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July 21, 2017

To: Interested Parties

From: Chris Huttman, 20-20 Insight

Subject: Survey of Iowa Likely Voters

From June 19-21, I surveyed 526 respondents in Iowa (margin of error: +/- 4.3%) that are likely to vote in
2018s elections for statewide offices and Congress1. The environment looks promising for Democrats.
Donald Trump is underwater on favorability 54% have an unfavorable impression to 46% that are
favorable. Gov. Kim Reynolds is well below 50% against a generic Democrat getting only 44% of the
vote against an unnamed Democrat who gets 39% with fully 17% of voters not yet sure how they will
vote. At this point either party could win the states top office.

In the Secretary of States race, we find that Jim Mowrer is well positioned to capitalize on the name ID
he retains from his run for Congress to defeat incumbent Paul Pate and return the office to Democratic
hands. Against Pate, Mowrer leads 38%-33%. Mowrer already has significant advantages with key
groups of the electorate.

Mowrer has a consolidated Democratic base he leads 79%-1% among those who pick a
Democrat in the Governors race, and has made inroads with Republicans getting 7% of
Reynolds voters.
Mowrer has opened up an 11% lead with women while keeping it close with men only trailing
Pate by 4% among men well inside the surveys margin of error.
Strong showing with independents and moderates winning those with no party by a 2:1 ratio
(37%-18%) and those who call themselves moderates by a similar margin (42%-24%).

In conclusion, Trump has given Democrats new life in Iowa elections after a few rough cycles, and Jim
Mowrer is poised to capitalize on the existing advantages he brings to the race and the favorable
environment to return the Secretary of States office to Democratic control.

The group is broadly representative of likely voters both in response 91% say they are almost certain to vote in next years elections and in
demographic makeup 53% female, 34% Democratic or leaned, 36% Republican or leaned, and by about a 2:1 ratio over 50 compared to under

20/20 Insight, LLC | 1952 Forest Green Dr Atlanta, GA 30329 1

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