Session 1, Handout, Purpose and Role of Research

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Unit 8: Research Methodology for Childrens Care, Learning and Development

Aim: To have an understanding of unit 8 content and assignments and the

purpose and role of research.
Learning outcomes
To state briefly what you will learn about in unit 8
To state how the unit will be assessed.
To be able to explain the purpose and role of research.

Starter activity:
Read Thinking Point on page 293, Gill Squire CCLD book
In groups, discuss any research you have been involved with.
What was its purpose? What method did they use?

Unit 8: Two assignments

Assignment one: The purpose and role of research and research
Two tasks, covering P1 and P2.
Both tasks need to be uploaded to Moodle for first and final submission.
Draft tasks can be handed in or uploaded to Moodle.
Assignment hand in: w/c 11/11/2013, must be submitted by 23.55 on 17/11/13.
Upgrade submission: w/c 09/12/2013, must be submitted by 23.55 on 15/12/13.

Assignment two: Research project.

Six tasks, covering P3 - P7, M1 M4, D1 & D2.
All tasks need to be uploaded to Moodle for first and final submission.
Draft tasks can be handed in or uploaded to Moodle. Please hand in draft tasks
as you complete them rather than leave it all until the due date.
Assignment hand in: 24/03/2014, must be submitted by 23.55 on 30/03/14.
Upgrade submission: 05/05/2014, must be submitted by 23.55 on 11/11/14.

Sources of information:
Squire, Gill (Editor) (2007). BTEC National Childrens Care Learning and
Development. Heinemann 2nd Edition. (Pages 292 331)

Green, Sandy (Editor) (2007). BTEC National Book 1. Childrens Care Learning
and Development. Nelson Thornes. (Pages 365 402)

Bell, Judith (2010). Doing Your Research project. Fifth edition. Open
University Press. McGraw Hill

Activity: Read Theory into practice on page 294 Gill Squire CCLD book.
Think about the following questions
What is Research? Why do we need it?
What do we mean by purpose of research
What do we mean by role of research?
What is the difference?
CCLD Unit 8. Session one. The purpose and role of research. Helen Taylor. 1
The Purpose of research
An anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides planned actions, or the
aim of the research.

The role of research

The function of the research, what it is or will be used for.

In groups, discuss topics that could be researched.

Consider topics which:
a) Identify need
b) Provide further knowledge
c) Highlight gaps in provision

Read Assessment Activity 8.1 on page 295 Gill Squire CCLD book
In groups, discuss and make notes on the article under the headings given on the
purpose and role of research linked to the EPPE project.

In pairs, learners to find out about any research in the childrens care learning
and development sector. What was its purpose?
Use internet in class, childcare journals or visit the LRC

Extension Task: Write notes and start to make a draft for P1 to explain the
purpose and to explain the role of research for the childrens care learning and
development sector

CCLD Unit 8. Session one. The purpose and role of research. Helen Taylor. 2

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