Design of Iris Recognition System: Student, Dept .Of. ECE, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

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Student, Dept .Of. ECE, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Assistant Professor, Dept .Of. ECE, Don Bosco Institute of Technology,Bangalore, Karnataka,

ABSTRACT: -- A person can be identified using Biometrics. Iris is one of the physiological traits
of human beings. We use Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) for Iris Recognition. Iris part of an eye is obtained by preprocessing to obtain the Region of
Interest (ROI) area. On the Region of Interest EMD is applied to obtain Intrinsic Mode Functions
(IMF) which are EMD features. Magnitude coefficient features are obtained by applying FFT on
the region of Interest. Individual features generated by EMD and FFT are fused using Arithmetic
addition to obtain final features. Test Iris features are compared with database Iris features using
Euclidean Distance to identify a person.

KEYWORDS: Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), Region
of Interest (ROI), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Iris Recognition, Euclidean Distance (ED), False
Accept Rate (FRR), False Rejection Rate (FAR).


In Biometrics a person can be authenticated using behavioral and physiological traits of human
beings. Signature, Voice, Keystroke and Gait are behavioral traits of a person, which differ based
on mood, age and surrounding circumstances, hence they vary in their life time. Face, Fingerprint,
Palm print, DNA and Iris are Physiological traits of a person and are constant throughout their life
time. A person can be recognized using Iris as it is unique and non-invasive. The circular part of
eye which lies between sclera and pupil is Iris. Compared to other physiological parts Iris is well
protected. It is an internal organ of human beings. The advantage of Iris is, it is not possible to
acquire an image of Iris from long distances and the person has to co-operate to take image of Iris.
Iris recognition has many applications and is widely used in airport checking, refugee control,
military applications, homeland security, private and public sectors and national identification
AADHAR systems.


The Iris Recognition System proposed by Ya-Ping Huang et al., uses Independent Component
Analysis (ICA) in this the Iris is represented by ICA coefficients. The Iris pattern is recognized by
determining the centre of each class. The technique proposed by Hui Zheng and Fei Su uses Gabor
wavelet method for Iris Recognition, it involves the localization of Iris, eyelids detection and
selection of optical filter parameters.

The block diagram of Iris Recognition model using EMD and FFT is shown in Figure 1. The Iris
part is obtained by preprocessing the eye image. EMD and FFT are applied to extract the features
of Iris. The database image and test image are compared using Euclidean distance method.




Feature Extraction Feature Extraction

Final feature Vector

Matching Final feature Vector Test Image


Figure 1. Iris Recognition Model


Preprocessing is done to obtain Iris part of eye. It involves Iris Localization and Iris

Iris Localization
The Iris area which lies between Pupil and sclera is detected by Iris Localization. The Canny edge
detection is used which weighs the gradients and wide range of edges are detected using multiple
stage algorithm. Circular Hough Transform is used to obtain the Iris region which can be

approximated by two circles, One circle at the iris/sclera boundary and the other around iris/ pupil
boundary as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Hough Transform

Iris Normalization
There are several variations in the image of eye such as orientation of iris, size of iris, position of
iris and images acquired at different distances and different timings which result in different
patterns of eye images. All iris images of person are arranged to similar dimensions using iris
normalization as shown in Figure 3. The iris is unwrapped and converted to polar equivalent using
Daugmans Rubber sheet model as shown in Figure 4. The reference point is the center of the
pupil and the points are converted from Cartesian scale to the polar scale using remapping formula
using equations 1, 2 and 3 shown below.

Figure 3: Normalization process Figure 4: Daugmans Rubber Sheet Model.




Where ox , oy represent the displacement of the centre of the pupil relative to the centre of the iris,
and r represents the distance between the edge of the pupil and edge of the iris at an angle
around the region, and rI is the radius of the iris. Each point within iris region can be remapped
into polar coordinates using homogenous rubber sheet model devised by Daugman where the

interval for radius is (0,1) and the interval of the angle is (0,2 ). Using these the rectangular

region is obtained from unwrapping normalized region.

