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World Joumal of Agricultural Sciences 3 (4): 440-443, 2007 ISSN 1817-3047 ‘© IDOST Publications, 2007 Agronomical Characteristics of Som Chickpea Ecotypes (Cicer arietunum) Grown in Turkey "Hasan Vural and “Abdullah Karasu "Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uludag. Bursa, Turkey °Mustafikemalpaga Vocational High School, University of Uludag, Bursa, Turkey ‘Abstract: Chickpea is an important field evop for less quality fields and enduring to drought In Isparta ecology fs a sowing duly covers large area. This research has been done for determining the most suitable chickpea line and varieties in the grain-chickpea sowing duly system of the Isparta city ecological conditions. 11 cultivars and lines grown in Turkey were used in this qwo year long study (between the years 1996 und 1997) ‘which has randomize block experimental design with four replications, Data were analyzed by multivariate Statistical methods, According to the two-year result, found to be important in all components observed. The differences between the years were proved to be the differences between the lines and cultivars were significant in all components, except the number of per plant and the height of the first pod form the ground, Tn both years anthracnose (dscochyta rabiei pass. Lab, conditions, It was found one Principal Component (PCI) vere separated in two main group and three subeluster by ) wasn't found in all cultivars and lines in natural by factorial analyses. But, eleven examined cultivars cluster analyses. Key words: Chickpea + Ineeding + factor analysis + cluster analysis INTRODUCTION In today’s world, paralleling to population growth, nutrition problem is growing inereasingly. Especially production of high-tange protein foods has been important for the solving nutrition problem. For this reason, its necessary growing the most productive and high-quality varieties to the regions. Growing of chickpea on the less quality fields and enduring to drought, makes important to this produets Chickpea, which has lage market and entered to sowing duty with wheat pillar, is a demanded plant for cry ane sally areas [17], When processed in the food industy, consumed asa roasted chickpea, if we look at to roasted chickpea export, it sa necessary product (2} In the Isparta ecology, when chickpea duty in the Grought fields, grain-chickpea, grain-common etch, erain-lentil,grainfallov land implementing as a sowing Gluty, covers an important area [3]. This research wat carried out to determine the adaptation of some ehiekpea lines and cultivars under the ecological conditions of Isparta province in Turkey. [6, 8, 11, 13 and 15) were studied seme researches on the agronomical characteristics of some Chickpea cultures, aotor analysis wih prineipal component and cluster analysis were sed to dotermine the suitability of some features to characterize the variation of the observations and to determine natural arcups froma the cultivars studied (1, 2} Inthe first phase, factor analysis has been used for identification ofthe number of PCAs Im the second phase, cluster method has been used to determine disparities and siilaritios Inthis search, multivariato statistical methods were used for determining of data to abtain more results than variance analysis. Rudimentary, exploratory procedures are often quite helpful in understanding the complex nature of multivariate rlationshigs. Analysis of principal components is more of a means to an end rather than an nd in them because they frequently serve at intermediate steps inmuch lager investigations. For example, principal components may be inputs to a multiple regression or clustor analysis, Moreover, principal components are cone “factoring” of the covariance matrix for the factor analysis model (10) Cluster analysis when searching tho data for @ stmactre of ‘natural’ groupings isan important exploratory technique. Grouping can provide an informal smears for assessing dimensionality, identifying-outiers and suggesting interesting hypotheses conceming relatiomips [10]. The term of cluster analysis encompasies a large mumber af techniques developed to identify groups of observations with similar characteristics. It is based om the minimizing of the Yarianee in the group and maximizing of the variance among groups {10}. The distance between two variants in which data have been standardized, can be stated as the Corresponding