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The Wholeness Process

Awareness by Sensory System:

In the basic Wholeness Process we access Awareness as the capacity to
experience. This instruction is purposely not sensory specific. (So not visual, auditory,
or kinesthetic in particular.) My intention in this is to access the capacity to experience
that may be prior to experience in a specific sensory modality. And if not prior to, it is
inclusive of all sensory systems, or unspecified as to sensory system, so that we are free
to experience it in whatever way we do. In reality, one person might experience
Awareness as primarily visual, someone else as more auditory, and a third person more

Once the basic process is familiar, it can be quite useful to explore integrating
experiences with Awareness that is specific to the same sensory modality as that
experience we are integrating. For example:

Voices/Sounds: If I am integrating inner voices or sounds, it can be useful to access

experience of the Listening capacity that is everywhere at once. We can sense this
capacity to listen that is just present all around, everywhere, and invite the voice to
dissolve/melt into this. This results in wholeness in the auditory system. People often
subjectively experience being really heard.

Kinesthetic: If I am integrating a specific sensation (such as tension, heart pounding, etc.),

I can integrate this specific sensation with the whole of my body sensation. I might first
sense the specific sensation, then invite all of the whole body sensation that is me, to
relax into the specific sensation. Here I am going for K K integration. The whole of
physical sensation and the part (the specific sensation) integrate with each other.

Visual: If I am integrating an image, or visual experience, I can first notice the sensation
quality in the location of the image, and then access an experience of the seeing capacity
that is all around and everywhere.

Smell/Taste: These modalities are less often noticed, but if smell or taste is a significant
aspect of an experience, it can be similarly explored.

You dont need to be sure you are doing it right. The point is to just explore and discover
what happens when you explore in different ways. For example, does intending to access
the ability to hear thats all around shift the integration more gently, naturally, or
completely? Or not?

2013 Connirae Andreas handout for the Coming to Wholeness 2-day video training

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