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Daftar Pustaka

1. Astindari, et al. 2014. Perbedaan dermatitis seboroik dengan psoriasis

vulgaris. Fakulltas kedokteran universitas airlangga.
2. Dilla Aprilia, et al. 2016. Tinea Capitis among Elementary School
Students in Jatinangor,Sumedang, West Java. Althea Medical
Journal. 2016
3. Franois Carod, et al. 2011. Outbreak of Tinea capitis and corporis in
a primary school in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
4. Farooqi M, et al. 2014. Clinical types of tinea capitis and species
identification in children: An experience from tertiary care centres of
Karachi, Pakistan.
5. Kurniati and Cika. 2008. Etiopatogenesis Dermatofitosis. Dept./SMF
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin FK UNAIR/RSU Dr. Soetomo
6. Linuwih S, et al. 2015. Ilmu penyakit kulit dan kelamin. Fakultas
kedokteran universitas indonesia.
7. Puri. N and puri. A. 2013. A study on tinea capitis in the pre school
and school going children
8. Jordan, H.F. 2006. The diagnosis and management of TINEA
CAPITIS. Department of Dermatology, University of Stellenbosch.
9. Zachary M. 2016. Tinea Capitis: Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment
Options. University of Nebraska College of Medicine.

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