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Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

1.1. Promises .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Part 1 - Where to Start .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.1. What is Success? ..................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Persistence & Patience ............................................................................................................................ 7
2.3. Rules To Remember ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Generating Website Traffic and Making Money online is Not Easy ...................................................... 9
3.2. Dedication and Consistency .................................................................................................................... 9
3.3. Is It Really Possible? ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.4. You Must Do This To Succeed ............................................................................................................. 10
3.5. Rules To Remember ............................................................................................................................. 11
4.1. Learn from my Mistakes ....................................................................................................................... 12
4.2. Rules To Remember ............................................................................................................................. 12
Part 2 - How to Make Money .................................................................................................................. 13
5.1. Create a website and sell something physical ....................................................................................... 13
5.2. Create a website and put advertising on it and get a cut of the advertising ........................................... 13
5.3. Create a website and sell something digital .......................................................................................... 13
5.4. Create a website, create a digital item and sell it using affiliates .......................................................... 13
5.5. Rules To Remember ............................................................................................................................. 14
6.1. How to Find your Niche........................................................................................................................ 15
6.2. Choices Everywhere ............................................................................................................................. 16
6.3. Taking it a Bit Further........................................................................................................................... 16
6.4. Digital Products .................................................................................................................................... 17
6.5. Rules To Remember ............................................................................................................................. 18
7.1. Get and Retain Full Control .................................................................................................................. 19
7.2. Hackers ................................................................................................................................................. 19
7.3. Third Party Websites............................................................................................................................. 19
7.4. Rules To Remember ............................................................................................................................. 20
8.1. Register a Domain................................................................................................................................. 21
8.2. Which Domain? .................................................................................................................................... 21
8.3. Rules To Remember ............................................................................................................................. 22
Part 3 - Build Your Website ................................................................................................................... 23
9.1. Steps to Set Up Your Online Business .................................................................................................. 23
9.2. Wordpress ............................................................................................................................................. 23
9.3. This is the Last Thing You Want to do ................................................................................................. 24
9.4. Wordpress Templates ............................................................................................................................ 25
9.5. Rules To Remember ............................................................................................................................. 25
10.1. Statcounter ....................................................................................................................................... 26
10.2. Google Analytics .............................................................................................................................. 26
10.3. Google Webmaster Tools ................................................................................................................. 26
10.4. Rules To Remember ......................................................................................................................... 27
Part 4 - Products to Sell ......................................................................................................................... 28
11.1. Digital Products ................................................................................................................................ 28
11.2. Someone Elses Product ................................................................................................................... 28
11.3. Create Your Own ............................................................................................................................. 29
11.4. How to Create a Product .................................................................................................................. 29
11.5. Your Landing Page .......................................................................................................................... 30
11.6. Rules To Remember ......................................................................................................................... 31
12.1. An Easy way to Collect Money ........................................................................................................ 32
12.2. Rules To Remember ......................................................................................................................... 32
13.1. Delivering your products .................................................................................................................. 33 3 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

13.2. Rules To Remember ......................................................................................................................... 33

Part 5 - Website Traffic is Essential...................................................................................................... 34
14.1. Getting Free Website Traffic Takes Time ........................................................................................ 34
14.2. There is No Free Website Traffic Tap You Can Turn On ............................................................. 34
14.3. Aim For Quality For Best Results .................................................................................................... 34
14.4. Best Traffic Tip 1 - Set Up Your Site Well ...................................................................................... 35
14.5. Best Traffic Tip 2 - Ezine Articles ................................................................................................... 35
14.6. Best Traffic Tip 3 - Facebook, Linked In and the Social Media Giants ........................................... 35
14.7. Best Traffic Tip 4 - Google Maps .................................................................................................... 36
14.8. Best Traffic Tip 5 - Legitimate Business ......................................................................................... 36
14.9. Best Traffic Tip 6 - Clean Well Structured Website ........................................................................ 36
14.10. Best Traffic Tip 7 - Backlinks .......................................................................................................... 36
Part 6 - Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 37
15.1. Get Started........................................................................................................................................ 37
15.2. Effort vs. Rewards ............................................................................................................................ 37
16.1. Get Started Quickly .......................................................................................................................... 38
16.2. Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................ 40
16.3. Copyright Notice .............................................................................................................................. 40
16.4. Legal Notice ..................................................................................................................................... 40 4 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

Copyright Notice
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical unless approved by the author. Any unauthorized use, sharing,
reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Legal Notice
While attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author
nor the publisher assumes any responsibilities for errors, omissions, or contradictory information
contained in this book.

