Family Support, Medication Adherence, and Glycemic Control Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

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Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/Psychosocial Research


Family Support, Medication Adherence,

and Glycemic Control Among Adults
With Type 2 Diabetes
LINDSAY S. MAYBERRY, MS1 possible or easier for an individual to per-
CHANDRA Y. OSBORN, PHD, MPH2,3,4 form healthy behaviors) has been most
strongly associated with adherence to self-
care behaviors across chronic diseases (8).
OBJECTIVEdWe used a mixed-methods approach to explore the relationships between Even with correlational evidence sup-
participants perceptions of family members diabetes self-care knowledge, family members diabetes- porting the importance of instrumental
specic supportive and nonsupportive behaviors, and participants medication adherence and
support, interventions rarely target family
glycemic control (A1C).
support as a means of promoting diabetes
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSdAdults with type 2 diabetes participated in self-care behaviors among adults. Most di-
focus group sessions that discussed barriers and facilitators to diabetes management (n = 45) abetes intervention trials examine the effect
and/or completed surveys (n = 61) to collect demographic information, measures of diabetes of individual education on glycemic con-
medication adherence, perceptions of family members diabetes self-care knowledge, and per- trol, without engaging or educating family
ceptions of family members diabetes-specic supportive and nonsupportive behaviors. Most members or accounting for family mem-
recent A1C was extracted from the medical record.
ber support as a process outcome (9). The
RESULTSdPerceiving family members were more knowledgeable about diabetes was associ- few interventions for adults with diabetes
ated with perceiving family members performed more diabetes-specic supportive behaviors, that have included family members have
but was not associated with perceiving family members performed fewer nonsupportive behav- been both largely inconsistent in their ap-
iors. Perceiving family members performed more nonsupportive behaviors was associated with proach and ineffective in inuencing
being less adherent to ones diabetes medication regimen, and being less adherent was associated health outcomes (10,11). For example,
with worse glycemic control. In focus groups, participants discussed family member support and Kang et al. (12) tested an intervention
gave examples of family members who were informed about diabetes but performed sabotaging
that included individual family education
or nonsupportive behaviors.
sessions, group family education sessions,
CONCLUSIONSdParticipant reports of family members nonsupportive behaviors were and weekly phone calls over 6 months.
associated with being less adherent to ones diabetes medication regimen. Participants empha- Participants in the family intervention re-
sized the importance of instrumental help for diabetes self-care behaviors and reported that ported an increase in family members
nonsupportive family behaviors sabotaged their efforts to perform these behaviors. Interventions supportive behaviors and a decrease in
should inform family members about diabetes and enhance their motivation and behavioral skills family members nonsupportive behaviors.
around not interfering with ones diabetes self-care efforts.
Improvements in self-reported diabetes
Diabetes Care 35:12391245, 2012 self-care behaviors, weight, and glycemic
control were noted, although these ob-
served changes were not signicant (likely

or adults with type 2 diabetes, the Family members can have a positive and/or due to small sample size). In addition, Wing
performance of diabetes self-care ac- negative impact on the health of people et al. (13) compared the efcacy of a weight
tivities is associated with improved with diabetes, interfere with or facilitate loss intervention with spouses against an in-
glycemic control and prevents diabetes- self-care activities (e.g., by buying groceries dividual weight loss intervention and found
related complications, hospitalizations, or relling a prescription), and contribute no signicant effect of the spousal inter-
and mortality (1). Most theories of health to or buffer the deleterious effects of stress vention on exercise, caloric intake, weight
behavior change required for diabetes self- on glycemic control (7). Although family loss, or glycemic control compared with
care performance include a social support members can provide many kinds of social the individual intervention. Gilliland et al.
component (24), and family members are support (e.g., emotional, informational, (14) conducted a three-arm intervention
considered a signicant source of social and appraisal support), instrumental sup- trial in Native American communities that
support for adults with diabetes (5,6). port (i.e., observable actions that make it included psychoeducational groups with
adults with diabetes and their family
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c members, one-on-one psychoeducational
From 1Human and Organizational Development, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; the 2De- sessions without family members, and a
partment of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; the 3Department of control group. Inconsistent with predic-
Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; and the 4Vanderbilt
Eskind Diabetes Center, Diabetes Research and Training Center, Center for Diabetes Translational Research, tions, the intervention groups demon-
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee. strated small increases in glycemic control
Corresponding author: Chandra Y. Osborn, relative to the control group. However,
Received 28 October 2011 and accepted 17 February 2012. participants were not randomized to con-
DOI: 10.2337/dc11-2103
2012 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly
dition, and the study did not assess the
cited, the use is educational and not for prot, and the work is not altered. See interventions effects on diabetes self-care
licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. behaviors. Thus, further work is needed to DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, JUNE 2012 1239

