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Group Planning -- Research Project : The Inner Planets

Teacher Name: Ms. Guerriero

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Delegation of Each student in the Each student in the Each student in the One or more
Responsibility group can clearly group can clearly group can, with students in the group
explain what explain what minimal prompting cannot clearly
information is information s/he is from peers, clearly explain what
needed by the group, responsible for explain what information they are
what information locating. information s/he is responsible for
s/he is responsible responsible for locating.
for locating, and locating.
when the information
is needed.

Plan for Organizing Students have Students have Students have Students have no
Information developed a clear developed a clear developed a clear clear plan for
plan for organizing plan for organizing plan for organizing organizing the
the information as it the information in the the information as it information AND/OR
is gathered and in final research is gathered. All students in the group
the final research product. All students students can cannot explain their
product. All students can independently independently organizational plan.
can independently explain this plan. explain most of this
explain the planned plan.
organization of the
research findings.

Quality of Sources Researchers Researchers Researchers, with Researchers, with

independently locate independently locate some adult help, extensive adult help,
at least 2 reliable, at least 2 reliable locate at least 2 locate at least 2
interesting information sources reliable information reliable information
information sources for EACH of their sources for EACH of sources for EACH of
for EACH of their ideas or questions. their ideas or their ideas or
ideas or questions. questions. questions.
Making A Thinglink : The Inner Planets

Teacher Name: Ms. Guerriero

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate to Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the topic the topic. Most relate to the topic OR
and make it easier to and most make it borrowed graphics several borrowed
understand. All easier to understand. have a source graphics do not have
borrowed graphics All borrowed citation. a source citation.
have a source graphics have a
citation. source citation.
Attractiveness The Thinglink is The Thinglink is The Thinglink is The Thinglink is
exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly messy
attractive in terms of design, layout and though it may be a or very poorly
design, layout, and neatness. bit messy. designed. It is not
neatness. attractive.

Labels All items of Almost all items of Several items of Labels are too small
importance on the importance on the importance on the to view OR no
Thinglink are clearly Thinglink are clearly Thinglink are clearly important items were
labeled with labels labeled with labels labeled with labels labeled.
that can be read that can be read that can be read
from at least 3 ft. from at least 3 ft. from at least 3 ft.
away during away during away during
presentation. presentation. presentation.
Mechanics Capitalization and There is 1 error in There are 2 errors in There are more than
punctuation are capitalization or capitalization or 2 errors in
correct throughout punctuation. punctuation. capitalization or
the Thinglink. punctuation.

Knowledge Gained Student can Student can Student can Student appears to
accurately answer all accurately answer accurately answer have insufficient
questions related to most questions about 75% of knowledge about the
facts in the Thinglink related to facts in the questions related to facts or processes
and processes used Thinglink and facts in the Thinglink used in the
to create the processes used to and processes used Thinglink.
Thinglink. create the Thinglink. to create the

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