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Assessment item 2Assignment 2

Due date: 11:00pm AEST, Friday, Week 12 ASSESSMENT

All students are to submit electronically max file size is
Weighting: 60%

Length: Refer to individual section requirements 2

This assessment item relates to course learning outcomes numbers 3, 4 and 5 as stated on page 1 of the
course profile.

Question 1 (7.5 marks)

What is the difference between a knowledge-based decision support system and a decision support system?
Provide three examples on the application of knowledge-based decision support systems for supporting
organisations (in less than 300 words).

Question 2 (7.5 marks)

How is Web analytics different from data analytics? Give three examples where Web analytics is very useful
for supporting businesses (in less than 300 words).

Question 3 (20 marks)

Read the resource material available on the course website about WEKA (in Week 5 and Week 6). Download
WEKA software and install it onto your computer (ensure the bundled Java Runtime Environment, i.e. jre is
installed). After successful installation of the program, classify diabetes from the data diabetes.arff using J48
classifier (keep other parameters as default). The diabetes.arff file can be found on the course website. Write
an analysis report based on the classification results. You need to include the results in your report.
1. To classify data in WEKA, use Open file, than select Classify Classifier (Choose) trees
2. You need to develop a decision tree and explain the output as well as the important variables required for
generating the output.

Question 4 (10 marks)

Visit for performance
dashboard (LogiXML, 2016). Review the options and views available to answer the following questions:
1. What sort of information is provided by the dashboard? What visual objects are used?
What quantitative or qualitative measures are being reported?
2. Discuss the performance of all total sales in different years by different sales representatives as
represented by the dashboard. What visual objects are useful for conducting the comparison?
3. Provide a critique of the dashboard design and ways in which the design could be improved. Search the
web for information on Information Dashboard Design and construct your critique using 3 additional
references, apart from the prescribed textbook.

Oral Presentation (15 marks)
Choose one topic from all the topics covered in the course, and present the topic in your tutorials/labs
class. Students are required to develop a PowerPoint Slides for your presentation. The maximum
number of slides is limited to 10. The oral presentation will take 15 minutes approximately.

Submission of Assessment
The assignment is to be submitted as 2 separate files using the electronic assignment submission
system that can be accessed from the link on the course website. The two files to be submitted are
as follows:

1. The Word document with the answers to the questions for 1 to 4.

2. The Power Point file that contains your oral presentation. No zip file is allowed for the

Marking Guide COIS13013 Assignment 2 (60 marks)
Marks Marks
Content Comment
allowed awarded

Question 1 (7.5 marks)

Differences 2.5

Examples of the system 5

Question 2 (7.5 marks)

Explanation 2.5

Examples of Web analytics 5

Question 3 (20 marks)

WEKA software tool

(report your understanding)

Iris data (report your understanding) 5

Classification results are reported and


Summary and conclusion 5

Question 4 (10 marks)

Information provided by the dashboard 3

Performance of the sales 3

Critique of the dashboard design 4

Question 5 (15 marks)

Presentation file 7.5

Oral (interview) performance 7.5


Plagiarism, late submission etc.


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