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Switchwords - The Magic of using One-Word Affirmations - By Deepti Gujar

What are Switchwords

They are one-word Affirmations to reach a certain state of Being in your life in order to attract the
thing you desire. That's it. No mumbo-jumbo here. It is as straightforward. It is based on the
foundation like every other spiritual technique that in order to get something in life, you have to
reach an inner state of being or, simply put a state of mind of already having it in your experience.
Yes the opening context here is your thoughts create your reality. Thought comes first. Then
comes the feeling beneath the thought. Then comes the stuff that you were thinkingfeeling about
i.e the experience. So, whatever you are thinking about is expanding. That applies to your shoe
laces to your hair to your car to the discounts in stores to...everything.
So Switchwords are one of the million ways to bring yourself into that state of being - in terms of
thoughts AND feelings to have that thing you desire.

I request you to go through this simple, only 4 page list shared at this link below. Do be grateful to
the author James T. Mangan for even thinking of this in the first place! ) I certainly am!

Common Applications

Now this is where the easiest part comes in. Application.

There are a few Switchwords which I have been playing with since quite sometime now which I
learnt from my teachers who introduced Switchwords(and LOT of other techniques) to me.

Here they are

1. CANCEL CANCEL - To cancel out negative thoughtsfeelings. Negative thoughts won't lead
you to feel happy about yourself. Ever. Especially thoughts where we put ourselves or others
down in any way. So the moment I become aware that this is not a happy-feeling thought, I
CANCEL CANCEL it and, being a visual person mentally, put two, thick red crosses on that
thought. It doesn't matter how many times you have to do this.
My personal story about this is the day I learnt CANCEL CANCEL at a workshop, I started
applying it. To my astonishment, my every thought was negative. This itself was a very
depressing because I thought, How come every thought is negative - A VERY NEGATIVE
AFFIRMATION TO MAKE! So CANCEL CANCEL on that as well. So on, I went about doing it for
days. Almost a week later, the first thought that came into my mind was CANCEL CANCEL! And I
suddenly became aware there was no thought to cancel anymore! Can you imagine how
surprised and happy I was that day!! -) I had a BIG smile for many many weeks to come!

2. REACH DIVINE - This short magic mantra has helped me find MIRACLES! Ok examples are
misplaced keys, recalling my software engineering fundamentals at a recent job interview from
the deep recesses of my memory and amazingly, retrieving my funds back from the PF
department(in India)!

3. OFF DIVINE - To sleep! Yes this one has definitely helped my family members let go of stress
and get a good night's sleep, not to mention, wake up peaceful and more jolly.

4. DIVINE ORDER NOW - To clear traffic or get out of jams(of any sort)! Yup, this one solves the
jam in minutes or atleast makes the jam more peaceful. I remember writing poetry in one of the
Monday morning jams as I was travelling from my native place, Pune to Mumbai for work in an

5. The Magic Template This is a phrase my teacher had built and given to us at one of his
workshops. It has a placeholder in it for words specific to your purpose that you can insert in

For Example:
For manifesting a fortune in your life by following your heart's desires

To get publicity and handle success and prosperity


How to Apply

What to remember when you are using the Magic Template or just simply stringing together
Switchwords of your choice is that
1. Don't crowd it all into the same phrase. For example, use one phrase for health, use another
phrase for prosperity, another for self-esteem and so on. Break down into different areas of your
life and apply them. That has worked very well for me.
2. Make sure you are not using conflicting switchwords. For example, if you are looking to get
publicity and so use RIDICULOUS and at the same time use the switchword CUT the end result
may not be as effective as using RIDICULOUS and a word like HOLE might be.
3. I generally feel comfortable to a maximum of 4 words for a specific purpose, excluding the
words in the Magic template if you are using that.

How I have applied personally and found benefit is

My family and I have built 3 such phrases - one for good luck, one for health and one for
prosperity. We sit down every day in a circle, cross-legged, hands-clasped, like monks and chant
each of these phrases 108 times(roughly 15 minutes per phrase) while swaying our bodies back
and forth. Before every phrase we discuss what we would be holding in our vision as we chant. In
the 3 weeks that we have been doing this, we are witnessing MIRACLES!

You can google on the pdf version of "switch words" and download it as well.

Have fun manifesting!

Love, Light and Grace!

Deepti Gujar.
For more visit:

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