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Success (and trouble) for Arizona Pastafarians ID

Photo (
Published June 2nd, 2017 by Bobby Henderson

Congratulations to Mr. Corbett Arizona finally allowed him to wear a colander in his ID photo, after many

1 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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I tried a couple different locations and was met with a lot of pushback and resistance,
he said. I was scorned at every location/ordination/)
I went to, and they put out a memo about me,
so by the time I got to (the) fourth and fifth MVD, they stopped me at the door.

They got angry at me and treated me with such disrespect.

He recently tried again and, after talking with the locations manager, was able to take
the photo. He received his official ID in the mail Tuesday.

I was really excited, Corbett said. I felt, in that moment, that I won my battle. It was a
huge victory for me.

However, it seems that Arizona bureaucrats heard about this and will try to take the license back:

A spokesman for the Arizona Department of Transportation, which oversees the Motor
Vehicle Division, released a statement on the matter.

MVD license and ID photos are meant to show a persons typical daily appearance
and allow for religious expression or medical needs. Photos are filtered through facial
recognition technology and if an error occurs, the photo can be recalled, the statement

Spokesman Doug Nick later added that we will go through the process to pull this

So well see what happens.

Whatever the outcome, its nice to see people like Mr. Corbett fighting for their rights. The struggle itself is so

Our view is that its inappropriate for a government organization to make a judgment based on a persons religion. If
the head covering meets the visibility requirements, it should be allowed no matter what religion that hat is
associated with.

Sometimes the DMV workers dont know the rules fully, and that is understandable. Perhaps some of the workers
are letting their personal views color their behavior, which is unfortunate but human. What is more interesting is in
cases like Mr. Corbetts, where management gets involved the actions they take will be very important to watch.

For now lets give the Arizona officials the benefit of the doubt and hope that Mr. Corbett will be afforded the same
rights as members of other religions.

Again, congratulations on the win, Mr. Corbett, and thank you for your effort. And thank you to Pastafarians
everywhere, who are fighting for their rights.

Theres a nice article about this at USA Today here (


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Australia Officially Recognizes the Church of FSM

Published May 22nd, 2017 by Bobby Henderson

Big news

The government of Australia, after years of court proceedings, has decided that Pastafarians will be allowed to wear
religious headgear in ID photos.

Heres the backstory

A few years ago, a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Australia (
(CFSMA), was allowed to wear his headgear (colander) when photographed for his license, but later forced to
surrender the license for a replacement (,
without headgear.

3 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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Preshalin obtained his NSW drivers license last year, and, at the time, was permitted
to wear his religious headwear for his photograph. He has now been informed that he
must surrender his present license and have a new photograph taken without his
religious headwear, as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a recognised

The CFSMA has been fighting in court ever since, and today they were informed that a decision had been made to
allow Pastafarians equal religious protection. Victory!

From Captain Tanya Watkins media release (


On behalf of the CFSMA I am delighted to announce that the Hon. Melinda Pavey,
NSW Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, has confirmed that the present policy
enforced by RMS regarding religious head coverings in drivers licenses (that
specifically named Pastafarians as being subject to discrimination by not allowing our
chosen head covering to be worn) will be changed. The new policy will reflect the fact
that NSW Government Departments will show respect and consideration towards all
people who wear a head covering. When the new policy is implemented, people will no
longer have their stated religion checked against a list of recognised religions.

Congratulations to the CFSMA

The Church of FSM Australia continues to blow me away. Tanya Watkins, Captain of CFSMA, especially, deserves a
round of applause she took it on herself to lead the fight, and after more than two years, won a victory
for Pastafarians everywhere.

Sincere thanks, and congratulations, to Tanya and everyone from the CFSMA.

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#Evangelism ( #General (

/general/) #Secular Vs. Religious (
37 ( Comments

Pastafarians Marching For Science Contradiction?

Published April 24th, 2017 by Bobby Henderson

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Congratulations and thanks to everyone who took part in the March For Science Rally. Im relieved to see
democracy in action by a sensible group of people.

Even though we Pastafarians are skeptical of science and logical conjecture based on evidence, we respect the
idea of science its search for knowledge and we admire the people who dedicate their lives to the cause.

How then is it not a contradiction for Pastafarians, a faith-based group, to support science, or at least support

We Believe an all-mighty Flying Spaghetti Monster alters the universe in a way that makes it *appear* that the
scientific method is sound, that humanitys knowledge and its advancement out of caves and into spaceships is a
direct result of this process. It appears that we can deductively infer conclusions through experiment and reason.

We cant fault Scientists who have not yet seen the Light they are doing their jobs, and they are intellectually
honest. The same can not be said for some groups, including many groups who have a Belief structure that stems
from faith.