Family support and medication adherence

develop efcacious family-based interven- questions pertained to barriers and facili- time that you do? Nonsupportive items
tions for adults with diabetes. tators of medication adherence, experi- included questions such as How often
In our focus groups, adult partici- ences with and attitudes toward using do your family members criticize you for
pants with diabetes spontaneously dis- health information technology to manage not exercising regularly? and How often
cussed family member support when diabetes and medication regimens, and do your family members argue with you
asked about their daily self-care regimens, ideas for leveraging technology to improve about your diabetes self-care activities?
underlining the inuence of family sup- diabetes self-care. Focus group sessions Responses ranged from 1 (never) to 5
port on diabetes self-care behaviors (15). were stratied by participants self-reported (at least once a day), with higher scores
On the basis of these in vivo ndings, we frequency of health information tech- indicating family members perform more
used a mixed-methods approach with the nology use to facilitate discussion specic supportive or nonsupportive behaviors, re-
same dataset to develop an understanding to the parent study research questions spectively. We averaged applicable items
of the role of family support in the perfor- (15). Thus, we did not have a priori for each participant to create supportive
mance of self-care behaviors in general, questions about the role of family mem- and nonsupportive scaled scores. For par-
and medication adherence specically. bers in participants self-care behaviors. ticipants who were prescribed insulin (n =
Our objectives were to 1) explore the re- Rather, participants interjected this in- 17), the internal consistency reliability
lationship between family members sup- formation into the larger discussion. All (Cronbach a) of the 16-item DFBC was
port and participants medication adherence sessions were emergent, semistructured, 0.82 for the supportive subscale and 0.74
and 2) expand the knowledge of what and allowed the facilitator to adapt ques- for the nonsupportive subscale. For partici-
should be included in family-based inter- tions to participants experiences. Discus- pants only on oral agents (n = 44), the in-
ventions for adults with diabetes. sions were audiotaped and transcribed ternal consistency reliability of the 13-item
verbatim. DFBC (i.e., three insulin-specic items
Quantitative. A brief survey collected were removed) was 0.79 for the supportive
RESEARCH DESIGN AND demographic information, including par- subscale and 0.73 for the nonsupportive
METHODS ticipants age, sex, race/ethnicity, educa- subscale.
tion, household income, and marital Medication adherence. Adherence to oral
Participants and recruitment status. Participants also reported percep- diabetes medications and insulin was
Focus groups were conducted as a part tions of family members diabetes self- assessed using the 12-item Adherence
of a larger project studying barriers and fa- care knowledge and completed validated to Rells and Medication Scale (ARMS),
cilitators of diabetes medication adherence measures of perceptions of family mem- which includes a four-item rell adher-
and the use of technology to manage dia- bers diabetes-specic supportive and ence subscale and an eight-item dose ad-
betes and medication regimens. From June nonsupportive behaviors and their own herence subscale (18). We slightly modied