This book is not intended as legal, investment, or accounting advice. The purchaser or reader of this
book assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials and information. assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf

of any purchaser or reader of these materials. 5 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

1.0 Introduction

1.1. Promises

There are literally thousands of websites promising that you can become rich online.
This simply is not true. It is difficult to make money online and even more difficult to
keep it consistently flowing automatically.

Unless you have exceptional computer skills, a significant sum of money to fund staff
and build an IT business and lots of persistence, making money online is one big
massive undertaking.

However, it is possible to make money online passively and this book outlines what I
have learnt making money online.

The greatest thing about the internet is that you have the ability to target absolutely
everyone who is online in every country. This makes your potential customer base
extremely large and there is huge potential to consistently make some excellent
passive income.

Like a lot of people - I started out by reading other websites that promised a lot but
delivered nothing. It was extremely frustrating to find that there were not too many
products that were very good. This meant that I often wondered if what I was doing
was the right approach and consequently I kept changing my approach and therefore
struggled to make any money whatsoever for a very long time.

However, over time I have realised that the best thing you can do is build a
professional business online - just like you would if you are building a
business in the real world. This gives you credibility and shows your potential
customers that you are real.

Read the top two sentences highlighted in green again. If you only take one thing
away from this book and apply it - make it this point above.

There are too many scams around and people are wary of anything online, so you
must show that your business is legitimate and the real deal. Do this and stick with it
and your business will grow over time. 6 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Part 1 Where to Start

2.0 Success Online - Is it Achievable?

2.1. What is Success?

What is success to you when it comes to making money online? Are you hoping for
an extra $5000 per year or are you hoping to make a full time income from your
online efforts?

Whatever it is, you should think about where you want to

be in 1 year and then 2 years time. Just make a note
about it as this is a long term project. Don't have
It is going to take some significant effort and if you expectations.
already work a day job then you can expect to have to
put in some hard yards at night time after work as well. Making money
online is certainly
Dont expect to flick a few keyboard strokes and make challenging.
thousands of dollars. I can tell you now that this is
certainly not going to work. This is hard yakka and you
will need to persist.

The truth is though, if you add quality on a consistent basis over a long period you
will certainly make some excellent passive income and it will keep rolling in. The hard
part is putting the effort in up front to get everything working correctly.

2.2. Persistence & Patience

You will need to be patient and persist. Making money online takes a massive
amount of effort particularly if you are also working a day job. If you are starting from
scratch and have limited amount of knowledge about computers or building websites
or creating products, then you have a lot to learn.

However, that being said, it isn't hard to do, it is just putting the pieces together to
create a selling machine.

This is as simple as it is.

Register your own domain and have full control over it

Create a website on this domain 7 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Create a landing page that sells your product or points to someone else's
product so you get a cut of the profits

Build your website around your niche for the long term

Focus on the one product and do not get distracted by attempting too many

2.3. Rules To Remember

Be prepared to work hard

Start from the beginning with full control over your efforts 8 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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3.0 Get Ready for Some Serious Hard Work

3.1. Generating Website Traffic and Making Money online is Not Easy

Do you currently work for a Boss?

If you do, then chances are you will be doing extra work after hours to learn more
about ways to make money online.

This means you are in for some serious effort. Working all day and then learning at

I told you it was not going to be easy. Doesn't mean it is impossible though.

3.2. Dedication and Consistency

There are tons of ways to make money online and even more people willing to sell
you something promising that you can get your hands on millions of dollars at the
flick of a few keyboard strokes.

If only it was that easy!

The truth is, it takes a substantial amount of work. However, that being said, it isn't all
that difficult to do, it just takes dedication and a consistent approach.

When it comes to website traffic, there are literally hundreds of free methods you can
apply to drive traffic to your website.

This is often more of a problem than a solution.

Apply the main
If you are starting out in Internet Marketing or have been principles in this
doing it for a while with limited results, you would have e-book and you
discovered that there is too much information out
will receive long
term real traffic
It is easy to get frustrated and just give up.
that converts to
I encourage you to not give up. You need to persist, but
persist on one project at a time until you have mastered it.
Otherwise you simply spread yourself too thin.

The rules I live by IN ORDER OF PRIORITY are:

Build Quality not Quantity 9 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot
Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

Build for the Long Term

Find or Make a Product that has a Market
Build Using Free Programs and Software
Don't continually change things if it is already converting

Firstly, you need to figure out what exactly you are going to sell. Then, once you
have figured this out, we can explore the best way to get free traffic continually to
your website.

3.3. Is It Really Possible?

So, are you ready to make some money while you sleep? I know I am and I do this
everyday, so it is now your turn to get a piece of the online pie and this book will tell
you exactly how to do it.

