ActivityStream - Case Study - V2 PDF

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Week Modules Tech Stack

1 Mock APIs for Circle, Mailbox, Follow, Activity NodeJS

Documentation Express
Restful APIs

2 Authentication JWT
Authorization Supertest
Testing Mocha, Chai

3 Data persistence for all APIs Cassandra/MongoDB

4 Containerization of single component Docker

New Architecure Docker compose
Routes Manager API Kafka
Routes Manager Processor

5 Updating Redis Caches Redis


6 Multiplexer Redis Pub/Sub

Multiplexer Delivery Unit

7 Socket Server

Sync Mailboxes Event Emitter

8-9 UI -: Angular 4
New user signup Material UI
Login Passport
Home - all circles with search and join option, my circles bar, client
circle's activities with send option, new circle with gmail list, user inbox

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