Project 3

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Number of Jumping Jacks thirteen 2nd graders can do in thirty seconds.

23, 29, 30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 35, 35, 35, 36

Mean: 32.2 Q1: 30.5 Outliers: 6.75

Mode: 35 Q3: 35 Variance: 11.7
Median: 33 IQR: 45 Standard Deviation: 3.4

Mean: To find the mean you must add all data and divided them by thirteen which is the total
number of data we have. The sum of all results is 419. 419 divided by 13 is equal to 32.2
Mode: To find the mode, we must find the number in the data the repeats itself the most. In
this case, the number that repeats itself the most is 35.
Median: To find the median, you must find the number in the middle of the data, after it has
been ordered from least to greatest. The number in the data that lands in the middle is 33.
68-95-99.7 To find the 68%, 95%, and 99.7% you may look at the bell curve. The bell curve
shows that the data is symmetrical to the mean. From 30 jumping jacks to the third 35 lands in
the 68% of the total data. From 29 jumping jacks to the fourth 35 is the 95% and lastly, the data
from 23 jumping jacks to 36 represents 99.7% of the data. Looking at the bell curve, the bar in
the middle of the curve represents the 68% and it shows the 95% and 99.7% as you look on the
sides of the bell curve.

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