Author: Ds. Hasun Vural, Faculty of Agieultur, ag University of Uludag, Bursa, Tukey World 5 Agric. Sct. 3 (4): 440-443, 2007 monotonic transformation of the correlation between the two variables. MATERIAL AND METHOD. ‘This research has been carried out in the 1996-1997 ‘years, 80 as to determining suitable chickpea varieties and lines. for Isparta ecological conditions. Inthe research, assured from difTerent agricultural institutions; Eser $7 (VD), Akin 1 (V2), Camtez87 (V3), Divar95 (V4), ILC-482(V5}, AK-7112 (V6), ICL-5566 (V7), Red roasted chickpea ecctype) (V8), 4N-495/2 (V9), Spanish Chickpea {ecotype growing in the region) (V10) and Aziziye (V1), ‘arity and lines have been wed as a material While Atabey test area, which this research had been carried out in 1996, is axlo-lay, silt, nt salty, a litle bit alkaline with much limely, average in phosphorus and medium level in organic mater, Gixir Kamps area which this research had been earied oti 1997 silt, slight alkaline, not salty, mostly limely, average phosphors and poor in organic material [4]. The average ppeipitation ofthe yeas 1996-1997 was realized different from average long, yoars [5] Study have been setup every twice year, as randomize block experimental design with four replications. Every twice year, sowing have been done in the middle of March month, Data about productive elements have been proved from counting and measurements from ten plants which taken from every puroel before harvest. Seed productivity has beer fond from whole test field (6 m*) with added ten plant production. So as to Find the natal grouped between varieties and examining the changes in the data, principal component factor analysis and cluster analysis as rnulkivariate statistical analysis methods have been used [1, 10} Principal component analysis (PCA) is concerned with explaining the variance-covariance structure through a few linear combinations of the original variables. Its general objectives are (1 data reduction and (2)imespretaton PCA method provides to form fiee new sets which are diferent fom the beginning set. Refleeting ofthe variables at ‘Ris one of advantages of the metho. “he usual cbjcctive of the analysis is tosce ifthe first fw components account for mest of the variation in the criginal data [1]. Clustering (or grouping) is distinet from the classification methods, Caster analysis is a more primitive technique in that no assumptions are made conceming the mumber of groups on the group structure, Grouping is done on the basis of similarities or distances aa (Gissimiarities). The theory behind clustering is an expected positive relationship between the variables Buelidean distance and the similarity of the observations [10]. As a result, cluster analysis is driven by the trade- off between minimizing the Euclidean distance of observations within a cluster and maximizing the uelidean distance between clusters. Clustering can be conducted directly on the data set or as a two-step procedure in combination with other statistical methods like factor analysis and prineipal component analysis, ‘The number of clusters is not a priori given, to decide which number of clusters to choose. It's bared on. the aim of cluster analysis, which is maximizing the difference between the clusters. There area large number of different available how to conduet cluster analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this study multivariate statistical methods were used to classify a group of chickpea varieties on the basis of their agronomic characteristics. Classifying of investigated varieties into two basic groups which consist of eight groups has been suggested according to the cluster analysis, ‘According to the two years analysis results obiained from chickpea cultures, it is proved that in the whole examined features, varieties differences are important (Table 1), Except the high of frst pod fiom ground and the number of pod in the plant, it has been proved that there are differences between years on the olher features Exeept for thousand seed weight and unit field seed productivity, year and variety interaction have been ‘important as statistically. ‘When Akgin-91 variety (26.68 om) has been found the most length of plant, kirmtzt nolnut (22,05 em) has the smallest length of plant [18] was determined the length of plant changed between 12.47 and 2687 em, Also [16] obtained similar results (15-50 em). ‘Accounted values of height from ground of