So why is Pastafarianism correct, when it sometimes contradicts reason? Because the FSM says so, and we

1. Circular Logic is allowed in religion.

Note the FSM was spotted in Greenville, North Carolina article here (

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#General (
136 ( Comments

5 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Climate Change is a TouchyGetSubject

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Published March 30th, 2017 by Bobby Henderson

Trumps Whitehouse is pushing its science officials to shut up about Climate Change, reports Politico

A supervisor at the Energy Departments international climate office told staff this week
not to use the phrases climate change, emissions reduction or Paris Agreement in
written memos, briefings or other written communication, sources have told POLITICO.

Ive got mixed feelings about this since we Pastafarians are also skeptical about accepted causes of Climate
Change. Years ago youll remember that we found a statistically significant relationship between the rise in average
global temperature and the declining Pirate population.

6 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Ill note that even after 10 years, this data still has not been dis-proven by the science community, which we interpret
as implicit acceptance of its Truth.

So were sympathetic to Team Trumps misgivings of Established Science based on evidence and peer-review
and so on.

But, were also fans of not needlessly destroying the planet. And while we may not agree with the causes of Climate
change, we believe it is happening.

More, we Pastafarians are pragmatic. Even if you have some skepticism about Climate Change (perhaps all that
data is being altered by a Supernatural being of some sort) lets maybe err on the side of reigning in pollution and
old wasteful technologies with their excess CO2 production and instead lets support emerging technologies
which can provide clean, renewable power. Not to mention jobs.

For this reason, I think Team Trump and the GOP are acting like tools.

Again, I hate to mention politics on our Church site, but I felt that we Pastafarians, as fellow science-skeptics, should
say something.

What do you guys think?

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#General (
97 ( Comments

Trump Monument (


7 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? February 28th, 2017
ordination by Bobby
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Hey everyone as much as I feel its important to keep political views away from our church website, I also
recognize that America is incredibly divided at the moment. And I had an idea I hope may heal our nation in some
small way.

Specifically this is about Trumps border wall. I am proposing an alternative project that may satisfy the Left who
are worried about fiscal responsibility, and the Right who are less interested in factual arguments and more
concerned about the message were sending to the world. And most of all I hope that this project appeals to
President Trumps aesthetic tastes and his love of grand construction projects.

Letter to President Trump

President Trump: you should build a monument instead of a border wall.

I wont make the usual arguments against the wall that border apprehensions are at a 40-year low; that
immigrants are not a leading (or growing) cause of crime; that it is technology, not immigrants, taking American jobs.
There are countless studies that conclude a border wall will be tremendously expensive and ineffective at its goals.

But Im sure you understand this.

The wall clearly is about symbolism, about the message it sends to the world. And about you, and what your
presidency represents. Here is a wall, you people stay on your side America is full. The wall is about drawing a
line, about Real American values, about American toughness.

But can I suggest to you that your followers may not entirely understand this message? That they may not be
attuned to subtle ideas like symbolism? They may be irked after you spend $15 Billion of our tax dollars on a wall
that does not improve American lives in any meaningful way, no matter the message it sends.

Let me next appeal to your sense of aesthetics. Youve spent your life building magnificent buildings, beautiful golf
courses, resorts and so on. The Wall will be ugly and plain, the money must be spread across too many hundreds of
miles to be spectacular in any given spot. No one will want to come to look at it, no one will be impressed with its
grandeur. Do you want that to be your legacy?

So I propose you announce a different project a grand, glittering monument one that promotes the idea of
American Toughness, and which I think economists will back me up is a better use of our tax dollars.

Rather than describe the monument in words, Ive commissioned an architectural concept drawing of the

8 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (




Youll notice theyre gold. I did the math* and for a set of testicles roughly 30 feet tall, you can safely budget $10
Billion to gold plate the balls at a thickness of over an inch and still come out under what your border wall is
estimated to cost.

And unlike a wall, here youll have a monument that people can come and admire in all its glory. Here is the literal
symbol of virility and masculine toughness and all things alpha-male. Your followers are unlikely to miss the

Plus, this monument is a safe investment if things dont work out, the gold can be reclaimed. Unlike a border wall,
the money spent gold plating a massive set of testicles is not a wasteful use of taxpayer money.

Thank you for your time. Please let me know if I can help with more details and so on (I have some ideas on
replacing Obamacare also).

-Bobby Henderson, Concerned citizen and taxpayer

#BallsNotWalls (
* The math:

A set of balls 10 meters tall has a volume of approximately 697 cubic meters, with a surface area approximately 412
square meters.

At the current spot price of gold at $1256 per Ounce, $10 Billion will purchase 247,635 Kilograms of gold.