But firstly, you must promise me one thing that you will persist.

Making money passively online is not as easy as a walk

in the park. However, making money online IS possible
and after reading this book, you will have the tools and
Essential knowledge to go out there a do it yourself.
Remember, it is up to you and you only to implement
Persistence what is written in this book so that you achieve success.

This is the key to success implementing what you

read, persisting and when failing, getting up and trying

I am 100% confident that if you implement what is in the book you will make passive
income online. How do I know that you will? Because this is the method I use
everyday to make my own income online.

You certainly can make money online and if you set up your system correctly, you
can make it while you are sleeping.

3.4. You Must Do This To Succeed

The biggest problem with making money online is getting distracted. You start one
thing and then move onto another before the first thing has even started working for

This is why it is critical that you start one thing first and keep working on it until it is
producing you passive income before you move to the next. Otherwise you will
simply get frustrated and give up. 10 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

The last thing you want to do is give up because there is a lot of cash to be made if

- Persist
- Be Patient
- Keep Doing Things Daily Even If They Are Small Things.

So lets get straight into it.

Firstly, let me summarize what this book will discuss so you have a broad picture first
of what to do to make money while you sleep.

3.5. Rules To Remember

Stick with one niche

Build quality - always 11 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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4.0 Don't Make These Mistakes

4.1. Learn from my Mistakes

I have been making money and driving traffic to my websites for a long while now.
Some websites have performed well and some have not performed at all.

I wish I knew what I know now when I started. I would have saved so much more
time and made a lot more money.

The biggest mistake I made was that I didn't focus on one

thing. I jumped around from website to website, technique Don't Make
to technique and this stifled my results. the Same
Don't Make the Same Mistake

The best thing you can do is find or make a product that has a market and you are
passionate about and stick to it. Yes, it will take a bit of effort to find the right product,
however there are plenty of places where you can look.

Choose One Thing and Stick to It

4.2. Rules To Remember

Choose a Niche You are Passionate about

Choose your niche carefully 12 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Part 2 How to Make Money

5.0 3 Basic Methods to Make Money Online

You can make money online through several methods.

They are:

- Create a website and sell something physical; All You Need is a

- Create a website and sell something digital; Website and
- Create a website and put advertising on it and Something to Sell
get a cut of the advertising.

5.1. Create a website and sell something physical

You DONT want to do this because you will actually have to ship things. This takes
effort and you cant ship things in your sleep.

5.2. Create a website and put advertising on it and get a cut of the advertising
This IS also an option because you can get paid reasonably well for advertising other
peoples products and all you need to do is get the traffic. More about that later.

5.3. Create a website and sell something digital

This IS an option because once you have a digital product to sell; you can simply
keep selling it over and over again. You can sell your own product or someone else's
product. There are thousands to choose from.

5.4. Create a website, create a digital item and sell it using affiliates
This IS an option because once you have a digital product to sell; you can simply
keep selling it over and over again.

So the last two options are the options you want to attempt. Basically they all involve
similar things.

- Set up your own website;

- Get website traffic;
- Monetize it;
- Wake up in the morning to check your bank account.

You can start with item 5.3 and then move to item 5.4 once you have refined your
product and know that it sells well and has a low refund rate. 13 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

There are plenty of people out there promoting other ways to sell your digital product
like Amazon for example.

However - why would you want to do this?

Whatever happened to exclusivity?

You want to create a high demand in one place so that people are forced to buy from
you. It doesn't make sense to discount your product by offering it in other places.

If you have a quality product - and it must be high quality, then people will pay the
asking price.

5.5. Rules To Remember

Create a Website Under Your Full Control

Make Your Product Exclusive 14 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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6.0 Find a Niche

6.1. How to Find your Niche

Choosing the right niche or product would have to be one of the harder choices to
make when it comes to making money online. You must choose carefully because
you will be growing your business for the long term and once you start, you really
don't want to change down the track.

Think about a niche that meets the following criteria:

You are passionate about

You can create digital products for
You can expand into many areas
You can easily create content for

This may at first seem a little bit overwhelming, however plenty of people have done
this so refer to what others have already done.

An excellent reference tool is to use the Clickbank marketplace as there are over
21,000 products already on there. All you need to do is tap into a niche that has a
market and deliver exceptional quality.

Find a subject matter that you love and know a lot about and stick to it. Focus on that
niche and become the expert and you will reap the rewards as people view you the
expert in your niche.

This is important and you ensure you know what you're on about. For example, if
your niche is Boeing jet engines and all you know is what they look like, then
chances are you won't have much to say about them.

You need to be passionate about your niche. Passionate to research more into it and
give your customers more and more so they can see that you have a passion for
your subject.

