Educational Tour Narrative Report

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Narrative Report
Name: GATONG, AIRA MAE C. Date of Tour: February 16-18, 2017
Year & Section: 3 yr. BAMA301 Professor: Ms. Catty Lea C. Gamo

I. Introduction
The province of Ilocos has been one of the greatest Philippine heritage places and with that, all of
the customs and traditions from the past are still practiced in present. It is very interesting to know how
things and products were made during the days when technology hasnt been discovered unlike now,
therefore it can be inferred that the quality of things before were of quality because all of it were
manually made which can be observed more, and be controlled immediately if there were defects and
damages, and also wastes were much avoided because of the quality of processing of the things or
products. The educational tour conducted last week qualified as an activity appropriate for the subject,
Total Quality Management (TQM).

II. Significance of the Educational Tour

As stated above, the educational tour conducted was suitable for the subject TQM for it included
several areas of a manufacturing industry in serving their customers a better means and quality product
such as from the selection of raw materials that are to be used for the processing of the products, the
quality of processing, the quality of tools to be used during the processing, the maintenance and
cleanliness of the processing place and the grooming of the workers, up to the correct and balanced
serving of each product, and how the products are handed to their customers, and all of it are obviously
inside the circle of TQM.

III. Learning Insights

Educational Aspects
Being a participant in the tour, the benefits of it to my scholastic needs are that of seeing things
in real life, applying all the lessons I learned from the four sides of the room to the real side of life. And I
realized that the knowledge I may acquire from the subject wont be complete if it werent for the tour
which made me see and understand lessons from the subject and experience such things.
Personal Aspects
As we all know, life in the provinces is never easy. The moment I saw how people live in Ilocos
without much help of technology, I suddenly realized that although technology really helps, theres
nothing more comparable than doing things manually and in hand. Seeing how Ilokanos make quality
delicacies such as in the Chichacorn Making site, it is a strong proof that quality of products can be
achieved in its highest condition with just dedicated and committed workers, well-maintained facilities
and clean tools and materials used even without technology such as machineries that could make
processed goods.

IV. Problems Encountered

Of course, problems in all things cannot be avoided and during the tour, there were some issues
experienced. These are the accommodation of all students where we ate such as the Arabellas where
some students werent accommodated and some of my classmates werent able to eat because the food
left too them was not enough for them to keep them full over the night. And one of the serious issues
weve encountered was the time management and the clarity of the activities for a day. We were not
informed of the time of our check in the hotel were at the first night, so some of us werent able to
change clothes or brush teeth because most of our thing were inside our luggage which were placed in
the bus compartment. And also there were some places that werent visited because of lack of time
management of some students who spent hours in every destination. Also, the thing that made me
unsatisfied is the lack of information, specially the time allotments for each destination, in the itinerary
given, and so it affected also the time of arrival in the school.

V. Synthesis
Although perfection cannot be achieved in most things, I understand the issues and problems
encountered during the tour because of some circumstances, but overall, the experience was one-of-a-
kind because all of us needed a great break from school and work matters and I, myself felt safe during
the tour. It is not just the experience that matters to us, but also the knowledge and skills we acquired
during the tour and most importantly, during the seminar. The tour became a proof that most of the
important things in life can be learned not only inside the campus or classroom, but also outside of it, the
real side of life.
VI. Attachment (Photos taken in each destination)

Supreme Lutong Ilocos Cornick, Malacaang ti Amianan


La Paz Sand Dunes

Paoay Church

Cape Bojeador (Burgos) Lighthouse Bangui Windmills

Safari Gallery, Baluarte


Calle Crisologo


Ownership Culture and Quality

Ms. Edna Guevarra
Plaza del Norte, Convention Hall

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