Engage: ( (If + Simple Present + Imperativo Ou Modal

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How do you feel today?

Well, I feel scared!
You wanna know why?
This morning I was walking down the street to take the bus to come to CNA, and then I saw this
black cat coming to me. How would you feel if you see a black cat on the street? Well, I said: ok, it
is just a cat, and I kept walking, and I started waiting for the bus. Then, this car passed really fast,
and the street was wet because of the rain, and I got completely wet. Yeah, I took a shower of dirty
water. I don't know, I think it may be a bad luck. What do you think? Do you believe in those things,
like bad luck coming from a black cat? Do you believe in oh, I don't remember do you
remember the name of this thing?
Yeah, superstition! (WRITE IT DOWN)
Do you know some superstitions?

Show the picture of someone walking under a ladder.
What's happening? What happens when someone walks under a ladder?
So if you walk under a ladder, you'll have bad luck! (WRITE IT DOWN AND ASK THEM TO

Do the same thing with a black cat, a broken mirror, to hop seven waves on new year's eve, open
umbrella indoors, four leaves clover PICK UP SOME STUDENTS TO DO THAT

QUESTION: What will happen if you ___________?

ANSWER: If you ______ you will have _________.
[[ if + simple present + imperativo ou modal ]]

Now, open your books and do in pairs page 31 exercise 9b. Correct them, then ask them to make
page 32 exercise 11a. Correct the anwers and then ask them about this kind of structure (11b).

TALKING TIME! The superstitions we saw is very common around the world. But what other
superstitions do you know? When you were a child, did you parents or your relatives ask you not to
do a few things, because it would give you bad luck? Does any of them make sense to you? (TALK

[if there's time: song Superstition, by Stevie Wonder]

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