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MultiMedia Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Basic Needs of A Plant

Content Area: Science
Grade Level(s): Kindergarten
Content Standard Addressed: SKE2. Students will describe the physical attributes of rocks and soils.

Technology Standard Addressed: Global Collaborator Students use digital tools to broaden their
perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally
and globally. Students: c. contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and
responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.

Selected Technology Tool:

Movie (list application):
Audio (list application):
Other: (list)

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Blooms Taxonomy Level(s):

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Exploration Level 3: Infusion Level 4: Integration
Level 5: Expansion Level 6: Refinement

Lesson idea implementation:

The teacher will explain to students that we will be learning about the Basic Needs of a Plant. The lesson
project will be introduce to the students by using a video file, Movie Maker. I will show the students the video
on the board or have some of the students view the video file on the classroom iPads. Students learning will
be assessed by allowing them to be in groups to create their own video of the basic needs of a plant. There
final project will be used to differentiate learning to observe who knows the 5 basic needs of a plant and who
needs re-teaching. The lesson will be concluded by allowing each group the opportunity to share their video
file. Feedback will be provided to students about their work as 2 good and 1 thing they can improve on.
Importance of technology:

Using a multimedia authoring tool is important because it helps students learn. Students live in a multimedia
culture and prefer multimedia learning objects. I believe the project could not be completed without this
technology because it allowed students a familiarity with living in a multimedia culture. The video of the
introduction of the basic needs of a plant would be lost without it.
Inspiration (optional):

The video was obtained from YouTube.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
Students personal information is a possible issues surrounding student privacy. Making sure that a video
website that is school approved and does not ask for student information will follow the internet safety

Summer 2017_SJB
MultiMedia Tools
guidelines. This also alleviate any fears by parents and administration by already using a school approved
video website. I will follow Internet Safety by making sure the purpose of the use is for educational use.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:

Summer 2017_SJB

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