A Summer of New Experiences

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A summer of Seguin is lending state $1.8 million at 0 percent interest

The governor, the general providing loans at no cost, and taxpayers should send a
assembly and taxpayers owe but many are delivering resi- monthly thank you letter to
new experiences Seguin and hundreds of
other Illinois charities a debt
dential care to those unable
to live alone, at less than 50
these organizations for help-
ing Illinois balance its bot-
Summer is my day is now routine. of gratitude. percent of the cost of state tom line. Our leaders should
favorite season. To Vets, breeders and According to the latest institutional care. These take a reasonable, nonparti-
start, it’s the only trainers have been Illinois office of comptrol- organizations employ thou- san, business approach, uti-
one where I’m pret- of little help. But ler’s list, hundreds of non- sands of individuals who lizing a three point plan to
ty much assured it low and behold, profit businesses are lending provide the care needed to resolve this mess: reduce
won’t snow. The he corrected his over $490 million dollars to maintain services. In fact, costs, increase revenues and
warm days bring aim all by himself. the state at 0 percent interest 400,000 people in Illinois or borrow prudently. I urge
back so many Who says you in order to balance the one of every six individuals elected officials to publicly
memories of first- can’t teach an old state’s horrendous financial works in a nonprofit charity present their lists in these
time events in my dog new tricks? conditions. To see the names (according to the Social categories before the
life, such as learn- Finally, last of these organizations and IMPACT Research Center November election and to
ing to swim, riding Mike Neiman summer, we how much each is owed, go and the Chicago Community courageously meet the chal-
a bike and driving a signed my daugh- to Trust). This is striking con- lenge to get the state back on
car. My uncle taught me to ter, Madison, up for diving www.illinoispartners.org/no sidering most of these a stable financial track. —
water ski. And rafting with lessons at the community de/128 — some familiar employees are paid low Don Bartecki, Hinsdale,
my friends on the Truckee pool. She desperately want- names are on the list. Not wages with no pension. Seguin Services Inc. board
River still makes me laugh. I ed to learn how, but lacked only are these organizations The governor, legislators member
also began my first “real” job the courage to go in head
and even married my bride first. Unfortunately, the les-
over a Labor Day weekend. sons were a bust.
This summer has been no This summer she was
different. There have been determined to succeed. I
events that have touched my even threw in a trip to Six
heart as well as my funny Flags as an incentive. Time
bone. Here are some of the after time, she’d put her
more notable experiences. arms out in front and then
I had my own personal just jumped. She was begin-
first with the purchase of my ning to get discouraged, so I
first lawn mower. After all simply told her to try when
these years of having a land- she was ready. That moment
scape service take care of my came on a Sunday a few
lawn, I thought I’d give it a weeks back. In front of a
try. Ten minutes is all it takes cheering audience of friends
for them to buzz through my and parents, she inched her
yard. How hard could it be? way to the end of the board,
Well, more difficult than I focused on the pool drain
thought. Pushing and and made a perfect dive. The
pulling the 80-pound beast smile on her face as her
around gave me tennis head popped out of the
elbow in both arms. You’re water was simply priceless.
probably thinking “what a So was mine.
wimp.” Guilty as charged. As the summer winds
The personal satisfaction of down, I look forward to what
doing it myself was almost else will come my way. Not
worth the pain. all experiences will be posi-
Another family member, tive, but there will always be
Koda the dog, also recently lessons to be learned. Good
experienced a first. You need or bad, new memories will
to know that he has an issue. be created and — especially
And it’s not pretty. Not bit- the good ones — cherished.
ing, chewing or barking. — Mike Neiman of Hinsdale
Koda pees on himself! When is a contributing columnist.
he lifts his leg, his aim is Readers can e-mail him at
somewhat off. After nearly news@thehinsdalean.com.
five years, we’re way passed
the grossed out stage, and
washing him several times a

Requirements bers, statistics and other facts mentioned in • fax to (630) 323-4220
the letter • mail to The Hinsdalean, Letters to the edi-
• 250 words or fewer • no form letters tor, 7 W. First St., Hinsdale Il 60521
• include writer’s name, address and day-
time phone number Submission Questions?
• documentation must be provided for num- • e-mail to news@thehinsdalean.com Call (630) 323-4422
The Hinsdalean • July 29, 2010 • Page 11

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