Decrease in Flex Benefit Plan Payments (10,000) due to historical data.
Decrease in Monitoring Services ($10,000) due to current contract rates.
Decrease in Personal Mileage ($978) due to decreased personal mileage expected in Risk Management.
Commodities reflects a net increase of $5,557 reflected below:
Increase in Other Expendable Equipment $5,000 due to an increase for Child Care Center $5,500 to replace aging furniture.
Increase in Office Supplies $2,247 due to HR Benefit Administration division budget of $3,243 moving to Fringe Benefits Fund from
General Fund, and a decrease in Employee Recognition ($1,000) expected office supply costs.
Increase Expendable Equipment $1,000 due to HR Benefit Administration division moving to Fringe Benefits Fund from General
Decrease in Metered Postage ($2,690) due to Wellness Program ($1,300) and Child Care Fund ($1,390) expecting less postage
The debt service obligation for FY 2018 is approximately $34 million, which is reflected in an increase of Principal Payments of $850,000
and Interest on Debt of ($848,700) for a net effect of $1,300 more than last years debt service obligation.
Net increase in Internal Services of $222,799 reflects increase of $142,685 in Building Space Cost Allocation. Facilities Maintenance &
Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building
rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Other increases include
Information Technology Operations $67,606, Telephone Communications $10,508 and Info Tech Managed Print Services $75 due to
anticipated use of services. Increase in Insurance Fund $2,305 which is due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology

used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current
exposure of budgeted positions (50%), with decreases in Motor Pool ($300) and Maintenance Department Charges ($80) due to a decrease
in anticipated services.

Net increase $3.5 million in charges to departments to offset increased contractual service expenditures.
External Revenue increase of $5,000 for Flexible Benefit Deductions based on historical trends.
Increase in Investment Income $7,900 based on available cash balance.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services net increase of approximately $3.4 million reflected below:
Increase in Hospitalization $1,260,000, Prescriptions $331,000, and Dental Coverage $60,000 based on actual benefit plans with
anticipated increases.
Increase in Defined Contribution Retirement $1,100,000 due to projected employee contributions.
Increase in Retirement Health Savings $330,000 due to increased number of employees hired on or after 1/1/06.
Increase in Social Security $160,000 due to increased payroll.
Increase in Workers Compensation Claims $144,000 based on historical trends in claims paid under self-insured program with some
inflationary factors.
Increase in Disability Insurance $32,000, Workers Compensation Excess Insurance $9,900, and Group Life Insurance $9,000 due to
increased payroll.
Increase in Workers Compensation Professional Services $8,400 per current contract with third party administrator.
Increases in PCORI (Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute) Tax $800 due to rate changes for Federal PPACA (Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act) medical related taxes.
Commodities net decrease of $4,080 is primarily due to Other Expendable Equipment decrease of ($4,000) for the replacement of Child
Care Center furniture in FY 2018.
The debt service obligation for FY 2019 is approximately $34 million, which is reflected in an increase of Principal Payments of $880,000
and a decrease in Interest on Debt of ($880,000) resulting in no overall change for debt obligations.
Internal Services net increase of $24,228 reflects an increase $24,138 in Building Space Allocation as building rates are based on full cost
recovery for building maintenance and operations.

Net increase $3.6 million in charges to departments to offset increased contractual service expenditures.
External Revenue increase of $4,000 for Flexible Benefit Deductions based on historical trends.
Increase in Investment Income $700 based on available cash balance.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services net increase of approximately $3.58 million reflected below:
Increase in Hospitalization $1,297,800, Prescriptions $341,000, and Dental Coverage $60,000 based on actual benefit plans with
anticipated increases.
Increase in Defined Contribution Retirement $1,000,000 due to projected employee contributions.
Increase in Retirement Health Savings $500,000 due to increased number of employees hired on or after 1/1/06.
Increase in Social Security $170,000 due to increased payroll.
Increase in Workers Compensation Claims $152,600 based on historical trends in claims paid under self-insured program with some
inflationary factors.
Increase in Disability Insurance $32,000, Workers Compensation Excess Insurance $10,400, and Group Life Insurance $9,000 due to
increased payroll.
Increase in Workers Compensation Professional Services $8,700 due to expected renewal of contract with third party administrator.
The debt service obligation for FY 2020 is approximately $34 million, which is reflected in an increase of Principal Payments of $910,000
and a decrease in Interest on Debt of ($912,500) for a net effect of ($2,500) less than FY 2019s debt service obligation.
Internal Services net increase of $1,365 reflects an increase in Building Space Allocation as building rates are based on full cost recovery
for building maintenance and operations.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 56500 - County Airports OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Federal Grants Non-Operating 100,000 100,000 94,200 (5,800) -5.80% 90,100 (4,100) -4.35% 85,300 (4,800) -5.33%
Charges for Services 4,415,400 4,415,400 4,627,500 212,100 4.80% 4,627,500 0 0.00% 4,627,500 0 0.00%
Investment Income 145,000 145,000 145,000 0 0.00% 145,000 0 0.00% 145,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 2,104,978 2,065,778 1,514,654 (551,124) -26.68% 1,474,854 (39,800) -2.63% 1,477,554 2,700 0.18%
Grand Total Revenues 6,765,378 6,726,178 6,381,354 (344,824) -5.13% 6,337,454 (43,900) -0.69% 6,335,354 (2,100) -0.03%