As your business grows, you can also outsource your work to others who are also
passionate about your niche and grow your business more and more.

Finding it tough to find a niche? Well it isn't that hard. But you should be very careful
what you choose because you will find it hard to digress into something else if you
don't choose the right niche. 15 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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6.2. Choices Everywhere

The world is full of people with problems. Everyday someone needs a problem fixed.
This is where you come in. The problem solver.

However, what problems can you fix and what do you know a lot about? There are
already millions of solutions online for free. So how on earth do you find something
that meets your passion and is sellable?

The truth is - only you are going to be able to answer that. Maybe you know a lot

Running; The world is full of
Motorbikes; people with
Vehicles; problems. Everyday
Clothes; someone needs a
Management; problem fixed.
The list goes on and on.

The key is to find a niche that you can expand for the long term. You want to be able

Create something once and sell it OVER and OVER again.

This is one of the keys to success and is what you are aiming for. You must have a
product - wether it is yours or someone else's that you can sell over and over again
without having to make it each time. This is the only way you can maximise your gain
and compound your efforts.

If you are creating something new for a new customer each time, you are a slave to
your time. Plenty of people do this everyday around the world and are passionate
about their field of expertise.

6.3. Taking it a Bit Further

For example, let's say you have a strong passion for motorbikes. In fact, you have
two of them and you absolutely love taking them out in your free time. You are a
member of a club and go on weekend rides. You polish your bike and it never gets a
chance to get dirty. You have the best riding gear and spend big bucks on everything
related to bikes.

So you are passionate - get the idea? 16 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot
Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

What could you possibly sell in this niche? There are literally thousands of products if
not millions.

Motorbike tires;
Riding gear;
Set up a website
and sell digital
Instruction manuals;
products which
people download

The list goes on and on.

So, all you need to do is create a website and focus directly on your niche. However,
there is more to it than that.

You could set up a website and sell physical products and mail them off;


Set up a website and sell digital products which people download.

I know which one I would prefer to do. The digital product option is certainly the
better option.

6.4. Digital Products

So, how can you turn your passion into a digital product? You may not need to -
someone has probably already done this before you. If you are not up to making your
own digital product, then find a reputable digital product created by someone else
and sell theirs.

People make significant incomes doing this, however if you really want to have full
control you should create your own digital product that target a very narrow niche and
become the expert. This is easier than it sounds. The hard part is sticking to your
niche and not getting distracted by other niches which you think you can do better in.

So, find a niche and stick to it. Create a digital product, create a website and sell it.
Sell it over and over again. Keep focusing on your product, improve it and also focus
on your customers. Give them exactly the answers they need. Become the expert
and feed them with 100% relevant and up to date information. 17 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

Get affiliates to sell it for you and your customer base will develop faster than you
can do on your own.

Lastly - charge the right price for your product. Don't sell it cheaply if it is a good
quality product. Don't undersell yourself. You have worked hard to put the product
together so make sure you have the right price on it.

If it is too cheap - people will think it has no value - when really it might be full of
excellent value. Take a close look at your product. How does it compare with others
in the market?

6.5. Rules To Remember

Physical or Digital Product? I choose Digital

Price it well 18 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

Make Easy Money While You Sleep Passive Income Online

7.0 In Control

7.1. Get and Retain Full Control

You must be in full control. This means you Ensure you have
cannot rely on any other third parties online. Full Control of What
The amount of effort you are going to put in can You Are Creating
be wiped off the face of the earth in the blink of
an eye.

You could work for 12 months and lose everything. This is the last thing you want, so
adding content to someone else's website is simply making their website bigger.

The best thing you can do is add content to your website. Content that is relevant to
your niche. This will ensure your website becomes the authority on your subject
matter and people will return time and time again to learn more from you.

7.2. Hackers

This goes for hackers as well. The number of time hackers have destroyed my
websites is unreal. Expect your websites to go down at some point. Also expect your
computer to also go down at some point.

The best thing you can do is ensure:

you have quality virus protection;

your passwords are difficult to guess;
you remember to create a few backups of your work in several places.

Even with good quality Virus software you will still be subject to attacks so you must
be ready to wipe the slate clean and reinstall your website from scratch quickly.
Reputable host providers also can do this for you with a back up, but remember to
backup yourself before anything happens, because chances are you may lose the lot
if you are unprepared.

Further to this, to ensure you have full control you should:

Register your own domain;

Have a host account at a reputable host provider.

7.3. Third Party Websites

Third party websites that allow you to build websites on their domain can be useful.
However, dont make this your main site. 19 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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This is a huge risk. What if they go broke? What if they decide to remove your
website? It simply isnt worth the effort.

