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Jacinta Go 8M

Rube Goldberg Journal

Week 1:

Today was the first week of our Rube Goldberg Assignment/project. We had to research the
definitions of each physics concept, find their formulas, and what each physics concepts were
measured in. We had to take notes on what was needed to be included in our project.

Week 2:

This week we had to brainstorm and think about what kinds of simple machines we want to use,
physics concepts and must demonstrate reactions e.g. collision, temperature change, change of
motion (acceleration), etc. We also had to think of what materials we would want and need to use.

Week 3:

After all the brainstorming work was done we had to start planning and designing/drawing a
diagram/blueprint of our Rube Goldberg Machine we would create. This was my first design and
plan of my machine:

Week 4:

I had done some thinking and realised that my first design was too simple and boring so I wanted to
make it more interesting by add more simple machine, physics concepts and materials. So, I
improved on my blueprint and this was my second blueprint:
Then I listed the materials that were needed and came up with steps for the Rube Goldberg

Week 5:

Today the students started taking home the 60x60 cardboard board that was supplied by the
teachers/school which is used to place or attach your Rube Goldberg Machine onto.

Week 6, Day 1:

At home, I started gathering the materials that I needed and started tracing on the 60x60 cardboard
board where I wanted the materials to be place and positioned.

Week 6, Day 2:

I realised that I didnt have all the equipment I needed so I had to change up the design. This is what
my last blueprint turned out as:
Week 6, Day 3:

I finally had all the materials that I needed and then started constructing. My dad had a long plank of
wood so I decided to use it by hand sawing it to divide into threes of own specified lengths. Then I
got two long cardboard cylinder tube rolls and cut a hole so the marble could roll through. Then I
received so more help from my dad. He helped me drill holes into the wood and the 60x60
cardboard board. After that I then placed the materials in position and screwed in the wood and

Week 6, Day 4:

Everything went well and I had finished constructing my machine. After testing my machine a few
times the problem was that the pin couldnt pop the balloon. It took 5-7 times until the experiment
had successfully worked. This was my successful Rube Goldberg Machine:
Week 7:

I had realised I needed every one of the simple machines. So, I had to add more simple machines to
my Rube Goldberg. So, then I had to take out a few pieces of my machine and reposition it. So, I
added a wedge, got my dad (adult helper) to drill in the wedge and mount it on the cardboard board.
I added a screw (extra simple machine) which makes it look better and more interesting. After a few
attempts and problems, the machine finally worked and I was very happy. Attempt SUCCESSFUL!

This is my actual final blueprint:

This is my actual final machine:

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