Salaries 1,270,011 1,271,108 1,249,927 (21,181) -1.67% 1,268,336 18,409 1.47% 1,287,004 18,668 1.47%
Fringe Benefits 761,531 721,234 741,788 20,554 2.85% 748,295 6,507 0.88% 754,880 6,585 0.88%
Contractual Services 1,458,000 1,458,000 1,628,500 170,500 11.69% 1,628,500 0 0.00% 1,628,500 0 0.00%
Commodities 137,100 137,100 134,119 (2,981) -2.17% 134,103 (16) -0.01% 134,150 47 0.04%
Depreciation 2,591,300 2,591,300 2,111,800 (479,500) -18.50% 2,074,600 (37,200) -1.76% 2,054,900 (19,700) -0.95%
Interest on Debt 295,400 295,400 278,100 (17,300) -5.86% 246,500 (31,600) -11.36% 238,800 (7,700) -3.12%
Internal Services 252,036 252,036 237,120 (14,916) -5.92% 237,120 0 0.00% 237,120 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 6,765,378 6,726,178 6,381,354 (344,824) -5.13% 6,337,454 (43,900) -0.69% 6,335,354 (2,100) -0.03%


Federal Grants Non-Operating reflects a decrease of ($5,800) which is based on the interest recovery schedule for the Airport Building
Authority Bonds.
Charges for Services increase of $212,100 includes an increase in Land Lease $100,000 to cover the expected revenue of increased land
leases, T-Hangar rentals $100,000 due to an increase in T-Hangar rentals, Aviation Gas $35,000 due to increased fuel concessions at Field
Based Operators located on Airport property, Car Rental Concessions $15,000 due to an increase in car rentals, and Landing Fee
Concessions $1,000 due to an increase for landing fee concessions. Partially offset by decrease in Miscellaneous revenue ($37,000) due to
the Airport Expo not being held in FY 2018, Tie Downs ($1,500) based on expected decrease in Tie Downs, and Costs ($400) due to
historical trends.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decrease ($551,124) to offset operating expenses for FY 2018.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services reflects an overall increase of $170,500 including Equipment Maintenance $55,000 to cover the ongoing
maintenance costs of fuel water separator equipment along with other aging equipment, Professional Services $51,000 based on historical
trends and due to anticipated projects, Grounds Maintenance $25,000 due to increased costs to maintain Airport grounds, Runway and
Taxiway Repairs $19,500 to cover ongoing maintenance for runways and taxiways, Building Maintenance Charges $10,000 due to
increased building maintenance costs, Electrical Service $7,500 based on current electrical service cost trends, Indirect Costs $7,400
based on a two-year average of Indirect Costs, U.S. Customs Service $5,000 based on historical trends that are expected to continue,
Management Services $1,600 to account for increased contract costs in management services based on current contract rates and Travel
and Conference $1,500 based on expected travel costs. Partially offset with a decrease in Advertising ($13,000) due to the Airport Expo
not being held in FY 2018.
Commodities decreased overall by ($2,981) due to reductions in Firefighting Supplies ($13,000) due to equipment replacements in FY
2017, Metered Postage ($7,500) and Special Event Supplies ($1,000) due to Airport Expo not being held in FY 2018. Increase in
Maintenance Supplies $15,000 due to ongoing maintenance of Airport property, Small Tools $2,800 for specialty tools to maintain a
Green building, Office Supplies $519 to cover increased costs in expected office supplies, and Employee Footwear $200 to cover the
expense to replace eligible safety footwear.

Depreciation decreased ($479,500) to reflect reductions in Depreciation Land Improvements ($455,100), Depreciation Buildings
($10,500), and Depreciation Equipment ($8,800) due to assets being fully depreciated. Also, decrease in Depreciation Vehicles ($5,100)
due to depreciation calculations of vehicles replaced in FY 2017 along with vehicles being fully depreciated.
Interest on Debt decreases ($17,300) based on debt schedules for T-Hangar and Terminal Building.
Internal Services decreased ($14,916). Insurance Fund ($25,665) decreased due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology
used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current
exposure of budgeted positions (50%). Decrease in Info Tech Managed Print Services ($709) due to anticipated use of services, with
increases in Motor Pool Fuel Charges $4,900 to allow for budgeted fuel costs through Motor Pool services, Telephone Communications
$3,681, Info Tech Operations $2,777, and Motor Pool $100 due to anticipated use of services.

Federal Grants Non-Operating reflects a decrease of ($4,100) based on the interest recovery schedule for the Airport Building Authority
Decrease in Planned Use of Fund Balance ($39,800) anticipated to offset decrease in expenses in FY 2019.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Depreciation decrease of ($37,200) includes Depreciation Vehicles ($25,200) due to depreciation calculations for new Airport vehicles
along with vehicles being fully depreciated. Other decreases include Depreciation Land Improvements ($7,400), and Depreciation
Buildings ($4,600) due to assets being fully depreciated.
Interest on Debt decreases ($31,600) based on the debt schedules for the T-Hangars and Terminal Building.