to December 2010, we recruited English- adherence to diabetes medications. Fam- each item to focus on diabetes medications
speaking adults diagnosed with type 2 ily members included any individuals the (e.g., How often do you forget to take your
diabetes who were prescribed glucose- participant considered part of his/her diabetes medicine or insulin?). The ARMS
lowering diabetes medications. Research family, as the survey did not specify a def- is a reliable and valid instrument for assess-
assistants approached participants in inition of family. ing medication adherence (18) and has
clinic waiting rooms and responded to in- Family knowledge about diabetes self- been shown to predict glycemic control
quiries about the study from iers or listserv care. Perceptions of family members dia- (19). Response options are on a four-point
announcements. betes self-care knowledge was assessed by scale, ranging from 1 (none of the time) to 4
Of those eligible who consented to asking, Generally, how much are your (all of the time), and are summed to pro-
participate (N = 75), 61% (n = 45) family members informed about what di- duce an overall adherence score ranging
attended a focus group session that abetes is and what it takes to manage it? from 12 to 48, with higher scores repre-
included a discussion, survey, refresh- Responses were on a four-point scale, rang- senting worse medication adherence. In
ments, and $40 compensation. All en- ing from 1 (not at all) to 4 (a lot). our sample, internal consistency reliability
rolled participants who did not attend a Family supportive and nonsupportive was 0.75.
focus group were invited to complete the behaviors. Perceptions of family mem- Glycemic control. Glycemic control was
survey by phone and/or mail and received bers diabetes-specic supportive and assessed by the most recent glycated hemo-
$20 compensation. Sixteen additional nonsupportive behaviors were assessed globin (A1C) value in the medical record.
participants completed the survey, pro- with adapted subscales from the Diabetes Analyses. All statistical tests were per-
viding quantitative data for n = 61. The Family Behavior Checklist (DFBC) (16,17). formed using STATA version 11. Descrip-
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Insti- Since our sample included participants tive statistics characterized the sample. We
tutional Review Board approved all proce- prescribed oral agents and/or insulin, par- conducted Shapiro-Wilk tests of normality
dures prior to participant enrollment. ticipants could indicate not applicable and then used independent-sample t tests to
for insulin-specic items. Therefore, the explore group differences for normally dis-
Data and procedure DFBC for participants prescribed insulin tributed variables and Mann-Whitney U
Qualitative. We conducted 11 focus consisted of 16 items, whereas the DFBC for tests for nonnormally distributed variables.
groups with two to six participants, a participants prescribed only oral agents We previously examined demographic
trained facilitator (L.S.M. or C.Y.O.), consisted of 13 items. Items assessing differences between focus group partic-
and a trained note taker. Each focus group supportive behaviors included questions ipants (n = 45) and nonparticipants (n =
included an ;60-min discussion and such as, How often do your family mem- 16) and found no differences (15). We
;2030-min survey. Consistent with bers exercise with you? and How often tested relationships between demographic,
the parent study protocol, focus group do your family members eat at the same family, and outcome variables (i.e., medication


