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Carbohydrates Lesson Plan

Grade 9th grade Subject: PreAP Biology Prepared Jessica Svoboda, Modified
Level: by: from Jennifer Giannou

Objective Warm Up Reminders Key Concepts

Compare What is the Homework: Finish any Understand the unique properties of specific
structures difference model constructions biomolecules
and between an Synthesize the monomers of carbohydrates
functions of organic Test corrections: start using model structures
different compound next week, end on Infer the process of hydrolysis and
types of and an 10/2 dehydration through the joining of
biomolecules inorganic biomolecules
compound? Next Exam: 10/23 Link the process of joining biomolecules to the
Turn in: Water importance of our bodies being made of water
rotation lab
TEKS: B.9.A. compare the structures and functions of different types of biomolecules, including
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids;

Activities: Independent Practice Modeling Group Practice Check for Understanding

(5 min before bell)

Students have their binders out

and are writing down the objective
and warm up for the day.

(3 min)

Students are writing down their

objective and warm up and turning
in their homework from the day

(20 min): Pass out Carbohydrate note sheet

Today we will be continuing our notes on biomolecules, focusing specifically on carbohydrates. Please
open your iPads and log into joinme so you can see my screen. Wait for everyone to get their iPads.
What are some things you already know about carbohydrates?Check for understanding (Students
should be able to respond, direct their answers towards carbs we find in foods if nobody responds). Go
through the notes with e students, explaining important features BEFORE they start writing. Interject
with examples and comparisons Group practice
(5 min): Pass out chemistry and biomolecule investigations: Carbohydrates handout

Close the iPads and please return them to the appropriate tray in the back of the room. Wait for
students to put their iPads away. Have this sheet out in front of you please. Go over CHAMPS for
expectations of assignment. On the first page of this assignment, you will answer various questions
about carbohydrates using your notes. Pass out the carbohydrate models, scissors and glue. On the
back of this page, you will be constructing chains of carbohydrates using the models I just passed out.
Pay close attention to the instructions, they will direct you on when and where to cut the models and
what needs to be glued down to be graded. For example, in the first section, you are making a sucrose
molecule which includes one fructose and one glucose molecule. Modeling The directions say to cut
out those molecules on solid lines only, then you link them together by cutting out one hydroxide group
and one hydrogen group. So which one do you cut from the fructose molecule? Check for
understanding. I may lose the students here and have to repeat myself. Be patient, redirect their
confusion and allow the students to explain instructions to each other if my wording seems ineffective.
Just read the instructions carefully and take your time working on the models. This is independent
work, but if you need help from your partner, ask nicely. Independent practice

(8 min- end of class): Regroup and recap

At this time you may compare your answers with that of your shoulder partner. If you dont have
anything glued down yet, then you should focus on completing the assignment and not speak with your
partner just yet.

Guiding Critical Thinking:

Students know from last class that biomolecules are made up of subunits that have a specific function
for different molecules. The notes solidify their previous understandings about biomolecules and the
models give them something to manipulate and practice.

By cutting the hydroxide and hydrogen groups from each molecule to join them together, students are
introduced to the process of hydrolysis without being consciously aware of the actual process. This links
to the previous lesson since water is a universal solvent in the body. Without water, none of these
processes could happen. Hopefully they put that together; otherwise, it may need to be more explicit.


Learning Style Accomodations

Students get the visual from the notes Students have the iPads for note taking
if they cannot see the board
Students get the verbal from reading the notes aloud
and conversations with shoulder partners

Students get the kinesthetic from manipulating the


Students will turn in their models and worksheets.


The students were hesitant to see the value in cutting out models and gluing them together. They are
used to having a more active lesson and did not make the necessary connections between the notes and
the activity. However, I am confident the manipulatives with this activity was a great way to practice
dehydration synthesis and the process of building polymers from single building blocks.

However, the concept of polysaccharides came up multiple times throughout the unit. Students were
unable to connect this activity with the other activities involving polysaccharides.

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