Federal Grants Non-Operating reflects a decrease of ($4,800) based on the interest recovery schedule for the Airport Building Authority
Increase in Planned Use of Fund Balance $2,700 anticipated to offset increase in expenses in FY 2020.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Depreciation decrease of ($19,700) includes Depreciation Land Improvements ($22,000) and Depreciation Buildings ($2,700) due to
assets being fully depreciated, with an increase in Depreciation Vehicles $5,000 due to the replacement of vehicles within Airports fleet.
Interest on Debt decreases ($7,700) based on the debt schedules for the T-Hangars and Terminal Building.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 66100 - Motor Pool OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 8,154,424 8,261,803 8,645,700 383,897 4.65% 8,645,700 0 0.00% 8,645,700 0 0.00%
Ext ISF Charges for Services 112,000 112,000 130,000 18,000 16.07% 130,000 0 0.00% 130,000 0 0.00%
Investment Income 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0.00% 35,000 0 0.00% 35,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 310,954 60,814 0 (60,814) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Other Revenues 0 0 2,500 2,500 0.00% 2,500 0 0.00% 2,500 0 0.00%
Gain or Loss on Exchg of Asset 350,000 350,000 400,000 50,000 14.29% 400,000 0 0.00% 400,000 0 0.00%
Transfers In 24,563 207,796 288,070 80,274 38.63% 0 (288,070) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 8,986,941 9,027,413 9,501,270 473,857 5.25% 9,213,200 (288,070) -3.03% 9,213,200 0 0.00%

Salaries 858,411 858,411 893,229 34,818 4.06% 911,513 18,284 2.05% 930,083 18,570 2.04%
Fringe Benefits 584,282 553,361 562,963 9,602 1.74% 569,155 6,192 1.10% 575,446 6,291 1.11%
Contractual Services 1,489,982 1,489,982 1,529,200 39,218 2.63% 1,529,200 0 0.00% 1,529,200 0 0.00%
Commodities 3,007,100 3,046,975 2,941,800 (105,175) -3.45% 2,959,800 18,000 0.61% 2,905,800 (54,000) -1.82%
Depreciation 2,797,507 2,828,625 2,640,180 (188,445) -6.66% 2,294,932 (345,248) -13.08% 2,563,789 268,857 11.72%
Internal Services 249,659 249,659 287,463 37,804 15.14% 299,794 12,331 4.29% 300,491 697 0.23%
Budgeted Equity Adjustment 0 400 646,435 646,035 161508.75% 648,806 2,371 0.37% 408,391 (240,415) -37.05%
Grand Total Expenditures 8,986,941 9,027,413 9,501,270 473,857 5.25% 9,213,200 (288,070) -3.03% 9,213,200 0 0.00%


Charges for Services category increased $383,897 primarily due to Leased Equipment $345,322 due to an increase in the county fleet,
Gasoline Oil Grease Charges $18,125 due to current fuel rates and increased fleet size, Parts and Accessories $10,700 and Productive
Labor $9,650 due to vehicle builds and ongoing maintenance of county vehicles.
Ext. ISF Charges for Services category reflects an increase of $18,000 including Ext-Other Revenue $15,000 due to increased subrogation
payments, Ext-Parts and Accessories Revenue $2,000 due to increase parts used for City, Village, and Township vehicle work, and Ext-
Warranty Reimbursements $1,000 due to an increase in expected warranty claims.
Planned Use of Balance reflects a decrease of ($60,814) due to anticipated expenses in FY 2018.
Other Revenues increase of $2,500 reflects Sale of Equipment $500 and Sale of Scrap $2,000 for expected sale revenues in FY 2018.
Gain or Loss on Exchange of Asset reflects an increase in Gain on Sale of Vehicles $50,000 due to expected vehicle sales in FY 2018.
Increase in Transfers In $80,274 for anticipated vehicle purchases for Facilities Maintenance & Operations and Water Resources
Commissioner in FY 2018.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services overall increase of $39,218 reflects an increase in Insurance Reserve Expense $25,000 based on historical trends that
are expected to continue, Auction Expense $10,000 due to an increase of vehicles going to auction, Indirect Costs $8,680 based on a two-
year average of actual indirect costs, Maintenance Contract $5,000 due to current maintenance contract rates, Travel and Conference
$5,000 due to expected travel costs, Membership Dues $2,100 due to expected membership dues in FY 2018, Garbage and Rubbish
Disposal $1,000 due to costs to recycle used tires, and Laundry and Cleaning $500 due to additional cleaning costs. Decrease in Insurance
($15,262) due to reduced premium rates, and Towing and Storage Fees ($2,800) due to the cancellation of T-Hangar rental contract with
Oakland County International Airport to store patrol vehicles.
Commodities decrease of ($105,175) is primarily due to a decrease in Expendable Equipment ($144,000), which is based on estimated
cost of used vehicle purchases in FY 2018. Partially offset with an increase in Tires and Tubes $20,000 due to an increase in tire costs and
higher replacement expectations, Gasoline Charges $18,125 due to increase in County fleet, and Parts and Accessories $700 due to
maintenance costs of vehicles.

Depreciation decreased ($188,445) primarily due to Depreciation Vehicles reduction of ($192,745) due to depreciation calculations for
new vehicles and fully depreciated vehicles. Partially offset with increases in Depreciation Equipment $2,500 for the possible purchase of
new alignment equipment, and Depreciation Building $1,800 for a possible building expansion.
Internal Services increase of $37,804 reflects an increase in Insurance Fund $24,342 which is due to fluctuations associated with the
allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical experience
(50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%). Increase in Building Space Cost Allocation $12,729 due to Facilities
Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY
2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Other
increases include Info Tech Operations $528, Telephone Communications $231, with a decrease in Info Tech Managed Print Services
($26) due to anticipated use of services.
Budgeted Equity Adjustment reflects an increase of $646,035 due to anticipated revenues in FY 2018.

