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1. Jason is a . And his patientslike him.

(A) teacher(B) cook(C) farmer(D) doctor

2. PaulIs Miss Lin an ?
MandyNo, she isnt. Shes a nurse.
(A) doctor(B) actress(C) housewife(D) farmer
3. AMy dad is a . And your dad?
BHe is a teacher.
(A) number(B) puppy(C) farmer(D) house
4. AIs Cherrys cute?
BYes, it is. Free is a cute cat.
(A) father(B) cook(C) pet(D) doctor
5. Mr. Chen is a good . We like his TV series.
(A) doctor(B) actor(C) number(D) housewife
6. Look at the . Its my mother.
(A) number(B) picture(C) phone(D) puppy
7. Terry is my . We are in the same class.
(A) sister(B) teacher(C) classmate(D) mother
8. AIm hungry.
BEat the apple .
(A) rooms(B) pie(C) pictures(D) phones
9. Is this pig your pet? Its so .
(A) sunny(B) OK(C) cold(D) cute
10. My father is a . His dishesare good.
(A) doctor(B) cook(C) police officer(D) actor

1. A that man a singer? BYes.
(A) Are(B) Am(C) Is(D) Be
2. A this? BIts my pencil box.
(A) Hows(B) Whats(C) How(D) What
3. A Frank a singer? BYes, he is.
(A) Am(B) Is(C) Are(D) Be
4. Look! That Kens new pet.
(A) am(B) is(C) are(D) be
5. Tom is a cook. He is a farmer.
(A) no(B) yes(C) not(D) this
6. A your mother a housewife? BYes, .
(A) Isnt; she isnt(B) Are; shes not(C) Is; she is(D) Is; shes
7. Sophia is actress. She is a doctor.
(A) not an (B) not a(C) an not(D) no an
8. AIs this Lindas phone number?
B, its not. Its Sams phone number.
(A) Yes(B) Be(C) No(D) Is
9. AIs Judy a housewife? BNo, she isnt. She is actress.
(A) a(B) that(C) an(D) this
10. AAre you a nurse? BNo, .
(A) I not(B) Im(C) I am(D) Im not
11. AIs Maggies father a police officer? BYes, .
(A) he is(B) she is(C) he isnt(D) she isnt
12. A your mom a teacher? BYes, she is.
(A) Are(B) Am(C) Is(D) Be
13. A is this? BIts an apple.
(A) What(B) Who(C) When(D) Where
14. AIm a student. BIm a student, .
(A) how(B) no(C) not(D) too
15. AIs that your schoolbag? BYes, .
(A) I am(B) it is(C) Im not(D) it isnt

1. ANice to meet you, Zack. B
(A) Good morning!
(B) Happy Birthday!
(C) Thank you!
(D) Nice to meet you, too.
2. AIs that your schoolbag?
(A) Yes, that is your schoolbag.
(B) Yes, it is your schoolbag.
(C) Yes, it is a schoolbag.
(D) No, it isnt my schoolbag.
3. AMarks wifeis a singer. B
(A) I am a singer, too.
(B) You are a teacher, too.
(C) Wow! And the cat?
(D) No, I am a singer.
4. AIs this your school? B
(A) No, its not.
(B) It is your book.
(C) Yes, this is a school.
(D) What is this?
5. AIs Jack a farmer?
(A) Yes, he isnt.
(B) Yes, hes a cook.
(C) No, hes not Jack.
(D) No, hes not a farmer.
6. AAre you a cook? B
(A) How are you?
(B) No, Im a cook, too.
(C) Wow, thats cool.
(D) No, Im not. Im a farmer.
7. AAre you Davids classmate? B
(A) Yes, Im a teacher.
(B) No, Im his classmate.
(C) Yes, you are his classmate.
(D) No, Im not his classmate.
8. AIs this your key?
(A) Oh, yes. It is my key.
(B) Is that a key?
(C) Yes. It is your key.
(D) Are you a key?
9. AIs Betty your classmate? B
(A) Yes, Betty is.
(B) Yes, she is.
(C) No, she is a student.
(D) No, she is not a teacher.

1. RonHey, Miley. Happy birthday. 1.

MileyThank you. What is 2.?
RonIts a cake.
Miley3. it a banana cake?
RonNo, 4.. Its 5. apple cake.
MileyCool! Its yummy.
birthday yummy
1. (A) I am Ron.(B) This is for you.(C) How are you?(D) Is it a cake?
2. (A) you(B) it(C) they(D) I
3. (A) Is(B) Arent(C) Am(D) Are
4. (A) its not(B) it is(C) it not(D) is not
5. (A) an(B) a(C) (D) two
2. CarrieIs this your picture?
DougNo, it isnt. It is my 1. picture.
CarrieIs your brother 2. artist?
DougYes, he is. He is a famous artist.
CarrieCool! What about you? Are you a student?
DougNo, Im not. I am a cook.
CarrieIm a cook, too.
DougWow! 3.
CarrieNice to meet you, too.
artist famous What about?
1. (A) brothers(B) brother
(C) brothers(D) brothers
2. (A) a(B) an(C) two(D)
3. (A) Nice to meet you.(B) Thank you.
(C) Sorry.(D) Welcome.

1. JimmyHello, Mrs. Martin. How are you?
Mrs. MartinFine, thank you. This is my sister, Betty. Shes a teacher.
JimmyMy mother is a teacher, too.
Mrs. MartinIs she an English teacher?
JimmyNo, shes not. Shes a math teacher in my school.
Mrs. MartinI see.
I see.
1. Is Betty a student?
(A) Yes, shes Jimmys student.
(B) No, shes a student.
(C) Yes, she is Mrs. Martins sister.
(D) No, shes a teacher.
2. Is Jimmys mother an English teacher?
(A) Yes, shes Bettys teacher.
(B) No, shes a doctor.
(C) Yes, she is Mrs. Martins sister.
(D) No, shes not.
2. CaneHello. Nice to meet you.
KateHi. Nice to meet you, too. Im Kate.
CaneIm Cane. How are you?
KateIm fine. And you?
CaneMe, too.
KateThis is my friend, Lucia.
CaneHello, Lucia.
LuciaHi, Cane. You are a teacher, right?
CaneNo, Im not a teacher. I am a tree doctor.
LuciaCool. By the way, Im a student.
tree by the way
1. How is Kate?
(A) She is sad.(B) She is fine.
(C) She isnt good.(D) She is angry.
2. Which is true?
(A) Cane is a teacher.
(B) Kate is Lucias teacher.
(C) Lucia is a student.
(D) Lucia and Kate are doctors.

1. is / Allan / waiter?

2. Yes, she is. She is a nurse.

3. Is this a cute fish?

4. is / No, / teacher. / not / Sandy / a

5. it / pie? / an / Is / apple

6. My father / not / English teacher

7. it / Lucy / hat

8. Is Jenny a cook?

9. is / famer. / John / a

10. Is that man a waiter?

11. you / waitress?

12. Is Dodo your bird?

13. Are you a singer?

14. your / Is / puppy? / this

15. No, he is not a police officer.

16. that / your / pet?

17. cake. / It / banana / is / a

18. Yes, it is. Its Peters pet.

19. cute / is / a / picture. / This

20. is / That / my / puppy.

Are you ?
to you.


2. Vincent

3. Ken

1. be

1. you a nurse?
2. I Franks dad.
3. That not a picture.
1. My sister is a doctor. is cool.
2. AIs that a puppy? BYes, is.
3. My dad is a cook. is a good person.

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