Be Careful Searching For Unregistered Domains Using a

Domain Provider They Are Watching Your Every Move !

7.4. Rules To Remember

Protect your work from scammers

Avoid Third Party Websites - You have no control over them 20 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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8.0 Register Your Own Domain

8.1. Register a Domain

Because you should be in full control of your

product or niche, this means registering your own Outlay a bit upfront
domain and having a host provider. and reap the
rewards later
Yes - you will need to pay upfront to do this,
however, it really is not that much of an outlay for
the benefits it gives you.

The problem is if you use a third party online website provider, chances are you will
not be in full control.

I highly recommend you don't do it. The last thing you want is to put in 1 years worth
of effort into your website only to have them delete it on you or charge you more
because your bandwidth is increasing.

Get your own hosting and own domain. Down the track, you will be glad you did.

8.2. Which Domain?

You should try and be creative about your domain and also try and get some relevant
keywords in the domain. This will certainly help, however if you have a memorable
domain name this is also likely to ensure people return time and time again.

Having keywords in a domain name certainly helps when it comes to the amount of
organic traffic you get and the position your website is placed in Google results
pages. (SERPs) Search Engine Results Page. It is a matter of finding domains that
have not been registered and have search volume.

Choose Your Domain Names Well - Make Them


Be wary when searching for domains using a domain provider. A lot of the time, they
track what domains are being searched for and if you do not register a domain you
found straight after you searched for it, you can find that they will register it
themselves and you would have missed out.

Some providers are sneaky like this, so either type the domain direct into your
browser to see if it is registered or dont hesitate to register it. 21 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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8.3. Rules To Remember

Register Your Domains and Retain Full Control

Reap Rewards later from spending a bit on hosting upfront 22 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Part 3 Build Your Website

9.0 Build Your Website

9.1. Steps to Set Up Your Online Business

Below is a brief overview of the steps you need to take to create your online system
to make you cash.

Buy a Domain
Set Up Wordpress
Create your website - make it detailed and professional. Make sure you have
lots of information on your website about you and your business.
Create a Landing Page within that website
Put your product on that landing page
Create a Facebook profile and link to your website
Create a Linked In profile and link to your website
Create a Google Plus profile and link to your website
Register your business for Google Maps
Make sure your website is mobile compatible (Easy with Wordpress - Just use a

Some hosting providers include website building platforms in your account for free.
This is common in some host providers, however be careful as some providers do
not include this as part of your account.

Hostgator is a Host provider that includes all of this type

of software in your account.

9.2. Wordpress

Wordpress is an excellent example of the type of software that is available and

allows you to build a versatile website that is Search Engine friendly. This is very

I build my websites with WordPress and I recommend you do to if you don't already.
There are other programs out there so feel free to use whatever - but make sure it is
flexible, easy to use and fast. 23 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Also make sure your software can deliver a website that is flexible and produces
pages that allow you to have keywords in the names of the pages.

This is critical.

You will be building a large website. You need to This is Critical:

plan for the future and a program like Wordpress
will allow you to do this.
Software that
produces pages that
No doubt you may have already heard of
Wordpress. This is an excellent website building
allow you to have
program and allows you to build a website easily keywords in the
and quickly. This is what I use to build simple but names of the pages.
informative websites that have many pages and
products all based around a niche. I highly
recommend you use this platform as it is versatile,
search engine friendly provided you choose a well built template and easy to use.

There are two Wordpress website: and hosts your website for you. This is good for making mini websites to
point to your main site, however, they have rules about promoting commercial
websites so you may find your work gets deleted quickly. is the same publishing platform and provides a ton of information and
templates that can be added to your site. However, if you get a Hostgator account or
a reputable account that has Wordpress included in the hosting, you will not need to
bother too much with as the software is preloaded in your Fantastico
or similar interface.

9.3. This is the Last Thing You Want to do

You don't want to have to delete or move a page once you create it. This is the last
thing you want to do.

If something you write or produce on your website becomes popular, you want to
ensure it stays at the same address for many years to come as this one page can
earn you significant income over a long time.

You want your website to be 'well built' and found easily by the search engines like
Google, Yahoo and Bing. This will bring in a large percentage of your traffic and
make you easy money.

Time and time again I changed my websites over and over as I thought rebuilding
them would help. 24 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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All it did was teach me what did and didnt work. If I had created for the long term in
the beginning and left original pages in place from day one, they would be ranking
well in the search engines provided the content was relevant.

If you do not know much about Wordpress, Hosting and Domain names, you are in
for a relatively steep learning curve.

However, it isn't hard - it just takes time, so learn as much as you can and use any
help you can get from your Host provider.

