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Question 1 4

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. Uncle Lim bought a _______________ of paint to paint his chicken
A. book
B. bowl
C. spoonful
D. bucket

2. Wear a safety ______________ and knee ______________ before going

A. belt, socks
B. helmet, pads
C. hat, pads
D. bracelet, shoes

3. A choir of singer _____________ of the Istana Budaya for a charity

A. performed
B. collected
C. flocked
D. gathered

4. Long ago, people did not have ____________ to start a fire.

A. leaves
B. wood
C. stones
D. matches

Questions 5 7
Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the pictures given.

The ____5____ can be found in Egypt. Pharaohs are


in these pyramids with ____6____ . Pyramids were made of


. It took many years for the pyramids to be build.

5. A palace of kings
B pyramids of Giza
C castle of knights
D houses of the poor

6. A gold and jewels

B clothes and shoes
C fork and spoons
D books and stationery

7. A pieces of gold
B blocks of stones
C buckets of sands
D buckets of cement

Questions 8 10
Choose the best answer for each of the pictures given.

Questions 11 15
Choose the best answer for fit the situation shown in the picture.

Question 16 20
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
16. The moon travels _____________ the earth.
A. through
B. below
C. across
D. around

17. Ting Ting was cooking in the ______________ when I arrived home.
A. kitchen
B. garden
C. garage
D. bathroom

18. Malina and Jimbran jog at the ______________ park every evening.
A. tall
B. close
C. far
D. nearby

19. A flock of birds flew _____________ my house this morning.

A. in

B. under
C. above
D. across

20. Hannah tiptoed ______________ across the room.

A. loudly
B. beautifully
C. angrily
D. quietly
Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning of the underlined word.
21. The judge found the man guilty of robbing the bank.
A. brave
B. cruel
C. innocent
D. bad

Questions 22 23
Choose the answer with the correct spelling.
22. They received their ____________ at Harvard University.
A. education
B. edukation
C. ediucation
D. educasion

23. Mosquitoes spread _____________.

A. desesas
B. diseases
C. diseasas
D. disiseas

Questions 24 28
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the
passage that follows.

Last week, a fire ____24____ out at a house in Taman Mahaswari. The
____25____ arrived at the scene and quickly tried to put out the fire with a
hose. Puan Lalitha, the owner of the house, was ____26____. A ____27____
of people watched the firemen in action while a ____28____ took pictures
of the fire.

24. A laugh
B put
C broke
D pull

25. A carpenters
B policemen
C doctors
D firemen

26. A laughing
B jumping
C crying
D shouting

27. A band
B flock
C herd
D crowd

28. A writer
B reporter
C owner
D fireman

Question 29 30
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
29. A Look out? Dont step on the banana peel!
B Look out. Dont step on the banana peel.
C Look out! Dont steep on the banana peel.
D Look out, dont step on the banana peel.

30. A Is that Zamris pet spider.

B Is that Zamris pet spider?
C Is that Zamris pet spider?
D Is that Zamris pet spider!

Question 31 35
Based on the story The King Of Kites Choose the best answer for fit the
situation shown in the picture.





Question 36 40
Read the poem and choose the correct answers.

36. The word woodpecker is used _____________ times in the poem

A. four
B. five
C. six
D. seven

37. The poet is talking to

A. a bird
B. an animal
C. a friend
D. a tiger

38. The poet is telling the woodpecker not to knock all day
A. the wood is hard
B. there are no one inside
C. there is nothing inside the tree trunk
D. there are a bird sleeping inside

39. The poet thinks of the woodpecker as a

A. Winner
B. Visitor
C. Worker
D. House owner

40. Why do a woodpecker tapping on a tree?

A. Because it likes to tap
B. Because it is its habit
C. Because it wants to get food inside the tree
D. Because it wants to make a hole


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