Pandanus Conoideus

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Pandanus conoideus/Red Fruit/Buah Merah

Pandanus Conoideus commonly known as Red Fruit, Kuansu, Buah Merah,

Screwpine, Pandanus Cokelat, Marita, Oil Pandan and Red Pandanus is a plant that
grows in the mountain regions of Papua, Indonesia
especially in Jayawijaya mountain area (Wamena and
Tolikara), Jayapura, Manokwari, Nabire, Timika, and
Ayamaru Sorong. Pandanus conoideus is a plant in
the pandan family. Buah Merah comes from the
Indonesian term Buah (meaning Fruit) and Merah
(meaning Red). It simply means Red Fruit and looks
like a giant carrot. Buah Merah can only be found in
the mountainous parts of Papua, Indonesia. It can
grow in huge sizes around 100 cm in length, 18 cm in
diameter length and weighs about 7.5 kg. The fruit has a blunt edge and cylindrical
shape. These types of plants carry fruit in the age of 3 years from planting. It has
known several medicinal applications which the natives use and was also believed to
be a good supplement.

There are around 30 cultivars of Red Fruit. But only four variants have high
economy values among others such as merah panjang (long red), merah pendek
(short red), cokelat (brown), and kuning (yellow). Red Fruit variants that are used as
medicine is of merah panjang (long red). It is traditionally believed to be a good
supplement as a skin and eye medicine, and as worm treatment. The fruit is typically
prepared by splitting it, wrapping it in leaves, and cooking it in an earth oven.


Red Fruit (Buah Merah) is actually a branching, dioecious evergreen aborescent

shrub, growing 15 meters high. It grows best in moist locations, often under shade, and
tolerates water-logged soils. It thrives in loose, fertile soil rich in humus. Its roots
constitute the root of the air which strung to the height of one meter through the bottom
of the stem. Stem is brown with white spots, round, beam vessels does not seem
obvious, hard, direction grow vertically or upright, branching number 2-4, and prickly

Leaves are sessile, densely arranged in corkscrew spirals towards the terminal of
the stem and branches, broadly linear, strap-shaped, 12 m long by 58 cm wide,
bright green, glaucous beneath, thin to firm, apex acute, margins and mid rib prickly.


Male inflorescence is unknown. Female inflorescence is oblong-cylindrical head

enclosed by bracts, stigma flat and broad.


Fruit head is short and oblong to elongate and cylindrical, when ripe. They are
30-120 cm long and 10-25 cm diameter. The fruit is green to bright orange color turning
to red, maroon and also to brown or yellow as it matures. An average weight of the fruit
is about 7.5 kg. External skin of the fruit looks like a jack fruit.

Classification of Plants

Division : Spermatophyta
Class: Angiospermae
Subclass : Monocotyledonae
Order : Pandanales
Family : Pandanaceae
Genus : Pandanus
Species : Pandanus conoideus Lam.

Chemical Ingredient
(Waspodo dan Nishigaki, 2007)

Health benefits of Red fruit

Red fruit is a nutrient dense fruit which consists of huge

amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals. We can find
numerous health benefits of Red fruit (Buah Merah). Listed
below are some of the benefits of the Red fruit (Buah Merah).
Read them to know more

1. Help cure AIDS

Among any other medicines, supplements, Buah Merah have shown effectiveness
in avoiding and treating AIDS. By taking the fruit extract three times a day, it helps the
patient increase body weight, make the skin smoother again, and help to grow the hair
again. In short, it can help the patient to be much healthier again. Buah Merah is rich in
tocopherol and beta-carotene which strengthens the bodys immune system. Not just
that, if these two antioxidants are combined these can kill the virus that causes HIV
and AIDS.

2. Heal Cancer
Cancer is one of the popular life taking, much-hated disease in this world. Buah
Merah help in localizing the cancer cells making sure that it will not spread
unimaginably in the patients body. Apart from that it eliminates the cancer cells. With
the red fruit, it avoids the growth of cancer cells and stopped the spreading on affected
patients. Also, it consists of Omega-3 which can be used in the restoration of damaged
cells and tissues especially to patients suffering from Breast Cancer.

3. Cure Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a condition in which liver function is essential because of the virus.