9.4. Wordpress Templates

You can find thousands of Wordpress templates online promising better conversions
with better graphics and gimmicks for getting that extra sale. These things all waste
your time.

You don't need to use a detailed template. I have found that the best thing you can
do is keep it simple. I use a simple template like Twenty Twelve as it is coded
correctly, flexible and simple enough to get your message across.

Keep it simple - keep your sales page clean and easy to read with relevant
information that your customers want to hear. Accurate up to date information that is
easily accessible and problem solving and it will convert better than any ridiculous
looking over designed page designed by someone else who has no idea about your
product or business.

9.5. Rules To Remember

Use Wordpress or Similar to create your website

Plan to Build Your Website for the Long Term - Try and Think
ahead for your webpage addresses. 25 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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10.0 Helpful Websites

There are thousands of websites that can help you build your online empire.
However, you will be wasting your time with most of them. I stick to a few helpful sites
that allow me to get the information I need quickly and easily.

10.1. Statcounter

Statcounter is a free website that allows you to view the number of visitors quickly
and easily. I recommend it because it is easy to log in, fast and you can get a picture
almost immediately of how your website is performing.

There is also one section of the website that is really useful - the part that shows you
where you visitors are coming from. This is extremely important as it shows you
where you should concentrate your efforts for getting human traffic.

10.2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows you to view very detailed information about your website
which can be quite useful.

However, there is so much information in there it is unlikely you will use it all. It is
worth adding a Google Analytics Plug-in to your Wordpress website.

10.3. Google Webmaster Tools

You should also set up Google Webmaster tools in your Google account. This will
give you some important information about your website and allow you to view which
keywords you are ranking well for.

Where People Come From (Check inside Statcounter) 26 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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10.4. Rules To Remember

Use a simple program like Statcounter to monitor stats you need to

know. (The best one is - Where People Come From)

Keep it simple - Don't get overwhelmed with massive stats like

Google Analytics. 27 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Part 4 Products to Sell

11.0 What to Sell

11.1. Digital Products

You are aiming to sell a digital product over and over again. You should create a
website around your chosen niche that focuses on your digital product. Then you
should build everything around this product so that your potential customers are
pointed to your sales page as they learn more about your niche and about you.

It really is that simple. The hard part is persistence to make it work and the patience
to get real humans to your website. This is that part that takes time and you need to
work on your website daily.

I highly recommend you focus on one digital product only. Dont try more than one
product. I made this mistake and it took forever to get the first sale. I spent time
rebuilding websites, recreating products and generally floundering around for years.

Eventually I realized that the best thing I could do was create quality for the long term
and build products that were excellent value for money and delivered exactly what
the customer wanted.

Focus on 1 digital product only for the long term

Do this until you are getting a steady stream of sales, because if you dont you will
spread yourself too thin and get poor results from several places. This just becomes
disheartening because it makes it hard to choose on where to focus your energy the

11.2. Someone Elses Product

If you think creating your own product is too difficult, you can sell someone elses
product. The best place to do this is Clickbank.

You may have already heard about this website before and it is a good place to find
products to sell. 28 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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However, there are a lot of products on there that are rubbish and simply do not sell.
There are a few things you should look for when searching for a product to sell.

Does it meet your niche?

Does it expand your niche?
Can you write about it passionately?
Can you write about it for more than a year?

You need to realise that you are in a long term project and you should focus on long
term goals. Get rich quick is simply not going to happen.

Check Clickbank products before you choose your niche to see if there are products
you can sell that have been created by others and are ready to sell.

11.3. Create Your Own

The best thing you can do is create your own product and sell it through your own
landing page and through Clickbank. This then gives you opportunities to get others
to sell your product as affiliates.

This is where the power of compounding your efforts takes hold and allows you to
expand your sales dramatically.

You will need to sign up to Clickbank and learn about how they operate. You will also
need to pay the fees required to list your product with Clickbank. Therefore, you
should ensure your product is worthy of a sale and is going to sell.

If you create a product that does not sell, you simply will not get affiliates interested in
your product and you will struggle to make sales or even worse, people will ask for

11.4. How to Create a Product

Creating a product is going to take some real effort. You should know a lot about
your niche and be able to write well about it. Then you need to think about how you
are going to present it. Will it be an e-book or a digital video or recording or a
combination of everything?

Whatever you do, make sure it is quality work. Work that will impress people and give
them the information they need and crave.

When creating your product think about what problems you are solving for the
customer. This will allow you to create a good landing page or sales page which
focuses on their problems and the solutions you are going to give them to get what
they desire. 29 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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11.5. Your Landing Page

When creating a sales page I try to keep it informative and simple to read and
understand. Creating a page that explains in detail your product is going to assist you
in making sales.

