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Paper II
Time Allowed : 75 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 100
Note : This Paper contains Fifty (50) multiple choice questions. Each question
carries Two (2) marks. Attempt All questions.

1. Which of the following corresponds 3. Which of the following is a valid

to i , where i 1 : solution of the differential equation ?

1 w 2\ w 2\
(A) (1  i)  0 ?
2 wx 2 wy2

1 (A) x2  y2
(B) (1  i)
(B) x2 y2
(C) 1
(C) x2  y2
(D) 1
(D) x 4 y4
2. The eigenvalues of the matrix
4. For the Legendre differential
i i 0 equation
0 1 i
(1  x 2 ) y "  2 xy '  n (n  1) y 0
0 0 i
which of the following is an ordinary
are :
point ?

(A) i, i, 0 (A) x 1

(B) i, i2, i3 (B) x 0

(C) 1, 0, 1 (C) x 1

(D) 1, i, i (D) x f

1 [P.T.O.

5. If 1 0xS
7. f ( x)
0 S  x  0
A. BC 0
when f(x) is represented by
in 3-dimensional space, then :
corresponding Fourier series, then

(A) A, B, C are co-planer the value of Fourier series at x = 0

is :
(B) A is a null vector

(A) 1
(C) A, B, C span the whole 3-d

space (B) 0

(D) B = 0 (C)
6. The dimension of the subspace
spanned by the real vectors : 2

8. The Laplace transform of f(t) is F(s),

1 2 0 2 1 0
1 2 1 0 2 0 then the Laplace transform of df/dt
, , , , , ,
0 0 0 0 0 0 is :

0 0 0 3 0 0
(A) dF/ds
(A) 2

(B) 3
(B) F (s  t) f (t) dt

(C) 4 (C) s F(s) f(0)

(D) 5 (D) F(s) es


9. The ground state energy is always : 11. Which of the following is an eigen-

(A) suppressed due to the first order function of linear momentum

perturbation ! w
operator , such that it describes
i wx
(B) elevated due to the first order a particle moving in free space in
the direction of +ve x-axis with no
(C) suppressed due to the second uncertainty in the linear
order perturbation momentum ?

(D) elevated due to the second order (A) cos kx

(B) sin kx
10. For 3-dimensional square well
(C) e kx
potential well potential in quantum
mechanics (D) eikx

(v = v0 for 0 < r < a and v = 0 12. A transition, in which one photon

for r > a) is radiated by the electron in a

(A) the bound state exists only if hydrogen atom, when the electron

the potential is sufficiently deep wave function changes from <1 to

<2; is forbidden if <1 and <2 :

(B) there always exists at least one
bound state (A) have opposite parity

(C) there are always at least three (B) are both spherically symmetric
bound states
(C) are orthogonal to one another
(D) the bound state wave function
(D) are zero at the center of the
has property \ (r 0) 0

3 [P.T.O.
13. A particle of mass m confined to an 15. The wave function for identical
infinitely deep square well fermions is antisymmetric under
potential : particle interchange. Which of the
V( x) f for x d 0 , x ! a following is a consequence of this
0 for 0  x  a property ?
has eigenfunction : (A) Paulis exclusion principle

2 nSx (B) Heisenbergs uncertainty

sin .
a a principle
The expectation value of the (C) Bose-Einstein condensation
momentum of the particle is :
(D) Bohr correspondence principle
(A) zero
nS! o o
(B) 16. L u L in quantum mechanics is
equal to :
2 nS!
(C) (A) 0
! (B) L 2
(C) l (l  1) !2
14. A system of mass m in one
dimension is in a state described by : o
(D) i ! L
\ ( x, t) A exp {(ipx  iEt) / ! }
17. The spacing between (111) planes of
 B exp {(ipx  iEt) / !}
where A and B are complex a cubic system of lattice parameter

numbers; p and E are real. The a is :

probability current density is given 3

(A) a
by : 2
(A) (|A|2 |B|2 ) p / m
(B) a / 3
(B) (|A| |B| ) p / m 2
(C) 3 a
(C) p / m
(D) (|A||B|) p / m (D)


