Sample Problems of EE

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Resistance of Conductors (for Week 1 Lectures)

1. A Cu wire of unknown length has a
diameter of 0.635cm and a resistance
of 0.28. By several successive passes
through a drawing dies, the diameter
of the wire is reduced to 0.127cm.
Volume of the wire is same and
assuming that the resistivity of Cu
remains unchanged in the drawing process, calculate the resistance
of the reduced wire size.

2. A platinum coil has a resistance of 3.146 at 40C

and 3.767 at 100C. Find the resistance at 0C
and the temperature coefficient of resistance at
Ohms Law, Power and Energy (for Week 1 Lectures)
3. An electrical motor is to be
operated at a distance of 250m
from a 120V source of emf. The
current drawn by the motor is 8A.
This current raises the temperature
of the Cu conductor feeding the
motor to 40C. What is the
minimum diameter of wire that can
be used in which the voltage drop in the conductor is 10% of the
applied emf?

4. A diesel electric generating set

supplies an output at 25kW. The
calorific value of the fuel oil used is
12,500 kcal/kg. If the overall
efficiency of the unit is 35%,
calculate electric energy generated
per ton of the fuel.

5. Calculate the current require by a 1,500V dc locomotive when

drawing 100 ton load at 45kph with
a tractive resistance of 5kg/ton
(a) level track
(b) a gradient of 1 in 50
Assume a motor efficiency of 90%.
6. A hydro-electric generating station
is supplied from a reservoir of
capacity 6x106 m3 at head of 170m.
(a) What is the available energy in
kWh if the hydraulic efficiency
is 0.8 and electrical efficiency is
(b) If the reservoir is supplied by a river at the rate of 1.2m3/s, what
does this flow represents in kW. Assume constant head and

Note: Please bear with classroom sample problems discussion for week
2 lectures referring to sample problem numbers 7 to 10.

7. Circuits
8. Circuits
9. Circuits
10. Circuits
Kirchhoffs Laws, Mesh Analysis (for Week 3 and 4 Lectures)

11. A pulse generator circuit acts

as a switch in series with a 10k
resistor as shown. Calculate the
output voltage across a 470k
resistor connected from the output
terminal of the interstage coupling
network to ground.
(a) when the switch is open
(b) when the switch is closed

Note: Please bear with classroom sample problem discussion for week
3 and 4 lectures referring to sample problem numbers 12.
AC Circuit Theory (for Week 5, 7, and 8 Lectures)

12. What is the phase difference and relate the two waveforms
as shown below.
v = 50 sin (377 + 30)
I = 10 sin (377 - 20)

13. Find the phase difference of the following waveforms

v = 50 sin (100t + 30)
I = 10 cos (100t - 30)
Note: Please bear with classroom sample problem discussion for week
5 RLC AC Circuits lecture referring to sample problem numbers 14
to 16.
14. Circuits
15. CircuitsCircuits
17. A 200 resistor, a 25F capacitor, and an inductor L are in
parallel. The phasor voltage across the combination is 1000V.
Find L if the current entering the plus-marked terminal is 0.5-j2A at
= 1krad/s.
DC Machines (for Week 9 Lectures)

18. A shunt wound dc motor has an armature resistance of 3

and a field resistance of 240. The terminal voltage is 120V and the
line current is 6A. Back emf is developed in the armature when the
motor is running considering only the copper loss. Calculate the
(a) Output power of the motor
(b) Efficiency of the motor
19. A 15HP, 230V shunt motor has
an armature resistance of 0.25 and
a field resistance of 100. The full-
load efficiency is 87%. What should
be the value of starting resistance so
that the armature current is 200% of
the full-load value.

20. A 400kW, 600V, DC shunt

generator has an armature
resistance of 0.03. The field
resistance is 48. The SPL at rated
voltage is 7,200W. Calculate the load
at which maximum efficiency
21. A 100kW, 230V, shunt generator has an armature resistance
and field resistance of 0.05 and 57.5. If the generator operates
at rated voltage
(a) Calculate the induced voltage at full-load, neglect the brush
contact drop.
If SPL is 1.8kW, calculate
(b) Generator efficiency at full-load.
(c) Horsepower output from the prime mover to drive the
generator at this load.

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