Kimble Michael - Paws Worksheet

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Answer each of the items below that pertain to your problem. Put a checkmark in the box beside each
potential solution indicated by your analysis.

1 What is the job or title of the person whose performance (or lack of it) you are concerned

with?__Geek Squad members________________________________________________

2 Be specific. Exactly what is it that you are dissatisfied with?

SHOULD: What should they be doing?

__Politely greet customers, answer questions with patience and kindness, and if a
customer become upset allow them to speak with a manager._________________

ACTUAL: What actually is happening?

_They are angering customers with poor customer service which creates bad
goodwill for the company. The poor customer service is causing many customers
to go somewhere else for service.

3 Go to 3
What is the estimated cost or value of the discrepancy?
What is the discrepancy costing you each year in terms of:
time lost__n/a______________________________________________________
money lost_ n/a ______________________________
material waste scrap_n/a______________________________________________
equipment damage__n/a______________________________________________
lost business___$100 for each customer lost ______________________________
customer impact_dissatisfaction _______________________________________
amount of work completed_n/a_________________________________________
accuracy of work completed_n/a________________________________________
accidents (or potential damage)__n/a_____________________________________
duplicated efforts___n/a_______________________________________________
added insurance premiums__n/a________________________________________
extra supervision__n/a________________________________________________
other costs_______n/a_______________________________________________
Total estimated annual cost = _cant be determined.

Go to 4
4 Were you able to assign a cost to the discrepancy?
YES Go to 5

X NO Then complete this sentence. If the discrepancy were ignored

(allowed to continue) the serious results would be that:
_Best buy would lose a vast majority of their customer base
due to poor customer service, potentially bankrupting the

5 Goworth
Now be honest. Is this discrepancy really to 5 doing something about?

NO Go to 18

X YES Go to 6

6 You have a discrepancy worth doing something about. Now try to discover what causes the

Could they do it if their lives depended on it?

YES Go to 11

X NO, NOT SURE Go to 7

They cant do what you expect of them. There is a skill deficiency. Can you avoid training by
simplifying the task or job? Could you change the job, the tools, the labels, the forms, the
requirements? Can you provide job aids?
Potential solution: Simplify
Describe the simplifications.
Go to 11
X NO Go to 8
8 Could they perform well enough in the past to satisfy you? Did they used to know how to do it?

X YES Go to 9

NO Go to 10

9 Is the skill used often?

Check Here
Potential Solution: Provide practice
NO How can you provide more frequent practice?

Go to 11

YES Check Here

Potential Solution: Provide feedback X
How can you provide periodic feedback?
_Secret shoppers, customer surveys_____________________

Go to 11

10 Do you think your non-performers could learn to perform as desired? Do they have the
potential to learn whats needed?

Potential Solution: Transfer or Terminate
Go to 16


Potential Solution: Instruction
Go to 11 Potential Solution: Instruction
11 Consider the situation form the point of view of those doing it right. List all the consequences
to them when they perform as desired (do it right).
_Happy Customers, good evaluations, possible advancement within the company.

Are any of these consequences PUNISHING to them?


Potential Solution: Remove Punishment
How can you reduce or eliminate the punishing aspects of
desired performance?
Go to 12
X NO Go to 12

12 List all the consequences to your performers when they DONT perform as desired (i.e. when
they do it wrong).
_There are currently no known consequences for poor performance.

Are any of these consequences REWARDING to them?


Potential Solution: Remove Rewards X
How can you reduce or eliminate the rewards for undesired performance?
Create a system that punishes employees who do not meet standards._The level of punishment
will depend upon the number of infractions i.e.: 1-3 receive retraining 4-5 time off without pay, 6
termination of employee _________________________________________

Go to 13
NO Go to 13
13 Review the consequences you described for items 11 and 12.

Write some ways you can make it matter MORE to them whether they do it right or wrong.

How can you make their world brighter when they do it right?

(1)_Praise them for a job well done

(2)_Employee of the moth program with a reserved parking space.
(3)__Use data from evaluations and surveys to determine eligibility for potential raises. ______

How can you make their world dimmer when they do it wrong?
(2)__Mandatory in store retraining with supervisor_____________
(3)___Loss of pay raise potential.___________________________
Go to 14

14 Are there any real obstacles to performing as desired?

Potential Solution: Provide practice
Name each obstacle and describe at least one way of
reducing each one.
Go to 15

X NO Go to 15
Now review the items you have checked and the potential solutions you have described. (a) List
all potential solutions and the approximate annual cost of each, and (b) add additional ideas if
they arise. Note: your solutions should do something about all the items you checked.


1. _Provide feedback from managers__ __Free_______________________

_______________________________ ______________________________
2. _Secret Shoppers _____________ _$20 for each shopper visit __
_______________________________ ______________________________
3. Punishment system for poor performance _Free________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
4. Employee of the month____________ _Free ___________________
_______________________________ ______________________________

16 Describe the best solutions or combination of solutions

(Note: the solution should cost less than the problems.)
__Use feedback from management to determine employee of the month and to identify
employees who need extra training, all of which will cost $0.___________________________

Describe how the solution will be implemented. (a) Who will initiate the changes? (b) How

17 will they be introduced? (c) How will proper application of the solution be maintained
The changes will be initiated by the store manager, and will be introduced in a meeting of the
geek squad employees and managers. During this meeting all employees will receive a
refresher on customer service and expectations. Managers will be taught how to properly
evaluate employees, and all employees will be made aware of the mandatory evaluation by
managers at least 3 times per month. _______________________________________


Good for you! Your ability to recognize a problem too small to bother about shows significant
sophistication on your part. Now either move on to another problem, or go enjoy yourself.

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