18. If IG, IK and IP are grid current, 20. The movable mirror of Michelsons
cathode current and plate current
interferometer is moved through a
respectively in ionization types of
distance of 0.02603 mm. The number
vacuum gauges, then the pressure
of fringes shifted across the cross-
(P) measured will be : wire of eyepiece of the telescope if
(A) P v IG /IP a wavelength of 5206 is used is :
(B) P v IP /IG (A) 200
(C) P v IK /IG (B) 300
(D) P v IP /IK (C) 100
19. In a Wheatstone bridge the (D) 400
sensitivity is maximum when : 21. An analog transducer has a range
0 10 V. The bits of an A/D converter
if the resolution is 5 mV are :
(A) 9
(B) 10
(C) 11
(D) 12
22. In a Michelsons interferometer 200
fringes cross the field of view when
the movable mirror is displaced
through 0.0589 mm. The
wavelength of monochromatic light
used is :

(A) P, Q, R, S are of small order (A) 5890 108 cm

(B) P, Q are large, R, S are small (B) 5895 108 cm

(C) P, R are large, Q, S are small (C) 5925 108 cm

(D) Q, S are large P, R are small (D) 5950 108 cm

5 [P.T.O.

23. In vacuum measurement, the gauge 25. A pulley of negligible weight is

factor is given by : suspended by a spring balance.

Weights of 1 kg and 5 kg are
'L / L
(A) ' R / R attached to the opposite ends of a
string passing over the pulley and
'R / R
(B) ' L / L move with acceleration because of
gravity. During their motion, the
'R /R
(C) ' D / D spring balance will read a weight :

(A) 6 kg
'R / R
(D) ' P / P
(B) Less than 6 kg

where L, D, P and R are respectively (C) Greater than 6 kg

length, diameter, resistivity and
(D) Reading depends on the
resistance of strain.
stiffness of the spring
24. The life time of -meson is
26. A bullet is fired from a rifle. If the
2 106 sec. A beam of mesons
emerges from a cyclotron with rifle were allowed to recoil freely

velocity 0.8 C, where C is the speed (i.e. without being restrained by the
of light in free space. What would persons shoulder) its kinetic energy
be the mean life of the -mesons in as a result of recoil would be :
this beam as observed in the
(A) Equal to
laboratory ?
(B) Less than
(A) 3 106 sec
(C) Greater than
(B) 3 107 sec

(C) 6 106 sec (D) Not related to

(D) 6 108 sec that of the bullet.

27. The 0 10 V A/D converter has to 29. Masses m and 3m are attached to
have a resolution of 0.025 per cent. the two ends of a spring of spring
The r.m.s. value of quantization constant k. Its period of oscillation
error is : is :

(A) 176 V 3m
(A) 2S
(B) 705 V k

(C) 352 V m
(B) 2S
(D) 1410 V 3k

28. The top is spinning about its axis m

(C) S
in the sense indicated by the arrow. 3k
The lower end of the top pivots on
a table. Then, as seen from above (D) S
looking down apon it :
30. The mutual potential energy V of
two particles depends on their
mutual distance r as follows,
a b
V 2

r r
where a > 0 and b > 0 are constants.
For what separation r are the
particles in static equilibrium ?
(A) r
(A) top will woble in a vertical
plane a
(B) r
(B) top will precess clockwise a  br
(C) top will precess counter- ab
(C) r
clockwise (a  br)2
(D) top will periodically change its 2a
(D) r
sense of precession b

7 [P.T.O.
31. Suppose that the radius of the earth 34. A conducting rod of length l is moved
were to shrink by 1% its mass
with a constant velocity v in the
remaining the same. Then the
acceleration due to gravity g on the uniform magnetic field B . In which
earths surface : of the following cases, a potential
(A) increases by 2% difference will appear across the two
(B) increases by 1%
ends of the rod ?
(C) decreases by 1%
(A) v  l
(D) decreases by 2%
32. Continuity equation in (B) v  B
electromagnetism is equivalent to :
(C) l  B
(A) Quantization of energy
(B) Quantization of charge (D) None of the above

