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Arc Cutting Principles

and Arc Cutting Practice:
Jobs 17-J1J7

In the majority of fabricating shops and in the field, the Chapter Objectives
welder must be able to do manual arc cutting, Fig.17-1.
The various arc cutting devices have become universal
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
tools. They are widely used in foundries for the removal
of risers from castings, for cleaning castings, and as a 17-1 Describe arc cutting principles.
means of scrapping obsolete metal structures. Cutting 17-2 Identify plasma arc cutting (PAC) techniques.
devices are also used in the fabrication of metal struc- 17-3 Identify air carbon arc cutting (CAC-A) techniques.
tures, Fig. 17-2. 17-4 Perform visual inspection of cuts and gouges.
Cutting processes have made it possible to fabricate
17-5 Describe equipment setup and use.
structures requiring heavy thicknesses of metal from
rolled metal. Formerly, these structures had to be cast. 17-6 Perform troubleshooting of cut and gouge quality.
The combination of cutting and welding processes created 17-7 Perform straight line, curve square cuts, bevel
an industry devoted to the fabrication of heavy machinery cuts, and gouges on a variety of shapes and metals
and equipment from rolled metal. Arc cutting increases with PAC.
the speed of fabrication and eliminates many costly join- 17-8 Perform gouges with CAC-A.
ing, shaping, and finishing operations.

Arc Cutting
Arc cutting processes melt metal along a desired line of
cut with the heat generated by an electric arc. A number
of the processes also use oxygen, compressed air, or one
of the inert gases in addition to the arc. Several of the
arc processes compare favorably with oxyfuel gas cuts in
quality of cut. The primary advantage of arc cutting is
that it can be used on all types of metals. Some of its ap-
plications include cast iron, scrap, aluminum, magnesium,

Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC)
Plasma arc cutting, Fig. 17-3, is similar in many
respects to the gas tungsten arc (TIG). This pro-
cess was introduced by the Linde Division of
Union Carbide in 1955. Both automated and man-
ual equipment produce economical, high quality,
ready-to-weld cuts.
An oxyacetylene cutting torch cannot cut
aluminum, magnesium, or stainless steels be-
cause these metals form oxides when exposed
to oxygen. The oxides resist further oxidation
the basis of oxyacetylene cutting. The plasma
arc process, Fig. 17-4, page 524, can cut these
metals because the arc stream is much hotter
than the melting temperatures of both the metals
and their oxides. It is also a high speed process,
Fig. 17-1 Welding students being instructed in the proper use of a PAC torch in Fig. 17-5, page 524.
a lab. Prographics The only requirement for plasma cutting is
that the metal being cut must be able to conduct electric-
ity. By blowing out molten metal, the forceful plasma cut-
ting jet forms the kerf. However the kerf can be 112 to
2 times the width of a kerf made with OFC.
Plasma is the fourth state of matter; the others are gas,
liquid, and solid. Unlike gas, plasma is ionized so that it
can conduct electric current. (An ion is an atom or group
of atoms that has lost or gained electrons so that it can
carry a positive or negative electrical charge. High voltage
or high temperature can ionize a gas.) Thus the purpose
of the gas used in the plasma arc process is different from

Fig. 17-2 Plasma arc cutting a thin wall stainless-steel pipe that
will be used in the food processing industry. Flame retardant mate-
rial has been placed inside the pipe to protect the inner surfaces
from the molten dross of the cut. Note the gloves protecting from
heat and flying sparks. Miller Electric Mfg. Co.

titanium, copper, carbon steel, and stainless steels. Arc

cutting equipment is also used for hole piercing, rivet cut-
ting, gouging, and other special uses. Fig. 17-3 Heavy cut in carbon steel with the plasma arc cutting
Arc cutting is done with the plasma arc, the carbon arc, process. Various sizes of stiffener plates are being cut automatically.
and the metal arc. Accuracy is to +0.002 inches. Team Industries, Inc.

Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7 Chapter 17 523


Workpiece Cutting



Fig. 17-4 Plasma arc cutting makes shape and line cuts on hard- Fig. 17-6 Schematic diagram of plasma arc cutting equipment.
to-work metals such as this 134-inch stainless-steel plate.
Team Industries, Inc.

opening that constricts the arc. The high pressure gas

must flow through the electric arc where it is heated to
the plasma temperature of approximately 25,000F, a
temperature far higher than that of any flame. The ex-
panding gas as a result of the heat is forced through the
small opening in the nozzle where it emerges in the form
of a sonic jet at high velocity. The hot jet of gas can melt
any known metal. The high velocity gas blasts the mol-
ten metal through the kerf to produce a high quality cut,
which is free of metallic oxides or dross. The cut is done
at high travel speed which reduces the heat input as com-
pared with OFC. Argon, nitrogen, air, oxygen, and nitro-
gen-hydrogen and argon-hydrogen mixtures are used in
the plasma arc process.

