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Michael E. Kimble

LS-632-231 Human Relations in the Public Sector

Module 6 Power and Motivating People

27 March, 2017

Dr. Sherry L. Early


As the new manager my first step to motivate employees would be to have individual

meetings with each employee in order to find out what they do, what they feel is going well, and

what within their department and the company needs improvement. I would use information

solicited from these meetings to satisfy any material or equipment needs the employees have.

During these meetings I would also discuss the new initiatives the company has implemented and

would explain how they will effect employees. I feel that this step would help meet Maslows basic

needs of belonging and safety. Belonging would be met by making the employees aware that they

are a part of a close knit company that values them. Having knowledge of the new initiatives and

how each employee will be affected will give employees feeling of safety. I feel these meetings

would use referent power by creating a feeling of admirations from my employees. The employees

would admire the fact that I took time to talk with them individually and solicit their input.

Next I would use information the employees provided to determine and provide necessary

training for the new initiatives. Through the acquisition of knowledge employees will understand

the initiatives and will be able to effectively satisfy the new requirements. This will contribute to

what Maslow referred to as self-actualization. Employees will know where the company is going,

and what they need to accomplish. This knowledge will result in a sense of well-being. This step

would be performed by using information power. Employees would feel I am using my inside

knowledge of the initiatives to provide the appropriated training.

My final step to ensure long term motivation of employees is to continue to provide

necessary training as new initiatives are introduced, and to create an employee recognition system.

I would use money for supplies to create an employee of the month incentive program. Employees

who received this recognition would receive three benefits. First the employee would receive a

reserved parking spot to use for the month. Second they would have their picture prominently

displayed in the entry way to the facility. The third reward would be recognition in the companies

monthly newsletter and on its website. Using reward power to recognize employees for

outstanding service I would inspire them to follow my lead. This program would satisfy Maslows

basic need of esteem by providing recognition. It would also cause employees to seek knowledge in

order to become better at their job in hopes of receiving recognition. This would help to move

employees up the hierarchy to the cognitive level.

Overall when my entire plan is put into action I feel it will have a positive and lasting

influence upon the employees I am tasked with managing. By satisfying Maslows Hierarchy of

Needs, I am helping to move my employees higher up the scale, thus increasing their overall

satisfaction. By getting to know my employees and their needs, providing necessary training and

recognition on an ongoing basis, and creating a culture of transparency I feel the employees would

gain respect for me as a manager. My entire plan, once successfully implemented is an example of

Expert Power.


McClelland, D. & Burnham, D. (2003, January). Power is the great motivator. Harvard Business

Review, 81(1), 117-126

French, J. and Raven, B. (1959). The Bases of Social Power. In Studies in Social Power, D.

Cartwright, Ed., pp. 150-167. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research.

Performance Juxtaposition Site. (n.d.). Leadership & human behavior. Retrieved from

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