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What role did nationalism and alliance systems play in the outbreak of the first World
Many countries in Europe had made alliances with one another, and an
agreement in that alliance was that if they went to war then who they were in an
alliance with would also go to war to help them. Well when two countries finally went to
war other countries then jumped in to help like they promised, then those who promised
to those who jumped in also jumped in because they jumped in. So it became a chain
effect. Also, since there was high nationalism, the people were willing to do so. So the
countries didnt have much reason to back down.

What technological innovations contributed to the high death tolls during World War 1?
The advances in chemical warfare contributed to the death toll. The advances
caused gases to start to be used in combat. Since this was such new technology they
had no way to combat this for a while, they eventually got gas masks, but theres only so
much protection those can provide as well. They would often gas trenches full of
soldiers. After the war they banned chemical warfare due to the awfulness and death

What were the strongest arguments for using the atomic bomb against Japan to end the
war in the Pacific?
If they did not use the bomb then the war could carry on for another 5 years
according to many statistics.The American people were ready to be done with the war
and go home. They also estimated that there would be a huge loss of lives .on both
sides if America landed on Japan. So the thought process was that the bomb would end
the war much sooner and that lives would be sparred, since the bomb would kill less
than the landing would.

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