Decrease in Transfers In ($288,070) as there are no anticipated transfers for purchase of vehicles in FY 2019.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Commodities reflect an increase in Expendable Equipment $18,000 due to expected used vehicle purchases.
Depreciation decreased ($345,248) primarily due to Depreciation Vehicles decrease of ($345,248) due to depreciation calculations for
new vehicles and fully depreciated vehicles, with increases in Depreciation Equipment $2,500 for alignment equipment and Depreciation
Building $1,800 for a building expansion, both being considered for FY 2018.
Internal Services reflects an increase in Building Space Cost Allocation $12,331. Building rates are based on full cost recovery for
building maintenance and operations.
Budgeted Equity Adjustment reflects an increase of $2,371 due to anticipated revenues in FY 2019.

No changes

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Commodities reflect a decrease in Expendable Equipment ($54,000) due to the anticipation of fewer used vehicle purchases.
Depreciation Vehicles reflects an increase $268,857 due to depreciation calculations for new vehicles and fully depreciated vehicles.

Internal Services reflects an increase in Building Space Cost Allocation $697 as building rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.
Budgeted Equity Adjustment reflects a decrease of ($240,415) due to anticipated revenues in FY 2020.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 63100 - Facilities Maint and Operation OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 25,547,867 25,547,867 26,015,442 467,575 1.83% 27,783,721 1,768,279 6.80% 27,883,695 99,974 0.36%
Ext ISF Charges for Services 464,073 464,073 450,908 (13,165) -2.84% 444,291 (6,617) -1.47% 444,479 188 0.04%
Investment Income 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0.00% 100,000 0 0.00% 100,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 1,871,592 1,582,245 1,765,244 182,999 11.57% 0 (1,765,244) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 27,983,532 27,694,185 28,331,594 637,409 2.30% 28,328,012 (3,582) -0.01% 28,428,174 100,162 0.35%

Salaries 8,367,592 8,367,592 8,634,118 266,526 3.19% 8,717,139 83,021 0.96% 8,800,992 83,853 0.96%
Fringe Benefits 5,748,290 5,458,943 5,825,959 367,016 6.72% 5,857,748 31,789 0.55% 5,889,855 32,107 0.55%
Contractual Services 11,347,427 11,347,427 11,131,356 (216,071) -1.90% 11,095,264 (36,092) -0.32% 11,097,447 2,183 0.02%
Commodities 1,359,370 1,359,370 1,440,870 81,500 6.00% 1,440,870 0 0.00% 1,440,870 0 0.00%
Depreciation 115,215 115,215 119,456 4,241 3.68% 101,174 (18,282) -15.30% 83,193 (17,981) -17.77%
Internal Services 1,021,075 1,021,075 1,115,817 94,742 9.28% 1,115,817 0 0.00% 1,115,817 0 0.00%
Transfers Out 24,563 24,563 64,018 39,455 160.63% 0 (64,018) -100.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 27,983,532 27,694,185 28,331,594 637,409 2.30% 28,328,012 (3,582) -0.01% 28,428,174 100,162 0.35%


Increase in Charges for Services $467,575 reflects increased receipt of Building Space Charge revenue from departments based on
building space rates calculated by Facilities Maintenance & Operations to recover fund expenditures. The increase from the FY 2017
rates is a concerted effort to have the Facilities Maintenance & Operations fund equity continue to be more in line with Federal OMB
Uniform Guidance requirements.
Decrease in Ext ISF Charges for Services ($13,165) primarily due to lease termination with the Oakland County Bar Association
along with vacated building space by various Title Companies.
Increase in Planned Use of Fund Balance $182,999 is the overall net impact of Building Space rate reductions to reduce funding to be
more in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance Requirements.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Overall position changes within the Facilities Maintenance & Operations Division include the creation of two (2) Full Time
Eligible Custodial Worker II positions.
Contractual Services decreased by ($216,071) primarily due to recommendations for Sublet Repairs based on anticipated costs to
repair and maintain county buildings, partially offset by the need to rebalance the fund subsequent to the increase in Internal Service
Fund recommendations.
Commodities increased $81,500 due to Expendable Equipment $46,500 for acquisitions in order to increase productivity and
efficiency. In addition, there is an increase in Grounds Supplies $35,000 for anticipated costs to maintain the aesthetics of county
Depreciation increased $4,241 due to anticipated vehicle and equipment purchases in FY 2018.
Internal Services increased $94,742 primarily for Telephone Communications $43,592, Motor Pool $11,900, and Motor Pool Fuel
Charges $10,500 based on analysis of Internal Service Fund rates and costs. In addition, there is an increase in Insurance Fund
$30,929 due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various
cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positions (50%).
Transfers Out increased $39,455 for FY 2018 for the purchase of two (2) new Cargo Vans and one (1) Half-Ton Truck $64,018.
Partially offset by a decrease of ($24,563) for the purchase of one (1) new Cargo Van $24,563 in FY 2017.

Increase in Charges for Services $1,768,279 reflects the increased receipt of Building Space Charge revenue from departments based
on building space rates calculated to recover fund expenditures, which are higher primarily for a recommended 1% general salary
increase and no longer includes Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements for fund equity.
Decrease in Ext ISF Charges for Services ($6,617) reflects a reduction in revenue for anticipated maintenance department charges for
Oakland County Community Health Network (formerly known as Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority). Partially
offset by additional revenue receipted from the Oakland County Road Commission Lease.
Decreased Planned Use of Fund Balance ($1,765,244) is caused by adjustments in the FY 2019 building space rates based on full cost

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services decreased ($36,092) due to Sublet Repairs for anticipated costs to maintain and repair county buildings.
Depreciation decreased ($18,282) to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2019.
Transfers Out decreased ($64,018) due to FY 2018 purchase of two (2) new Cargo Vans and one (1) Half-Ton Truck.