With a density of 19320 kilograms per cubic meter, that pile of gold has a volume of approximately 12.81 cubic

9 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (

That volume, divided by surface area of 412 square /ordination/)

meters gives us a gold plating depth of approximately 3.1 CM or

Concept drawing by my artist friend Avelino (

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#Evangelism ( #General (

17 ( Comments

Victoria drivers license (

Published February 26th, 2017 by Bobby Henderson
Marcus Bowring out of Victoria, Australia, was successful in getting his Drivers license photo taken while wearing
Pastafarian religious headgear.

I kept the strainer in a bag until it was time to take the photo because I was bit worried
that there were a few bigots around that might not accept it, he said.

But the young guy that was taking the photo was quite happy. He said something
along the lines of respect or well done. He was perfectly fine with it.

10 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (


Australians are interesting the people are clearly enlightened and have a sense of humor but, at the same time,
we hear stories of bureaucratic resistance to Pastafarianism coming from Australia more than just about anywhere.
Ive heard of several denied attempts at getting an Australian ID card colandered photo. So I was extra pleased to
hear that Marcus had pulled it off. Heres the full article in TheAge (
a-victorian-drivers-licence-with-a-pasta-strainer-on-his-head-20161129-gszuu7.html) about how it went down.

Every small victory adds to the weight of legitimacy. Each wedding officiated by an FSM Minister
( and each ID photo taken while wearing Pastafarian headgear (and so on) is
an implicit acknowledgement by a government worker that Pastafarianism is a bonafide religious organization. Over
time, I imagine there will be less resistance to what were doing itll become clear that were not mocking
anyones beliefs, only fighting for our own idea of what religion is about, and making a stand against religious

Also, on the topic of Australia I want to give props to the Australia Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster
( This group is incredibly well organized and engaged in promoting Pastafarianism as a
legitimate religion and they are doing amazing things in ongoing court battles. I would urge anyone in the area to
check them out and get involved.

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Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (


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#General ( #Holiday Celebrations (

162 ( Comments

happy Holidays everybody (

Published December 14th, 2016 by Bobby Henderson
The Holiday[1] season is here again. How to Spread the Word of the FSM? Here are a few ideas:

The Holiday e-Card machine is up and running again this year.

You can send a festive Holiday e-Card to your friends and family with a personalized message here
( Below are a few of the designs:

12 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (




FSM Ministry Nominations

Also this season, if you know someone with impeccable character, ready to serve as a spiritual leader, you can
nominate them to the FSM Ministry.

FSM Ministers will receive Lithograph Paper Certificates and PVC Ministers ID cards, and will be added to the
official registry. You can order here (

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Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (


Or how about a festive FSM tree (this one courtesy of Trevor)

Heres Taruns tree:

14 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (


Amy spotted this amazing display on her neighbors house in Everett, WA:

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Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (


[1] A note on Holiday: years ago, we noticed there was a shift in the way people expressed winter greetings fewer
Merry Christmass and more happy holidays. We concluded that these people were most likely Pastafarians
(albeit many of them in secret) wishing people a happy Holiday referring to our winter celebration Holiday, also
known as ChriFSMas.

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#Evangelism ( #Secular Vs. Religious (

411 ( Comments

Struggle for Religious Expression in Illinois

Published July 25th, 2016 by Bobby Henderson

16 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (


The struggle for Pastafarian acceptance continues, in Illinois. From the Chicago Tribue:

College student Rachel Hoover, of Arlington Heights, went to get her license renewed
at the Illinois Secretary of State facility in Schaumburg. She told employees that she
wanted to wear a metal colander on her head for the photo in honor of her religious
beliefs. Employees balked, but Hoover insisted.

But when the central office discovered that employees had relented and allowed
Hoover to be photographed with the strainer on her head, administrators drew the line,
even though her face was clearly visible.

They told Hoover her license will be revoked July 29 unless she gets a new, strainer-
free photo taken.

State officials are just trying to use a little common sense, secretary of state
spokesman Dave Druker told Tribune freelance reporter Lee V. Gaines. It almost looks
like Pastafarians are a mockery of religion.

During a time when people are doing reprehensible things in the Name of Religion, I wonder why officials are
hassling us, out of all religious groups. Do these officials prevent people from wearing Yamulkes or Hijabs or
Turbans and if not, is it because they appear to have such earnest beliefs, and Pastafarians do not take
themselves so seriously?

If Pastafarians had more scary dogmatic True-Believers, would we encounter less resistance to the privileges other
religious groups are granted?