Mayberry and Osborn

adherence and glycemic control) using in- each focus group to discuss emerging nearly normal and had a slight positive
dependent-sample t tests, Mann-Whitney themes. We also used methodological and skew. A1C scores ranged from 5.0 to
U tests, or Spearman correlation coef- analyst triangulation (21). Disagreements 14.5, with an average A1C of 7.0 (SD =
cients (r) as appropriate. about the meaning of a participant com- 1.4). Based on the American Diabetes As-
Audiotapes were transcribed verba- ment or the type of support described sociation denition (23), 34% of the sam-
tim. We used NVivo 9 to code, analyze, were resolved through discussion and con- ple had uncontrolled glycemia. Focus
and interpret the transcripts using elements sensus. In the event a participant comment group participants (n = 45) also reported
of grounded theory (20). First, we identi- could not be clearly identied as suppor- that their family members were some-
ed all references to family members in the tive or nonsupportive, it was excluded what informed about diabetes (M = 3.1,
transcripts. We then conducted thematic from the analysis. Finally, family support SD = 0.9). They reported similar frequen-
analysis on participant comments about emerged without facilitator inquiry in 11 cies of family member supportive behaviors
family members, excluding comments focus groups with two different facilitators. (M = 2.2, SD = 0.7) and nonsupportive
about a family history of diabetes. Identi- Thus, the consistency of participant com- behaviors (M = 2.1, SD = 0.6). The average
ed major themes included 1) support ments about family involvement across ARMS score for focus group participants
from family members and 2) family mem- groups enhances the validity of our qualita- was 16.3 (SD = 3.6) and the average A1C
bers nonsupportive behaviors. We then tive results (22). was 6.9 (SD = 1.1). There were no signi-
used comparative analysis to categorize cant differences between focus group at-
participant comments about family sup- RESULTSdTable 1 presents the char- tendees and survey-only participants on
port as either instrumental, informational, acteristics of participants who completed our variables of interest.
emotional, or appraisal support. Compara- the survey with means (M) and SD or per- There were no sex differences in
tive analyses of family members nonsup- centages. Separate sample characteristics perceptions of family members diabetes
portive behaviors led to the development of for focus group-only participants have self-care knowledge, diabetes-specic
two subthemes as follows: 1) sabotaging been previously reported (15). Results are supportive behaviors, or nonsupportive
behaviors and 2) miscarried help. reported as M and SD. On average, partic- behaviors. Advancing age was associ-
Efforts to ensure quality. To ensure the ipants reported that their family members ated with reporting family members per-
trustworthiness of our methodological were somewhat informed about what di- form fewer nonsupportive behaviors
approach, we participated in, recorded, abetes is and what it takes to manage it. (r = 20.30, P , 0.05). Participants reporting
and transcribed debrieng sessions after Both DFBC subscale distributions were incomes $$40,000 were more likely than
those with incomes ,$40,000 to report
that their family members perform more
Table 1dCharacteristics of participants diabetes-specic supportive behaviors
(U = 263.5, P , 0.05). However, more
N = 61 Range education was associated with reporting
ones family members were less knowl-
Age (years) 57.1 6 8.6 4078 edgeable about diabetes (r = 20.29, P ,
Women 69 0.05). Married/partnered participants
Race/ethnicity were more likely than single, divorced,
African American 28 or widowed participants to report that
White 67 their family members were more knowl-
Other 5 edgeable about diabetes (U = 567.5, P ,
Education 0.05), and were more likely to report that
,High school degree 0 their family members perform more non-
High school degree 17 supportive behaviors (U = 560.0, P ,
Some college 38 0.05). Nonwhite participants had higher
.College degree 45 A1C values than white participants (U =
Annual household income* 371.5, P , 0.05). No other demographic
$029,999 17 characteristics were associated with our
$30,00059,999 40 variables of interest.
$$60,000 43 Spearman correlation coefcients be-
Married/partnered 66 tween family variables, medication adher-
Family diabetes knowledge 3.2 6 0.9 14 ence, and glycemic control are presented
DFBC: supportive subscale 2.2 6 0.7 14.2 in Table 2. Notably, perceiving ones family
DFBC: nonsupportive subscale 2.0 6 0.7 13.5 members perform more nonsupportive
Duration of diabetes (years) 8.0 6 6.1 0.525 behaviors was associated with reporting
Taking insulin 28 worse dose adherence to diabetes medica-
Number of oral diabetes medications 1.4 6 0.8 04 tions (r = 0.44, P , 0.001), which, in turn,
ARMS total 15.8 6 3.5 1226 was associated with higher A1C values
Medications subscale 10.4 6 2.5 818 (r = 0.29, P = 0.03). Perceiving ones family
Rells subscale 5.4 6 1.7 411 members perform more nonsupportive
A1C 7.0 6 1.4 5.014.5 behaviors was marginally associated
Data are mean 6 SD and range or %. *Income was dichotomized ($$40,000 vs. ,$40,000) for some analyses with worse rell adherence (r = 0.24,
because few participants reported annual incomes ,$30,000. P = 0.07). Thus, dose adherence drove the DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, JUNE 2012 1241