Increase in Charges for Services $99,974 reflects increased receipt of Building Space Charge revenue from departments based on
building space rates calculated to recover fund expenditures, which are higher primarily for a recommended 1% general salary
Increase in Ext ISF Charges for Services $188 reflects additional revenue receipted from the Oakland County Road Commission

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services increased $2,183 primarily due to Sublet Repairs for anticipated costs to maintain and repair county buildings.
Depreciation decreased ($17,981) to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2020.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 6,265,133 6,268,478 6,648,283 379,805 6.06% 6,575,602 (72,681) -1.09% 6,576,390 788 0.01%
Investment Income 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0.00% 35,000 0 0.00% 35,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 2,801,562 2,728,218 2,848,322 120,104 4.40% 2,013,422 (834,900) -29.31% 2,020,938 7,516 0.37%
Transfers In 1,844,186 1,854,739 1,644,186 (210,553) -11.35% 1,644,186 0 0.00% 1,644,186 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 10,945,881 10,886,435 11,175,791 289,356 2.66% 10,268,210 (907,581) -8.12% 10,276,514 8,304 0.08%

Salaries 2,081,291 2,081,291 2,189,921 108,630 5.22% 2,211,096 21,175 0.97% 2,232,482 21,386 0.97%
Fringe Benefits 1,153,248 1,093,802 1,183,431 89,629 8.19% 1,191,541 8,110 0.69% 1,199,732 8,191 0.69%
Contractual Services 4,337,558 4,337,558 4,243,872 (93,686) -2.16% 3,991,004 (252,868) -5.96% 3,991,004 0 0.00%
Commodities 49,987 49,987 49,987 0 0.00% 49,987 0 0.00% 49,987 0 0.00%
Depreciation 2,563,467 2,563,467 2,721,458 157,991 6.16% 2,034,019 (687,439) -25.26% 2,012,552 (21,467) -1.06%
Internal Services 760,330 760,330 787,122 26,792 3.52% 790,563 3,441 0.44% 790,757 194 0.02%
Grand Total Expenditures 10,945,881 10,886,435 11,175,791 289,356 2.66% 10,268,210 (907,581) -8.12% 10,276,514 8,304 0.08%


Charges for Services increased $379,805. Car Terminals $136,455 due to increase in mobile data computer (MDC) devices for external agencies;
Access Fees $135,281 due to Full Time Equivalent count; OC Depts. Operations $78,069 due to rates and associated participation; Reimb
General $50,000 to reflect historical data and CLEMIS Citation $30,000 due to increased usage by Oakland and non-Oakland Agencies. Partially
offset by decreased CLEMIS Crash ($50,000) due to decreased usage.
Planned Use of Fund Balance increased by $120,104 to balance FY 2018 budget.
Transfers In decreased ($200,000) due to transfer from General Fund no longer required and one time appropriation ($10,553) for Miscellaneous
Capital Outlay Memo dated March 8, 2017.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in FY 2017
as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services decreased ($93,686) due to Bank Charges ($150,000) to reflect actual PayPal service costs for on-line processing and
payment of CLEMIS Citation and Crash transactions; Software Rental Lease Purchase ($100,000) and Software Maintenance ($50,000) due to
support of computer aided dispatch (CAD) internally. Offset by increased Communications $100,000 due to projected connectivity costs;
Equipment Maintenance $100,000 due to reduction in purchases of new hardware and Indirect Costs $6,314 to reflect actual expenditures.
Depreciation increased $157,991 to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2018.
Internal Services increased $26,792 due to Info Tech Operations $59,346 based on rate adjustment and usage levels. Partially offset by decrease
in Radio Communications ($16,712) and Telephone Communications ($8,684) to reflect projected usage; Building Space Allocation ($6,511)
Facilities Maintenance & Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY
2018 building rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements and Insurance Fund
($316) due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers,
which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%).

Charges for Services decreased ($72,681) due to CLEMIS Crash ($100,000) usage by Oakland and non-Oakland Agencies. Partially offset by
increased Access Fees $26,554 due to Full Time Equivalent count and OC Dept. Operations $765 due to rates and associated participation.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased by ($834,900) to balance FY 2019 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services decreased ($252,868) Equipment Maintenance ($100,000) to reflect projected expenditures and Professional Services
($152,868) to reflect a portion of CLEMIS development is being done in-house.
Depreciation decreased ($687,439) to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2019.
Internal Services increased $3,441 due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance and

Charges for Services increased $788 due to OC Depts. Operations as a result of rates and associated participation.
Planned Use of Fund Balance increased by $7,516 to balance FY 2020 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Depreciation decreased ($21,467) to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2020.
Internal Services increased $194 due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance and operations.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and Budgeted
Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 53100 - Fire Records Management OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 214,665 214,665 231,566 16,901 7.87% 231,566 0 0.00% 231,566 0 0.00%
Investment Income 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0.00% 3,000 0 0.00% 3,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 39,943 30,478 114,385 83,907 275.30% 184,176 69,791 61.01% 162,860 (21,316) -11.57%
Transfers In 461,742 461,742 477,919 16,177 3.50% 477,919 0 0.00% 477,919 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 719,350 709,885 826,870 116,985 16.48% 896,661 69,791 8.44% 875,345 (21,316) -2.38%