Region of Interest (ROI)

The speed and quality of Iris Recognition system is influenced by Region of Interest. The
preprocessed Iris portion shown in Figure 5 is of the size 64*512 this would be heavy to process.

Figure 5: Pre-processed Iris Image

Figure 7: ROI of size 8*250 Figure 6: ROI Extraction

Recognition error and computation time can be reduced by considering the small portion of the
preprocessed iris with significant information. In CASIA database the intersection of 40% to 90%
of vertical portion and 6% to 19% of horizontal portion is taken as Region of Interest, using this
ROI the iris images of two persons can be differentiated as it consists of significant information.
The process of extraction of ROI from iris is shown in figure 6. The ROI is shown in Figure 7.

Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)

The non-stationary and non-linear signals can be analysed through EMD, which is a
multiresolution decomposition technique. Several Intrinsic Modes Functions (IMFs) are obtained
on decomposing a signal using EMD.The signal is said to be IMF if it satisfies the two
conditions,(1) The number of extremas and number of zero-crossings must either differ at most by
one or must be equal in the whole dataset of the signal and (2) The mean value of the envelope
given by the local maxima and the envelope defined by local minima must be zero at any point.
Both amplitude and frequency vary over time in these oscillatory functions. In the process of
decomposition, the first IMF associated with original signal contains the highest frequency; the
subsequent IMF contains lower frequency components.When the signal satisfies the conditions of
EMD process we obtain first IMF. From the original signal the first IMF is substracted and the
remaining signal is checked for conditions of EMD , this is taken as second IMF. Similarly
subsequent IMF are obtained. The first IMF is not suitable as it is full of high frequency. The
EMD feature vector is given by Equation 4. The IMF components are shown in Figure 8.
EMD= [IMF2+IMF3+IMF4] (4)

Feature Extraction Using FFT

The feature vector is obtained by applying FFT on the Region of Interest vector which is one
dimensional. The FFT spectrum is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 8: IMF components. Figure 9: FFT signal.

Final Feature Set

The features obtained by EMD and FFT are fused by arithmetic summation to generate final
feature vector. A person can be recognized better using fused features than individual features.
Equation 5 gives the final feature vector.
Vector = [EMD+FFT] (5)

Euclidean distance is used to compare the final feature vector of test image and database image.
The formula of Euclidean distance is given by Equation 6.


Where, M=1*2000 the dimension of feature vector.

= Database feature vector and = Test feature vector.


The FAR value and FRR value decreases as shown in Figure 11. At the threshold 0.3 the value of
FAR and FRR is zero.

False Accept Ratio (FAR) The percent invalid inputs which are incorrectly accepted are
measured by this. The FAR is given by Equation 7.


False Rejection Rate (FRR) The valid inputs which are rejected are measured by this. FRR is
given by equation 8.



0.9 far









0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Figure 10: FAR and FRR v/s Threshold.


It has been shown that the proposed IRFEF model is efficient in recognizing a person. The value
of FAR and FRR are decreasing. Iris recognition using EMD and FFT yields very good result.
And in this technique EMD and preprocessing holds the key to obtain faster processing of the iris


Ya-Ping Huang,Si-Wei Luo and En-Yi Chen, An Efficient Iris Recognition System, IEEE
International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, vol.1, pp.450-454, November
H B Kekre, Iris Recognition Using Vector Quantization, IEEE International Conference on
Signal Acquisition and processing, pp 58-61, 2010.
Hui Zheng and Fei Su, An improved Iris Recognition System Based on Gabor Filters, IEEE
International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content, pp.823-827, 2009.
Li Lin, Ji Hongbing Signal feature extraction based on an improved EMD method, Elsevier
publishers, Measurement, 0263-2241.
C. Tisse, L. Martin, M. Robert, Person Identification Technique using Human Iris Recognition,
IEEE International Conference on Vision Interface, vol.4, pp. 33-36, 2004.


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