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Michael E. Kimble
LS-632-231 Human Relations in the Public Sector
Module 9 Personal Development Plan
24 April, 2017
Dr. Sherry L. Early

Throughout this course, I have learned a great deal about myself in relation to human

relations and communications. What I have learned has enabled me to identify my strengths and


The first thing this class taught me was my personality type. According to the Jung

Typology Test I am an ISTJ personality type. I strongly exhibit the traits of an introvert. This is

both a blessing and a burden. It is a good trait because individuals with this personality have a

strong sense of right and wrong, and they are very devoted and punctual. Unfortunately, this is

not the best personality type when it comes to communications. Being an introvert makes it hard

for me to communicate with others (Butt. n.d.).

According to the learning style assessment, my three strengths are self, nature, and

spatial. Being high in the self-category means I prefer to learn by trial and error, I like to work

alone, and like to consider information prior to discussing it. Being someone who has the nature

strength is very fitting for me because I enjoy working outside. The spatial strength means I learn

by seeing and possess the ability to use plans, maps, charts, and drawings (Multiple. n.d.).

My three learning strengths fit perfectly with my preferred mixed learning method of

Bodily-Kinesthetics and Intrapersonal learning styles. I learn best by performing a task. I prefer

to work alone at my own pace, and this is the best way for me to learn. If I can work at a

particular skill until I get it, I will not only learn, but will master it (Ostwald. 2013).

I prefer to use a Consultive Leadership Style, which means I strive to have good relations

with others, am sensitive to the feelings of others, encourage everyone to participate, and find it

hard to work in high stress situations. I view this as a positive trait. I feel a good leader should

always give value to their subordinates (Kappa. n.d.).


I am also a leader that employs a situational style. According to the situational theory, a

leader chooses their style based upon the situation. If the leader is the most knowledgeable

member of the group, then they will use an authoritarian style in which they make the decisions.

If there is a member of the group with more knowledge or experience, then the leader would be

better to apply a democratic style of leadership. This style allows the leader to adapt to any and

every situation (Cherry. n.d.).

In order to be an effective leader, it is necessary to be motivated. My personal

motivational theory is Theory Y. Theory Y states that workers take responsibility, are motivated,

readily accept responsibility, and enjoy working. I prefer to be treated as a professional, and as

such I do not need to be directly supervised and can be trusted to do my job. I am driven to

accomplish my goals, and accept the responsibility of my position (Mind. n.d.).

The final thing this course has shown me is my DISC personality type. According to the

DISC test I have the Dominance style. This means I want to overcome challenges in order to

accomplish results. A person who has the traits of this style is blunt, forceful, driven, self-

confident, and strong-willed. These traits make me someone who sees the big picture and gets

straight to the point. Being a dominant person means I am weak in areas of patience, details, and

sensitivity (Taylor. 2015).

Upon self-examination and reflection of the material presented in this class, I have been

able to make informed decisions about myself. I have learned my strengths and weaknesses and

how I can use them to benefit me in my career. I have learned the best way for me to learn, and

this knowledge will enable me to be a more effective learner in the future. I know I have good

traits of a leader but need to sand down my points and round my edges to become a truly great

leader. I need to work on being more patient, sensitive, and empathetic. By gaining these traits I

will be able to more effectively communicate with others, regardless of race, creed, or culture.


Butt, Joe. (n.d.). ISTJ. Retrieved from

Cherry, K. (n.d.). Leadership theories: The eight major leadership theories. Retrieved from

Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma. (n.d.). Assessing your leadership style. Retrieved from


Mind Tools. (n.d.). Theory X and theory Y: Understanding team member motivation. Retrieved


Multiple Intelligences for Adult Literacy and Education. (n.d.). Assessments: Find your

strengths. Retrieved from

Ostwald-Kowald, T. (2013, January 18). Understanding your students learning style: The theory

of multiple intelligences [Web log post]. Retrieved from 18/Understanding-Your-


Taylor, N. F. (2015, December 30). DiSC assessment: What kind of leader are you? from

Business News Daily,

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