Fig. 17-5 Cutting various branch connections like T, K, and Yin

pipe with the plasma process. Pipe diameter 348 inches can be For video of how PAC works, please visit
accommodated. This machine can use plasma or oxyfuel for cut-
ting. Equipment conveys pipe from outside storage rack to the
cutting machine. The cutting head is a CNC controlled with a 5-axis
and a touch sensitive screen for ease and accuracy of production Good ventilation should be provided when doing
requirements. Team Industries, Inc. plasma arc cutting to remove all fumes from the area of
the cutting action. Because of the cutting speed and large
volume of metal removed, PAC produces large quantities
that used in the oxyacetylene process and the inert gas of fumes. It is not just the metal fumes but certain coating
processes (TIG and MIG/MAG). Instead of producing a fumes such as the zinc found on galvanized steel or cad-
flame for cutting the work or shielding the operation from mium coated parts as examples that need to be guarded
the atmosphere, the gas is superheated so that it becomes a against.
conductor and can actually maintain an electric arc.
Mechanized Plasma Arc CuttingThe equipment that
Because maximum transfer of heat to the work is es-
is needed for the mechanized plasma arc cutting system
sential, plasma arc torches use a transferred arc for cut-
includes a torch, a cutting control box, gas regulators,
ting in which both the material being cut and the torch act
power supply, a carriage unit, a supply of cutting gases,
as electrodes in the electric circuit, Fig. 17-6. The work is
and water.
thus subjected to plasma arc heat.
In the plasma arc torch, the tip of the electrode is lo- Torch The typical torch can be used for cutting all metals.
cated within the nozzle. The nozzle has a relatively small It is water cooled and may be equipped with a variety of

524 Chapter 17 Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7
Plasma Gas

Flow for
or Cooling


+ Fig. 17-8 Control unit for the mechanized plasma arc cutting
head. ESAB

for water-cooled torches. The PAC system will not

function if these interlock switches are not properly
Fig. 17-7 (A) Multiport plasma arc cutting nozzle. (B) Dual flow supplied.
plasma arc cutting nozzle.
Environmental ControlsA tremendous amount of noise
and fumes are generated with high powered mechanized
nozzles to permit the use of different gases. The amount of plasma arc cutting. A common approach to overcome
current also affects nozzle selection. S ingle-port nozzles, noise and fumes is to cut over a water table and surround
Fig. 17-6, are generally used with argon-hydrogen and the arc with a water shroud. This requires a cutting table
nitrogen-hydrogen mixtures, but multiport and dual flow filled with water up to the work-supporting surface, a
nozzles, Fig. 17-7, produce better results when compressed water shroud attachment to the torch, and a circulating
air or oxygen is the plasma gas, orfice gas, or cutting gas. pump to circulate filtered water from the water table
Torches can be supplied by two gases, one as the plasma through the shroud.
gas, orfice gas, or cutting gas and one as the shielding gas, Another method is to completely submerge the part
or in the case of air plasma cutting, a gas to help cool the to be cut under approximately 3 inches of water. Thus
torch head. the working end of the torch and cut are completely
PAC torches operate at extremely high temperatures, submerged. While the torch is under water and not cutting,
and various parts of the torch must be considered to be a flow of compressed air prevents water from entering the
consumable. The electrode and tip (restricting orifice) torch. Coloring agents can be added to the water to reduce
are vulnerable to wear during cutting. Cutting perfor- glare.
mance will deteriorate as they wear. Current plasma Electrodes Special tungsten electrodes, held in place by a
torches have self-alignment and self-adjusting consum- collet, are used in the cutting torch. Electrode type, shape,
able parts. If they are assembled with the manufacturers and location are critical for proper operation.
specified parts and following the manufacturers instruc-
tions, no further adjustment should be required. Peri- Power SupplyDirect current, electrode negative con-
odic inspection of the other torch parts such as shielding stant current (drooper) type power sources are used. A
cups, insulators, seals (O-rings), swirl ring, and shields power source with an open circuit voltage range of 150
should be performed per the manufacturers maintenance to 400 volts is required, Fig. 17-9, page 526. For heavy
recommendations. cutting a machine capable of producing 400 open-circuit
volts and 200 kilowatts or more may be necessary. Both
Controls The control unit, Fig. 17-8, provides the sequence
transformer-rectifier and inverter type power units are
of operations and control of all functions such as arc start- available. These units may also be connected in series to
ing, varying gas flow, varying power level, carriage travel meet higher voltage requirements.
and flow of water.
Interlocks are used with PAC systems. An inad- Regulators Gas pressure regulators and flowmeters are re-
equate supply of plasma gas may cause internal arcing quired for controlling the flow of the plasma and shielding
and damage to the torch. Pressure interlock switches gas. See Chapter 5, pages 151-153. All gas goes through
will shut the system down if the gas systems are not the main port of the cutting torch at 60to 350 cubic feet
adequate. The same also pertains to coolant systems per hour.

Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7 Chapter 17 525


Torch Nozzle


Plasma Arc Inert Gas Cutting


Torch Nozzle
Fig. 17-9 Transformer-rectifier power supply with a total capacity of 4-inch thick
cutting (370 volts d.c., open circuit). ESAB

Cutting Gases Aluminum, stainless steels, and other non- established by pressing
ferrous metals require a nonoxidizing gas for cutting, such the switch on the torch Workpiece
as a mixture of argon-hydrogen or nitrogen, Fig. 17-10A. handle. The cutting arc Plasma Arc Nitrogen-Oxygen Cutting
Carbon steel, cast iron, and certain alloy steels require is established when the B
an oxidizing gas that provides additional heat from the torch is brought to within
iron-oxygen reaction at the cutting point. Separately sup- 1
2 inch of the workpiece. Fig. 17-10 (A) Plasma arc
plied nitrogen, oxygen, or compressed air may be used The arc is immediately inert gas cutting. (B) Plasma arc
nitrogen-oxygen cutting.
for these metals. The life of electrodes operating in extinguished when the
oxygen is short. Oxygen is usually supplied as an outer welder releases the torch switch. Some manual torches
sheath surrounding a nitrogen plasma, Fig. 17-10B. Typi- are water cooled. Because of the high voltage nature of
cal cutting conditions are given in Tables 17-1 through the PAC process water leaks or moisture on or around the
17-3, pp. 528529. equipment should be prevented prior to operations.
Water supply Water at high pressure and a high rate of Plasma Arc Starting with High FrequencyWhen the PAC
flow is necessary to dissipate the heat generated in the power source is turned on and the trigger or torch switch
torch. Usually it is necessary to install a circulatory sys- is closed or turned on, there will be approximately 2 to
tem in order to provide an adequate flow. 3 seconds for preflow of gas or air before the pilot arc
starts. The pilot arc is an arc between the electrode and
Manual Plasma Arc CuttingManual plasma arc cut-
the torch tip. This pilot is a nontransferred, noncutting
ting, Fig. 17-11, is used for workpieces that cannot be
arc. When the cutting gas or air reaches the pilot arc, it
adapted to a mechanized setup, for remote locations, and
is superheated to over 25,000F. When this pilot arc is
for specialized work on odd-shaped pieces. Typical man-
brought into close proximity to the workpiece, the electric
ual cutting capabilities include 11 4-inch thick stainless
circuit is completed. This is referred to as the transferred
steel and 1-inch thick aluminum. The equipment needed
or cutting arc. A pilot arc relay will open and shut the
includes a manual torch, supply of electrodes, power
pilot power off. Figure 17-12 represents the transferred
source, with control unit. The electrodes and power
and nontransferred high frequency starting method. The
source for the mechanized process may also be used for
most common pilot arc starting method has been to strike
manual cutting.
a high frequency spark between the electrode and the
Torch An air-cooled torch with a 100-ampere capacity is a torch tip. The pilot arc is created by high frequency, which
popular model. It has a right-angle head. The pilot arc is is a high voltage produced by a transformer and a spark

526 Chapter 17 Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7
gap oscillator. This device is referred to as an arc starter
(high frequency generator). A major concern is that the
high frequency may interfere with telephones, computers,
or machine [computer numeric controls (CNC), etc.] con-
trols if the system is not properly installed. See Chapter
18 as this is the same type of high frequency used in the
GTAW process.
Plasma Arc Starting with Contact StartsThe contact start
pilot arc (without using high frequency) is formed be-
tween the nozzle and the inner electrode. This is created
when the electrode is in contact with the torch tip and
retracts when the trigger is pulled. The airflow pulls or
forces the electrode to retract while electricity is flow-
ing through the electrode. The narrow opening or orifice
of the torch tip accelerates the expanding plasma toward
the workpiece. When the torch and workpiece are close
enough, the pilot arc crosses or jumps the gap, which
then allows the main electric plasma current to follow.
This then becomes the plasma or columnar transferred
cutting arc.
Verify the type of starting system on the PAC equip-
ment you will be using.
Control Unit The control unit generally built into the power
source for manual cutting regulates the electrical, gas,
and water supplies. Separate flowmeters may be provided
for argon and hydrogen. However, most manual cutting is
done with compressed air. Solenoid valves provide for the
Fig. 17-11 Cutting a carbon steel pate manually with the plasma flow of pure argon to the torch to establish the pilot arc at
arc process and very portable power source. The process has the the start of the cutting cycle.
same flexibility as oxyacetylene without the large cumbersome
cylinders. Note the protective clothing and fall restraint. Cutting Gases The manual torch is designed to use com-
Miller Electric Mfg. Co. pressed air as a plasma gas and secondary cooling gas.
A mixture of 80 percent argon and 20 percent hydrogen

Pilot Arc Cutting Arc

(Nontransferred Arc) (Transferred Arc)

High High
Frequency Frequency
Generator Generator

Power Power
Supply Resistor Supply Resistor

Electrode Electrode
Pilot Pilot
Arc Tip Arc Tip
Relay Relay Cutting
Pilot Arc
Contact Contact Arc
+ Work + Work

Fig. 17-12 Pilot and cutting arc. Source: Miller Electric Mfg. Co.

Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7 Chapter 17 527
may be used based on cut quality, brightness, fume gen- cutting of several sheets of 116- to 14-inch thickness is pos-
eration, and cost. The secondary or cooling gas, when sible. In addition to cutting, the process can be used for
used, can be argon or nitrogen. Since manual PAC is gen- the piercing of holes and gouging, including pad washing
erally done with air, a compressor external to the power and scarfing.
source or special power sources with air compressor
built in are available. Other gases can be supplied pre- Cutting Carbon SteelThe plasma arc processes produce
mixed in cylinders or as individual gases supplied to a dross-free cuts in carbon steel with smooth surfaces and
gas mixer device. sharp edges. No preheating is required. Stack cutting of
sheets produces cuts comparable to those obtained when
Advantage of Plasma CuttingBoth the mechanized cutting one sheet of equal thickness. The edges are not
and manual plasma cutting processes produce economi- fused when cutting carbon steel. Net cost per foot com-
cal, high speed, ready-to-weld cuts. They are intended pares favorably with other processes in thicknesses up to
to replace less efficient, slower methods such as saw- 2 inches.
ing, powder-cutting, and oxyacetylene cutting on some While it is possible to obtain fairly good results if inert
applications. The plasma arc process has the following gases are used to cut carbon steel, superior results are ob-
advantages: tained when nitrogen and oxygen are used. The cutting
speed is higher than that for oxyacetylene cuts, thus re-
Dross-free cuts on carbon and stainless steels, nickel, sulting in less heat input. See Table 17-1.
Monel, Inconel, cast iron, clad steels, aluminum, cop-
per, and magnesium Cutting Stainless Steel Completely dross-free plasma arc
Clean cuts on most metals up to 5 inches thick cuts in stainless steel up to 2 inches thick have eliminated
Precision cuts with a narrow kerf (especially when the need for further finishing. Radiographic quality welds
high current-density equipment is used) can be produced without further cleaning of cut surfaces.
Minimum heat-affected zone Cut quality of high strength alloys, including those with a
Cutting speeds up to 300 inches per minute (many high nickel or cobalt content, is similar to those of stain-
times faster than oxyacetylene cutting) less steel.
Cuts of such quality that machining or finishing is not Stainless steel and nonferrous metals are generally cut
needed in many cases with mixtures of argon and hydrogen or with nitrogen
There is almost no distortion of metals when using the mixtures. See Table 17-2.
plasma arc cutting processes. There is no bowing or
Cutting AluminumPlasma arc cutting methods provide
cambering. Except for a microscopically thin layer at
equal or better quality at much faster speeds than other
the cut surface, magnetic permeability and hardness
cutting methods. Prior to its development other flame cut-
are little affected.
ting attempts were unsatisfactory on a production basis.
Plasma arc cutting is finding increased use as a fab- Plasma arc cuts in aluminum are dross-free for thick-
ricating tool in the transportation, nuclear power, and nesses up to 5 inches. Excellent cuts are also obtained
chemical industries. It is also used in the forging and on magnesium at higher cutting speeds than aluminum.
casting industry for removing risers and gates. The stack See Table 17-3.

Table 17-1 Typical Conditions for Plasma Arc Cutting of Carbon Steel

Thickness Speed Orifice Diameter1

in. mm in./min mm/s in. mm (DCEN) (A) Power (kW)
4 6 200 86 1
8 3.2 275 55
2 13 100 42 1
8 3.2 275 55
1 25 50 21 32
4.0 425 85
2 51 25 11 16
4.8 550 110
1 3
 lasma gas flow rates vary with orifice diameter and gas used from about 200 ft3/h (94 L/min.) for a 8-in. (3.2 mm) orifice to about 300 ft3/h (104 L/min.) for a 16-in. (4.8 mm)

orifice. The gases used are usually compressed air, nitrogen with up to 10% hydrogen additions, or nitrogen with oxygen added downstream from the electrode (dual flow). The
equipment manufacturer should be consulted for each application.

528 Chapter 17 Arc Cutting Principles and Arc Cutting Practice: Jobs 17-J1J7

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