Hepatitis B and C usually are not handled may develop into liver cancer (sorosis). Red
juice consists of antiviral and also antioxidant that could prevent the development of
cancer cells. Additionally, the red fruit enhances the regrowth of liver cells.

Buah Merah is rich in antioxidants which help in the growing of cells in the liver and
restore it. This helps in enhancing the liver function and eliminating the virus that
caused Hepatitis. Antioxidants prevent the liver from suffering from sorosis liver

4. Helps in preventing Stroke

Stroke is one of the fatal ailments nowadays and is commonly caused by

hypertension. Buah Merah helps in boosting the flow of blood in the body making sure
that oxygen in the blood is constant. This helps in lowering the level of blood pressure
and helps the heart to pump in a good manner thus making the bloodstream thinner
and avoids freezing that may lead to stroke.

5. Prevent and stop Diabetes

Tocopherols present in red fruit help in reducing

the high amounts of sugar levels in the blood
because it offers a sufficient amount of insulin.
Tocopherols of Buah Merah boost the toil of the pancreas in producing insulin at a
constant level. With that, the level blood glucose becomes in its regular state. However,
it is also recommended that the management of diabetes may include proper diet and
regular exercise. Some patients usually take insulin injections; however, these
injections are not that cheap in price. So with Buah Merah extracts, treating diabetes
can never be that so much expensive.

6. Help avoid Osteoporosis

Buah Merah consists of good amount of calcium and other essential minerals that
helps in bone building and avoid the risk of osteoporosis. This due to the fact the red
fruit consists of an abundant amount of calcium in this ratio, for every 55mg of red fruit
there is 100g of calcium. Thus include red fruit (Buah Merah) in your everyday diet to
get sufficient amount of calcium and make your bones fit and strong.

7. Lowers Uric acid in your system

As mentioned previously Buah Merah consists of good amount of tocopherols

which can help in providing regular amounts of uric acid in the body because it
improves the work system in the liver. Patients suffering from kidney stones usually
take the extract three times a day helping their liver and kidney to be restored healthier

8. Improves Brain Function

Content of omega 3 and omega 6 present in the red fruit can easily promote the
brain functions and also improve cleverness. As a result, red fruit is ideal for usage by

Buah Merah is enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 which both enhances the
function of the brain. This helps in improving immediate and serious thinking. It also
boosts the delivery of signals from other senses to the brain therefore improving the
bodys response. That is why it is often recommended to kids and old people.
9. Eye Disorders

Red fruit (Buah Merah) consists of good amount of beta-carotene content which
can easily resolve many different types of eye illnesses brought on by insufficient
vitamin A. Beta-carotene is soaked up and also refined with the body into vitamin A.
Include Buah Merah in your daily diet for your better eye health.

10. Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels within the blood vessels, particularly triglycerides and also
HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), can result in calcification as well as thinning of blood
vessels within the heart, brain and also kidney. The trigger may be the usage of foods
that contains saturated fatty acid overload. Red juice can easily counteract cholesterol
within the blood vessels. So consume Buah Merah every day to get benefited.

11. D. Lupus

Lupus is certainly an autoimmune illness in which the bodys defense mechanisms

hyperactive and also attacks will become regular, healthy tissue. This particular results
in signs and symptoms just like swelling, inflammation, and also injury to important
joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart, and also Lungs. So consume Buah Merah every
day to get rid of such type of illness.


Distribution of Red fruit is limited to

New Guinea and some of the islands to
the west (Ceram, Buru and Ternate) in
Indonesia to West Pacific. It grows in all
Papua regions, especially in Jayawijaya
mountain area (Wamena, Tolikara Kelila,
Bokondini, Karubaga, Kobakma, Kenyam
and Pasema), Jayapura, Manokwari, Nabire, Timika, and Ayamaru Sorong. Within
Papua New Guinea, Red fruit is found in all mainland provinces, particularly in the
highlands and in the Momase Region, and sometimes on Manus and West New Britain.
It is most common in the following provinces: Eastern Highlands, Morobe, Western
Highlands, Southern Highlands, East Sepik, Simbu, Madang and Sandaun. The
species is also reported in the wild in Maluku.

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