Family support and medication adherence

Table 2dSpearman correlation coefcients between family variables and outcome variables own diabetes self-care behaviors. These
participants expressed frustration and
Family variables Outcome variables voiced concerns that information about
diabetes may be insufcient to motivate
ARMS family members to perform supportive
1 2 3 Total Rell Medications A1C behaviors.
1. Family knowledge 1.00 NS NS NS NS But, you know, I dont think its enough [to re-
2. Supportive DFBC 0.35* 1.00 NS NS NS NS search it with them]. The information can be out
3. Nonsupportive DFBC NS 0.38* 1.00 0.43** 0.24 0.44** NS there and available, but how do you get some-
body to care? (White female, age 65 years)
r between ARMS total and A1C marginally signicant at r = 0.24; P = 0.07. r between ARMS medications
(subscale) and A1C signicant at r = 0.29; P = 0.03. NS, not signicant. P , 0.08. *P , 0.05. **P , 0.001. Participants shared stories when their
family members had acted in nonsupportive
association between nonsupportive family other group members how he supported ways despite knowing about dietary re-
behaviors and worse overall medication her, she explained. strictions for people with diabetes, and
adherence (r = 0.43, P , 0.001). As noted sabotaging participants attempts to per-
My husband does most of the grocery shop-
in Table 2, perceiving ones family mem- form diabetes self-care behaviors.
ping, so he reads all the food labels for me
bers were more knowledgeable about di- and he will stand there in the aisles and
abetes was associated with perceiving What if you have a husband thats a diabetic and
read themdbless his heartdhe is great
he takes 1 pill a day and then he eats 24/7? As
ones family members perform more like that. And he is into computers, so he long as hes awake, he is stufng food in his face,
diabetes-specic supportive behaviors, will read stuff and he goes to the doctor and it is not good quality food. Its doughnuts,
but was not associated with perceiving and stuff with me whenever he can. (White chocolate cookies. And hes a diabeticnever
ones family members perform less non- female, age 56 years) takes his blood sugar, and then he makes fun of
supportive behaviors. However, per- me because I take my blood sugar 8 times a day
Several participants indicated that a and I have to be so careful! And hes sticking
ceiving ones family members perform family members awareness of their diabetes- these cookies in my face and hes like have a
more supportive behaviors was also as- specic needs made it easier to perform cookie and Im like no thank you ... he kind of
sociated with perceiving ones family self-care behaviors. One participant shared sabotages mebut he has been a diabetic longer
members perform more nonsupportive than I am. But he justhe doesnt seem to care.
how his wife always carried snacks and He is just not interested. So, sometimes I dont
behaviors. extra medication in her purse for him, really have a support system. I am the support
Focus group participants mentioned and another shared how her sister under- system. (White female, age 61 years)
family involvement in all 11 focus groups stood her medications side effects and
(27 unique references). Illustrative state- One man described how his family
helped her manage them. members take him to restaurants where
ments are quoted verbatim below and in
Table 3. Supportive family behaviors were they know he will eat unhealthily.
I have been taking my medicine in the
mentioned in every focus group (18 unique morning, and I found that no matter how
references). Participants frequently dis- If we are going to go to [restaurant name], they
much breakfast I ate, about 2 hours after I took know Im eating. Thats just it. I dont think I can
cussed instrumental support (15 referen- it, I was starting to feel not so good. Sunday it just sit there. If [my family] is going to give me
ces) and rarely mentioned emotional (1 got really bad in church, and my sister saw some chicken ngers, they know I just cant con-
reference), informational (1 reference), or [the effects]. She rushed off to the churchs trol it. Certain restaurants they want to go todIm
appraisal (1 reference) support. In light of kitchen and got some orange juice for me. getting it alldtake some more insulin, pray over it,
and go. (African American male, age 46 years)
the nding that perceiving ones family (African American female, age 53 years)
members perform more nonsupportive
behaviors was associated with less medi- Family members nonsupportive Miscarried help. In addition to family
cation adherence, we share participants behaviors members performing sabotaging behaviors,
comments about their family members Several participants expressed frustration some participants discussed instances of
sabotaging behaviors (six references) and with their family members nonsupportive miscarried help, which produced conict
miscarried help (i.e., behaviors intended behaviors, particularly in response to other and interfered with self-care. For instance, a
to be supportive that generate conict, participants comments about receiving in- married couple shared their contrasting di-
three references). Nonsupportive behaviors strumental support for performing self-care abetes narratives as follows: the wife was
were discussed in four focus groups. activities. Participants reported two types insulin dependent, seldom followed a
of nonsupportive behaviors: 1) sabotaging healthy diet, and had been hospitalized
Support from family members behaviors from family members who were three times in the previous year, whereas
Instrumental support was the most com- well informed about diabetes but did not the husband controlled his diabetes with
mon form of family support discussed in the help the participant perform diabetes self- diet and was largely without complications.
focus groups. Participants shared instru- care behaviors and 2) miscarried helping The couple described experiencing conict
mental support they received from family behaviors, in which family members at- from the husbands attempts to change the
members in areas such as diet, exercise, tempts to help with diabetes self-care pro- wifes diet and the wife not appreciating her
medication adherence, blood glucose mon- duced conict. husbands attempts to do so.
itoring, and managing doctors appoint- Sabotaging behaviors. Some participants Another participant, whose spouse had
ments. One participant shared that her reported their family members (those with diabetes but did not participate in the
husband was particularly supportive of her and without diabetes) were not motivated study, recounted how she had repeatedly
diabetes self-care activities. When asked by to make lifestyle changes or support their threatened her husband in an attempt to