(C) Conservation of energy 35. Electric charges are distributed in

(D) Conservation of charge a small volume of sphere of radius
33. A current carrying straight wire is
1 cm. The flux of the electric field
kept along the axis perpendicular to
the plane of a current carrying through a spherical surface of radius
circular loop. The straight wire : 10 cm surrounding the total charge
(A) will exert an inward force on the is 20 Vm. The flux through a
concentric spherical surface of radius
(B) will exert an outward force on
20 cm is :
the loop
(C) will exert a force on the loop but (A) 5 Vm
the direction of the force cannot
be determined as the directions (B) 20 Vm
of the currents are not specified
(C) 80 Vm
(D) will not exert any force on the
loop (D) 0 Vm


36. An electric dipole is placed in a 38. Two point charges are placed in air
uniform electric field. The net at a certain distance apart. If a slab
of mica is placed in the region
electric force on the dipole :
between them, then which of the
(A) is always zero following will happen ?

(B) depends only on the strength of (A) The force between the charges
the dipole
(B) The force between the charges
(C) depends only on the orientation
of the dipole
(C) The force between the charges
(D) depends on both the strength remains unchanged

and the orientation of the dipole (D) Both the point charges move to
37. Two resistors R and 2R are
39. Three capacitors of capacitances
connected in parallel in an electric
3 F, 9 F and 18 F are connected
circuit. The thermal energies once in series and another time in
developed in them are Q1 and Q2 parallel. The ratio of equivalent

Q1 capacitances in the two cases

respectively, then Q ................. . CS
CP ................. .
2 1
1 1
4 (C) 1

4 3
(D) (D)
1 1
9 [P.T.O.

40. For motion of 2 particles moving in 42. Consider a system of 4 spins with

2 dimensional space, the phase space 1

spin S and magnetic moment
required to represent the state of the
each. It is placed in an external
particles must have at least :
magnetic field H. The magnetic

(A) 8 dimensions moments can either be parallel or

antiparallel to the magnetic field.

(B) 6 dimensions

Consider a macrostate of the system

(C) 4 dimensions
with energy 2H. Using the
(D) 16 dimensions
postulate of equal a priori

41. The mean energy of a classical ideal probability, the probability of finding

gas having N monatomic particles the system with the magnetic

at a temperature T will be : moment 2 is given by :

(A) 2 NkT (A) 1/16

(B) NkT (B) 1/4

(C) 2 NkT
(C) 1/8

(D) NkT
2 (D) 1/2


43. The volume of a perfect gas is

46. For the Fermi-Dirac distribution, the
doubled, the number N of atoms and
the energy being held constant. The probability of occupation of a single
change in entropy will be :
particle energy level is equal to :
(A) Nk ln V
(B) 2 Nk ln V (A) the average occupancy of that
(C) Nk ln 2
(D) Nk ln (2 V)
2 (B) one
44. Consider N particles with spin
angular momentum S each. Each (C) the average occupancy of that
spin has 2S + 1 projections along the
axis of quantization. The total level
number of microstates of the system
will be : (D) 0

(A) N (2S + 1) 47. Consider degenerate Fermi gas at

(B) (2S + 1)N T = 0 with the Fermi energy
(C) N2S + 1
EF. The mean energy per particle
(D) N (2S + 1) !
will be :
45. In a process, a thermally isolated
system goes over to one macrostate 3
(A) EF
to another, then the entropy tends 5
to : 1
(B) EF
(A) Increase only
(B) Decrease only (C) EF
(C) Increase or remain constant 5
(D) EF
(D) Zero 3

11 [P.T.O.

48. The equation of state of an ideal gas 50. Two particles of equal mass are

connected by springs as shown and

in the non-relativistic state is given
are free to execute longitudinal one-
by :
dimensional oscillations. Then the

2 vibrations superposition of :
(A) PV U

(B) PV U

(C) PV U

(D) PV U
(A) Two normal modes one with out

49. Electrostatic potential V at a of phase and the other with in

distance r from the ideal dipole phase vibrations along the

springs (longitudinal)
follows the relation :

(B) Two normal modes one out of

(A) V v r
phase and one in phase,

1 transverse to the springs

(B) V v
(C) Three longitudinal normal
(C) V v 2 modes

(D) V v r 2 (D) Three transverse normal modes


13 [P.T.O.



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