There are also some important things you should say on your website to build trust
between you and your potential customer.

A heading that highlights the primary problem of the potential client

An interesting story to read that is entertaining and informative that is real and
an experience that you have had
A 100% Money Back Guarantee
Clear Frequently Asked Questions that cover all possible questions of your
potential customer to help build trust
A secure payment gateway like Paypal
A contact phone number and address to show people you are real and not a
Real testimonials from other customers

The landing page or sales page I create is simple with limited room for distractions.
You want your potential customers to focus on your product and how you can solve
their problems so you don't want them getting distracted otherwise they will leave.

Before Google made some major updates to their algorithm I would always create
one sale page with no links on it whatsoever apart from a buy now button.

This worked well because people were focused on the one page and would not get
distracted by advertisements or other links. Now that Google has updated their
algorithm, it makes it hard for a page with no links on it to rank well.

So what I do now is make the sales page the main page of the website and utilise the
menu systems in Wordpress to build a reputable business that focuses on the one

Create a Quality Website that Funnels Potential

Customers to your Sales Page

This ensures the website ranks well in search engines because it is information,
reduces the bounce rate and has easy navigation so customers can explore the
website in detail. 30 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot
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Google will reward you with good rankings if you build a website that is professional,
easy to navigate and full of quality information. Genuine customers will find your
product and buy it if they can see you are knowledgeable and passionate about your
particular niche.

11.6. Rules To Remember

Sell a Digital product over and over again.

Choose one product only and focus on it like a laser beam.

Once you have sold a few and you know you have a good product
look for ways to sign up affiliates. 31 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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12.0 Payment Merchants

12.1. An Easy way to Collect Money

There are plenty of payment merchants around to collect your money. However one
of the most commonly use merchant is Paypal.

Paypal allows you to create a Button easily and integrate this one you Wordpress
website within minutes.

Go to Paypal to learn more.

12.2. Rules To Remember

Use a simple Paypal Solution 32 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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13.0 Product Delivering

13.1. Delivering your products

There are also a few websites around that can deliver your products for you. One of
these that is competitive and easy to use is E-Junkie.

This is a very versatile website that allows you to load products up and deliver
products easily. It also integrates with Paypal.

You need to automate your system as much as you can. E-Junkie and Paypal
together do this for you.

It is a great way to ensure you are delivering your product to your customers without
errors and without you having to do anything manually.

13.2. Rules To Remember

Use a website that delivers your products to reduce your time

online 33 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Part 5 Website Traffic is Essential

14.0 The Truth About FREE Website Traffic

14.1. Getting Free Website Traffic Takes Time

There are literally hundreds of free methods you can apply to drive traffic to your
website. This is often more of a problem than a solution. Because there are so
many methods around, it is easy to lack focus and as a result your efforts are
ineffective in driving any substantial traffic to your site.

This is an important point. If you concentrate on the Aim High and Aim
one method we outline here as the most effective for Good Quality
method, you will receive a great deal of website traffic
that is real unique human traffic, highly targeted and Results
best of all free.

14.2. There is No Free Website Traffic Tap You Can Turn On

Ever seen a website where you can simply go and click your mouse and bingo the
free traffic starts flowing?

No neither have I.

This is because they dont exist.

However, you can turn on a website traffic tap and get a ton of visitors for a few
dollars. Usually this type of traffic is totally untargeted traffic and useless.

Ever seen site like $7 for 10 000 visitors or similar? These sites don't work because
the visitors are untargeted. Don't waste your money.

14.3. Aim For Quality For Best Results

If you are starting out online, then you need to first realise that generating free
website traffic takes considerable time. It also takes effort. If you are not prepared to
put in significant effort and time into generating traffic then you really have only a few

1. Give up selling online

2. Get someone else to generate the traffic for you
3. Pay for traffic. 34 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot
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There are no simple answers so be prepared to work hard and long to generate
your website traffic. After saying this, the effort you put in certainly reflects what you
get out of it.

You are better off thinking carefully about your overall strategy and producing quality
in everything you do and not simply rushing the process. In the long term this really
does make a difference.

So Aim High and Aim for Good Quality Results.

14.4. Best Traffic Tip 1 - Set Up Your Site Well

This might seem obvious but often people just don't do it. I made
this mistake and regret it.

Set your pages up well.

Think of your website as a long term process. Therefore, think how big it could
possibly get and structure it so it can grow.

Once you create a webpage address - you don't really want to change it. It will get
better with age as long as you keep adding to it.

