Benedict Nails It-Vortext

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Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!


On July 15th, a letter was read out loud at the funeral Mass of Cdl. Joachim Meisner,
one of the four so-called dubia cardinals, who have asked Pope Francis to clarify the
controversial Amoris Laetitiae, which various bishops around the world are
interested in allowing sacrilegious Holy Communions for divorced and civilly
remarried Catholics. While the letter, read aloud by Benedict's personal secretary
was very personal, there was also a very public declaration in it.

Archbishop Georg Ganswein read the letter from Benedict to those at the funeral at
the Cathedral of St. Peter in Cologne, Germany. The Pope Emeritus made some
very direct remarks, that probably did not sit well with some of the clerics in
attendance, like the head of the German Bishops' Conference, Reinhard Marx, one
the leading revolutionaries in favor of sacrilegious Holy Communions.

Benedict said, "The Church stands in particularly pressing need of convincing

shepherds who can resist the dictatorship of the zeitgeist (spirit of the age) and
who live and think the Faith with determination ..." Pretty safe bet that ol' Marx
didn't like that at all, seeing as how he has pretty much led the charge among
various Judas churchmen to embrace the spirit of the age or the zeitgeist.

He actually stunned even some heterodox Catholics last week when he said the
nation's laws shouldn't be based on morality, mixing religion with politics. Uh, sure
they shouldn't. What should they be based on, Your Eminence, the dictatorship of
the zeitgeist? Wonder if Benedict had Marx in mind, among quite a few others,
when he was writing. Moving on.

Speaking of the final period of Meisner's life, Pope Benedict reflected, "[H]e learned
to let go and to live out of a deep conviction that the Lord does not abandon His
Church, even if the boat has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of
capsizing." Capsizing? Yes. Capsizing! What exactly could Pope Benedict be referring
to? For such a great man, noted for among many things, choosing his words very
carefully, that is a shocking statement.
In fact, when we first started saying out loud a number of years ago that the Church
was in a crisis, many in the Church of Nice Establishment media heaped scorn and
mockery on us, denying there was a crisis. Gradually, over the past few years, they
have had to quietly slink away as we are looking at a church not only in crisis but
near total chaos.

A telling aspect of the Holy Father's words was that the reference to the need for
good bishops, meaning there are too many bad bishops, came so close in his text
to the fact that the boat of the Church is capsizing. Notice also that he characterized
the need, not just as a need but a pressing need.

Now, there are a hundred ways to dissect and comment and editorialize and
expound on Pope Benedict's words, but let's leave it at that and say for all the
Church of Nice bishops out there, those of you who, largely through your inaction,
who are not being "passionate shepherds and pastors," you are being called out
here called out by Pope Benedict for bringing the Church to the point of

He accuses you of not being able to resist the dictatorship of the zeitgeist, the spirit
of the age and in so failing to resist, you are bringing about the destruction of souls
for a capsizing ship sends passengers and crew tumbling overboard where they

And yet, it's easy to imagine that in chanceries all over the Western world, what
Pope Benedict said will be paid little attention, perhaps even mocked or chuckled
about, right up until the next meeting where the next round of parish closings will
be hammered out.

Pope Benedict relayed that Cdl. Meisner's solicitude in his final time came from a
deep sense that Our Lord does not abandon His Church regardless of the
calamities She faces. That's true of course. We have the divine promise, and God
never goes back on His word. But in order to be saved, not abandoned by God, to
enjoy the fruit of Him not abandoning His Church, a soul must cling to that Church.

Unfortunately, too many clerics, especially bishops today, do not. And they go out
of their way to see to it that others fall overboard with them. For what is a shepherd
if not a leader? If the leader goes bad, if the salt loses it flavor, then what? It is
simply the case that too many shepherds do not care about the eternal lives of the
souls entrusted to them.
You never ever hear them speak like this. You never hear terms like damnation and
Hell. Very rarely do you hear the enemy called out by name, who the first pope
spoke of very plainly. "The devil is roaming about like a roaring lion looking for
someone to devour."

Why is that? Why is everything about earthly and man-centered issues? The answer
to that question is the same answer to the question of why a living pope can say,
the ship of the Church is capsizing.

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