17 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

While Want
I donttoagree with the Chicago
be a Pastafarian Tribunes
minister? stance
Official that FSM
ordination is a broad
certificates: $25spoof,
Get itI now
found the article well written and
clever its worth the read and can be found here (

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#Evangelism ( #General (

/general/) #Pirates (
446 ( Comments

FSM on Australia TV (

Published May 20th, 2016 by Bobby Henderson
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Australia got on national TV the other day. Looks like it went pretty well.
You can view the segment here (


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#General ( #Noodle Love (

28 ( Comments

Our Kiva Team just hit $3 Million

Published April 23rd, 2016 by Bobby Henderson

18 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Thanks everyone
Want to be aPastafarian
our Kiva Team just hit
minister? $3 Million
Official in loans.
ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (



What is Kiva? Kiva is a organization that lets us give small loans to people in the third world that need help starting
small business. We make small, interest-free loans towards the projects we support, and Kiva combines them to
fund the loan to the person who wants to build a small workshop, farm, restaurant, fruit stand, etc. These are
interest-fee loans in places like Cambodia, Peru, Uganda places where traditional bank lending to the poor is
unavailable (or predatory). Kiva ensures that the loans are paid out and that the money is paid back. A lot of us feel
this is the best way of bringing economic growth to the poorest areas.

Nice work everyone! If you havent already, please consider joining us here (

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Subscribe and get Pastafarian news and articles by email. Your info will be
kept private and I won't bug you often, promise.

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Become a minister
We do not solicit or accept donations -- the Church is funded by orders of Ordination Credentials. Please consider
taking the next step of your Faith and become an FSM Minister.


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Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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Tweets by @henderob
Bobby Henderson Retweeted

J.K. Rowling

'Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only sure defence.' -- Mark Twain

Jun 24, 2017

Bobby Henderson Retweeted

NSW Pastafarians. It is time to go update your license photos! R'amen!

Embed View on Twitter

Join our lending team

Kiva is a platform where you can make small interest-free loans to people in poor areas that need help starting small
business. The Church of the FSM has one of the top religious congregation teams on Kiva. Check it out.

Please help us stay ahead of the Mormons!


Wear a shirt
We have a few styles here (

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Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be a Pastafarian minister? Official ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (



Purchase the Gospel


An elaborate spoof on Intelligent Design, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is neither too elaborate nor too
spoofy to succeed in nailing the fallacies of ID. It's even wackier than Jonathan Swift's suggestion that the Irish eat
their children as a way to keep them from being a burden, and it may offend just as many people, but Henderson
puts satire to the same serious use that Swift did. Oh, yes, it is very funny. -- Scientific American.

Buy Car Emblems

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Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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Bobby's Blog (


Contact Bobby: Contact Me (



Success (and trouble) for Arizona Pastafarian's ID Photo (

23 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Want to be aOfficially Recognizes
Pastafarian minister? the Church
Official of FSM (
ordination certificates: $25 Get it now (
Pastafarians Marching For Science -- Contradiction?
Climate Change is a Touchy Subject (
Trump Monument (
Victoria driver's license (
happy Holidays everybody (
Struggle for Religious Expression in Illinois (
FSM on Australia TV (
Our Kiva Team just hit $3 Million (
Pastafarian Pirate Party in Queensland Australia (
First Recognized Pastafarian Wedding In New Zealand (
Nebraska's Federal Court Says We're Not a Legit Religion (
The Templin Pastafarians are Fighting the State of Brandenburg (
FSM Pirate Adventure Game: Quest For Enlightenment (
Australian Driver's License (

Captain Birdseye said A friend spotted the FSM sticker on the back of my sloop and yesterday revealed that
he was in fact... (
5655531) [Ordained FSM Ministers are everywhere and our numbers are growing every day.]
Captain Birdseye said AF, all we need to know about whatsisname is that he's a far right, Catholic
evangetroll, who enthus... (
5655193) [Success (and trouble) for Arizona Pastafarians ID Photo]
Captain Birdseye said AF, I have clients who think 'differently'. I just don't get drawn in any more than I
would by a Jeh... (
[Success (and trouble) for Arizona Pastafarians ID Photo]
professor kalebe dionisio said Good article. I will be facing a few of these issues as well..
( [The
Netherlands recognizes Pastafarianism as an official religion]
Apprentice Frederic said Cap'n B., I am sure that the COFSM Communicants have followed your
exchanges with whatshisname with... (
/#comment-5655003) [Success (and trouble) for Arizona Pastafarians ID Photo]
Captain Birdseye said .... that should mean 'what Jesus's movement has become'.
[Please do not delude yourself]
Captain Birdseye said Jerbobi, I can't quite work out whether you found Christianity because of The FSM,
or, The FSM becau... (
/#comment-5654914) [Please do not delude yourself]
jerbopi said I understand Kevin B. This is a tread. I was a non-believer, until the FSM . Like they say, they
op... (
5654856) [Please do not delude yourself]
Mr. Hankey said Look at Spunk Monkey's arse after he entertains the Ugandan army. I suspect Green
Monkey Disease (si... (
[Success (and trouble) for Arizona Pastafarians ID Photo]

24 de 26 27/7/17 03:12
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2017 Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

26 de 26 27/7/17 03:12

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