Discover Yourself - Quiz No. 6: Instructions

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Discover Your Self Session 6

Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture Education

4, Tarapore Road, Next to Dastoor Boys School, Camp, Pune


Total Marks: 25

Total Time: 10 min.

i) Tick {} the correct choice given below as answer or write wherever necessary.
ii) Sincerity is qualification.
iii) Marks have been noted in front of each question
Name of the Candidate: Date: ..
Total Marks Obtained: . Checked by: .

Q1. Other religions are like dictionary. 2

Sanatana Dharma is like dictionary.

Q2. Match the following: 3

People in this Answers Puranas recommend worship of

Ignorance (tamas) a) Lord Brahma
Passion (rajas) b) Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu
Goodness (satva) c) Lord Shiva or Goddess Durga

Q3. Essential principles of all religions are the same, e.g. Love of God. 2
Write 2 more such essential principles.


Q4. Dharma of every living entity: (Tick the right answer) 1

Is decided by birth and can not be changed

Is to have faith in a particular faith
Is to serve and love God
Can change from Christianity to Hinduism

Q5 Describe how various religions teach about practicing restrictions in ones life, e.g. sex
life or, meat eating etc. 3

a) Christianity:

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Discover Your Self Session 6

b) Islam

c) Sanatana Dharma

Q6 Match the following: 5

Quote Answers Quoted by

I am the source of all spiritual and material a) Srila Vysadeva in
worlds. Everything emanates from me. Bhagvat Puran
Krishna who is known as Govinda is the b) Arjuna to Krishna in
supreme Godhead. He has an eternal, blissful Bhagvad Gita.
spiritual body.
All the above incarnations are plenary
portions or portions of the plenary portions of c) Lord Krishna in
the Lord but Lord Krishna is the original Bhagvad Gita
personality of Godhead.
All great sages such as Narada, Asita, Devala
d) Shankaracharya in
and Vyasa confirm that you are the supreme
Gita Mahatmya
personality of Godhead
Let there be one God for the whole world,Sri e) Lord Brahma in
Krishna Brahma Samhita

Q7. Indicate True or False 4

a) Different religions are meant for different people according to their ability to digest
the truth.
b) Jesus says in bible: There is much that I have to tell you, but you can not bear it now.
c) God is ultimately some impersonal light or energy.
d) Many of the concepts of the modern mathematics and science have already been
mentioned in the Vedas.

Q8. Fill in the blanks. 5

a) According to Srimad Bhagvatam, that religion which teaches one, the love of God which
is (ahaituki) and uninterrupted (apratihata) is the topmost
b) Lord Krishna is also called Bhagavan, possessor of all the 6 opulence namely beauty,
, wealth, knowledge, strength and
c) The ascending order of why one approaches God, starts with fear, then
, then duty and finally culminates into the highest religion,
namely pure of God.

End of Quiz 6
Thank You!

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