first pod are changed between 148 and 19.14 em. [9] was found these values as 13,0-33.6 em, ‘If we look al to number of side brunch, karmiza nobut (3.44) has the most, IOC S566 (2.52) has the least values. [16] (0.3-22.7) and [9] (1 4-5.4) were found similar results TLLC482 has the most (10) and Diyar95 has the least (5.53) values of pod mumber per plant, These results are near toresearches of [16] +100), (9) (3-12), [15](8.5-21.8), but they are small than results of [7] (144-67), [13] (53.5). ‘Mostly number of main brunch inthe plant. from ILC- 483 line and the less one is obtained from ICC-5566 and Akgin-. Results have showed paralleling to the findings of [9, 11, 16, 13] World 5 Agric. Sct. 3 (4): 440-443, 2007 “oble: Caeavies of vais, average vals cf quriive duratrstis (1961997), Verieiee 2 4 igHEaEELEE = Abcinnt_ 2668 118 3a Ces? 2387 im 760 59 Diyas 25.38 5 Sos 261 mem = m2 101968 5.06 Teesses 2683, 89 Se 28 Kiewohue 2205, eo 738 386 AN4992 2539 a1 aM 336 Ispay-No cat tt Sse Rize 273 os 6M 298 Dense 24.56 2a 735 Rot 314 18 2041 Lsbeey “ose 021 osm dae Ot hoo 1g 69940 ‘Na Leigh of plan (anh, > Height an ground ait pd Gu 8. Nun fain bench, Num. ose rnc, 5 Pod per plan 6 Seed perl, 7 100 sed wea) & Seed product perp, 9 Haves inex O10 Seed Presi (kg da), 11-Peta ab) (197) “able Accorted pencipal components and comets tates fo saribtes Prindpal compat Commies Varies mati Vareies_ cosine iw ie) v2 ‘08 oss fucus v4 ‘9% 05585 unos xs ‘63 05506 sacra xs ‘986 osm ‘007 vv ‘ese 05676 uci 1 ve ase oso sass [ l 1 2 a i a VIO V9 VE V3. V4 Vil V2 V6 V7VS VI vn 9996 05591 ‘000 ore Fig. 1Dendogram obtained by cluster analysis on the ‘When we look at to seed numbers, ILC-482 has the most, Diyar 95 has the least values. These results are near tothe [9, 15, 16], but far from [7,13]. Tt was obtained that kumi nohut has high value (622.6 9); Eser87 has small valu (311.6 8) for 1000 sood weight [16] was obtained between 87-791 g and [8] was obtained between 240.360 g for tis characteristic. Culex 87 variety has the most seed productivity value (3.59 g): Diyar 95 has the least value (2.67 g). These values are near to values of [7] GS-15. g) and [9] (04-58 g), but they are small than values of [18] (5.58- 21.67 g). In both years anthracnose (Ascochyta rabiei pass. Lab.) wasn't found in all cultivars and lines in natural conditions ‘When giving importance to seed productivity, it has been noticed that with Spanish chickpea (125.6 kg da”) which is growed from producer and passed from natural selection and Akgin 91 (123.2) varieties are suitable for Isparta conditions. While [9} 200-208 kg, [14] informed 150-237 kg, productivity have been obtained, [8] have informed the most 277 kg. productivity has been obiained in 1989. Also, these varieties have advantage for suitable consumer wishes with high thousand seed weight [12]. initial data Protein sation of varieties were obtained for 1997 product, When we look at the characteristic, Azizive variety has the most value (23.25%); 4N-495/2 variety hhas the least value (18.64%), [11] (16.44%) and [6] (1995.24.36) was obtained similar results Acooreling to the prineipal component factor analysis results, one principal component (PCI) have been obtained (it’s explain 9.45 pereent of the total varianes) (Table 2), For this reason, ignorant information lost is ow ogres in research (% 0.55). Communality values shoved that, examined cultures have important degree of similarity ‘genet feature and data are reliable, When done ordering the varieties as their important degree (how can be act the group) they are enumerated as, Vs, Va. Vis Vo and Vi which are more important varieties and the least important culture is V7 which has the smallest prineipal component coellicient. ‘When making of the principal component values rotation, the most important varieties of the whole group are in sequones, V4, V2 and V1. While VI and V8 have the farthest and the most different features (Euclidean distanoe 301), the nearest two cultures are V3 and V8 World 5 Agric. Sct. 3 (4): 440-443, 2007 (Buclidean distance 14). It shows tht, similar cultures have easily used for the others. When adaptation applications are done between varieties which are farthest one another, so different and new cultures can be obtained. ‘According to the dendogram sesults produced by cluster analysis, varieties are separated to two main and thee little groups (Pig. 1). 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