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Casey Burns #3

Mrs. Burns Band

Staying Class Working in Working

Transitions Individually
Organized Discussions Groups

Keep your Walk, dont run Raise your hand Listen to your Work quietly
belongings on Wait for peers Snap fingers if peers
Be Wait your turn
B considerate
your desk only
Put assignments
in Mrs. Burns
agree with peers
comment to speak
Respond to
box on desk peers comments
Give assignments Dont dilly-dally Engage in the Assist the group Be proactive
to Mrs. Burns in a Grab necessary conversation according to with
Immerse self in
A Act now
timely manner materials
your role assignments

Maintain Strive for Stay positive, even Always work to Stay on task
organized folders consistency if there is not time understand your Struggle!
and desk for your input groupmates
Never give
N up

Establish your Prepare for next Aim for a balanced Determine how Break a large
homework activity and conversation the group will task into
Decide your
D goals
Plan your class
free time
choose how you
will tackle it
achieve the
activitys goal
smaller steps

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