Salaries 282,997 282,997 290,677 7,680 2.71% 293,314 2,637 0.91% 295,977 2,663 0.91%
Fringe Benefits 166,293 156,828 167,093 10,265 6.55% 168,103 1,010 0.60% 169,123 1,020 0.61%
Contractual Services 201,112 201,112 227,752 26,640 13.25% 188,640 (39,112) -17.17% 163,640 (25,000) -13.25%
Commodities 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0.00% 7,000 0 0.00% 7,000 0 0.00%
Depreciation 13,333 13,333 84,727 71,394 535.47% 189,983 105,256 124.23% 189,984 1 0.00%
Internal Services 48,615 48,615 49,621 1,006 2.07% 49,621 0 0.00% 49,621 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 719,350 709,885 826,870 116,985 16.48% 896,661 69,791 8.44% 875,345 (21,316) -2.38%

Charges for Services increased $16,901 due to actual revenue incurred for Non-Oakland County Agencies.
Planned Use of Fund Balance increased $83,907 to balance FY 2018 budget.
Transfers In increased $16,177 based on the current funding level based on Outside Agency revenue.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services increased $26,640 due to Professional Services $25,000 and Indirect Cost $1,640 to reflect projected expenses.
Depreciation increased $71,394 to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2018.
Internal Services increased $1,006 based Info Tech Operation rate allocation.

Planned Use of Fund Balance increased $69,791 to balance FY 2019 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services decreased ($39,112) due to Software Support Maintenance for reduction in maintenance contract rate.
Depreciation increased $105,256 to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2019.

Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($21,316) to balance FY 2020 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services decreased ($25,000) due to reduction in Professional Services to reflect projected expenses.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and Budgeted Equity
Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 53600 - Radio Communications OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 7,435,788 7,605,788 8,135,000 529,212 6.96% 8,135,000 0 0.00% 8,135,000 0 0.00%
Investment Income 180,000 180,000 210,000 30,000 16.67% 160,000 (50,000) -23.81% 100,000 (60,000) -37.50%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 6,213,108 6,036,352 5,764,201 (272,151) -4.51% 4,489,012 (1,275,189) -22.12% 3,802,204 (686,808) -15.30%
Transfers In 0 39,000 0 (39,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 13,828,896 13,861,140 14,109,201 248,061 1.79% 12,784,012 (1,325,189) -9.39% 12,037,204 (746,808) -5.84%

Salaries 673,142 673,142 686,108 12,966 1.93% 691,759 5,651 0.82% 697,467 5,708 0.83%
Fringe Benefits 387,813 370,057 389,765 19,708 5.33% 391,929 2,164 0.56% 394,115 2,186 0.56%
Contractual Services 3,687,719 3,687,719 5,896,999 2,209,280 59.91% 5,222,275 (674,724) -11.44% 5,222,275 0 0.00%
Commodities 324,814 324,814 524,814 200,000 61.57% 524,814 0 0.00% 524,814 0 0.00%
Depreciation 7,182,376 7,182,376 5,331,013 (1,851,363) -25.78% 4,670,046 (660,967) -12.40% 3,915,192 (754,854) -16.16%
Intergovernmental 0 50,000 0 (50,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Internal Services 1,287,032 1,287,032 1,280,502 (6,530) -0.51% 1,283,189 2,687 0.21% 1,283,341 152 0.01%
Transfers Out 286,000 286,000 0 (286,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Grand Total Expenditures 13,828,896 13,861,140 14,109,201 248,061 1.79% 12,784,012 (1,325,189) -9.39% 12,037,204 (746,808) -5.84%


Charges for Services increased $529,212: E 911 Surcharge $510,000 as a result of rate increase per resolution M.R. #17087 and Leased
Equipment $19,212 to reflect historical data.
Income Investment increased $30,000 due to increased cash balance available for investments.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($272,151) to balance FY 2018 budget.
Transfers In decreased ($39,000) as there are no anticipated transfers in for purchase of equipment.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services increased by $2,209,280: Software Maintenance $2,057,416 for 9-1-1 Emergency Services IP Network (ESINet);
Communications $100,000 due to phasing out Integrated Services Digital Network; Tower Charges $47,784 due to increase in rent of
towers and Indirect Cost $4,080 to reflect projected expenses.
Commodities increased $200,000 due to Parts and Accessories for inventory of new radios.
Depreciation decreased ($1,851,363) to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2018 for 9-1-1 Emergency Services IP Network
(ESINet) and new radio equipment.
Intergovernmental decreased ($50,000) due to one-time appropriation of transfer to municipalities for Public Safety Answering Point
(PSAP) cessation settlement payments per resolution M.R. #16302.
Internal Services decreased ($6,530) due to Info Tech Operations ($3,270), Telephone Communications ($3,210), Motor Pool ($1,500)
and Motor Pool Fuel ($900) due to rate allocations and usage levels; Insurance Fund decreased ($647) due to fluctuations associated with
the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost centers, which is based on historical
experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%). Offset by increased Building Space $2,774 as Facilities Maintenance
& Operations determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building
rates have been adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements; and Info Tech Managed Print
Services $223 due to usage.
Transfers Out decreased ($286,000) due to transfer to the CLEMIS Fund no longer required.

