Hel Cash Flow

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Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2016

2015-2016 (Rs.) 2014-2015 (Rs.)

A Cash flow from operating activity

Net Profit before tax 9307061 7010895
Adjutments for :
Depreciation & Amortization 68059 59728
(-) Profit / Loss on sale of Investments -109574 83416
Securities Transactions Tax 16354 33192
(-) Interest received -10361867 -9798636
(-) Dividend received -18000 -2400
Fire Protection Expenses written off 259925 259925
Operating profit before working capital changes -838042 -2353880

Adjustments for working capital changes :

(-) Increase / Decrease in Trade receivables -50696 234326
(-) Increase / Decrease in other receivables 1549212 -3213581
Increase / (-) Decrease in Trade & other payables 2591539 13774
Cash generated from operations 3252013 -5319361

Direct taxes refund / (-) paid (net) -2397757 -1948643

Net cash from/ (-) used in operating activity 854256 -7268004

B Cash flow from investing activity

(-) Purchase / Sale of fixed assets (net) -48578 0
(-) Purchase / Sale of investments (net) 1772318 -1396531
(-) Loans given / Loans recovered -10000000 0
Securities Transactions tax paid -16354 -33192
Interest received 7711044 9104752
Dividend Received 18000 2400
Net cash from / (-) used in investing activity -563570 7677429

C Cash flow from financing activity 0 0

Net cash from/(-) used in financing activity 0 0

Net cash flow during the year (A+B+C) 290686 409425

Cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the year 1476410 1066985
Cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the year 1767096 1476410

The Cash Flow Statement is prpared in accordance with the Indirect Method as Accounting Standard-3

In terms of our Report of even date For & on behalf of the Board

For & on behalf of

Chartered Accountants
(Firm Regn No-301009E)

Kedarashish Bapat
(Membership No.057903)

Place: Kolkata Director

Date: 22th August,2016

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