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@AYVAZ KV 7 KELEBEK VANA (WAFER TIP) Kollu (PN 10/16) (ANSI150/300) (BS 4504) BUTTERFLY VALVE Hand Lever [PN 10/16) (WAFER Ozellikler / Main Features AYVAZ KV 7 Wafer Tip Kelebek Vanalar DIN, ANSI ve BS standartlanndaki flanslann arasina monte edilecek sekilde ve kolla calistinlmaya uygun olarak dizayn edilmislerdir. Vana lastigi ve disk dedistirlebilir ve uygun, cortam icin degisik malzemelerden temin edilebilir Kullanim alaniant: Su, sicak su, deniz suyu hava ve hafif asiler Kelebek Vana'nin yukarida belirtlen akiskanlar disinda farkit bir akiskana uygun hale getirilebilmes| icin, laten SATIS SERVIstmize danisinuz AYVAZ KV 7 Wafer Type Butterfly Valves are designed for installation between flanges driled in accordance with DIN, ANSI, BS standard and with the hand lever operation. Applicable fluids: Water, warm water, sea water, nir and weak acid * For other kinds of applicable uids except the abou whieh The Butterfly Valve becomes applicable, please kandly consult to our SALES DEPARTMENT. * Ordering the various kinds of AYVAZ Butterfly Valve, please refer to Order Code for deta Uygulamalar / Typical Applications CALISMA SARTLARI / OPERATING CONDITIONS Isitma, havalandirma ve iklimlendirme sistemler : : 7 Su anima ve dagitim sisterler aed — = Maden sanayi Gemi insaasi ve sondaj tesisleri Baginn $e Kimyasal ve petrokimyasal tesiser Seker sanayi, gida ve kimya isletmeleri ar Petrol ve gaz prosesleri — Yangin sonaurme sistemileri Szaemaaik igh 'DIN3230 T3 /Lecate 1 Heating, ventilating and air conditioning Water treatment and distribution systems TORK DEGERI / TORQUE VALUE Mining industry c STANDART DISK / STANDARD DISC Shipbuilding and off - shore industries NOMINAL CAP | FARK BASINC! / DIFFERAINTIAL PRESSURE Chemical and petrochemical plant NOMINAL FIFE SIZE sc uApaP anne} TO BAR AP Bushing | 15 BAR AP Bushing Sugar industry, food and chemistry processing @ d Oil and gas proce mw TerLON | _ TEFLON Fire fighting and sanitary system [40 U1 2 Not / Note: 50 15 6 _| DN 125, DN 150, DN 200 Kelebek Vanattarca 2d redUktOrId tip kullaruimast tavsiye eal 80 31 DIN 200 ve ON 300 Kelebek Vanainin yainizca 00 7] = redUktOrld tip Uretiml vara a ai Gear Box recommended for sizes DN 125 - DN. 150- ON 200. Above DN 200 I 106 | 19 we supply only with Gear Box. 206 7 194 | 2% | 308 300 a ‘41 = Kevcuk Fompa 4 aural = Rompansator Kompansator Pet —| 3 KV 7 KELEBEK VANA (wafer tip) wn BUTTERFLY VALVE (PN 10/16) sd Tahilye Miktarian / Discharge Capacnies 0125/3001 1 i al SW A \ TA 3 i 1 8 No. | MALZEMELER / MATERIAL 1 | cove ay) rmeoonim castor 6625 “7 Ta tap sf okey 2 | ‘cone Deu ce att 3 | casas one rom | Talep halinde farkh malzemeterden imalat yaptabili. 5 a a i i a Gther materials except above are available on request ee > Kol Gevtim miaan 7 Lever Turing Deatee BOYUTLAR / DIMENSIONS PNI0 PNIG py | ale lec|ojoc|e | # | | OM Ga |_nxa | Gd | _nedi ate mf mm [mam [mm [em [mm | om | rm | om | Mm im ar oe | awe eT ae Bs te fee so fore Pane Fe Ta ee fee | fo poe oe os ane foe fas psf pone |e for |e fox ae | sof ee fe peso ff Peet | a a ws [ee TS Le wo fe pine vo [a fe [ane fe | veo fa fe ee [oso free en a Penns | mofo | a | pee [sf fo Pee fs] aso [ao a ee [oder | i fs Le Fane Ls ar asee [ate [re [nas prea | se | a | 70 |_texnr so Tar se oe foe [ao farses ef [sana | | eC sas_|__20xwa7 eo eae [es [cso is [Lom | conan St | sonoma [ae fo pe foo [to [onvo | aie [ee [vas | aoxwer [re | si KELEBEK VANA / BUTTERFLY VALVE MONTAJ ESNASINDA DIKKAT EDILECEK HUSUSLAR / KEY FACTORS FOR INSTALLATION UI te ‘Montajri yapacagnz vanays, montaj yizeyine yerestiiiken, lanslararasinda yeteri bosluk olup olmacigna ddikkat ediniz. Yeierk mesafe olmadan montaji yapimaya caiglan vanalann sit yzeylerzarar gérebil. ‘Make sire leave suffisent space between the flanges to avoid inury to the sides of the Mea while fixing tne valve. DS ‘Montaj esnasinda ik nce vana ile bir lant civatalan takarak biriestiin fakat cvatalan sikmayin,ikincl uyari olarak gévdey! boruya merkezleyecek sekiide ayarlayin. Ardindan, vana govdesi le boru flans ytizeyleri birbirlerine temas edene kadar, capraziama sekilde, ‘zit yondeki somunian sikini Center the valve by bolting the body locator fist. Tighten bolts and nuts in pragressive and srossw ise with bolting pressure evenly distributed until the contact between valve body and flange faces. SNE) Kelebek vanann monte edlece@} boru yilzeyleninde boru uclannn sii noktalanndan ve borudaks gapaklardan kesinikle kagriimalidy, Boru montaj yizeyindeki sim uclar ve gapaklay, Kelebek vanarin kaucuk yulzeylennin tahnp olmasina neden olabilt. Protruded sharp pipe ends shall be strictly avoided as it causes damage on’off rubber seating surfaces Of the butterfly vave, KV 7 KELEBEK VANA / BUTTERFLY VALVE MONTAJ ESNASINDA DIKKAT EDILECEK HUSUSLAR / KEY FACTORS FOR INSTALLATION wee Kelebek vananin montajinca, vanay sabitierken dogru badlantiflangin kullanmak énemlidir. Kullanacak baglant fang), kelebek vananin maksimum sit yizeyini kapsamaldir. Use the right connecting lange is important vihen fix the butterfly vale. The connecting flange should cover a ma/imum of the seating surface of the valve. ef FE fp Kelebek vananin montajinda, kaucuk yuzeylerin birbrier le temas et memes! (kaucuk kompansatérlerde oldugu gibi) Gnemiidit. Kelebek vana montajinda en iyi montaj sekli vananin kaucuk ylizeyt le bor flanslannin metal yazeyinin temast seklinde olan Do not installed butterfly valve on the rubber to rubber surface, Especially rubber expansion joint. The perfect installation shall be on rubber to metal surface. AY VA iY ENDOSTRIVEL MAMOLLER SANAYI VE TICARET AS, ‘ ‘lature Sanay BOigel flasyon Man, Mustafa nan Cad No: 26 $4860. Kadimkdy “ISTANBUL TURKIVE ToL 9012} 7710748 ow Fax: 9(212) 77 $7 34 © 90212) 774 25 60, e-mail: tr DISTRIBUTOR

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