Income Investment decreased ($50,000) due to decreased cash balance available for investments.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($1,275,189) to balance FY 2019 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services decreased ($674,724) due to Software Maintenance for 9-1-1 Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet).
Depreciation decreased ($660,967) to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2019 for 9-1-1 Emergency Services IP Network
(ESINet) and new radio equipment.
Internal Services increased $2,687 due to Building Space Allocation; building rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Income Investment decreased ($60,000) due to decreased cash balance available for investments.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($686,808) to balance FY 2020 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Depreciation decreased ($754,854) to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2020.
Internal Services increased $152 based on expected rate and usage levels.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 63600 - Information Technology OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 25,586,966 25,618,176 26,869,644 1,251,468 4.89% 26,988,091 118,447 0.44% 27,038,519 50,428 0.19%
Ext ISF Charges for Services 1,060,410 1,064,848 1,558,848 494,000 46.39% 1,558,848 0 0.00% 1,558,848 0 0.00%
Investment Income 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0.00% 100,000 0 0.00% 100,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance 5,401,558 5,341,152 5,811,608 470,456 8.81% 6,298,256 486,648 8.37% 6,173,136 (125,120) -1.99%
Other Revenues 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.00% 5,000 0 0.00% 5,000 0 0.00%
Gain or Loss on Exchg of Asset 5,500 5,500 5,500 0 0.00% 5,500 0 0.00% 5,500 0 0.00%
Capital Contributions 325,000 325,000 0 (325,000) -100.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
Transfers In 3,906,676 4,143,349 3,906,676 (236,673) -5.71% 3,906,676 0 0.00% 3,906,676 0 0.00%
Grand Total Revenues 36,391,110 36,603,025 38,257,276 1,654,251 4.52% 38,862,371 605,095 1.58% 38,787,679 (74,692) -0.19%

Salaries 10,778,390 10,778,390 11,036,965 258,575 2.40% 11,146,159 109,194 0.99% 11,256,447 110,288 0.99%
Fringe Benefits 6,172,853 5,802,213 6,132,017 329,804 5.68% 6,176,476 44,459 0.73% 6,218,739 42,263 0.68%
Contractual Services 14,380,622 14,959,536 15,369,206 409,670 2.74% 15,302,375 (66,831) -0.43% 15,309,258 6,883 0.04%
Commodities 1,305,144 1,305,144 1,628,670 323,526 24.79% 1,619,509 (9,161) -0.56% 1,619,509 0 0.00%
Depreciation 2,716,281 2,719,922 3,109,265 389,343 14.31% 3,598,153 488,888 15.72% 3,361,847 (236,306) -6.57%
Internal Services 1,037,820 1,037,820 981,153 (56,667) -5.46% 1,019,699 38,546 3.93% 1,021,879 2,180 0.21%
Grand Total Expenditures 36,391,110 36,603,025 38,257,276 1,654,251 4.52% 38,862,371 605,095 1.58% 38,787,679 (74,692) -0.19%

Charges for Services increased $1,251,468: Oakland County Department Operations $725,549 to offset increase in IT Operations for the
replacement of the imaging system; Non-Governmental Operations $48,146 to offset increase in IT Operations for cost of new software
which includes a one-time purchase for Water Resources Commissioner (WRC) equipment $31,961; Oakland County Depts.
Development Support $372,824 and Non-Governmental Development $107,548 due to seven (7%) rate increase for services; Managed
Print Services $15,237 to offset increase in expenses for Internal Service Fund Managed Print Services. Partially offset by decreased
Equipment Rental ($17,836) due to one-time appropriation in FY 2017 from the Sheriff Department for equipment.
Ext. ISF Charges for Services increased $494,000 due to Ext-Enhanced Access Fees Revenue for customer usage.
Planned Use of Fund Balance increased $470,456 to balance FY 2018 budget.
Capital Contributions decreased ($325,000) due to projects estimated to be completed in FY 2018 that are funded from Building Authority
bond proceeds.
Transfers In decreased by ($236,673) for a one-time appropriation transfer of ($202,626) from Water Resources Commissioner from
Water and Sewer funds to the Information Technology Fund for Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution and Automatic Call
Distribution (ADC) solution project per resolution M.R. #17043 and transfer of ($34,047) from the Sheriffs Department for equipment.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Overall position changes include upward reclassification of reclassify two (2) IT Security Specialists positions (1080101-05342,
01596) to Systems Engineer positions with a total cost of $12,451.
Contractual Services increased $409,670: Software Maintenance $728,999 for Geographic Information System (GIS) licensing costs;
Bank Charges $216,000 and Charge Card Fee $50,000 for Access Oakland transactions; Indirect Cost $33,688 due to two 2% increase to
reflect projected costs; and Software Rental Lease $8,272 due to Cyber Security. Partially offset by decreases for Professional Services
($456,126) to reflect anticipated expenses; Contracted Services decrease ($78,560) to offset the increase in Technical Systems Network
Software Support and Maintenance line item; Communications ($47,203) based on usage; Equipment Maintenance ($36,400) reduced for
IBM Equipment Maintenance and Freight and Express ($9,000) based on historical data.
Commodities increased $323,526 primarily due to Expendable Equipment for Cyber Security.
Depreciation increased $389,343 due to projected capital assets in progress becoming operational in FY 2018.
Internal Services net decrease ($56,667) is primarily due to Building Space Allocation ($63,844) as Facilities Maintenance & Operations
determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been
adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Partially offset by increased Insurance Fund

$3,777 due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys various cost
centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%); Motor Pool Fuel $2,500 and
Motor Pool $900 due rate adjustment and usage levels.

