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--help, -h Show short help.

--server Stratum server only hostname or ip address.

--port Stratum server port.
--user Stratum user.
--pass Stratum password.
--cuda_devices Space-separated list of cuda devices. Without this option all
devices are used.
--solver Disable benchmark and use specified solver. Allowed values from
0 to 3.
Started from version 0.3.0b this option allow you to set the
solver for each card separately at this manner: --solver 0 0 0 0
For example if you have 4 cuda devices and you do not use
option --cuda_devices
then --solver 0 1 2 3 will be applied to devices 0 1 2 3
if you set --solver 0 then this value will be applied to all
if you set --cuda_devices 3 2 1 then solver values will be
applied in this order.
--eexit Exit in case of error. Value 1 exit if miner cannot restart
Value 2 if lost connection with the pool. 3 both cases.
--log Create file miner.log in directory of miner.
Allowed values 1 and 2. 1 only errors, 2 will repeat console
--logfile Set custom filename.
--tempunits Temperature units, allowed values: C for celsius, F for
fahrenheit and K for kelvin :)).
--templimit Temperature limit, gpu will be stopped if this limit is
And when temperature go below this limit gpu will be runned
Note: If this limit is too low and miner stops this gpu too
and option --eexit equal 1 or 3 then after three unsuccessfull
starting attempts miner will exit.
--api Enable api without an argument will be listen on,
You can set listen address as an argument for example: --api
Allowed ports 1000 - 65535.

API Description.
Api establish the tcp connection and send through it json data, like a stratum
Every json request and response must be ended with new line symbol \n, this symbol
as a sign of data end.

Request example: {"id":1, "method":"getstat"}\n

Respond example: {"id":1, "method":"getstat", "error":null, "result":[{

Method getstat:
Request parameters:
id optional, type: unsigned int, response will be have this id.
method required, type: string, method name

Response parameters:
id type: unsigned, id from request or 0 in
other case.
method type: string, method name
error type: null, string, null if no error otherwise
result type: array of objects, array contain objects by
one for each gpu
result[0].gpuid type: unsigned, internal gpu identifier
result[0].cudaid type: unsigned, gpu cuda identifier
result[0].busid type: string, pci bus id in format:
result[0].gpu_status type: unsigned, status of gpu
0 - gpu launched, but not
yet work,
1 - gpu launched, but he
prepare to work, for example execute benchmark.
2 - gpu works
3 - GPU stopped, for
example, a temperature limit is reached
result[0].solver type: unsigned, selected solver
result[0].temperature type: integer, gpu core temperature
result[0].gpu_power_usage type: unsigned, gpu power usage in watts,
not all devices support this in this case this value will be 0
result[0].speed_sps type: unsigned, gpu performance in
solutions per seconds
result[0].accepted_shares type: unsigned, amount of accepted shares
result[0].rejected_shares type: unsigned, amount of rejected shares
Remark: temperature, gpu_power_usage and speed_sps updated every 30 seconds.

At this moment supported only one method "getstat".

If you have some thoughts about api you can send me personal message;u=927785

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