Vodafone Voyage Elevator Pitch Format

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Campus name | Team name| Name of participants

Vodafone Voyage
Business Proposition

Round 1: Prepare your Elevator Pitch

Each team will have to choose 1 Business proposition from the IOT
propositions shared on the web site
The team has to come up with a 1 page Elevator pitch on the chosen
proposition. In the Elevator pitch, the team has to propose its innovative
idea/solution regarding that proposition
The ideas shared should not be same as the Vodafone solutions but out of
the box, innovative ideas
The entries have to be submitted in the Elevator pitch format shared

Elevator Pitch Guidelines:

Submit in an Adobe Acrobat PDF format only

Single Line Spacing, Arial 12 pt font, Page Margins 1 all around
Your submission must not exceed one page including illustrations. Any
page beyond this will not be considered in the review process
Ensure your submission is precise and visually impressive
Pprovide reference points and assumptions, if any
Use naming convention as Campus_Team name_leader name

Evaluation Criteria

Relevance Is the proposed idea relevant to Vodafones business ?

Concise and Clear Is the proposed idea ,Concise and easy to
understand ?
Innovative How is the idea proposed breakthrough, orginal and first of
its kind ?
Feasibility in Implementation Is the Idea practical to implement wrt
Technology and financial viability ?
Marketable How will this idea be commercialised and what pain points
will it address ? How will it get monetised ?

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