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Balance Initialization for Canada (CA)

Sid Khilji 07/26/2017

Please perform the following steps.

1 - Date track to 01-Jan-1951 create 1 Earning "non recurring" elements.

" Initialization Gross" - to shows YTD earning in SOE Detail session.

2 - Date track to 01-Jan-0001 and create 2 Balance Initialization non recurring elements.

Init_Gross_Ern - to initialize the Initialization Gross (same as primary balances).

Init_Gross to initialize the Gross Earning balance (same as primary balances).

3 - Create the required links.

4 - Navigate to Balance window and query the " Initialization Gross".

5 - Click the Initial feed button and assign the Balance Initialization element (Init_Gross_Ern) as Initial feed.

6 - Navigate to Balance window and query the "Gross Earnings" balance.

7 - Click the Initial feed button and assign the Balance Initialization element (Init_Gross) as Initial feed.

8 - Load require amount into Balance Initialization elements (Init_Gross_Ern and Init_Gross) using batch process.

9 - Run the balance initialization process.

10 - Open element entries form employee and assign the " Initialization Gross" element with 0 value for the period you
need to start the balance.

11 - Run the payroll, prepayments, payroll archive and others process like check write.

Please note that you have to initialized other balances like "Gross Pay" in same way to see their values also.

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