325799802-Classroom-Behaviour-Reflection-Form-2016 1

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Classroom Behaviour Reflection Form

School Vision
We are called to provide an exemplary Catholic Education
Discipleship: With Christ as our light we aspire to nurture the whole person in a community centred on gospel
Learning: We are committed to providing an education that empowers all to become life-long learners.

School Code of Conduct: Students, staff and parents strive for excellence for ourselves, others and the community
by following Christs example in the Gospels.
Compassion Honesty Respect Inclusivity Self Control

Dear Parent
Your child displayed negative behaviour today during class and was asked to complete the following reflection
form. Please take the time to discuss the behaviour with your child, sign at the bottom and return it
As you are aware, our school Code of Conduct outlines the following consequences for negative classroom
behaviour by students:
Step 1 Verbal warning
Step 2 Verbal warning and reminder of rules
Step 3 Time Out
Step 4 Time Out to complete Classroom Behaviour Reflection Form
Step 5 Sent to a buddy class to complete work and teacher to arrange meeting with parents to discuss
Step 6 or any serious negative behaviour that causes danger to self or others Sent to Leadership Member and
parents are called.
Please make an appointment to see me to discuss your childs behaviour YES / NO (teacher to circle).
Kind Regards
Class Teacher
Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________________
Which school Code of Conduct value/s did I not follow?

Right now I feel ___________________________ because ________________________


What should I have been doing instead?


What do I need to do to change my behavior?


My Action Plan: I will ______________________________________________________

Parent Comment: __________________________________________________________
Signed: _____________________________ Date: _______________________________

N:\General Staff\Code of Conduct\2016\Classroom Behaviour Reflection Form.docx

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