Mayberry and Osborn

Table 3dSelect participant comments about family involvement in diabetes self-care regimen and participant demographics

Demographics Support from family members

(age/sex, race or ethnicity) Instrumental support
58/F, white When we go out to eat. Ill wrap [pills] up in a tissue or something because I want to take it with my meals,
and if I get to the restaurant and forget, then my husband will remind me. But going out to eat gets me off
my routine.
68/M, white and 67/F, white (Married couple) Both of us share one diabetes physiciandwe followed him when he moved. We go together
and if we have a medication problem he can make the decisions and change us both at the same time.
46/M, Hispanic I travel a lot, so a lot of what [my wife and I] do is on the Internet. . .We use Calorie King to do Weight
Watchers together. . .My wife is very engaged in my health.
65/F, white My husband and I have this box that we put our pills in for the week, and every morning we take our
medications together.
56/F, AA [My sister] handles all my health affairsdwhere I get my medicine, bills, co-pays. She picks my medicines up too.
64/F, white The medicine makes me hungry and Im hungry all the time and if I dont eat regularly, I get the shakes, really
bad. And Ill tell [my husband] Please come here. I need something to eat or something, so I can stop
45/M, white [My wife] will carry snacks and my pill box in her purse, and we work close together, so if I need something,
I just call her and [we] meet up.
She can look at my rells and I can look at hers [online], and order them if theyre due, which is really nice.
56/M, AA I think with me, my wife keeps I just recently went to the eye doctor and denitely because she said You are
going to the eye doctor. So, call, make an appointment. . .Get your eyes checked out just in case. So I went.
53/F, AA Appraisal support: My husband has been bugging me to send an e-mail to my doctor and tell her to change the
medication [because of the coughing]. We decided to try taking it at night to see rst. If it doesnt work,
then I will let my doctor know.
62/M, white Informational support: Probably 3 years ago, [my wife] noticed that I was drinking a lot more water than she
felt I should be. So she sent me to check my glucose and it was way up there, [the doctor] said Guess what,
you got it.
46/M, AA Emotional support: I didnt like being told what to give up. Im the cook in the family. Now I have to make
two meals, one for me, one for them. I told my son, I said This is very frustrating trying to do the drinks, the
eats, and accept it. I just keep speaking to my family members about it.

