DB A 6 World History

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What role did the French Revolution play in sparking independence

movements in the Spanish colonies of the Americas?
The French Revolution showed that revolution was possible so it
inspired them. They also saw it as an opportunity, Europe was now weak
from the French Revolution, and fighting off France and Napoleon.

How did a few agricultural innovations in Britain result in the start of the
Industrial Revolution?
With agricultural innovations they were able to harvest more, so
therefore they got more revenue making the economy grow and allowing
them to buy into other things and invest. This then went over into textiles
and then repeats and repeats till we have the industrial revolution.

What were some of the ways the Industrial Revolution changed society?
With the Industrial Revolution came lots of factory jobs, the thing
about the factory jobs though is that they were not particularly safe. They
also often employed young kids. This called for the government to make
labor laws forbidding child labor and unsafe workplaces.

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