Charges for Services increased $118,447 due to Oakland County Depts. Development Support $56,988 and Non-Governmental
Development $16,440 due to one 1% rate increase for services; Oakland County Department Operations $26,580 to offset increase in IT
Operations for the replacement of the imaging system; Equipment Rental $20,000 for new equipment purchases for Medical Examiner's
Office. Partially offset by decrease in Non-Governmental Operating ($1,561) for ongoing software maintenance costs for WRC
equipment $30,400.
Planned Use of Fund Balance increased $486,648 to balance FY 2019 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services decreased ($66,831) due to Software Rental Purchase ($148,219), Professional Services ($98,300) and Contracted
Services ($3,146) due to a realignment of the budget to reflect projected activity. Partially offset by increase in Software Maintenance
$155,588 for software support; Communications $18,246 and Freight and Express $9,000 based on usage.
Depreciation increased $488,888 due to projected capital assets in progress becoming operational in FY 2019.
Internal Services net increase of $38,546 is due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Charges for Services increased $50,428 due to Oakland County Depts. Development Support $57,559 and Non-Governmental
Development $16,604 due to one 1% rate increase for services; Oakland County Department Operations ($23,735) to offset IT
Operations for the replacement of the imaging system.
Planned Use of Fund Balance decreased ($125,120) to balance FY 2020 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services increased $6,883 due to Software Maintenance $35,883 for software support and Communications $18,904 due to
projected usage. Partially offset by decrease in Software Rental Purchase ($20,000) and Professional Services ($18,850) to reflect
anticipated expenses; Freight and Express ($9,000) based on usage.
Depreciation decreased ($236,306) due to capital assets becoming fully depreciated.

Internal Services net increase of $2,180 is due to Building Space Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building
maintenance and operations.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).

Fund: 67500 - Telephone Communications OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN
FY2018 AND FY2019 AND FY2020 County Executive Budget Recommendation - Categorical Variance

FY 2017 FY 2018 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2017 Amended to FY 2019 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2018 Rec. to FY 2020 Inc./(Dec.) FY 2019 Rec. to
Adopted Amended County Exec. FY 2018 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2019 Co. Exec. Rec. County Exec. FY 2020 Co. Exec. Rec.
Account Number/Description Budget Budget Recommended $ % Recommended $ % Recommended $ %

Charges for Services 2,842,298 2,842,298 2,842,228 (70) 0.00% 2,841,712 (516) -0.02% 2,841,712 0 0.00%
Ext ISF Charges for Services 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0.00% 12,000 0 0.00% 12,000 0 0.00%
Investment Income 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% 30,000 0 0.00% 30,000 0 0.00%
Planned Use of Fund Balance (12,083) (20,390) 197,903 218,293 -1070.59% 201,785 3,882 1.96% 205,215 3,430 1.70%
Grand Total Revenues 2,872,215 2,863,908 3,082,131 218,223 7.62% 3,085,497 3,366 0.11% 3,088,927 3,430 0.11%

Salaries 233,746 233,746 244,499 10,753 4.60% 246,934 2,435 1.00% 249,393 2,459 1.00%
Fringe Benefits 146,113 137,806 148,696 10,890 7.90% 149,629 933 0.63% 150,571 942 0.63%
Contractual Services 1,826,242 1,826,242 1,827,492 1,250 0.07% 1,828,872 1,380 0.08% 1,828,872 0 0.00%
Commodities 175,538 175,538 177,118 1,580 0.90% 175,222 (1,896) -1.07% 175,222 0 0.00%
Depreciation 18,418 18,418 207,000 188,582 1023.90% 207,000 0 0.00% 207,000 0 0.00%
Internal Services 472,158 472,158 477,326 5,168 1.09% 477,840 514 0.11% 477,869 29 0.01%
Grand Total Expenditures 2,872,215 2,863,908 3,082,131 218,223 7.62% 3,085,497 3,366 0.11% 3,088,927 3,430 0.11%


Charges for Services decreased slightly due to Sale of Phone Service Internal to reflect billable activity.
Planned Use of Fund Balance increased $218,293 to balance FY 2018 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 3% salary increase and associated fringe benefits. Also reflects a one-time fringe benefit reduction in
FY 2017 as noted in the FY 2017 First Quarter Financial Forecast resolution.
Contractual Services increased $1,250 due to Indirect Cost $2,900 to reflect anticipated activity. Partially offset by decrease in
Communications ($1,650) due to adjustment for new equipment.
Commodities increased $1,580 due to Expendable Equipment use.
Depreciation increased $188,582 to reflect the projected depreciation schedule for FY 2018.
Internal Services increased $5,168 due to Info Tech Operations $6,397 and Motor Pool Fuel Charges $175 due to rate adjustment and
usage levels. Partially offset by decrease in and Building Space Cost Allocation ($1,039) as Facilities Maintenance & Operations
determines the rates for each building based on estimated costs to operate and maintain the building; the FY 2018 building rates have been
adjusted in order to bring equity in line with Federal OMB Uniform Guidance requirements. Motor Pool ($300) due to usage and
Insurance Fund ($82) due to fluctuations associated with the allocation methodology used for purposes of assigning risk to the Countys
various cost centers, which is based on historical experience (50%) and current exposure of budgeted positons (50%).

Charges for Services decreased ($516) due to Sale of Phone Service Internal to reflect billable activity.
Planned Use of Fund Balance increased $3,882 to balance FY 2019 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Contractual Services increased $1,380 due to Communications adjustment for new equipment.
Commodities decreased ($1,896) due to Expendable Equipment use.
Internal Services increased $514 due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Planned Use of Fund Balance increased $3,430 to balance FY 2020 budget.

Controllable Personnel includes a 1% salary increase and associated fringe benefits.
Internal Services increased slightly due to Building Space Cost Allocation; rates are based on full cost recovery for building maintenance
and operations.

Note: To balance proprietary fund budgets, the following accounts are used: Planned Use of Fund Balance (budgeted loss) and
Budgeted Equity Adjustment (planned surplus).


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