Nonsupportive family member behaviors


65/F, white I take him to the dietician with me because my husband kind of sabotages my diet. I take him with me so he
can hear them and understand, you know, what its all about. It doesnt always work anyhow.
61/F, white My husband said I was irritating him because of having to drive to my doctor. Hes like Find one locally. So I
found one and Im very apprehensive. Its nerve wracking to be honest with you. I would love to go back [to
my old doctor] if I could gure out how to get rid of my husband (laughs).
61/F, white I went to some family gathering not too long ago, and I pitched a t! There was not one sugar-free thing to
drink. There was sugared tea, and Coke. There was all this stuff and every bit of it was full of sugar and I just
got so angry. It was like Folks, I am a diabetic! Unsweet ice teadOne simple thing! Its like, they know
these things, so I just assumed that they would make accommodations.
AA, African American; F, female; M, male.

get him to take his medicine and change adult son who had recently been diagnosed characteristics, perceptions of family mem-
his diet. with diabetes. bers diabetes self-care knowledge, percep-
tions of family members diabetes-specic
[I tell him] Do you want to dance at our I dont think [my son] got treated appropriately. I supportive and nonsupportive behaviors,
daughters wedding? You need feet to dance! am still upset with his physician. And he wouldnt and participants diabetes medication ad-
And I threaten him withdwe have lots of ani- listen to me either. He would just ignore every-
thing I told him and go do his own searches [on- herence and glycemic control. Quantitative
mals, and Im likedWhos going to take care of
line], and its like okay, I dont know anythingdI results indicated that perceiving family
the animals? Not me! Ill just open the gate and
say bye! (White female, age 61 years)
have been diabetic for 8 yearsdthats okay, I guess members had more diabetes self-care
Im just your mom. (White female, age 54 years) knowledge was associated with perceiving
She reported these attempts had been family members perform more diabetes-
unsuccessful in changing his behavior specic supportive behaviors. However,
and joked about their marital conict. CONCLUSIONSdWe used a mixed- perceiving family members perform more
Miscarried help was also indicated in a methods approach to examine the relation- nonsupportive behaviors was associated
relationship between a mother and her ship between participant demographic with reporting less adherence to diabetes DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, JUNE 2012 1243