14.5. Best Traffic Tip 2 - Ezine Articles

A lot of people have thrown out the idea of quality content on

Ezine Articles since Google updated the algorithm for the
hundredth time.

But the truth is Ezine Articles still works well and send quality
traffic that converts. So spend the time to write good quality content and post it to
Ezine Articles.

No need to go overboard - you just need to post content that is good quality. Quality
rises to the top and quality converts well.

14.6. Best Traffic Tip 3 - Facebook, Linked In and the Social Media Giants

Social media is critical to Google. make sure you are posting

conent on the big 3 at the minimum.

Facebook, Linked In and Google Plus. There are many more but
seriously how much time is there in one day? 35 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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14.7. Best Traffic Tip 4 - Google Maps

List your business in Google Maps. Make it have a physical

address and contact details. Ensure your contact details are on
your website.

This makes a massive difference to Google as you are then seen

as a legitimate business.

If you are hiding from Google for whatever reason - then you are hiding from your

Doesn't look good to Google.

14.8. Best Traffic Tip 5 - Legitimate Business

Following on from the point above - creating a legitimate

business gives you credibility in the eyes of large companies
like Google.

Therefore take it seriously and create something that you are proud of and stand
behind. If you produce rubbish and try and make a quick buck - it simply won't be
sustainable and will not product the results you are looking for.

Take the time to make it legitimate.

14.9. Best Traffic Tip 6 - Clean Well Structured Website

This might seem obvious but there are plenty of examples where
websites are not built well. Using Wordpress makes a huge
difference and allows you to build a clean well structured site.

It isn't rocket science - keep your site clean with keywords in the
page names and you should see good results in the SERPS.

14.10. Best Traffic Tip 7 - Backlinks

Backlinks are important - however it takes significant effort to

get them. If you are trying to get backlinks spend the time
getting the links that are relevant to your niche. 36 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Part 6 Conclusion

15.0 Conclusion

15.1. Get Started

Making money online is worth the effort. However you must set things up correctly so
you can actually ensure your efforts compound and
you get results over the medium to long term.
For Good Results:
Producing consistent free traffic is not easy. It really
does take time to build it up. You need to build it up
one link at a time. Post Articles at Ezine
Article writing can work well. 1 article can deliver
traffic for years and years and this article can also
create conversions if written well.

Besides writing good quality content, setting your website up well so it is clean, well
structured and linked into the big social media websites will give you a big boost in
the rankings and ensure your product is being seem by as many people as possible.

Make Sure Your Content is 100% Good Quality

15.2. Effort vs. Rewards

Free website traffic and making money online can be achieved using the methods
mentioned above.

Focus on the main things and don't get distracted.

Making money online passively is worth the effort. However you must set things up
correctly so that it is automated. The last thing you need is to be working on your
online business all day and making $50 at the end of the day.

You would be better getting a job. 37 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Part 6 Quick Summary

16.0 Quick Summary Sheet

16.1. Get Started Quickly

This is a summary sheet to help you get started quickly and help you focus on the
main points. These points are all important and you should attempt to ensure you are
completing all of them.

Task Check

Always write good quality content

Post to Ezine Articles
Use Wordpress
Put a blog on your website
Post to your blog daily
Set up your website so you are targeting
keywords in the page names
Make a legitimate business
Register your business with Google
Set up a Linked In account and post your
business on Linked In
Create links from Linked In to your
Set up a Facebook account and post
your business on Linked In
Create links from Facebook to your
Set up a Google + account and post your
business on Google +
Create links from Google + to your
Have a physical address for your
business and register it on Google Maps
Have legitimate contact details for your
Monitor traffic sources from Statcounter
Don't pay for traffic from website s that
seem unrealistic
Expect results to build slowly over time -
not overnight 38 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

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Participate in a forum under your niche

and add a backlink in your signature if
the site allows it. Do this only if you have
time and enjoy what you do. Don't bother
participating in the forum if they don't
allow a backlink to your site.
Build a list - Capture email addresses
from people that purchase your product -
Use something like Mail Chimp
Send out newsletters to your list
Create or sell a product you can sell over
and over again
Automate your site using websites such
as E-Junkie to deliver the goods

Free Website Traffic - Realistic Options

Facebook - Post to Facebook and link to your site

Linked In - Post to Linked In and link to your site

Ezine Articles - Write good quality content and link to your site 39 Passive Income Online on Auto-pilot

16.2. Disclaimer

16.3. Copyright Notice

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical unless approved by the author. Any unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited.

16.4. Legal Notice

While attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes
any responsibilities for errors, omissions, or contradictory information contained in this book.

This book is not intended as legal, investment, or accounting advice. The purchaser or reader of this book assumes all
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