Family support and medication adherence

medications, which, in turn, was associated diabetes diagnosis from attending the same Our ndings suggest a new direction
with worse glycemic control. Interestingly, focus group. Three couples and one pair of for future work to develop effective family-
perceiving family members perform more sisters attended focus groups together, based interventions for adults with di-
diabetes-specic supportive behaviors was which may have increased discussion abetes. Future qualitative research should
not associated with medication adherence about family members supportive behav- identify all relevant nonsupportive family
or glycemic control, and family members iors or decreased discussion about family behaviors and understand the role of
supportive behaviors co-occurred with members nonsupportive behaviors. In miscarried helping among adults with
nonsupportive behaviors. qualitative research, saturation is reached diabetes. Additional quantitative research
According to qualitative ndings, par- when data collection no longer yields (e.g., prospective studies) is needed to un-
ticipants think educating family members new results (27). The parent study ach- derstand the causal relationships between
(i.e., providing them with information) ieved saturation regarding the use of family members diabetes self-care knowl-
about diabetes may not stop family mem- health information technology to manage edge and supportive/nonsupportive be-
bers from performing nonsupportive, sab- diabetes. We achieved saturation regarding haviors, and an individuals diabetes
otaging behaviors. Participants reported the role of family members supportive be- self-care behaviors and health outcomes.
feeling sabotaged by family members who haviors, but have likely only begun to un- That work should explore differences in
are well informed about diabetes and its derstand the role of family members the perceived helpfulness of family mem-
demands, but are unmotivated to make nonsupportive behaviors and miscarried bers behaviors and differences in per-
changes themselves or help the participant help. ceived and desired family support based
to make changes. In addition, we found We used quantitative and qualitative on age, sex, time since diagnosis, race/
that miscarried help, a concept intro- methods in concert to understand a phe- ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and
duced in the pediatric diabetes literature nomenon from different perspectives. Con- self-efcacy. Such research may facilitate
to explain interpersonal conict that occurs sequently, the statistical power of our the development of interventions for
when a caregiver attempts to supervise an quantitative results is limited by our qual- adults with diabetes that focus on reduc-
adolescents self-care behaviors (24,25), itative approach to data collection and ing the frequency of family members
may also be relevant to adults with dia- sampling, and we were unable to control communications or actions that interfere
betes. Miscarried helping behaviors are for variables that might confound the with the performance of ones diabetes
characterized by an intent to perform sup- relationships of interest. Further, our study self-care behaviors. Providers should dis-
portive behaviors that infringe upon an in- presents participants perceptions of family cuss with family members the inuence of
dividuals self-efcacy (24) and lead to members knowledge and supportive/ instrumental support and nonsupportive
relationship conict about diabetes that nonsupportive behaviors, which may behaviors on a patients self-care and
has been associated with rebellion and not adequately reect actual family mem- health outcomes and help the patient de-
poor health outcomes in adolescents with bers knowledge and behaviors. Finally, velop strategies to address nonsupportive
the condition (24,25). This construct is dis- our cross-sectional design limits our ability family member behaviors.
tinct from sabotaging behaviors, in which to discern causal relationships, and further
family members know that the individual evidence is necessary to make strong con-
should perform a healthy behavior, but clusions about the role of family members AcknowledgmentsdThis research was funded
encourage the individual to perform an diabetes self-care knowledge and support- with support from the Vanderbilt University
unhealthy behavior. Moreover, overly so- ive/nonsupportive behaviors, and ones Diabetes Research and Training Center Pilot
licitous behaviors are associated with medication adherence and glycemic control. and Feasibility grant (National Institute of
lower self-reported diabetes self-efcacy Our results are consistent with other Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
and less physical activity, even when peo- studies reporting that social support di- [NIDDK] Grant P60-DK-020593) and a Career
Development award (NIDDK K01-DK-087894-
ple with diabetes perceive these behaviors rectly affects adults performance of diabe- 01A1 to C.Y.O.).
as helpful (26). Thus, family members tes self-care behaviors and indirectly affects No potential conicts of interest relevant to
who are too involved in diabetes manage- their glycemic control (4,28). Although this article were reported.
ment can create conict and undermine an other studies have reported that nonsup- L.S.M. facilitated focus group discussions,
individuals success at performing diabetes portive behaviors hinder the ability of collected and managed data, conducted the
self-care activities. In our study, partici- adults with diabetes to perform certain analyses, and wrote the manuscript. C.Y.O.
pants reported both receiving unappreci- self-care activities (16,17,29), to our designed the parent study, facilitated focus
ated help from family members and knowledge, this is the rst examination of group discussions, collected and managed
performing nagging or threatening be- the relationship between family members data, conducted the analyses, contributed
haviors to encourage self-care behaviors supportive/nonsupportive behaviors and to the development of the INTRODUCTION and
CONCLUSIONS, and reviewed and edited the
in their other family members who have diabetes medication adherence. Our manuscript. C.Y.O. is the guarantor of this work
diabetes. This evidence, although prelimi- mixed-methods approach provides a nu- and, as such, had full access to all the data in the
nary, presents an area for further research. anced understanding of the role of family study and takes responsibility for the integrity of
There are several limitations associated support in diabetes self-care from the the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
with this study. Participants were recruited perspectives of adults with diabetes. It is The authors would like to thank the par-
from a single site and self-selected to notable that family support was not an a ticipants for their contributions to this work.
attend a focus group and/or complete the priori focus of the parent study, and par-
survey, thereby limiting the generalizability ticipants discussed family members be-
of our results. In addition, the parent study haviors spontaneously and frequently, References
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